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New summoning banner: Doorway to Destiny


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2018 must be the year for Jugdral banners. I'm sure Jugdral must be happy to see their characters appear in Heroes. Sounds like we are getting a free horse cavalry unit from the next TT as well so everyone will at least have a good bonus unit for that. Honestly I am not interested in this banner due to not playing the Jugdral games but I am just glad that I get to save orbs again after the August banner drained my reserves.

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Wow, they gave Forseti Desperation that is triggered at above 50% hp and still think it's okay to keep giving everyone Swift Sparrow? For shame...

For reals though, Lewyn looks really cool between Forseti, Special Spiral, and just looking really cool.

I almost missed Rally Spd/Def+ on Quan, but jeez... +6 Spd and Def as a Rally skill? I'll not be surprised to learn that Rally Atk/Spd+ will almost definitely be a seasonal or Legendary lock... Also Quan seems neat. 41 became 58, 58 - 41 = 17, which means Quan against a flier has below 60 Atk but above 57 Atk...

And Sylvia... wait, isn't this the girl who talks about her boobs to Sigurd?

...anyways, meh. She's a Dancer, and Barrier Blade feels inferior to Safeguard since a number of Swords have terrible Res anyways, so anyone who does want Barrier Sword is already pretty unique as an Enemy-phase magic counter... but again, most swords have terrible Res, so it's not like there's many who'd want it anyways.

...which means she is definitely the demote, but then we already saw what that hasty thinking got us before on a Genealogy banner...

Also, I hope all these modern interpretations of Genealogy characters means we do have a chance to get a Genealogy remake! I hope if it does happen, the maps turn out MASSIVE.

Edited by Xenomata
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27 minutes ago, Xenomata said:


Also, I hope all these modern interpretations of Genealogy characters means we do have a chance to get a Genealogy remake! I hope if it does happen, the maps turn out MASSIVE.

Hope this so much.  Generally am not a fan of remakes and much prefer new games, however FE4 is an exception This 20+ released only in Japan game being redone and updated would be a dream come true.  

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2 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

Hope this so much.  Generally am not a fan of remakes and much prefer new games, however FE4 is an exception This 20+ released only in Japan game being redone and updated would be a dream come true.  

All the titles before Genealogy already had a remake, so it's about time. The question is how are they going to pull it off.

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Well, this banner is (finally) a big pass for me. Time to recover a bit my F2P orbs. Will only do the free summon. 

Also, I hope Sylvia is the demoted one. Probably Deluge Dance would be the 4* skill, although I’d love to have Mirror Stance as the 4* one (Mirror Strike is 4* too in the form of Oliver, and recently demoted characters had their best skill as the 4*, like Ares with Brazen Atk/Def and Libra with the dual spur)

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Feels like so long we have a proper new heroes banner (and with no alts!) so this is refreshing. Nice to see the usual patterns broken like being male-heavy.

Glad I can skip this a bit and just do free summon (or maybe an extra green orb if there are any I guess). Lewyn looks really nice and strong from the skills alone.  Great for the Jugdral fans though

Also Quan's weapon having no effect on fliers...huh. I see.


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1 minute ago, Garlyle said:

All the titles before Genealogy already had a remake, so it's about time. The question is how are they going to pull it off.

Yeah it seems like a hard one to remake, the different systems, the giant maps, and the many racy things with the story.  I think it could possibly be their project after Three Houses, either way that may be early 2020 or something so it could be awhile.

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50 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Also, I hope all these modern interpretations of Genealogy characters means we do have a chance to get a Genealogy remake! I hope if it does happen, the maps turn out MASSIVE.

Absolutely. In an inevitable Genealogy remake, the maps must stay intact, otherwise it’s not Genealogy. Also Genealogy remake please. Maybe after FETH?

15 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Also Quan's weapon having no effect on fliers...huh. I see.

I love this reference. I do like how Heroes sprinkles this kind of references every now and then.

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47 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

2018 must be the year for Jugdral banners. I'm sure Jugdral must be happy to see their characters appear in Heroes.

I'm must be missing something here, there's only been 3 banners (including Thracia) so far.


Interesting that once again, the Jugdral Saga has the most positive reaction. Even if I'm taking the account this banner is addressing the complaints, it still most well receive reaction across the community. It's now to the point that people now believe that Jugdral will soon have a remake announce. While's always been next in line for the remake line up, I fail to see why they'll announce when 3 Houses isn't even released.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So they went with lovers again? Well one Lewyn's more suggested pairings, Erinys is no where in sight though. Has zero cohesion with the Jamke GHB, the characters come either before or after him chapter-wise.


Silvia so soon? The last Genealogy banner had Leen on it, who is a slightly younger clone of Silvia visually. Sounds to me like they just couldn't help but include the sexiness to get those long hanging orbs. Erinys would have been the better choice here. Reminds me of the BK-Zelgius move.


Not interested sadly, but good for FE4 fans. FE6 on the other hand has once again been majorly spurned. And so has the unrepresented Tellius et al..

I think Sylvia is Levin's real love and Erinys is moreso out of duty and the fact her sister got shot out of the sky. Levin was basically an Edward VIII in the making if the war didn’t occur


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5 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

It's now to the point that people now believe that Jugdral will soon have a remake announce.

It’s more of a running joke by this point. Genealogy and Binding Blade are the last Japan-only games to not have got remakes yet, and obviously, they are always hoped for.
FE4 representation in Heroes obviously doesn’t mean a remake is in the making. Isn’t it fun to hope and speculate, though?

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1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I don’t think that’s a strong analogy. One could simply build multiple Olivia's in that case since all dancers do the same thing barring some seasonal variants. Plus Lightning Breath is only inheritable by dragons while anyone barring ranged units can have DC. 

Plain Olivia is the dancer for F2P players because she doesn't come with buffing skills and uses a weapon type that is beyond saturated. The gazillion Azuras and other dancers a come with buffing ability and/or can use very interesting weapons.

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I'm not a fan of Lewyn as a character, but he looks pretty useful in this game.  I really didn't like Silvia in her game, and I don't care for her kit now (IMO it's good for tanking Myrrh, but without DC, it's a little silly).  I have a soft spot for both Quan and Ethlyn, and am glad that the latter is a TT unit, because I'd go broke trying to pull for her!

I'll take whatever the banner throws at me, but my hopes aren't particularly high.  The Legendary Heroes banner was NOT kind to me!

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

It’s more of a running joke by this point. Genealogy and Binding Blade are the last Japan-only games to not have got remakes yet, and obviously, they are always hoped for.
FE4 representation in Heroes obviously doesn’t mean a remake is in the making. Isn’t it fun to hope and speculate, though?

Hoping isn't fun, hope invites disappointment & despair. If people are capable finding enjoyment in hoping then they are to be admired if anything else.


I thought Lewyn was supposed to be a bard not a mage?

Edited by Zangetsu
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6 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

People use those dance buffs over WoM?

I use neither. I run generally Quick Riposte or a Breaker. I still have not given my Lene a B skill yet so she is still running Firestorm Dance, but I plan to give her Axebreaker eventually to help take down axe units.

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7 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

I thought Lewyn was supposed a bard not a mage?

Storywise yes, but gameplay-wise he's more like a mage in Genealogy, so this is pretty accurate representation. In Genealogy only dancers refresh.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So they went with lovers again? Well one Lewyn's more suggested pairings, Erinys is no where in sight though. Has zero cohesion with the Jamke GHB, the characters come either before or after him chapter-wise.


Silvia so soon? The last Genealogy banner had Leen on it, who is a slightly younger clone of Silvia visually. Sounds to me like they just couldn't help but include the sexiness to get those long hanging orbs. Erinys would have been the better choice here. Reminds me of the BK-Zelgius move.


Not interested sadly, but good for FE4 fans. FE6 on the other hand has once again been majorly spurned. And so has the unrepresented Tellius et al..

The main issue with having Erinys in this banner is that we already have Quan as a Lance Unit so we'd get 2 blues. Plus, I think IS wanted to mirror the Second Gen Banner last May by having one strong calvary (that completes a trio), a dancer, and strong mage people have been waiting for. Funny, I thought Sylvia looks younger than Lene though. She looks like a green-haired Sailor Moon to me.


2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

We just got an FE4 banner recently though. That wasn't enough? And if IS thinks some swimsuits and yukatas are enough to satisfy Tellius and Magvel fans, they're sorely mistaken. We want new characters too, not just alts. Where are laguz, Kieran, Marcia, Kyle, Forde, Franz, etc.?

4 months ago can be considered short in FEH I guess. It lines up with last years FE4 banner (Sigurd, Deidre, and Arden). 

I'm happy this banner is being released, but I get your sentiment. I would love to have a banner starring Tauroneo, Jill, and Zihark tbh, with Pelleas as a TT reward. We need more Tellius and FE6 representation tbh. I also want Boyd, Rhys, Shinon, Gatrie, etc. Tellius has a monster cast, yet so little are in the game. I'm totally ready for a Tellius banner, but maybe in a month when I'm not orb-broke from these last couple of banners. At least Jugdral isn't having alts, if that makes you feel better. I would've been mad if it was like a Dancing Deidre or something.

2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Tbh, I kind of like her damaged art. Her clothes aren't really damaged at all, it's mainly the sashes she uses while she dances. Kind of relieved tbh, since the Sylvia depicted here is probably 14.

2 hours ago, Poimagic said:

I don’t see why Sylvia being a dancer would keep her at 5 stars. I never see dancers anymore in arena, only dragons and armors. The only time I find myself using dancers is for AA, and even then I don’t need them most of the time

Weird how dancers lost utility in the higher levels of the arena. Usually, the harder the difficulty, the more viable they become. Guess that goes to show you how differently FEH is evolving from the main series.

1 hour ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Well, I will only pull from the banner once CYL is over.

Lewyn is a mix of Ishtar and Giga Nino. He's my favorite Gen 1 character, so I'll definitely go for him... if I get green orbs.

Cuan is Leif's dad, so definitely a very important unit storywise. He looks quite tanky. Would definitely go for him once I have Lewyn.

Silvia is the only one I didn't want to see, not because I dislike her, but because her daughter was already represented in past FE4 banner. Heroes has been featured tons of dancers recently, too many imo.


I really wished Azel would have made it because he's a very important story character, and there haven't been any red foot mages be represented since Morgan in the first FE13 banner from this year iirc. 

I'm confused; it seems like you stated that you're happy that Cuan's in the game because his son already is, but then said you're not happy about Sylvia because her daughter is already in the game?

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Wow, they gave Forseti Desperation that is triggered at above 50% hp and still think it's okay to keep giving everyone Swift Sparrow? For shame...

For reals though, Lewyn looks really cool between Forseti, Special Spiral, and just looking really cool.

I almost missed Rally Spd/Def+ on Quan, but jeez... +6 Spd and Def as a Rally skill? I'll not be surprised to learn that Rally Atk/Spd+ will almost definitely be a seasonal or Legendary lock... Also Quan seems neat. 41 became 58, 58 - 41 = 17, which means Quan against a flier has below 60 Atk but above 57 Atk...

And Sylvia... wait, isn't this the girl who talks about her boobs to Sigurd?

...anyways, meh. She's a Dancer, and Barrier Blade feels inferior to Safeguard since a number of Swords have terrible Res anyways, so anyone who does want Barrier Sword is already pretty unique as an Enemy-phase magic counter... but again, most swords have terrible Res, so it's not like there's many who'd want it anyways.

...which means she is definitely the demote, but then we already saw what that hasty thinking got us before on a Genealogy banner...

Also, I hope all these modern interpretations of Genealogy characters means we do have a chance to get a Genealogy remake! I hope if it does happen, the maps turn out MASSIVE.

Yes, she's THAT GIRL.

Yeah, she seems like a weaker version of her daughter (which she should be, just like how it is in FE4). I don't know about her being the demote (if there even is one), but the prospect of her being a demote is exciting. Finally, default Olivia won't be the only dancer in the 4 star to 5 star pool. Sylvia, if demoted, would still probably not be as good as default Olivia, but the resistance niche could make for nice fodder or something.

I'm actually loving the interpretations of the Genealogy characters. They translated pretty well to new art styles. Sylvia's clothes look a lot better than the art it was based on.



47 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Lewyn AND Ethyln are getting into the game? Man I forgot how good it feels to get authentic New Heroes. Two months of alts only really wears you out.

My interest in the game has been refreshed. I'm now going to go on a FEH binge again. Lately, all I've been doing is logging in to get orbs and pull for legendary units, so I'm happy for this banner.

23 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

I'm must be missing something here, there's only been 3 banners (including Thracia) so far.


Interesting that once again, the Jugdral Saga has the most positive reaction. Even if I'm taking the account this banner is addressing the complaints, it still most well receive reaction across the community. It's now to the point that people now believe that Jugdral will soon have a remake announce. While's always been next in line for the remake line up, I fail to see why they'll announce when 3 Houses isn't even released.

Probably has the most positive reaction because there's no alt in any of their lineups. New characters are always welcome.

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2 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

I'm must be missing something here, there's only been 3 banners (including Thracia) so far.

I'm just saying that they have been a bunch of characters from Jugdral being put in the game this year compared to 2017. Last year we only got 8 characters I believe from the Jugdral saga and 12 more characters (+2 more depending on your opinion of alts) have been added nine months into 2018. 2017 focused mostly on Awakening and Fates units (mostly because of seasonal alts) and this year seems to focus on characters from the Jugdral games and Blazing Blade and I am okay with that. I just think it is kind of impressive that the continent whose games are still exclusive to Japan seem to have gotten a bunch of banners this year in spite of the fact that I see complaints for a Tellius or Binding Blade banner.

Personally I don't care when which of those three game's banner are picked since that is when I can skip them and safely save up orbs.

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