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It took you a while to get that out, Blacken.
I had to tone it down not to offend the delicate sensibilities of the can't-yet-drive crowd.
Also, for what it's worth, it doesn't hurt to say that the series isn't exactly getting a breath of life every new release. Of course topical forums for it are dying.
The "bump" is getting smaller and smaller as Fire Emblem gets more common and sucks more. Sad but true.
I will say that you were a bit over the top in kissing your own ass, though I can agree that there's nothing wrong with new people.
When you've done something worthwhile, you can be self-congratulatory too.
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When you've done something worthwhile, you can be self-congratulatory too

Though FESS in it's glory days was heads and shoulders above the rest of the community because a lot of the members actually provided enough to the community to keep it going.

Which, to respond to your post about all those users going to Superbus for advice - I don't recall any stories about Caesar's best warrior. ;) But it was an interesting point none the less.

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It really doesn't matter who goes to who for advice, nor does it matter who or what was "bigger". Superbus was the biggest! Eaichu! Vincent! Twilkitri! TF! Blacken's testicles!

Doesn't matter. I don't give two shits about titles like that. Eaichu barely posts, and part of the reason is because he got disgusted with his own name. Twilkitri could care less. I don't even think Vincent is aware. "Huh? Wha?" And TF's gone.

Anyone who doesn't try to grow their community to be the biggest and best it can be is doing their members, their communities and their interests a disservice. FESS helped grow the GAME in America. The ENTIRE SERIES. That's waned over time, but it's true. The hope is that SF picks up the torch that I'm passing onto them.

You guys should be less concerned about your own little comfortable cocoon than you should be about the amazing responsibility that you, as a community, have been given. You're the unquestioned #1 community in the fandom as of next Friday. If I didn't think this place would come around, I'd still be fighting for FESS, still be on the throat of my staff to get information up before the UK release of the new game on December 5th, still be a miserable fuck. This wouldn't be happening.

You guys that would rather all the FESSers just go away are doing everyone a disservice. It's selfish. It's childish. And it's beyond the standards that people like Eaichu and myself set for the fandom. Get over yourselves, because I never thought I'd meet the people at FESS that I did when I started. My future wife came from there, and after three years, I feel comfortable saying that.

I'm twenty-eight years old. I'm too old to be maintaining a community of younger kids; even FESS's memberbase (a bit older on average) is too young for me to understand at this point. It needs to go to you younger guys.

Once you get over yourselves, then I think you're going to enjoy things a lot more.

EDIT: Even if I'm not #1 - that's debatable - I'm still on the shortlist of the biggest "name" fans in the entire Fire Emblem fandom. Eaichu, Twilkitri, VincentASM, Terranigma Freak, Superbus.

Trust me when I say that means very little in the long run.

Edited by Superbus
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First off, I'd like to thank everyone who welcomed me and Lord Glenn to the staff. That being said, I'm not going to type a long winded rant on why you should true me and Lord Glenn. Instead, I'll just say that I plan on giving SF the same level of dedication that I gave FESS. And for those of you who are concerned about my activity? Not to be a dick, but do you guys know how often I log on? I may not post 461354 times a day, but I do log on very frequently. The only time I left SF was relatively recently, so I could focus my efforts on helping FESS.

I don't blame anyone for being skeptical. I am, however, a little disappointed by the level of xenophobia shown in this topic. What are you so afraid of? It seems like some of you have passed judgment on people you don't even know yet.

Don't get me wrong, I am giving you and Glenn the benefit of the doubt.
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Yay, egos are getting thrown back and forth.

Though it really doesn't help for the older members to be fighting with the newer ones right now.

Oh and Blacken, you really shouldn't make fun of people for the ages either, especially since Nintendo and Fire Emblem are generally intended for younger audiences, also as Chris is showing as well. And really, how much are the old members bitching at new ones? I think you're over-exaggerating it. People only questioned the auto-adminship, which was hushed by Vincent and Jyosua since they are the two most powerful members on the board with executive decisions.

But either way, does this discussion really need to continue? It's kinda repeating itself now.

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Oh and Blacken, you really shouldn't make fun of people for the ages either, especially since Nintendo and Fire Emblem are generally intended for younger audiences, also as Chris is showing as well.
When I'm making fun of somebody, you'll know.

EDIT: Here's an example, if you need clarification.

Edited by Blacken
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When I'm making fun of somebody, you'll know.

EDIT: Here's an example, if you need clarification.

LMAO, wow that completely changed my opinion about you. That was funny.

I should have just said picked on / singled out. but w/e. That's too funny.

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LMAO, wow that completely changed my opinion about you. That was funny.

I should have just said picked on / singled out. but w/e. That's too funny.

Why, thank you. I fancy myself an artist.


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Why, thank you. I fancy myself an artist.


I really hope you have that post in a text document or something. Cause it's priceless.

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Everyone who is complaining about the old members here complaining needs to shut the fuck up. Yeah, I'm looking at you Blacken. Especially you. I'm not looking at this as a bad thing at all. The point is, things are likely to change, and we all love this place for what it has been. We don't want to lose what we created. LG said we won't, but after reading that rant, I'm not so sure.

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What does it mean to "lead the fire emblem community?" What was it FESS did that affected stuff? What more was it than a big forum?

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Everyone who is complaining about the old members here complaining needs to shut the fuck up. Yeah, I'm looking at you Blacken. Especially you.
If you think I'm complaining, sir/ma'am/what-the-fuck-ever, you obviously don't recognize when somebody's doing something against his own interests. Your loss is, quite arguably, my gain--yet (I'm not sure you noticed in your oh-so-righteous raaaaaaaage) I'm one of the ones talking sense. So perhaps you should allow a bit of sense into that presumed brain of yours and calm the hell down.


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Um, how is this a forum-threatening matter? FESS closed. The members are now here. Big whoop. The only thing I can think of that's even remotly questionable would be the promotions of Lord Glenn and Musashi, both of which I have the utmost confidence in. I think everyone needs to calm down.

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Blacken. Are you asking for a death wish or something? Careful of who you are talking to. :E
With all due respect: if someone gets butthurt over the truth...well, not a lot I can do on that front, sorry. I believe it's one of those "thanks for proving me right" moments when that happens.

If I may analyze, and I very well may: the fact that you feel compelled to say "careful of who you are talking to" is a very bad sign. Using FESS as an example will no doubt raise hackles, but hey--nobody ever got in trouble for challenging me or Bus with a valid point. :)

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