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This game needs more ways to get sacred coins.


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Currently, the only way to get them is through AA. It's extremely difficult to rank really high in it though, so more often, I'm just getting like 12-14 every time I do AA. And you need 150 to upgrade just one seal completely. So I've been left with a lot of unenhanced seals. And even if you DO rank really high in AA, the max you get per week is 30. Still not enough to even enhance a seal once.

Why is it taking so long to gain more ways of earning coins?

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Sacred Coins and Refining Stones is always something I need more of. Tempest Trials and Voting Gauntlet seems like good source to get these 2, yet I'm still not having enough. People who start the game later will struggle even more in farming these things. I usually get 15 coins and stones from arena assault, plus 10 from weekly arena rewards.

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25 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Sacred Coins and Refining Stones is always something I need more of. Tempest Trials and Voting Gauntlet seems like good source to get these 2, yet I'm still not having enough. People who start the game later will struggle even more in farming these things. I usually get 15 coins and stones from arena assault, plus 10 from weekly arena rewards.

Yeah, and it also doesn't help that we sometimes go months without one of these events, like we are now. How long has it been since the last VG? I'm no sure anymore.

More ways to get refining stones is a must as well.

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It's economics, to encourage whales. For f2p and dolphins, feathers and orbs are the currencies that push us to invest more in the game. For whales, those are plentiful and therefore less meaningful. Limiting rocks and coins encourages them to stay at the top of AA, which takes investment, ie spending on the shiny new unit.

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10 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

It's economics, to encourage whales.

And for those of us who are already at the point where we're getting the maximum number of Sacred Coins and gold rocks,


And it's only slightly better on the Sacred Seals side. This is utter bullshit and stifles experimentation and creative building.

If the whales can't have the resources necessary to try out new things, how are the dolphins, minnows, and F2Pers supposed to?


I think they should add a shop to allow us to trade Arena medals for these resources.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I think they should add a shop to allow us to trade Arena medals for these resources.

This is a great idea. Since you can grind for arena medals any time, and there are always arena quests, lots of us are swimming in more than we know what to do with.

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d'accord, Arena Medals are stockpiling themselves. Every time I use Sacred coins I am asking myself if it was worth it. I mean some Seals are just obvious to upgrade like Close Def or Distant def, but others are not. And Refined weapons are just worse. You really need to think about which weapon you want to upgrade and which kind of refinery it should be and sometimes you love to have 2 of them. Minerva as an example, Hautecleres prf is nice to have, but if you want to have the option to use Minerva with a Galeforce build you may want to have another choice.

I think it would be justified to decrease the dew cost of a refined weapon for which you already paid 200 dews. 

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Oh yeah, another idea is that town building mode IS asked us about in the survey some time ago. It could have a facility where we can mine for refining stones and stuff and another one where we can trade the arena medals for sacred coins or other junk.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, and it also doesn't help that we sometimes go months without one of these events, like we are now. How long has it been since the last VG? I'm no sure anymore.

More ways to get refining stones is a must as well.

I think there's a VG on the upcoming calendar, actually - someone speculated it might be new Brave Heroes versus old Brave Heroes? Don't quote me on that, I haven't looked at that calendar in a while, but if it's on there, at least we've got something.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I think they should add a shop to allow us to trade Arena medals for these resources.

Frankly, the idea of a trading shop is something I've wanted for a long time. Just to allow for removing excess items you don't need (I swear, the amount of high-level crystals I have is stupid)

At the very least IS should allow us to use platinum coins on some Sacred Coins and refining stones. I've had no reason to spend those for ages.

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh yeah, another idea is that town building mode IS asked us about in the survey some time ago. It could have a facility where we can mine for refining stones and stuff and another one where we can trade the arena medals for sacred coins or other junk.

I would trade literally every mode they've introduced since TTs for that. Hell, throw in VGs too.

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1 minute ago, SoulWeaver said:

I think there's a VG on the upcoming calendar, actually - someone speculated it might be new Brave Heroes versus old Brave Heroes? Don't quote me on that, I haven't looked at that calendar in a while, but if it's on there, at least we've got something.

Yeah, there is, but it's the first one in like 2+ months. If VGs are going to be like every 2-3 months now, we still need better ways to get coins and refining stones.

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For me, Divine Dew, Refining Rocks and Sacred Coins are absurdly limited.

As Ice Dragon said, the first two, especially, really limit any attempts you might have at trying to play around with these. High end arena people might have enough of the Refining Rocks, but Divine Dew is far too limited for the sheer amount of Prfs that are released these days. I do hope that something comes in to change this. The town mode would be nice...

Edited by Cute Chao
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I think the amount of refining stones is too high and some needs to be converted into Dew, which we need considerably more of. And they have added ten Dew on each Rival Domain, and 20 total from Forging Bonds. Hopefully they provide even more in the future. 

I'm somebody who's making a project of every character in the game, and even I'm running out of sensible upgrades for refining stones as more characters can ditch their base weapon for a personal one. Almost everybody with an inheritable weapon has some refinement at this point. But once I run out, I've gotta go back to those characters and just spend more on their other stat upgrades just to get more dew out of these stones. Replace some of our stone income for just dew please. I think we're just now getting over the flash flood of existing personal weapons getting refinements, but it will take years for most of us to catch up to what's available at the moment.

For sacred coins I think the amount is good, they're just handing out too many good seals like the Drive and Tactics seals. They ought to slow down and finish up our Seal _____ collection, among other worthless skills. And screw what players think about the seals not being as good as previous TTs. Tempest Trials have this monopoly on good rewards that they're afraid to cut down on as they make new modes. 

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I'm personally OK with the amount of dew and refining stones, but I understand how others might want more - I certainly wouldn't complain if they added additional ones. I generally refine every weapon with at least one refine and still have 500+ most of the time. Dew is rarer, but most of the units I like do not have upgrades yet. If I had more dew, I'd probably start refining multiple options. (My Alfonse has the effective refine, but I wouldn't mind adding the defensive one.)

Seals are a fun way to try out odd combinations without having to sacrifice a unit just for a test. Seals are also now considered an essential part of a unit's build set. The particular one can change, but you never want to leave it empty. Swapping out seals with rare skills makes sense, but I thought the original intention of the duplicate base stat seals was for leaving them somewhat permanently installed as a way to either fix or amplify a unit's IVs.

You might upgrade one attack or speed seal, but it's generally not cost effective to upgrade multiple of the same type of seal considering they cost the same as a rare skill seal. The defense and resistant seals (and really any seal that is not a higher tier skill) may never be worth upgrading. I've upgraded some of the basic seals like spurs and hones out of necessity (to help make my units with different IVs match a guide for example). It's quite disappointing to be close to completing a challenge, but not have enough coins to purchase a seal to patch up a unit. I now have to keep a stash of 500 or so coins for emergencies.

Perhaps they can change the upgrade cost of seals in a similar manner to how skills require different amounts of sp to upgrade.



I think the issue with people wanting good seals from TT is somewhat related to the fact that all seals have the same cost. If they introduced less valuable seals at a lower cost, more people would probably consider using them. Average level seals that are not going to get upgrade priority are sometimes not considered much of a reward at all; they essentially just become menu options we have to scroll past when equipping other seals.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

And for those of us who are already at the point where we're getting the maximum number of Sacred Coins and gold rocks,


And it's only slightly better on the Sacred Seals side. This is utter bullshit and stifles experimentation and creative building.

If the whales can't have the resources necessary to try out new things, how are the dolphins, minnows, and F2Pers supposed to?


I think they should add a shop to allow us to trade Arena medals for these resources.

I think they should add a different options instead of getting feathers for a unit you send home you can pick sacred coins or stones.

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20 minutes ago, Tree said:

You might upgrade one attack or speed seal, but it's generally not cost effective to upgrade multiple of the same type of seal considering they cost the same as a rare skill seal.

Player Phase teams not concerned about Arena score want to upgrade multiple Speed +3 Sacred Seals for running multiple nukes.

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i feel very confused because I feel like I get thrown refining stones/coins all the time (f2p)

literally every event we have has them as prizes all over the place; cq and fb right now for example

idk I'm not saying we couldn't use more, because i have an absurd amount of arena medals (~20k), as well as badges (~13k for the small ones, ~6k for the large ones) and no way to actually use them all, but more I'm not concerned with the amount that we're being given them

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Yeah my experience is different from a lot of people here.

I have around 700 unused refining stones. And I'm not hoarding them; I've burned through a lot. I use 52 different units regularly (enough to field one main team and 12 elemental teams for AA, naturally I can mix and match those units as needed for other content), plus some more I've discontinued regular use of, many of them having received refines of some sort (too lazy to count, but it's a lot). As long as you're actually going AA regularly (and frankly that's the only game mode that needs lots of different units) it feels like you should get enough refining stones. Maybe not enough to refine every single unit in the game but I'm okay with the game forcing you to pick and choose somewhat there. There's even plenty left over if you choose to say, shift what refine you want someone to have.

Dew seems near endless to me because you can change stones into dew whenever you want.

Sacred coins I agree with are more limited, though I'm fine with the rate we've gotten them personally.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Player Phase teams not concerned about Arena score want to upgrade multiple Speed +3 Sacred Seals for running multiple nukes.

Yes, but they will not have access to as many of the good seals if they do that. Attack and Speed seals are decent. Defense, resistance, and others similar to them likely won't get upgraded.

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For anyone curious, here are the actual numbers:

There have been a total of 3,610 Sacred Coins distributed.

There is a total of 65 Sacred Seals with 3 tiers (150 Sacred Coins each), 4 Sacred Seals with 2 tiers (100 Sacred Coins each), and 6 Sacred Seals that can only be obtained through the Sacred Seal Forge (worth 210 Sacred Coins total) for a total of 10,360 Sacred Coins required, or 2.87 times the amount of Sacred Coins currently available.

Players that missed the original release of a Sacred Seal need even more Sacred Coins to purchase the missed Seals, which just makes this even worse for newer players. If you missed every single Sacred Seal currently available, you would need an additional 1,110 Sacred Coins to purchase all of the missed Sacred Seals, which is nearly a third of all Sacred Coins distributed to date.


There have been a total of 1,814 gold rocks and 530 Divine Dew distributed for a total of 2,344 Divine Dew.

There is a total of 41 characters with a weapon that can be refined with Divine Dew (not including evolution) for a total of 8,200 Divine Dew required to give each character one refine, or 3.50 times the amount of Divine Dew currently available.

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I also feel like that they should change the pricing strategy in the sacred seal forge. People wouldn't mind spending 150 coins to upgrade a Quick Riposte to Lv3, but I doubt anyone would pay the same amount for HP +5.

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Haven't felt the impact of this problem myself, although I can see how people could if they have a lot of unit projects.

As someone hanging around top 1k~3k in AA for some time, I've been sitting on a pile of 800~1000+ Coins and Refining Stones. Haven't found many unit projects that required Stones, nor many new relevant Sacred Seals to max out. (already have most of the great 240sp seals maxed, plus at least one atk+3/spd+3/hp+5)

The only reason my Stone stash ever went down was to make Dews for the interesting prf refines (Lilina/Alm/Caeda/Marth/etc).

Thanks to this arena update, some of the Stones (converted to Dew when the time comes) are earmarked for when I need to use Alfonse or Sharena in arena.

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31 minutes ago, Tree said:

Yes, but they will not have access to as many of the good seals if they do that. Attack and Speed seals are decent. Defense, resistance, and others similar to them likely won't get upgraded.

Unless the unit is running a Brave Weapon, Speed +3 is the best offensive Sacred Seal for nukes. Heavy Blade, Flashing Blade, etc. are inferior to Speed +3.

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