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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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Sony? In my Nintendo forum?


Why, yes, and allow me to tell you why:


It is because this game...


...isn't COD...


...or anything else made by EA, for that matter.


Quite on the contrary. It is...


...ready when you are, game...













Okay, that was a lot less epic than I thought it'd be.

Well, anyway! Remember me, anybody? I'm--


...what do you want now, game?


What in the world is this? I haven't even pressed anything!


Oh, okay, it's playing itself, I see. Who even is Imperial?

Well, in any case, back on topic. Remember me, anybody? It is I, Saint Rubenio, self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyer and mass genocider. A year ago, I played FE12 and it was horrible! Then I played FE6 and it was probably the worst run of that game that anyone's ever had the audacity to record and publish on the internet.

I have decided that the time has come for me to return and crash yet another train repeatedly until it turns into an indescribable wreck of massive proportions, leaving behind a myriad of orphans, widows and other, similarly depressed people. With any luck, it won't be quite as terrible as FE6.


Bring on the questions that nobody will ask, but I will respond to anyway!

Ruben, rules.

Rules, right. In my first LP, I broke every single one of my self-imposed rules, and in my second LP, I outright forgot to make any and just sort of made them up as I went. Let's see if we can do this right this time around, shall we?

- For starters, obviously, this is an ironman run, which means I am only allowed to reset when the game forces me to via game overs. If anybody dies before the game over, they will be used during that chapter, but will be killed off / benched for life afterwards.

- On the matter of resetting, I'd like to make one exception: since this game doesn't allow for simple formation editing (instead going for the clumsy old "move people's names around to move them on the map!" system), I will allow myself to reset at the very beginning of the map, before making any moves, so that I can arrange the formation to my liking.

- All deaths will be counted, with one exception, which I will explain if it happens. Suffice to say, if it does happen, it really won't be much of a death at all.

- While I will be using Warp, outright warpskipping is, for the most part, disallowed. Once again, there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping. We'll talk about it when we get there.

- Narron is banned

Dude, I don't even know who you are. What's all this talk about destroying the universe? Should I call the cops?

Please, don't. The truth is, in my past 2 LPs, I sort of winged a fanfic to go with the main story. Initially it was only a lame self-insert, but it started to evolve until I completely lost control of it. I will continue the story in this LP, so if you haven't read my other LPs, you might be a little lost. Don't worry, though, I'll try to keep things understandable enough, even if I will be referencing my past works (if I learnt anything in my FE6 LP, it's that I cannot stop myself).

Ruben, what is the Leteena event?

That question is mostly directed at people who already know the game, but here's a quick recap: the Leteena event is shit.

The long answer is: the Leteena event is bullshit.

You need more? Fine, I'll humor you. See Xavier? Well... not quite that terrible, but it's up there. The only purpose it serves is to make the player's life more miserable, and as we know, readers like to make the LPer's life miserable (at least my readers liked it a lot in the past), so please, vote away.

Will we get to choose things for you to do?

For the most part, I'll use any units I want, and in the event of alternate chapters, I'll show both and go with whichever run I like better. However, there are some pretty big decisions in this game that I will let you vote for. As well, you are free to suggest units for me to use, as I don't really have any preferences. Hopefully, you won't choose something ridiculous, like Narron. Or Narron.

What is your stance on spoilers?

I don't like 'em, so please, if you want to talk about things that haven't happened in the LP yet, put a big fat spoiler alert first and keep the content hidden within spoiler boxes. Of course, I already know pretty much everything, but surely somebody won't, so think of the children.

Your last LP took ages to load every time. How will you handle things this time?

Tear Ring Saga is about three times more text-heavy than FE6 or 12, so I'm going to change things up a bit: instead of just dumping a thousand screenshots of text in every update, I'll do what professional LPers do and write the dialoge manually with mugshots and all.

hTMofYU.png For clarification's sake, I shall be using my trusty old Barlowe portraits to speak my mind during dialogue.

This might change down the line, so don't take it as gospel. Or anything else on the OP, for that matter, if my last LPs are anything to go by...

What will be the schedule for this LP?

Like last times, there'll be none, and like last times, it'll probably change over the course of the LP, likely for worse.

I'll try to have an update out within 3-4 days of the last, more often than not, but I am currently studying a programming course right now (shut up, you care), and in a couple weeks I have The Week (you know the one, that which has exams every single day because teachers are bad at organizing and coordinating) and Smash Ultimate comes out on top of that and I want to see if Luigi has really been nerfed to oblivion, so things might change.

Man, I picked the worst possible time to start this, didn't I? Off to a great start, I see... and just you wait until you see the first chapter, which I've already played. There are six enemies, for crying out loud, and things already went as badly as they could've possibly gone! Why me...?

Ruben, why don't you like Narron?

I used Matthis in FE12. And Wade in FE6. Let that be the answer to your question.


Now, before I finish up the OP, allow me to put a DISCLAIMER here for everyone to see: this LP will feature profanity, blood and gore, black humour and probably unhealthy amounts of character deaths. Viewer discretion is advised, because God knows I won't be able to be discreet.

With all that out of the way, and without further ado, I think it's time for the tears to begin flowing as I fail terribly to be good at Tear Ring Saga!

...ergh, in a few days. See you then!

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

- Narron is banned

usually i'm the same for not wanting to use the OP OP guys but Narron is fun for the memes



though it might be interesting to take Lee for Plum's Defence staff. I haven't personally used it because the last time I played was Narron and Lionel.

could we also talk how the growths rates are sometimes randomly not in multiples of 5 like 24% defense growth etc? this makes me irrationally mad.

good luck

Edited by Tryhard
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Okay, so. Starting real great already. I tried to make a poll regarding the Leteena event, but... somehow, Serenes decided I really didn't want to ask that question to the people, and the poll didn't get published alongside the update. And now it's not letting me edit the OP, so... fuck me, I guess.

Tell me if you want me to do the Leteena event, is what I'm saying. Jesus, can't I even start a thread right?

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Friends don't let friends attempt the Leteena event.

It's not even funny how much it's not worth it. Unless you like using Kreiss.

Since you actually get a different priest anyway unlike say, Xavier's recruitment, I wouldn't recommend it.

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YES! Another Rubenio Let's Play! I can't wait to see what chaos ensues about a game I've never played!


On a serious note, I sincerely apologize for breaking my promise of eventually commenting on the FE6 playthrough. I truly hate to use the age old excuse, especially since it was only schizophrenicically true, but real life got in the way, and I had to place my priorities elsewhere. I'm sad I never spoke when I had a chance, because I genuinely laughed at the the comedy, intentional and unintentional, the story had me intrigued, and I had a lot of things I wished to comment on.

I also apologize for never doing the "provide a great big post of my reactions to the highlights", as I quickly realized how big an endeavor that would be, as I had so much fun reading it.

Hopefully, the same thing won't happen again, and I'll see this from beginning to end.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...or anything else made by EA, for that matter.

But EA never had CoD.....

Who am I kidding? Of course that'd be what you'd say.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I will continue the story in this LP

What.... What will this be? Is Bizarro Sacae canon now?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hopefully, you won't choose something ridiculous, like Narron. Or Narron.

Fine, you get Lee from me. This may change, though probably not to Narron, this is actually a pretty tight list of units, you only get 2 out of 5 and only the archer sucks.

As for Letenna, I will not force you. At all. The two knights are poor anyway, let see them hit the bench. Maerchen, now he's going places!

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I shall be here, commenting on a game I've never played~!  Good luck, and I LIKE Narron, despite never playing the game and not knowing who the hell he is.

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Ooh! I know literally nothing of this game so this should be interesting. Also, probably a good thing for me so that this way I'm not attached to anyone (yet).

So mechanics wise, how close is it to FE? Near identical, or a bit more different than that?

Edited by Unknown Gamer11
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Part 1 - The best character.

First part, everybody! Just a heads-up, it's going to be a rather long one. I want to get to Verje inmediately, and give you a taste of just how plot-heavy this game is, so yeah. Bear with me. I mean, most of the pain's going to be on my side, as I have to copy words. A lot of words.

Before we begin, two things. First, I like the amount of "never played this"s that I've been seeing. This game has some pretty interesting (and shocking) stuff in it, so if you'll allow me, I'll be glad to be your guide through it. And hey, give it a shot yourselves if you want. It's a good game.

Besides, since so many of you don't know anything about the game, maybe, just maybe, I won't kill everyone's favourite characters this time around.

Or maybe I'll just introduce someone to their new favourite and then kill him/her...

Whatever the case, I would like to reiterate my petition that this thread is kept spoiler-free. If you want to say something to me regarding future events, use spoiler tags and warn everyone that there's spoilers in there, and then it'll no longer be your responsibility and Eclipse won't ban us all. I will do the same in my replies.

Second, I am disappointed that the first comment wasn't some doofus asking why Zeiss is in the prepscreen. Real letdown here, guys, I expected more from the veterans. Alas, for shame!

On 25/11/2018 at 4:08 PM, Ruminant said:

was vaguely wondering if you'd posted in awhile earlier today so this is a nice coincidence

You were thinking of me? D'awww.

needless to say I'm looking forward to this

Resultado de imagen de I've been looking forward to this

So am I.

  Reveal hidden contents

putting this here to remind myself to tell you to pick Luca in 2 updates

...not so much now.

Well, in all fairness, I have used him in the past (of course I have, it's me!), and he didn't disappoint me too much. I mean, he was worse than his sister after eating a bunch of statboosters and only served to improve her performance, but... more on that later.

Friends don't let friends attempt the Leteena event.

It's not even funny how much it's not worth it. Unless you like using Kreiss.

Much like the other terrible guy, I have done the Leteena event in the past.

It was not worth the effort.

Since you actually get a different priest anyway unlike say, Xavier's recruitment, I wouldn't recommend it.

Well, then. Let us see what the rest think.



On 25/11/2018 at 4:47 PM, Tryhard said:

usually i'm the same for not wanting to use the OP OP guys but Narron is fun for the memes

  Reveal hidden contents


though it might be interesting to take Lee for Plum's Defence staff. I haven't personally used it because the last time I played was Narron and Lionel.

Hah. Funny. Should I could this as a vote for the bishop, then?

could we also talk how the growths rates are sometimes randomly not in multiples of 5 like 24% defense growth etc? this makes me irrationally mad.

Ah, yes. That's a thing that happens in this game.

good luck

Thank you. Probably'll need it.


On 25/11/2018 at 6:52 PM, Hawkwing said:

YES! Another Rubenio Let's Play! I can't wait to see what chaos ensues about a game I've never played!

There's a very clever pun in the title. Don't spoil it, anyone!


On a serious note, I sincerely apologize for breaking my promise of eventually commenting on the FE6 playthrough. I truly hate to use the age old excuse, especially since it was only schizophrenicically true, but real life got in the way, and I had to place my priorities elsewhere. I'm sad I never spoke when I had a chance, because I genuinely laughed at the the comedy, intentional and unintentional, the story had me intrigued, and I had a lot of things I wished to comment on.

I also apologize for never doing the "provide a great big post of my reactions to the highlights", as I quickly realized how big an endeavor that would be, as I had so much fun reading it.

D'aawww, no need to apologize, mate. It's perfectly all right: I wouldn't want to wait for the thousands of pictures that my last LP contained to load either.

Hopefully, the same thing won't happen again, and I'll see this from beginning to end.

Hey, no need to make any promises to me. Just do as you want. After all, I'm here to entertain you and have fun while doing it, not the other way around.


On 25/11/2018 at 8:28 PM, Dayni said:

But EA never had CoD.....

Who am I kidding? Of course that'd be what you'd say.

I thought of looking it up, but something came up.

What.... What will this be? Is Bizarro Sacae canon now?

Ah! Why don't you stick around and find out?

Fine, you get Lee from me. This may change, though probably not to Narron, this is actually a pretty tight list of units, you only get 2 out of 5 and only the archer sucks.

Duly noted. Also, spoilers. I mean, this one's not much of a spoiler, since it takes place at the end of this very update, but do be careful. Wouldn't want to have to nag you of all people.

As for Letenna, I will not force you. At all. The two knights are poor anyway, let see them hit the bench. Maerchen, now he's going places!

All righty then.


On 25/11/2018 at 9:19 PM, Garlyle said:

Is this a blind run? Either case, sign me up.

Ergh, yes, it is!

Wait, you said either case, okay, I can be honest. Nope, it's not. Sorry. Still, I'd played FE6 more times than I can count and my LP still happened the way it happened, so...


On 25/11/2018 at 9:23 PM, eclipse said:


Eeeeyyy, it's the mod that ensures I don't get banned from all the rulebreakin--

Ahem, I mean, it's you! Just you!

I shall be here, commenting on a game I've never played~!

Fasten your seatbelt, it may be a bumpy ride!

Good luck, and I LIKE Narron, despite never playing the game and not knowing who the hell he is.

Why, you...


On 25/11/2018 at 9:43 PM, deskita said:

I've never played this game yet I'm very interested in this LP.

I mean, it is I, Saint Rubenio! Self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyer and mass genocider! Of COURSE you'd want to watch me! Uh, and the game.

As for the Leteena event I vote for attempting the recruitment... in a separate save similar to as if it was a route split.

Interesting vote. We'll see what occurs in the end.


On 26/11/2018 at 5:19 AM, Unknown Gamer11 said:

Ooh! I know literally nothing of this game so this should be interesting. Also, probably a good thing for me so that this way I'm not attached to anyone (yet).

Don't lower your guard.

So mechanics wise, how close is it to FE? Near identical, or a bit more different than that?

It's FE. That's just about it. What sets it apart from actual FEs is the amount of downright ridiculous stuff Kaga did now that he didn't have IntSys to keep him in check anymore.


19 hours ago, DestructionDragon360 said:

I know absolutely nothing about tearing saga so this'll be a whole adventure for me! Since it's you, I know for a fact that I'll be endlessly entertained, even if endlessly confused.

I would doubt that last part. This is FE, it should be easy enough to follow.

Good luck!

I will need it, most likely.




Like FE6, this game begins with scrolling text. Except, this one isn't as hard to screenshot. Also, the ocean is a spanish bruise, apparently. Spanish words as names already...?


Interestingly enough, we won't be following the war where an old ally unexpectedly attacked their old friends.


Instead, we'll be following this other war where an old ally unexpectedly attacks their old friends.

Now seriously, right off the bat we're getting a lot more substance than FE6 ever had. This will continue to happen through the LP. There is some dumb stuff, though, just in case you're starting to think this LP is going to be me singing this game's praises.


Enter the game's protagonists, Holmes and the bad one. Still, I like the bad one, for reasons that I'll be discussing as we go.

Yes, yes, I know, that's Leif. Believe it or not, that's because Kaga wanted to avoid further problems with Nintendo. Yep. You heard me right: originaly he had blue hair (and the game was called Emblem Saga. Yeah.) like every Lord in Fire Emblem, but then Nintendo gave Kaga hell and he decided to fix the issue by making Runan look like Leif's long-lost brother.

This isn't the last time we'll see Kaga blatantly laughing in Nintendo's face.

Oh, yeah, Shouzou Kaga himself made this game after he left IntSys, if you didn't know. I probably should've put a brief description of the game on the OP, but I was too busy writing paragraphs about myself.

tN4k68u.pngIt's nothing. I was just getting some fresh air.

FF3NqbQ.pngIf you say so. Anyway, we're almost at Wellt. Are you and your knights ready to go?

tN4k68u.pngAs long as I have my rapier, I'll be fine.

0zFk3fj.png Actually, Runan, your rapier is terrible.

tN4k68u.pngEugen is taking care of the others.

hTMofYU.png Eugen! Eugen's the boss. I want Eugen now.

FF3NqbQ.pngI sure wouldn't want to be one of the Razelia's knights. How do they stand that old geezer jabbering at them all the time?

IfRBMws.png How dare you! Even forgetting... who saved you! You... stupid protagonist! Took me long enough to use that line! Also, look, a custom Barlowmug!

tN4k68u.pngThey look up to him, more or less. After so much fighting against the Empire, all that's left of the razelian Knights are young recruits like them, save Eugen.


0zFk3fj.png Which means I don't get him as a playable unit. Bummer... I was hoping for a repeat of last LP's Marcus...

tN4k68u.pngYour father told us to escape while he and his men held off the Imperial Army, but do you think we deserve to survive if we had to sacrifice him to get away?

FF3NqbQ.pngDon't beat yourself up about it, Runan. It was his choice. Hell, he might not even be dead. He's always been a tenacious little rat.

0zFk3fj.png As you can see, this guy isn't the flandersest person in the world.


xQunKTk.png Runan, on the other hand, is a pure soul. Just you wait until you see him smile, it's the best thing ever.

FF3NqbQ.pngCome on, Runan. It's not like you to be so sentimental. My old man didn't do this for you, or even for me. He just wanted to stay and fight for what he believed in. When the time comes for us to retake Granada, we'll see him again. I promise you that.

0zFk3fj.png You badly overestimate me.

tN4k68u.pngHah, I'll hold you to it. Thanks, Holmes.

FF3NqbQ.pngNow, forget about my old man. This is actually pretty exciting, isn't it? I've always dreamed of traveling the world as an adventurer and seeking out legends. Now that my old man let me go, I can make that dream come true!

tN4k68u.pngAn adventurer... that sounds like fun.

0zFk3fj.png No, it doesn't. It sounds like a ton of boat and bandit and boat bandit chapters, that's what it sounds like.

FF3NqbQ.pngYep. I'm gonna gather up some expert thieves and knowledgeable folks, and we'll go on all sorts of crazy expeditions.

xQunKTk.png Heh... expert thieves. Yeah, sure. Just you wait...

FF3NqbQ.pngSay, Runan, why don't you come with me? Aren't you sick of this useless war by now?

tN4k68u.pngHolmes, you know I can't do that.

FF3NqbQ.pngDon't act so serious, buddy! I was only joking around. I know you've got obligations. Your dad left you quite the responsibility...

tN4k68u.pngYeah... but someday, I'd like to...


hTMofYU.png There! It's the badass himself!

FF3NqbQ.pngAh, so it has. No more time to be shooting the breeze, eh? Okay, Runan. I'll drop you off at Port Saura. Fort Wellt isn't too far from there.

IfRBMws.png You lying little son of a tenacious little rat...

tN4k68u.pngThank you, Holmes. Get everyone ready to depart, Eugen.

vUN6DQJ.pngYes, milord!

xQunKTk.png So, for the moment, it seems Eugen is just your everyday Merlinus kind of guy. That will change in about thirty seconds.


But first, map! Look at it, it's beautiful.


The game does this cool zoom-in on the area where things happen. It's a neat effect, I really like it. Well, that is, I like it until the game starts to spam it like a Marth main spams grabs in Melee. I'm going to get killed for this joke, I don't even watch competitive melee, I have no idea how Marth pros play...


vUN6DQJ.pngWell, milord, we cannot blame them for being intimidated by the sight of a pirate ship like this.


hTMofYU.png Hwahahahahah! Hahahahah! Awesome! And this doesn't even begin to compare to Eugen's best lines.

FF3NqbQ.pngYeah, yeah, we're going. As if I'd stick around just to get yelled at by an old man like you.

tN4k68u.pngSo, I assume you're off to Isura?

FF3NqbQ.pngYeah. That island's out of the Empire's reach.

IfRBMws.png But it's closer to the empire than Wellt is! See that island that can just barely be seen above the boat in the map screenshots? That's Isura, and the empire's right on top of it. You make no sense, Holmes, go home and make way for Eugen.

FF3NqbQ.pngWe'll drive out the pirates there and make it our new base.

tN4k68u.pngWill you be all right on your own?

FF3NqbQ.pngDon't worry about us. Hunting down pirates is our job. One glimpse of the Sea Lion's flag, and they'll be running as fast as they can. I'm more worried about you, Runan. Your knights are all greenhorns, 'cept for that old fossil Eugen...

0zFk3fj.png Isn't the old fossil right in front of you, Holmes?

FF3NqbQ.pngI know, I'll lend you one of my men. Garo! Get over here!


xQunKTk.png Garo's cool. I like him. Also, his design is pretty rad. Even though I don't understand what kind of jacket his jacket wants to be.

FF3NqbQ.pngThat's right. Consider him your temporary captain.

tN4k68u.pngThanks, Holmes. And thank you, Garo.


0zFk3fj.png So right off the bat, the protagonists have split up. Isn't that great? We won't be seeing Holmes again for a while, I'm afraid.

hTMofYU.png That's all right, though, because Runan has Eugen!


Ah, finally! That's enough transcribing for a day.


The team comes out of the boat, which, by the way, never leaves. It would've been too hard to animate it, I suppose.


Oh, more text.


0zFk3fj.png For whatever reason, in the scenes where the map is the background two portraits can coexist. In those that have an actual background, they can't. Weird.

vUN6DQJ.pngI've heard that King Raphael has been missing in action ever since. Convincing the queen to assist us with her kingdom in its current state will certainly be no easy task. For now, we should assume that Wellt will be unwilling to provide us aid.

xQunKTk.png Most reasonable, Eugen. I have no qualms.

tN4k68u.pngIn that case, we should do what we can to get into the queen's good graces.  Our first course of action should be to get a grasp of what exactly the situation is here in Wellt.

vUN6DQJ.pngAgreed, milord. We can gather information from the citizens here in port Saura.

tN4k68u.pngMake it so. I want all troops to ask around and gather whatever information you can. After that, we'll head for Fort Wellt to meet with Queen Liza.


0zFk3fj.png These two are Kreiss and Arkis. Kreiss is important for the Leteena event. Arkis is dumb.


xQunKTk.png And of course, Garo is still with us.


Okay, maybe now we'll get to see some action.




U8ZKzY4.pngKate... I... can't... I can't... go another step...

xQunKTk.png Meet Sasha and Kate. Kate's one of the best characters the game has to offer, from a writing standpoint, as well as one of its very few women who are legal, if you catch my drift. Sasha's fun to use, and also a solid character.

kkXZfYc.pngYou mustn't talk like that, milady! We're almost to Verje. Please, just a little further!

U8ZKzY4.pngBut, my leg... ow!

kkXZfYc.pngYour Highness!

0zFk3fj.png I should probably mention that there's no sprite database anywhere for this game, so I ripped these sprites straight off the game's screenshots. Thus, I can't be arsed to make another sprite for Sasha, so... yeah. This is Sasha, folks. This is Sasha for the entire game.

kkXZfYc.pngYour ankle's been sprained! To think that you've been putting weight on it this entire time... forgive me, milady. I should've noticed sooner.


kkXZfYc.pngI shall stay here and hold off our pursuers. Try to make it as far as Port Saura. If you can hide yourself and rest in a lodge overnight, the pain should subside somewhat. Then you can continue on toward Verje in the morning. You must press on, with or without me!

U8ZKzY4.pngOh, Kate! I can't abandon you here!

kkXZfYc.pngDon't fear for me, Your Highness! I am your guardian, and a trained knight. The likes of Codha's soldiers are no match for me.

0zFk3fj.png Codha, hm? With a name this ugly, I can only imagine a Roartz-tier asshole.

U8ZKzY4.pngYou are indeed a fine knight, Kate, but there's no way you could win against so many soldiers.

0zFk3fj.png Once you see what Sasha's enemies look like, you'll understand just how little Sasha really thinks of Kate.

kkXZfYc.pngI know, milady... but I must protect you, no matter the cost. That is my duty... no, my privilege as your knight.

U8ZKzY4.pngNo, I won't abandon you, Kate! Please, I can make it to Saura! We'll go together, all right?

kkXZfYc.pngLady Sasha...

xQunKTk.png Finally! Okay, now that we're actually playing, it's time to see if I'll need to make maps like in the last LP... with any luck, the ingame map will work...


Nope, definitely not! I can't even begin to tell what that may be!


That's better. Pretty easy map, especially because there isn't a single enemy to be seen. However, we seem to have no way of accessing the beach... I suppose I should follow the blatantly obvious tutorials and visit houses for the time being with my units. Speaking of!


Unit time! In the last LP, I made a very nice looking box for the growths, but this game's statscreens are so busy I just couldn't find anywhere to place it, so I'll just copy the growth rates below the images. Like this:

HP 60% - Strength 30% - Skill 30% - Speed 30% - Defense 25% - Magic 15% - Luck 30% - Mastery 40%

I suppose I should explain a few things. Firstly, most stats work about as they do in main FE games. 5 speed points are required to double, and weight isn't mitigated by anything, which means weight is directly subtracted from the unit's speed. Negative speed is also possible, which leads to some pretty funny situations. Other than that, magic / 2 is the unit's resistance, and some units have a move growth.

More interesting is the "score" stat. I don't know the exact algorythm, but basically, the stronger you are, the higher score you have. What this amounts to is that you actually get less experience if you have a high score, and more if you have a lower one. It's pretty damn good, all things considered, although the fact that kills always give at least 20 exp ensures that, really, this system only benefits weaker units, a fact I welcome heartfeltly. What I don't welcome heartfeltly is that you cannot fight in the arena if your score is too high or too poor. Fair, I suppose, but... oh well.

Also, that little start next to Runan's name? It means the unit causes game overs upon dying. Take care to remember that, they pop up when you least expect them.


But wait, there's more! Four more screens, in fact! This game is a lot more generous with its information than official FEs usually are. Note, however, the lack of growth rates anywhere to be seen. Sigh... damnit, Kaga.

Anyhow, the last screens is pretty self-explanatory, so I'll forcus on the first three.

The first one shows the unit's supports, and is usually larger, since the big TALK TO box disappears when the unit doesn't have anyone to talk to. Supports in this game are fixed and are always triggered in special story events, granted that the two units involved are available and all the conditions are right. We should be seeing a few, with any luck.

The level history screen is more interesting, because it shows the unit's level limit: as you can see, Runan's is 30. This is true for most prepromotes and units who can't promote (with the exception of Runan and Holmes, who have higher caps to account for their characteristic FE protagonist late story promotion). Unpromoted units have 20 levels, and upon promoting, keep their current level and their limit is lifted to their current level + 20. For example, if I promote someone at level 15, they stay at level 15 and can then level up all the way up to 35.
This, coupled with the fact that promoting doesn't lower your exp gains (beyond the obvious increase in score), that some units need to be promoted at a certain level to learn certain skills, and that there are items to increase the level cap, means that in this game, early promoting is not only perfectly fine, it's in many cases advisable!

Lastly, the one screen with a thousand numbers is your kill count, and this is important because every 10 kills add 1% hit and avoid (if I recall correctly) when using a weapon of that particular weapon type (1% heals for staves instead of hit), fighting that specific enemy type and while on a map of the map type in question. Say I have Runan kill a Mage with his rapier today (I suppose it's not too much of an spoiler to reveal that, yes, there'll be enemies). His sword and Mage kill counts will increase by one, as will his plains kill count, since this map is classified as a plains map (I know, I know, there's a lot more water than grass here. Don't question Kaga). Get ten of these, and Runan will be ever so slightly better at fighting when any of these three conditions are true. It's most noticeable for units that specialize in only one weapon type, of course.


Got all that? Good. Let's go back to Runan. Here are his growths again, so you don't have to scroll back up:
HP 60% - Strength 30% - Skill 30% - Speed 30% - Defense 25% - Magic 15% - Luck 30% - Mastery 40%
Runan's a decent enough Lord. I like to think of him as Roy but better. Sure, his growth rates may look like crap with all the 30s, but believe me, in this game, that's okay. He starts decent and will continue to be decent as the game goes on. A rather average unit, but he's not bad. Although, his supports could use some work. Supports work much like they do in DSFE: they can be one-sided, or affect both units, and most of Runan's supports are one-sided in the other unit's favour.

Another thing I'd like to introduce you to is skills. Units in this game each have their own set of skills that they can learn through levelling, promoting or, in some cases, special story events. Another way to get skills is through lessons: some people will be kind enough to teach units skills, for a price or, in certain cases, for free. See that blue house on the map? That's a teacher's house. Runan here starts with City Fighter, which increases his avoid and accuracy by 10% and his move by 1 in maps classified as "city" maps, which usually entails all city and indoor castle maps. It's not too shabby. The teacher teaches Sea Fighter, which does the same thing but in "sea" maps, which this one isn't for whatever reason.


Kreiss: HP 65% - Strength 30% - Skill 30% - Speed 30% - Defense 25% - Magic 5% - Luck 30% - Mastery 40%
Arkis: HP 60% - Strength 25% - Skill 25% - Speed 30% - Defense 22% - Magic 15% - Luck 35% - Mastery 35%

Arkis and Kreiss! Unlike most FE christmas cavaliers, these two are quite different. For starters, Arkis starts a lot worse than Kreiss, with such low mastery that he can't even use Javelins. Of course, there's the fact that Kreiss can't use them very well, as they tank his speed down to a pitiful -5, but still, he can do it. Growth wise, Kreiss is better than Arkis by a little bit, too. I mean, seriously? Same speed, lower mastery when he's in such a dire need, odd defense? What the hell happened?

Bottom line, Kreiss is definitely better than Arkis, but is still not much to write home about. I can't remember what skills either of them gets, but they don't really make that much of a difference, that I can tell you.


HP 85% - Strength 40% - Skill 25% - Speed 30% - Defense 20% - Magic 0% - Luck 10% - Mastery 30%

Oh, wow, 40%? Unheard of! Garo is the game's Jeigan of sorts. He starts with great stats, and will keep them with his good-for-this-game growths. However, he has problems of a different nature: move. He can't promote, so he's stuck with 4 move forever and caps that work but aren't as good as some others. That's not good. Still, he learns a bunch of great skills when nearing level 30, so he can definitely pull his weight if you increase his move and level cap. A bit of a late bloomer, but I've used him in the past, and he's not let me down.

As well as Sea Fighter, which I explained earlier, Garo starts with Adept. If it triggers, Garo'll hit twice. Not bad, although there are better skills to be had.


With the explaining out of the way, the time has come to make our first move of the game: visiting.


orfi8jp.pngHowever, I doubt the Empire would bother coming all the way out here to Wellt.

xQunKTk.png Like with Sasha, I really can't be bothered to make every single old guy we meet a portrait, so what's possibly the funniest NPC face in Fire Emblem history will be doing all the civvie talk. Yes, that includes the ladies. Yes, that'll likely include the young ladies, too.

orfi8jp.pngOur tiny kingdom is hardly a threat to the Emperor's army. When our King Raphael led his knights to Fort Balt earlier this year, no one even found what was left of his body. He was such a fine king... it's terrible that his kindness cost him his life. Wellt is finished without him. I hate to say it, but I doubt Queen Liza or Princess Sasha can pull our nation through these troubled times.

0zFk3fj.png Come now, have some faith in your royals, old Dolph.

orfi8jp.pngOh, sorry about that. You've been very patient to sit through this old man's depressing ramblings. Here, take this sword as a token of my gratitude. It may be run-of-the-mill, but its edge hasn't dulled since the days I used it. Not one bit!


Cool story. It'll have been bludgeoned into our heads will great force by the time we leave Wellt, by the way. Heck, even beyond that!


Anyhow, this is a very special sword. See the little +1 crit? In this game, once weapons have accumulated 50 kills to their name, they start gaining a crit bonus. Reach 50%, and they'll have a chance to become devil weapons. It's not really all that great in practice, and usually you'll only be seeing those crit bonuses in weapons that start with them, like this one. Before you ask, yes, there's a cheap-ish way to repair weapons. More on that later.


Oh look, it's actually him this time.


...never mind, that's all he says.

Truly, he's the best NPC in this game.

What in the world even happened to your head, dude? You look like Stewie Griffin if he made it to his 90s.


orfi8jp.pngWhen the Reevans were pushed back to Granada, King Raphael went to the mainland to aid in the battle of Balt. But the battle was lost, and no one's heard news of him since... Codha, the count of Gram, was appointed chancellor in the king's absence. But he's made a complete mess of things, draining this great town of all the life it once had. He's made the tariffs on all imports and exports so high, no one can afford to trade. Not to mention when his troops came through and conducted an "emergency tax", seizing all kinds of valuables... there's no way we can survive if this goes on. If only our good king were here with us...

orfi8jp.pngAh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be acting so gloomy in front of such kind visitors. This isn't much of a way to apologize, but here, please take this shield. It was my late father's. It's all I have left of him, but I'd be much happier to see it used by good knights like you than gather dust on my mantle. I'm sure my father would agree.


So... you may be starting to notice a little problem that TRS has. It cannot keep its mouth shut. You let it start talking, and it'll ramble on and on for hours on end. I personally don't mind it that much, although it did tire even me at times during my other runs (and now that I have to write everything down, more so), but I can completely understand that some people might not want to deal with this much text. Even so, attempt to remain awake. This game's story is pretty good and takes some interesting turns, even if it is overly verbose. Kinda like me, I mean, I just wrote a four-line-long paragraph on how this game is too talkative. I should stop right about now...

Where was I? Ah, yes, shield. The shield increases defense by 4 when one has it in their inventory, and loses one of its 4 uses whenever their owner gets hit. That's about it. They're pretty useful. And this is only the most basic one!


We end turn, and Sasha and Kate move forward.


Wait, enemy turn? There's no enemy!

Hmmm... no enemy...

...it's quiet...





78Uuld9.pngCapture the princess and bring her back to my castle.



0zFk3fj.png You're nicer to look at, at any rate.

78Uuld9.pngGet rid of her, I don't care! Don't bother me with useless details!

IfRBMws.pngOh God!

Ik4Kcpg.pngUnderstood, sire.


The Thing leaves, so I get to talk about his pal. Russ is really tanky for a first chapter boss, but other than that, he's not very dangerous. His five pals aren't too much to write home about, either. One of 'em uses bows, but that's it.


Now that they actually face an opposition, let's check out what Kate and Sasha can do.

Sasha: HP 40% - Strength 20% - Skill 30% - Speed 50% - Defense 10% - Magic 20% - Luck 40% - Mastery 30%
Kate: HP 55% - Strength 25% - Skill 35% - Speed 25% - Defense 18% - Magic 10% - Luck 25% - Mastery 40%

Another odd number? Whatever. Whereas Runan and his cohorts were rather standard units, with Garo as the most unique of them, these two are both quite interesting, Sasha being a trainee unit (consider "Princess" to be the preceding tier to Pegasus Knight) and Kate being an outright new class.

The Lady Knight uses bows and swords, and promotes to get a horse. Sounds like a decent deal, right? Well, what kills Kate are her growths. Kate's growths are bad, even by this game's standards, which really doesn't make any sense, since she's actually, against all odds, a pretty major character plot-wise. I'll try to make her work, as I like her, but I won't make any promises. As a side note, the bowgun she carries sports a lot higher might and accuracy than normal bows, and special animations. It's a really cool weapon that will likely be the weapon of choice for any Archer worth their beans.

Sasha has terrible strength and her initial class and bases are the worst thing ever. However, she gets Paragon if you level her up to 10 without promoting her, a skill which multiplies her exp gains by 5. Five. That's huge. Her starting skill, Charisma, is far less useful. +3% hit, avoid and crit to all allies within 3 tiles of her. Meeeh. She can promote very early on, but it's best to wait to level 10: if she's still a Princess by then, she'll learn Canto, a skill that I'm sure requires no introduction. With it, she can safely promote into a pretty good Pegasus Knight whose biggest weaknesses will be her forever lacking strength and defense. A fun unit to use, I like her enough.


Of course, none of that changes the fact that we cannot get to them as things stand. Let's just keep visiting and hoping they can outrun that one rider.


orfi8jp.pngHe's the lord of the eastern countship of Verje, and he's as loyal as they come. In fact, most everyone agrees that Count Marlon was more suited to be chancellor than Count Cohda ever was. I just don't get why the queen would appoint Codha instead. It's like the royals all have their heads buried in the sand! It's hard enough just to make ends meet without their bad decisions ruining our lives. Just typical.

xQunKTk.png I like how these people are all just craving for some random strangers to go into their house so they can complain about the fatass.

orfi8jp.pngWhy don't you guys try stirring up things here? It'd be nice to see Codha gone. Here, you can have this. My ex gave it to me, and I don't want her to find out that I still have it. But, well... I don't really have the heart to just throw it out, either. It'd be a real load off my mind if you could just take it.


This idiot has the real problems here, all right. This thing we've been forced to accept prevents one deadly blow. It can come in handy.


orfi8jp.pngWait, you guys were on that thing? Who are you people...? Er... look, I don't care why you came all the way here, but please don't cause any trouble, okay? We've got enough problems as it is.

0zFk3fj.png Please don't tell me your problems, please don't tell me your problems...

orfi8jp.pngOh, this thing? It's medicine, I think. I found it down at the docks. Don't know what it's for. If you want it, be my guest.


Free +3 mastery? In the first chapter? Without needing to sit though some random generic's troubles? Don't mind if I do! Yes, statboosters in this game increase stats by 3, not 2. On the other hand, the HP booster only adds 5 points, not 7, so fair enough, I guess...?


Last house, since the two fancy buildings to the left are shops and I won't be visiting the master.

orfi8jp.pngI'd been wondering what kind of fearsome men had managed to hold off the Imperial Army for an entire year... but you're just a bunch of kids! Oh, well... well, never mind that. You came all this way, so here you go. You can have this herb.


I like to think she disdainfully threw it into Arkis's face and slammed the door in it while he still had it full of grass.


With nothing else to do, the main team just gathers next to the bridge and waits for things to happen. Take my word for it, I didn't get a screenshot of them. I'm a bit rusty, okay, it's been months since I last LPed anything.


Kate faces a cavalier. Thanks to her shield, though, she remains impervious to the assault.


Kate, no, c'mon! Of all times to fight well, you do it when you cannot gain experience. Well, that's an enemy wasted. Thanks, game!




Get on my team before you do more dumb shit.


Well, it looks like she recovered from that sprained ankle quite quickly. Now she's just pouty-faced.


tN4k68u.pngGot it! We'll deal with your pursuers, so in the meantime, hide someplace safe. You can tell us what's going on afterwards.



And with that, they're ours. Time for our first real battle!


Battles in this game are really good looking.


It's like the old SNES and NES animations on steroids. Really sharp. Also, yes, our first real battle involves our Archer getting stabbed through the vagina. Very me.


Is it just me, or does it look like she fired that arrow backwards?


Here's what it looks like when I attack. I'll show it only when it's relevant. Damage isn't automatically calculated, which I believe has to do with the fact that crits in this game don't work as they usually do: whereas in most FEs, the crit multiplier (which is 3) is added to the unit's attack after the enemy's defense has been accounted for, here it's only 2 and it's added to the unit's might alone, before subtracting the foe's defense. This means crits are generally easier to tank, but also that you cannot rest easy just because the enemy cannot outdamage your defense, as they might just be able to deal the finishing blow with a crit. Of course, that applies both ways. It's something one really needs to keep in mind.


We get to see a few more cool sprites as Runan really aggresively pokes a man's dick to avenge Kate's vag and Sasha... takes off? What in the world is that all about?


If you didn't notice, the boss has 3 move. That's nice now, but it'll be a real pain in the ass when our own knights turn out to also have 3 move.


Careful, Runan! If I lose in the first chapter, I'm calling the LP off!


Boss battles in this game are absolutely amazing. First, this rocking tune starts playing.


Then, the screen focuses on the boss and the stat boxes slowly fade away.


Then the dialogue box appears, and at last...


I know, this line doesn't do all that set-up justice, but there'll be plenty that will down the line.


Then the stat boxes slowly come back, and then the battle proper starts. It's something I recommend seeing for yourselves, I cannot do it justice.


Anyhow, Kate attacks for 4 damage.


I set up another kill for Sasha. She missed, but that's all right, so did the enemy. She has a 60~% chance to hit, and I'm pretty sure this game uses a single RNG system, so, by sheer probability, she'll most definitely


You son of a-- already?!

You can't be serious. First, Kate kills one of the exp sacks as an NPC. Now Sasha fails to nail another one, twice! What the hell?! I thought by waiting a few months before moving on to a different game I'd be able to escape... whatever evil wraith it was that just wouldn't leave me alone in the last LP, but it appears I was mistaken!


Six enemies, ladies and gentlemen. Six enemies, and already I've been fucked over by the RNG twice. I dread the actually challenging chapters...


I really can't afford to let all these idiots leave, now that Sasha is in range of the boss, so...


Down you go! I love Garo's animation. It's really cool.


At first, I sent Sasha to fight the boss and then rewinded just to record this line. Then everything went craptastically and I begrudgingly erased that other picture because I no longer needed it. Urrrrghhh...


Well, at least she dodged. Seriously, I love her animation. It's just... so deliciously dumb. Why does she jump?


'Kay, Garo, do your job and Jeigan the boss.


That... very clearly missed. It was already well above Russ's head in the first screenshot, and it was still flying up! Still, no complaints.


I suppose I'll let Kate get the boss experience.


So long, Wuss! For those who've never read my LPs, the blood isn't from the game, I put it there. This is a little gimmick that I developed in my first LP: whenever someone dies, enemy or else, I edit their portrait so, y'know, it actually looks like they're dead. This one's pretty tame, but I'm told I may've gone too far at times. It usually has to do with how pissed off by the game I am at the time, so brace for impact if when my favourite unit dies.

Anyway, with the Wuss dead, it's time for the LP's first level. Let it be a good one, Kate!



...we're... we're off to a great start, aren't we?


What soldiers? There were only six, and we killed them all. Somehow. The RNGoddess was certainly opposed to the idea, though. Or maybe she's just letting me know she still hates my guts. Or both! Why just go for one or the other?


vUN6DQJ.pngShe is safe and sound with us... ah, there she is.

tN4k68u.pngAre you all right?


tN4k68u.pngThose were Welltese soldiers, right? Why were they after you? You look like someone of noble upbringing.

vUN6DQJ.pngLord Runan, I thoguht you recognized her! This is Princess Sasha of Wellt!

tN4k68u.pngPrincess Sasha?!


U8ZKzY4.pngI'm pleased to see you again, Lord Runan.

tN4k68u.pngAnd I you... I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.

U8ZKzY4.pngDon't worry about it. It's been years since I last saw you. Although... I recognized your kind eyes. We only met for a short while, but you were very kind to me. Much like you were today.

tN4k68u.pngI was only ten years old when I accompanied my father on his trip to Wellt.

xQunKTk.png You speak as though you were 40 years old. That couldn't have been more than a decade ago... I'd say 8 years, at most. Some terrible memory you've got, Runy.

0zFk3fj.png Then again, only six years ago I was making levels on Happy Wheels called "kill jb obstacle course" or "the trap camp", and I completely forgot about those. Damn, I cringed hard when I found those again...

tN4k68u.pngI recall meeting the young princess, but you've changed so much, I would never have guessed you were the same girl.





hTMofYU.png Bwahahahahah... this is Eugen, folks. Just a reminder. This is what Eugen does in this game.

U8ZKzY4.pngOh, you must be Lord Runan's guardian. Your name was...

vUN6DQJ.pngEugen. At your service, milady.

U8ZKzY4.pngYes, that's right, General Eugen. Thank you for your kindness.

tN4k68u.pngPrincess Sasha, would you mind telling us what's happening here in Wellt? Why is a member of royalty being pursued by her own soldiers?

U8ZKzY4.pngAre you familiar with the Battle of Balt, Lord Runan?

0zFk3fj.png Pretty sure we are, but you'll tell as anyway, won't you?

tN4k68u.pngNaturally. About half a year back...

0zFk3fj.png Of course.

tN4k68u.png...the Western Alliance united to rescue Reeve from the Empire's clutches, starting with Fort Balt, but they were decimated. We heard from the townspeople here that King Raphael has been missing ever since.

U8ZKzY4.pngUnfortunately, it's true... we haven't heard a word from my father. Most of the brave nobles and knights who accompanied my father were killed. Only a handful managed to return to us.

0zFk3fj.png She's still smiling in the game, by the way. We know she has "sad" and "sadder" portraits, so why not use them?

U8ZKzY4.pngWith so much of the nobility gone, those who remain have been greedily abusing their power. Without my father to keep them in line, they're running the country into the ground.

tN4k68u.pngBut even with His Majesty gone, how could Wellt be so crippled after a single defeat? Surely your father left contingencies in place in case the battle went poorly? Or at least left someone trustworthy to manage things while he was off in battle?

U8ZKzY4.pngYes, of course. Our chancellor was left in charge, but he has since fallen ill and passed away. After that, Count Codha of Gram named himself the replacement chancellor. Everything went south after that. Codha has levied absurd taxes on all our people and banished all those who dare question his authority. He's become nothing short of a tyrant.

tN4k68u.pngWhat about your mother? Surely the queen has something to say about all of this?

U8ZKzY4.pngAfter being made aware of Codha's tyranny, my mother prepared a decree to exile him and appoint Count Marlon as chancellor in his place, but...

tN4k68u.pngWho is Count Marlon?

IfRBMws.png Are you fucking kidding me, Runan?!




orfi8jp.pngHe's the lord of the eastern countship of Verje, and he's as loyal as they come. In fact, most everyone agrees that Count Marlon was more suited to be chancellor than Count Cohda ever was.


IfRBMws.png Pay attention, you little... balderdashish nimblehead!

U8ZKzY4.pngHe's the count of Verje, to the east. He was unable to accompany my father to the Battle of Balt due to his age, but he is loyal and honorable, loved by the citizenry and nobility alike. My father always wanted him to be his chancellor, but Count Marlon insisted that he was not worthy of the hnor. He still resides in Verje today.

tN4k68u.pngI see... so you were on your way to Verje to deliver your mother's decree to him?

U8ZKzY4.pngYes, my mother entrusted her letter to my personal knight, Kate, and told us to flee to Count Marlon's side.

0zFk3fj.png Once again, this is all pretty interesting stuff, but the verbosity makes it a little difficult to trudge through. It's cool the first time, but when you have to write it all down...

tN4k68u.pngAll right, I understand. We'll help escort you to Verje. I'd like to meet this Count Marlon myself.

U8ZKzY4.pngI'm happy to hear it, but... what are you doing here in Wellt? The last I'd heard, youo were holding out against the Empire in Granada.

tN4k68u.pngI'll tell you about it on the way. We should leave here before Codha sends reinforcements after you.

xQunKTk.png Does that mean you won't go over things we already know again?


Ah, mapscreen, good! Let's see, first things first, I gotta sav--


0zFk3fj.png Oh, c'mon.


IfRBMws.pngOH, C'MON!


78Uuld9.pngNo, no... this is...

zHr72ok.pngI have heard rumours that you were planning to form an alliance with the empire. Do you honestly believe that Raphael would allow such foolishness? What sort of excuse do you intend on giving the king when he returns?

78Uuld9.pngWith all due respect, your Majesty, King Raphael was lost to us long ago. As chancellor, it is my duty to protect our nation, is it not?

zHr72ok.pngThe king is alive! I am his wife, I would know... Count Codha, I ask that you cease your oppression of my people at once. There is still time to repent for your sins.

78Uuld9.pngYou wound me, Your Majesty! Generous as I am, I still have my limits.

0zFk3fj.png It's not even the fact that he's fat, it's just... look at him! Why does his hair look like mustard? And what's up with his face? Does he have facial cancer? Oh, and he's also a piece of manipulative, lying, treacherous shit. That sucks also.

zHr72ok.pngAre you threatening me? Then spare yourself the trouble and kill me now. Your name shall be stained forever in history as a filthy traitor!


zHr72ok.pngCount Codha, if you have no further business, then I ask you to leave. I need some rest...

xQunKTk.png And he leaves. Well, someone's pathetic, and it definitely isn't Queen Awesome overthere.


0zFk3fj.png Who even are you?

coD7I5N.pngThe royal family of Wellt descends from General Sutherland the Great. Taking any action against them directly would be ruinous.

0zFk3fj.png Ah, the royal historian, I see.

78Uuld9.pngWhat do you suggest we do, then?

coD7I5N.pngThe queen's hope lies in Count Marlon. If he were lost, she would surely give in to us.

78Uuld9.pngYes... we must eliminate Marlon. Let us make haste! If we take too long, the neutral nobles may side with the queen anyway.

xQunKTk.png Can't be a Fire Emblem bad guy without a terrible plan that fails on multiple levels, I see.


Oki-dokie, then--


More text, that's what. Still, the fact that we're going to Verje now mayhap means that we will get to meet Count Marlon in the flesh, instead of just talking about how cool he is.


Yeah, there we go. "Father" overthere is Marlon, and the badass-looking bloke is named Raffin.

J3ntLLJ.pngIs that true? I thought she was being pursued by Codha's soldiers!

LRWwhwO.pngShe was rescued by a group of knights who had landed at Saura. A small band, a few dozen at most, but apparently quite valorous.

xQunKTk.png Five, actually.

J3ntLLJ.pngKnights? ...could it be the Empire?

LRWwhwO.pngI don't think so. The report says their ship was flying the flag of Mousa.

J3ntLLJ.pngMousa... soldiers from Reeve?

LRWwhwO.pngIt seems that way. Likely Razelians, specifically, since their last remaining base at Granada fell only a few weeks ago.

J3ntLLJ.pngThat would make them Lord Runan and Lord Holmes, right? Do you think they're seeking asylum?

LRWwhwO.pngPerhaps... in any case, they are undoubtedly in search of friends here. King Raphael and the late Duke Gramud of Razelia were like brothers. I would be surprised if Lord Runan had not come to Wellt seeking aid.

J3ntLLJ.pngAnd will you offer him aid, Father? I know his citizens hail him as a hero for holding his own against the Empire, but what do you think of him?

LRWwhwO.pngHe may be brave, but he's still just a boy. Far too young to be called a hero. The citizens are simply projecting that image onto him because their true hero, Duke Gramud, has fallen.

0zFk3fj.png Gramud, Runan... why does nobody stop to notice the fact that Eugen went through hell to protect the kids? And I'm told Admiral Vals did stuff too.

J3ntLLJ.pngSo you think the rumors are untrue?

LRWwhwO.pngOnly that they are exaggerated. I have no doubt that Runan might one day live up to his father's name.

0zFk3fj.png You don't even know him. He's not even here! No need to think of his feelings, just say it how it is!

LRWwhwO.pngAs for whether or not I will aid him, we must first deal with our own troubles before we can assist with Reeve's. Regardless, we must thank him and his knights for rescuing the princess. Raffin, go to the castle gate and prepare to greet them. They deserve a proper welcome.

J3ntLLJ.pngYes, Father.

xQunKTk.png Well, that all sounds reasonable enough. You're a reasonable enough man, Marlon, I'm glad for that.


0zFk3fj.png Speaking of being reasonable, here's Esther, Marlon's other daughter, and she did not quite inherit his common sense.

J3ntLLJ.pngWhat do you mean, Esther?

2Nd837x.pngWell, it's been a long time since you last met the princess. I perhaps thought that you might prefer some time to yourselves.

J3ntLLJ.pngDon't be absurd. I have sword loyalty to the princess as a knight of Wellt. That's all there is to it.

2Nd837x.pngHahaha! You're the same as ever, dear brother. But I'm sure the princess would appreciate a kind word or two from you for a change...

J3ntLLJ.pngBah! Esther, if you have time to waste on such useless gossip, why don't you spend it on your training? I went through all the trouble of convincing Father for you to let you train as a knight, but not once have you taken your responsibilities seriously!

hTMofYU.png Hah! That's right, Raffin, you tell her! Don't let her convince you to be nice to the princess! Be an asshole as much as you want!

J3ntLLJ.pngOne day, I'll return to Barge, and I won't be able to protect you anymore.

2Nd837x.pngI never asked you to protect me! Hmph!


J3ntLLJ.pngWait, Esther!

0zFk3fj.png Someone's teenagery. You went too far there, Raffin, girls nowadays don't like to be protected. They like to cry when they're not protected, and scream rape when they are!

xQunKTk.png ...well, some of them, anyway. A very vocal minority, I'd like to believe. I still want to have faith in humanity. A little bit.

LRWwhwO.pngRaffin, you mustn't be so casual with her. We don't need the knights to start gossiping about Lady Esther and her foster brother.

J3ntLLJ.pngYes, Father. I will choose my words more carefully.

0zFk3fj.png What part of that could be considered "casual" by any stretch of the imagination? They jumped at each others throats as soon as they began to interact! What rumours could possibly emerge from that?


Okay, map. Map, I can understand.


There's more!?


Eh, I'm pretty sure this is the first time Gramud's death is explained in detail, so I'll let it slide.

tN4k68u.pngMy father worked tried so hard to end the war with Canaan and the Empire...

xQunKTk.png Whoa, he really was adamant about it, eh? He both worked and tried to do it! Ah, good ol' typos... this translation, made by Serenes user Aethin, is a far cry from the old one, which started mediocre and eventually decayed until it was even worse than Thracia's in the midgame and beyond, but there are still a handful of typos here and there. I don't think they're much of an issue: in fact, I find one of them to be highly enjoyable. You'll see, it comes up very soon.

0zFk3fj.png Well, if the game ever shuts up, that is.

tN4k68u.pngWhen there was finally hope of a treaty in Nolzeria, he was overjoyed and headed over at once. But the Empire had somehow resurrected back the Holy Dragon Mousa. My father was reduced to ash along with thousands of other innocent people by the dragon's breath...

U8ZKzY4.png...I'm sorry. He was so kind...


U8ZKzY4.pngLord Gramud used to visit Wellt very frequently. He cared for me like his own daughter. The last time we met, he even offered for me to go visit Razelia.


vUN6DQJ.pngHe always dreamed of welcoming you to Razelia as Lord Runan's queen.

hTMofYU.png He says, with the Runeman himself standing two meters to the side. I love this man so much.

vUN6DQJ.pngHe was sorely disappointed that you could not, though, since you are the only heir to the throne of Wellt.


U8ZKzY4.pngLord Gramud... he should have told me.

0zFk3fj.png Again with the unfitting smile?

vUN6DQJ.pngWell, then, Lady Sasha, what say you come to Razelia with us?


tN4k68u.png...Eugen, let's get going.

vUN6DQJ.pngAh! Yes, of course, milord.

xQunKTk.png One really cool thing about Runan is how he handles love. While I still laugh every time I remember Marth struggling to tell Caeda how he felt in the final scene of Shadow Dragon ("and I would, um,….derive! Yes, derive great strength! Derive…"), or Luke's scene with Wrys (enough said), Runan's more serious take on the matter is a breath of fresh air. Here, we can already see that he's not the type to go "E-eugen! A-a-a-aaaahh!" whenever this sort of topic comes up. It's good. Part of what makes me like Runan, even if he appears to be "generic FE protagonist" at first glance. Also, he has Eugen. That's another part of it.


Ah, finally, the map! We have 5000 gold, which is neat, but we won't be using it just yet. "Status" and "move" should be self-explanatory enough. "City" allows us to use the town's shops, like in FE8. "Manage" allows us to do inventory and formation management. "System" is where we want to go right now.


There we go, saved. Look at all those extra files! No need to have a thousand backup savestates in this game, no sir.


This is where I'd end things, but I want to get to Verje today for reasons, so we'll keep going a little bit. Don't worry, don't worry, it's only two more scenes and unit talk.


Hello there, Raffin.


U8ZKzY4.pngI barely escaped from the palace with my life! I thought you would be there for me, but no, you just left me on my own!

0zFk3fj.png Ergh... this girl has enough sudden mood changes to solve world hunger, if sudden mood changes were edible. And corporeal.

J3ntLLJ.pngForgive me, the report of your escape only came in late last night. I was not prepared for the sudden news, so my departure was delayed.

U8ZKzY4.pngHow coldhearted! You don't care at all about me, do you, Raffin? I trusted you...

J3ntLLJ.pngMy humblest apologies...



Qd8087b.pngSorry, did I upset you? You've always been so serious and stoic, as if nothing in heaven or earth could ever move you. I wanted to see you flustered just once.

Qd8087b.pngI apologize if I angered you. Sorry, Raffin.

hTMofYU.png ...that was magnificent...

vUN6DQJ.png...Lady Sasha, would you mind introducing your friend to us?

Qd8087b.pngOh, of course. This is...

J3ntLLJ.pngRaffin, son of Count Marlon of Verje.

xQunKTk.png You're also mad.

J3ntLLJ.pngPlease, follow me. Let us continue this conversation inside. My father has been waiting for you.





LRWwhwO.pngI suspected it would be you, Lord Runan, when I heard reports of the flag of Mousa sailing into Port Saura. So, you are here to ask for reinforcements?

vUN6DQJ.pngThat is correct. The Razelian Knights were among the finest in Reeve, but our numbers have dwindled in the recent string of battles. We have no hope of retaking our homeland with only a handful of knights left. And so we decided to seek aid from our close friend and mighty ally of Wellt.

LRWwhwO.pngYou flatter us, but surely you must know the sort of chaos our kingdom is in now that Chancellor Codha is in charge. Providing troops to you under our current circumstances would be difficult.

tN4k68u.pngI completely understand, Count Marlon. However, I believe we may be able to come to an arrangemente. Could you tell me more about Codha?

0zFk3fj.png Haven't you heard enough from the locals and Sasha? Codha bad. Go kill bad guys. Me type less words.

LRWwhwO.pngCodha is the head of a powerful family whose roots lie in the royal house of General Sutherland himself. He is the count of Gram, a vast region north of the royal capital of Fort Wellt. He is cunning, greedy and vile. The sort of man who would do anything to get his way and stay in power.

tN4k68u.pngWhy let a man like that run loose? Can you not expel him from the court?

LRWwhwO.pngAs you have likely heard, Wellt suffered massive losses in the Battle of Balt six months ago. Codha and many other nobles were against joining the Western Alliance, arguing we should seek peace with the Empire. But King Raphael would have none of it, as the Empire had joined forces with the dark necromancers of Gerxel. The King knew that if the Emperor were not stopped, he would lead the world to ruin. Only brave nobles who were loyal to the king accompanied him to Fort Balt.

vUN6DQJ.pngI see... so now, only those disgraceful nobles such as Codha remain...

LRWwhwO.pngWell, not entirely. I am ashamed to say that I, too, was one of thsoe who stayed behind...

tN4k68u.pngAh, forgive me... the king undoubtedly trusted you to keep watch over Wellt in his absence.

0zFk3fj.png Didn't do much of a good job there, Marlon, which is highly inexcusable, considering what your stats are like.

tN4k68u.png...Is there no way to stop Codha?

LRWwhwO.pngI tried many times to talk some sense into the man, but not once has he heeded me. Our only choice left is to expel him by force, but Verje lacks the sufficient manpower.

tN4k68u.pngAre Codha's forces that numerous?

LRWwhwO.pngNot exceptionally, but the main problem is that the bulk of our troops were lost at Balt, including my elder son. Only those kngihts under the command of my younger son Raffin remain. We would have enough soldiers left to fight Codha, but bandits near Taurus have taken advantage of our diminished numbers and have begun attacking our rural villages. As lord of Verje, it is my foremost duty to protect my people, and as such I cannot spare the troops to deal with Codha.

xQunKTk.png I spy, with my little eye, a bandit chapter...


xQunKTk.png See?

tN4k68u.pngThat way, we may focus our efforts on reclaiming Fort Wellt from Codha. Does that sound acceptable to you?

LRWwhwO.pngI have no objections, of course. However, are you sure you want to involve yourselves in this?


LRWwhwO.pngVery well. Raffin, please accompany the Razelians. You can serve as their guide in our lands.


xQunKTk.png New units! Come, come!


0zFk3fj.png Oh, shut up, you.

LRWwhwO.pngHold, Raffin. As a knight, one must never run from the face of battle. You may go as well, Esther. Prove yourself a worthy daughter of this house.

2Nd837x.pngI will, Father!

xQunKTk.png Thanks, Marlon. Appreciate it.


xQunKTk.png Ah, yes. It's that moment.


See this room? This is one of the most interesting locations in the game. Those four guys behind Marlon are all recruitable: however, as he said, we will only be allowed to take one. Down the line, we will return here under different circumstances, and we'll get another shot at the three remaining guys, plus an entirely different character to replace the one we took here. However, that is all irrelevant right now. What matters is that we have these four people to choose from. I'll let Eugen and Runan question them and I'll go into detail about each of them afterwards.


But first, Marlon. Jesus Christ, can't I recruit you? Let's try talking...

Sadly, talking to him only makes him repeat what he said when we entered the room. A shame, those stats are godly. Why aren't you dealing with the bandits?



vjmMT8T.pngI may not be handy with a blade, but I have magical skills to offer.

tN4k68u.pngWhat do you think, Eugen?

vUN6DQJ.pngLet's see... Bishop Lee specializes in both healing offensive magic.

0zFk3fj.png So... he heals tomes? And where's his second skill?

vUN6DQJ.png Both are abilities that our force currently lacks. However, we cannot expect him to stand at the front lines with a sword in his hand.



tN4k68u.pngWhat do you think, Eugen?

vUN6DQJ.pngLet's see... Sir Ezekiel specializes in the axe. His attacks are powerful, albeit lacking in accuracy. He is strong, and above all, experienced. He would inmediately be a valuable asset.

0zFk3fj.png "Experienced". Right.



UgjzOyB.pngI am merely a hunter, but please allow me to help you defeat the bandits.

vUN6DQJ.pngLord Runan, we do not yet have a competent archer among our ranks. Luca's skill with the bow may just be what we need right now.



Qd8087b.pngIs something the matter, Kate?

kkXZfYc.png...it's nothing... I just feel like... crying, for some reason...




tN4k68u.pngWhat do you think, Eugen?

vUN6DQJ.pngLet's see... I appreciate Narron's enthusiasm, but I do not see any particular skill worth noting. Still, maybe... just maybe, he might be a diamond in the rough, just needing to be polished.



With the dialogue out of the way, here are the numbers.

Narron: HP 60% - Strength 35% - Skill 25% - Speed 20% - Defense 22% - Magic 15% - Luck 25% - Mastery 30%
Luca: HP 60% - Strength 25% - Skill 50% - Speed 40% - Defense 15% - Magic 5% - Luck 40% - Mastery 25%
Ezekiel: HP 75% - Strength 25% - Skill 25% - Speed 20% - Defense 28% - Magic 5% - Luck 25% - Mastery 30%
Lee: HP 35% - Magic 15% - Skill 10% - Speed 10% - Defense 5% - Strength 0% - Luck 20% - Mastery 10%

Let's start with Narron, shall we? He may not look like much, having worse bases than either Arkis or Kreiss (though, funnily enough, he can use javelin whereas Arkis can't. Eat your heart out, sucky cavvie) and growths that don't really stand out. However, the reason I've been advising against choosing him is as follows: he starts with Paragon, which I already mentioned gives him 5 times more experience than what others would usually get, and his promotion... hoo, boy. He gets shiny golden armor, a golden horse, and +7-8 in all stats. Yes, that's right. The lowest bonus he gets is, if the wiki isn't mistaken (which it may very well be) mastery, at a whopping +4.
I don't know what skills he gets and it does not matter. Promote him, and he'll turn into an unstoppable juggernaut that'll break the game in half when not indoors (as dismounting takes away promotion bonuses... well, unless he works differently, which wouldn't surprise me). Oh, and there's a Knight's Crest in chapter 3. Three. The game really wants you to pick this guy. And you don't want a game to tell you what to do, now, do you? Stray clear of this guy unless you want a generic Tear Ring Saga run where I spend 40 maps emphasizing how great Narron is. No surprises here: you know what you're getting. Also, expect me to be bitter if you pick him. My principles!

Luca is the complete opposite: an Archer so bad, so hilariously terrible, even I wouldn't pick him. Well, actually, I would and I did in my last run, but he was... not worth the trouble. He really only serves to make a different unit (an Archer as well, too) better after a certain point in the game. I would advise against picking him normally, but this is a Saint Rubenio Run™, sooooo go ahead, it'll make for some interesting situations if he survives, which isn't all that likely.

Ezekiel's not as bad as Luca, but that isn't very hard to pull off, and he's worse than the other two, and the other guy that can be chosen the second time around is basically a better version of him. Not the best spot to be in. Garo, too, is better than him. I find it hilarious how Eugen describes him as "experienced" as if that's a selling point. He's level 4! It's not that much, you know? However, if I do end up trying to do the Leteena event, I'll have to recruit him sooner or later. Keep that in mind.
Ezekiel has a new skill for me to talk about, Lethality. It works about as you'd expect it to: if it triggers, enemies go boom. Simple.

Last, but most definitely not least, is Lee. Lee is my personal favourite pick of these guys. I like to describe him as this game's Wendell, a prepromoted Priest in a game where Priests cannot promote and Mages don't get staves upon promoting. What this amounts to is that Lee is the only unit in this game capable of using both magic and staves. Sure, his growths blow. Sure, he has no skills to his name and never will learn any of his own volution. But have you seen those bases? He destroys the enemy for the longest time, and even after he can't quite do that anymore and the enemies start getting strong enough that his bad defenses prevent him from fighting in the frontlines, he still has some absolutely amazing stats that make him better than any other Priest in the game for a very, very long time. There's a grand total of one Priest who can compete with him, and for a reason we'll learn later on, this does not at all mean Lee's out of luck. Add to all that some hilarious animations, and you've got yourselves a great unit.

In conclusion, I really like Lee, and if I could vote, I'd vote for him, but I've already used everyone here except for Narron, so I'll just let you guys decide.

And with that's, it's over! Most likely, future updates will be shorter, but I wanted to start off strong with this one. I'll give you guys a day to vote. Maybe two, if I feel like there aren't quite enough votes that the victor is clear. Other than that, please be safe and fare well until the next part, where we'll be facing bandits in a bandit chapter, angsty women, and blatant rip-offs. Goodbye!

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, this one's not much of a spoiler, since it takes place at the end of this very update, but do be careful. Wouldn't want to have to nag you of all people.

Wow, am I supposed to be that intimidating? Or is it because of the trolley, eh? (I am making that joke, it's only out recently and I beat that trolley minigame by now)

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, yes, I know, that's Leif.

Wait, that's not best lord! Don't be giving me the Splenda of Leifs!

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

tN4k68u.pngAn adventurer... that sounds like fun.

0zFk3fj.png No, it doesn't. It sounds like a ton of boat and bandit and boat bandit chapters, that's what it sounds like.

I Spy FE edition!

(B is obvious, D is obvious, what about the other letters?)

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that is, I like it until the game starts to spam it like a Marth main spams grabs in Melee. I'm going to get killed for this joke, I don't even watch competitive melee, I have no idea how Marth pros play...

As someone who discovered how nuts and fun Marth is recently, I can't say just how nuts grabbing is as I didn't use it often enough to tell.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png These two are Kreiss and Arkis. Kreiss is important for the Leteena event. Arkis is dumb.

Arkis is proven dumb by his event where (Spoilers!).

Point is both these guys are dumb, bench 'em.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thus, I can't be arsed to make another sprite for Sasha, so... yeah. This is Sasha, folks. This is Sasha for the entire game.

Ah, that kind of old chestnut. There's really no place? I mean, SF has the face sprites, but you do you.

(Well, if that's allowed)

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, that includes the ladies. Yes, that'll likely include the young ladies, too.

Just make it everyone at this rate, he's the sign that Tearring is the matrix.

27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyhow, this is a very special sword. See the little +1 crit? In this game, once weapons have accumulated 50 kills to their name, they start gaining a crit bonus. Reach 50%, and they'll have a chance to become devil weapons.

This kind of shit is exactly the level of Kaga I should have seen coming. I've seen this game before, but this is just the right kind of crazy and I never knew.

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ik4Kcpg.pngUnderstood, sire.

Oh no it is Bizarro Sacae.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png It's not even the fact that he's fat, it's just... look at him! Why does his hair look like mustard? And what's up with his face? Does he have facial cancer? Oh, and he's also a piece of manipulative, lying, treacherous shit. That sucks also.

You forgot to add his moustache to that list. It's so thin that if he grows old it'll be easily confused for a line of cocaine.

41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

coD7I5N.pngThe royal family of Wellt descends from General Sutherland the Great. Taking any action against them directly would be ruinous.

Nice portrait, could see that in a hack more.

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They jumped at each others throats as soon as they began to interact! What rumours could possibly emerge from that?

Oh, this is still anime enough that you know someone would say they were a lot closer than that.

Sure, this isn't Fates so I know that wouldn't even be slightly intended but degeneracy is the name of the game apparently.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

vUN6DQJ.pngHe always dreamed of welcoming you to Razelia as Lord Runan's queen.

hTMofYU.png He says, with the Runeman himself standing two meters to the side. I love this man so much.

Eugen is a man whose last fuck was dead while he was still a boy.

I kind of get the hype. Best Malladus, if his words could attack he could have a beast of a weapon at times.

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Didn't do much of a good job there, Marlon, which is highly inexcusable, considering what your stats are like.

Wait, he has stats?

50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh, those stats. Jeez, he really should have gone!

Okay, so onto the picking (Spoilers, y'hear?):


Narron is banned, so I won't go into him.

Luka.... Yeah no, I wouldn't bother. Not even for the event, from what I remember of the other character she can act as a jeigan herself on non-monsters and monsters still die to her. Pass.

Ezekiel would be more worthwhile if you wanted the Letenna event. As is, probably not. Also, if you're doing the Letenna event, might as well have him in a separate file for that.

Lee.... Well, why not? Take him with you and all that.

So, I'm going to say Lee now and the last guy next time. Man I wish all but one could be picked, if only so I could leave Luka on his own.

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I really would pick Narron if you haven't used him before. His stats are dumb, but his constant bowing posture is somewhat endearing, and if you leave him on the backburner instead of abusing him, it dampens his impact (not completely, of course, since whenever he promotes he immediately becomes very good, but it at least makes up for Lee instead being Wendell and stomping for a good portion of the game)

Ezekiel and Ruka are both kind of boring and deserve to rot on the bench if you have no interest in getting Leteena for the former.

at the very least if you don't use Narron, you owe me some Sun for cavalier goodness

otherwise, I'd say Lee and replacement guy regardless of choice, since his class is nice.

Edited by Tryhard
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not gonna lie, I actually remembered the Verje choice being at the end of the next chapter instead of this one, hence my comment about telling you to pick Luca in 2 updates

guess that goes to show either how many words there are in this game or just how bad my memory is, or both

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Firstly, most stats work about as they do in main FE games. 5 speed points are required to double, and weight isn't mitigated by anything, which means weight is directly subtracted from the unit's speed. Negative speed is also possible, which leads to some pretty funny situations. Other than that, magic / 2 is the unit's resistance, and some units have a move growth.

might be unpopular but I like this way of handling attack speed, personally. no mitigating factor means that speed stays lower overall, and as a result so do avoid rates; generally speaking, i think that lower avoid is a recipe for healthier gameplay in fire emblem, particularly in a 1rn setting like this one. (i mean, i assume avoid still has a speed component in its calculation here? it'd be weird if it didn't)

not a big fan of resistance being magic / 2 though, idk how strong the magic in this game is but that seems like it'd make mages a bit too powerful to me. if mag and res are merged, it should just be mag = res, i think

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyhow, this is a very special sword. See the little +1 crit? In this game, once weapons have accumulated 50 kills to their name, they start gaining a crit bonus. Reach 50%, and they'll have a chance to become devil weapons. It's not really all that great in practice, and usually you'll only be seeing those crit bonuses in weapons that start with them, like this one. 

this has got to be, like, the most Kaga of Kaga mechanics out there

Kaga's games have always been full of weird jank (not in a bad way, necessarily; plenty of it is just ignorable or actively beneficial) but weapons turning cursed because you swung them too many times might be one of the most baffling

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


please continue making these Morgan edits throughout the game, I love them

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Damage isn't automatically calculated, which I believe has to do with the fact that crits in this game don't work as they usually do: whereas in most FEs, the crit multiplier (which is 3) is added to the unit's attack after the enemy's defense has been accounted for, here it's only 2 and it's added to the unit's might alone, before subtracting the foe's defense. This means crits are generally easier to tank, but also that you cannot rest easy just because the enemy cannot outdamage your defense, as they might just be able to deal the finishing blow with a crit.

I also really like this method of crit calculation; it gives low-attack units like Myrmidons more options against high-defense units, and on the other side it makes it a bit harder to just facetank with your own high-defense units, both of which are appreciated

re: the Verje choice again:


Lee is just kind of objectively the best choice here because Narron is banned. even if he weren't, being a staff/magic guy in a game where there aren't any others is a lot more unique than just being an OP cav

with that said I stand by my vote for Luca because I want to see you suffer

either way if you end up having to do the Leteena event you can just get Ezekiel later so no harm done there (I mean, other than locking you out of the other guy)


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's a very clever pun in the title. Don't spoil it, anyone!

A pun, or a rhyme? Or both?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

D'aawww, no need to apologize, mate. It's perfectly all right: I wouldn't want to wait for the thousands of pictures that my last LP contained to load either.

Thank you.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png I should probably mention that there's no sprite database anywhere for this game, so I ripped these sprites straight off the game's screenshots. Thus, I can't be arsed to make another sprite for Sasha, so... yeah. This is Sasha, folks. This is Sasha for the entire game.

The question now is whether the "unintentionally hilarious" moments will outnumber the "oddly fitting" ones. Or vice versa.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Unit time! In the last LP, I made a very nice looking box for the growths, but this game's statscreens are so busy I just couldn't find anywhere to place it, so I'll just copy the growth rates below the images. Like this:

HP 60% - Strength 30% - Skill 30% - Speed 30% - Defense 25% - Magic 15% - Luck 30% - Mastery 40%

So typical Fire Emblem stats screen with some unique properties. The description you provided made sense. My only question is what the "/" means on the hit and critical. I'm also curious about why the gender of the unit is provided. It seems strange to show something so obvious... unless the undead, shapeshifters, or Namekians appear in this game.

The downsides of only playing Awakening and Echoes; Everyone is viable in both, so I have no idea whether a units growth rates are good or bad.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lastly, the one screen with a thousand numbers is your kill count, and this is important because every 10 kills add 1% hit and avoid (if I recall correctly) when using a weapon of that particular weapon type (1% heals for staves instead of hit), fighting that specific enemy type and while on a map of the map type in question. Say I have Runan kill a Mage with his rapier today (I suppose it's not too much of an spoiler to reveal that, yes, there'll be enemies). His sword and Mage kill counts will increase by one, as will his plains kill count, since this map is classified as a plains map (I know, I know, there's a lot more water than grass here. Don't question Kaga). Get ten of these, and Runan will be ever so slightly better at fighting when any of these three conditions are true. It's most noticeable for units that specialize in only one weapon type, of course.

So is it just every 10 kills, or every ten kills of a specific unit? Anyway, it sees like an interesting system that starts off small but the effects grow more significant over the game.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png Like with Sasha, I really can't be bothered to make every single old guy we meet a portrait, so what's possibly the funniest NPC face in Fire Emblem history will be doing all the civvie talk. Yes, that includes the ladies. Yes, that'll likely include the young ladies, too.

At first I didn't think I was going to like this decision, but after unconsciously reading all the villager dialogue in a cranky old man's voice, I wholeheartedly approve.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Image result for i understood that reference

All that's missing is Merlinus coming out of nowhere.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sasha has terrible strength and her initial class and bases are the worst thing ever. However, she gets Paragon if you level her up to 10 without promoting her, a skill which multiplies her exp gains by 5. Five. That's huge. Her starting skill, Charisma, is far less useful. +3% hit, avoid and crit to all allies within 3 tiles of her. Meeeh. She can promote very early on, but it's best to wait to level 10: if she's still a Princess by then, she'll learn Canto, a skill that I'm sure requires no introduction. With it, she can safely promote into a pretty good Pegasus Knight whose biggest weaknesses will be her forever lacking strength and defense. A fun unit to use, I like her enough.

So... the trainee/villager unit is royalty for once? And you get them at the very start of the game?

...I did not know I wanted that in a Fire Emblem game before.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kate, no, c'mon! Of all times to fight well, you do it when you cannot gain experience. Well, that's an enemy wasted. Thanks, game!

Aaaaaaand we're off to a great start!

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is it just me, or does it look like she fired that arrow backwards?

Nope, you're not alone. The feather and the tip are the exact same shape, for some (probably lazy) reason.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We get to see a few more cool sprites as Runan really aggresively pokes a man's dick to avenge Kate's vag and Sasha... takes off? What in the world is that all about?

Being honest, it looks more like Runans trying to gently poke the mans leg. Meanwhile, Sasha tries to do a Russian Bar act, but forgets you need two people holding the stick first.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If you didn't notice, the boss has 3 move. That's nice now, but it'll be a real pain in the ass when our own knights turn out to also have 3 move.

Knights don't even get 4 move in this game?

When will videogame developers realize that armor won't slow you to a crawl in actual combat? Remind me to find that video of a person in plate armor doing a backlfip.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You son of a-- already?!

You can't be serious. First, Kate kills one of the exp sacks as an NPC. Now Sasha fails to nail another one, twice! What the hell?! I thought by waiting a few months before moving on to a different game I'd be able to escape... whatever evil wraith it was that just wouldn't leave me alone in the last LP, but it appears I was mistaken!

First level, and already we're already deep in classic shenanigans.

Remind me to buy popcorn over the next few months.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Well, at least she dodged. Seriously, I love her animation. It's just... so deliciously dumb. Why does she jump?

Almost every screenshot of her attacking has her jumping and spinning in the air. Are we certain she was born as princess and isn't secretly a past circus acrobat?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



...we're... we're off to a great start, aren't we?

...Remind me to buy a lot of popcorn over the next few months.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png It's not even the fact that he's fat, it's just... look at him! Why does his hair look like mustard? And what's up with his face? Does he have facial cancer? Oh, and he's also a piece of manipulative, lying, treacherous shit. That sucks also.

I'm headcanoning that he had a chocolate cake, forgot to wash his face, and either out of fear and/or finding it hilarious, no one's told him that he still has crumbs there.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

See this room? This is one of the most interesting locations in the game. Those four guys behind Marlon are all recruitable: however, as he said, we will only be allowed to take one. Down the line, we will return here under different circumstances, and we'll get another shot at the three remaining guys, plus an entirely different character to replace the one we took here. However, that is all irrelevant right now. What matters is that we have these four people to choose from. I'll let Eugen and Runan question them and I'll go into detail about each of them afterwards.

Huh. That's... actually a pretty interesting scenario. I've had some thoughts before of being able to choose whether you take along the jeigan, an average unit, or a trainee, but it appears that TRS has already beaten to the idea, even if the unit types here are different.

Well, it was fun commenting for the first time, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead. As for who I'll vote for... I'll vote when I have access to two quarters, a dice, and see how many islands I beat Into The Breach with in my current run.

Edited by Hawkwing
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27 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

So typical Fire Emblem stats screen with some unique properties. The description you provided made sense. My only question is what the "/" means on the hit and critical. I'm also curious about why the gender of the unit is provided. It seems strange to show something so obvious... unless the undead, shapeshifters, or Namekians appear in this game.

There's at least one playable character that is... ambigious. Not that it really matters.

The number after the / should just be critical evade if I recall. Notated by both luck and likely a support, in this case.

Kate and Sasha have a support so their numbers vary - I believe it's +5% Hit/Evasion/Critical/Critical Evade going Sasha's way and +10% going Kate's.

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I definitely support Lee. Lee adds a whole bunch of useful options without doing anything broken. Far more interesting then just sending out Narron to slaughter everything on enemy phase.

And man, they really put Sasha in a poor spot to be trained here. I mean, that Slim Sword that Sasha stars out with has 53% accuracy. The Iron Sword got at least 70%.

For those who haven't played TRS, it might be interesting to learn that unlike how Fire Emblem always handled this, in this game Swords are actually highly inaccurate. Their strength lies in the low weight. When it comes to accuracy, Lances are where it's at. This makes it a bit tricky to train Sasha to level 10. It's would probably be ideal for her to use Kate's Estoc with it's 90% accuracy. But unfortunately at base she is a single WLV short of being able to use it.

I think Kate's biggest problem in the long term is less her growths and more that she basically doesn't get any promotion bonuses. In this game that's generally the big tradeoff for getting a horse on promotion. But it's not like she is any stronger then any of the Cavaliers before promotion. So after promotion this of course puts her at a bit of a disadvantage.

And Narron is just unbelievable. A "diamond in the rough"? Yeah, sure Eugen. A Cavalier with Elite who joins before the second map. This would be crazy even if he couldn't go Gold Knight. Meanwhile Sasha and Esther have to put in a lot of work to get their Elite skill.

Edited by BrightBow
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14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



...we're... we're off to a great start, aren't we?

Well, Ruben you do lack skill. Sorry, sorry but I had to do it. 

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Luca is the complete opposite: an Archer so bad, so hilariously terrible, even I wouldn't pick him. Well, actually, I would and I did in my last run, but he was... not worth the trouble. He really only serves to make a different unit (an Archer as well, too) better after a certain point in the game. I would advise against picking him normally, but this is a Saint Rubenio Run™, sooooo go ahead, it'll make for some interesting situations if he survives, which isn't all that likely.


Tomas is the complete opposite: an Archer so bad, so hilariously terrible, even I wouldn't pick him. Well, actually, I would and I did in my last run, but he was... not worth the trouble. He really only serves to make a different unit (an Archer as well, too) better after a certain point in the game. I would advise against picking him normally, but this is a Saint Rubenio Run™, sooooo go ahead, it'll make for some interesting situations if he survives, which isn't all that likely.

Also I vote for Ezekiel (but that's because I have his death pun ready)

Anyway I'm looking forward to this LP, how many units will die this time, how will the greatest tactician be replaced with Ruben, and what sinister forces have conjured all these Morgan recolours, only time will tell. 


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On 11/27/2018 at 4:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't lower your guard.

Uh oh. Let's hope I won't regret this!

On 11/27/2018 at 4:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


That's uh...something there...

On 11/27/2018 at 4:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Is it just me, or does it look like she fired that arrow backwards?

You're not crazy (at least for thinking that), it looks like that to me too.

On 11/27/2018 at 4:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You're nicer to look at, at any rate.

He almost looks like he could be a playable character, more than most first FE bosses anyways.


On 11/27/2018 at 4:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Getting a pirate of any sort as a joining party member is a nice departure from the norm, I approve! You should totally use him!

Also, did you explain what mastery does or did I miss it?

I appreciate the details you're going into for explaining everything mechanics wise cause man it kinda seems like a lot. And yeah, man there's a lot of text. Hopefully next time I do my first read through at my laptop so I can start quoting more as I'm going cause I'd really rather not do that on my phone.

As for the vote (if it's not too late) I vote for Lee! As a kid I would always pick spellcasters and mages for any sort of choice in fantasy games, and he seems cool enough. Plus I really want him to get RNG blessed in...something. Anything.


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Very well, everybody, I think that's enough time. I like the fact that everyone got at least one vote (I counted Tryhard's as a vote for Narron), but there can only be one victor, so I am happy to announce Lee as the winner, with three votes. May he be a great help, and may I not get him killed horribly.

Now, here's hoping you guys behave and choose Luca next time, although I can't deny I'm glad you picked my favourite.

Update will come out in a few days, so sit tight.

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