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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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This is honestly pretty interesting! I can't speak for how well the script reads, but it's certainly a neat change of pace from the fire emblem standard faire. Honestly, I thought the bit about Sasha being Runan's intended kind of cute! In a political setting, it's kind of refreshing to see nobles discussing arranged marriages more realistically.

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Part 2 - Where's the Matthis?

On 27/11/2018 at 11:50 PM, Dayni said:

Wow, am I supposed to be that intimidating? Or is it because of the trolley, eh? (I am making that joke, it's only out recently and I beat that trolley minigame by now)

Ah, the good ol' "Ruben lives under a rock and doesn't get references" phenomenon. Is this Roundabout, too?

Wait, that's not best lord! Don't be giving me the Splenda of Leifs!

Hey, Runan's cool too.

I Spy FE edition!

(B is obvious, D is obvious, what about the other letters?)

I'll let you think those up. I've things to do.

As someone who discovered how nuts and fun Marth is recently, I can't say just how nuts grabbing is as I didn't use it often enough to tell.

Ah. Well...

Arkis is proven dumb by his event where (Spoilers!).

Point is both these guys are dumb, bench 'em.

You're tempting me to use 'em.

Ah, that kind of old chestnut. There's really no place? I mean, SF has the face sprites, but you do you.

(Well, if that's allowed)

It does? huh. Well, it doesn't really take me long at all to make my own sprites, and besides, I get to use laziness as an excuse to make Morgan recolors.

Just make it everyone at this rate, he's the sign that Tearring is the matrix.

And Morgan.

This kind of shit is exactly the level of Kaga I should have seen coming. I've seen this game before, but this is just the right kind of crazy and I never knew.

Can't blame you, it's not the most prominent of features.

Oh no it is Bizarro Sacae.

Or is it?

You forgot to add his moustache to that list. It's so thin that if he grows old it'll be easily confused for a line of cocaine.

Jesus Christ...

Nice portrait, could see that in a hack more.

Hahahahah... Baldgan for Staff of Ages.

Oh, this is still anime enough that you know someone would say they were a lot closer than that.

Sure, this isn't Fates so I know that wouldn't even be slightly intended but degeneracy is the name of the game apparently.

Nah, Kaga wouldn't do that.


Esther is too old for his liking.

Eugen is a man whose last fuck was dead while he was still a boy.

I kind of get the hype. Best Malladus, if his words could attack he could have a beast of a weapon at times.

Jeez, just imagine if Runan could just throw Eugen at the enemies. He'd win the war in no time! I cannot begin to imagine what sort of man could've defeated Eugen... or, well, I can, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Wait, he has stats?

Oh, those stats. Jeez, he really should have gone!

I cannot understand the reason he didn't.


On 28/11/2018 at 1:21 AM, Tryhard said:
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I really would pick Narron if you haven't used him before. His stats are dumb, but his constant bowing posture is somewhat endearing, and if you leave him on the backburner instead of abusing him, it dampens his impact (not completely, of course, since whenever he promotes he immediately becomes very good, but it at least makes up for Lee instead being Wendell and stomping for a good portion of the game)

Ezekiel and Ruka are both kind of boring and deserve to rot on the bench if you have no interest in getting Leteena for the former.

at the very least if you don't use Narron, you owe me some Sun for cavalier goodness

otherwise, I'd say Lee and replacement guy regardless of choice, since his class is nice.

Actually, I disagree on the Lee statement there, 3 def is bad. Very bad. He's very good, don't get me wrong, but not quite Narron.

Also, heeey, unit suggestions! I didn't get any in the last LP, which is understandable, considering in the last LP everyone died but the ones noone liked, Marcus and Lot. Since you asked so nicely, I suppose I shall have to see if it can be arranged!

On 28/11/2018 at 1:28 AM, Ruminant said:

not gonna lie, I actually remembered the Verje choice being at the end of the next chapter instead of this one, hence my comment about telling you to pick Luca in 2 updates

guess that goes to show either how many words there are in this game or just how bad my memory is, or both

Let's go with both. My hands ache.

might be unpopular but I like this way of handling attack speed, personally. no mitigating factor means that speed stays lower overall, and as a result so do avoid rates; generally speaking, i think that lower avoid is a recipe for healthier gameplay in fire emblem, particularly in a 1rn setting like this one. (i mean, i assume avoid still has a speed component in its calculation here? it'd be weird if it didn't)

I'm fond of it also, although I don't dislike FE12's no-weight or GBA's con-based systems either.

not a big fan of resistance being magic / 2 though, idk how strong the magic in this game is but that seems like it'd make mages a bit too powerful to me. if mag and res are merged, it should just be mag = res, i think

Not really, what is means is that noone can protect themselves from magic by themselves well. I mean, Lee has a grand total of 6 res at base. That's what Paladins in Shadow Dragon get.

this has got to be, like, the most Kaga of Kaga mechanics out there

Kaga's games have always been full of weird jank (not in a bad way, necessarily; plenty of it is just ignorable or actively beneficial) but weapons turning cursed because you swung them too many times might be one of the most baffling

Oh, that's nowhere near the weirdest thing we'll see in this game.

please continue making these Morgan edits throughout the game, I love them

I am determined to ensure Morgan lives on in our hearts as the most generic person alive. So, yes, expect more Morgans.

I also really like this method of crit calculation; it gives low-attack units like Myrmidons more options against high-defense units, and on the other side it makes it a bit harder to just facetank with your own high-defense units, both of which are appreciated

I agree that it's a cool system.

re: the Verje choice again:

  Reveal hidden contents

Lee is just kind of objectively the best choice here because Narron is banned. even if he weren't, being a staff/magic guy in a game where there aren't any others is a lot more unique than just being an OP cav

with that said I stand by my vote for Luca because I want to see you suffer

either way if you end up having to do the Leteena event you can just get Ezekiel later so no harm done there (I mean, other than locking you out of the other guy)

Heh. You little bitch, you. You're the only one here who understands what this is all about!


On 28/11/2018 at 1:29 AM, Hawkwing said:

A pun, or a rhyme? Or both?

Both, as a matter of fact! You'll see it soon enough.

Thank you.

The question now is whether the "unintentionally hilarious" moments will outnumber the "oddly fitting" ones. Or vice versa.

Ahahah... only time shall tell!

So typical Fire Emblem stats screen with some unique properties. The description you provided made sense. My only question is what the "/" means on the hit and critical. I'm also curious about why the gender of the unit is provided. It seems strange to show something so obvious... unless the undead, shapeshifters, or Namekians appear in this game.

Pretty sure Tryhard's wrong and the number after the "/" is normal avoid, but don't take my word for it, never could quite figure it out, myself. As for the gender issue, I don't remember the ambiguous character Ruminant speaks of (which is curious, since I remember all of the playable cast pretty well), but... I don't know, I think it was just there to look cool.

The downsides of only playing Awakening and Echoes; Everyone is viable in both, so I have no idea whether a units growth rates are good or bad.

This game cast's all bad. Just go in with that mindset, and draw your own conclussions from there.

So is it just every 10 kills, or every ten kills of a specific unit? Anyway, it sees like an interesting system that starts off small but the effects grow more significant over the game.

Specific units. If Runan gets a sword kill, Sasha won't get anything out of it. It is an interesting system, and there's a nifty little surprise concerning it and a certain unit. We'll find out more later.

At first I didn't think I was going to like this decision, but after unconsciously reading all the villager dialogue in a cranky old man's voice, I wholeheartedly approve.

I knew people would be okay with it.

Image result for i understood that reference

All that's missing is Merlinus coming out of nowhere.


So... the trainee/villager unit is royalty for once? And you get them at the very start of the game?

...I did not know I wanted that in a Fire Emblem game before.

Sasha's a lot better than any of the FE8 trainees, that much I can tell you. Just the fact that she promotes into flier...

Aaaaaaand we're off to a great start!


Nope, you're not alone. The feather and the tip are the exact same shape, for some (probably lazy) reason.

Kaga, you disappoint me! It should've been Morgan on the tip for it to be proper laziness. For shame!

Being honest, it looks more like Runans trying to gently poke the mans leg. Meanwhile, Sasha tries to do a Russian Bar act, but forgets you need two people holding the stick first.

Now I can't unsee it. Thanks a bunch.

Knights don't even get 4 move in this game?

When will videogame developers realize that armor won't slow you to a crawl in actual combat? Remind me to find that video of a person in plate armor doing a backlfip.

But it'd be OP if they could move more!!111!!one!!11!111!1obi1!1!

First level, and already we're already deep in classic shenanigans.

Remind me to buy popcorn over the next few months.

I'll have some ordered for everyone. It's on you guys, but I'll do the calling.

Almost every screenshot of her attacking has her jumping and spinning in the air. Are we certain she was born as princess and isn't secretly a past circus acrobat?

That's an interesting theory.

...Remind me to buy a lot of popcorn over the next few months.

Fuck me... unnhhh...

I'm headcanoning that he had a chocolate cake, forgot to wash his face, and either out of fear and/or finding it hilarious, no one's told him that he still has crumbs there.

A lot less crude than facial cancer, to be sure.

Huh. That's... actually a pretty interesting scenario. I've had some thoughts before of being able to choose whether you take along the jeigan, an average unit, or a trainee, but it appears that TRS has already beaten to the idea, even if the unit types here are different.

The phrase "Kaga did it first" may be a meme, but there's quite a bit of truth to it. Expect to see a lot of stuff you thought original to FE being done here. Although, in all fairness, it is speculated that Kaga left notes before quitting IntSys, which may explain some of the more... egregious instances of FE ripping off TRS.

Although, I still prefer my headcanon, which has IntSys and Kaga bitterly fighting to become the biggest, best plagiarist this side of Japan. Now that would make for a killer anime.

Well, it was fun commenting for the first time, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead. As for who I'll vote for... I'll vote when I have access to two quarters, a dice, and see how many islands I beat Into The Breach with in my current run.

Into The Breach, hmm? A man of culture, I see... good luck with that! Ergh, it's been days, but... still, good luck!


On 28/11/2018 at 1:41 AM, Tryhard said:

There's at least one playable character that is... ambigious. Not that it really matters.

Seriously, I can't remember who it is and it's driving me nuts. Don't tell me, don't tell me, I can do it...

The number after the / should just be critical evade if I recall. Notated by both luck and likely a support, in this case.

Kate and Sasha have a support so their numbers vary - I believe it's +5% Hit/Evasion/Critical/Critical Evade going Sasha's way and +10% going Kate's.

Yes, that's correct.


On 28/11/2018 at 4:24 AM, BrightBow said:

And man, they really put Sasha in a poor spot to be trained here. I mean, that Slim Sword that Sasha stars out with has 53% accuracy. The Iron Sword got at least 70%.

It does suck, but still, the RNG hating me does not help matters at all.

For those who haven't played TRS, it might be interesting to learn that unlike how Fire Emblem always handled this, in this game Swords are actually highly inaccurate. Their strength lies in the low weight. When it comes to accuracy, Lances are where it's at. This makes it a bit tricky to train Sasha to level 10. It's would probably be ideal for her to use Kate's Estoc with it's 90% accuracy. But unfortunately at base she is a single WLV short of being able to use it.

Yes, that's something I probably should've mentioned.

I think Kate's biggest problem in the long term is less her growths and more that she basically doesn't get any promotion bonuses. In this game that's generally the big tradeoff for getting a horse on promotion. But it's not like she is any stronger then any of the Cavaliers before promotion. So after promotion this of course puts her at a bit of a disadvantage.

Well, Kate's terribad promotion is only an issue because she can't really get those stats on her own. It's really two problems working hand-on-hand to ensure Kate's life sucks.

And Narron is just unbelievable. A "diamond in the rough"? Yeah, sure Eugen. A Cavalier with Elite who joins before the second map. This would be crazy even if he couldn't go Gold Knight. Meanwhile Sasha and Esther have to put in a lot of work to get their Elite skill.

"I see no skills worth noting."

Maybe he just compared Narron to himself. I can totally understand, then: Narron cannot compare to the Lord of the Sass.


On 28/11/2018 at 12:58 PM, Pengaius said:

Well, Ruben you do lack skill. Sorry, sorry but I had to do it. 

What are you apologizing about? I thought we all agreed that that's the truth.

Tomas is the complete opposite: an Archer so bad, so hilariously terrible, even I wouldn't pick him. Well, actually, I would and I did in my last run, but he was... not worth the trouble. He really only serves to make a different unit (an Archer as well, too) better after a certain point in the game. I would advise against picking him normally, but this is a Saint Rubenio Runâ„¢, sooooo go ahead, it'll make for some interesting situations if he survives, which isn't all that likely.

It's uncanny how fitting that is, but there are two parts that aren't right: first, who, exactly, does he make better by existing? Nope, doesn't fit quite well. Second, c'mon, he was totally worth the trouble. Almost shot Pretzel in the head thrice! Would've spared me a lot of trouble if he actually nailed him...

Also I vote for Ezekiel (but that's because I have his death pun ready)

Sucks to be you, then.

Anyway I'm looking forward to this LP, how many units will die this time, how will the greatest tactician be replaced with Ruben, and what sinister forces have conjured all these Morgan recolours, only time will tell. 

Damn you for expecting the inevitable.


On 28/11/2018 at 1:25 PM, BrightBow said:

Well, Luca can learn Charge. Which is pretty neat for a long-range fighter.

'Suppose so, but... it can't save him, especially when the other Archer also learns it and is better.


On 29/11/2018 at 3:53 AM, Unknown Gamer11 said:

Uh oh. Let's hope I won't regret this!

Nah, you won't, I'm sure. Pretty sure. Uh, somewhat sure...

That's uh...something there...

Something most hideous.

You're not crazy (at least for thinking that), it looks like that to me too.

Everyone seems to agree that it does. Maybe Eugen wasn't too far off the mark when he stated that we don't have a competent Archer in our ranks...

He almost looks like he could be a playable character, more than most first FE bosses anyways.

That's true. He's actually one of the most handsome minor enemy characters in the game, which is baffling, to say the least.

Getting a pirate of any sort as a joining party member is a nice departure from the norm, I approve! You should totally use him!

Pirate Jeigan is also quite unheard of. Guess since you asked, I'll give him a shot or two!

Also, did you explain what mastery does or did I miss it?

Ah, yeah, maybe I should have. It's just a renamed Weapon Level, it works just like it did in the old FE games: instead of weapon ranks that are increased by using weapons, mastery is a stat that is increased though levelling up just like any other stat. This ensures you have to pray a little to the RNG to be able to use higher-quality weapons, but on the flip side, using multiple weapon types is less of a pain than it is in standard FEs, since you don't need to swing iron weapons a thousand times in order to get anywhere.

I appreciate the details you're going into for explaining everything mechanics wise cause man it kinda seems like a lot.

I really only went over the things that are unique to Tear Ring, everything else has been (or is) used in mainline FE games. Or I forgot about it. That's also a possibility.

And yeah, man there's a lot of text. Hopefully next time I do my first read through at my laptop so I can start quoting more as I'm going cause I'd really rather not do that on my phone.

There's a reason I'm not using screenshots for text anymore. We'd be here all day waiting for everything to load!


On 30/11/2018 at 10:26 AM, eclipse said:

. . .and I was gonna ask you to pick Narron anyway. :P:

Why, you little... how dare you defy me?

But personally, I would've gone for Luca, because I'm weak to archers.

Oh, don't hold back, you know how I am, I love me a good bad unit.


On 30/11/2018 at 4:15 PM, Pengaius said:

Drat now I have to come up with a new pun. Lee, Lee, put the kettle on I may take a while

Hah! I have defeated you! I'm winner!


15 hours ago, DestructionDragon360 said:

This is honestly pretty interesting! I can't speak for how well the script reads, but it's certainly a neat change of pace from the fire emblem standard faire.

As much as I complain about this game being overly wordy, I still really like the story a lot. Might even be on my top 3 FE stories (shut up it's an FE game).

Honestly, I thought the bit about Sasha being Runan's intended kind of cute! In a political setting, it's kind of refreshing to see nobles discussing arranged marriages more realistically.

You haven't seen anything yet. People usually like Holmes better, but surprisingly enough, he's actually the more boring of the two when it comes to this sort of thing. You'll see.




The people have chosen. Wisely so, I believe.


Marlon does not seem to agree, though. Yes, damnit, I want to take Lee with me, as I am fairly certain I will be very glad I did.


And so, to signify our new alliance, Lee turns his back to his peers.


And then we get to read.


Qd8087b.pngRaffin is going with you... Lord Runan, may I accompany you as well?

xQunKTk.png Yes, please, I need to get you experience, and what better place to train a trainee than a bandit chapter?

tN4k68u.pngI'm afraid I cannot take you along.

IfRBMws.png What?!

Qd8087b.pngWhy not? Even Esther is going...

tN4k68u.pngAfter we deal with the bandits, the next step will be liberating Wellt. You will have the responsilibity of leading the Liberation Army. For now, you should rest and prepare for the upcoming battles. I must ask you to stay here with Kate until our return.

U8ZKzY4.pngAs you wish...

0zFk3fj.png Friggin' bollocks. At least she's not too upset about it... ingame, I mean, she's still smiling. Just FYI, I'm pretty sure that "really sad" portrait is never used again, so you can safely assume it's my doing whenever it shows up.

J3ntLLJ.pngPrincess Sasha, you needn't worry about Lord Runan. He is a hero of Reeve, after all. Such a man would never fall to a band of simple outlaws.

U8ZKzY4.pngBut, Raffin...


tN4k68u.pngIndeed, we should get going. We ride, everyone!

0zFk3fj.png So already, the game has screwed over Sasha and Kate by randomly kicking them out of the team for a chapter. 'Suppose they needed to justify Luca's presence somehow, if you took him.



0zFk3fj.png Oh, please... not him!

aoOr4zg.pngYes, I'm afraid so, milord...

78Uuld9.pngGrr... You useless idiots! You let her escape to Verje, of all places! We have no choice now. We must capture the princess no matter what the cost. Bring me General Eritz!


0zFk3fj.png That sounds like he could be trouble... serious trouble.


hTMofYU.png ...pffft! This mofo is General Eritz? Why is his head so tiny? Why does his armor look like turtle shells put together? Why's he looking up? Codha can't be that tall!

78Uuld9.pngGeneral Eritz, Marlon has raised an army in rebellion. Her Majesty the queen has ordered his execution. Bring me his head, and you shall replace him as Count of Verje.

zPTZWRz.pngIs that true?! Very well, then. The impudent fools won't know what hit them!


xQunKTk.png Now that's a recruitable character if I ever saw one.

QYm6zYy.pngCount Marlon is a veteran general of no small renown. His son Raffin is no joke, either. I've fought him before in the royal tourneys, but not once could I best him. If you're going against them, you're on your own. I don't want any part in it.

zPTZWRz.pngYou're out of line, soldier! How dare you embarrass me in front of the lord chancellor!

QYm6zYy.pngWe're knights of Wellt, General Eritz, not the chancellor's personal lackeys. Why should we be listening to him?

xQunKTk.png This guy has some balls. Then again, what are earlygamebossman, fatass with face cancer and the Royal Historian going to do? Attempt to slap him?

0zFk3fj.png ...then again, for all I know the Royal Historian could be a powerful mage...

78Uuld9.pngWhat are you implying? I told you, the queen herself has ordered this attack.

QYm6zYy.pngThen bring her here! I'll ask her myself.

78Uuld9.pngThe queen has been ill frmo shock after the rebels made off with the princess. No one is allowed near her quarters.

QYm6zYy.pngThen what are your soldiers doing keeping watch in front of her door? If you ask me, it looks like like you're keeping her prisoner.

xQunKTk.png Got a little carried away there, pal. You stuttered a bit.


78Uuld9.pngBah! Such insolence! You... you're with those rebels, aren't you! Guards! Seize this traitor and throw him into the dungeon!

xQunKTk.png I like how Eritz isn't even saying anything. Isn't the orange-haired badass one of his soldiers? Shouldn't he do something?

QYm6zYy.pngOh dear, I am in trouble, aren't I? But let me tell you one thing before I go, your Chancellorness...

hTMofYU.png Hwahah! This guy's awesome.


hTMofYU.png ...and that was an understatement! Hahahah! Goodspeed, you magnificent bastard.

78Uuld9.png Why, you...! Guards! Forget the dungeon! Execute this man at once!

0zFk3fj.png Oh, shit.


IfRBMws.png Oh my GOD!? What is that!? A gorilla! Someone let a gorilla loose! And they put a landing strip on his shoulders while at it!

0zFk3fj.png ...wait, what?


O93jT9f.pngUh, right...

0zFk3fj.png He only has one line, but I don't think I can do him justice by simply editing Morgan... such excruciating ugliness must be shown.

IfRBMws.png But in all seriousness! What in the world is that huge blue thing he carries around even good for?!

78Uuld9.pngEritz, I'm returning to my own lands. You will first escort me to Gram.

zPTZWRz.pngOf course, milord. We can bring you there on the way to Verje. But why the sudden decision?

78Uuld9.pngI am returning to gather more of my own men. I cannot trust these capitol guards, as you can see.


0zFk3fj.png Oh, is the game trying to... make this throwaway sympathetic? Wow, color me surprised. And it's a Ruben situation, to boot! Not a Ruben situation as in, a me situation, but a FE12!Ruben situation...


This, a this situation. That's what I'm talking about.

Where was I?


Here's yet another cool thing that Tear Ring likes to do: more often than not, there'll be multiple armies in sight, and you can actually inspect them at your leisure while in the map screen.


Eritz is still all the way at Fort Wellt, so here's our oponent of the day: Wrath.

No, wait, what am I saying? It's Pride.

...no, actually, pretty sure his name is Shazam...?

Shannam. That's the person we will be fighting today. Shannam.


Look, a distraction! It's new units!

Esther: HP 50% - Strength 30% - Skill 30% - Speed 35% - Defense 18% - Magic 15% - Luck 45% - Mastery 25%
Raffin: HP 80% - Strength 35% - Skill 40% - Speed 30% - Defense 25% - Magic 5% - Luck 20% - Mastery 45%

Esther and Raffin! These two are quite different. For one, Esther is bad. Her bases are almost Sasha-tier horrendous, but she can use lances at base (not very well, though), which improves her initial situation a little, as her accuracy will be a lot higher than that of Sasha. Her growths are decent for this game, but nothing to write home about, and her skill's meh. She does learn Paragon, but she does so at level 20, which is terrible, since by then you don't need it that much. She's not a hopeless case, thanks to her availability, her workable growths and being a Cavalier, and I've used her in the past and she was competent enough, but she relies on the RNG a little too heavily, I believe.

Raffin, at first glance, seems like a terribad Jeigan. I mean, look at that! Those bases look like they belong on a level 5 Cavalier, at most, not a level 6 Paladin! This might lead you to believe that Raffin is horrible.
Nothing further from the truth. Raffin is the best example of the way this game's different manner of handling experience gains changes things. Raffin may be a Paladin, but he's still level 6 with middling stats, which means he'll gain experience even faster than Garo, even if not quite as quickly as the rest of the scrubs. He starts with Canto, which is awesome, good growths that'll allow him to mantain relevance as the game goes on, and enough mastery to use more weapons than pretty much anyone else on the team right now. Add to that a little surprise involving him later on in the game, and you've got a really solid unit. He's cool enough as a character as well.


Got all that? Good. Let's go.


The game doesn't have faith in the bandits. It already knows what's going to be happening.


Here's an old guy and another chick who is legal. So far we've got Esther, Kate and this one. You need to keep a count of 'em in this game, they're a real luxury.

Also, her eyes are weird.

vebK9SH.pngIt's the least I can do in return for what you all and Sister Enteh did for me, saving my life like you did.

BEDTx5E.pngI won't ask you to change your mind, but please, accept this from us.

vebK9SH.pngSuch a beautiful sword! You'd give a treasure like this to me?

BEDTx5E.pngA travelling merchant left it behind by mistake some years ago. None of us here have the skill to use it, but it'd be well-suited for you, Miss Julia.

vebK9SH.pngOf course, tahnk you! No bandit will be a match for me now!

0zFk3fj.png Notice I made this old fellow a portrait. He's got a fair bit of text, so I decided to go ahead.


Well, enough of those guys, let's see what... wait, Julian and Lena? Is that you?


Oh, no, it's just... ergh... fist bump guy and generic cleric?

H7NXgsy.pngYou're unbelievable, Sister. It's good to help those in need, but you're taking it all a bit too far. You go knocking on a bandit hideout's door all on your own just because there was someone who needed healing in there?

WgtWCgP.pngThat man was in grave danger. Had I been buta  little later, he would not have survived.

H7NXgsy.pngBut once he recovered, he didn't waste any time throwing you into the dungeon. Sounds just like something Yazam would do.

0zFk3fj.png You mean, Yazam Twinswords has captured a hundred clerics if he's captured a dozen? Clerics, mind you, not mollycoddles totin' a bag fool o' weeds.

WgtWCgP.pngWas that his name? Yazam?

H7NXgsy.pngYeah, he's the leader of those bandits. That man you saved is the biggest, baddest and cruelest of 'em all.

WgtWCgP.pngI'm sorry... but still...

H7NXgsy.pngI know, I know. "Master Eisenbach always says, never to overlook a person in need!" You must really admire that old man, huh?


0zFk3fj.png I smell a Gotoh.

IfRBMws.png I HATE that smell! Urgh! Someone open a window!

H7NXgsy.pngYou're really something, Lady Enteh. You're not that much older than my little sister, but you're nothing like her. You're mature, and you're considerate... you fear nothing, seek nothing in return... how can you be so strong?

WgtWCgP.pngI'm not strong at all! I'm just...

H7NXgsy.pngOh, sorry... I didn't mean to put you on the spot.

WgtWCgP.pngN-No, it's quite all right...

H7NXgsy.pngIf you say so...


H7NXgsy.pngStay behind me, Lady Enteh. In an open valley like this, there's nowhere for us to hide. One wrong move, and we'll be caught!

xQunKTk.png Oh, no, please stay there and keep on talking. I mean, there's no point in hurrying! No, really, those bandits are worthless.


tN4k68u.pngHow is the village doing?

J3ntLLJ.pngIt seems to be safe for now...

tN4k68u.pngHow can you tell?

J3ntLLJ.pngBecause it's still standing. When those bandits attack, they pillage and burn, razing villages to the ground. They leave nothing behind.

tN4k68u.pngHow cruel... Then I suppose you want us to show them no mercy in return.


hTMofYU.png Hah! This guy. He didn't earn his impossibly early promotion by sparing his enemy's lives!

tN4k68u.pngAnd if they surrender? Do you still want us to kill them?

J3ntLLJ.pngEven if we choose not to, the villagers most certainly will. With their homes destroyed and their kinsmen murdered, a simple apology will not suffice. Besides, the bandits will never surrender. They know that the only thing that awaits them is death.

tN4k68u.pngThere's no easy way out, is there...

J3ntLLJ.pngMy good Sir Runan, these are harsh lands where people are desperate to scrape up a living. The people here lead hard, hard lives from dawn till dusk. When there is a shortage of food, men resort to banditry to feed their families. Those who have had their villages destroyed also become bandits.

tN4k68u.pngAnd we have to protect the village to prevent that vicious cycle...

0zFk3fj.png In all seriousness, Raffin raises some solid points, and this sequence is, overall, really serious and dark in the subject it presents. I like that.

hTMofYU.png Of course, it is also Raffin's redemption after taking away Sasha and Kate from me! Heck yeah, let's let none survive! All the experience points shall be mine-- I mean ours!

tN4k68u.pngAll right, we'll send the faster cavalry units to the village first. We'll head for the bandits' base after we secure the village.



Runan's plan is fair enough: see the big, burly guys with the axes? Those are our enemies. The skinny blokes with dinky little swords are the guys that will be doing the razing, so we'll need to kill them first. Thankfully, they're pushovers. As long as you don't forget to move Julian and Lena, this isn't a very hard chapter, overall.

Then again, knowing my track record... pretty sure Lilina's still mad at me.


Anyway, let's go over the newcomers. Starting with...

Enteh: HP 30% - Magic 30% - Skill 20% - Speed 25% - Defense 5% - Strength 0% - Luck 30% - Mastery 50%
Bartz: HP 90% - Strength 30% - Skill 15%- Speed 35% - Defense 18% - Magic 0% - Luck 15% - Mastery 15%

...hwah! Can you spell "outclassed"? Because that's what Lena's imposter here is. Friendly reminder that this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sort of opposition Lee faces for the longest time. This. 1 defense, 15 HP, can't fight and never will gain the ability to do so. Enteh can use physic, which is broken in this game, and she learns the Summon skill at some point I can't remember, which allows her to use summoning staves, but... really, she's not good at all. She can heal, and that's it, like 80% of this game's healers.
In fact, the only redeeming quality of most healers in this game are their personal staves: every healer has a personal staff only they can use, and in some cases, multiple ones. Well, except for Lee. Lee gets jack shit, because he doesn't need jack shit: he makes up for his lack of skills and special trinkets by being a MAN.
No, seriously! Lee's the only male healer in the game. Go figure.
Anyway, in a related note, Enteh brings a really special item to the table: the save staff. The save staff, which, by the way, is not locked to her, is basically a portable save point akin to those in the DS games. You use it, and you burn a use to save in the middle of the chapter. Really handy.

As for Bartz, he's a wonder... a wonder of copyright infringement! How many people is this man a copycat of at once? He's a Fighter called Bartz, but he also works as a woodcutter and is a speedy axeman, he bails a cleric out of a bandit hideout and escapes through a narrow mountain pass, he's the brother of a gentle, kind little cleric who thinks he's a bit of a klutz, and he recruits an idiot with a mount that unwillingly attacks the player army who he thinks is a bit of a klutz! These are all characters that existed before Tear Ring Saga! He's Julian, Matthis AND Lena all at the same time, and he doesn't stop there! How did Nintendo let this happen?!
As a unit he's okay. Fast axeman, and he can become strong, too, but his skill needs work. Also, don't let looks deceive you: he doesn't have 6 move, that's just his skill, Mountain Fighter, which is the mountain equivalent to City and Sea Fighter. Once we leave Taurus, he'll go back to having 5 move. Not bad, but he's rather boring: there are funnier options.


HP 50% - Strength 25% - Skill 45% - Speed 40% - Defense 18% - Magic 10% - Luck 25% - Mastery 35%

As for the red-haired girl, she's... eh. Flawed. Her strength is bad, bad, bad, and so is her defense, but she's got speed and skill, just... not so much as to excuse her typical Myrmidon weaknesses. Still, she does come early and at level 1, so chances to level her up are plenty, and she's got a few story events down the line to further grant her assets to employ as you see fit. She also gets to support Garo in a little while, and given how the inaccuracy of axes and his own low skill are one of his biggest weaknesses, 15% extra hit (and avoid, and crit, and crit evade) are nothing to scoff at, not to mention Julia's own 10% bonus makes her into even more of a dodgetank. I like her, and I probably'll use her, given that I'll be using Garo as per Unknowngamer's request.


Speaking of Garo, I know myself. I'm prone to accidents. So let's put the Master Potion where it's safe, before I missclick and give it to someone who doesn't need it.


Not much happens in the first turn. Julia moves up and equips her scimitar so as to conserve the killing edge, we move south to assist her, and Lena and Juliattisnacordst move south to evade their pursuers.


Like so.


Since we've time, I may as well show you something really interesting about Raffin (or, more precisely, his class, the Bronze Paladin).


Normally, dismounting lowers your stats and prevents you from using most of your weapons, usually relegating the unit to swords (or another weapon type, in certain cases). Not Raffin, though: Raffin keeps his stats and his weapons when dismounted. This is another part of what makes him really good, his performance doesn't take a hit in indoor, swamp, desert or other maps that impair movement. Other Bronze Paladins available to the player are Arkis and Kreiss, which makes me almost want to use them. We'll see... maybe I will end up doing the Leteena event!

...just maybe. I needed a crapton of luck for the last step when I did it the first time. And if you guys don't choose Ezekiel when we return to the recruitment room...


Anyhow, more move. We're just about to make first contact with the enemy.


I sense first blood. Make it happen, Raffin.




A money bag, cool. These can be opened for a random amount of cash between 2000 and 4000, or sold for a flat 3000. Weird, but okay.


Imgur moved the last picture of the escaping pair above the money bag one, by the way. This is giving me flashbacks I definitely do not need.


Hah! You don't stand a chan--


...Esther! What the heck! Why did you move your lance to block an axe that very clearly missed you? You're going to break it! You idiot!

Yeah, remember how yesterday I complained about the animation for handaxes? This is why. That's the exact frame when it's decided whether the axe hits or misses. It's not even close to hitting Esther!


For any of you who still feel like Lee isn't such a big deal, this is Lee. This is Lee in a nutshell for the entire earlygame. He's like Wendell if Wendell had Etzel's base magic and C staves right off the bat. Blistering motherfucking barnacles.


Raffin throws another bandit off-balance for Esther to claim his head. She's now close to levelling up!


Figured I might let Kreiss fight some. He does so in flying colours.


Here's Julia's animation at the start of the battle. It's like she's challenging her enemy, I love it.


She was not up to the challenge. Why me...?


At least I get to show off Lee's hilarious animations. But first, she tries to... seduce him? I'm serious, look at that pose! That's too sexy for having just been cleaved in two!


Ohh, bright lights. Sadly, we won't get flashbanged in this LP like in FE6, but there'll be jankiness of other kinds to compensate.


Doesn't seem like the bandits stand much of a chance. As for Enteh, Juliattisnacordst will cover her retreat.

You know what, scratch what I said earlier about Juliattisnacordst being boring. I'm having way too much fun saying the name Juliattisnacordst. I think I might just use Juliattisnacordst. Never did before, but there's always a first for everything.



Ah-ha! A perfect kill! Good show, Juliattisnacordst!


You, on the other hand, suck, but at least you dodged these times. Also, I just noticed, these guys are really fat. Not quite Codha-tier fat, but...


Oh, shiet! Reinforcements!


Get outta there, you worthless healer. Your star would make me have to reset, and I don't want that!


Well, well, lookie there! This calls for one of my catchphrases from the last LP, alongside "blistering barnacles!" and "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"...


Worth a shot!


The perfect Jeiganing! Thanks, Garo.


I'll save that one up for Esther. Julia can have this one. Can I just say I love how rich in frames this game's battle animations are? In the other games, far too often pictures looked alike, but in this one, each screencap is its own little story. Like, look at the second one there: what in the world is she doing? Dancing? Practicing fencing? ...both?


Whatever the case, it gets her quite a bit of experience.


In any case, it's Esther's time to level up. Make it a good one.


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... not quite soon enough to get mad. Let's calm down.


Runan volatilizes a guy by looking at him intensely. And as you've probably noticed by now, his usual look is already quite stern.


Lee has an important mission: to protect his inferior competition. Also, I want to show off his attack animations, they're priceless.


Oi! Stop! Lee, I don't want you to heal him, I want you to fry him!


At least he dodged. Man, even his dodge is sick. As you can see, using staves leaves healers defenseless (not that it really matters, seeing how Lee's the only one who can fight). He's not quite up there yet, but healers actually get healing and dodge bonuses as they use staves. One day, he might just become a half-decent dodging machine, given he gets some stats. No reason to hurry, though, those bases will carry him for an exceedingly long stretch of time.


22 experience already? This Jeigan's going to level up fast, isn't he. Maybe even before today is over.


Ah, more experience. I welcome thee!


...sigh. Alas, Julia will have to wait before she can level up.


Hwah! That's even more worth a shot than the last worthwhile shot! Go for it, Garo!


Jesus, he hit nailed both hits and procced adept? Awesome! Gotta thank Holmes for sending him with us.


Now that we've got some peace and quiet, it's time for some words.


vebK9SH.pngYeah, I'm a mercenary, but I don't take money from poor farmers. I owe them a favour, that's all. I'm Julia, thanks for asking.

tN4k68u.pngThen you have my thanks, Julia. The village was saved largely due to your brave efforts.

0zFk3fj.png Raffin made it there before the bandits did! On foot!

vebK9SH.pngNo thanks to you. You're knights frmo Verje, right? You sure took your sweet time making your way here.

tN4k68u.pngWe are kngihts of Razelia, here to assist the soldiers of Verje. We came as fast as we could muster, but...

vebK9SH.pngHmph, sure you did. Isn't it a lord's duty to protect his villages? If all you do is reap taxes and do nothing in return, we'd be better off without you knights at all!

0zFk3fj.png As you can see, Julia's got... a bit of an attitude. C'mon, girl, Marlon was ready to drop everything, up to and including defending himself from Codha's armies, so that he could protect his villages. Just because many nobles are shit doesn't mean they're all shit... right?

tN4k68u.pngYou have a point... I will apologize to the villagers myself.

vebK9SH.pngWait, really? All the nobles I've ever met just sat aroudn eating themselves full off the toil of their serfs...

0zFk3fj.png Hoo boy, you guys have no idea... just you wait.

vebK9SH.pngBut you're not even from Verje, and you're still going to apologize? Who are you?

tN4k68u.pngRunan, heir to the Duchy of Razelia.


tN4k68u.pngYes, well... we were the lucky ones.

vebK9SH.pngOh, you look upset. I'm sorry, was that a touchy subject?

0zFk3fj.png His dad's dead, his friend's dad is MIA, his mentor's physically broken (although certainly not mentally) and he's had to run away with his tail between his legs to beg for help from the continent's Talys. What do you think, genius?

tN4k68u.pngIt's fine. Forget it. Anyway, you seem to be a rather experienced warrior.


vebK9SH.pngNot particularly. I've only been doing mercenary work for about half a year. But I do have confidence in my sword arm.


vebK9SH.pngMy father taught me swordplay ever since I was a little girl. He was... oh, sorry, this isn't the time for reminiscing, is it?

0zFk3fj.png And you think you have the right to berate Runan for being ever so slightly late?


tN4k68u.pngI'd be glad to have you. But why do you want to join us?

vebK9SH.pngYou're going back to reclaim Razelia eventually, aren't you? I've got my own business to take care of there, too, but I can't go back until the Empire's been cleared out. It's a rather... personal matter.

tN4k68u.pngThat's fine with me, I won't pry. You're hired, Julia.

vebK9SH.pngThanks! Just keep me well fed, and I won't complain what you pay me. See you around, Lord Runan.

0zFk3fj.png You're a most terrible mercenary. Like Malice and her dad. But Malice is smoking hot. Your eyes send shivers down my spine.

xQunKTk.png I mean, Malice does too, but... a different kind of shivers.

0zFk3fj.png ...let's move on now. Where's a distraction when one needs one? Ah, there...


2Nd837x.pngI most certainly do not need a guard! Besides, I'd be better off without a complete novice like you as a bodyguard.

hTMofYU.png Oh, dear, dear... this's not going to end well.

fTBbnRo.pngWell, aren't you quick-witted! I like that. I'm Arkis, from Razelia. What's your name?

2Nd837x.pngI can't believe an airhead like you is serving under that calm and collected Lord Runan. Why do you want to know my name? If that was a pickup line, then I'm afraid I've heard far better.

fTBbnRo.pngHa ha, don't be ridiculous. What's wrong with wanting to know your fellow soldiers? I may still be new, but this is my seventeenth battle. I've seen hundreds of my comrades fall in battle, but I remember all of their names. They were all my precious companions.


0zFk3fj.png ...I... feel bad, now.


fTBbnRo.pngWhat's the matter? You look pale. Don't tell me my story scared you.

2Nd837x.pngW-Why would I be... All right, fine. I'll tell you my name. I'm Esther, daughter of Count Marlon. But I won't ask you to remember me.

fTBbnRo.pngEsther... what a lovely name. I'll be sure to remember it. See you around, Esther.


0zFk3fj.png That was surprisingly heavy for what seemed to be an obvious Sain-styled support conversation...


Anyway, turns over. The enemy moves about, and...


More text-- whoa! What's wrong?


0zFk3fj.png ...what's going on?

tN4k68u.pngI... see... well met, then, Lady Enteh. I am Runan of Razelia, here to assist the knights of Verje on their mission to subdue the bandits in this area. The villagers of Taurus are very worried for your safety, Lady Enteh. You should return to them.


WgtWCgP.pngErm... Lord Runan?

tN4k68u.pngYes, milady? Was there something you needed?

WgtWCgP.pngN-Not really... I was just wondering why you're...


tN4k68u.pngCome again?

WgtWCgP.pngIt's not important, forgive me. I will return to the village. Thank you, Lord Runan.

0zFk3fj.png ...no comment.


Runan takes out his frustrations on this bandit by using an icicle to pierce his dick. Ouchie!


I like how there's a single Bandit up there trying to hide from us. Smart man. But that won't save him, I'm afraid.


In any case, it's time for another level. Let it be a good one, Julia, please.


Oh, come now...


Maybe Runan will have better luck upon impaling this weakling?


Nice! That's pretty good.


Worth a shot!


Ah, what a shame. I suppose Raffin might as well get the kill.


Good. Juliattisnacordst and Enteh return to the village: they've important things to do there. Meanwhile, the rest advance towards the keep.


Some more fighting ensues. Seriously, I love Julia's animations. What is she doing? Did she trip in the second pic there?


Rip 'em a new one, Julia. You'll profit from it.


Better than the last one, to be sure, but... I'm not quite feeling it either, you need strength.


No, really, can I ask why Garo keeps nailing these 50% blows but Julia can't hit anything?


Eyyyyy let's get Kreiss a kill, why not?


I like that, actually! Good job, Kreiss.


And that'll be a kill for Esther.


Just like that, it's over. Time to go on the offensive! Tremble, Bradley!


Oh, wait. We must have words first.


H7NXgsy.pngYeah, sorry for worrying you, Gramps... I'm thinking of leaving the village to join the prince's army.


H7NXgsy.pngI like this village, but... I think that maybe in Lord Runan's army and outside this tiny village... I can do so much more.

0zFk3fj.png I don't know... gah, so many options...


H7NXgsy.pngWell, if I can't stay with them, I'll just come back. Don't worry.

BEDTx5E.pngWorry? Ha, I wouldn't worry about you.


H7NXgsy.pngThanks, Gramps. I won't forget this. If I make it big, I'll be sure to get you a big, fancy gravestone!

BEDTx5E.pngJust get going, you fool!


Neat. I like me moneys.


Oh, it's Dolph again.

orfi8jp.pngThey wouldn't be able to do much harm if they didn't have that base. Here, I'll give you one of my special remedies, so go do something about them, will you?


Okay, two things: first, Enteh's not gonna do anything about that base. Secondly, she won't get that potion. The convoy will get it, for now.


In the action side of things, Garo finally misses a swing. About time.


He's also leveled up. Good, I'd liked skill or luck, but given how heavy axes are, I like the sight of speed.


H7NXgsy.pngHey, hey! What's wrong, Plum? You didn't think I'd lose to a bunch of brigands, did you?

fcJEJ9A.pngNo... but... I couldn't help but worry... If something happened to you, then I'd be all alone...


0zFk3fj.png That's not a very nice thing to say about your Grandfather...

fcJEJ9A.pngI'd never be able to bear that! I couldn't bear being left all alone...

H7NXgsy.pngPlum, I...




H7NXgsy.png...I'm sorry.

fcJEJ9A.pngI hate you!

H7NXgsy.pngPlum! I'm sorry, Plum. But I promise I'll be back someday. I'm taking the halberd in the shed. ...take care.




Is it too much of a spoiler to say that Plum does not stay behind?


Whatever. Levels.


That's cool, but mastery, strength, defense...?


Raffin, to the frontlines.

...jeez, those guys are so screwed. Look at that, we severely outnumber them, and let's not talk about how our stats are so much better than theirs!


No, this isn't a glitch, nor does it look any better ingame: for whatever reason, the Bronze Paladin, instead of flipping his spear around before stabbing the enemy a second time, sort of... slowly moves a bunch of lances around. It looks janky as hell, and I don't understand why: the other Paladin types don't have this problem.


Since Kreiss hasn't disappointed me, I'm feeling like giving Arkis a chance to prove himself as well. Sadly, it doesn't happen today, but next time, most likely, it will.


We're just about ready to face the boss. Let's see what his stats look like.


Doesn't look like much trouble, honestly. He doesn't even have a ranged weapon.


But first, text.

WgtWCgP.pngYes, I was able to return safely thanks to Bartz. Forgive me for causing you worry.

BEDTx5E.pngMy foolish grandson was able to help you, huh? Hah! I'm honored. Now, I'm sure you're exhausted. Here, have some fruit. You'll feel better in no time.


Fruits are like herbs, except instead of 10 HP, they recover 20. Handy.


While we're here, let's pay the armory a visit. Not a bad selection, I suppose.


More talkie-talking.

WgtWCgP.pngI'm sorry. I caused both you and your brother so much grief.

fcJEJ9A.pngNo... I've become fed up with myself after all this.

WgtWCgP.pngWhat...? Why?

fcJEJ9A.pngI'm only a year younger than you, but I'm nothing like you. I'm just a useless child.

WgtWCgP.pngThat's not true! You've been trying your very best to master the healing arts because you want to help the people of your village. And now that you can use the Heal staff, you can tend to your people in my place. The villagers are very grateful.

fcJEJ9A.pngI need to learn more... I want to become a pure and strong cleric like you. Please, Sister Enteh, take me with you to the Temple of Mars!



fcJEJ9A.pngI don't want to be left here all alone, doing nothing but waiting! I want to see what the world has to offer! I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a tiny village like this!

0zFk3fj.png She really isn't too fond of her Grandfather, huh? Also, who's going to tend to the wounded now that all the clerics have left the village? Dolph and his special remedies?

WgtWCgP.pngPlum... very well. I can't say no to such strong resolve. But remember, Plum: many people cannot return to their homes even if they want to.


IfRBMws.png Why, you worthless little-- you're jinxing it! Stop! She's not going to die, I have...

0zFk3fj.png ...I... uh, I have a plan... like all those other times I sent people to their deaths... urgh...


HP 20% - Magic 35% - Skill 0% - Speed 20% - Defense 0% - Strength 0% - Luck 60% - Mastery 20%

Oh my goodness, you're even worse than Enteh! This girl's hopeless. Look at those stats! That's like, SD!Maria bad. In fact, Plum's even more hopeless defensively, with 1 measly point of defense, no promotion and no growth! Plum's completely, throughoutly useless in every way save for her personal staff, which she isn't even guaranteed to get! Luckily for her, she will get it in this run, as the requirement is Lee's presence at the end of this chapter, and even I don't suck enough to get Lee killed in this chapter. Y'know, this is actually one of the arguments one could pose for taking Lee instead of Narron the first time: Narron doesn't get you anything outside of being an OP Paladin, whereas Lee gets you a pretty damn great staff. You'll see when we get there.


fcJEJ9A.pngI'm sorry, Grandfather... I've decided to leave the village with Sister Enteh.

BEDTx5E.pngI see... I suppose it was inevitable...


BEDTx5E.pngPlum, take this hand mirror. Your mother asked me to give it to you once you finally set out from the village.

fcJEJ9A.pngMother left it for me?

BEDTx5E.pngIndeed she did. Lan knew this day would come...

xQunKTk.png Plum's mother's called Lan? And what's her dad's name, Adapter?

hTMofYU.png Hwah! Hah hah! Oohohoho...

0zFk3fj.png ...that was terrible, I apologize.

BEDTx5E.pngShe was born into a poor family, and she was sold to a traveling caravan of entertainers as a girl. Her life there was harsh... she said that rarely a day passed that she didn't think about suicide. But one day, a young man appeared and bought her freedom. Lan fell in love with the man and they were blessed with you.

fcJEJ9A.pngWait, but that man was killed in the Salian Civil War, wasn't he? You're telling me that my real father was Mother's first husband?

BEDTx5E.pngYes, he was your real father. The man you knew as Father, my foolish son Daros, was not related to you. His own wife died giving birth to Juliattisnacordst--

hTMofYU.png Hahahah, okay, okay, I'll transcribe properly, sorry...

xQunKTk.png Pffft... she died for Kaga's lawsuit... heh heh heh heh...! I ruined this really sad and serious story, didn't I.

BEDTx5E.png--Bartz, and he left him with me when he went to work as a mercenary in Blaad. It was there that he met Lan, who was carrying you. He fell in love with her, but as you well know, she never reciprocated his feelings.

fcJEJ9A.pngYes... Mother never talked about it, but I assumed they'd just stopped getting along with each other.

BEDTx5E.pngA good guess, but mistaken. They were never together in the first place. When Daros found your mother deathly ill in Blaad, he cared for her, brought her here, and nursed her back to health himself... there was no question that Daros loved your mother with all his heart. And when Lan's illness came back a few years ago, he died soon after, as if to follow after his love even to the grave. I think the grief was too much for him.

0zFk3fj.png Goodness gracious... it's a good thing this Daros was not in charge of an empire. On an unrelated note, Daros, really? I could understand something like, I don't know, Roger, but Daros? That name can't be so common as to excuse this!

fcJEJ9A.pngI always felt sorry for Dad... why couldn't Mother love him?

BEDTx5E.pngI think she did love him, in her own way. But she was too conflicted with herself to be with Daros. She was still deeply in love with your father.


BEDTx5E.png...Plum. That mirror was a gift from your real father to your mother. It's the only clue you have to finding him.


BEDTx5E.pngLan only told you that he died, but really, she never knew what happened to him... Please, forgive my son. By bringing Lan here to Taurus, any chance of growing up knowing your real father was taken from you...

fcJEJ9A.pngNo, I could never hate him... thanks to him, Mother survived, and I was able to grow up here with you all.

xQunKTk.png This story's quite tragic, but on the bright side, it gladdens me to see that this girl doesn't just go "MUH REAL DADDY" and completely forgets that, hey, it wasn't him that raised her, it was someone else. You could say she didn't dare, to even forget, who raised her, she, the not stupid cleric!

fcJEJ9A.pngGrandfather... Bartz doesn't know any of this, does he? Please don't tell him. Please... He doesn't need to know...

BEDTx5E.pngIt'll be our own little secret, Plum. You're a kind girl, just like your mother. I knew you would understand... now dry those tears and get going. Go to Blaad, and find your real father. I'll be praying for you all the way.


And with that, Lan's mirror is ours. It's not locked to Plum, by the way, but it's better to let her keep it. Wouldn't want her to run into daddy but she can't prove that it's him because Garo has the mirror or something dumb like that.


In any case, I'll be sending Lee to kill the cowardly Bandit because I'm sick of not being able to talk about how amazing his animations are.


I knew he'd fall into my trap. Ah-ha! Be consumed by--




That's more like it! You know how, in mainline FEs, Bishops use their staves to fight? Well, not Lee. What Lee does, instead, is...


...unleash his inner Ryu!




The enemy was utterly vaporized!


Pretty sure Guile's theme would go with Tear Ring Saga boss fights, but still, I like Amy of Darkness better here, so you know the drill.


You idiot. You didn't even get any scenes for yourself! I didn't get to use the Morgan edit I made, just for you! You snivelling ingrate!


Oh, please.

...did he just flip me off? Oh, how dares he...


Ergh... it's worth a shot, I guess...?




Ah-ha! Gotcha! Kreiss, wear him down some more.




Noohoooooooouuuu! Staaaaph!


Someone hit him!


Everyone's in a speedy mood today. Not one point of strength or defense to be seen, but this one level up? As many as you could possibly like!


Oh my God. What?! This isn't FE6, c'mon! Die already!


What even is the point of this? I'm not being challenged! Fucking perish!


Garo, no! Why can't anyone hit all of sudden? You were nailing every single shot before when it didn't matter!


Oh, you son of a-- that's it.


You want hell? I'll give you hell all right.


The motherfucking fires of hell, asshole!





...is this the RNG's idea of a joke? If so, I... I welcome it! Hah! The guy with the second-worst growths in the entire friggin' game is getting the exact same levels as everyone else. Keep on being awesome, Lee. As if with those sexy bases you needed any more help to completely embarrass everybody else!



Vr0IkGS.pngUggghhh... Damn it all...!

There. I used it. Could've shown you the actual screencap of the death quote, but I then would've had to let this update go by with only one original Morgan, and we can't have that, now, can we? So, there.


He leveled up again? And it's a good level again?! I can't believe you, Lee! Please, cut my other units some slack! You already tear every enemy asunder and are the best healer I have and will have for something crazy like 3/4ths of the game, at least have the decency to get crap level ups like you're supposed to! These two levels in combination are better than the ones Esther and Julia got!


Let's just leave before Lee rams every single one of his caps.

Now, normally, this is where we'd get some more text, but I want to slow down a little, so instead, we'll be cutting it short here. Next time, we'll get the post-chapter dialogue for this chapter and the pre-chapter dialogue for the next, and maybe we'll fight General Eritz, or maybe we won't. Whatever the case, I fare thee well until then. Buh-bye!

(Oh, and since I forgot in the first update, here's the death count, in preparation for the inevitable disaster)

Death count: --

Reset count: 0


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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, the good ol' "Ruben lives under a rock and doesn't get references" phenomenon. Is this Roundabout, too?

Nope, this is from Spyro 2. The trolley minigame has a reputation for being frustrating and every time you fail he starts with "Trouble with the Trolley, eh?". It's an old meme.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jeez, just imagine if Runan could just throw Eugen at the enemies. He'd win the war in no time! I cannot begin to imagine what sort of man could've defeated Eugen... or, well, I can, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

If only I actually knew Dune, I think that'd be about right.

It is a dense book though and not just because the prose may as well be a fog so thick you can't see your hands in front of your face.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eritz is still all the way at Fort Wellt, so here's our oponent of the day: Wrath.

No, wait, what am I saying? It's Pride.

I actually get this one. I will not explain the joke because I'd rather not spoil it.

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I can't help but think he's putting on a fake accent and pretending his fist is talking by moving his fingers about. It's just how he communicates.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here's an old guy and another chick who is legal. So far we've got Esther, Kate and this one. You need to keep a count of 'em in this game, they're a real luxury.

That.... that's going to be awkward. Least Berwick's better about it.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then again, knowing my track record... pretty sure Lilina's still mad at me.

Just.... give me a second?


There, this should be useful. Lot of dust from lack of use though.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's Julian, Matthis AND Lena all at the same time, and he doesn't stop there! How did Nintendo let this happen?!

You also forgot FF's Bartz Butz.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Runan takes out his frustrations on this bandit by using an icicle to pierce his dick. Ouchie!

I think that's a spear of light.

Where did he get one of those? Is it.... it is one of the light arrows from that one chapter in BB?

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png This story's quite tragic, but on the bright side, it gladdens me to see that this girl doesn't just go "MUH REAL DADDY" and completely forgets that, hey, it wasn't him that raised her, it was someone else. You could say she didn't dare, to even forget, who raised her, she, the not stupid cleric!

Well that's nice.

Shame that (spoilers) happens.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



If Lee weren't such a good man, Hellfire could have helped. As is, it kind of looks like Yazak is just blocking the fire instead of it missing him. Bit too badass for a brigand boss (That or getting a large amount of votes from CYL (Seriously, a guy named Brigand Boss was just outside the top 200. For reference, Blume was last on ~760 and the boss outdid most of BB's cast)).

Also, Lee's well on the way to steal your exp and actually level up well with it. I am more than happy with my choice.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png You mean, Yazam Twinswords has captured a hundred clerics if he's captured a dozen? Clerics, mind you, not mollycoddles totin' a bag fool o' weeds.

hey, it's a reference that I got

octopath traveler is a pretty cool game

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png In all seriousness, Raffin raises some solid points, and this sequence is, overall, really serious and dark in the subject it presents. I like that.

yeah, I like this scene too

"eye for an eye" (at least in its more literal interpretations) is a pretty flawed philosophy to say the least but Raffin makes a good case as to why such punishment is necessary in this situation

you don't normally see this sort of introspection on cutting down bandits in Fire Emblem so it's interesting in that regard too

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

BEDTx5E.pngA good guess, but mistaken. They were never together in the first place. When Daros found your mother deathly ill in Blaad, he cared for her, brought her here, and nursed her back to health himself... there was no question that Daros loved your mother with all his heart. And when Lan's illness came back a few years ago, he died soon after, as if to follow after his love even to the grave. I think the grief was too much for him.

that's not the real story. the truth is,


sorry for ruining the mood with such an awful and obvious joke

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Is it fair to hope that Lee is going to be this LP's last LP's Marcus? I mean, I imagine he'll be relevant most of the game anyway just off his bases + class, but it'd be hilarious if he can somehow continue to get good level ups despite having particularly awful growths even for this game.

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Lan's Mirror actually has the same effect as Charisma.

I suppose one thing that Esther has going for her is that she learns Life or Death. Though the patch probably calls it Wrath. Whatever it'd called, since it makes the crit rate keep going up as HP keeps dropping, it's a lot more useful then Wrath ever was outside of Jugdral. But she still has to reach level 14 for that, so it's not great.

Raffin is also the first unit that knows Canto. So yeah, this guy is a unit that Kaga really wants you to use.

And there are most certainly plenty of underaged girls in this one. But hey, as long as none of them are barely dressed dancer girls with a background of slavery, we should be fine.


Edit: If Garo is put to use, it will be interesting to see. I mean, not only does this guy not promote himself, he actually has less movement then an unpromoted Axe Fighter. I just don't see how he could be all that useful.

And unfortunately Enteh only learns Summon at level 30. And I've never even seen her close to that level.


Edited by BrightBow
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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wouldn't want her to run into daddy but she can't prove that it's him because Garo has the mirror or something dumb like that.

Just for that, when you have to transcribe that scene (unless plum is dead by then) replace plums portrait with Garo's. 

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I... uh, I have a plan... like all those other times I sent people to their deaths... urgh..

*Cough cough*

Death count: Linde






*Cough cough*

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh sweet crap, how the hell do you expect me to pun this?

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Part 3 - Backtracking.

Only a couple days 'till Smash Ultimate, everyone! Although, I probably won't get to play until monday, since I want it physical, and I probably won't get to play that much until next friday since I have The Week (which I already explained in the OP), but still! Fucking biggest Smash ever! So many things I want to see... like if the pros are right and Luigi truly got nerfed to oblivion, or if the other pros are right and Luigi isn't actually that bad, or if that rumor I read somewhere is right and Luigi faces Dracula as his final classic mode boss (don't tell me, I want to confirm it by myself), or if either Richter or Simon have a Barlowe alt (doubt it, but hey, a man can dream. Also, Barlowe for Spirits anyone?), and to play in New Pork City again after enjoying that stage so much in my childhood days...

Aahhh I can't wait! Even if the only FE newcomer is Chrom, which is probably the most underwhelming choice they could've picked, in my humble opinion. They have all these lords and important characters that would make for unique playstyles, and they choose yet another swordie from a game that was already badly overrepresented in Smash, and is an echo of Roy on top of that? Come now... you know I don't really hate (or love) the 3DS titles, but half the FE reps come from there, not to mention that half the FE reps are clones of Marth and ALL OF THEM are swordies! I mean, at least Robin uses magic as well and Corrin employs their dragon powers and Marth is the original, but what's everyone else's excuse? I'm not going to be one of those "I want Sakurai to do THESE THINGS THAT HE OWES ME or else I'll SEND DEATH THREATS TO HIM!!!!!" guys, but I can't say I'm too thrilled about Chrom either.

Still, he and Whatshisfaceroar are only two tiny stains in the face of such amazing newcomers as Guy Sakurai Promised Would Never Be Playable Because Of Size, The OG Protag From Barlowe's Series and his brother, SquidBois and Sakurai Trolls Everyone Who Dared To Think The Grinch Leak Was Real With An Actual Leek.

Anyway, back on topic.

On 2/12/2018 at 1:14 AM, Dayni said:

Nope, this is from Spyro 2. The trolley minigame has a reputation for being frustrating and every time you fail he starts with "Trouble with the Trolley, eh?". It's an old meme.

Good to know.

If only I actually knew Dune, I think that'd be about right.

It is a dense book though and not just because the prose may as well be a fog so thick you can't see your hands in front of your face.

Ah, yeah, one of those.

I actually get this one. I will not explain the joke because I'd rather not spoil it.

Yeah, that's thoughtful of you, thanks.

I can't help but think he's putting on a fake accent and pretending his fist is talking by moving his fingers about. It's just how he communicates.

Hahah... sounds like Juliattisnacordst, for sure.

That.... that's going to be awkward. Least Berwick's better about it.

I don't know that much about Berwick (I know I'm waiting for the full translation and that I'll probably have trouble playing it when it comes out because the ps2 emulation scene is crap) but I do know it has more women than this game.

Just.... give me a second?


There, this should be useful. Lot of dust from lack of use though.

Can't let me forget, can ya?

You also forgot FF's Bartz Butz.

Ah, yeah, the one in the game with Galuf.

I think that's a spear of light.

Where did he get one of those? Is it.... it is one of the light arrows from that one chapter in BB?

Man, Morgans, Heavenly Arrows, what happens in this update... at this rate, Lieberia's gonna turn out to be Elibe a thousand years later. All we need now is time-traveling babies.

...what are you looking at me for?

Well that's nice.

Shame that (spoilers) happens.

Ah, yeah, good ol' (spoilers).

If Lee weren't such a good man, Hellfire could have helped. 

Ah, the time will come when he will get to use Hellfire. If he isn't too busy using that one wind spell.

As is, it kind of looks like Yazak is just blocking the fire instead of it missing him. Bit too badass for a brigand boss (That or getting a large amount of votes from CYL (Seriously, a guy named Brigand Boss was just outside the top 200. For reference, Blume was last on ~760 and the boss outdid most of BB's cast)).

I mean, Dorcas got into Heroes not because of his decent personality but because of mutton. And then there's Leif's absence, the one million Camilla alts that look like they were taken from Rule34, the one million Lyn alts, Reinhardt, the lolis... at this point, Heroes is just a tiny bit short of Payday 2's level of ridiculously blatant memes.

Also, Lee's well on the way to steal your exp and actually level up well with it. I am more than happy with my choice.

Hey, if it serves him well, I've no qualms.


On 2/12/2018 at 1:17 AM, Tryhard said:

I remember I had to dump Julia because of abysmal strength last time. A shame, since I like her design.

She's cool, but I just can't get over her eyes. What's up with that? It looks like there's no white at all in 'em!


On 2/12/2018 at 6:23 AM, Ruminant said:

hey, it's a reference that I got

octopath traveler is a pretty cool game

I had a bit of a strange relationship with it: I chose Cyrus as my protagonist, and had a blast playing through his, Primrose, Alfyn and H'aanit's stories, and then I went on to unlock all the secret classes (I loved how people called the Warbringer a really hard boss, but since I went after her last, she got wrecked by Cyrus's unparalleled focus) because I was having just that much fun.

Then I just sort of dropped the game because I couldn't bring myself to care about the other four scrubs. Sage!Olberic was funny for 5 minutes. That's about it.

yeah, I like this scene too

"eye for an eye" (at least in its more literal interpretations) is a pretty flawed philosophy to say the least but Raffin makes a good case as to why such punishment is necessary in this situation

you don't normally see this sort of introspection on cutting down bandits in Fire Emblem so it's interesting in that regard too

Yeah, they definitely made more of an effort here than they usually do in FE.

that's not the real story. the truth is,


sorry for ruining the mood with such an awful and obvious joke

After I tried so hard not to pull that one off...

Also, "he became sail"? I knew FE1's translation is terrible, but this terrible? Motherfucker! That's not even google translator, it's like they went out of their way to make it bad.

Is it fair to hope that Lee is going to be this LP's last LP's Marcus? I mean, I imagine he'll be relevant most of the game anyway just off his bases + class, but it'd be hilarious if he can somehow continue to get good level ups despite having particularly awful growths even for this game.

Honestly, after Marcus and Pretzel, I expect anything and everything.


On 2/12/2018 at 7:10 AM, BrightBow said:

Lan's Mirror actually has the same effect as Charisma.

Not quite, if the description doesn't lie. The mirror is more powerful.

I suppose one thing that Esther has going for her is that she learns Life or Death. Though the patch probably calls it Wrath. Whatever it'd called, since it makes the crit rate keep going up as HP keeps dropping, it's a lot more useful then Wrath ever was outside of Jugdral. But she still has to reach level 14 for that, so it's not great.

Ah, yes, I probably should've mentioned that. That skill is absolute bonkers in this game, and I mean that in a good way.

Raffin is also the first unit that knows Canto. So yeah, this guy is a unit that Kaga really wants you to use.

I once went through the entire game without accepting Raffin's little event later. You can imagine how much I laughed. And I have to say, I liked the ending better that way.

And there are most certainly plenty of underaged girls in this one. But hey, as long as none of them are barely dressed dancer girls with a background of slavery, we should be fine.

Well, there's Nowi in the main series, and we know Kaga does everything first, so... let's not get our hopes up, now.

Edit: If Garo is put to use, it will be interesting to see. I mean, not only does this guy not promote himself, he actually has less movement then an unpromoted Axe Fighter. I just don't see how he could be all that useful.

The thing is, his stats are really good and stay that way for pretty much the entire game, even with his lesser caps. Not quite as good as that one redhaired Fighter, but pretty good. The time I used him, he kicked ass for the entire game, provided I could get him to reach the frontlines.

And unfortunately Enteh only learns Summon at level 30. And I've never even seen her close to that level.

Ah, yeah. I couldn't get her to reach it either of the times I played this game. Not like it's that good, anyway.


On 2/12/2018 at 1:51 PM, Pengaius said:

Just for that, when you have to transcribe that scene (unless plum is dead by then) replace plums portrait with Garo's. 


*Cough cough*

Death count: Linde






*Cough cough*

Did you really have to put both my death counts together? Was it really necessary? What did doing that accomplish, exactly?

Oh sweet crap, how the hell do you expect me to pun this?

Juliattisnacordst, the first to fall. There. If he isn't the first to fall, then that's just too bad for you.




It's almost as if it's been days! We'll have to all get used to the new format, but with how much text there is in this game, I am afraid it is just not feasible to cram full chapters into single updates anymore.

vUN6DQJ.pngThe Taurus Mountains are riddled with caves. That is likely where they have fled.

tN4k68u.pngIt's getting dark... Chasing them any further would be dangerous.

vUN6DQJ.pngWell, we've struck them hard enough that they'll be laying low for a while. That will have to suffice for now.

tN4k68u.pngYou're right. We should return to Verje.

xQunKTk.png Maybe Marlon'll allow us to take another unit?

vUN6DQJ.pngOne more thnig, Lord Runan. About Sister Enteh...


vUN6DQJ.pngShe said she would be returning to the Temple of Mars, but going alone would be dangerous. I have convinced her stay under our army's protection for the time being.

0zFk3fj.png What's Enteh's stay, exactly, and how did you convince it to be under the army's protecion? (why, yes, I will make a shitty comment every time I spot a typo. Why, no, your not allowed to do the same if I ever let any typos slip)

tN4k68u.pngThat is a good idea. Getting ambushed while out on her own would be the last thing she needs.



hTMofYU.png Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Hweeeheheheheh! Can you believe this guy? She's 15, I'm pretty sure!

tN4k68u.pngReally? I hadn't really thought about it.

xQunKTk.png Also, gotta love how little Runan cares. Eugen may've been born without any fucks to give, but Runan ran all out of those a long time ago.

vUN6DQJ.png My goodness, Lord Runan! You must make an effort to better understand women. When you take rule of Razelia, you will welcome a fine lady into the palace as your wife. Whether it be Lady Sasha or Sister Enteh... Being oblivious will not win you any prizes, milord.

hTMofYU.png Jeez, Eugen, pull some punches! If you kill him, it's game over!


vUN6DQJ.pngYes, sire...

hTMofYU.png ...he actually won!? Why do people dislike Runan, exactly? That was awesome!


So, if we took Ezekiel, Narron or Luca, that would've been the end of it, but since you made the right choice...


fcJEJ9A.pngOh, Father Lee... No, it's just... It's just that so much has happened over the past few days, and I'm a little disoriented... I'll be fine...

vjmMT8T.pngDon't worry. That is perfectly understandable.

0zFk3fj.png She's been with us for an hour, tops!


vjmMT8T.pngThat is a difficult question to answer. I could spout off lines of scripture, but I doubt that would satisfy you. Travel the world and see it for yourself. You must find your own answer to that question.

fcJEJ9A.pngYes, Father...

xQunKTk.png Lee ain't this game's most talkative character, but this one line says a lot about his character. For one, he clearly doesn't think much of the things he's supposed to preach.

vjmMT8T.pngHere, Plum. A little gift from me.

fcJEJ9A.pngHm? A staff?

vjmMT8T.pngThis is an Aegis staff. It surrounds the body with a magical aura that will lessen injury.


fcJEJ9A.pngThank you, Father Lee! I'll make good use of it!

xQunKTk.png He's also a pretty nice fellow. That's good. Wouldn't want to have a Navarre in my team.


And with that, we got a staff that isn't actually called Aegis, but Enarmor. Remember how he said it's "a little gift"? Well... this staff halves all damage its target takes for the entire chapter. It's nothing short of godly, and the only downsides are that you need to give up Narron, which isn't really a downside for me, and that it's locked to Plum. Oh, well, there are worse ways to spend one's deployment slots.

Ah, we also unlocked Lee's one support: a 5% bonus to both. Not really all that useful, but hey, it's there. Man, no skills, no growths, no personal staves or tomes, no meaningful supports... they really wanted me to pick Narron, didn't they? Ah, but bases are better than all that fancy crap, and with any luck, Lee shall prove it!


Anyway, Verje.


Qd8087b.pngYes... Say, Kate... Do you think Lord Runan and his knights will be all right?

kkXZfYc.pngSir Raffin is with them, milady. There's no need to worry. Now then, Lady Sasha, let's go back indoors. You'll catch a cold out here.

Qd8087b.pngKate... I want you to stay with me always. You won't leave me, will you?


I sure hope you'll make good on your word.


Eritz moves forward into the river, and we regain control at last.


While we're still in Taurus, I buy an iron bow for Kate. It may be worse than the bowgun, but it's lighter, and that might come in handy later. Also, notice how the game's nice enough to warn you when you attempt to buy weapons that the buyer cannot wield. Sadly, it isn't nice enough to send items to the convoy when the unit's inventory is full, but oh well, Kaga giveth, Kaga taketh away...


And it's off to Verje for us.


tN4k68u.pngSasha? Were you waiting out here for us?

Qd8087b.pngYes. Count Marlon assured me that you would be all right, but I had to see your face for myself...


hTMofYU.png I really cannot repeat it enough times. This man is the best thing ever. After enduring chapter after chapter of Merlinus's crap, and Gotoh sending us to hike through deserts and volcanos filled with dragons and barbarians, Eugen makes me feel all warm inside. Ergh, no homo. I guess. Although, I cannot deny Eugen is the ultimate male form, and neither should you.

Qd8087b.pngI'm glad you're safe too, General.

vUN6DQJ.pngThank you, milady. Now then, where is Count Marlon?

Qd8087b.pngHe is waiting for you in the castle.

vUN6DQJ.pngIn that case, Lord Runan, we should confer with him at once.

tN4k68u.pngYes. We need to know if Codha has been up to anything while we were away. Sasha, you're probably worried about Queen Liza, aren't you?

Qd8087b.pngYes, of course. I want to see her as soon as I can.

vUN6DQJ.pngThere's no need to worry, Lady Sasha.


vUN6DQJ.pngWe will be sure to rescue your mother, so please be patient.

Qd8087b.pngThank you. I will pray for your success.

0zFk3fj.png You'll be fighting with us to earn that success, silly girl!

vUN6DQJ.pngOn my honor as a knight, we will not fail. Now, Lord Runan, let us go to Count Marlon.

IfRBMws.png Eugen has put his honor on the line? All right, Ruben, you cannot fuck this one up, now...


tN4k68u.pngWe would never have succeeded without Verje's aid. We Razelians need more training.

vUN6DQJ.pngLord Runan is right. Your Verjian knights are very skilled. Sir Raffin in particular was magnificent to watch. It was like seeing an image of myself in my prime. You must be proud to have such a talented son.

0zFk3fj.png Eh. Unimpressed. Lee was better.


vUN6DQJ.pngCome again?

IfRBMws.png What!? I cannot beli-- wait a minute, that doesn't matter in the slightest!

LRWwhwO.pngRaffin is a knight of the now-fallen Kingdom of Barge. His late father was a good friend of mine, so when Barge was conquered five years ago, Raffin came to me seeking asylum. Out of respect for his father, I decided to adopt Raffin as my son.

xQunKTk.png You're telling me that Raffin... Barged into your house that day? Heh heh heh heh... snort... eh heh... ah...

vUN6DQJ.pngI see...

LRWwhwO.pngBut that's neither here nor there. Let us discuss our current situation.

tN4k68u.pngYes, let's begin. Have Codha's forces shown any signs of movement?

LRWwhwO.pngI received a report that a group of knights is headed this way from the capitol. Their numbers are unknown, but it is not likely that they form the entirety of Codha's forces.


LRWwhwO.pngI agree. The unaligned nobles would also be encouraged to side with Princess Sasha if they see us strike first.

xQunKTk.png Aside from being genial when it comes to the delicate affair that is love, another part of what makes me like Runan a lot is that he's like SD!Marth on steroids. As in, he's a really capable leader without coming off as boring like Roy (I mean, if you dig into his supports he's good, but there's no denying that he's mediocre in the main plot). He's serious, he's smart, he knows to do what he has to do when necessary but also to question himself and others when he doesn't like what is happening, and he can even be sassy at times. Runan isn't here to listen to exposition: he's here to get shit done, and that penetrating gaze of his should tell you that much. Well, until you see him smile. I swear, I can't wait to see his first smile... it's that good.

0zFk3fj.png Ironically enough, Holmes, the game's more popular lord, is hit by every single one of those bullets that Runan skillfully sidesteps. He's not bad, by any means, but I daresay I like Runan better, frankly.

tN4k68u.pngThen do we have permission to dispatch troops?

LRWwhwO.pngYes. We will begin marching toward Fort Wellt on the morrow. I shall accompany you on this mission. Now, as our final order of business, here is a gift of 10,000 gold. Use it to replenish your equipment and supplies for your troops.


Hey, that's really nice! Also, fun fact time: did you know that, in spanish, the usage dots and commas are inverted? Dots are used to separate thousands, while commas are used to mark the beginning of decimals. It's really annoying, especially when you're trying to learn programming and you have to jump though some extra hoops to get things to work. Well, unless you're like me and write a lot more words in english than in spanish. I swear, by now I'm more used to using dots for decimals than commas.


Whatever, it's time to-- oh, no!


0zFk3fj.png It's you. Sigh...


0zFk3fj.png Well, well, I wonder who's the recruitable one here?

78Uuld9.pngYes, what is it?

wDsFnYT.pngIt regards some of the rumors I have heard about you, milord... They say that you are trying to overthrow the royal family, and that you have placed the queen under house arrest... I am sure it is a misunderstanding, but I wanted to hear the truth from you in person.

78Uuld9.pngWhy do you ask? Would you betray me if the rumors were true?

wDsFnYT.pngI would never betray you, milord.

hTMofYU.png Hah hah hah! Hahahah! Hahah... hahahah! Hah! Hahah hah... ah... that's a good joke, mate... hehehah... I-I'm sorry, spoilers, spoilers... I'm sure... hah... I'm sure you really would never betray Fatass overthere.

wDsFnYT.pngHowever, if you have strayed from the path of good, then it is my duty as your knight to see you back onto it.

78Uuld9.pngHah... the rumors are nothing but filthy lies. I am the chancellor. With King Raphael gone, it is my duty to protect this nation and its queen. It would be foolish of the chancellor to harbor such greedy intentions.

0zFk3fj.png Hmmm... I wonder...


0zFk3fj.png Yeah... sorry, I'm not buying it.


wDsFnYT.pngForgive me, Lord Chancellor...

78Uuld9.pngRoger, do n--

0zFk3fj.png ...excuse me, come again?

78Uuld9.pngRoger, do n--

On 2/12/2018 at 12:26 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

On an unrelated note, Daros, really? I could understand something like, I don't know, Roger, but Daros? That name can't be so common as to excuse this!


hTMofYU.png ...I can't believe it! He actually did it, the absolute madman!

78Uuld9.pngRoger, do not forget why your family lives in comfort. It is because they have served my house for generations. If you are foolish enough to betray me, your entire family will be held accountable. At best, they will go to the guillotine, or at worst, tehy will be flayed alive and left for the vultures. I do not wish to sentence your family to such a horrible fate, Roger. You must trust me.

0zFk3fj.png What is your problem with people's families? Such underhanded tactics... I'm gonna report you to the admins!

wDsFnYT.pngYes, sir... my apologies...

78Uuld9.pngThen all is well. You are the beloved Paladin of Wellt. I know that your loyalty is more precious to you than your own life. I can return to Fort Wellt knowing that Gram will be in good hands.


So, Roger is left alone to grumble, when...


wDsFnYT.pngMel, I told you not to come out. I don't want the chancellor to see you.

hTMofYU.png Yep. It's exactly what you think it is. Kaga created a young, handsome, well-built Paladin liked by all who has a girlfriend, a family, and bountiful amounts of loyalty for his lord, and named him Roger. Roger. Same name as the chubby loser in FE who betrayed his army for a bethroted woman twice. You can't make these things up! This is a real thing Kaga did! And I bet he was oh so shocked when Nintendo sued him, too! This is the world's most direct war declaration since Hitler's invasion of Poland - and I love it!

nsbm6hd.pngYou look exhausted... What happened? What did he say to you? Talk to me, Roger...


wDsFnYT.pngIf only I were a commoner, I would be able to live in peace together with you...


0zFk3fj.png Yeaaaaah, definitely recruitable...































(Please give me feedback on my sprites. I, for one, think I have improved a lot, but tell me what you think. Obviously, I had to resize the sprites to better fit this game, but I believe it works all right, and the fact that they're foreigners explains why they look different to everyone else, in-universe. I'll see if I can find a chance to post the normal-sized versions in any way.)


There are two armies at Gram forest, but the moment we move to Port Saura, Eritz will move there as well and the battle will begin. Still, we can take a brief look at them.


Roger's army looks to be a little more numerous and imposing than Eritz's, but I see a lot of Bowmen... but that's irrelevant at the moment: our foe is Eritz.


Let's go. Come at us!


Why, yes, it's the third chapter and they're already reusing maps. This is the only time they do this, actually. Well, there's another one, but... that doesn't really count, I believe. As usual, you'll see.


This is the team for this chapter. Notice how Enteh has a star and is placed next to Runan in the deployment list. It means exactly what you think it does: Enteh's forced deployed today, and here's a heads-up, she'll stay that way for a long, long time. This makes Plum's case even more hopeless, since even if Lee wasn't with us, Enteh still does everything she can better. The only use I could possibly have for Plum is the Enarmor staff, and today, I'd much rather get some much needed experience for my scrubs than waste a unique staff.


Here's Eritz's army. All cavalry, huh?


This guy's the game's faceless soldier. One of them, at any rate.

zPTZWRz.pngExcellent... our cavalry will make mincemeat of them. Give the order to engage the enemy. I shall give a grand reward to whomever brings me their commander's head! This is your chance to move up in the world, men!

tkIeEIh.pngYes, sir!


xQunKTk.png You got that right, pal... but I doubt it'll be quick in the way you'd like.


tN4k68u.pngMake use of the land to defend yourselves! We can hide in the forest to the south! Don't let them break through! Knights, move forward!

WgtWCgP.pngLord Runan...

tN4k68u.pngThe clerics should stay in the reat. We'll send any injured troops back to you so you can take care of them.


0zFk3fj.png What clerics? I don't see no clerics! Enteh's a Shaman. Big difference. As for Lee, he's your best fighter: he'll be in the frontlines, kicking ass and taking names. And healing. Mostly healing, I don't want to give him too many kills.


xQunKTk.png A cool thing about this chapter is that we get text based on who's fielded.

Qd8087b.pngKate, don't force yourself, all right? I would never be able to face my mother if something happened to you.

kkXZfYc.pngI'll be all right, Lady Sasha. I promise, I will live to see you reunited with Queen Liza. So don't worry about me.


xQunKTk.png This one in particular, I had never seen before. Goes to show how bad these three are: one of them's bound to be benched by chapter 3. But I want to give them all at least this chapter before I get benchin'.

fTBbnRo.pngHmph, as if you need to tell me. Besides, I've got something to look forward to. I can't go dying here.

2Nd837x.pngSomething you're looking forward to? My, my, what could it possibly be?

fTBbnRo.pngWhat, Esther? Are you picking a fight with me!?

hTMofYU.png Pfhah! I don't know what the best part about this is: Esther being a dick as usual, or Arkis's reaction.



0zFk3fj.png Alas, poor Arkis! I knew him, readers, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. But not as much as Eugen. Eugen's awesome, Arkis can't compare.



vebK9SH.pngNot much for talking, are you? Or did I just surprise you?

mEimMQh.pngNo... I just ain't used to talking with ladies...

vebK9SH.pngOh? Well, I think that's better than being a skirt-chaser. I'm Julia by the way. Nice to meet you.


xQunKTk.png Garo's my spirit animal.

Now, that would be all for the guys we've fielded, but since there's only three more guys, I went out of my way to get their conversations. Here they are!


H7NXgsy.pngDon't worry, I'll be right here.

fcJEJ9A.pngRight... just be careful, okay?

H7NXgsy.pngYou don't have to worry, Plum. I'm unbeatable!

0zFk3fj.png You have nothing on Lot. Nothing.

J3ntLLJ.pngI will draw the enemy toward me. You must protect Princess Sasha.

U8ZKzY4.pngRaffin, no! Lord Runan, please stop him!

tN4k68u.pngHold, Raffin! Sasha is right. No matter how strong you are, charging in all on your own is pointless. Our army's strength relies on all of us fighting together in unison. You will fight in formation like the rest of us.

J3ntLLJ.png...Very well. I will follow your lead, commander.


And that's all the text. Now all that's left is the chapter...

...but, since I'm still experimenting with the format, I have decided to give shorter updates a short (hah! Hah...). Therefore, that'll be all for today. I beg of you, please tell me whether you'd prefer shorter updates like this one, or you'd rather have longer ones like the first two. Other than that, I have no more to say, aside from the word: farewell!

Death count: --

Reset count: 0


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Huh, even though I knew that Count Marlon travels with Runan, it never occurred to me to ask why he can't actually be deployed. Maybe he doesn't fight because he doesn't want Raffin and Esther to feel insecure.

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22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Can't let me forget, can ya?

Ah that's for everyone, need it nice and ready.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yeah, the one in the game with Galuf.

The old man who takes literally all the best moments from the rest of the cast.

It's a good thing 5's pretty fun to play (unlike 12.... or 2).

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Man, Morgans, Heavenly Arrows, what happens in this update... at this rate, Lieberia's gonna turn out to be Elibe a thousand years later. All we need now is time-traveling babies.

...what are you looking at me for?


You said it, not me.

I just said Bizarro Sacae's canon. Maybe.

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, Dorcas got into Heroes not because of his decent personality but because of mutton. And then there's Leif's absence, the one million Camilla alts that look like they were taken from Rule34, the one million Lyn alts, Reinhardt, the lolis... at this point, Heroes is just a tiny bit short of Payday 2's level of ridiculously blatant memes.

Well, Leif's in (And is actually pretty good. For a sword lord.), the main alt contention has been Camilla for a while for reasons (it involves a banner from last month and the backlash in response to that was something.), the small girls running around in armour has gotten choking to the point of absurdity and the main villain of Book II is now pullable. The memes are just choking. Maybe that partly explains my Heroes burnout.

Besides, the fandom's made its own memes, it's rare that IS capitalise on them (No, I wouldn't say alts count. If they did Hallow'een Dorcas would have been a weresheep and I could have died happy).

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why, no, your not allowed to do the same if I ever let any typos slip)


35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hTMofYU.png ...he actually won!? Why do people dislike Runan, exactly? That was awesome!

I think it's because he's usually considered a bit more generic. I did say he was the splenda of Leifs imo.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And with that, we got a staff that isn't actually called Aegis, but Enarmor. Remember how he said it's "a little gift"? Well... this staff halves all damage its target takes for the entire chapter. It's nothing short of godly, and the only downsides are that you need to give up Narron, which isn't really a downside for me, and that it's locked to Plum. Oh, well, there are worse ways to spend one's deployment slots.

So, how many uses does it have?

Mostly just want to clarify if Kaga got more balanced with his staves. Or not.

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's serious, he's smart, he knows to do what he has to do when necessary but also to question himself and others when he doesn't like what is happening, and he can even be sassy at times. Runan isn't here to listen to exposition: he's here to get shit done, and that penetrating gaze of his should tell you that much. Well, until you see him smile. I swear, I can't wait to see his first smile... it's that good.

I'd still say he's got plenty of exposition. Difference being that he isn't Boi.

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
On 12/1/2018 at 11:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

On an unrelated note, Daros, really? I could understand something like, I don't know, Roger, but Daros? That name can't be so common as to excuse this!


hTMofYU.png ...I can't believe it! He actually did it, the absolute madman!

I'm sorry, did you have this joke ready in advance, you mad man?

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Those don't look recruitable at all......

I'm almost tempted to use Lilina here. Not just yet.

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

(Please give me feedback on my sprites. I, for one, think I have improved a lot, but tell me what you think. Obviously, I had to resize the sprites to better fit this game, but I believe it works all right, and the fact that they're foreigners explains why they look different to everyone else, in-universe. I'll see if I can find a chance to post the normal-sized versions in any way.)

Don't have much to complain about with Sid, though I must admit Wrys's arms seem off to me. They look more like long fins at a glance honestly, though that's partly due to the work done to make it look like fabric. I'd say they look like they fold in strangely to me. I must also ask is Wrys's head right? I'm questioning myself on this.

Sure, I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of the styles being so jarring bit it doesn't kill me. It's like they crossed games Wreck-It Ralph style, Sid looks like he's Doomguy's cousin.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png What clerics? I don't see no clerics!

Meanwhile Plum cries off screen.

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I like the new portraits. They're clearly in a different style from the rest of the game, but Kaga himself is guilty of that with his recent indie project Vestaria Saga (if I recall correctly, he used some previously-unused art assets from this game alongside new ones done by a different artist) and like you said the difference could be explained by being from a different continent in-universe. The style itself I like, too; in particular I think you did a good job with Sid's armor.

I do have a criticism to make, and it's that Wrys's head looks significantly bigger on his body compared to Sid's. That might partially be because he's facing at an angle while Sid is looking straight forward, or because Wrys's sprite was relatively smaller before you resized it (just a guess here, I don't know that for sure since you haven't posted the originals yet), but it still looks weirdly inconsistent to me.

Also, Wrys doesn't seem to have arms. (mainly a joke, I get they're supposed to be tucked into his robe, but maybe there's more you could do with the shading to indicate that? I wouldn't know, I'm not an artist)

re: update length: If shorter updates mean that updates will be more frequent, I'm all for them.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, "he became sail"? I knew FE1's translation is terrible, but this terrible? Motherfucker! That's not even google translator, it's like they went out of their way to make it bad.

I don't normally respond to the replies to my replies but I should clarify that this is because that image was edited

the full ending was "He became sailor once again and disappeared." which is still funny but it's intelligible

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hTMofYU.pngAlthough, I cannot deny Eugen is the ultimate male form, and neither should you.

I mean, he is remarkably good-looking for 60... I would've guessed considerably younger than that myself, seeing as he isn't balding and still has quite a bit of brown in his hair at that (although the shading makes it a bit hard to tell how much).

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

tN4k68u.pngHold, Raffin! Sasha is right. No matter how strong you are, charging in all on your own is pointless. Our army's strength relies on all of us fighting together in unison. You will fight in formation like the rest of us.

Hey, come on, Runan... Raffin doesn't have that 8 movement for nothing, you should let him use it!

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Two updates!

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pirate Jeigan is also quite unheard of. Guess since you asked, I'll give him a shot or two!

I've doomed him, haven't I? Also I appreciate you spelling it Jeigan. Fun fact, my main character in WoW for a long time when I played it, and what I became known by in my long time guild even after switching characters, was in fact Jeigan. It's really weird realizing I can read the word Jeigan and part of me thinks it might refer to me...

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

There's a reason I'm not using screenshots for text anymore. We'd be here all day waiting for everything to load!

If I was smart I'd do this on my own LP. It'd also save me the time it takes to do the little bit of coding the text into the game after deleting the Japanese text...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Only a couple days 'till Smash Ultimate, everyone! Although, I probably won't get to play until monday, since I want it physical, and I probably won't get to play that much until next friday since I have The Week (which I already explained in the OP), but still! Fucking biggest Smash ever! So many things I want to see... like if the pros are right and Luigi truly got nerfed to oblivion, or if the other pros are right and Luigi isn't actually that bad, or if that rumor I read somewhere is right and Luigi faces Dracula as his final classic mode boss (don't tell me, I want to confirm it by myself), or if either Richter or Simon have a Barlowe alt (doubt it, but hey, a man can dream. Also, Barlowe for Spirits anyone?), and to play in New Pork City again after enjoying that stage so much in my childhood days...

I'm really excited for Ultimate as well, though I won't be getting it myself till around Christmas. I'll get to play it at a friend's place hopefully soon though. How much into competitive smash are you, if at all? I played for a little while in 4 (mained Dark Pit/Zelda, and I've played neither KIU or any Zelda game!), and I'm hoping to get into it again at least a bit when Ultimate hits. Although my main competitive game will probably stay as Soul Calibur VI, seeing that they finally brought Seong Mi-Na back who's my favorite fighting game character. Sort of played the character since I was like...8? button mashing on Soul Blade on PS1 cause I liked the person with the polearm!

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Now that's a recruitable character if I ever saw one.

After the boss from last chapter I'm not sure anymore.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh dear, I am in trouble, aren't I? But let me tell you one thing before I go, your Chancellorness...

That's...actually the line? Yeah I like this guy too.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


I dunno what this game is doing anymore. They make some enemies look like last chapter's first boss, and then there's this guy and the Chancellor's...Chancellorness.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That was surprisingly heavy for what seemed to be an obvious Sain-styled support conversation...

It's a little jarring seeing something like that by Chapter 2. I mean I guess some of the games do stuff like that, but I feel like not in just a character conversation between non-lords like that.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I like her, and I probably'll use her, given that I'll be using Garo as per Unknowngamer's request.

Speaking of Garo, I know myself. I'm prone to accidents. So let's put the Master Potion where it's safe, before I missclick and give it to someone who doesn't need it .

Aww thanks! And hey you're trying to keep him alive, that counts for something! Well, it does for now.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

A money bag, cool. These can be opened for a random amount of cash between 2000 and 4000, or sold for a flat 3000. Weird, but okay.

That just seems awfully...pointless? Feels like it's just thrown in RNG for the heck of it. Should I feel bad I wanted to respond with some variant of "Weird flex but okay"?

Also so far happy with Lee and Garo!

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My goodness, Lord Runan! You must make an effort to better understand women. When you take rule of Razelia, you will welcome a fine lady into the palace as your wife. Whether it be Lady Sasha or Sister Enteh... Being oblivious will not win you any prizes, milord

I love him.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lee ain't this game's most talkative character, but this one line says a lot about his character. For one, he clearly doesn't think much of the things he's supposed to preach.

I could kinda read it as either that, or that he knows it just wouldn't do good here for her that and that she needs to see and experience more.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hey Roger's a cool name it's not like it's my middle name or anything noooo....

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A cool thing about this chapter is that we get text based on who's fielded.

I wish FE did this more.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You have nothing on Lot. Nothing.

I mean, you could replace him...

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On 04/12/2018 at 7:45 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Who's Bartz? I thought her brothers name was Juliattisnacordst

Anyway about the sprites, Sid looks like he's standing to attention (like a good soldier) and Wrys at least looks better than his GBA form *shudders*

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Part 4 - 'Nam flashbacks.

Remember when I said I wouldn't get Smash Ultimate until next monday and I wouldn't be able to play because I'm busy?

Well, remember the time I said I wouldn't start a new LP until a year later because I was busy? Yeah, same deal, except this time I'm not dropping out. Yet.

Apparently my piss-poor luck isn't restricted to FE, because I'm like 30 characters in and still no signs of Luigi anywhere in sight. Gee, thanks, game. I really needed Yoshi, or Jigglypuff, or Luca-- actually, I did want Lucas, but still! Where's my Weegee boi?! I need him so I can clear up all my doubts regarding his new grab and ledges!

On 4/12/2018 at 9:54 PM, BrightBow said:

Huh, even though I knew that Count Marlon travels with Runan, it never occurred to me to ask why he can't actually be deployed. Maybe he doesn't fight because he doesn't want Raffin and Esther to feel insecure.

Or maybe he just really really hates having responsibilities. He did refuse to become Chancellor, allowing Codha to shoehorn his massive ass into the position...


On 4/12/2018 at 10:56 PM, Dayni said:

Ah that's for everyone, need it nice and ready.


The old man who takes literally all the best moments from the rest of the cast.

Jagen would be proud. And Eugen, and my LP's Marcus, and Barlowe...

It's a good thing 5's pretty fun to play (unlike 12.... or 2).

This is hilarious when you replace FF with FE.

You said it, not me.

Damn you, me!

I just said Bizarro Sacae's canon. Maybe.

No. I would doubt it.

Well, Leif's in (And is actually pretty good. For a sword lord.), the main alt contention has been Camilla for a while for reasons (it involves a banner from last month and the backlash in response to that was something.), the small girls running around in armour has gotten choking to the point of absurdity and the main villain of Book II is now pullable. The memes are just choking. Maybe that partly explains my Heroes burnout.

Ah, Leif's in? Cool, I guess. I might honestly give them a download if I was guaranteed a Cecilia. And a Sheema. And a Jagen, and a Hardin, and a Lyon, and an Athena, and if Arran was added, as well as Malicia, and Lot, and Dougy, and Frost, and...

Bottom line, facebook farm energy system/10, won't buy, sorry, not sorry.

Besides, the fandom's made its own memes, it's rare that IS capitalise on them (No, I wouldn't say alts count. If they did Hallow'een Dorcas would have been a weresheep and I could have died happy).

Yeah, well, memes are made for a reason. I mean, look no further than the Star Wars Prequels. The memes there were a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


(I was hoping someone would pick up the cue. I am not disappointed)

I think it's because he's usually considered a bit more generic. I did say he was the splenda of Leifs imo.

Well... now that you mention it... he looks like Leif, he has a badass old guy as his sidekick... still, the difference is that this game's translation doesn't suck ass so I can actually enjoy Runan and Eugen.

So, how many uses does it have?

Mostly just want to clarify if Kaga got more balanced with his staves. Or not.

Yeah, it's as BrightBow said... nope.

I'd still say he's got plenty of exposition. Difference being that he isn't Boi.

Exposition is a lot more enjoyable when the guy receiving it isn't repeating the last few words of every sentence, that much is true. Blistering friggin' barnacles, I swear, I still feel residue boredom from those horrible conversations to this day. Also, Merlinus. Urgh...

I'm sorry, did you have this joke ready in advance, you mad man?

Hwahahah... what does it look like?

Those don't look recruitable at all......

I'm almost tempted to use Lilina here. Not just yet.

Personaly, I think Berom looks much more recruitable. He has a trustworthy face.



Don't have much to complain about with Sid, though I must admit Wrys's arms seem off to me. They look more like long fins at a glance honestly, though that's partly due to the work done to make it look like fabric. I'd say they look like they fold in strangely to me. I must also ask is Wrys's head right? I'm questioning myself on this.

Why can't I ever get Wrys wright? Sorry, right? Oh, well, at least he doesn't look like Hans Moleman anymore...

Sure, I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of the styles being so jarring bit it doesn't kill me. It's like they crossed games Wreck-It Ralph style,

'Fraid we'll have to get used to it. I, too, wish there was a better way, but remaking every one of my sprites yet again would be difficult, and I really wanted to play this game and not FE7, so... yeah. Let's say they're foreign and all, it's totes not me being lazy. 'Sides, I went as far as to make them half-body sprites! That's a lot of effort.

Sid looks like he's Doomguy's cousin.

Huh... I can see it too, actually. He's like Doomguy but 20 years younger and his health is permanently capped at 10% so he looks like shit all day long. Poor guy... maybe I went too overboard with him. Then again, I went overboard with everyone in that fanfic, up to and including myself!

Meanwhile Plum cries off screen.

Poor girl. Maybe I shouldn't be so mean. I'll make sure she gets a confortable part of the bench.


On 4/12/2018 at 11:17 PM, Ruminant said:

I like the new portraits. They're clearly in a different style from the rest of the game, but Kaga himself is guilty of that with his recent indie project Vestaria Saga (if I recall correctly, he used some previously-unused art assets from this game alongside new ones done by a different artist) and like you said the difference could be explained by being from a different continent in-universe. The style itself I like, too; in particular I think you did a good job with Sid's armor.

Well, at least it seems people like Sid. One out of two, thus far. Let's see if I can keep it up.

I do have a criticism to make, and it's that Wrys's head looks significantly bigger on his body compared to Sid's. That might partially be because he's facing at an angle while Sid is looking straight forward, or because Wrys's sprite was relatively smaller before you resized it (just a guess here, I don't know that for sure since you haven't posted the originals yet), but it still looks weirdly inconsistent to me.


Yeah... I'm afraid not. Wrys just has a huge head, to compensate for last time when he looked like a rotten tomato. Still, Sid's one of my personal favourites of the sprites I made for this game's bad fanfic, while Wrys is merely acceptable in my eyes, so perhaps the comparison is a bit unfair. After last LP's Wrys, anything works.

Still, I'll try to defend my case here and say that Sid's supposed to be rather small, whereas Wrys is implied to be somewhat overweight. At least I think he is. Sid's only taller than him because Wrys's hunched over. That's my take on the size discrepancy. You could also go with the good ol' "Ruben's bad at things" explanation. Never fails.

Also, Wrys doesn't seem to have arms. (mainly a joke, I get they're supposed to be tucked into his robe, but maybe there's more you could do with the shading to indicate that? I wouldn't know, I'm not an artist)

Actually, he's doing that thing villagers do in Minecraft, for reference. I don't know, I honestly don't really see the problem with the arms, myself. Him being supposed to be a little hunched over may not help matters.

Yeah, I did just reference Minecraft. Right as 2018 is about to end. Got a problem?

Well, you'll have even more of a problem when I tell you I still play it...

re: update length: If shorter updates mean that updates will be more frequent, I'm all for them.

Well, not quite. It might help me be more consistent, but I won't go daily or anything crazy like that, sorry. Not at the moment, at least, I have an extreme amount of exams next week because I'm bad at starting LPs at the right time.

I don't normally respond to the replies to my replies but I should clarify that this is because that image was edited

the full ending was "He became sailor once again and disappeared." which is still funny but it's intelligible

Don't scare me like that, girl, c'mon. I almost thought there was something worse than Thracia's translation for a second there!

I mean, he is remarkably good-looking for 60... I would've guessed considerably younger than that myself, seeing as he isn't balding and still has quite a bit of brown in his hair at that (although the shading makes it a bit hard to tell how much).

It's Eugen. His hair tried to go white, but he forced it into submission. By mocking it 24/7.

Hey, come on, Runan... Raffin doesn't have that 8 movement for nothing, you should let him use it!

Much unlike me, who has benched him today!


On 5/12/2018 at 2:37 AM, eclipse said:

I'm definitely enjoying the story segments.  And I think Esther is my spirit animal.

Really, now? Are you also a dick to people for no apparent reason?

Then again, Arkis goes from being flirtatious to having Vietnam flashbacks to acting extremely agressive and getting mad at everyone in the span of one chapter, so maybe I can understand why she doesn't have much patience with him.


On 5/12/2018 at 4:24 AM, Unknown Gamer11 said:

Two updates!

I've doomed him, haven't I? Also I appreciate you spelling it Jeigan. Fun fact, my main character in WoW for a long time when I played it, and what I became known by in my long time guild even after switching characters, was in fact Jeigan. It's really weird realizing I can read the word Jeigan and part of me thinks it might refer to me...

There's a Jeigan in WoW? Wow.

No, wait, I just googled it, I think I just found your own personal character instead...

...I know next to nothing about WoW, why do you ask?

If I was smart I'd do this on my own LP. It'd also save me the time it takes to do the little bit of coding the text into the game after deleting the Japanese text...

It's not that great. The time you'd save coding, you'd spend transcribing. I really am only doing it so that it takes less hours to load everything. Might just be my internet, but damn is reading my FE6 LP painful. I mean, more so than it already is by itself.

I'm really excited for Ultimate as well, though I won't be getting it myself till around Christmas. I'll get to play it at a friend's place hopefully soon though. How much into competitive smash are you, if at all? I played for a little while in 4 (mained Dark Pit/Zelda, and I've played neither KIU or any Zelda game!), and I'm hoping to get into it again at least a bit when Ultimate hits. Although my main competitive game will probably stay as Soul Calibur VI, seeing that they finally brought Seong Mi-Na back who's my favorite fighting game character. Sort of played the character since I was like...8? button mashing on Soul Blade on PS1 cause I liked the person with the polearm!

I live in a tiny village, and our internet's... subpar. It works for something like Team Fortress 2 that's on PC, but combined with Nintendo's terrible online service, it just doesn't work. I won't waste my 20 euros on a horribly unreliable online that I'd barely use and a bunch of NES games I don't care much about, sorry.

Smash has always been more of a Singleplayer experience for me, with the ocassional couch multi since I started actually inviting people over to my house last year. I guess I'm one of those weirdoes. Really, all I need in a smash game is for the bots to be competent: the better the bots are, the more fun I have and the longer it lasts. Everything on top of that is just a bonus. I've heard some really damn good things about this game's bots, and I'd take a better classic mode and World of Light over the coliseum any day, so... heck, this may just be the Ultimate Smash, after all! Now all that remains is to see whether Luigi is as bad as people say he is. If he isn't, it'll be perfect.

This was me from before getting Smash, of course. Not that things have really changed: I still have no idea whether Luigi's bad or not. Urgh...

After the boss from last chapter I'm not sure anymore.

Hah. You'll see your expectations subverted a few more times by the time this thing's over. Kaga just loves turning things upside down.

That's...actually the line? Yeah I like this guy too.

It is, and I'm very glad it is.

I dunno what this game is doing anymore. They make some enemies look like last chapter's first boss, and then there's this guy and the Chancellor's...Chancellorness.

His Chancellorness cannot be compared to this guy, though. This guy's way nicer on the eyes. At least he doesn't have facial cancer...

It's a little jarring seeing something like that by Chapter 2. I mean I guess some of the games do stuff like that, but I feel like not in just a character conversation between non-lords like that.

To be fair, it is an optional conversation.

Aww thanks! And hey you're trying to keep him alive, that counts for something! Well, it does for now.

Did I paint such a bad image of myself in the last LP that me trying to keep people alive comes as a surprise to some?

...don't answer that. Please.

That just seems awfully...pointless? Feels like it's just thrown in RNG for the heck of it. Should I feel bad I wanted to respond with some variant of "Weird flex but okay"?

Well, it's easily abusable, so I'm okay with it. Even though I can't abuse it because of my self-imposed rules.

Also so far happy with Lee and Garo!

It's sad that my Jeigans are doing better than the rest... not quite sure how to feel about it.

I love him.

It would be hard not to. It'd take a severe lack of a heart to dislike Eugen, and by then, you'd be dead, because humans can't live without a heart to pump blood!

I could kinda read it as either that, or that he knows it just wouldn't do good here for her that and that she needs to see and experience more.

A decent suggestion, but I kinda prefer my own version. It makes the fact that he burns people alive as if it's nobody's business a little less unreasonable.

Hey Roger's a cool name it's not like it's my middle name or anything noooo....

Your middle name's Roger? That's good to know. I shall have to use Roger, then! Man, so many options... I can't make up my mind, so I guess we'll just have to wait for the game to do it for me with some good ol' slaughtering.

I wish FE did this more.

Yeah, it does feel more organic than waiting 100 turns for supports to pop up.

I mean, you could replace him...

Hah! As if we needed even more clashing sprites. Furthermore, I have no idea how to hack Tear Ring Saga. Pretty sure it's possible, there are some really obscure japanese hacks out there that I've heard of in passing, but... yeah. No such thing as Tear Ring Nightmare.


On 6/12/2018 at 7:03 PM, Pengaius said:

Who's Bartz? I thought her brothers name was Juliattisnacordst

That's how well she knows her own brother, she doesn't even know his name, Juliattisnacordst!

Anyway about the sprites, Sid looks like he's standing to attention (like a good soldier) and Wrys at least looks better than his GBA form *shudders*

Don't remind me... I still don't know I ever saw that shit as acceptable...




Last time, we had tons of words. I posted the team for today in the middle of everything. Allow me to give you a refresher on that.


Before we begin, some inventory management. In this case, I'll be giving Kate's estoc to Sasha, since she doesn't need it.


...you son of a bitch... Kate's the only one who can use it aside from Raffin and Runan, and Raffin's not coming today and Runan has his rapier.


Fine. There you go. I'll keep the iron sword around, I suppose.


And we beg-- wait, enemy turn?


Yeah, another cool little thing that happens in this chapter is that, since Eritz was the one to bring the fight to us, he also gets the first turn. Neat, although since they're so far away, it doesn't really amount to much.


Eritz stayed behind like a pussy, but not Runan. Runan will be leading his army's charge! ...sort of!

Wait, wasn't Sasha supposed to be leading it? Oh, well, I guess she's the leader in name only.


Aaaaaaaaand there we go, text. What, you thought just because last update was all text we'd get away scot-free today? Fat chance! Almost as much as his Chancellorness!

By the way, notice how Holmes's boat is still parked at the port. Jeez, is that lazy asshole never going to leave for Isura?


Meet Narcus. Narcus is a huge scumbag, but he gives Eugen some of his best moments, so you won't hear me complain. Too much. Ergh, too too much...

Okay, I will most likely complain, but still, I'm glad he exists, the humongous lamprey.

orfi8jp.pngHere, you'll love it. Steak tartare and some soup. Now eat up and leave me alone.

rLHd6qi.png Thanks! Man, this looks great. I knew you were a nice lady!



And that's that. A tiny bit of text to get us going. The cavalry's almost upon us, so I take steps to try and make sure nobody dies.


I failed. Jeez, Runan! What's that damage? Work on your bulk!


Kate's all out of shield uses. Oh, well, was good while it lasted.


And thus begins Runan's desperate survival waltz. Seems to be going dandy for now.


Yeaaaah he'll probably be okay.


Not Garo, though. I don't think I have mentioned it, so for anyone who hasn't realised it yet, here goes: this game does not have the weapon triangle. Fighting lances with swords is often better than doing it with axes, as the low weight of swords helps somewhat to offset the high accuracy of lances. Still, don't take that as gospel.


That seems to be about everybody. We've pulled through! The hardest part of this rather mild chapter is over.


Reinforcements reinforce the enemy. Those are some funky-looking Cavaliers...


xQunKTk.png And they come with dialogue! That must mean they're important.


0zFk3fj.png ...I'm sorry?


IfRBMws.png ...ruffians on horses?








Out of my way, rabble! You're no longer my objective!


Good, good, keep up the pace, everyone. We musn't allow those vermin to take a single house!


Garo! I don't want you to Jeigan, I want you to kill!


Time to whip out the big guns! In all seriousness, I must hurry up, horsebrigands or no horsebrigands. Letting this many soldiers live would be highly problematic for my team.


Neeeeeh... don't like it too much.


At least we get to see Enteh's animations at last. She's not quite as intense as Lee is. She barely even lifts her staff! C'mon!


Ah, at last! A kill for Sasha!


Pffffhahahahahah... it looks like she's hanging from the horse's head by her cape. Is that sentence correct? I have a feeling it's not. Oh well, I'm spanish and all that.



This is it, Sasha. You're staying on the team until the day you die. And maybe even after that.


Bah, Arkis! I'm trying to give you a chance here! My patience wears thin, and you haven't even levelled up yet!!


Uh, cool. I appreciate it.


Like I said, I need guys dead right this instant, so Lee will be shooting some more hadoukens. Jesus... look at that! He 1HKOs this guy too!


D-Damn you!


Ah-ha! Thought you had won, eh? Well, think again, you bamboozling pinecone!


Kate's power can be quite useful at the start, even if she isn't the best unit later on.


Another one?


This is the result of all the killing. Only one enemy can reach Sasha, so I think we may call this a victory already.

Wait, no, we can't. The fucking horsemen are still alive... hmmmph...! Don't think you'll get away just because I'm busy fighting these idiots! Maybe I could kill that one close to us...


Of course not. Urk...


I could not kill the horsemen... sure hope they don't have 30 move or anything like that. Horsemen are sleazy, deceiving, treacherous, mustache-twirling creatures. I do not trust them in the slightest. They're highly likely to cheat if one gives the the opportunity to.


Even Sasha's dodge is freaky. What is she doing?


But at least she dodged, unlike some people I can think of.


Grrr... what are you waiting for?! Come at me, so I may break your every cell! One by one!


Out of the way...


...I said!

Hah! That'll net us a level 4 Kate. Do well, Katey, and I shall see to it that you're rewarded.


Hey, I'm okay with this. She's prone to having strength problems. At the very least, it's better than the level she got last time.


Another kill for the princess of Wellt! Dew it!


Y'know, I just realised this is a child soldier I'm employing. An orphan child soldier, at that! Besides, she's the princess of this place. If she dies, we're fucked. I shouldn't be risking her life so casually...


Ah, who cares, she's good!


Worth a shot, anyone?


Hah! Hella worthy!

Now I feel bad... allow me to rephrase that: in quantities that could be classified as of major volume, I deem this investment of my tomahawk uses to have paid off adequately.

Ah, much better. My inner nerd is satisfied. Now...


...fuck yes, now it's even more satisfied! Skill, and even more defenses. I like it, I really do! Keep up the good work, and I will make sure you always reach the battlefield in time!


Since there's still one enemy left, I take no chances and heal Kreiss up with the physic. Don't worry, it's a lot more common in this game than you'd think it should be.


Ah, well, the enemy fled...

...wait, the enemy fled?

Yeah, the AI in Tear Ring is actually a lot more cowardly than it is in official FEs. No pointless suicidal charges here: if an enemy's at low health or can't damage any unit in their range, they won't attack. That makes tanks a little annoying to use, since they can't just wipe the floor with every mook in the enemy phase, as they'll actually be smart and refuse to attack. As well, hunting down priests and thieves can quickly become into an episode of Benny Hill. I remember one in particular that's extremely annoying to catch. Damn them and their... actual tactics!


But none of that matters now, because these bastards are on the move. Hellspawns! I will kick your ass until you'll be begging for me to let you return to the deepest circles of Hell!


There! What're ya gonna do now, huh? Huh?! Fuck you! Fuck you!


Oi! Don't just run up to a woman and stab her with your pole like that! You must go on a date with her first!

Although, I can't see a date with Esther ending well, so... maybe it's best to just leave her alone.


Oh, too late, you're already the MurderPrincess's next prey.


Wahahahah! Half moon strike!

...wait, what?


A cute little detail about these bandits is that they don't belong to the enemy faction. They're yellow, which is the color of bile and pus. Speaking of, let us make them spit both of those substances in great quantities.


Which is to say DIE!


There! That's one of them down... but all need to fall, otherwise the universe may not regain stability! Or my mind! It has been an entire year since FE12, but my horse-riding demons still pursue me to this day... this shall be my release!


Or maybe I'll just get sucky levels. That's also a possibility.


I'll be merciful, though, so as not to sink to their level, and have Lee just heal instead of purging the devil out of them. I'll just have the others beat the devil out of them instead!


But first, just to toy with them a little, let's start visiting the villages they never will get to plunder. Hah! Suffer, you miserable rats!


orfi8jp.pngBut not as the Verje army-- the Wellt Liberation Army. I'm sure the Liberation Army is in the right, but... I can't help but shudder when I think of how many lives will be lost in this war.

0zFk3fj.png None. Those darnable horseraiders cannot hide from me!

orfi8jp.pngI pray that Wellt will soon be free of warfare... oh, please wait. This used to belong to my grandfather. It's a lance that'll penetrate even the strongest shields. It doesn't look any different from a normal lance to me, but maybe in your hands...


It's just an iron lance with a +1% crit, like the sword Runan got in chapter 1. On an unrelated note, the avid reader may've noticed that the game remembered which villager was in this house. It's not the only time it happens.

I'll visit the remaining houses later. Now, the time has come to send those filthy hounds back where they belong.


Thought you could get away by splitting up? Never! I will not allow it! You will all be ash flying away with the wind by the time I'm done with you!


Here are the stats of the assholes. They have skills that are of no relevance and horrible stats. They will be easy pickings.


Easy pickings for the TACTICAL NUKE!!


Son of a-- you won't get away from me-- from Lee!


There, down you go!


The actual reason I gave that kill to Lee, besides the schadenfreude, is that I wanted to preserve the shield. Magic doesn't and isn't affected by normal shields, so Lee was the way to go here. Or, y'know, just ignore it and kill the guy normally: 1 defense + 4 still isn't that much.


Bastardly coward! Earthworm! Conniving knave! Blistering facial cancer in the face of his Chancellorness, HOW DARE YOU HIT ONE OF MY UNITS! YOU SHALL REGRET THAT!




Defense? Defense! That's great, great! Thank you for being great, Sashy-pie!


Sashy-pie... pfhah. The things that come out of my mouth sometimes...

Ah! There! A living horseman! Eradicate him!


Julia hasn't seen any action in this chapter. I'll let her torture this evil being for a while before I put an end to its miserable existance...




FUCK YOU TO HELL AND BACK, I'M WINNER! let's visit some houses to celebrate our victory.


orfi8jp.pngIf you can't pay, you can't stay. Now get out!

rLHd6qi.png B-But... hold on a sec!

orfi8jp.pngHere, take your stuff! Now hit the road!



rLHd6qi.png ...Hm? Hey now, quit your starin'! I ain't a street performer, so get lost!

xQunKTk.png Hoo, boy... bad choice, Narcus, bad fucking choice.

vUN6DQJ.pngI thought I recognized you, Narcus. I see you haven't changed.

rLHd6qi.png Oh Yutona, don't tell me... damn it, it IS you, old man!

tN4k68u.pngWeren't you headed to Isura with Holmes?

rLHd6qi.png I jumped ship before it set sail. I'm a peaceful guy, y'know? I hate fighting. No way I'm risking my life against a bunch of crazy pirates. Besides, I was tired of being bossed around, so I figured it was as good a time as any to kiss my pirating days goodbye.

0zFk3fj.png "Expert thieves", I see... Holmes's got a keen eye for choosing his partners in crime.

rLHd6qi.png Hey, I know! Sir Runan, would you be so kind as to hire me? I'm no warrior, but when it comes to picking locks or sneaking around, you'll find no one better than yours truly.

0zFk3fj.png As a matter of fact, I would doubt it. You're an idiot, for starters.


vUN6DQJ.pngIf you succeed, I shall count you among our ranks.

rLHd6qi.png Are you senile, old man?! Who would ever do something so crazy? It's practically suicide!

xQunKTk.png Ah, it's not quite so crazy as defying Eugen.

vUN6DQJ.pngFine, then. We'll just turn you over to Holmes. He hates sneaky rascals like you. When he finds out what you've done, I'm sure you'll have more than a few broken bones.

rLHd6qi.png N-No... spare me, Sir Eugen! Please! All right, I'll do whatever you ask. You want me to sneak into the palace, right? What am I supposed to investigate?

vUN6DQJ.pngFirst, Queen Liza's safety. Second, the castle's military strength. Third, Chancellor Codha's movements. Fourth, their troops' morale. Fifth, the local rumors.



hTMofYU.png Why is this man so perfect? And why isn't he in heroes instead of the 123955308th Camilla alt? I mean, I know IntSys hates Kaga's guts, but one has to learn to separate the art from the artist, and in this instance, the art's as good as it gets!

rLHd6qi.png *Yawn* Ah, that was a good nap... all right, I'll get going.

tN4k68u.pngNarcus, be careful. Don't get yourself killed.

rLHd6qi.png Of course. Oh, where should we rendezvous, prince?

tN4k68u.pngWe're currently headed toward the Great Bridge north of Fort Wellt.

rLHd6qi.png Understood, I'll find you there.



hTMofYU.png Not quite as much as your sass, my friend. Hmm... beard, perfect hair, sassy as all hell... I wonder... how the world would react if he were to gain the high ground...

tN4k68u.pngWe need to get going, too. The battle isn't over yet.

0zFk3fj.png ...I beg you pardon? It isn't? I thought it was...


Ohhhh that's right, we were supposed to be fighting Eritz. Lost amidst my PTSD-triggered frenzy, I completely forgot about him!


Sooooo yeah. This guy. He's really bad, but he moves. That can be annoying, but since he has -5 speed, it's not that terrible a surprise, unless he goes after Enteh or Plum.


We'll be dealing with him later. Now, it's visiting time.


Oh hey there, generic man.

orfi8jp.pngEven if they train to their peak, some of your soldiers just won't be as good as other ones. Especially the ones who've already got quite a few years under their belt! They're at a disadvantage to the younger, nimbler kids.

0zFk3fj.png What are you talking about? Lee's my best unit!

orfi8jp.pngHowever, there's one way to get around this handicap, and that's with one of these occult books! The book's words themselves are nothing special, but after you read it, you'll be a new man! You'll be able to push yourself just as hard as one of those young kids are able to. Use it wisely!


So it's basically a self-help book that actually helps because it raises a unit's level cap by 10? Awesome! Thanks, dude. As usual, you're the best generic person in the game.


orfi8jp.pngCodha says that it's because Count Marlon took the princess hostage and started a rebellion... But rumor has it that the queen is actually being kept prisoner for trying to stop Codha. I'm ashamed of myself for slandering the queen without knowing anything.

xQunKTk.png If you recall, this was the same guy with the ex issues in the first chapter who was trashtalking the queen for appointing Codha for His Chancellorness instead of Marlon. Like I said before, the game remembers things!

orfi8jp.pngHere, this is a magical potion that'll make you luckier. I'll give it to you, so please help Queen Liza!


Cute. Did your ex give this to you also?


Dolph. This guy shows up so much, maybe I should make him a portrait. But nah... still haven't seen his full body, he'd look out of place. Much unlike my OCs.

orfi8jp.pngCodha's tyranny is getting worse by the day. You're out only hope now. Ah, I know! Here, take this. It's a family heirloom, but I'm no knight. You might find some use for it.


Ladies and gentlemen, the reason Narron is so broken. The second he promotes, he becomes ridiculous, and he can promote as soon as right now. Since he's not here, unfortunately, I'll be needing some guidance. Feel free to make suggestions as to who should get this. I'm leaning towards Kate, she could use the boost sooner than later, since it's so negligible, but we'll see: right now, nobody can use it, anyways.


Here's this guy... nothing to say?


Ah, okay.

orfi8jp.pngAnd for good reason, too! That Codha is nothing more than a common thief. He steals as much wealth as he can frmo his people to line his own pockets. I'm on your side, too. Good luck! I know, I'll give you this. It's got a technique of how to not tire out your horse after charging at the enemy. Hope you make good use of it!


Astounding! Sadly, this doesn't work if we give it to an infantry unit (I learnt that the hard way...), but give it to a horsie, and they'll instantly learn Canto, no questions asked. We'll be keeping this for now.


Last house, it's the academy. If you recall, I mentioned this place taught Sea Fighter. I didn't pay it a visit in chapter 1 because back then we only had 6 units (one of which already had the skill), but since this is our last chance to learn how to swim, I figured I'd give it to Julia.


Jeez! What in the world happened to you, man? You look like a goomba from the Super Mario Brothers film that was turned back into a human, badly!

4wf1MCa.pngPirates are everywhere these days, so knowing how to fight at sea is a must-have if you're gonna be sailing through the Sea of Senay! Hmm... you look like a good fighter! Interested in learning the ways of fighting at sea?


Sure, as long as it doesn't involve you shoving Julia's head underwater...


The screen fades to black for a moment, and...

4wf1MCa.pngCongratulations, soldier! You may now call yourself a fully-fledged seafarer! You'll be a force to be reckoned with on the high seas. Use your new skills to knock some sense into those pirating goons!


All right, so now she has--



Oh. Turns out, I was calling these skills by their old translation names. City fighter here is, for instance, Urbanite. The strange thing is, for every non-terrain related skill, I know the new names better! Paragon is Paragon in this game, and same goes for Canto, Adept, etc. I suppose since they are passive skills, one sees their names less often... I'll give myself a pass, and I expect you all will, too.


Anyway, Eritz. Here's a really cool thing you can do in this game:


Set little flags down around the map, like an actual strategyman! Heck yeah, how's that for professionalism!


Sadly, they disappear as soon as you press "end turn". Also, yeah, turn 19. Months may've passed, and I may've beaten FE12 again twice since I turned into a lurker, but I'm still a very slow player. If anything, FE6 taught me to be slow as molasses and take no risks!


Whatever the case, let's offer Kate to Eritz and see if he takes the bait.




You suck, Eritz, you really do. I don't even want to know what your stats looked like before you ate up a Knight Crest!


He's so fucked.


I'll give Julia the bosskill, since she has barely seen any action today, but first...


Leevel! Hype, hype, hype


Blistering barnacles... oh, well. You're still amazing, I'll give you some leeway.


There we go.


Sheesh, that's sad... I feel sorry for you, man. Don't worry, we'll gut His Chancellorness as soon as the game allows us to.



Defense? All right, but you need more, more!

And with that, I think we may call that a wrap. Next time, plot. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to trying to unlock Luigi in SSBU. As in, SSBUltimate, not SSB for Wii U. That's going to be a pain in the ass for a while... anyhow, farewell, and remember to drink a lot of water.

Death count: --

Reset count: 0


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Well, with the holidays and Smash, I did not expect any updates for at least a few weeks. Neat.

Man, imaging Barlowe in Ultimate with the Barlowe Punch as his Final Smash...

"Die Roy!

How dare you

Getting hit by

two axe users


weakass Lord!"


It's so weird how Sasha is on paper the leader of the Liberation Army but has no actual main story dialogue. (Well, starting now that the Liberation Army is an actual thing) She has plenty of optional scenes at the very least, but that's not quite the same.

Edited by BrightBow
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20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is hilarious when you replace FF with FE.

Maybe I don't agree on that. Then again, I'm of the opinion FE is a series with less real bad titles and is more even in its quality. FF on the other hand has that masterclass in IX and then II exists and proves that nostalgiafags are the worst (Where are the FFII defenders actually?).

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, Leif's in? Cool, I guess. I might honestly give them a download if I was guaranteed a Cecilia. And a Sheema. And a Jagen, and a Hardin, and a Lyon, and an Athena, and if Arran was added, as well as Malicia, and Lot, and Dougy, and Frost, and...

Bottom line, facebook farm energy system/10, won't buy, sorry, not sorry.

Sad part is that of those I'm pretty sure some were handed freely by now and all but Hardin are pretty accessible at this point without spending anything. Also stamina barely means anything at this point and stamina potions aren't too hard to stockpile even closer to launch.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The memes there were a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

Ah prequel memes, my overhyped part of reddit.

I don't think they mutate their memes half as well as the subreddit seems to think.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, it's as BrightBow said... nope.

Eh, 18 could be a lot worse. I'm pretty sure there'll be one that is just absurd for what it does.

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hwahahah... what does it look like?

That you did the LP just to make this joke?

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Poor girl. Maybe I shouldn't be so mean. I'll make sure she gets a confortable part of the bench.

Benched because an old man does the job better. Man that sucks.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


IfRBMws.png ...ruffians on horses?

Jeez, it could be worse still.

I would say something about cards, but that time is passed. These could be time-travellers though!

I'll be honest, I don't know where I'm going with this one.

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:




34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



This is it, Sasha. You're staying on the team until the day you die. And maybe even after that.

So we'll have to see if she keeps this up, could be a good choice for an early promotion.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Even Sasha's dodge is freaky. What is she doing?

Running with her sword stupidly?

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Or maybe I'll just get sucky levels. That's also a possibility.

Just bad knight things.

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


vUN6DQJ.pngIf you succeed, I shall count you among our ranks.

See that?

Eugen's fuck-o-meter managed to hit negative for a second.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png Why is this man so perfect? And why isn't he in heroes instead of the 123955308th Camilla alt? I mean, I know IntSys hates Kaga's guts, but one has to learn to separate the art from the artist, and in this instance, the art's as good as it gets!

Holy crap we need more people like Eugen in general honestly.

I mean, the fact he'd be the best character for Saga Heroes (working title) is probably reason enough.

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hTMofYU.png Not quite as much as your sass, my friend. Hmm... beard, perfect hair, sassy as all hell... I wonder... how the world would react if he were to gain the high ground...

Well, considering you're asking for prequel memes....


46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ladies and gentlemen, the reason Narron is so broken. The second he promotes, he becomes ridiculous, and he can promote as soon as right now. Since he's not here, unfortunately, I'll be needing some guidance. Feel free to make suggestions as to who should get this. I'm leaning towards Kate, she could use the boost sooner than later, since it's so negligible, but we'll see: right now, nobody can use it, anyways.

Of who you have, I think either a unit like Kate or keeping it for an early enough Sasha might be the call, I don't see the cavs being worth it (Barring one but spoilers).

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Set little flags down around the map, like an actual strategyman! Heck yeah, how's that for professionalism!

I wish that this was in more strategy games. Hell I could think of a use for Radiant Historia right now (It's... kind of my current game because I am just tearing into the endgame right now)

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Blistering barnacles... oh, well. You're still amazing, I'll give you some leeway.

I mean, it's the obvious reaction.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Sheesh, that's sad... I feel sorry for you, man. Don't worry, we'll gut His Chancellorness as soon as the game allows us to.

I guess these are back. Please tell me there'll be contextual ones.

I mean, I would have tried to play Chapter 9 in PoR again but I had to take some time to make a prequel meme. You're welcome.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



to be honest, I think this joke is getting a bit old

mainly because it doesn't even make sense here, at least in its original context; the reason why a horseman destroying a village in New Mystery was so shocking was because nothing up to that point indicated that horsemen could destroy villages, but here Runan outright tells the player (indirectly, because the player isn't a character in the story, but warning the player is still the obvious purpose of the dialogue) that horse guys are coming to destroy the houses, there's nothing surprising about it

maybe I'm being overanalytical, though

wait, if Runan is the one who warned you about ruffians on horses, and Marcus is the one who broke your brain, does that mean Runan is Marcus?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Pffffhahahahahah... it looks like she's hanging from the horse's head by her cape. Is that sentence correct? I have a feeling it's not. Oh well, I'm spanish and all that.

It looks correct to me. Then again, I'm bad at the English language despite it being my first and only, so...

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ladies and gentlemen, the reason Narron is so broken. The second he promotes, he becomes ridiculous, and he can promote as soon as right now. Since he's not here, unfortunately, I'll be needing some guidance. Feel free to make suggestions as to who should get this. I'm leaning towards Kate, she could use the boost sooner than later, since it's so negligible, but we'll see: right now, nobody can use it, anyways.

Agreed that Kate should get this Knight Crest. At the very least, it'll give her +3 Move, which should be enough to make up for the lackluster gains in other areas, I think... I hope?

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It's over... It's finally over...

I have successfully written another college paper in a weeks time, and one of three finals are done with. It's time to finally relax and check out this Lets Play!

...Aaaand it updated thrice, so I might have to skim a bit.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

This game cast's all bad. Just go in with that mindset, and draw your own conclussions from there.

So... Gaiden/Echoes, but you can't field everyone at once to make up for it?

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Well, I cannot say that I expected that.

On a serious note, this got a long, genuine laugh out of me that I needed for the week. Thank you for that.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Into The Breach, hmm? A man of culture, I see... good luck with that! Ergh, it's been days, but... still, good luck!

Surprisingly, I got the game only a few days after it launched, but for some baffling reason didn't play it for half the year. I got back into last month, and I'm still questioning why I put if off for so long.

Not that it really matters. The run that I was going to use as a deliberately over-complicated method of choosing the character ended in a game over anyway, as I found the hard way that the Steel Judoka squad only has one mech that can harm the Vek that burrows into the ground... and there were two of them on the map.

I love the game, but it is really hard to tell when something is your fault and when the computer is just screwing with you. That's really my only complaint against it.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png So already, the game has screwed over Sasha and Kate by randomly kicking them out of the team for a chapter. 'Suppose they needed to justify Luca's presence somehow, if you took him.


Seriously, my first thoughts were "Wait, what?" when I read that. What in the world was the thought process behind the decision, and why is it so difficult for Fire Emblem games to be nice to trainees?

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png In all seriousness, Raffin raises some solid points, and this sequence is, overall, really serious and dark in the subject it presents. I like that.

It's an interesting, if flawed, viewpoint to have about the bandits in these kind of games. He really doesn't shy away from the fact that sparing people like that leads to more harm than good, and at least the whole thing is acknowledged, unlike most of the bandit attacks of Fire Emblem.

His argument doesn't really account for the people that turned to banditry out of limited resources and desperation, though. Even if that situation isn't exactly common in videogames (off my head, I can only think of two examples of that; Almost everyone in Neo Scavenger (player included), and one of the story missions in Blustone, were after you fend off a bandit  attack on a refugee village, they turn around and become refugees. It's called out for the jerk move that it is, but given the context, no one blames them for it).

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

As for Bartz, he's a wonder... a wonder of copyright infringement! How many people is this man a copycat of at once? He's a Fighter called Bartz, but he also works as a woodcutter and is a speedy axeman, he bails a cleric out of a bandit hideout and escapes through a narrow mountain pass, he's the brother of a gentle, kind little cleric who thinks he's a bit of a klutz, and he recruits an idiot with a mount that unwillingly attacks the player army who he thinks is a bit of a klutz! These are all characters that existed before Tear Ring Saga! He's Julian, Matthis AND Lena all at the same time, and he doesn't stop there! How did Nintendo let this happen?!

I can only imagine if this was used during the lawsuit.

"Bartz is clearly a case of copying off pre-existing characters that we own. He *copy-paste what you just said because I really need to find and play Shadow Dragon to know who's who, and I don't want Serenes Forest to log me out for taking so long as is. Sorry.* Thus, judge, it's an open and shut case of plagiarism." 

"Yeah, but no Fire Emblem character was all three at once! So it's not plagiarism!"

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

vebK9SH.pngHmph, sure you did. Isn't it a lord's duty to protect his villages? If all you do is reap taxes and do nothing in return, we'd be better off without you knights at all!

Ignoring how kings and religion fits into it, the basis of feudalism is that a commoner agrees to work for a lord in exchange for said lord protection from bandit attacks and invading armies. In the land of reality and fiction alike, the commoners are always screwed in some way.

Story-wise, the lords are lazy, don't do their job, and at their worse, actively terrorize their subjects. Gameplay-wise, the lord gives it their all... and dies, meaning that you are now going to die a violent death at the hands at some merciless army.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png That was surprisingly heavy for what seemed to be an obvious Sain-styled support conversation...

That... changed tone rather quickly.

I can't say if I'm hopeful or weary that most of the games supports will pull that trick.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


More text-- whoa! What's wrong?

This game loves to run its mouth, doesn't it?

I wonder if anyone has attempted to make abridged series of this game yet. They definitely have their work cut out for them.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Some more fighting ensues. Seriously, I love Julia's animations. What is she doing? Did she trip in the second pic there?

It looks like she flashing the enemy to distract them... and it worked.

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


How is holding a lance like that supposed to be practical in any way, shape, or form?

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It still goes with everything (because the link won't embed, for some reason).

On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


If it hit, I could have made a joke about how it is very unwise to give flip off someone who is holding a bladed weapon.


On 12/4/2018 at 2:45 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
On 12/1/2018 at 6:26 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

On an unrelated note, Daros, really? I could understand something like, I don't know, Roger, but Daros? That name can't be so common as to excuse this!


hTMofYU.png ...I can't believe it! He actually did it, the absolute madman!

Roger means "Famous Spear" in German. Gerard, by the way, means "Brave Spear" in German.

The more you know.

On 12/4/2018 at 2:45 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

(Please give me feedback on my sprites. I, for one, think I have improved a lot, but tell me what you think. Obviously, I had to resize the sprites to better fit this game, but I believe it works all right, and the fact that they're foreigners explains why they look different to everyone else, in-universe. I'll see if I can find a chance to post the normal-sized versions in any way.)

I think they work as is, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to improve them as the Lets Play goes on. Wyrs in particular looks a little flat, and it took me a while to realize where his arms were.

On 12/4/2018 at 2:45 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Roger's army looks to be a little more numerous and imposing than Eritz's, but I see a lot of Bowmen... but that's irrelevant at the moment: our foe is Eritz.

Something tells me that Rogers army alternates very quickly between "easy" and "annoying" and back again really quickly.

Still, it's cool to see Kaga reuse something from Gaiden, even if that game didn't account for the spells on enemy magic users or summoners (especially since magic hits like a truck for both sides). Although I always did think that IS had a soft spot for that game, and I wouldn't be surprised if Kaga didn't mind referencing it every now and again.

On 12/4/2018 at 2:45 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png A cool thing about this chapter is that we get text based on who's fielded.

Huh, that's a pretty interesting idea, actually. I wouldn't mind seeing it in a Fire Emblem game. Then again, it's also something I could easily see them going overboard with, or it being underutilized, so I guess I'm not surprised why they never tried.

On 12/4/2018 at 2:45 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

And that's all the text. Now all that's left is the chapter...

...but, since I'm still experimenting with the format, I have decided to give shorter updates a short (hah! Hah...). Therefore, that'll be all for today. I beg of you, please tell me whether you'd prefer shorter updates like this one, or you'd rather have longer ones like the first two. Other than that, I have no more to say, aside from the word: farewell!

Considering how story and text heavy this game is, I think these shorter updates will work. It appears that there is enough meat to them anyway that they'll still be stuff to talk about.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not Garo, though. I don't think I have mentioned it, so for anyone who hasn't realised it yet, here goes: this game does not have the weapon triangle. Fighting lances with swords is often better than doing it with axes, as the low weight of swords helps somewhat to offset the high accuracy of lances. Still, don't take that as gospel.

I was wondering if the game had the weapon triangle. I guess that answers my question. Even though in real life swords really weren't that great of a weapon to use against lances.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ah, yes. The glorious moment that I myself have not witnessed, yet have definitely heard of.

Remind me to read that Lets Play inbetween updates.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Pffffhahahahahah... it looks like she's hanging from the horse's head by her cape. Is that sentence correct? I have a feeling it's not. Oh well, I'm spanish and all that.

Yeah, the sentence is correct. Although it also looks like she's trying to blindfold the horse with it. Maybe she saw that Batman utilizes his cape when taking out mooks, and though that she could do the same?

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, the AI in Tear Ring is actually a lot more cowardly than it is in official FEs. No pointless suicidal charges here: if an enemy's at low health or can't damage any unit in their range, they won't attack. That makes tanks a little annoying to use, since they can't just wipe the floor with every mook in the enemy phase, as they'll actually be smart and refuse to attack. As well, hunting down priests and thieves can quickly become into an episode of Benny Hill. I remember one in particular that's extremely annoying to catch. Damn them and their... actual tactics!

This isn't new. The AI in Gaiden/Echoes also retreated when it was low at health. Given that some of the enemy mages had healing spells, and there were healing tiles, it was a reasonable move, even if archers for some reason didn't attack while retreating, even when it was safe/practical to do so. This really only happens during the early game, though. Late game, most of the enemies will be strong enough that while you'll do enough damage that the next attack or so will kill them, it's often not enough that they'll go into "retreat" mode.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Set little flags down around the map, like an actual strategyman! Heck yeah, how's that for professionalism!

That would be so useful... in the older games. Nowadays, the "press a button or click on an enemy unit to see their attack range" pretty much does the same thing.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Blistering barnacles... oh, well. You're still amazing, I'll give you some leeway.

Wait, empty levels are a thing in this game?

Empty levels are a thing in this game?!?

With those growth Rates?!?!?!?!?!?

Heck! The original Gaiden had an awesome system where at least 1 stat was guaranteed upon level up in order to make up for it's atrocious growth rates!!! What is your excuse for forgetting that mechanic Kaga?!?!?!?!?!?!

...Also, I see what you did there.

Sorry for the giant response, but as I said, I had a paper to write last week, and I stayed up 'till midnight getting every it done. I'm not breaking another promise this early even if I have some more finals next week.

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You have to ask if I like being a dick? :P:


Ahem. . .kinda wish Eugen would hop universes and be his usual self to some snot-nosed lords.  Would be a good change of pace!

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Part 5 - More 'nam flashbacks (because I'm unoriginal)

Finally unlocked Luigi. The game finally let go of him after 40 characters, and that's not even in World of Light, I've yet to find him there. And I still haven't gotten the mage outfit for the Mii Gunner I need to make Barlowe and a plethora of other characters that I'd love to have. Urgh... but at least I got Luigi now.

Yeah, the plunger indeed does not work as a recovery option, but on the other hand punching people in the face with a plunger for 5% damage is the most hilarious thing ever, so... win some, lose some, I guess?

On 7/12/2018 at 11:36 PM, BrightBow said:

Well, with the holidays and Smash, I did not expect any updates for at least a few weeks. Neat.

Nonsense. If anything, I will be updating more after this week is passed and I get a ton more free time. I'm not one to binge on one-game marathons. Unless I really like the game and it's the first day or two, I usually just go with two or three at once so as not to get too bored of any of them. For instance, right now, aside from Ultimate and Tear Ring, I'm also playing Minecraft (I know, I know, save it) and Order of Ecclesia (Albus max lv1 mode, Death is proving to be the death of me. Why, yes, I did make it to Death, feel free to praise me. I even killed Eligor beforehand! Disregard the fact that I am finding it virtually impossible to beat Death and his bullshit random scythes that have no pattern or warning!).

Man, imaging Barlowe in Ultimate with the Barlowe Punch as his Final Smash...

"Die Roy!

How dare you

Getting hit by

two axe users


weakass Lord!"

"Die, Bayonetta!

How dare you...

be OP...

in the last game!


Stupid witch!"

"Die, Simon!

How dare you...

attempt to kill...

my Lord Dracula!


Stupid whippersnapper!"

"Die, Luigi!

How dare you...

attempt to kill...

my Lord Dracula!


Stupid chicken!"

"Die, Robin!

How dare you...

be a FE character...

and not be a Marth echo!


Stupid mage!"

"Die, Lucina!

How dare you...

be a FE character...

and be a Marth echo!


Stupid clone!"

"Die, Barlowe!

How dare you...

be a mere Mii Gunner...

and not the real deal!


Stupid copycat!"

...I'll stop myself now, before I actually do all 70-something characters without even realizing it. Man this line's so awesome, I just can't get enough of it!

It's so weird how Sasha is on paper the leader of the Liberation Army but has no actual main story dialogue. (Well, starting now that the Liberation Army is an actual thing) She has plenty of optional scenes at the very least, but that's not quite the same.

It is weird, but not the weirdest thing in this game.


Ronald McOnlyGetsOneScene



On 8/12/2018 at 12:03 AM, Dayni said:

Maybe I don't agree on that. Then again, I'm of the opinion FE is a series with less real bad titles and is more even in its quality. FF on the other hand has that masterclass in IX and then II exists and proves that nostalgiafags are the worst (Where are the FFII defenders actually?).

Well, never played II or Echoes, so... can't really speak of those. The map design looks really unappealing, that's about it.

Sad part is that of those I'm pretty sure some were handed freely by now and all but Hardin are pretty accessible at this point without spending anything. Also stamina barely means anything at this point and stamina potions aren't too hard to stockpile even closer to launch.

Cool, but still, my phone's been nearing critical mass for as long as I can remember, so...

Ah prequel memes, my overhyped part of reddit.

I don't think they mutate their memes half as well as the subreddit seems to think.

I'm more fond of YTPs for my prequel memeing, myself.

Eh, 18 could be a lot worse. I'm pretty sure there'll be one that is just absurd for what it does.

A lot worse?! That's more than Physic gets!

That you did the LP just to make this joke?

Not quite. That'd be the one that I'll make today.

Benched because an old man does the job better. Man that sucks.

Quite the common occurrence with these games. Ironically enough, they always tend to be magic users, too...

Jeez, it could be worse still.

I would say something about cards, but that time is passed. These could be time-travellers though!

I'll be honest, I don't know where I'm going with this one.

Yer drunk, matey. Go home.


Lee. Lee will do it.

So we'll have to see if she keeps this up, could be a good choice for an early promotion.

I doubt it, given the... situation with the Pegasus Knight's promotion.

Running with her sword stupidly?


Just bad knight things.

Cavalier. The bad knight things will come later.

See that?

Eugen's fuck-o-meter managed to hit negative for a second.

And then it surpassed negative infinite five mins later.

Holy crap we need more people like Eugen in general honestly.

I mean, the fact he'd be the best character for Saga Heroes (working title) is probably reason enough.

Eugen: God of Sass

I have no idea how Heroes stats look like so... stats. Insert funny jokes involving Eugen's hilarity.

Well, considering you're asking for prequel memes....


Thanks! Have one in return.


Of who you have, I think either a unit like Kate or keeping it for an early enough Sasha might be the call, I don't see the cavs being worth it (Barring one but spoilers).

Oooooooooor a Knight. Knights exist in this game. Even if they're already lagging behind and we don't even have them yet!

I wish that this was in more strategy games. Hell I could think of a use for Radiant Historia right now (It's... kind of my current game because I am just tearing into the endgame right now)

Good luck! As always, a few days have passed and you may've already gotten through it, but eh...

I mean, it's the obvious reaction.

Cute, real cute.

I guess these are back. Please tell me there'll be contextual ones.

Actually, Russ got one in chapter 1, so these were always back. It's just Yazam that didn't get any, and that's because I wanted to show off his Morgan edit.

I mean, I would have tried to play Chapter 9 in PoR again but I had to take some time to make a prequel meme. You're welcome.

I admire your dedication.


On 8/12/2018 at 2:56 AM, Ruminant said:

to be honest, I think this joke is getting a bit old

mainly because it doesn't even make sense here, stuff I didn't read because I was mad.

How dare you! I'll have you know, everything I do is perfect and your opinion is wrong! Begone from my thread, ungrateful little shit!

...nooooo wait don't leave meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

maybe I'm being overanalytical, though

Nah, it's okay. I had to fail at some point, didn't I? Although, I must admit, it was slightly disappointing to read something like that for a joke I've been planning since I started.

...okay, a bit before that...

...okay, for months. I've had that joke in mind for months. And the next!

wait, if Runan is the one who warned you about ruffians on horses, and Marcus is the one who broke your brain, does that mean Runan is Marcus?

Actually, that was supposed to be the Horseman's line. No wonder you didn't like the joke, you didn't even get it! For shame! Begone from my thread!

Scratch that, I need those views for my ego.

It looks correct to me. Then again, I'm bad at the English language despite it being my first and only, so...

English is bullshit, I can completely understand. Why in the world does the same letter have a thousand different pronounciations... and why is "pronounciation" such a difficult word to say!? I'm having trouble just thinking it!

Agreed that Kate should get this Knight Crest. At the very least, it'll give her +3 Move, which should be enough to make up for the lackluster gains in other areas, I think... I hope?

If not, I'll just feed her steroids.


On 8/12/2018 at 7:34 AM, Hawkwing said:

It's over... It's finally over...

I have successfully written another college paper in a weeks time, and one of three finals are done with. It's time to finally relax and check out this Lets Play!

As a man who left college after 3 months, I must say, you're a lot more dedicated than I was. I'm happy for you, I guess.

...Aaaand it updated thrice, so I might have to skim a bit.

Sorry, dude.

So... Gaiden/Echoes, but you can't field everyone at once to make up for it?


Well, I cannot say that I expected that.


On a serious note, this got a long, genuine laugh out of me that I needed for the week. Thank you for that.

You're welcome. That's what I'm here for.

Surprisingly, I got the game only a few days after it launched, but for some baffling reason didn't play it for half the year. I got back into last month, and I'm still questioning why I put if off for so long.

Not that it really matters. The run that I was going to use as a deliberately over-complicated method of choosing the character ended in a game over anyway, as I found the hard way that the Steel Judoka squad only has one mech that can harm the Vek that burrows into the ground... and there were two of them on the map.

I love the game, but it is really hard to tell when something is your fault and when the computer is just screwing with you. That's really my only complaint against it.

I played a solid 30~ hours of it and I can definitely recommend it. I actually was quite fond of the Steel Judoka. They were such a hilarious sight to behold.


Seriously, my first thoughts were "Wait, what?" when I read that. What in the world was the thought process behind the decision, and why is it so difficult for Fire Emblem games to be nice to trainees?

In all fairness, despite not getting the exp-fodder bandit chapter, she still is very easy to train, and by the time the first hard chapters start to come up, she'll be up to speed, easy.

It's an interesting, if flawed, viewpoint to have about the bandits in these kind of games. He really doesn't shy away from the fact that sparing people like that leads to more harm than good, and at least the whole thing is acknowledged, unlike most of the bandit attacks of Fire Emblem.

His argument doesn't really account for the people that turned to banditry out of limited resources and desperation, though. Even if that situation isn't exactly common in videogames (off my head, I can only think of two examples of that; Almost everyone in Neo Scavenger (player included), and one of the story missions in Blustone, were after you fend off a bandit  attack on a refugee village, they turn around and become refugees. It's called out for the jerk move that it is, but given the context, no one blames them for it).

It's just as Runan said: there's no easy way out of that.

I can only imagine if this was used during the lawsuit.

"Bartz is clearly a case of copying off pre-existing characters that we own. He *copy-paste what you just said because I really need to find and play Shadow Dragon to know who's who, and I don't want Serenes Forest to log me out for taking so long as is. Sorry.* Thus, judge, it's an open and shut case of plagiarism." 

C'mon, dude, play Shadow Dragon! Don't listen to Gamefaqs, it's good. Ergh, after you apply Cirosan's patches.

"Yeah, but no Fire Emblem character was all three at once! So it's not plagiarism!"

Hah. Now that's a solid argument if I've ever seen one. A certain someone from Miles Edgeworth Investigations would be proud.

Ignoring how kings and religion fits into it, the basis of feudalism is that a commoner agrees to work for a lord in exchange for said lord protection from bandit attacks and invading armies. In the land of reality and fiction alike, the commoners are always screwed in some way.

Story-wise, the lords are lazy, don't do their job, and at their worse, actively terrorize their subjects. Gameplay-wise, the lord gives it their all... and dies, meaning that you are now going to die a violent death at the hands at some merciless army.

Then there's Marlon, who seems to be a nice guy, except he's an overpowered General who doesn't feel like going to fight against a bunch of weak-ass bandits. Maybe he really isn't as great as people say he is...

That... changed tone rather quickly.

I can't say if I'm hopeful or weary that most of the games supports will pull that trick.

We'll have to wait and see, then.

This game loves to run its mouth, doesn't it?

I wonder if anyone has attempted to make abridged series of this game yet. They definitely have their work cut out for them.

It would be making a public service, but alas, given how obscure this game is...

It looks like she flashing the enemy to distract them... and it worked.

Interesting way to look at it.

How is holding a lance like that supposed to be practical in any way, shape, or form?

It looks cool, that's how.

It still goes with everything (because the link won't embed, for some reason).


If it hit, I could have made a joke about how it is very unwise to give flip off someone who is holding a bladed weapon.


You could've made a joke about how it's very unwise to give flip off to someone who is holding a book.

Roger means "Famous Spear" in German. Gerard, by the way, means "Brave Spear" in German.

The more you know.

And Codha, what does Codha mean? "Thick spear"?

I think they work as is, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to improve them as the Lets Play goes on. Wyrs in particular looks a little flat, and it took me a while to realize where his arms were.

Gotta love how noone has any issues with Sid, but everyone manages to find a new, different issue with Wrys. Still, not last LP's Wrys, not last LP's Wrys...

Something tells me that Rogers army alternates very quickly between "easy" and "annoying" and back again really quickly.

Still, it's cool to see Kaga reuse something from Gaiden, even if that game didn't account for the spells on enemy magic users or summoners (especially since magic hits like a truck for both sides). Although I always did think that IS had a soft spot for that game, and I wouldn't be surprised if Kaga didn't mind referencing it every now and again.

It's said that this game's what Kaga would've wanted Gaiden to be, had he had more robust hardware than the NES to use.

Huh, that's a pretty interesting idea, actually. I wouldn't mind seeing it in a Fire Emblem game. Then again, it's also something I could easily see them going overboard with, or it being underutilized, so I guess I'm not surprised why they never tried.

It certainly would've been difficult to draw the line between both extremes with this one.

Considering how story and text heavy this game is, I think these shorter updates will work. It appears that there is enough meat to them anyway that they'll still be stuff to talk about.

I agree. Shorter updates it is, then!

I was wondering if the game had the weapon triangle. I guess that answers my question. Even though in real life swords really weren't that great of a weapon to use against lances.

Eh, screw realism, we get enough of that in real life.

Ah, yes. The glorious moment that I myself have not witnessed, yet have definitely heard of.

Remind me to read that Lets Play inbetween updates.

Dew it. It's grea-- okay, no, it's a lot worse than FE6 or what we have of this one, but I'm still quite fond of it, if only because I got to record that absolutely amazing glitch (which I have never, ever seen anywhere else in the internet, by the way. Just my luck) and the fact that Kris can, in fact, be bad in FE12. Also, deaths. A lot of deaths. Still, don't expect that much: half the updates I didn't have any ideas and just went with whatever I came up with first, which was usually a really smart jab at how I didn't have any ideas.

Yeah, the sentence is correct. Although it also looks like she's trying to blindfold the horse with it. Maybe she saw that Batman utilizes his cape when taking out mooks, and though that she could do the same?

Sasha's a monster! Runan, don't let her get too used to it. She might grow to like it...

This isn't new. The AI in Gaiden/Echoes also retreated when it was low at health. Given that some of the enemy mages had healing spells, and there were healing tiles, it was a reasonable move, even if archers for some reason didn't attack while retreating, even when it was safe/practical to do so. This really only happens during the early game, though. Late game, most of the enemies will be strong enough that while you'll do enough damage that the next attack or so will kill them, it's often not enough that they'll go into "retreat" mode.

I see.

That would be so useful... in the older games. Nowadays, the "press a button or click on an enemy unit to see their attack range" pretty much does the same thing.

I suppose, but it would still be nice to be able to mark single tiles for other reasons.

Wait, empty levels are a thing in this game?

Empty levels are a thing in this game?!?

With those growth Rates?!?!?!?!?!?

Heck! The original Gaiden had an awesome system where at least 1 stat was guaranteed upon level up in order to make up for it's atrocious growth rates!!! What is your excuse for forgetting that mechanic Kaga?!?!?!?!?!?!

Kaga hates the player, that's the excuse.

...Also, I see what you did there.

Pretty hard to miss it.

Sorry for the giant response, but as I said, I had a paper to write last week, and I stayed up 'till midnight getting every it done. I'm not breaking another promise this early even if I have some more finals next week.

Don't apologize, I like longer replies. Gives me more stuff to read when I wake up.


On 8/12/2018 at 10:09 PM, eclipse said:

You have to ask if I like being a dick? :P:


Ah, I should've known... you're a forum moderator, after all.

Just outta curiousity, do you sound anything like this when you're in the midst of banning somebody?

Ahem. . .kinda wish Eugen would hop universes and be his usual self to some snot-nosed lords.  Would be a good change of pace!

He would fix Corrin, by not allowing him to be badly written on his watch!




Last time, we beat up a guy with a family. Today, we reflect on our actions.

vUN6DQJ.pngOur tactical strategy has prevailed. That was a fine battle, Lord Runan.

0zFk3fj.png What tactical strategy? I spent the whole time rambling on and on about how I hate horsemen and sent my units to fuck them up without rhyme or reason! If anything, our superior manpower has prevailed!

tN4k68u.pngThe enemy commander fought valiantly, even to his death... Perhaps Codha's troops have higher morale than we expected.

0zFk3fj.png He stayed behind while his troops fought us! Did you see the same battle I did?

LRWwhwO.pngThe commander's name was Eritz. He was only an average knight. His fierce determination was likely only out of fear of Codha.

tN4k68u.pngFear of Codha? What do you mean?

LRWwhwO.pngCodha takes his troops' families as hostages to ensure loyalty.


LRWwhwO.pngNo, Eritz's fate was his decision. He was the one who decided to fight for Codha instead of against him.


vUN6DQJ.pngThose who would arm themselves and stand against us cannot be shown mercy, just as we cannot expect mercy from them. Now, let us hurry. We must be off before nightfall.

0zFk3fj.png ...goodness gracious, that's incredibly harsh! I don't know what to think about it... so, this is the other side of Eugen that I've been ignoring until now: he's a bit of a bloodthirsty dick. Whether he's right or not, I'll let you draw your own conclusions. He makes some solid points, but... damn, it's a bit difficult to take this kind of stuff in the same series where people take their time to talk their problems away in the middle of a battle to the death. Life's unfair, that's the lesson here.


Guess the least we can do for poor Eritz now is to avenge his death and ensure his family is saved! Everybody, to--

...Port Saura still? Okay.


LRWwhwO.pngIts main line of defense, Fort Gram, will be a challenging point to take due to the natural protection of the thick forest surrounding it. I was hoping to go to the Temple of Mars and ask for Master Eisenbach's aid, but...


IfRBMws.png Oh, don't you start with this now!

LRWwhwO.pngBeyond Gram lies an ancient temple dedicated to Mars, god of wind and water, built long before the Kingdom of Wellt was established.

0zFk3fj.png Actually, Mars was the Roman god of war. Thanks, Wikipedia. No thanks to you, game.

LRWwhwO.pngEisenbach was once counted among the Four Great Sages. He has deep, unclouded wisdom, and the power to bend the laws of nature itself. It is said that the Master has watched over Lieberia for decades, ensuring that nothing disastrous happens. Even Codha would be hesitant to send troops to the Temple of Mars.


IfRBMws.png Why, you... stop being so Roy! Why is it that the mere mention of a Gotoh makes everyone suddenly turn dumber?!


xQunKTk.png Speaking of dumb...

ilEV0SF.pngHe's having a meeting with Count Marlon.

fTBbnRo.pngFiguring out the attack plans, huh? Sure is taking his sweet time.

ilEV0SF.pngWhat's the matter? You seem to be in a bad mood.

fTBbnRo.pngOf course I am. If you haven't forgotten, our homeland has still been conquered! What are we doing wasting our time in a place like this?

ilEV0SF.pngWe're not wasting time. We don't have the power to face the Empire now. We need Wellt's aid, so we have to help with their problems first.


ilEV0SF.pngShe's a strong girl. I can't say I'm not worried, but she can take care of herself.

fTBbnRo.pngHow's a little girl going to defend herself against those barbaric soldiers? I'm telling you, she's not safe!


fTBbnRo.pngLina said she wanted to stay, but I knew I should have forced her to come with us. And I would have if only you hadn't been so opposed to it!


0zFk3fj.png I don't think there's much I could add to this discussion, so I'll just say, I've got to agree with Kreiss here to an extent, but I can totally understand where Arkis's coming from.

ilEV0SF.pngLook, Arkis. She's my sister. I worry about her every day. But first and foremost, we are knights of Razelia. Right now, all we can do is have faith in Lord Runan...

xQunKTk.png And in me! You both have to survive... ergh, I'll do my best to ensure you do!


Keep your eyes peeled, guys. We're about to get Garo's backstory.

mEimMQh.png N-nothing really...

vebK9SH.pngSuch a nice sea breeze... Mind if I talk to you for a bit?


IfRBMws.png Nuh, fuck you!

vebK9SH.pngI understand... sorry to bother you.


Well, that was that. Quite short, but my wrists are thankful, so... no complaints.


Okay, now on to the Temple of Mars. Maybe we'll get to meet Gotoh now.


Just kidding, just kidding, I rewinded and said yes. There's no reason to refuse this, really.

mEimMQh.png N-no, never heard of it...

vebK9SH.pngAbout fifteen years ago, when most of the men were off doing mercenary work abroad, the island was attacked by pirates. They rampaged through our village, showing no mercy to anyone. I hid under my bed, but they found me and dragged me out into the open.


vebK9SH.pngThey hit me hard on the head, but then a man suddenly ran over yelling "Stop!". That's when I passed out.

mEimMQh.png ...

vebK9SH.pngWhen I came to, the man was standing in front of me drenched in blood, and the pirates were dead at his feet. He smiled and gave me a nod, and then he ran off without a word.

mEimMQh.png ...

0zFk3fj.png Garo seems to have about as much to say as I do... but for different reasons, I wager.

vebK9SH.pngI heard later that Admiral Vals's men had come to save us from the pirates... But I never found out what happened to the man who'd saved me.

vebK9SH.pngYou worked for the Admiral, right? Do you know...?

mEimMQh.png Sorry, I don't... I-I wasn't on that mission...

0zFk3fj.png Now that's believable.

vebK9SH.pngIs that so...? I do remember one thing about that man. He was hurt badly when he saved me.


mEimMQh.png ......


xQunKTk.png There you have it. Those terrible scars he has? They aren't just an arbitrary design choice: they're directly connected to his backstory. Garo's not this game's deepest character, but what he has is pretty damn good. I like him a lot just for this one conversation. Also, he now has 15% more hit, so those nasty 50% potshots should no longer be as much of a bother. Handy!


All right, now for real: to meet our Gotoh of the day.


xQunKTk.png There he is. His hair's funny. Why does he have exactly one ball of hair in his forehead? Also, Sylphis, not to be confused with Sylpheed or Sylph (more on that later), is another legal woman. You may call her a MILF, if you like.

NoVY9NU.pngI see...

Ujz6qgr.pngFather? You don't look well... Is something the matter?


0zFk3fj.png Guenchaos, hm? Well, with that name, I can't imagine anything but joy and parties. By the way, you've got to admire my restraint for not making the thread title be "Chaos reigns guen I take the reins".

Ujz6qgr.pngWhat!? Then we must warn Sister Enteh!


IfRBMws.png What... what?! M-Ma-Martel!?!? No! Not him! Anyone but the Brilliant Dumbass! I KNEW I should've killed him harder! He survived, and now he's found a way to invade this game that I love so much!


IfRBMws.png No! Don't let him in, Eisenbach! Begone from here, Brilliant Dumbass! Don't you dare ruin this game for me! Vade retro, vade retr--


IfRBMws.png ...

IfRBMws.png ...the fact that your name is "Martel" is still a huge turn-off. Ugh!

0zFk3fj.png Not to mention, knowing Kaga, you're probably 14.

NoVY9NU.pngEnteh is in grave danger. Fly as fast as you can to Verje's army and bring her back here. We must leave this land at once.

5zqBL7l.pngUnderstood, Master!


Well, that was a horrifying experience, but at least it didn't awaken any year-old PTSDs, so it's all perfectly right.


Thieves is a yellow faction like the hellspawns from the last chapter. There are two of them and they'll be really annoying.


Let's go give Roger some trouble.


I sure hope that price is not death. I don't wish to kill Roger, now that he's thin, he's found a girlfriend and his hair isn't pink anymore.

...maybe he pulled a Camus? That's the only explanation I can think of...


We have arrived. This isn't the actual team I'll be taking to the chapter: I'll handle those things when I actually play the chapter.


vUN6DQJ.pngHm... That looks like a Pegasus. Pegasi are sacred beasts known only to inhabit the forests of Salia.

LRWwhwO.pngYes, that is indeed a Pegasus Knight. But I have never heard of any knights of Wellt with the skill to ride pegasi...

WgtWCgP.pngIs that... Martel!?

0zFk3fj.png Yes, she is sadly a Martel.

tN4k68u.pngYou know her, Enteh?



5zqBL7l.pngSister Enteh! Thank goodness you're safe...

vUN6DQJ.pngForgive my rudeness, but who are you?

5zqBL7l.pngOh, excuse me. I'm Martel, a knight of Salia, though recently I've been protecting Lady Enteh at the Temple of Mars. Master Eisenbach asked me to escort Lady Enteh back to the Temple.

vUN6DQJ.pngWe were intending to bring Lady Enteh back to the temple ourselves, actually. I must say, I never would've guessed that a Pegasus Knight would come for her! Are you going to fly her back to the temple?

xQunKTk.png Minor detail, but I like how Eugen doesn't capitalize the "t"s of his "temple"s. Still giving no fucks, I see. Keep it up, it's quite invigorating.

5zqBL7l.pngYes, Ibis will be fine carrying just the two of us.


5zqBL7l.pngWhat is it?



hTMofYU.png Did he just call her fat?! This man!

WgtWCgP.png...you needn't worry for me, Martel. These people are trustworthy. I'd like to travel with Sir Runan's army a little while longer.

5zqBL7l.pngBut Lady Enteh...

vUN6DQJ.pngAs I said, we are on our way to see Master Eisenbach ourselves. Lady Martel, why not travel with us? We could always use another guard for clerics like Lady Enteh.

0zFk3fj.png Again with this nonsense! The only other healer I use is Lee and Lee does not need protection!

5zqBL7l.png...Very well. If you insist.

vUN6DQJ.pngExcellent! Now then, our current objective is to find our way out of this blasted forest. Your pegasus will no doubt prove invaluable. We appreciate your cooperation.

xQunKTk.png There's something positively hilarious about the fact that Eugen started machine-gunning orders at Martel the second she accepted to join us.

tN4k68u.pngEugen, we can't get her mixed up in this...

0zFk3fj.png Alas, someone just had to be reasonable.

vUN6DQJ.pngMilord, we must make good use of all the troops and resources we can. You agree, don't you, Lady Martel?

5zqBL7l.pngOf course... I'll do whatever I can to help.

tN4k68u.pngMy apologies, Lady Martel. Eugen can be a bit pushy sometimes...

5zqBL7l.pngDon't worry about it. My mission is to see Sister Enteh safely back to the temple. As long as she stays safe with you, I am more than happy to assist. Is that all right with you, Lady Enteh?

WgtWCgP.pngOf course. Please help Lord Runan...


xQunKTk.png Nah, I'm sure it's another Runan. Or maybe she was just talking about her runny nose and you misinterpreted her.




Likeable characters and great music. Have I said that I love this game's soundtrack yet? Because I love this game's soundtrack. This conversation theme in particular, I find really amazing. It's a shame it's so hard to find the ingame version online. There's a grand total of one video of the ingame version to be found in youtube, and it's got a hiccup at 1:52. Oh, well, it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick... give it a listen, hiccups and all, it's still great, and if it doesn't satisfy you, the arranged soundtrack can be found in Serenes. Unlike the FE6 ones, these arragements are actually good! Even though in this case, I think I like the game's version a little better.

wDsFnYT.pngCount Marlon has joined forces with a foreign army and is leading a rebellion against the royal family. I must follow my lord's orders and bring him to justice...

nsbm6hd.pngCodha is the one scheming in rebellion! You know that as well as I do!



0zFk3fj.png C'mon, Roger, listen to the girl... don't make me kill you!

That's when the chapter starts, which in turn means this update is over. Next time, we'll face Roger and his goons in the forest of Gram. Will I succeed in taking Codha's fortress of evil? Find out in the next update. Until then, I sure hope you fare well. Bye!

Death count: --

Reset count: 0

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I just beat Death. Seems like I only needed to announce I can't do it to a bunch of people who don't care in order to be able to do it.

Just felt like saying it. It's taken me days, spare me some bragging, all right?

...now I'm just afraid of Blackmore...

14 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

By the way, a certain theme song.

Also, that was hilarious. Thanks.

That'll be all. Thanks for reading.

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Arkis really sucks at that whole "being the laid back Cavalier" thing.

Don't have much else to add this time. Maybe once the actual map starts.




While training Sasha to level 10 is a bit of a nuisance, it's not actually needed. All it means is that she learns Elite. She can promote at any level provided one gets the promotion item. And even without Elite being a Pegasus Knight in this game is pretty damn amazing. They are probably even better then the class line ever has been in the Fire Emblem games. And that's before their promotion.

Of course if one fails to get her promotion item, the game will just mercilessly leave her as a useless princess for the entire game.

Edited by BrightBow
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