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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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Part 25 - Anguishful torment.


21 hours ago, eclipse said:

. . .holy shit I'm so sorry. . .that's gotta be annoying. 

Annoying's the word, yeah.

Can you load Katri with curatives, so she can heal herself?

That'd be a waste of curatives.

(shamelessly plugging myself)

I don't understand why. You are allowed to give me tips, y'know?


21 hours ago, Pengaius said:

This, this is what happens when you don't bring mUh BeSt CaV Arkis onto a story map, anyway, hard luck my dude, fuel up an a comforting stick of butter and try again later m'kay. 

What's with you and butter? Are you King Harlaus? If you're not, I bet you'd like the guy.

The rest of this his post is for Arkis only so if the rest of you guys could just leave

  Reveal hidden contents

Hey arkis if you start to get good levels the Ruben will have the big lose

No, actually, I'd be really happy if Arkis got good levels. He just refuses to get any.


20 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Being basically a copy of Xeno makes Attrom looks so damn disposable. Holmes' also already got Shigen, who is very functionally similar Xeno too. So I did the amazingly stupid decision to not restart when he kicked the bucket on this map. I sure ended up regretting that. Especially with staff users in this game being so damn easy to miss.

Yeah, it's really dumb to lose Attrom and not restart for him. I cannot fathom anyone being stupid enough to do that.


17 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

I seem to have an odd habit of being one of the first people present when you post an update, yet I'm always in a situation where I have to comment later.

Nah, you just take too long, so the one-liners have all the time in the world to do their thing.

I wonder if you have it turned off or not.

I have no idea, I was never asked about it.

And I see what you mean about them adding, rather than detracting, to the lets play, so I don't have much reason to complain.

Of course you don't. It's me fucking up, after all.

On the prequels, neutral, I am. Moments of great stupidity and genius, they have both. Awesome, the memes are, I agree.

Enough, enough is. Long enough, this has gone on for. Stop, it's time to. So stop, let us.

You made a typo in a comment about typos.

Joke's on you, it was intentional! Hah-hah!

A few points:

A. The taguel (it's lowercase. I found that out when looking up the lore myself) more useful in the early game, before most of your units are promoted. The six move remains pretty useful until it becomes the standard, and ignoring the weapon triangle is a double-edged sword with obvious pros and cons. Usually, I use Panne as much as I can in the mid game, and then reclass her once she starts to fall behind.

Why is that Panne woman in her underwear?

B. The recalssing options of both Panne and Yarne highlight how reclassing can be done right. With the skills of either class line, they can become masters of movement and/or  offensive powerhouses

Why is that Yarne man also in his underwear?

C. There's the solid strategy of reclassing them out of the taguel class once they start to fall behind, give them some stat and skill boosts from other calassins, and then make them a taguel again. As mentioned earlier, they have an anti-beast skill, and that becomes especially useful in the mid to late game.

And why are their artwork poses so disturbingly suggestive?

D. They aren't as reliant on their stat boosts as the manaketes are, who in comparison start out with stats in the single digits (with the exception of Tiki).

I'm sorry, what were you saying?

What he's reacting to  is just as hilarious.

That dude just walking off the platform is priceless.

Halberds were the last melee weapon to be used alongside firearms, and for good reason. They are a versatile weapon with several different ways to attack the enemy, and because it could work as a spear,  an inexperienced wielder could still do some damage with it.

Here they hurt horses more. And that's it.

This got a solid laugh out of me, so no.

That is good, indeed.

Not a bad line to return to dust with.


That's an interesting, if random, tidbit. May they rest in peace.

Sorry for the randomness, I had just seen a thread announcing the occurrence a while ago and felt the need to inform you while at it.

I admit that might be a while. I've been focused on completing college work lately (which is mostly independent studies and out of class work this semester), and I like to focus on reading and commenting on something like this first when I have the free time.

Ah, don't worry. It's there to entertain you, so life comes first.

Also, I am impressed that that is not the most violent thing that you have done. Now as for that assholes fate...

Don't get started again...!

Fair point.


Hey, if feminists are whining about wanting "equality", they have to take the bad with the good.

That's only fair.

I would be okay with this plan, except with your luck, this would happen instead.

And then she'd get an empty level up out of surviving.

So it really was was nothing but a recolor.


Because the lad was half mad, in the sense that he had a funny way of thinking, and combined things out of order.

So much ad. This is looking like a youtube video!

Did they think they were going to be part of a sci fi themed DnD game, then told it was a point and click adventure game, then it told it was a fantasy game instead? I can understand their confusion and why they didn't bother to change things.

They just missed a ton of memos.

For some reason, I'm reminded of the opening minutes of The Fifth Element, where I initially thought it would be a combination of Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Instead, it was a disappointing sci fi flick that was literally written by a 13 year old.

Never watched it, so...

Thank you for the warning.

You're welcome.

Wait, do you mean what Danyi said, or what I put?

Anyway, the joke is more significant and funnier anyway when you see how the guy normally plays Hitman. To say Mike does not have a stelthy bone in his body is the understatement of the century.

Who cares about stealth? It's always more fun to take on the enemy in games.

Huh, so they have more in common that holding onto rope they never use and having sci-fi inspired names.

I'll be disappointed if they aren't support buddies.

They aren't, so feel free to be disappointed.

You forgot the "The".

Damnit, critical typo! How could I?

Why are you using her again?

Because she's bad. Do you really need any more reasons?

...It's a one percent crit.

Forget the horsemen, I think that FE6 gave you a phobia of enemy crit rates.

I can't argue with that, because it truly did.

Two things:

1. The shieldblade is red, so does that mean that the sith of this universe are ironically good at defending instead of letting loose?

More or less, yes.

2. Are the sellswords using one form of the Mordhau technique?

More or less, yes-- wait, no, they actually use the blade to attack, sorry. As much fun as it'd be to see them whack people over the head with the hilt, Kaga wasn't quite so knowledgeable when it comes to sword fighting techniques.

It looks like The Roger chopped the pirates head in half with the first swing. The stab was just overkill.

It's The Roger. He'll end the enemy rightly, like the honorable knight that he is.

Holmes seemed to do the "shoot apple off head" trick, but forgot that there was no apple, and that the head was a few inches lower.


I love these two sentences.

It summarizes so much.

Way too much. I don't love them as much.

Random observation, but does this mean that the brave bow is an automatic crossbow that is seen in fiction yet probably wouldn't work so well in real life?


Ah. So that's why you're keeping her.

It's a reason, but the main one's that she's bad and I'm me.

Why is discount Palpatine here?

Ergh... good description?

That love both the detail and the intentional suckiness of this portrait.

It's well in line with the game's version.

Shame he's probably going to die.

He didn't.

I don't think this guy is genre-savvy. People like Discount Palatine usually kill the expendable people they hired both to keep the reward and to leave no witnesses.

It's that guy whose name I forget. He's just dumb.

So, he's the games first cantor. And unlike in Gaiden/Echoes, he's not introduced alone so you get an idea of how they work.

No, here, he's introduced in full-asshole mode.

Considering that the staffs have limited uses, I'm reminded of the pros and cons discussion we had some time back.

Yeah, that still holds up.

Wait, Shigen has a sister?

This has already been answered.

Oh no...

How many people dodge in this game just by looking away from their opponent?

A lot.

...And these are the downsides of the dragon transformations in this game.

Except this time, I did it myself.

Our second death...

...Was a character that resets the map. Joy.

Right? At least we've yet to lose anyone permanently.

That... is a long list.

I'm actually impressed.

I am not. I'm annoyed that it's so long.


15 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Thracia still stands as the blight on my record with the Fire Emblem games just because I keep waiting on a translation that never comes. Kind of like the CD-i Zeldas stand as a blight on my record with that series. On the flip side, I actually got to play Hotel Mario once. It's not as bad as people say if you go in expecting something closer to the Mario Bros. arcade in quality than Super Mario World

I feel similarly. Honestly, I don't even know why at this point. I played Sword of Heaven and Earth twice even though that hack's in japanese only and that never bothered me.

What does the Australian Bigfoot have to do with this?

No, I... never mind.

Let the air raid sirens blare.


Here the error was made.

There was no need to point that out.

I remember my Ironman of Shadow Dragon, which went swimmingly (no deaths)... up until I forgot to give a second key to the team I sent off to free Xane. This resulted in him deciding to recruit himself at the start of enemy phase while Marth had several enemies he could survive attacking him... but Xane had no chance in hell and ended up dead before I could control him. Fortunately I had no plans of using him, and despite a really close call with Tiki at Medon's border, I was able to bring him back due to lack of other options.

What a story. Still isn't as hurtful as Palla recruiting herself in the range of the one enemy who could destroy her in one shot. There wasn't even anybody else around...

Pretty sure that's just leprechauns. Fairies in Irish lore are varied a lot. Some full blown abducting children as food. Not exactly the type you'd want to trust to heal Link in some incarnations. Others will put powerful curses on you just for breaking a ring of mushrooms or stepping in a circle of stones.

So they're just assholes in general, is that it?

I had a thought. What if one of the hooded figures was a Martel that proved "too brilliant (read dumb, as he could not comprehend he was fatally wounded) to die" returned for a dastardly nonsensical plan of vengeance against people who weren't actually involved directly in his demise because he's so drastically stupid he thinks the most direct way of harming Roy, who he blames for his death, is to attack his ally, Matthis, who is "less well guarded". That'd be comedy gold. Also it'd have the fringe benefit of debunking any jokes about two Martels having the same name.

That's a great idea...


13 hours ago, Ruminant said:

It completely slipped my mind to comment on the last part but I didn't have much to say anyway except what the fuck Alicia

Don't worry about it, even if that was last update, it's still worth talking about. Just what the hell was going through that woman's mind?

I also meant to clarify this. The old Thracia patch (I haven't played it myself, but I used Mekkkah's Thracia Ironman LP on YouTube as a reference - check that out if you haven't, by the way, it's a good playthrough) called it DaimThun (Daim Thunder; I'm assuming it had to be shortened due to hacking limitations at the time), which is more accurate to ダイムサンダー (Daimusandā in rōmaji) but, on the other hand, doesn't mean anything. The name Dire Thunder did originate in Heroes (hence why I mentioned Heroes to begin with), and it's one of the translation decisions Heroes made that I agree with.

Brenthunder, by the way, is a pretty direct translation of ブレンサンダ (Burensanda).

I don't like Burensand. It's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.

also, not using FE7 Bartre is good taste

FE7 completely defiles Bartre as both a character and unit and he alone counts for 3 games of bad Fighters

I agree wholeheartedly.

Oh hi Gharnef.

C'mon, at least Gharnef's robes made sense. Somewhat.

In some sense I like the fact that Katri is unbenchable and a game over character (at least for right now, I don't know if that changes because I don't have first-hand experience with this game) because it ensures that Holmes always has a healer no matter how badly things turn out, but on the other hand...

She sucks, god damnit!


I'd say there's a message to be learned about not getting too greedy when farming reinforcements for experience, but that would be a bit mean right now.

You piece of... yes. There's a message to be learnt. Urgh...

See here:

It's mentioned elsewhere that Shigen was adopted, but in any case, Shigen and Julia were raised as siblings.

Unless everything I know about anime is wrong, that can only mean one thing: shipping insurance! Kaga, don't you dare!


7 hours ago, Dayni said:

That's where the Duck of Doom went!

Maybe so.

It wasn't in the old patch, but I'm pretty sure Dire Thunder was the consensus before they were in Heroes too.

I see.

It would get some serious backlash if it did. Especially if that was the next bit of info to come out after 7 months of silence.

Still, we can never be sure.

That first part's also not inaccurate (though not exactly a European thing),

Aaaand that's about it? Okay...

He was able to get to it in the fort while dying? Look I don't know, his being alive's on the devs.

Finally, you desist!

It's a shame I took so long to reply, I really should demonstrate it.

Ah, too late now, you lose.

This is just the same as Juliattisnacordst, eh?

How so? I don't see the resemblance.

I dunno, lapsed Catholic might be the largest in Eurpoe at this point.

What do you mean, lapsed Catholic?

Don't be dissin Cork boi!

(Trust me you need to hear that spoken to get the effect)

I guess so, but it doesn't change the fact that Dr. Wahwee's an absolute riot of a video.

1. Wearing a towel (Not much better)

2. There's a word for that moan (I do not know off the top of my head)

3. Your call, I'm not judging. Honestly, I didn't even get into the real matter of the salt like Camilla No. 6 (even if she's free) or it being another Fates Royals alt banner. Not even 8-ab Ryoma could save it.

Well, at least Fates's fans are happy, right?

"Go to the Dagon Bah system."


"Dagon's there. Go and kick his head a bit."

Dagon's dead, so does that mean the Dagon Bah system is purgatory?

I really need to find better hints, Lot was an obvious link.

That much is true.

And no, Port Mars is just too obvious for a reference to the FE OVA, so probably not.

Hwahaha, but it'd be hilarious if you could make Pantsless Mars LP canon!

Yeah, he really does. 

Man, Alm's fallen on hard times.

At least he has some family though.


So you're telling me crits are magic in Lieberia.

There has to some way to make them triggerable.

Nope, none. That'd be too good to be true.

Reinhardt must be sitting back muttering "Good, good" in the background.

It seems like what that dastardly villain would do.

Also get berserked and kill his own troops.

I can't wait to see another movement.

Neither can I.

A really bizarre cloth that reflects light weirdly?

Are we sure Lieberia's not post-apocalyptic?

Maybe it is. For all we know, we might've jumped timelines again.

Dork's a bit of an idiot.

Pffffft now that I think about it, Doruk really does sound like Dork.

At least Attralm's trying.


Well, if there's one way to raise defence, it's becoming a big Fuck Off dragon.

And it still didn't work.

Est, move over?

Est moves over to pretty much anything.

He just looks like Katri spilled milk and he's disappointed about it.

Only the milk's red, and it's coming out of her body.

And so it continues.

And so I keep hoping it ends.

(Did Katri have a herb? Or a fruit?)

Nope, nothing. Those are way too expensive in this game.


6 hours ago, BrightBow said:

For people that played Gaiden or Echoes it might be worth noting that the skeletons didn't spawn where it did because of obstructed spaces. It's not like in Gaiden where monsters spawn as close to the caster as possible. Here it's entirely normal for summoned monsters to spawn a few tiles from the caster. So it's best to keep some distance until you can swoop in for the kill.

Still, I'm pretty sure the other side of the map is a rather unreasonable place for skeletons to spawn.

2 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

You know? I should really start reviewing what I wrote before I post. Even if I'm tired and don't want to deal with SF's "prove you aren't a robot" thing, it's better than seeing all the spelling errors in hindsight.

C'mon, you're posts aren't so badly written. Cheer up!


I see. Thank you. Kinda hard to keep track of all the relations when you aren't playing the game itself.

It's hard enough when you are playing it!

Ey! Another Munchkin player (I hope)!

I'm so happy for the both of you.

Interesting. I suppose we'll have to wait and see whether that change was for the better or not.

"Wait and see"? You already waited and saw! It's terrible, it sucked, I don't like it. If summoners summoned monsters around themselves, I could at least safely predict where they'll be. As is, I'm just praying to God they won't spawn on top of my healers!




Since this seemed to work so well last time, I decided to do the exact same thing, barring some minor differences. Sure enough, the enemies behaved in more or less the same way they did in the first run, except for some minor changes, such as these:


This hit.


And this hit.


And this hit!









Ah, but it's not important. I mean, this guy was basically just discount Xeno that I liked better, right? Perfectly expendable. We'll only miss out on a mediocre swordsman and a couple of really unimportant units that he's needed to recruit, such as a unique cleric with a unique staff that increases strength, totally not needed, and THE EXCLUSIVE FUCKING WARP USER IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME WHO ALSO COMES WITH BETTER STATS THAN LEE OF ALL PEOPLE AND A SECOND PERSONAL STAFF THAT KILLS 16 MONSTERS PER SHOT! IT'S NOTHING! NOTHING! WE'VE LOST NOTHING OF NOTE! NADA! I'M NOT BITTER, I'M NOT BITTER! I ONLY JUST EXPERIENCED FUCKING DEATH BY DOING THE EXACT SAME THINGS TWICE EXCEPT THE SECOND TIME THE RNG DIDN'T FEEL LIKE WORKING!


Oh, and just in case you thought that wasn't enough, here's more of it! We lost Juliattisnacordst as well!


Nice. Isn't that great. Now we can't save Plum from the kidnappers!


And that's not even the best part, no. Go back to the OP. Wait, on second though, don't. I'll go back instead and quote the important part.

On 25/11/2018 at 2:04 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

- While I will be using Warp, outright warpskipping is, for the most part, disallowed. Once again, there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping. We'll talk about it when we get there.

On 25/11/2018 at 2:04 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping.

On 25/11/2018 at 2:04 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


W I T H O U T   W A R P S K I P P I N G



You bastards have cost me dearly... I shall demolish each and every one of you, starting with you!




My goods now. It's now red from Attrom's blood...


If you thought Attrom and Juliattisnarcordst's deaths were the only terrible part about this chapter, think again. This is probably the chapter where my units performed the worst thus far!


At least Esther didn't miss.


Neither did these two!


Garo, you're my last hope for a good dedicated axeman. Do not let me down!


Nice! I like it very much. The luck you got last time was nice, but you need that speed to offset the heavy weight of axes.


What even is that arm... even when something nice happens, I take the wrong screenshot and it's ruined. This chapter, man.


If someone else dies, I swear to God...


Good job.




You're the man, Maruj. You're the man. Far better than Guy Who Recruits Warp and Juliattisnacordst, for sure.


These two go after Katri and Julia, but Katri doesn't die because the game doesn't want me to reset anymore. Spoiler alert: I don't reset this. This attempt goes all kinds of badly, but just well enough that I pull through. Why not, I mean, at this point I'm used to the RNGoddess's tort-- NO, I'M NOT! IT STILL DRIVES ME MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!


Bastards, all of you...!


Maerchen, we're coming for you! Like it or not, you die today!


Lionel, at least you don't disappoint me. Inb4 he dies and I cancel the LP. A lot of things could get me to cancel the LP right now. So let's hope things go well.


Spoiler alert: I don't reset this. This attempt goes all kinds of badly, but just well enough that I pull through.




Let's just... let's just keep going before I strangle someone, shall we?


Another death, another level. After all the crap this chapter's pulled on me, I can only assume this level's gonna be awesome to compensate. Bring the stats on! Four stats, five stats, six stats,





Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalm down Rubendilididlylidlylidly, they did their best shoddilididlylidlylidly, gotta be nice hostilitydilididlylidlylidly...



...yeah. That helps. At least I didn't lose Esther's 8 defense. Only her luck, and the HP... affordable losses, affordable losses... not bitter, not bitter...


I'm not going to take any chances this time around. I just want to get out so I can sit back and reflect on why I'm doing this to myself for the third time. To that end, I'll kill Doruk as soon as possible.


He has time to summon three skeletons. One of them goes after Es--


--THER GH GHWAAAHCCKK...!! Cough cough... cough... haaaack... coughcough cough... aaackhaaahhh...




Piece of shit!


Esther didn't get doubled this time, at least. Good. Nice. We're alive. What a shocker.


Yeah, yeah, we know what you have to say. Let's just kill you and


I, uh... I...

Is he giving me a thumbs down? Did he really just dare to...?

...he's so dead. Oh so very dead. Not even your robe's time vortexes are going to save you, you hear me!? YOU'RE GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!


Okay, we can still kill you this turn.


Worth a shot.


Ah, that's great. I'm glad I could count on you, Esther.


We got a shitty-ass death quote that does not satisfy me in the slightest, and a Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure. Not a bad haul, if it wasn't for the crippling losses. But let's not dwell on the little details, it's level time.










...baaaaaaaaaahhaaaahhh...! Haaahh... huuffff... hah... huff... unnhh... s-sorry, forgot to breathe for a moment there... guhh...

...hey, look at that! Maruj got a nice point of magic! Am I proud of you!


After Maruj's nice level, only finishing off the remaining skeletons remains.


This'll be a kill for Julia.


Like so.


Baby steps, baby steps. This is good. Thanks, Julia.


Only one more.


Since the last skeleton's so eager to take Lionel's spear into his mouth, I'll humor him and let Lionel have his way with him. He's ready to level up.


Here we go. Just... get something, okay? Anything.


Strength's good. Thanks. I'm glad I could count on you, even if you didn't get defense this time.


I'm done here. Let's go. At least I'll get the satisfaction of killing Maerchen now, right?


dreuSSM.pngBoss, are we leavin' again?

ciDy8aH.png'Course we are! If we leave now, they won't have enough time to get to their ship and give chase! Sister Renee! You're coming with me, y'hear?

q8a7y5Q.pngYes... Oh, Attrom...


C'mon, that can't be right. Holmes wouldn't just let the guy get on his boat, go through all the preparations and just...




prSiLUK.pngAre you going to chase after him, Holmes?

FF3NqbQ.pngChase after him? We can't do that without a ship. Ours is at Port Saura, remember?

prSiLUK.pngThen, we're headed back to Port Saura?


We just... we just let him run.

He killed Attrom and Juliattisnacordst, he gave us empty levels, he badly wounded Katri, and we just... let him flee. On a boat. Yeah...


...I think I need to lie down. Like, lie down on a bed full of legos. I'll be back in some time, if I haven't torn my own throat inside out.





























1eaJgoU.png I know that looks like shit, I couldn't do any better, sorry.





















Okay, I'm back. Rrggh... stupid Holmes, letting Maerchen run... now we have to go after him and struggle through another shitty-ass bandit chapter that might kill more of my units...


Maruj, have a brand new wind tome. Alicia, have his old broken tome. You don't deserve the good one.


And it's off to some more text for us.


Maerchen does not deserve such a cool nickname.


FF3NqbQ.pngIf you run into their leader... um...


FF3NqbQ.pngMarco... don't let him escape!

It's over? Oh, thank goodness, I can rest...

Sooooo I bet none of you were expecting this of all chapters to be the one to take my first unit, let alone two of 'em! Neither was I. Let this be a lesson to you all: greed is shit. It makes your plot-important units die, and in the second run, you fail horribly and people die and you lose the game's only warp user. I shit you not, I had to sit there for 10 minutes doing my utmost to convince myself not to reset. That's how absurdly crippling the loss of Attrom is. This run just became a whole lot harder than it had any right to be.

God damnit, of course! It had to be you, you assholes are to blame! When I did my private, personal, no-bullshit, no-audience, just me and my units Ironman run of this game, it didn't go nearly as badly! Sure, I wasn't as hard on myself and reset quite a few deaths, but still! Fuck you! Fuck you all, it's not my fault, it's yours! Go to hell! But not just yet, you need to stay on planet Earth so you can give me views now. Thus, fare well for now, so that you may give me those nice, juicy views! Until next time, and hopefully, it'll be less terrible.

...and hopefully, I won't have offed myself before then. Blistering barnacles, I swear, the only warp user and they make her that easy to lose...


Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 1


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Attrom... Shit. Yeah, he's pretty much the worst possible casualty. On my first run I ended up so starved for staff users that I even revived him just so he could recruit Lyria.

On the other hand, I am curious on how this changes the script, as Holmes' next expedition is normally tied to Attrom. On my first run, where Attrom died, I do not remember there being much of a justification for Holmes' next moves. But of course that was with the old and very difficult to decipher patch. So I'm looking forward towards seeing how this plays out.

And Plum, yikes. Holmes can still save her but that's some tough news to swallow right after you get rescued from slavery.

Edited by BrightBow
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What is this? An update only a few hours after the last one? And I barely miss being able to say first because...!

You know what? I'm just happy that I only spent an hour writing the last one. With hope, this will be of a similar length.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is that Panne woman in her underwear?

I ask myself that question every time I remember that's her natural fur.

I almost wish there were costume DLC to give her pants although reclassing gives her a pair (or a dress) for free, although that comes with gameplay effects...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is that Yarne man also in his underwear?

I have an inappropriate joke about what the longer fur there could mean, but I've never given it. I don't want to test what jokes are and aren't allowed by the mods.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And why are their artwork poses so disturbingly suggestive?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm sorry, what were you saying?

The taguel is an okay class with pros and cons, Panne and Yarne show off how reclassing can be done right, and Manaketes in Awakening suck if you don't use them constantly.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry for the randomness, I had just seen a thread announcing the occurrence a while ago and felt the need to inform you while at it

No need to apologize. It's an interesting tidbit, and it's nice to pay respects to anyone.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't get started again...!

Eh, I'll drop it until he reappears again.

Then I'll inform you that Mortal Kombat 11 released a gameplay trailer around a week ago, and I have some ideas to take from it...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And then she'd get an empty level up out of surviving.

So... she failed to dodge the push, but because she didn't hit the ground, she didn't take any fall damage...

...Does this game award experience for simply engaging in battle?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So much ad. This is looking like a youtube video!

This is random, but the Lego Movie 2 has a 5 hour ad.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They aren't, so feel free to be disappointed.

I didn't have my hopes up in the first place, so it isn't a big loss.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Damnit, critical typo! How could I?

So you intentionally made a typo in a comment about typos, but then you make a typo about a typo when in reality it the sentence is grammatically correct?

That took a few tries to write.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can't argue with that, because it truly did.

I would suggest playing Echoes to alleviate that fear and remind you that crits don't have to be bad, but who knows where that reverse psychology would lead?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

More or less, yes-- wait, no, they actually use the blade to attack, sorry. As much fun as it'd be to see them whack people over the head with the hilt, Kaga wasn't quite so knowledgeable when it comes to sword fighting techniques.

I was referring more to the "grab the sword to aid with thrusts" but I guess I didn't make that clear

It would be cool if the mordhau technique actually appear in Fire Emblem, but that might just add another weakness to armor units, and they already have too many.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's The Roger. He'll end the enemy rightly, like the honorable knight that he is.

...The guy in the video gave us the wonderful phrase of "end him rightly" when referring to unscrewing the pommel and using it to attack someone.

I do not know if that was intentional, or an awesome coincidence.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Way too much. I don't love them as much.

Understandable. Some jokes aren't funny when you're not the one watching.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, here, he's introduced in full-asshole mode.

Gaiden has some pretty underappreciated moments of clever game design.

Unfortunately, Kaga didn't take that from Gaiden.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Ah, but it's not important. I mean, this guy was basically just discount Xeno that I liked better, right? Perfectly expendable. We'll only miss out on a mediocre swordsman and a couple of really unimportant units that he's needed to recruit, such as a unique cleric with a unique staff that increases strength, totally not needed, and THE EXCLUSIVE FUCKING WARP USER IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME WHO ALSO COMES WITH BETTER STATS THAN LEE OF ALL PEOPLE AND A SECOND PERSONAL STAFF THAT KILLS 16 MONSTERS PER SHOT! IT'S NOTHING! NOTHING! WE'VE LOST NOTHING OF NOTE! NADA! I'M NOT BITTER, I'M NOT BITTER! I ONLY JUST EXPERIENCED FUCKING DEATH BY DOING THE EXACT SAME THINGS TWICE EXCEPT THE SECOND TIME THE RNG DIDN'T FEEL LIKE WORKING!


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nice. Isn't that great. Now we can't save Plum from the kidnappers!



1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, no, Kaga was reasonable and made it possible to save her with Holmes, so we're cool there.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


And that's not even the best part, no. Go back to the OP. Wait, on second though, don't. I'll go back instead and quote the important part.

On 11/25/2018 at 8:04 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

- While I will be using Warp, outright warpskipping is, for the most part, disallowed. Once again, there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping. We'll talk about it when we get there.

On 11/25/2018 at 8:04 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping.

On 11/25/2018 at 8:04 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


W I T H O U T   W A R P S K I P P I N G


...Godspeed, Ruben.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All your anger

I, uh, don't have much to add. Other than may be take a break to recuperate after this.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...Did you/we just foreshadow her lack of a level in an earlier joke?

...Maybe we could throw her onto the trampoline, then off the bridge...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:




Piece of shit!

I see what you mean by Dork being introduced in full a-hole mode.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We got a shitty-ass death quote that does not satisfy me in the slightest, and a Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure. Not a bad haul, if it wasn't for the crippling losses. But let's not dwell on the little details, it's level time.



1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We just... we just let him run.

He killed Attrom and Juliattisnacordst, he gave us empty levels, he badly wounded Katri, and we just... let him flee. On a boat. Yeah...


...I think I need to lie down. Like, lie down on a bed full of legos. I'll be back in some time, if I haven't torn my own throat inside out.

..Do lie down after this, and take a break.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Dang... That was really...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...Took the words out of my mouth...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Did this just become Angel Island Zone Act 2? (I haven't played Sonic 3 in a while...)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


The plot thickens.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


This is both sad and heartwarming.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...Is that a giant pirate flag in the middle of a pirate ship?

Or did they paint on a giant pirate flag onto the middle of a pirate ship?

Either way, it makes no sense.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sooooo I bet none of you were expecting this of all chapters to be the one to take my first unit, let alone two of 'em! Neither was I. Let this be a lesson to you all: greed is shit. It makes your plot-important units die, and in the second run, you fail horribly and people die and you lose the game's only warp user. I shit you not, I had to sit there for 10 minutes doing my utmost to convince myself not to reset. That's how absurdly crippling the loss of Attrom is. This run just became a whole lot harder than it had any right to be.

Katri is never going to let this down. And a lot of earlier jokes came off as eerie foreshadowing.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

God damnit, of course! It had to be you, you assholes are to blame! When I did my private, personal, no-bullshit, no-audience, just me and my units Ironman run of this game, it didn't go nearly as badly! Sure, I wasn't as hard on myself and reset quite a few deaths, but still! Fuck you! Fuck you all, it's not my fault, it's yours! Go to hell! But not just yet, you need to stay on planet Earth so you can give me views now. Thus, fare well for now, so that you may give me those nice, juicy views! Until next time, and hopefully, it'll be less terrible.

If you need to vent, vent. Preferably not in public, but try to get that out of your system. Start a google doc, grab a piece of paper, whatever, just write and get that off your chest.

Trust me on that.

...Dang, that hit a little close to home...

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4 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Ey! Another Munchkin player (I hope)!

It has been a while honestly. I still have it though.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aaaand that's about it? Okay...

And that's when I realise I had written something more to it, but I'd lost the original  reply to a crash.

It also affected the part relating to that.... banner.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Finally, you desist!

Only had to insist because the devs forced it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How so? I don't see the resemblance.

..... I don't know why I bother after you make the edit.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What do you mean, lapsed Catholic?

Pretty much not excommunicated but certainly not actively going to church.

I would count as this, but for recent events that have led to me not trying to push too many buttons causing me to enter the local choir.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I guess so, but it doesn't change the fact that Dr. Wahwee's an absolute riot of a video.

I wasn't arguing against that.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, at least Fates's fans are happy, right?

Not all of them though. Leo's still not getting any more alts.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dagon's dead, so does that mean the Dagon Bah system is purgatory?

No, it's where his body's been propped up corpse syond style.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hwahaha, but it'd be hilarious if you could make Pantsless Mars LP canon!

Port Mars being the town that replaced the port they were at in the end of episode 1?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also get berserked and kill his own troops.

Or just slept like I did when I played 22.

What, I thought the real way to shame him was to have to watch Seliph's army take out Freege while he had to sit on the sidelines.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pffffft now that I think about it, Doruk really does sound like Dork.

That Dork's not exactly as funny when he causes the death of Katri though.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Ah, but it's not important. I mean, this guy was basically just discount Xeno that I liked better, right? Perfectly expendable. We'll only miss out on a mediocre swordsman and a couple of really unimportant units that he's needed to recruit, such as a unique cleric with a unique staff that increases strength, totally not needed, and THE EXCLUSIVE FUCKING WARP USER IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME WHO ALSO COMES WITH BETTER STATS THAN LEE OF ALL PEOPLE AND A SECOND PERSONAL STAFF THAT KILLS 16 MONSTERS PER SHOT! IT'S NOTHING! NOTHING! WE'VE LOST NOTHING OF NOTE! NADA! I'M NOT BITTER, I'M NOT BITTER! I ONLY JUST EXPERIENCED FUCKING DEATH BY DOING THE EXACT SAME THINGS TWICE EXCEPT THE SECOND TIME THE RNG DIDN'T FEEL LIKE WORKING!

Oh. Attralm died.

So Zofia's doomed. That can't end well for Valentia. (Never mind for Renee)

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Nice. Isn't that great. Now we can't save Plum from the kidnappers!



So Bartz also dies.

Exdeath also wins I guess. That's two JRPG villains now.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And that's not even the best part, no. Go back to the OP. Wait, on second though, don't. I'll go back instead and quote the important part.

On 11/25/2018 at 1:04 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

- While I will be using Warp, outright warpskipping is, for the most part, disallowed. Once again, there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping. We'll talk about it when we get there.

On 11/25/2018 at 1:04 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping.

On 11/25/2018 at 1:04 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


W I T H O U T   W A R P S K I P P I N G



Oh, that's just nasty.

That's cruel.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:





Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalm down Rubendilididlylidlylidly, they did their best shoddilididlylidlylidly, gotta be nice hostilitydilididlylidlylidly...

Alicia: Manages to be as good at levelling as she is at consoling people.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I, uh... I...

Is he giving me a thumbs down? Did he really just dare to...?

...he's so dead. Oh so very dead. Not even your robe's time vortexes are going to save you, you hear me!? YOU'RE GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

What a Dork, am I right?

I know, bad and all, but in this time I should try for humour.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Baby steps, baby steps. This is good. Thanks, Julia.

It's not solving everything, but at least she can do some more damage.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Yeah, the time might not be suited for a sarcastic tirade of what you'd be told.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ruben is at the very least right on the idiocy of Holmes though.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


That seems a very Humphrey way of doing things, but he's also not glitching the world out to do so.

Maybe he's lost the ability? That or it's not him, but I don't want to rule him out only for it to be him again.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Maerchen does not deserve such a cool nickname.

It might be he only calls himself that.

Or the name of his ship. I'd go with that.

Regardless, fuck this chapter, we got two bad endings and a terrible future map.

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Well uh oof I guess, now I'm gonna feel bad for what I am about to do


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


More like Fooliattisnacordst

Hey uh let's have a feast to raise morale, order the villages to produce more butter

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So they're just assholes in general, is that it?


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

also, not using FE7 Bartre is good taste

FE7 completely defiles Bartre as both a character and unit and he alone counts for 3 games of bad Fighters

I agree wholeheartedly.

Given I used him one run and he turned out good, I can still agree with this just because he spends ages as a liability before picking up steam. He needs at least one set of speed-wings that could go to someone like Marcus with better effect. Yet you need him to get Karla.. and I wanted everyone.

Not even going back to get the quotes. Those are some heavy losses. A recurring name joke, and a guy who is apparently used to recruit the warp user. Shame Kaga didn't do the idea of "plot armor" first, where characters like Katri survive but don't have the ability to fight again. Why does Kaga did it first never apply when you need it?

I'm going to miss the Juliattisnacordst posting almost as much as you do that warpskip.

Edited by Mad-manakete
accidental early post.
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On this episode of Bad Game Design with Shouzou Kaga...

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, but it's not important. I mean, this guy was basically just discount Xeno that I liked better, right? Perfectly expendable. We'll only miss out on a mediocre swordsman and a couple of really unimportant units that he's needed to recruit, such as a unique cleric with a unique staff that increases strength, totally not needed, and THE EXCLUSIVE FUCKING WARP USER IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME WHO ALSO COMES WITH BETTER STATS THAN LEE OF ALL PEOPLE AND A SECOND PERSONAL STAFF THAT KILLS 16 MONSTERS PER SHOT! IT'S NOTHING! NOTHING! WE'VE LOST NOTHING OF NOTE! NADA! I'M NOT BITTER, I'M NOT BITTER! I ONLY JUST EXPERIENCED FUCKING DEATH BY DOING THE EXACT SAME THINGS TWICE EXCEPT THE SECOND TIME THE RNG DIDN'T FEEL LIKE WORKING!

I agree in principle with the idea of Warp not being easy to get because it's such an incredibly useful tool, especially considering it's infinite-range in the Kaga games, but making its availability contingent on a luck-based and not-clearly-related factor like Attrom's survival... not so much.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Especially considering whatever kind of bullshit that chapter is that it would have forced you into warpskipping. I can't say I'm not curious about what that will be like now, but...

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Time to get benched, Alicia!

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We just... we just let him run.

He killed Attrom and Juliattisnacordst, he gave us empty levels, he badly wounded Katri, and we just... let him flee. On a boat. Yeah...

well technically, he didn't do any of that, his subordinates did not the time for that, me...

Let's hope that him running again will make it even more satisfying when we finally get to put him six feet under.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...hey, look at that! Maruj got a nice point of magic! Am I proud of you!

The bright side of Alicia's awfulness is that Maruj getting good level ups is all the more enjoyable.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Is that a hint of concern I detect in your voice, Holmes?

Of course, anything that happens in these segments won't carry over into the main story dialogue, but I'm all up for any character development that makes Holmes less of a jerk.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Time for a theory that has absolutely zero backing and probably contradicted by something you haven't posted yet: The one who saved Ruben by pulling him into the bushes was General Lawrence. You know, the general working under Prince Richard who got namedropped a few pages ago and never actually shew up? You know who I mean, of course. I don't have any evidence, I don't even know why one of Richard's generals would be out in the woods in this part of the continent anyway, but who needs evidence? I won't stand for General Lawrence continuing to evade us!

Game Theory really needs to hire me as a writer for their videos.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


FF3NqbQ.pngMarco... don't let him escape!

Going to accept this as proof that Holmes just can't pronounce "Maerchen" and that's why he keeps misremembering it.

How do you pronounce Maerchen, anyway? My best guess is that it's the same as the German word Märchen since an alternative way of writing umlauted German letters is the regular letter followed by an e, but considering that word means fairy-tale...

Wait, why does the meaning matter? When has Japan ever cared about the meaning of foreign words? (sorry to anyone who's Japanese and cares about the meaning of foreign words)

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Part 26 - In which everything goes swimmingly.


On 26/1/2019 at 12:08 AM, eclipse said:

That. . .ow.  Man, Plum's in for a bad time. . .

Sure is...

(shamelessly plugging my own LP, that is)

I don't see how, but okay!


On 26/1/2019 at 1:42 AM, Hawkwing said:

What is this? An update only a few hours after the last one? And I barely miss being able to say first because...!

You know what? I'm just happy that I only spent an hour writing the last one. With hope, this will be of a similar length.

Seems like it to me. Good.

I ask myself that question every time I remember that's her natural fur.

Goodness gracious...

I almost wish there were costume DLC to give her pants although reclassing gives her a pair (or a dress) for free, although that comes with gameplay effects...

I have an inappropriate joke about what the longer fur there could mean, but I've never given it. I don't want to test what jokes are and aren't allowed by the mods.

It's obviously a dick.

C'mon, have you seen the crap I've gotten away with in my LPs? You're just a chicken, cheep cheepcheepcheep cheeeeeeep!



The taguel is an okay class with pros and cons, Panne and Yarne show off how reclassing can be done right, and Manaketes in Awakening suck if you don't use them constantly.

Let's move on now.

No need to apologize. It's an interesting tidbit, and it's nice to pay respects to anyone.


Eh, I'll drop it until he reappears again.

Then I'll inform you that Mortal Kombat 11 released a gameplay trailer around a week ago, and I have some ideas to take from it...


So... she failed to dodge the push, but because she didn't hit the ground, she didn't take any fall damage...

...Does this game award experience for simply engaging in battle?

It does, yes.

This is random, but the Lego Movie 2 has a 5 hour ad.

Talk about unreasonable. Was there anyone left to watch the movie after that?

I didn't have my hopes up in the first place, so it isn't a big loss.

We're all happy then.

So you intentionally made a typo in a comment about typos, but then you make a typo about a typo when in reality it the sentence is grammatically correct?

That took a few tries to write.

And you still made a typo.

I would suggest playing Echoes to alleviate that fear and remind you that crits don't have to be bad, but who knows where that reverse psychology would lead?

The only thing Echoes has is built-in rewinding. No, thanks. It wouldn't help.

I was referring more to the "grab the sword to aid with thrusts" but I guess I didn't make that clear

It would be cool if the mordhau technique actually appear in Fire Emblem, but that might just add another weakness to armor units, and they already have too many.

3 move.

...The guy in the video gave us the wonderful phrase of "end him rightly" when referring to unscrewing the pommel and using it to attack someone.

I do not know if that was intentional, or an awesome coincidence.

Very much intentional, yes. I've seen that man in the past.

Understandable. Some jokes aren't funny when you're not the one watching.

Eh, in all fairness, I laughed a lot. While tearing up, but I laughed.

Gaiden has some pretty underappreciated moments of clever game design.

Unfortunately, Kaga didn't take that from Gaiden.

Instead, we got other moments of clever game design, like sparing The Roger. Honestly, feels like both games have their fair share of trash. Gaiden had map design, this one has event design.


Tell me that.




I could just sense the fuse burning out. Good thing I thought to remark that Holmes can do it too.

...Godspeed, Ruben.


I, uh, don't have much to add. Other than may be take a break to recuperate after this.

Bah, nonsense.

...Did you/we just foreshadow her lack of a level in an earlier joke?

...Maybe we could throw her onto the trampoline, then off the bridge...

That might work better.

I see what you mean by Dork being introduced in full a-hole mode.

Y'know, as if you hadn't already seen it when he killed Katri last attempt.


Pffft. You really love these comics, doncha?

..Do lie down after this, and take a break.

And that I did.

Dang... That was really...

...Took the words out of my mouth...

Hahahaha, nice one.

Did this just become Angel Island Zone Act 2? (I haven't played Sonic 3 in a while...)

Ergh, maybe. I can't say I've ever seen that place.

The plot thickens.

It does!

This is both sad and heartwarming.

Better than just sad, right?

...Is that a giant pirate flag in the middle of a pirate ship?

Or did they paint on a giant pirate flag onto the middle of a pirate ship?

Either way, it makes no sense.

No, it does not.

Katri is never going to let this down. And a lot of earlier jokes came off as eerie foreshadowing.

Yup. Now imagine me reading those after I had already played through the chapter the second time and all that crap went down.

If you need to vent, vent. Preferably not in public, but try to get that out of your system. Start a google doc, grab a piece of paper, whatever, just write and get that off your chest.

Trust me on that.

Oh, no. You're not gonna get away from this. I'm putting myself through this torture for you, you can be damn sure I'm gonna put you through the mouthful you deserve. You poopyheads!

...Dang, that hit a little close to home...

In all seriousness, there's no reason to get all dramatic, I'm not mad at a-- I'm not so mad.

...I'm only a little mad.

...okay, maybe more than a little.

...okay, I'm mad, dramatisize away.

Dramatisize. Is that even a word? Ah, who cares.


On 26/1/2019 at 2:41 AM, Dayni said:

And that's when I realise I had written something more to it, but I'd lost the original  reply to a crash.

It also affected the part relating to that.... banner.

Think I'm better off not knowing what that was all about, then.

Only had to insist because the devs forced it.

I suppose so.

..... I don't know why I bother.

Neither do I.

Pretty much not excommunicated but certainly not actively going to church.

I would count as this,

I wouldn't. I haven't been officially excommunicated, I guess, but I really am not a religious person at all.

but for recent events that have led to me not trying to push too many buttons causing me to enter the local choir.

Oh, so you're a singer! Sing me something for good luck, so that I won't lose any more people.

I wasn't arguing against that.

Good, you'd be a monster to argue that.

Not all of them though. Leo's still not getting any more alts.

Who cares, they got ten Camilla alts! Ten!

No, it's where his body's been propped up corpse syond style.

Jeez, why would they even do that to his body?

Port Mars being the town that replaced the port they were at in the end of episode 1?

You mean BUT MAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS town? Might be.

Or just slept like I did when I played 22.

What, I thought the real way to shame him was to have to watch Seliph's army take out Freege while he had to sit on the sidelines.

I'd probably do the same, if only so I could save Cohen by capturing him. He seemed like a nice guy, rather unfair for him to die a throwaway.

That Dork's not exactly as funny when he causes the death of Katri though.


Oh. Attralm died.

So Zofia's doomed. That can't end well for Valentia. (Never mind for Renee)

Who cares about Zofia or Valentia? I lost warp!

So Bartz also dies.

Exdeath also wins I guess. That's two JRPG villains now.

Doggone it...


Oh, that's just nasty.

That's cruel.

Isn't it? Well, that's the way my life's going to be.

Alicia: Manages to be as good at levelling as she is at consoling people.

Grumble grumble...

What a Dork, am I right?

I know, bad and all, but in this time I should try for humour.

Hey, in the midst of all this misery, I can accept some terribad jokes.

It's not solving everything, but at least she can do some more damage.

That's something.

Yeah, the time might not be suited for a sarcastic tirade of what you'd be told.

He's furious, okay, give him a break.

Ruben is at the very least right on the idiocy of Holmes though.

Hahahahah... boom!

That seems a very Humphrey way of doing things, but he's also not glitching the world out to do so.

Maybe he's lost the ability? That or it's not him, but I don't want to rule him out only for it to be him again.

Wait and see...

It might be he only calls himself that.

Or the name of his ship. I'd go with that.

He's dumb, that's the LP canon.

Regardless, fuck this chapter, we got two bad endings and a terrible future map.



On 26/1/2019 at 2:44 AM, Pengaius said:

Well uh oof I guess, now I'm gonna feel bad for what I am about to do

Don't you dare...!


You dared.

More like Fooliattisnacordst

Piece of... goddamnit!

Hey uh let's have a feast to raise morale, order the villages to produce more butter

Okay, so you definitely do know about Harlaus. You know what I did with Harlaus in my one run of Mount and Blade that I could never finish because the saves glitched out? I put him in jail for life. That's what I did with King Harlaus.


On 26/1/2019 at 3:50 AM, Mad-manakete said:



Given I used him one run and he turned out good, I can still agree with this just because he spends ages as a liability before picking up steam. He needs at least one set of speed-wings that could go to someone like Marcus with better effect. Yet you need him to get Karla.. and I wanted everyone.

That's a valid enough reason for using him, I guess.
Not even going back to get the quotes. Those are some heavy losses. A recurring name joke, and a guy who is apparently used to recruit the warp user. Shame Kaga didn't do the idea of "plot armor" first, where characters like Katri survive but don't have the ability to fight again. Why does Kaga did it first never apply when you need it?

Because Kaga has his priorities in order. Giving players hell has priority 1. KDIF, priority 2.
I'm going to miss the Juliattisnacordst posting almost as much as you do that warpskip.

Same... but hey, I could always revive him, although by then there'll probably be more optimal uses for the reviving thing.


On 26/1/2019 at 9:04 AM, Ruminant said:

On this episode of Bad Game Design with Shouzou Kaga...

Kind of hard to believe that he's able to do so many things so right, yet so many things so wrong...

I agree in principle with the idea of Warp not being easy to get because it's such an incredibly useful tool, especially considering it's infinite-range in the Kaga games, but making its availability contingent on a luck-based and not-clearly-related factor like Attrom's survival... not so much.

Especially considering whatever kind of bullshit that chapter is that it would have forced you into warpskipping. I can't say I'm not curious about what that will be like now, but...

Don't lie, you're craving for my tears. And rest assured, you will get them.

Time to get benched, Alicia!

I'll give her another chance or two, but if she keeps this up, I won't be able to continue excusing her presence, especially after that horrid conversation.

well technically, he didn't do any of that, his subordinates did not the time for that, me...

Too late, I read that. You despicable... brigand!

Let's hope that him running again will make it even more satisfying when we finally get to put him six feet under.

Or maybe he'll kill more of my units. Guess we'll find out today.

The bright side of Alicia's awfulness is that Maruj getting good level ups is all the more enjoyable.

Yeah, he's really showing her up. It's like he took that talk they had personally. Who wouldn't?

Is that a hint of concern I detect in your voice, Holmes?

Of course, anything that happens in these segments won't carry over into the main story dialogue, but I'm all up for any character development that makes Holmes less of a jerk.

I tried not to deviate much from his actual character. I mean, sure, he was an asshole about it all, but he did stay at Wellt to kill the remaining pirates and ensure the country's safety, he did try to save Attrom and his sister (and then failed horribly because of me), and now is pursuing Maerchen in hopes of at least rescuing Renee. He's a jerk, for sure, but he's not an evil monster. Like Alicia.

Time for a theory that has absolutely zero backing and probably contradicted by something you haven't posted yet: The one who saved Ruben by pulling him into the bushes was General Lawrence. You know, the general working under Prince Richard who got namedropped a few pages ago and never actually shew up? You know who I mean, of course. I don't have any evidence, I don't even know why one of Richard's generals would be out in the woods in this part of the continent anyway, but who needs evidence? I won't stand for General Lawrence continuing to evade us!

Hwahahahahahaha.... aaahaaahahahahahah...! This! This is exactly what I was hoping to get when I focused on the General Lawrence nonsense so much! This kind of stupidity! Thanks, girl. Love ya.

Game Theory really needs to hire me as a writer for their videos.

They do not deserve you.

Going to accept this as proof that Holmes just can't pronounce "Maerchen" and that's why he keeps misremembering it.

How do you pronounce Maerchen, anyway? My best guess is that it's the same as the German word Märchen since an alternative way of writing umlauted German letters is the regular letter followed by an e, but considering that word means fairy-tale...

I just spanishize it, "Mah err chen". It sounds natural to me.

Wait, why does the meaning matter? When has Japan ever cared about the meaning of foreign words? (sorry to anyone who's Japanese and cares about the meaning of foreign words)

Friendly reminder of Ostia.


6 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

I found a way to cure what ails you, even if only a little.

Good meme, but it won't bring Attrom back. Or Juliattisnacordst.





This is today's map. We're boarding Maerchen's Ship Of The Pirate Flag Floor. A few pirates scathered here and there, but the aft end is definitely the bussiest part of the boat.


Here's Renee. She's an incredible healer, of a class that is unique to her (well, sort of, Sylphid also had it, but she never joins), the Saint class. Saints are basically the exact same as normal Clerics but better, which begs the question: why isn't this the standard promotion of Clerics? To which the only answer I could find is: because fuck you, that's why. Clerics don't promote and I can't get Renee, so Lee's the single "promoted" healer I'm ever going to get. Now watch as I lose him as well and have to stockpile fruits.


The Myrmidon bellow her is Krishna. Her eyes are weird, her stats are bad, and she has the dodge sword and two miracle charms, which does not reassure me in the slightest.


Here's the Summoner. He summons Harpies, which we've never seen. They're very fragile Archers with 4 move, but they fly and sport personal, unobtainable bows that have low might but very high crit that makes me want to cut to the chase and blow my brains out.


Anyhow, here's the team. Esther disappointed me last time and Kreiss needs the levels more, so she's out for today. Other than that, Mel has joined the team because I'm angry with Katri also and she'll help make The Roger even more lethal.


Let's move. Maerchen has some lives to answer for.


Here are the Harpies. Damnable harpies... Tom might be able to do something about them.


Hah! Yeah, like that's gonna work.




This hit, but at least Lionel retaliated fine.


Look at that beautiful crit. Mmhmm!


It didn't proc, but still, 'twas a good idea to bring Mel along.


These are the sort of hitrates we'll be seeing all map. These guys aren't the most accurate enemies ever.


Well, there's a couple of swordsmen, but their accuracy cannot remedy their lower might.


Neither can magic! Hah! So outclassed!


The tank can tank magic too. Actually, no, he can't, that guy's just the poorest excuse for a mage ever. Unlike Sasha, man she's awesome with levin swords. Looking forward to going back to Runan, but that won't happen until a few chapters from here, I'm afraid. Eh, it's fine, we've got some good guys here, like Tom. Tom's great, don't let gamefaqs convince you otherwise. He's like Dougy, badly underestimated.


Ah, they're attempting to flank us! Do not allow them to pull it off!


Out of my way, I must hunt those crit-happy vultures down!


This fecker has a leather shield. Let's work on breaking it.


A wild text has appeared!


ciDy8aH.pngDo you hear me, Holmes?! Be a good boy and surrender now! If you don't, this girl's gonna lose her pretty little head!

FF3NqbQ.pngDo you honestly think I care? I don't even know that girl! Do whatever the hell you want with her.


ciDy8aH.pngBut I... I've got a hostage! That means you goody-two-shoes are supposed to surrender!

prSiLUK.pngMr. Maerchen, please stop! I'll trade places with your prisoner, so please release her!


IfRBMws.png ...

0zFk3fj.png Look, uh... Holmes. I don't doubt that, despite how much of a humongous dick you are, your heart is in the right place. However... you do know that the purpose of bluffing is to buy time in order for something else to happen that will result in the enemy's advantage being taken away from them? What exactly was your plan here? What if he went "oki dokie!" and beheaded Renee right there and then? What then, you idiot? Sigh...

q8a7y5Q.pngNo, stay away! Don't risk your life for my sake!


xQunKTk.png Isn't that nice? She's gonna help Renee escape... es... cape?

0zFk3fj.png Escape to where? This is a boat! She's got nowhere to go!


xygSyF9.pngGo, quickly!




Escape to where!? This makes no sense! She moved one tile to the right! It's not like Holmes is aiming right at your head and you need her as a shield, either! You've no reason to be prodding your men to harrass her at all!


That's not going to end well, is it...



...oh, please. Seriously!?


You're the dumbest of them all! You had no reason to send them after her, she was right there! You've nobody but yourself to blame for this!


The good guys react to this terrible turn of events. Hey, looking on the bright side, she's with Attrom now, right?


Since she has officially joined us now, it's time to talk stats.

HP 40% - Strength 15% - Skill 15% - Speed 25% - Defense 14% - Magic 10% - Luck 25% - Mastery 20%

Krishna's... weird. She's like, a Thief who trades off Locktouch in exchange for the ability to promote, but... she's just so bad! Look at that! 3 base strength on a 15% growth? 2 defense on a 14% growth? Even Julia's better than this scrub! She does learn Draco at level 17. If it triggers, Draco triples the might of the attack, and it can crit, too, for a maximum of 6 times the damage. Damn cool, but again, Krishna's stats are so bad...

If you google "Tear Ring Saga tier list", though, you might find a really old tier list here in serenes that has her on top of the top tier. The reason behind this is that, down the line, it is possible to cause a glitch that duplicates Krishna, and more importantly, her inventory, which means you can basically get infinite statboosters. Why anybody thought that was a valid reason to call somebody the best unit in the game is beyond me. Rest assured, I will not do that glitch. That would be no fun. What might be fun is using her, something I've done in the past, actually.


Another really shitty thing about Krishna is that this Sergeant (promoted Soldier) 1HKOs her. She cannot escape, and the asshole moves. Thankfully, he's the only one who does move in that part of the ship, so if you keep her outside the Pirates' and the Mage's range (A.K.A. the very edge of the ship), she'll have a chance to survive. Even so, this is the second time Kaga has left a unit's survival completely up to the RNGoddess. I do not like this. I hope it stops soon.


There we go. Now, fingers crossed for that 39% hitrate.


As for you guys, I need you to haul ass to the woman.


Just like so.


The Roger the Paladin, too, moves to the eastern part of the boat. I'm going to need more hands on that side of the deck if Krishna's going to have any chance of survival.


That's actually pretty good! I like it very much, my the man.


Tom might not be the world's best bowman, but when it comes to the Harpies, he's my best option. He'll always be able to retaliate, he'll almost always kill, and the only way they're going to do anything to him is with crits, and even then it's only going to be 6 points of damage, and he has a fruit to heal himself if needed be. He could probably solo that side of the map.


Still, this guy annoys me, so let's just Dire Thunder him and be done with it.


Awesome! Krishna's magic is a lot better than her strength, or any of my other swordsmen's magic for that matter, so she might actually put this to good use if I end up giving her a shot.


Worth a shot, I hope. Don't miss, Lionel!




Kreiss is a little behind in levels and stats. He's still great, mind you, but I think his unpromotedness is hurting him more than anybody else right now. Lionel is awesome as is, so I think if anybody's going to get the first Knight's Crest, it's Kreiss. We'll get a rather nasty indoor map soon after that first Crest, and having another great infantry with lances indoors would be sweet. Lionel can't be everywhere, after all. I could also promote Arkis, but I mean, why?


A Pirate survived, and I'm pretty sure if both he and the Harpies go after Alicia it won't be pretty, so let's create a distraction.


Of course, when Doruk does it the skeletons spawn all the way on the other side of the map, but when Katri tries it, they spawn next to her. Good.


At least they move before the enemy. One of them actually tried approaching the Pirate, so that's good.


Man, that's so much experience right there, but the crit scares me too much...


Shigen dodges, and that's enough to level up.


Eh. Fine, I guess. Could be worse, could be empty.


Ah, so the zombies were useless after all, because the asshole went after Katri. Well, she can take one hit, so I'm okay with this.





Inclassed! Ah! Duck!


Sure, sure, she has those charms, but I'd rather keep them.


Even with a crit she fails. Her sprite's basically edgy Julia. For whatever reason, her headband's green like her hair instead of yellow, but this game's always been rather bad at keeping sprites consistent with the portraits, so that's nothing too surprising.


Mmph! Don't get hit critically now!




All of them went after Lionel. Shit... that was not pleasant.


Thankfully, none of the hit him critically, so we're just dandy, even if he did miss one of them.


Best run, though. With his shaky hitrate and low defense, Lionel's bad at fighting Harpies.


Tom will prove to be a better match-up for them.


Well, well, finally! He finally got that speed I've been waiting for all LP. Now get some more.


Alicia levels up. You're treading on extremely thin ice, so you cannot afford to trip on this.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're fucked.


Show her how it's done, Maruj!


And at last, it's time for Kreiss to kill. Been a while since he last participated in a battle.


Julia and Garo kill Archers.


Meanwhile, Holmes runs up and kills the High Mage from afar.


Hang in there, Krishna. Two more turns, and we'll be there.


This Pirate is still alive, but that's okay, I want to feed the kill to Kreiss. He'll go after Katri, she'll survive, and then he'll die to Kreiss.


Oi! Don't you dare, that's Kreiss's kill! Thank goodness the other two buffoons went the other way...


Maerchen's not hostile, actually, just cowardly. He tries to escape and is about as successful as Renee.


Oh, look at that. Seems like the zombie really angered that pirateman.


Ah, crap! Hurry up, everyone!


Oh, she actually stole his fruit! Man, wouldn't it be hilarious if she managed to disarm him?


It was at this point that, within my mind, a little idea started to develop...


But first, I didn't feed this kill to Kreiss, but to Maruj. That works too, I guess.


I do intend to give Maerchen to Kreiss, though.


For the idea I mentioned earlier... remember how I said Tom could probably solo this side of the map? Well, that's exactly what he's gonna do.


Since the Harpies can crit him, they'll attack him even though their might doesn't suffice to hurt him normally, and in turn, he'll completely demolish them, earning 20 experience per flying girl. This should boost his performance quite a lot, so long as he doesn't get five HP only levels or something, of course. Which is a quite real possibility, but let's not dwell.


Meanwhile, Krishna keeps on holding on to dear life.


...not anymore, though! Hahahahah, nicely done, Krishna, nicely done.


This is Tom for the rest of the chapter, so I'll just skip his action and only show his levels.


Thanks to Krishna, this guy is no more than an experience pinata now.


We'll save him up for later. For now, let's get rid of the two fools who sent Renee on a morning dip.


He's almost done for.


Still, I don't want to take any risks. Heal up, Garo!


Mel... no...


Might as well!


Blech... his lack of weapons is going to make him a little hard to hit, but that's fine. Missing also gives experience. Every little bit matters!


It was at this point that I realized the zombies were going to do more harm than good. The chapter's objective is to kill Maerchen, and those decaying corpses could very well pull it off. Better ensure they cannot make it to him.


1 HP! The perfect Jeiganing! That's going to be a kill for Kreiss, no questions asked.


There. Level up well!


Man, Kreiss. He's such a well-balanced unit. All he needs is a promotion, and he's good to go. Well, if I recall correctly, it won't be too long now...


Garo is going to level up too. Keep the good levels coming!


Pretty good, I like it. He's going to ram his caps at this pace!


Yet another level up! This being Lionel, I think we can safely assume it's going to be--


...come now...


Maybe you'll do better, Holmes?


Very nice. Thanks.


The zombies aren't going to make it to the enemies any time soon, so we can take our time.


And that's exactly what we'll do. There's no danger at all, so Tom is going to massacre all of that Summoner's Harpies, until he can summon no more.


Turn 7, folks. Let's see how long this'll take us.


See, the problem is that sometimes the asshole just doesn't feel like using his staff. I have no idea why. He just sometimes does it and sometimes he doesn't.


That's fine, though. I'm not in any hurry. Is this a shot of Tom shooting or Tom getting shot?
"Tom dodged the attack!"
Okay, he's the one firing here. Man, those arrows are confusing. I'm never going to get used to them.


While Tom does his thing, let's keep the levels coming.


After refusing to get any magic for so long, Maruj has been on a roll lately. He really did take Alicia's insults to heart, didn't he? Not complaining, though. You show that bitch who's boss, Maruj!


And Kreiss delivers the final blows to the defenseless Sergeant.


No more to do than to wait for Tom to be done.


Oh, shiet! Tom crit! It's the exact same animation! And there's no animation involved to begin with, so...


6 6   D A M A G E


Hell yeah! That's the sort of level I like to see!


That... that's not.


Tom! Stop it!


Ah-hah, hahah... all is forgiven, Tom, all is forgiven.


At this point, the Harpies learnt their lesson and tried to fly past Tom and towards my other units.


Fine, have it your way. Tom, shoot them down!


Enraged by their comrade's death, this Harpy attacks Tom while the other one... hangs back where nobody can reach it? This isn't new, either, that one was from the earlier batches, it just never had the balls to attack Tom. Smart Harpy. But that won't save it. I'll find a way, I'm sure of it.


Tom just has no middle ground. Either he gets shitty ass empty levels, or amazing levels where he procs all his 10% growths. Well, except for strength. He hasn't gotten a single point of strength ever.


They're trying to escape! Get them, Tom!


One of them goes down and the other one futilely tries to avenge it. Only one more, and we're good to go.


Oh my God, Tom... okay, let's take a moment to appreciate my Tom. It's like, he has shitty ass defensive growths but great speed. However, my Tom is speed-screwed but defense-blessed. He's actually on his max level defense average right now! What this all amounts to is that, in one of life's little ironies, my tank has actually become a standard tank when, on average, he isn't meant to be a normal tank. Amazing. Also, 18 defense, everyone. Pretty sure he's got more defense than literally any other playable unit in the game at base right now, only matched by someone we'll meet in a while. I'm glad I decided to use you, Tom. That 3 move does hold you back somewhat, but I might just have a way to remedy that quite soon...


Uhhhh this is interesting. The Harpy didn't actually spawn with this in its inventory. Instead, it's another one of this game's obscure mechanics that make no sense. Every monster and some human enemies have a chance (0.5%, I believe) to drop an item. What this item is depends on the enemy's type. Some items can only be acquired in this way, which is bullshit. It actually happened to me once, I got a blessed axe (20 might axe that can be used as a fruit and that is effective against monsters) out of an Ogre. This isn't quite as good, but eh, it's okay. If nothing else, this can be sold for a pretty penny, or kept in some squishy's inventory to mantain my heart rate at normal levels.


The last of the Harpies managed to fly past Tom and make it to Shigen. Guess I'll try to give somebody else the kill.


Heeeeyyyy she can't die from this! Worth a shot, then.


No level, but oh well.


Time to confront Maerchen.


He has a sturdy shield, but is otherwise pathetic.


Let's go, then! Fun fact: this guy doesn't have Army of Darkness as his boss theme. Instead, he has this one. This is a rare thing. It's missing from the official arranged album, and in the game's music player, it's right at the end, unlike the other themes which are in an order. Feels to me like it was a late addition. I couldn't even find it anywhere on the internet, so I actually had to go through the trouble of recording it and uploading it myself. The loop doesn't work so well, but oh well, I did what I could with what little I had. Full loop goes from 0:35 to 1:12. I like this theme, personally. Sounds more mischievous and less serious than Army of Darkness, in a way, but it's not quite something like a Mario & Luigi boss theme. Very fitting for Maerchen, if I may say so myself. It'll be used some other times, and I don't think it fits quite as well there, but oh well.


Let's work on that shield of his.


Only one more use!


Man, how hilarious would it be if Krishna stole his sword and rendered him defenseless as well? He can't kill her, so it's worth a shot, I believe!


Nothing was stolen, but she got some experience out of the encounter and broke his shield. Good enough.


Now, I don't want her to die, so here, have some heals from the Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Heal.


Why do I always seem to take thirty-something turns?


Piece of crap, don't heal! You're fucked, die fighting!


I'm just gonna have Krishna get some experience out of the guy.


Until she breaks her sword, at least. It's not like the thing's very useful.


In the end, she got a level. I actually really like it! 4 stats for Krishna is uncommon, and they're good stats too. Thanks for your cooperation, Krishna. A few more like these, maybe some magic and strength on top of it, and you'll earn a spot in the team.


She also stole Maerchen's sword, which is hilarious.


The boss experience remains even if the boss can't fight, so this'll be a level up for Kreiss.


There! Lance to the crotch! A fitting end for this piece of worthless trash!


Ergh... what?


Okay, for some reason his death quote was presented like a battle quote, unlike everyone else's... eh, who cares, he's dead.


Uh, I think...? His sprite is still there.


Oh, well. Can't always get awesome levels, can you, Kreiss? Still, you're ready to promote when you can. That's good.


And that's a wrap! Renee's apparently pushing up daisies at the bottom of the sea, but there's nothing I could've done about it, and at least we finally got Maerchen. Next time, we read. Until then, fare as well as you possibly can. For my sake, if not yours. Buh-bye!

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 1


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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


This is today's map. We're boarding Maerchen's Ship Of The Pirate Flag Floor. A few pirates scathered here and there, but the aft end is definitely the bussiest part of the boat.

Wait I thought you weren't playing Echoes. This is clearly an Echoes Map.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Clerics don't promote and I can't get Renee, so Lee's the single "promoted" healer I'm ever going to get. Now watch as I lose him as well and have to stockpile fruits.

Don't even think about letting a Leethal blow land on our friend. It'd not only be catastrophicaLee bad for your run, but for my puns as well.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The tank can tank magic too. Actually, no, he can't, that guy's just the poorest excuse for a mage ever. Unlike Sasha, man she's awesome with levin swords. Looking forward to going back to Runan, but that won't happen until a few chapters from here, I'm afraid. Eh, it's fine, we've got some good guys here, like Tom. Tom's great, don't let gamefaqs convince you otherwise. He's like Dougy, badly underestimated.

Gamefaqs told me Vanessa is bad in Sacred Stones and I've seen her one round Formortiis. Albeit with pierce, that skill that I never get because I avoid that class due to the game crash glitch and liking my animations. Vanessa last time I used her. Such a wonderful unit. 22 strength, 18 Defense. 22 Res Capped Skill Speed and Luck. 48 HP thanks to a seraph robe. I know I just got lucky to hell, but she stopped needing help the moment she got the Delphi shield. I didn't even end up reaching 20/20, so I'll not know her full potential. Point is gamefaqs is as biased by personal experiences as everyone else, and units it calls bad can be wonderful.


19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Escape to where!? This makes no sense! She moved one tile to the right! It's not like Holmes is aiming right at your head and you need her as a shield, either! You've no reason to be prodding your men to harrass her at all!


That's not going to end well, is it...



...oh, please. Seriously!?


You're the dumbest of them all! You had no reason to send them after her, she was right there! You've nobody but yourself to blame for this!


The good guys react to this terrible turn of events. Hey, looking on the bright side, she's with Attrom now, right?

This was pretty farcical, one minute he's saying he's gonna decapitate her, then he stops because of a bluff (that only worked because with no hostage Holmes and the others would have no reason not to kill him) then he's worried about her escaping on a damn ship, then he hounds her over the side of the damn ship. I feel like I watched a Monty Python skit. Is it just a thing that people with names like Maerchen or Martel are the dimmest bulbs in this series?

28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Of course, when Doruk does it the skeletons spawn all the way on the other side of the map, but when Katri tries it, they spawn next to her. Good.

Least they aren't trying to kill her this time.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ah-hah, hahah... all is forgiven, Tom, all is forgiven.

That defense stat...


36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh my God, Tom... okay, let's take a moment to appreciate my Tom. It's like, he has shitty ass defensive growths but great speed. However, my Tom is speed-screwed but defense-blessed. He's actually on his max level defense average right now! What this all amounts to is that, in one of life's little ironies, my tank has actually become a standard tank when, on average, he isn't meant to be a normal tank. Amazing. Also, 18 defense, everyone. Pretty sure he's got more defense than literally any other playable unit in the game at base right now, only matched by someone we'll meet in a while. I'm glad I decided to use you, Tom. That 3 move does hold you back somewhat, but I might just have a way to remedy that quite soon...

May he ram that defence cap and become truly indestructible.


43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Heeeeyyyy she can't die from this! Worth a shot, then.

Maruj says it would have been anyway.... also wouldn't she have been at risk on the off chance she missed and the enemy hit back with a crit, then proceeded to attack on the enemy turn?

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And that's a wrap! Renee's apparently pushing up daisies at the bottom of the sea, but there's nothing I could've done about it, and at least we finally got Maerchen. Next time, we read. Until then, fare as well as you possibly can. For my sake, if not yours. Buh-bye!

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 1


Why isn't Renee on the death count if she's dead? Or is that a spoiler? Hmm.

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What the hell? Your Krishnea already stole more stuff then she did in my entire run where I used her.

Anyway, it's nice that Krishnea got a WLV up. But she still needs two more until she can use the Thunder Sword. And with that 20% growth it will probably still come down to a WLV+.

But if you use her, make sure she doesn't have a Thunder Sword in her inventory before THAT event. I learned that the hard way.

I think the Main Gauche most certainly has it's uses. There are plenty of low hit threats in this game, like Harpies with their 50% hit bows. And a lot of those deal effective damage against fliers, so it's a pretty neat item for them.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, so you're a singer! Sing me something for good luck, so that I won't lose any more people.





(Sorry, I can't think of any footage I'm in that I can't be seen in. I'd like to preserve some anonymity. :P

Back to practising for a choir. Funnily enough as part of warming up Aaaah is a sound used (your note is what varies).

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd probably do the same, if only so I could save Cohen by capturing him. He seemed like a nice guy, rather unfair for him to die a throwaway.

Yeah, I'd have liked to sleep him as well, but he'd be restored by the throne. I might not have been as altruistic in doing so, but enemy staves in Thracia made me paranoid by then.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Who cares about Zofia or Valentia? I lost warp!

If only you had Silque.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Here's Renee. She's an incredible healer, of a class that is unique to her (well, sort of, Sylphid also had it, but she never joins), the Saint class. Saints are basically the exact same as normal Clerics but better, which begs the question: why isn't this the standard promotion of Clerics? To which the only answer I could find is: because fuck you, that's why. Clerics don't promote and I can't get Renee, so Lee's the single "promoted" healer I'm ever going to get. Now watch as I lose him as well and have to stockpile fruits.

I mean, that's just nasty.

Letting you know what you can never have.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tom's great, don't let gamefaqs convince you otherwise. He's like Dougy, badly underestimated.

Badly underestimated for memes really.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngDo you honestly think I care? I don't even know that girl! Do whatever the hell you want with her.


Yeah, I have a response:


9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


IfRBMws.png ...

0zFk3fj.png Look, uh... Holmes. I don't doubt that, despite how much of a humongous dick you are, your heart is in the right place. However... you do know that the purpose of bluffing is to buy time in order for something else to happen that will result in the enemy's advantage being taken away from them? What exactly was your plan here? What if he went "oki dokie!" and beheaded Renee right there and then? What then, you idiot? Sigh...

The idea of it being a bluff doesn't improve that he was that willing to ruin a rescue mission.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You're the dumbest of them all! You had no reason to send them after her, she was right there! You've nobody but yourself to blame for this!

Whoopsie from Maerchen I guess?

I mean, he would have done better doing anything else. Including hitting a wall.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Since she has officially joined us now, it's time to talk stats.

HP 40% - Strength 15% - Skill 15% - Speed 25% - Defense 14% - Magic 10% - Luck 25% - Mastery 20%

Krishna's... weird. She's like, a Thief who trades off Locktouch in exchange for the ability to promote, but... she's just so bad! Look at that! 3 base strength on a 15% growth? 2 defense on a 14% growth? Even Julia's better than this scrub! She does learn Draco at level 17. If it triggers, Draco triples the might of the attack, and it can crit, too, for a maximum of 6 times the damage. Damn cool, but again, Krishna's stats are so bad...

If you google "Tear Ring Saga tier list", though, you might find a really old tier list here in serenes that has her on top of the top tier. The reason behind this is that, down the line, it is possible to cause a glitch that duplicates Krishna, and more importantly, her inventory, which means you can basically get infinite statboosters. Why anybody thought that was a valid reason to call somebody the best unit in the game is beyond me. Rest assured, I will not do that glitch. That would be no fun. What might be fun is using her, something I've done in the past, actually.

Bad and strange growths.

That event's interesting though.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hell yeah! That's the sort of level I like to see!

I just realised, maybe some montage music would help.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Let's go, then! Fun fact: this guy doesn't have Army of Darkness as his boss theme. Instead, he has this one. This is a rare thing. It's missing from the official arranged album, and in the game's music player, it's right at the end, unlike the other themes which are in an order. Feels to me like it was a late addition. I couldn't even find it anywhere on the internet, so I actually had to go through the trouble of recording it and uploading it myself. The loop doesn't work so well, but oh well, I did what I could with what little I had. Full loop goes from 0:35 to 1:12. I like this theme, personally. Sounds more mischievous and less serious than Army of Darkness, in a way, but it's not quite something like a Mario & Luigi boss theme. Very fitting for Maerchen, if I may say so myself. It'll be used some other times, and I don't think it fits quite as well there, but oh well.

What, no Crazy Bus for him?

I do like this track though.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Okay, for some reason his death quote was presented like a battle quote, unlike everyone else's... eh, who cares, he's dead.

I have to assume he's saying that very high pitched.

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So, I learned yesterday...


... that Plum comes out of her rescue unharmed, and that Bartz, er, Juliattisnacordst beats the crap out of the slaver. I know nothing more beyond that.

I also learned that the Judgral games have similar situations, except they don't end as... uh...

On 1/25/2019 at 8:41 PM, Dayni said:

It has been a while honestly. I still have it though.

It's been a while since I last played it too. I've noticed that people who play videogames tend to catch onto the rules faster than those who don't.

Ah, the memories. From winning with divine intervention and gloating afterwards as per rules, to being a badass super thief with a badass bandanna and a singing sword, to using the pollymorph potion on a monster to gain a crap ton of treasure...

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Goodness gracious...

Giving credit where credit is due (if it could be called that), it takes a while to notice. Mostly because Panne is either transformed, wearing proper clothing when reclassed, or you see her upper body in supports, so you don't get a lot of opportunities to see her full artwork/model.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's obviously a dick.

C'mon, have you seen the crap I've gotten away with in my LPs? You're just a chicken, cheep cheepcheepcheep cheeeeeeep!

I either care too much about my dignity to fall so low to actually make the joke, or I'm too scared of the mods to test what the "line" is.

Or it's just because I hate sex jokes and don't want to accidentally go into another rant that isn't fun for anyone (and again, mods).

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It does, yes.

So... then would it be comparable to getting hit, but not taking any damage? Or would it count as dual guarding? Or... uh...

I'm overthinking this. Fire Emblem need fall damage to answer this question.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And you still made a typo.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Very much intentional, yes. I've seen that man in the past.

I see. Glad to know someone else has an interest in medieval swordplay.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I could just sense the fuse burning out. Good thing I thought to remark that Holmes can do it too.

I'm glad that Kaga isn't that much of a scumbag, but that's cutting it awfully close.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Y'know, as if you hadn't already seen it when he killed Katri last attempt.

Well...you she did untransform from a dragon at a most inopportune time...

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pffft. You really love these comics, doncha?

Eyup. It's harder to find something in them that can't make meme material.

I just wish that Serenes Forest and Discord actually liked pictures from it, though. I've tried twice to make an avatar out of Snake, and they didn't like it.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yup. Now imagine me reading those after I had already played through the chapter the second time and all that crap went down.

I can only imagine what that's like...

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In all seriousness, there's no reason to get all dramatic, I'm not mad at a-- I'm not so mad.

...I'm only a little mad.

...okay, maybe more than a little.

...okay, I'm mad, dramatisize away.

Dramatisize. Is that even a word? Ah, who cares.

Nah, I wasn't taking about the rant against the audience. More... well... I decided to get some stuff of my chest a few months ago, and pretty much vented onto a private Discord server I made. I have also recently been helping a friend who made a big mistake and isn't taking the cost so well. I'm learning that sometimes, you just need to get that anger out, and there are healthy and unhealthy ways to do that

Also, it's spelled "dramatize".

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Here's Renee. She's an incredible healer, of a class that is unique to her (well, sort of, Sylphid also had it, but she never joins), the Saint class. Saints are basically the exact same as normal Clerics but better, which begs the question: why isn't this the standard promotion of Clerics? To which the only answer I could find is: because fuck you, that's why. Clerics don't promote and I can't get Renee, so Lee's the single "promoted" healer I'm ever going to get. Now watch as I lose him as well and have to stockpile fruits.

I find the way this game handles classes to be just as confusing as how it handles weapons.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here's the Summoner. He summons Harpies, which we've never seen. They're very fragile Archers with 4 move, but they fly and sport personal, unobtainable bows that have low might but very high crit that makes me want to cut to the chase and blow my brains out.


Please tell me they're wearing a shirt for once. Please tell me they're wearing a shirt. Please tell me they're not another example of getting stuff past the radar. Please tell me they're modest for once...

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


It looks like Shigen grabbed the axe in mid-air.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


What kind of dodge animation is that? That's not sidestepping, that's just raising your weapon.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ciDy8aH.pngBut I... I've got a hostage! That means you goody-two-shoes are supposed to surrender!

Holmes also has a bow. And shooting the hostage taker is an actual tactic, not only in fictionland, but in real life.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

prSiLUK.pngMr. Maerchen, please stop! I'll trade places with your prisoner, so please release her!

I applaud her selflessness while also facepalming at her stupidity.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


IfRBMws.png ...

0zFk3fj.png Look, uh... Holmes. I don't doubt that, despite how much of a humongous dick you are, your heart is in the right place. However... you do know that the purpose of bluffing is to buy time in order for something else to happen that will result in the enemy's advantage being taken away from them? What exactly was your plan here? What if he went "oki dokie!" and beheaded Renee right there and then? What then, you idiot? Sigh...

I think Holmes planned to shoot the hostage taker, and bluffed to try and get them in a more vulnerable position. Although you are right that he didn't account for Mearco... macro... Mac...  the guy with the goatee and punchable face to just kill her on the spot. Unless Holmes also knew that killing her would have been the waste of potential "merchandise".

Guess being a legal pirate leads to understanding how normal pirates think.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Escape to where? This is a boat! She's got nowhere to go!

There's lifeboats, swinging on a rope, climbing onto the masts, jumping overboard, this.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



...oh, please. Seriously!?

Ah, so she took the "overboard" option.

...She can swim, right?

Doggy paddle, at least?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You're the dumbest of them all! You had no reason to send them after her, she was right there! You've nobody but yourself to blame for this!

Don't yell at them for knocking her overboard! Yell at them to jump in and rescue her, ya idiot! Use a fishing net if ya hav' ta!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


YOU jump in and save her, ya idiots! Use a fishing net if ya hav' ta!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, looking on the bright side, she's with Attrom now, right?

...She can't swim, can she?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If you google "Tear Ring Saga tier list", though, you might find a really old tier list here in serenes that has her on top of the top tier. The reason behind this is that, down the line, it is possible to cause a glitch that duplicates Krishna, and more importantly, her inventory, which means you can basically get infinite statboosters. Why anybody thought that was a valid reason to call somebody the best unit in the game is beyond me. Rest assured, I will not do that glitch. That would be no fun. What might be fun is using her, something I've done in the past, actually.

I've never really been fond of guides that suggest you use glitches or bugs. They can be neat to hear about, but whenever someone puts actual strategic importance on them, no thanks. I like to beat the game legitimately, thank you very much.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Myrmidons in this universe are apparently able to clone themselves.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...Oh my gosh...

They are shirtless! Why?!?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Of course, when Doruk does it the skeletons spawn all the way on the other side of the map, but when Katri tries it, they spawn next to her. Good.

I suppose Katri isn't an a-hole and decides to give the enemy a fighting chance when summoning things. Sad thing is is that that's probably in-character

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Shigen dodges, and that's enough to level up.

There are a lot of dodging hand axes in this level. Not that I mind; These pictures are hilarious in still frame.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Katri dodges by looking away. It's almost as if she thinks "If I can't see it, it doesn't exist".

That, or a passing seagull caught her attention and she missed getting an axe to the face.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Thankfully, none of the hit him critically, so we're just dandy, even if he did miss one of them.

That's an interesting dodge animation. Do they fly back to their original position afterwards?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


The dodge animations with throwing weapons are both funny and awesome.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


This one is probably the best dodge.

It looks like Maruj is casually strolling, not giving a crap that an axe just barely missed his face. All it needs to be better is some sunglasses and an explosion for him to walk away from.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Once again, myrmidons clone themselves.

That, or they're mimicking Kenshi:

Related image

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Maerchen's not hostile, actually, just cowardly. He tries to escape and is about as successful as Renee.

Guess he doesn't have any lifeboats on his ship.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh, she actually stole his fruit! Man, wouldn't it be hilarious if she managed to disarm him?

It's hilarious to picture how she steals stuff off the enemy in the middle of combat without them noticing.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For the idea I mentioned earlier... remember how I said Tom could probably solo this side of the map? Well, that's exactly what he's gonna do.


Since the Harpies can crit him, they'll attack him even though their might doesn't suffice to hurt him normally, and in turn, he'll completely demolish them, earning 20 experience per flying girl. This should boost his performance quite a lot, so long as he doesn't get five HP only levels or something, of course. Which is a quite real possibility, but let's not dwell.

I would bring up what happened last time you got greedy for experience, but I want to see the tank tank.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...not anymore, though! Hahahahah, nicely done, Krishna, nicely done.

That is hilariously awesome.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


What kind of a dodge is that? It looks like he's swatting a fly from his face, not avoiding a javelin.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


That's fine, though. I'm not in any hurry. Is this a shot of Tom shooting or Tom getting shot?
"Tom dodged the attack!"
Okay, he's the one firing here. Man, those arrows are confusing. I'm never going to get used to them.

The arrows are so strange. The feather parts look like the arrow, and the sharp end looks like the feathers.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh, shiet! Tom crit! It's the exact same animation! And there's no animation involved to begin with, so...

Well, that's underwhelming...

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


6 6   D A M A G E


I mean, I know it's a weak enemy and all, but that's still pretty impressive.

It's also a good thing this game doesn't have gore, or else there wouldn't have been much left of that harpy.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


At this point, the Harpies learnt their lesson and tried to fly past Tom and towards my other units.

And know their corpses will feed the fishes.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Enraged by their comrade's death, this Harpy attacks Tom while the other one... hangs back where nobody can reach it? This isn't new, either, that one was from the earlier batches, it just never had the balls to attack Tom. Smart Harpy. But that won't save it. I'll find a way, I'm sure of it.

But, aren't harpies all females? Wouldn't that mean that they don't have...

Never mind.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tom just has no middle ground. Either he gets shitty ass empty levels, or amazing levels where he procs all his 10% growths. Well, except for strength. He hasn't gotten a single point of strength ever.

Considering he just did 66 damage, who knows if he needs it at the moment.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh my God, Tom... okay, let's take a moment to appreciate my Tom. It's like, he has shitty ass defensive growths but great speed. However, my Tom is speed-screwed but defense-blessed. He's actually on his max level defense average right now! What this all amounts to is that, in one of life's little ironies, my tank has actually become a standard tank when, on average, he isn't meant to be a normal tank. Amazing. Also, 18 defense, everyone. Pretty sure he's got more defense than literally any other playable unit in the game at base right now, only matched by someone we'll meet in a while. I'm glad I decided to use you, Tom. That 3 move does hold you back somewhat, but I might just have a way to remedy that quite soon...

Units that don't have the best growth rates are RNG blessed.

Yep, it's a Saint Rubenio Let's Play all right.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Uhhhh this is interesting. The Harpy didn't actually spawn with this in its inventory. Instead, it's another one of this game's obscure mechanics that make no sense. Every monster and some human enemies have a chance (0.5%, I believe) to drop an item. What this item is depends on the enemy's type. Some items can only be acquired in this way, which is bullshit. It actually happened to me once, I got a blessed axe (20 might axe that can be used as a fruit and that is effective against monsters) out of an Ogre. This isn't quite as good, but eh, it's okay. If nothing else, this can be sold for a pretty penny, or kept in some squishy's inventory to mantain my heart rate at normal levels.

Interesting. Reminds me of the drop mechanic in Gaiden where, in dungeons, occasionally a monster dropped either the Angel Ring (which doubled stat gains) or one of the games legendary weapons that you can't get anywhere else.

Interesting that this mechanic can occur with generic enemies in this game. Seems like something that doesn't really matter much in the long run, but is still pretty nice.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let's go, then! Fun fact: this guy doesn't have Army of Darkness as his boss theme. Instead, he has this one. This is a rare thing. It's missing from the official arranged album, and in the game's music player, it's right at the end, unlike the other themes which are in an order. Feels to me like it was a late addition. I couldn't even find it anywhere on the internet, so I actually had to go through the trouble of recording it and uploading it myself. The loop doesn't work so well, but oh well, I did what I could with what little I had. Full loop goes from 0:35 to 1:12. I like this theme, personally. Sounds more mischievous and less serious than Army of Darkness, in a way, but it's not quite something like a Mario & Luigi boss theme. Very fitting for Maerchen, if I may say so myself. It'll be used some other times, and I don't think it fits quite as well there, but oh well.

Ey! You have a youtube channel! ...And the music is the only thing you have on it! And you posted it yesterday!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Man, how hilarious would it be if Krishna stole his sword and rendered him defenseless as well? He can't kill her, so it's worth a shot, I believe!

It would be quite the humiliating death. Then we can throw him overboard.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Why do I always seem to take thirty-something turns?

I could ask you the same question. I can't remember if I've ever spent more than 20 turns on a map in Fire Emblem, even  when going slower on certain maps to nab all the treasure.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


She also stole Maerchen's sword, which is hilarious.

Now toss him overboard!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


There! Lance to the crotch! A fitting end for this piece of worthless trash!

That... is a painful, hilarious, and fitting way for him to go.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Okay, for some reason his death quote was presented like a battle quote, unlike everyone else's... eh, who cares, he's dead.



Isn't there a unit in Tear Ring Saga that's infamous for being terrible?

Also, his portrait shows why it is a bad idea to show skin when fighting with sharp weapons.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Uh, I think...? His sprite is still there.

Oh... Oooooooooooooh...

...At the very least, it is now LP canon that he may or may not have just been castrated.

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This fecker has a leather shield. Let's work on breaking it.

Fecker, what are you Irish?

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I could also promote Arkis, but I mean, why?

Because he is the greatest of all cavaliers, peerless in combat, the champion of (Forgot the name of Runans homeland) and the a real hit with the ladies. Also 26B

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Death count: Attrom

Hmm I'll hold off on my pun for now (but Renee isn't an easy name to pun)

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17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't lie, you're craving for my tears. And rest assured, you will get them.

I didn't hide it very well, did I?

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I tried not to deviate much from his actual character. I mean, sure, he was an asshole about it all, but he did stay at Wellt to kill the remaining pirates and ensure the country's safety, he did try to save Attrom and his sister (and then failed horribly because of me), and now is pursuing Maerchen in hopes of at least rescuing Renee. He's a jerk, for sure, but he's not an evil monster. Like Alicia.

That's true, to be fair. In my defense, Holmes is so good at being an asshole that he makes any moments of goodwill from him hard to see... Or I just wasn't paying very good attention to the story. That's an option too.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hwahahahahahaha.... aaahaaahahahahahah...! This! This is exactly what I was hoping to get when I focused on the General Lawrence nonsense so much! This kind of stupidity! Thanks, girl. Love ya.

You're welcome. I had fun writing it, too.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They do not deserve you.

You're right. Game Theory usually puts more thought into their theories than I do.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh, it's fine, we've got some good guys here, like Tom. Tom's great, don't let gamefaqs convince you otherwise. He's like Dougy, badly underestimated.

nah i think gamefaqs would love tom tbh

actually i looked up the character guide on there and he is rated poorly? bit surprised to be honest, I thought GameFAQs loved armors and Tom is basically an armor (but better because tanks are cool)

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Since she has officially joined us now, it's time to talk stats.

HP 40% - Strength 15% - Skill 15% - Speed 25% - Defense 14% - Magic 10% - Luck 25% - Mastery 20%

Krishna's... weird. She's like, a Thief who trades off Locktouch in exchange for the ability to promote, but... she's just so bad! Look at that! 3 base strength on a 15% growth? 2 defense on a 14% growth? Even Julia's better than this scrub! She does learn Draco at level 17. If it triggers, Draco triples the might of the attack, and it can crit, too, for a maximum of 6 times the damage. Damn cool, but again, Krishna's stats are so bad...

If you google "Tear Ring Saga tier list", though, you might find a really old tier list here in serenes that has her on top of the top tier. The reason behind this is that, down the line, it is possible to cause a glitch that duplicates Krishna, and more importantly, her inventory, which means you can basically get infinite statboosters. Why anybody thought that was a valid reason to call somebody the best unit in the game is beyond me. Rest assured, I will not do that glitch. That would be no fun. What might be fun is using her, something I've done in the past, actually.

I suppose 6 base Magic would make her a decent Levin Sword user...

is what I would say if she had the Mastery to use it, which she doesn't. Sigh. (Even then, 10% Magic growth doesn't speak well to her continued viability in that role, especially since Pegasus Knights exist.)

That glitch sounds hilarious, but even crediting her for it at all in the context of a tier list seems weird, much less top-tier when she's so awful in every other respect.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're fucked.


18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh my God, Tom... okay, let's take a moment to appreciate my Tom. It's like, he has shitty ass defensive growths but great speed. However, my Tom is speed-screwed but defense-blessed. He's actually on his max level defense average right now! What this all amounts to is that, in one of life's little ironies, my tank has actually become a standard tank when, on average, he isn't meant to be a normal tank. Amazing. Also, 18 defense, everyone. Pretty sure he's got more defense than literally any other playable unit in the game at base right now, only matched by someone we'll meet in a while. I'm glad I decided to use you, Tom. That 3 move does hold you back somewhat, but I might just have a way to remedy that quite soon...

Speed-screwed as he still may be, it's been extremely cathartic to see him finally pick up some speed after so long not getting speed.

I'm now extremely hyped for Movement Potion Tom.

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On 1/28/2019 at 6:51 AM, Hawkwing said:

..She can't swim, can she?

In a dress? Not likely. It'd fill up with water. Unless she stripped it she'd be pretty screwed. Mind, I still suspect something's afoot. Or Ruben legit forgot to add her to the death toll. One or the other.

On 1/28/2019 at 6:51 AM, Hawkwing said:

They are shirtless! Why?!?

Try getting a shirt on over those wings... and off again.... and on again... and off again. Honestly, I'm not surprised. I'm more surprised that the Rito have the patience for that shit. Or to an extent, any of the bird tribe laguz. Seriously, it must be awkward, because shirts are designed for a traditionally human body, and you make even a minor alteration like wings in place of arms or wings on the back and you've got a sub-optimal arrangement.

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Part 27 - My team is so dumb.

This update took me a while, didn't it? And that's not all, I've got some bad news to deliver.

A new Imgur update was dropped. Guess what, it's a lot of white noise to hide the fact that it's a complete downgrade from the previous design. Now instead of just 1 click, I have to do like a thousand clicks to get to my albums, and not only that, but the new album list is much less compact, loads like shit and, for whatever reason, it shows like 50 stray images in between parts 9 and 10 and a hundred empty albums everywhere. Oh, and I can barely even get to the portrait album, since it's older and is buried under a pile of garbage. But at least it's not like my even older albums, which I cannot access at all because the loading stops forever at chapter 18 of FE6.

Thanks, Imgur. I appreciate this horrible change that only serves to make my life harder. You know, my relationship with Imgur has been difficult, but this is looking to be the final straw. Some people speculate that this update was made only to "encourage" lurkers like me who only use the site as an image host (read, people who don't bring in money) to get involved with the social network side of the site (read, people who bring in money). Well, you know what? I have no reason to stick around now that the main feature that I used is ruined. I don't care about workarounds, I want my image hosts to be easy to use.

Now, does this mean my days of LPing are over? No, of course not. However, I probably will slow down a little. I found a new site, Lensdump, which looks pretty good from a first glance, but we'll have to see if that first impression lasts, and then I have to get accustomed to it, move the things that I use more consistently (like portraits) there... so yeah, expect a bit of a slowdown. Don't take this as gospel, though, by now you should know that I tend to go against the things I say very often.


On 27/1/2019 at 6:10 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Wait I thought you weren't playing Echoes. This is clearly an Echoes Map.

Isn't it?

Don't even think about letting a Leethal blow land on our friend. It'd not only be catastrophicaLee bad for your run, but for my puns as well.

If he died, he'd have max priority for the reviving item, that much is certain.

Gamefaqs told me Vanessa is bad in Sacred Stones and I've seen her one round Formortiis. Albeit with pierce, that skill that I never get because I avoid that class due to the game crash glitch and liking my animations. Vanessa last time I used her. Such a wonderful unit. 22 strength, 18 Defense. 22 Res Capped Skill Speed and Luck. 48 HP thanks to a seraph robe. I know I just got lucky to hell, but she stopped needing help the moment she got the Delphi shield. I didn't even end up reaching 20/20, so I'll not know her full potential. Point is gamefaqs is as biased by personal experiences as everyone else, and units it calls bad can be wonderful.

To be fair, Vanessa's objectively good. Tom's objectively bad but that only means he's good in a SRC enviroment. SRC stands for "Saint Rubenio Catastrophe".

This was pretty farcical, one minute he's saying he's gonna decapitate her, then he stops because of a bluff (that only worked because with no hostage Holmes and the others would have no reason not to kill him) then he's worried about her escaping on a damn ship, then he hounds her over the side of the damn ship. I feel like I watched a Monty Python skit. Is it just a thing that people with names like Maerchen or Martel are the dimmest bulbs in this series?

Poor Pirate Captain Person, nobody likes him.

Least they aren't trying to kill her this time.

I guess.

That defense stat...

May he ram that defence cap and become truly indestructible.

His cap is 30, so... more than half way there!

Maruj says it would have been anyway.... also wouldn't she have been at risk on the off chance she missed and the enemy hit back with a crit, then proceeded to attack on the enemy turn?

I could've healed her up if she got hit.

Why isn't Renee on the death count if she's dead? Or is that a spoiler? Hmm.

I couldn't have done anything to avoid it, so the death count remains intact.


On 27/1/2019 at 6:23 PM, BrightBow said:

What the hell? Your Krishnea already stole more stuff then she did in my entire run where I used her.

Hah! Lucky me, then.

Anyway, it's nice that Krishnea got a WLV up. But she still needs two more until she can use the Thunder Sword. And with that 20% growth it will probably still come down to a WLV+.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is me we're talking about. I've a talent for making terrible units turn out godly and viceversa.

But if you use her, make sure she doesn't have a Thunder Sword in her inventory before THAT event. I learned that the hard way.

Duly noted.

I think the Main Gauche most certainly has it's uses. There are plenty of low hit threats in this game, like Harpies with their 50% hit bows. And a lot of those deal effective damage against fliers, so it's a pretty neat item for them.

Not bad, but it's definitely not a weapon for combat.


On 27/1/2019 at 6:40 PM, Dayni said:
  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents

(Sorry, I can't think of any footage I'm in that I can't be seen in. I'd like to preserve some anonymity. :P

Back to practising for a choir. Funnily enough as part of warming up Aaaah is a sound used (your note is what varies).

Coward! Record yourself (audio only if you must) and send it our way, or else I shall be forced to deem you a chicken, cheep cheepcheepcheep cheep cheeeeep!

Yeah, I'd have liked to sleep him as well, but he'd be restored by the throne. I might not have been as altruistic in doing so, but enemy staves in Thracia made me paranoid by then.

Just capture him, man. The man didn't deserve to die.

If only you had Silque.

You mean Butt Cleric? I don't think I need her, thanks. I've got Lee.

I mean, that's just nasty.

Letting you know what you can never have.

Right? Good ol' Shouzou "Send Girls to Slavery for a Refresher" Kaga.

Badly underestimated for memes really.


Yeah, I have a response:


An amazing response.

The idea of it being a bluff doesn't improve that he was that willing to ruin a rescue mission.

He's just an idiot, okay? Give him a break.

Whoopsie from Maerchen I guess?

I mean, he would have done better doing anything else. Including hitting a wall.

If he headbutted a wall and died, he would've been better off. And the world, more so.

Bad and strange growths.

Knowing me, she'll be my best unit. Well, second-best, after Tom.

That event's interesting though.

Not gonna do it, but it is interesting, yeah.

I just realised, maybe some montage music would help.


What, no Crazy Bus for him?

Ahahah, come now, you know how much I love that masterpiece. I'm saving it for somebody who truly deserves it.


Like 26B.

I do like this track though.

Agreed, it's pretty good. Still like Army of Darkness better, but they're both solid boss themes.

I have to assume he's saying that very high pitched.

He went AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ like an anime girl, except instead of oozing You Know What, he spilled blood all over the place.


On 27/1/2019 at 9:51 PM, Hawkwing said:

So, I learned yesterday...

  Reveal hidden contents

... that Plum comes out of her rescue unharmed, and that Bartz, er, Juliattisnacordst beats the crap out of the slaver. I know nothing more beyond that.

I also learned that the Judgral games have similar situations, except they don't end as... uh...

Dude, don't spoil yourself. Let me do it instead.

It's been a while since I last played it too. I've noticed that people who play videogames tend to catch onto the rules faster than those who don't.

Ah, the memories. From winning with divine intervention and gloating afterwards as per rules, to being a badass super thief with a badass bandanna and a singing sword, to using the pollymorph potion on a monster to gain a crap ton of treasure...

I wish I could understand.

Giving credit where credit is due (if it could be called that), it takes a while to notice. Mostly because Panne is either transformed, wearing proper clothing when reclassed, or you see her upper body in supports, so you don't get a lot of opportunities to see her full artwork/model.

Just because it's hard to find doesn't excuse it.

I either care too much about my dignity to fall so low to actually make the joke, or I'm too scared of the mods to test what the "line" is.

Or it's just because I hate sex jokes and don't want to accidentally go into another rant that isn't fun for anyone (and again, mods).

I can understand the dislike for sex jokes, honestly. More often than not all there's to them is "HURR HURR BOOBIES".

So... then would it be comparable to getting hit, but not taking any damage? Or would it count as dual guarding? Or... uh...

I'm overthinking this. Fire Emblem need fall damage to answer this question.

Please no. I don't need another way for my units to die.



I see. Glad to know someone else has an interest in medieval swordplay.

Eh, I just find his videos entertaining from time to time. He's a charismatic guy, that one.

I'm glad that Kaga isn't that much of a scumbag, but that's cutting it awfully close.

Right? At least I can't lose Holmes.

Well...you she did untransform from a dragon at a most inopportune time...

Hmph... don't remind me.

Eyup. It's harder to find something in them that can't make meme material.

I just wish that Serenes Forest and Discord actually liked pictures from it, though. I've tried twice to make an avatar out of Snake, and they didn't like it.

Yet they let me have an insane old man as my profile pic forever. Such fickle hosts...

I can only imagine what that's like...

Crap, let's leave it at that.

Nah, I wasn't taking about the rant against the audience. More... well... I decided to get some stuff of my chest a few months ago, and pretty much vented onto a private Discord server I made. I have also recently been helping a friend who made a big mistake and isn't taking the cost so well. I'm learning that sometimes, you just need to get that anger out, and there are healthy and unhealthy ways to do that

I understand... well, I agree, and--

Also, it's spelled "dramatize".

...you asshat. This ain't the time for that!

I find the way this game handles classes to be just as confusing as how it handles weapons.

It is really confusing, and it won't get much less confusing any time soon.


Please tell me they're wearing a shirt for once. Please tell me they're wearing a shirt. Please tell me they're not another example of getting stuff past the radar. Please tell me they're modest for once...


It looks like Shigen grabbed the axe in mid-air.

Lol you're right.

What kind of dodge animation is that? That's not sidestepping, that's just raising your weapon.

The axe was going to hit and break his weapon?

Holmes also has a bow. And shooting the hostage taker is an actual tactic, not only in fictionland, but in real life.

I know that, but Holmes was very far away and there was a bunch of pirates between him and Maerchen. He was in no hurry, yet he hurried up, and that was his downfall.

I applaud her selflessness while also facepalming at her stupidity.

Yup. More or less Holmes's reaction, too.

I think Holmes planned to shoot the hostage taker, and bluffed to try and get them in a more vulnerable position. Although you are right that he didn't account for Mearco... macro... Mac...  the guy with the goatee and punchable face to just kill her on the spot. Unless Holmes also knew that killing her would have been the waste of potential "merchandise".

Christ almighty, that's absolutely horrid logic... that makes sense, problematically enough.

Guess being a legal pirate leads to understanding how normal pirates think.

A legal pirate who is also an asshole just like normal pirates.

There's lifeboats, swinging on a rope, climbing onto the masts, jumping overboard, this.

Yeah, I don't think Renee could pull that off. She could use the warp staff on herself, but alas, 'twas not to be.

Ah, so she took the "overboard" option.

...She can swim, right?

Doggy paddle, at least?

Inside a big, cumbersome silk dress? I would doubt it.

Don't yell at them for knocking her overboard! Yell at them to jump in and rescue her, ya idiot! Use a fishing net if ya hav' ta!

YOU jump in and save her, ya idiots! Use a fishing net if ya hav' ta!

Well... it's not much of a spoiler since it's the beggining of this update, so I'll just say it: he tried.

...She can't swim, can she?

I don't think so, and I doubt the dress helped.

I've never really been fond of guides that suggest you use glitches or bugs. They can be neat to hear about, but whenever someone puts actual strategic importance on them, no thanks. I like to beat the game legitimately, thank you very much.


Myrmidons in this universe are apparently able to clone themselves.

And Garo too, occasionally.

...Oh my gosh...

They are shirtless! Why?!?

Becuase Kaga.

I suppose Katri isn't an a-hole and decides to give the enemy a fighting chance when summoning things. Sad thing is is that that's probably in-character

It very much is, and today's update will prove it once and for all.

There are a lot of dodging hand axes in this level. Not that I mind; These pictures are hilarious in still frame.

I can agree.

Katri dodges by looking away. It's almost as if she thinks "If I can't see it, it doesn't exist".

That, or a passing seagull caught her attention and she missed getting an axe to the face.

Very Katri, that last idea.

That's an interesting dodge animation. Do they fly back to their original position afterwards?

They do.

The dodge animations with throwing weapons are both funny and awesome.

This one is probably the best dodge.

It looks like Maruj is casually strolling, not giving a crap that an axe just barely missed his face. All it needs to be better is some sunglasses and an explosion for him to walk away from.

That can be arranged...


Okay, I'm definitely going to use this one again in the future.

Once again, myrmidons clone themselves.

That, or they're mimicking Kenshi:

Related image

Probably Kenshi, to be frank.

Guess he doesn't have any lifeboats on his ship.

He's dumb. Probably went in with the Titanic mindset, "mah boat's gonna ship? Nonsense, lad, mah ship's gewwwwwd!"

It's hilarious to picture how she steals stuff off the enemy in the middle of combat without them noticing.

Not just stuff, the weapons they're trying to slash her in two with, too!

I would bring up what happened last time you got greedy for experience, but I want to see the tank tank.

This isn't being greedy. Being greedy would be something like trying to feed the kills to Alicia or something. This is being cautiously greedy.

That is hilariously awesome.

Ain't it? As terrible as Thieves are for combat, if you can get them to work, it can be quite funny. And this woman can promote, so with any luck...

What kind of a dodge is that? It looks like he's swatting a fly from his face, not avoiding a javelin.

Maybe that's what he was doing and he just so happened to get lucky because of it. The fly then became the man's best friend for the remaining 30 seconds of his life.

The arrows are so strange. The feather parts look like the arrow, and the sharp end looks like the feathers.

See? It's horrible!

Well, that's underwhelming...




I mean, I know it's a weak enemy and all, but that's still pretty impressive.

It's also a good thing this game doesn't have gore, or else there wouldn't have been much left of that harpy.

It would've disappeared, just like units always do upon dying. Except, it'd be a lot redder.

And know their corpses will feed the fishes.

And Renee. Too soon?

But, aren't harpies all females? Wouldn't that mean that they don't have...

Never mind.

Hey, they do have balls, they're just a little higher up.

Considering he just did 66 damage, who knows if he needs it at the moment.

Not really. His base is good enough, and I can get him better bows.

Units that don't have the best growth rates are RNG blessed.

Yep, it's a Saint Rubenio Let's Play all right.

Funny you should say that, considering my first LP's highlight was having the worst MU in the history of FE12, a Mage that was outclassed by Wrys. Wrys!

Interesting. Reminds me of the drop mechanic in Gaiden where, in dungeons, occasionally a monster dropped either the Angel Ring (which doubled stat gains) or one of the games legendary weapons that you can't get anywhere else.

Interesting that this mechanic can occur with generic enemies in this game. Seems like something that doesn't really matter much in the long run, but is still pretty nice.

It is nice.

Ey! You have a youtube channel! ...And the music is the only thing you have on it! And you posted it yesterday!

That was not as interesting as you initially thought it'd be, right?

It would be quite the humiliating death. Then we can throw him overboard.

Good Krishna.

I could ask you the same question. I can't remember if I've ever spent more than 20 turns on a map in Fire Emblem, even  when going slower on certain maps to nab all the treasure.

I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaally slow and casual. That's the explanation. I like to take my time.

Now toss him overboard!

Lance to the crotch was a better way to send him off.

That... is a painful, hilarious, and fitting way for him to go.



Isn't there a unit in Tear Ring Saga that's infamous for being terrible?


Also, his portrait shows why it is a bad idea to show skin when fighting with sharp weapons.

Hah, right?

Oh... Oooooooooooooh...

...At the very least, it is now LP canon that he may or may not have just been castrated.



On 28/1/2019 at 1:01 AM, Pengaius said:

Fecker, what are you Irish?

I thought we'd already established I'm a lazy spaniard who totally enjoys bullfighting, naps and paellas, just like totally the rest of Spain and totally not just the southern chunk of it.

Because he is the greatest of all cavaliers,

Greatest failure of 'em

peerless in combat,

Peerlessly hopeless at it.

the champion of (Forgot the name of Runans homeland)

It's called Razellia, and it's part of Reeve, as in, "it's reeveting how much of an awful unit Arkis is".

and the a real hit with the ladies.

You mean how they hit him for being an insensitive, perverted iconoclast? I agree with you there.

Also 26B

Affordable losses.

Hmm I'll hold off on my pun for now (but Renee isn't an easy name to pun)

While running away from a furious boyfriend, Arkis hurt his reknee. Works?


On 28/1/2019 at 1:20 AM, eclipse said:




On 28/1/2019 at 11:52 AM, Ruminant said:

I didn't hide it very well, did I?

Nooooooope. But don't feel bad. None of you do. Except Hawkwing. Hawkwing's a pure soul. I think.

That's true, to be fair. In my defense, Holmes is so good at being an asshole that he makes any moments of goodwill from him hard to see... Or I just wasn't paying very good attention to the story. That's an option too.

Don't worry, I can understand. He does try really hard not to show his nice side.

You're welcome. I had fun writing it, too.

We're all winner, then.

You're right. Game Theory usually puts more thought into their theories than I do.

I beg to differ.

nah i think gamefaqs would love tom tbh

actually i looked up the character guide on there and he is rated poorly? bit surprised to be honest, I thought GameFAQs loved armors and Tom is basically an armor (but better because tanks are cool)

Thou shan't ever listen to gamefaqs, for they do naught but mislead. That is one of the commandments of FE, right up there with "thou shall use Jeigans" and "thou shall either hate or love the 3DS titles, and do the same with fellow fans and haters. Middle ground is not allowed!".

I suppose 6 base Magic would make her a decent Levin Sword user...

is what I would say if she had the Mastery to use it, which she doesn't. Sigh. (Even then, 10% Magic growth doesn't speak well to her continued viability in that role, especially since Pegasus Knights exist.)

I want to use her, so she better work.

That glitch sounds hilarious, but even crediting her for it at all in the context of a tier list seems weird, much less top-tier when she's so awful in every other respect.

To be fair, that list's overall terrible.


Might very well be, I'm tired of putting up with her bullshit, and I haven't forgotten about her conversation with Maruj.

Speed-screwed as he still may be, it's been extremely cathartic to see him finally pick up some speed after so long not getting speed.

Now he's almost as fast as Holmes, but with 18 defense.

I'm now extremely hyped for Movement Potion Tom.

Hmmm... I might have a plan that will solve his move problems sooner than that. Sit tight...





Last time, we failed horribly to rescue Renee, but my units got good level ups for a change, so I'm happy.


prSiLUK.pngI know, but...

FF3NqbQ.pngWe've searched for hours without any sign of her, but we can't stay out here forever.

prSiLUK.pngI understand...

FF3NqbQ.pngIf only the seas were calmer today, we could've found her in a flash. Damn...


0zFk3fj.png I mean, on the one hand he did search the sea for hours on end to find her, something he didn't have to do, especially if the tide's as rough as he claims it is, but on the other hand, he's smiling while he says it... and we know he has a serious portrait...


xygSyF9.pngNowhere in particular. You all seem like a lively bunch. Do you have room for one more?

FF3NqbQ.png'Course we do! You've already shown that you can take care of yourself, so you're good in my book.

0zFk3fj.png Holmes, please, she's terr--

FF3NqbQ.pngPlus, it'll be a nice change of pace to have a girl on board who's not a whiny brat. Right, Shigen?

0zFk3fj.png Ooohhhh I see where your sights are set.

HAh2rZH.pngI dunno, Holmes. This broad's a trained killer and a thief. I have a hard time believing she's coming along just for fun.

xygSyF9.pngWhat a rude man! Well, if you're that worried, you can just keep an eye on me, right?


hTMofYU.png Everyone in my team's so irresponsible... but at least Shigen does it in style!

FF3NqbQ.pngGood to know my first mate has the utmost confidence in my judgment.

prSiLUK.pngHi, Miss Krishna! I'm Katri! Let's be good friends!

xygSyF9.pngS-Sure... Nice to meet you, Katri.

hTMofYU.png Hah! So awkward.


xQunKTk.png That was a cute little sequence. Let's see what she's up to now.

prSiLUK.pngOh, I was, um...

FF3NqbQ.pngWhat are you hiding...?


0zFk3fj.png ...

0zFk3fj.png You know, the killing blow was delivered to his crotch. I just hope Katri didn't reach in there to save him... bwaach! What a terrible mental image... shoo, go away...!

prSiLUK.pngHe was still breathing, so I... I couldn't just leave him.

FF3NqbQ.pngOut of the way! I'm gonna finish him off!

prSiLUK.pngStop, Holmes! I think this is a sign of forgiveness from the Goddess! We can't kill him!


hTMofYU.png Hahahahahah! Cockroaches can eat shit, amirite, Holmes?


FF3NqbQ.pngNo arguing! If we let this bastard live, he's just gonna go right back to kidnapping and murdering! Have you forgotten what he did to your father and Attrom's sister?

0zFk3fj.png And Attrom. And Juliattisnacordst. So far, he sits pretty on top of the game's kill count. How ironic.

FF3NqbQ.pngI'm not gonna let him hurt you kids and ruin families ever again!

prSiLUK.pngI'm sorry... I'm sorry, Holmes...

FF3NqbQ.pngAughh...! Stop crying, dammit! All right, I get it!


FF3NqbQ.pngI give up. He's all yours.

0zFk3fj.png Well, he sure did give up quickly, for a guy who claims to be so mad at him for killing people. Although, to be fair, he couldn't even remember half of the man's kills, so...

prSiLUK.pngI can... help him?


0zFk3fj.png You're just asking for trouble now...

prSiLUK.pngHolmes... thank you...



ciDy8aH.pngYep, you patched me up real good! Look, all healed up!

prSiLUK.pngThank goodness. But even though you're getting your strength back, please don't go back to your old life!

ciDy8aH.pngNo need to worry 'bout that, Miss Katri. I'm a changed man now! I'll stick by your side no matter what.

prSiLUK.pngAll right, I trust you.

0zFk3fj.png You know, I miss the days when Eugen falling for Codha's trick was considered to be the height of this game's stupidity. Man, Katri...

ciDy8aH.pngSpeakin' of which, Miss Katri... I've got a favor to ask. Will you hear me out?

prSiLUK.pngYes, what is it?


0zFk3fj.png C'mon, you're not even trying... there's no way she's going to fall for t--

0zFk3fj.png ...wait, didn't I say this already back with Plum?

prSiLUK.pngSomething to show me? What is it?

ciDy8aH.pngHey, let's not ruin the surprise! Heh heh heh...


IfRBMws.png Holmes, at least you will be skeptical enough not to buy his story, right?

prSiLUK.pngI've got some... stuff I want to take care of there. I'd rather not say...

FF3NqbQ.pngAh, I gotcha. Girl stuff. We haven't got a bath on this ship, either, so I bet it's been pretty uncomfortable for you. No worries. We could all use a rest stop.

IfRBMws.png ...HOLMES! She didn't even have to make up a shitty excuse, you did it for her! It's been like five minutes since the pirate head honcho regained consciousness, she's asking you to go to his former hideout for unknown reasons and is being suspiciously shady about it, and you're just gonna agree to it?!


I can't even stop this from happening, the game moves the boat automatically. Good lord...


ciDy8aH.pngThis is one of my secret underground lairs. Take a look around, if you like! We've got supply rooms, dungeons, torture chambers...

prSiLUK.pngT-Torture chambers?!

ciDy8aH.pngHeh heh heh! We're all alone down here, Miss Katri. Now get in that cell!

IfRBMws.png B-but... you're all alone too! Holmes has an army waiting just outside! What the heck is your plan?! What is anybody's plan!? Does anyone have a plan!?


IfRBMws.png Oh, don't you dare...!



0zFk3fj.png ...excuse me?

prSiLUK.pngY-You're not a ghost, are you...?

8P9iT3F.pngNo, my child. It's really me. I'm so glad to see you well! I've been worried sick about you.

prSiLUK.pngBut how...? You were stabbed... The blood wouldn't stop... I held your hand as you died...

8P9iT3F.pngThe wound was terrible indeed, and I thought I was going to die there. But luckily, I must've just passed out.


8P9iT3F.pngI've stayed here since then to heal, and he's treated me with nothing but kindness. Even after his pirates were driven from here, he arranged for someone to bring me food.

0zFk3fj.png I'm not sure if this is the worst-written scene in history of mankind, or the best. I... what?

prSiLUK.pngOh, Father... It's really you...

0zFk3fj.png Katri's still stuck five sentences ago. Great.

8P9iT3F.pngI imagine you've been through a lot these past several weeks... I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. But you seem to have taken care of yourself very well in my absence!

prSiLUK.pngYes! I've been traveling with Captain Holmes of Granada, and he's been so kind to me!


ciDy8aH.pngWell, we really should get going. I bet Holmes is startin' to wonder what's goin' on.

0zFk3fj.png Yeah, it'd be a real tragedy if he came in and shot you between the eyes. Knowing him, he'd also shoot down Law and Order and would take aim at Katri before taking a moment to think say "hey, what's all this?".

prSiLUK.pngMaerchen... Thank you so much...


FF3NqbQ.pngBah, I should just walk in there and drag you out myself...

prSiLUK.pngSorry, Holmes! I'm done now!

FF3NqbQ.pngEr... Katri? Who's that guy behind you?

prSiLUK.pngHee hee, this is Bishop Law of Mahl! My father!

xQunKTk.png D'aww... well, all's well that ends well, I guess.



FF3NqbQ.pngDo you mean beacuse she's naive, or because of her bloodline?

8P9iT3F.pngHah, you are a curious one indeed! That's a story for another time, I think. I don't know if I have the strength to tell it in its entirety right now.

FF3NqbQ.pngWhatever you say, pops. Let me know when you do feel like sharing.


FF3NqbQ.pngShe sure did, didn't she... (I could put an arrow in his gut right now, and Katri would never have to know...)

ciDy8aH.pngW-What's that face for?! You're scaring me, Holmes! Waaaaaah! Save me, Katri!

xQunKTk.png Okay, that was funny.





















So, the Sea Serpent! He's apparently a unit. Let's see...

HP 10% - Strength 5% - Skill 5% - Speed 5% - Defense 0% - Magic 0% - Luck 5% - Mastery 0%

Pffftthahaahahahahahaha! Aaahahaaahaaaahaah! Oh, my goodness. Ladies and gentlement, I present to you, Joke, the meme unit! With horrendous base stats, nonexistant growths, no promotion, barely any supports at all and only the skills you can see, he's the worst unit in the game... or is he?

Well, no. You see, he has one saving grace. Notice that icon between Locktouch and Steal? That's Mug. What does Mug do? For starters, all units within support range will see their hitrate and avoid lowered by 50%. However, the skill does more than that: if you can somehow get him to kill, he'll take every single item in his victim's inventory. Even if he doesn't have a support with her, Raquel is definitely Maerchen's best friend. Get him an estoc, and his hitrate will actually be rather respectable. And then you can watch the money roll in! He's terrible for combat, but he definitely has his uses. Also he's a fun meme.


Anyway, let's keep going.


WCDiKFw.pngDo I know you?

xygSyF9.pngDo you remember a warrior named Altair? He was an Istorian mercenary who wielded dual swords.

WCDiKFw.pngHow could I forget? He was a swordsman of remarkable skill. I suppose you must've been a friend of his?

xygSyF9.pngYes, I was... Seven years ago, he was my entire world.

WCDiKFw.pngOh, I see! That girl who seized me and demanded that I give him back... That must have been you.


xQunKTk.png She's still delicate, actually. No defense.

xygSyF9.pngYou have no right to criticize me! The fight was over... Altair was down... And then you beheaded him without even blinking! I will never forgive you!

WCDiKFw.pngIf I hadn't brought my employer his head, then they wouldn't have paid me. It's as simple as that. If Altair had won, he would've killed me, too.

0zFk3fj.png Man, such foolproof logic. I am amazed. I'm sure she is, as well.

WCDiKFw.pngSo what do you want after all these years? If it's revenge, that'll be impossible. You could never best me.

xygSyF9.pngI know that I can't beat you myself. But I promise you this: I will see you dead. I just wanted you to know that.

WCDiKFw.pngI welcome your challenge. I will give you one chance... but if you fail, you die. What's your name, girl?

xygSyF9.pngKrishna. Don't forget it, Reaper.

0zFk3fj.png That's going to make the whole "fighting together for the blonde dummkopf" rather awkward. Thankfully, Vega's benched.


Oh, shit, it's Renee and Attrom's home.


hTMofYU.png No kidding! This music's absolutely unbelievable! One of my favourite themes in the game.


hTMofYU.pngBwaaahahaah! Hwaahahahahaha! Eeheheheeheheheeh! Hyahahahahyahaha! Yaaaaaaaaaahahaahahahaaha! Hwaawwwhaawwwhaaaww! Ohhhhahahah... ohohoho... uhhuh.. hoh... oohhh, mercy... gaah... hahhah...!

hTMofYU.pngWHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT GUY!? Why does his head look like a football? Why is his forehead mossy!? Why is his beard about three times the size of his head!? What kinda robes is he wearing!? It looks like a child drew the sea on a piece of cardboard and now he's wearing it around! His ears are huge! His eyes look like frog eyes! His name is Holy Father! More like Holy Fucking Shit, this guy's hilarious!

4ldXkWg.pngCurses... Renee... Where did you go? I would have gone with her if she had told me...

7NpdNBi.pngPerhaps that is the reason she did not tell you she was leaving, so as not to distract you from your duties?

hTMofYU.png I thought of making a funny edit with footballs and moss, but honestly, look at that face! I don't think I (or anyone else, for that matter) am talented enough to improve this masterpiece of character design.

7NpdNBi.pngYou have already worn yourself thin in the fight against that usurper Ahab.

4ldXkWg.pngBut to leave on a journey to who knows where all by herself...

7NpdNBi.pngI am certain Lady Renee can take care of herself, Lord Lionheart. As Sage Andre's daughter, she is capable of powerful magic.

hTMofYU.png I'd make a bitter remark on the fact that both she and her brother are dead, but I'm having way too much fun just looking at this guy's mug.

4ldXkWg.pngThat's all well and good if she only has to fight against monsters... But what if she gets captured by people? I know Renee, she could never bear to hurt another human being...

7NpdNBi.pngI understand how you must feel, milord, but you must focus on your duties here in Salia for the time being.

4ldXkWg.pngYou're right...


0zFk3fj.png You're not funny.

4ldXkWg.pngFrau!? What's wrong? Has something happened to your mother?

L9JBbvq.pngNo, everything's fine in the village. Actually, it's so peaceful it was boring. That's why I came here, to help you!

4ldXkWg.pngI don't need any help, Frau. Go back to the village. Having you here would just be another worry on my mind.

L9JBbvq.pngYou don't have to worry about me, Uncle! I'm already fifteen years old! I'm a real Pegasus Knight now!

0zFk3fj.png You're not Sasha, so you're going straight to the bench.

L9JBbvq.pngI've been practicing a whole lot! I wanted to do something useful for once... Please don't send me back home!

4ldXkWg.png...What does your mother think of this?

L9JBbvq.pngShe said it was fine! "Go and see if your uncle has any little things for you to do." That's what she told me.

4ldXkWg.pngHmm... Is that so...? So be it, then.


L9JBbvq.pngI understand! Thank you, Uncle!


That was interesting. It's time to go to Mahl Palace.

Mahl Palace... oh, no, we're gonna have to watch Holmes and Dick interacting, aren't we? Sigh... that's going to be so hard to see...


0zFk3fj.png Are you General Lawrence?

FF3NqbQ.pngReally? You're going to turn away the son of Admiral Vals of Granada? Prince Richard won't be happy about that...

UqbapwP.pngYou are Sir Holmes?! P-Please excuse my poor manners! I will inform Prince Richard of your arrival.

0zFk3fj.png Nah, General Lawrence isn't the kind of man to stutter like that, I'm pretty sure.


FF3NqbQ.png"Abandoned"? I never expected to hear such a complicated word come from your mouth, Richard! Good to see you've been expanding your vocabulary.

0zFk3fj.png ...

FF3NqbQ.pngBut yes, I left Granada and Admiral Vals, just like you left Mahl and your own father.

YNfmH04.pngDon't even pretend for a second that you and I are similar. Unlike you, I have returned valiantly and reclaimed my homeland from Istoria.

FF3NqbQ.pngWell, you always were a tenacious little worm.

0zFk3fj.png ......

FF3NqbQ.pngPicking up an orphan girl from who knows where and calling her Leda's lost princess... I can only assume you're trying to conquer all of Leda for yourself. You're no better than Emperor Bahanuk.

YNfmH04.pngHmph. I was entertaining the idea of allying with Granada, since it would be advantageous to have a maritime trade partner who is also a friend of Runan's...


0zFk3fj.png ...I mean, need I say anything?


W0zoyoc.pngWait, Sir Holmes! I apologize for Prince Richard's brashness. Please don't be upset with him.

xQunKTk.png Ah, Tia. Maybe you'll be the voice of reason here. So far, this whole update has consisted of people being completely idiotic, so I'm needing one of those.

FF3NqbQ.pngAnd just who are you?

W0zoyoc.pngI'm Tia, daughter of Marquess Trente.

FF3NqbQ.pngAh, so you're the fabled princess of Leda.


FF3NqbQ.pngHave you ever read the poems of the White Sage Morse? One of them goes like this: "The Goddess's blessing will be revoked, and the kindom will fall into ruin. But in the years thereafter, Leda's daughter will appear. Clad in armor of gold, she will lead her scattered people and restore the kingdom to light." It's a nice story, for sure, though some scholars argue that it might be a later addition to his collected works.


FF3NqbQ.pngIt would be absurd for the people of Leda to not look to her in hope after suffering for decades under the boot of infighting warlords like Richard's father.

W0zoyoc.pngYou don't believe I'm the real princess?

FF3NqbQ.pngI know what kind of person Richard is. Thanks to my father's connections, I'm well-acquainted with Mahl's and Senay's leaders. I knew him as a kid. I fought with him, drank wine with him...


FF3NqbQ.pngIt seems he's actually trying to make that childhood fantasy a reality.

0zFk3fj.png So he was born a dick, then? They surely picked the right name for the guy.

W0zoyoc.pngSo you're saying I'm just being used by Richard, is that it?

FF3NqbQ.pngI'm saying it doesn't matter whether you are the real princess of Leda or not. Sure, he'll keep you around while you're still useful, but once he's through with you, he'll throw you away like trash. He might even make you a martyr.


0zFk3fj.png Implying he loves somebody other than himself.

FF3NqbQ.png...I'd heard that Richard had gotten engaged, but I didn't expect... It seems I've spoken out of line. I wish you two the greatest happiness. Now, if you'll excuse me...

W0zoyoc.pngNo, wait! I...

0zFk3fj.png At least he knows when to shut up and leave.


0zFk3fj.png Where'd you even come from?

FF3NqbQ.pngQuite a shame, really. She's just being used by that arse Richard. Y'know, Xeno...


FF3NqbQ.pngYou look similar... Like you could be related.

iawnUpK.pngSimilar? To who?

0zFk3fj.png Who were you talking about just now? You idiot...

FF3NqbQ.pngNah, couldn't be. Well, let's get going. I'd hoped for some news about Runan, but if I stay here any longer, I think I'll be sick.


FF3NqbQ.pngI'm not sure why you're letting her come with me, but I suppose you've got your reasons, huh? Whatever. Don't you worry, pops. I won't let anything happen to her.

8P9iT3F.pngKatri, I'm going to rest here at Mahl for a little while. You continue traveling with Sir Holmes.

0zFk3fj.png In other words, no second Lee. Bah...

prSiLUK.pngWhat? But we just found each other again...

8P9iT3F.pngDo not worry, my dear. Once I get healthy enough to travel, I will join you on your journey. Our parting will only be temporary, I promise.

prSiLUK.pngAll right... Send word as soon as you're feeling better, and we'll come right back to get you!

xQunKTk.png Eh, if he turns out to be a Gotoh, I'll be happy enough.


Well, anyway! That done, it's time to backtrack. We've some things to do before we leave Wellt for good.


First, visit Verje.


ilEV0SF.pngKreiss, milady.

hWNvWXL.pngSir Kreiss! That's right. If you're here to see Letena, I'm afraid she's at the church. She's studying to become a priestess, you know.

ilEV0SF.pngIs that so? Well, I wanted to give her this.

hWNvWXL.pngThis is an elixir, right?

ilEV0SF.pngIndeed. I thought perhaps if she used them as eye drops...

hWNvWXL.pngThank you very much. But, well...

ilEV0SF.pngIt won't work, will it...?

hWNvWXL.pngI'm afraid not. My husband has tried these with no success.

xQunKTk.png Her husband's Ezekiel. Just an FYI.

ilEV0SF.pngI suppose that's to be expected... Well, I'll stop by to visit again soon. Feel free to keep the elixir!

0zFk3fj.png No! That thing is mine! Stop!


IfRBMws.png No! My things!

hWNvWXL.pngAh, Sir Kreiss...


hWNvWXL.pngYou can come out now, Letena.

hWNvWXL.png...Tell me, Letena... Why do you avoid Sir Kreiss? He's such a kind man.


0zFk3fj.png Of course, and she isn't even thankful. Why, you... if you don't want it, you could've at least given the elixir back!


Before you ask, yes, we've really lost it. And that's not the last thing he's going to give her, either! Getting this man laid is one of the most difficult things you can do in this game, and without Ezekiel, it's a futile endeavor, too. A futile endeavor I'm going to attempt... why am I such a brainless fuck?


One more thing to do before returning to the mainland.


Training Krishna.


A good start. As always, I won't show the action, but I felt like I had to show this good start.


And the continuation isn't so great either.


She can't even kill an entombed...


In fact, she nearly died there, and she nearly failed again!


Uhhhh nice! One more, girl, one more...


Arkis is going to get a level too, since he's fallen behind. If it's good, he'll stay on the team. If not... he'll make me sad.


This is his dismounted animation. Since we probably won't ever get a chance to see it again (by the time the next indoor map comes around, Kreiss will most likely be promoted), here it is. I dig it.


...yeah, you know what? I'm sorry, Pengaius, but I can't keep on letting this shit slide. Esther at least has decent defense. What does this guy have?




Lionel also got one out of jeiganing. Predictably, it's the best of the bunch. Keep it up, you gigantic badass.




I had her use the steel sword in hopes of getting her to fight as much as possible with the last zombie, so as to maximize the experience gain.


And then she missed. Good, that's good.


...and then she missed again... c'mon, a zombie's giving you trouble! A zombie!




Eh. Can't say I'm that unhappy. This is good growth, for you.


Some inventory management before we go back to Mahl.


And it's time for Senay Coast! Don't worry, guys, I know this has been quite the long update, but we're almost there.


Oh, look! A choice!

No way, Jose! I'm sorry, I don't want to copy more text.


...nah, let's take a look at what happens if Shigen accepts.


xygSyF9.pngI need you to kill Vega.

0zFk3fj.png Well, she wasted no time, that's for sure.

HAh2rZH.png...Really? He's pretty shady, but he's a decent guy. Why do you want me to kill him?

xygSyF9.pngSeven years ago, he killed my lover Altair. I've searched for him for so long, but even though I've found him... I don't have the skill to kill him myself.

HAh2rZH.pngSo you want me to do it for you... That's probably the most selfish favor anyone's ever asked me for.

xygSyF9.pngI won't make excuses... But you're the only one I know who can even keep up with Vega. Please, Shigen! I'll do anything for you.


HAh2rZH.pngWhoa, whoa! Knock it off! Don't try and seduce me! I'm sorry, Krishna, but I can't help you.

0zFk3fj.png Shigen: the only one with a brain aboard this ship who wasn't sent by Runan.

HAh2rZH.pngWait, are you... crying?

xygSyF9.pngEvery day of my life for the last seven years has been hell because of what that man did. He ruined my life...


xygSyF9.pngOh, Shigen... I don't know what to do...

Stop it! Don't pour all your troubles on me! Just... cheer up, okay? I'll challenge him for you.

0zFk3fj.png Alas, he's still a member of Holmes's crew... you know, Eugen would've told her to man up and deal with it. Probably. Or maybe he would've agreed to get laid, and then he would've just pretended he didn't hear her request. That's also a very Eugen thing.

xygSyF9.pngReally!? Thank you, Shigen!

HAh2rZH.pngBut not right now. The next time we're both on the battlefield, I'll settle things with him for you. But since I'm doing this for you, I want you to be there, got it?

xygSyF9.pngOf course. I look forward to it.


Even though I've shown that scene, I will let you guys decide whether or not you want Shigen to accept her offer. Besides, that way I get to avoid transcribing the duel until next time, and I'm sick to death of this damned plot part I've been stuck on for almost a week. Also, the sooner I can move out of Imgur, the better. Seriously, you have no idea how much I want to get this update out of the way. Urgh...


Nice. This is a good start for the latest scene.

SQR1UUl.pngYou won't dare talk back to me once I'm through with you, girl! Now shut up and come with me!

orfi8jp.pngNo... Please stop!



FF3NqbQ.pngYou hard of hearing or something? I asked if you've got rocks for brains.


SQR1UUl.pngAaaaaaaaah! Leave me alone, you madmen!


FF3NqbQ.pngThat was easier than I thought. He didn't even try to fight us.

orfi8jp.pngThank you very much, good sirs.

FF3NqbQ.pngNah, we didn't really do anything.


FF3NqbQ.pngWhat? Spit it out, lady. I hate it when people just stand there.

0zFk3fj.png Holmes: traffic cops are his archnemesis.

orfi8jp.pngR-Right, sorry! Please save our town, sir! It's just down the road... it's called Ocus.

FF3NqbQ.pngI'm gonna need some more details than that. Are you under atack?



orfi8jp.pngI was on my way to Senay to beg Lord Runan and his Champions to come save us, but...

FF3NqbQ.pngBut you were caught by that man.

orfi8jp.pngYes, that's the gist of it. You all look like warriors, Mr. Pirate, sir. I'm sorry to have to ask this of you, but please... Save my town!

FF3NqbQ.png"Mr. Pirate"? That's a new one. Well, what does everyone want to do? I'm sure Runan would've helped them...


FF3NqbQ.pngSounds like we're in agreement. Lead the way, lady!

orfi8jp.pngT-Thank you so much!

xQunKTk.png Yeeey Holmes doing things that aren't dickish!


The ruffians don't even have a boss. Laughable. Let's go kick their arses.


The dumb hero, but hey, he did come to save these fellows!


FF3NqbQ.pngDon't worry, little lady. Just stay safe in your house.

orfi8jp.pngI will! Please, Mr. Hero! Take back the town for us!


It is at this point that, had we accepted Krishna's offer and had Vega, Shigen and Krishna all been deployed, the duel between Shigen and Vega would've transpired. However, I don't know what your veredict will be yet, so instead--



XaQD3CQ.pngShake those hips, girl! You got nothing to be ashamed of anymore, you little tramp!


IfRBMws.png ...that has to be the most unsettling picture I've seen in a while. Oh my God.

XaQD3CQ.pngDon't you dare talk back to me! I guess you haven't had enough beating yet, huh?

fcJEJ9A.pngHelp me, Bartz...

IfRBMws.png Yeah... about that... you wouldn't mind if a blonde dumbass saved you instead, right? I... your brother is currently unavailable, you see...

Oh, goodness. Well, at least we can finally save her! Next time, we'll do that. Remember to vote for whether or not you want Shigen and Vega to duel. With that, I say farewell. See you next time!

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 1


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Sorry to hear about Imagur being a dickbag. Good luck with your transition to a different service.


And wow, two instances of people changing their mind immediately about seeing a girl cry in jut one update. So this part is both stupid and repetitive. I feel like at least the Shigen & Krishna scene could really have been better too. Unlike the Katri & Marchen stuff at least it wasn't fundamentally stupid. I mean, Marchen: Hobbies: Murder, Pillaging and nursing injured priests back to health. Guess Renee didn't count as a priest.

Still, rereading that scene was most certainly interesting. Never really took note how they emphasize that Law should be dead. Reminds me of Levin. Maybe we are dealing with a case of resurrection here.

Also, "How to ally yourself with a potential Maritime trading Partner" by Richard the Lion Prince. Step 1: Call their representative a bastard child in your first line.
Well, at least he is consistent. He did approach Runan pretty much the same way. Really don't think this is an effective way to win allies though.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


8P9iT3F.pngI've stayed here since then to heal, and he's treated me with nothing but kindness. Even after his pirates were driven from here, he arranged for someone to bring me food.

Well... that's a surprise. Maerchen's not a total scumbag despite having the biggest kill count of the lot. Also, I can't beLeeve the uncanny resemblance.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


So, the Sea Serpent! He's apparently a unit. Let's see...

HP 10% - Strength 5% - Skill 5% - Speed 5% - Defense 0% - Magic 0% - Luck 5% - Mastery 0%

Pffftthahaahahahahahaha! Aaahahaaahaaaahaah! Oh, my goodness. Ladies and gentlement, I present to you, Joke, the meme unit! With horrendous base stats, nonexistant growths, no promotion, barely any supports at all and only the skills you can see, he's the worst unit in the game... or is he?

Well, no. You see, he has one saving grace. Notice that icon between Locktouch and Steal? That's Mug. What does Mug do? For starters, all units within support range will see their hitrate and avoid lowered by 50%. However, the skill does more than that: if you can somehow get him to kill, he'll take every single item in his victim's inventory. Even if he doesn't have a support with her, Raquel is definitely Maerchen's best friend. Get him an estoc, and his hitrate will actually be rather respectable. And then you can watch the money roll in! He's terrible for combat, but he definitely has his uses. Also he's a fun meme.

Not surprised his growths are down. He never got his piano lessons and he lost his bollocks on a ship.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's going to make the whole "fighting together for the blonde dummkopf" rather awkward. Thankfully, Vega's benched.

Thus making Krishna's threat sadly meaningless, as if he weren't his chance of dying would be up.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In other words, no second Lee. Bah...

Just like that, a barrage of law puns were disbarred.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

IfRBMws.png Yeah... about that... you wouldn't mind if a blonde dumbass saved you instead, right? I... your brother is currently unavailable, you see...

And a real shame he is. But maybe Holmes can do us a favour and put an arrow in this guy... and have him roll on the floor gurgling as the life drains from his veins.

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Even if I never used imgur, I can understand why this update was slow. Don't worry, take your time. We can be patient. Thanks for telling us, by the way.

On 1/30/2019 at 12:15 AM, Mad-manakete said:

In a dress? Not likely. It'd fill up with water. Unless she stripped it she'd be pretty screwed. Mind, I still suspect something's afoot. Or Ruben legit forgot to add her to the death toll. One or the other.

I see. Since I wear a swimming shirt to cover up my back scar when going to the beach or a pool and the like, I guess I'm used to the added weight. Well, that, and I'm not the best swimmer, so I'm used to doggy paddling to get around occasionally.

I have no idea how wearing a dress would change things.

On 1/30/2019 at 12:15 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Try getting a shirt on over those wings... and off again.... and on again... and off again. Honestly, I'm not surprised. I'm more surprised that the Rito have the patience for that shit. Or to an extent, any of the bird tribe laguz. Seriously, it must be awkward, because shirts are designed for a traditionally human body, and you make even a minor alteration like wings in place of arms or wings on the back and you've got a sub-optimal arrangement.

I can understand wearing less clothing there to account for the wings, but come on! Wear something in some media! Being shirtless is just asking to get easy cuts and bruises from an enemy!

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nooooooope. But don't feel bad. None of you do. Except Hawkwing. Hawkwing's a pure soul. I think.

Thank you.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dude, don't spoil yourself. Let me do it instead.

I was accidentally spoilered the day before that update. I hinted at Plums situation in another topic, and a person flat out told me that it ended better than it appeared. And that the Judgral games had a similar situation that didn't end as well.

Other than that, I have no idea how it will actually play out.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wish I could understand.


Image result for munchkin divine intervention

Image result for duck of doom munchkin 

Spoilered because of size. Unless the website decides to be mean and reposition it after I post. It has done that before.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Just because it's hard to find doesn't excuse it.

I'm honestly surprised it's not talked about more often when people complain about fanservice in the 3DS games.

I suppose looking and acting like a child, being the sibling of the protagonist, and/or having the fanservice be forced/noticeable in cutscenes and portraits goes further than technically being actually naked.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can understand the dislike for sex jokes, honestly. More often than not all there's to them is "HURR HURR BOOBIES".

"They are either dull or disgusting, and all of them are old." "The fact that we have bodies is the oldest joke in the book."

- C.S. Lewis in The Four Loves. That's off of memory, so it could be structured differently in the book itself.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I understand... well, I agree, and--

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...you asshat. This ain't the time for that!

My sense of humor is tragicomedic. Able to go from serious to humorous and back again, to managing to combine both at once.

That, or relevantly irrelevant randomness that turns out not to be so random. Or both at once.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I know that, but Holmes was very far away and there was a bunch of pirates between him and Maerchen. He was in no hurry, yet he hurried up, and that was his downfall.

An excellent criticism. With hope, Holmes will learn from this mistake.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Christ almighty, that's absolutely horrid logic... that makes sense, problematically enough.

Cold logic often does.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A legal pirate who is also an asshole just like normal pirates.

The only difference is a few rule changes and a different name. No one said that being a privateer meant you were a good guy.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I don't think Renee could pull that off. She could use the warp staff on herself, but alas, 'twas not to be.

I forgot to mention hiding in a barrel before going overboard. Not that it matters now.

Also, it is an interesting question of why none of the heroic characters use warp on themselves. I suppose that they don't want to accidentally warp themselves into the ground, or several feet into the air?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Inside a big, cumbersome silk dress? I would doubt it.

I'm questioning how much the dress would actually affect the ability to swim.

Then again, I was constantly questioning how in the world a graduation gown was supposed to be practical in any was, shape, or form during graduation, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised. I suppose I can add another complaint to the list of reasons why I find female clothing to be impractical.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Becuase Kaga.

You spelled because incorrectly Except that it's not just limited to this game. Nearly, no, EVERY game I've played or seen that features harpies has them without a shirt, and I still can't fathom why. Do they want to we easily cut ans stabbed by the enemy?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Very Katri, that last idea.

A character dodging because they were distracted by something else needs to be a thing in a future Fire Emblem game now.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Okay, I'm definitely going to use this one again in the future.

That... is much more awesome than what I was expecting.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Probably Kenshi, to be frank.

Except he has a magic sword. A magic sword that blinded him, mind, but at least he gained some humility from that experience.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not just stuff, the weapons they're trying to slash her in two with, too!

Given that the sword fight in the video link in my signature, as well as Lugaru, show that it is possible to steal someones weapon in the middle of a fight, it's not as far-fetched as it may seem. Extremely dangerous, yes, but this is a franchise where tanking is not only possible, but a legitimate strategy.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It would've disappeared, just like units always do upon dying. Except, it'd be a lot redder.

I mean, with an arrow shot from a tank with a tremendous amount of power, I'm either expecting the harpy to be split in half, have its head be destroyed, or have a gapping hole in their chest.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, they do have balls, they're just a little higher up.

Related image

... I don't want to know what you mean by that, and I'd rather remain forgetful of what I learned in health class...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Funny you should say that, considering my first LP's highlight was having the worst MU in the history of FE12, a Mage that was outclassed by Wrys. Wrys!

And this is the other reason why your lets plays are so entertaining. Seeing you fail isn't the only attraction, you know?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That was not as interesting as you initially thought it'd be, right?

Not really, no.

I do remember where the profile picture was from, though.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lance to the crotch was a better way to send him off.

Very much agreed.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png I mean, on the one hand he did search the sea for hours on end to find her, something he didn't have to do, especially if the tide's as rough as he claims it is, but on the other hand, he's smiling while he says it... and we know he has a serious portrait...

I'll compliment him for trying, but really. Someone should have dove into the water the moment she went overboard.

Maybe that should have been a mechanic: You could send someone over the edge of the boat to have them rescue Renee, but they wouldn't be available for the level itself.

Could have been an interesting workaround to not having Attom, but alas...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xygSyF9.pngNowhere in particular. You all seem like a lively bunch. Do you have room for one more?

Mean, it's not like she has much of a choice. There aren't a whole lot of places to go on the boat itself.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngPlus, it'll be a nice change of pace to have a girl on board who's not a whiny brat. Right, Shigen?

0zFk3fj.png Ooohhhh I see where your sights are set.

Holmes, at least Eugen had subtly. You're just in it for the eye candy, aren't you?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

HAh2rZH.pngI dunno, Holmes. This broad's a trained killer and a thief. I have a hard time believing she's coming along just for fun.

xygSyF9.pngWhat a rude man! Well, if you're that worried, you can just keep an eye on me, right?


hTMofYU.png Everyone in my team's so irresponsible... but at least Shigen does it in style!

Shigen is quickly becoming my favorite character on Holmes route. Granted, that's not exactly hard, but he's solidifying his spot.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngGood to know my first mate has the utmost confidence in my judgment.

I cab't tell if that's sarcasm, vitriolicism, or if Holmes is being serious.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png You know, the killing blow was delivered to his crotch. I just hope Katri didn't reach in there to save him... bwaach! What a terrible mental image... shoo, go away...!

You can walk away from being castrated. It's painful as heck, sure, but it's something you can walk off, as long as you've taken care of the bleeding.

That was only one of two things I remembered from that portion of health class.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngOut of the way! I'm gonna finish him off!

Or you could keep him prisoner and then sell him to the prison for a small reward. It won't be much, but I doubt anyone would pay for his corpse. Besides a desperate necromancer.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png Hahahahahah! Cockroaches can eat shit, amirite, Holmes?

That is an awesome line.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png And Attrom. And Juliattisnacordst. So far, he sits pretty on top of the game's kill count. How ironic.

Even more so when if he joins them.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Well, he sure did give up quickly, for a guy who claims to be so mad at him for killing people. Although, to be fair, he couldn't even remember half of the man's kills, so...

Maybe he just doesn't want to hear Katri ball her eyes out, and decided it's best to off him out of her sight.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


0zFk3fj.png You're just asking for trouble now...

Holes logic is sound, but I see what you mean by how easily it can backfire.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ciDy8aH.pngYep, you patched me up real good! Look, all healed up!

prSiLUK.pngThank goodness. But even though you're getting your strength back, please don't go back to your old life!

... I am resisting the urge to go into detail about what the consequences of getting a lance to the crotch would mean. Needless to say, Mearchen can say goodbye to his strength and those muscles...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ciDy8aH.pngNo need to worry 'bout that, Miss Katri. I'm a changed man now! I'll stick by your side no matter what.

...I could make several jokes here, but I personally swore not to make another castration joke after looking up what it actually does to a person.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png You know, I miss the days when Eugen falling for Codha's trick was considered to be the height of this game's stupidity. Man, Katri...

Not to mention Eugens mistakes helped humanize him. With Katri, the only thing keeping her alive is plot armor.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


0zFk3fj.png C'mon, you're not even trying... there's no way she's going to fall for t--

0zFk3fj.png ...wait, didn't I say this already back with Plum?

...Oh no...

If Maerchen is in cahoots with that slaver...

You know the drill. His addition to the death count will not be held against you.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

prSiLUK.pngSomething to show me? What is it?

ciDy8aH.pngHey, let's not ruin the surprise! Heh heh heh...

...Maerchen doesn't know what subtlety is, and Katri can't see what's right in front of her.

Great. If Katri ends up knocked out, stuffed in sack, and/or thrown in a cell, I will not be surprised in the slightest. Although if she falls for the same trick in the inn...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

prSiLUK.pngI've got some... stuff I want to take care of there. I'd rather not say...

FF3NqbQ.pngAh, I gotcha. Girl stuff. We haven't got a bath on this ship, either, so I bet it's been pretty uncomfortable for you. No worries. We could all use a rest stop.

I was... uh... not expecting THAT of all things to be the excuse the game/Katri would use...

I think just saying they could have sold off some pirat-I mean Privateered cargo from the bandits would have been enough.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

IfRBMws.png ...HOLMES! She didn't even have to make up a shitty excuse, you did it for her! It's been like five minutes since the pirate head honcho regained consciousness, she's asking you to go to his former hideout for unknown reasons and is being suspiciously shady about it, and you're just gonna agree to it?!

Granted, I can understand perfectly well why Holmes would want to get that kind of problem done and over with as soon as possible (Katri is enough of a whiner as is, and I don't think he want's to be stuck with... uh...).

The real stupidity would be if Holmes didn't keep an eye on old punchable goatee man. Or worse, if he let him off the ship at all. But he isn't that dumb, right?


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Well, that was a quick transition.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ciDy8aH.pngThis is one of my secret underground lairs. Take a look around, if you like! We've got supply rooms, dungeons, torture chambers...

This raises several questions:

  1. How did they get there?
  2. Why did Holmes let Maerchen off the ship?
  3. Why didn't Holmes walk with Katri and just wait outside the building while she supposedly did her "business"?
  4. Why didn't Holmes walk to the prision to see if he could get a reward of Maerchen?
  5. Why can't Katri see what's right in front of her?
  6. How/Where did Maerchen get the resources to build an underground base?

And so many more...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ciDy8aH.pngHeh heh heh! We're all alone down here, Miss Katri. Now get in that cell!

Called it. And I'm not surprised in the slightest.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



0zFk3fj.png ...excuse me?


This is going to be one of those "this only works because the plot says so" kind of deals, won't it?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png I'm not sure if this is the worst-written scene in history of mankind, or the best. I... what?

I agree with you. This scene is hard to make heads or tails of.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


ciDy8aH.pngWell, we really should get going. I bet Holmes is startin' to wonder what's goin' on.

Wait, was this an a partially elaborate ploy to get the two back together, or is Maerchen just taking advantage of a coincidence?

Or is the plot just taking an off day and spewing out whatever it wants?

Also, why did Holmes even let him off the boat?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Yeah, it'd be a real tragedy if he came in and shot you between the eyes. Knowing him, he'd also shoot down Law and Order and would take aim at Katri before taking a moment to think say "hey, what's all this?".

Sad thing is is that's is probably accurate. Unless he used the blowgun. Then Law might have a change to explain things while he's reloading.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngBah, I should just walk in there and drag you out myself...

Are you sure about that Holmes?

...Man, Katri's excuse was a despicably low blow, but I can deny how well it works.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngEr... Katri? Who's that guy behind you?

prSiLUK.pngHee hee, this is Bishop Law of Mahl! My father!

xQunKTk.png D'aww... well, all's well that ends well, I guess.

And is no one going to question how that is so, or will the game just transition to avoid having to deal with it?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Yep. They transition.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

8P9iT3F.pngHah, you are a curious one indeed! That's a story for another time, I think. I don't know if I have the strength to tell it in its entirety right now.

FF3NqbQ.pngWhatever you say, pops. Let me know when you do feel like sharing.

Ah the age old "we don't have time/I'm not in the position to tell this story in full" writing trick. As old as time, and while it can be easily spotted, it's hard to refute.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngShe sure did, didn't she... (I could put an arrow in his gut right now, and Katri would never have to know...)

Is.. Holmes not going to question Maerchen about the whole ordeal? Also, why didn't they ransack his underground base? They could have found some useful stuff there!

That line is pretty neat, though.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


So, the Sea Serpent! He's apparently a unit. Let's see...

HP 10% - Strength 5% - Skill 5% - Speed 5% - Defense 0% - Magic 0% - Luck 5% - Mastery 0%

Pffftthahaahahahahahaha! Aaahahaaahaaaahaah! Oh, my goodness. Ladies and gentlement, I present to you, Joke, the meme unit! With horrendous base stats, nonexistant growths, no promotion, barely any supports at all and only the skills you can see, he's the worst unit in the game... or is he?

Well, no. You see, he has one saving grace. Notice that icon between Locktouch and Steal? That's Mug. What does Mug do? For starters, all units within support range will see their hitrate and avoid lowered by 50%. However, the skill does more than that: if you can somehow get him to kill, he'll take every single item in his victim's inventory. Even if he doesn't have a support with her, Raquel is definitely Maerchen's best friend. Get him an estoc, and his hitrate will actually be rather respectable. And then you can watch the money roll in! He's terrible for combat, but he definitely has his uses. Also he's a fun meme.

That... I... Wha...

I am at a loss for words.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xygSyF9.pngDo you remember a warrior named Altair? He was an Istorian mercenary who wielded dual swords.

The historical method of dual wielding, or the fictional kind? Or does she mean "dual swords" as in Darth Mauls lightsaber?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


xQunKTk.png She's still delicate, actually. No defense.

Delicate physically. Emotionally, we'll have to see.

Also, I see what you did there.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

WCDiKFw.pngIf I hadn't brought my employer his head, then they wouldn't have paid me. It's as simple as that. If Altair had won, he would've killed me, too.

0zFk3fj.png Man, such foolproof logic. I am amazed. I'm sure she is, as well.

Those who take the low road will find themselves with nowhere else to go. And those who live by the sword will die by the sword.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

WCDiKFw.pngSo what do you want after all these years? If it's revenge, that'll be impossible. You could never best me.

xygSyF9.pngI know that I can't beat you myself. But I promise you this: I will see you dead. I just wanted you to know that.

WCDiKFw.pngI welcome your challenge. I will give you one chance... but if you fail, you die. What's your name, girl?

In other words, Krishna is basically saying she'll hire an assassin against him, and Vega is states that he'll kill her if the person she hires fails.

This would be an interesting sidequest or even storyline for a game with multiple endings. In a game where permadeath is a factor, however...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png No kidding! This music's absolutely unbelievable! One of my favourite themes in the game.

It is an awesome theme.

Also, one of the youtube comments called the guy "Bow Jesus".

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hTMofYU.png I thought of making a funny edit with footballs and moss, but honestly, look at that face! I don't think I (or anyone else, for that matter) am talented enough to improve this masterpiece of character design.

I was going to comment on what you said earlier, but you pretty much said all you could about it.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hTMofYU.png I'd make a bitter remark on the fact that both she and her brother are dead, but I'm having way too much fun just looking at this guy's mug.

This scene is rather awkward with that knowledge in mind.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


FF3NqbQ.png"Abandoned"? I never expected to hear such a complicated word come from your mouth, Richard! Good to see you've been expanding your vocabulary.

This will be a battle of the sharp tongues, won't it?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png ...I mean, need I say anything?

Not at all. Two scumbags interact, and it goes about as well as...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...Took the words out of my mouth again. I am not comfortable with Holmes doing that.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png Ah, Tia. Maybe you'll be the voice of reason here. So far, this whole update has consisted of people being completely idiotic, so I'm needing one of those.

Very much agreed.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


FF3NqbQ.pngIt seems he's actually trying to make that childhood fantasy a reality.

0zFk3fj.png So he was born a dick, then? They surely picked the right name for the guy.

Nah, Richard just needed a good 4X game to keep him occupied.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

W0zoyoc.pngSo you're saying I'm just being used by Richard, is that it?

FF3NqbQ.pngI'm saying it doesn't matter whether you are the real princess of Leda or not. Sure, he'll keep you around while you're still useful, but once he's through with you, he'll throw you away like trash. He might even make you a martyr.

For all his a-holenss, Holmes is not afraid to give the harsh truth when he needs to. Makes him a jerk in some situations, but here it's done pretty well.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngYou look similar... Like you could be related.

iawnUpK.pngSimilar? To who?

0zFk3fj.png Who were you talking about just now? You idiot...

Is this foreshadowing, or a red hearing?

Could it even be both? Especially when taken with the previous conversation in mind?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


FF3NqbQ.pngI'm not sure why you're letting her come with me, but I suppose you've got your reasons, huh? Whatever. Don't you worry, pops. I won't let anything happen to her.

That's actually a good question. Why is Katri still being taken along with Holmes? I can understand not wanting her to be kidnapped or killed by the cult, but Holmes line of work isn't exactly the safest route, either.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png Eh, if he turns out to be a Gotoh, I'll be happy enough.

He probably will, for better and worse.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hWNvWXL.pngI'm afraid not. My husband has tried these with no success.

xQunKTk.png Her husband's Ezekiel. Just an FYI.

And that is...

*Looks him up*

Right! Ezekiel!... How much action has he seen in this Let's Play?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Before you ask, yes, we've really lost it. And that's not the last thing he's going to give her, either! Getting this man laid is one of the most difficult things you can do in this game, and without Ezekiel, it's a futile endeavor, too. A futile endeavor I'm going to attempt... why am I such a brainless fuck?

...Why are you doing it, again? And is it really the only person Kriess can marry?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


A good start. As always, I won't show the action, but I felt like I had to show this good start.

That's a pretty interesting dodge animation. I guess if you're already dead, who cares about what your spine looks like?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


xygSyF9.pngI need you to kill Vega.

0zFk3fj.png Well, she wasted no time, that's for sure.


Is she trying to get the both of them killed?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

HAh2rZH.png...Really? He's pretty shady, but he's a decent guy. Why do you want me to kill him?

xygSyF9.pngSeven years ago, he killed my lover Altair. I've searched for him for so long, but even though I've found him... I don't have the skill to kill him myself.

HAh2rZH.pngSo you want me to do it for you... That's probably the most selfish favor anyone's ever asked me for.

I'm liking Shigen more and more.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xygSyF9.pngI won't make excuses... But you're the only one I know who can even keep up with Vega. Please, Shigen! I'll do anything for you.


HAh2rZH.pngWhoa, whoa! Knock it off! Don't try and seduce me! I'm sorry, Krishna, but I can't help you.

Glad to see Shigen doesn't fall for such a lowly trick.

Seriously, it's one of my most hated cliches, and I'll gladly take even a minor jab at it.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Shigen: the only one with a brain aboard this ship who wasn't sent by Runan.

I can see why he's Holmes second-in-command.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xygSyF9.pngEvery day of my life for the last seven years has been hell because of what that man did. He ruined my life...


xygSyF9.pngOh, Shigen... I don't know what to do...

She's not going to listen to the "revenge won't bring you anything but emptiness" lesson, will she?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Alas, he's still a member of Holmes's crew... you know, Eugen would've told her to man up and deal with it. Probably. Or maybe he would've agreed to get laid, and then he would've just pretended he didn't hear her request. That's also a very Eugen thing.

Eugen also would have dived overboard to save Renee.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

HAh2rZH.pngBut not right now. The next time we're both on the battlefield, I'll settle things with him for you. But since I'm doing this for you, I want you to be there, got it?

xygSyF9.pngOf course. I look forward to it.

Now watch as Shigen just talks with Vega, and maybe throws some flynning into the mix to may Krishna think they had a bloody fight.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even though I've shown that scene, I will let you guys decide whether or not you want Shigen to accept her offer. Besides, that way I get to avoid transcribing the duel until next time, and I'm sick to death of this damned plot part I've been stuck on for almost a week. Also, the sooner I can move out of Imgur, the better. Seriously, you have no idea how much I want to get this update out of the way. Urgh...

Wait, so what are the consequences for accepting or refusing the request? If it leads to Shigens death, I'm out.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

orfi8jp.pngNo... Please stop!

So the lady with the fancy head-thing is an NPC.

That's... a waste of an interesting design.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngYou hard of hearing or something? I asked if you've got rocks for brains.


Samson synchronizes so well with Holmes statement that I am curious what the rest of his character is like.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png Yeeey Holmes doing things that aren't dickish!

An uncommon yet welcome sight.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:





6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

XaQD3CQ.pngShake those hips, girl! You got nothing to be ashamed of anymore, you little tramp!


Oh no...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

XaQD3CQ.pngDon't you dare talk back to me! I guess you haven't had enough beating yet, huh?

...I say this with complete sincerity:

Ultra Combo this fuckers ass and send him to hell in pieces.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

IfRBMws.png Yeah... about that... you wouldn't mind if a blonde dumbass saved you instead, right? I... your brother is currently unavailable, you see...

...Speaking of which, do you mind telling/showing us what would have happened if Bartz was the one to save her? Please?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, goodness. Well, at least we can finally save her! Next time, we'll do that. Remember to vote for whether or not you want Shigen and Vega to duel. With that, I say farewell. See you next time!

I'll have to vote in a separate post. I want to see what will result from the duel first.


...Man that was a long post. It was definitely worth the wait, though. And I hope you have something planned for that slimeballs fate...

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Hopefully the new image hosting site continues to work out better for you.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Nice to see Shigen's not one to turn down a free unit. Even a bad one, in this case...

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


So basically, the moral of the story is that you should go off alone with a known murderer and scoundrel because he'll reunite you with your long-lost and presumed dead father?

Nothing about that scene made any sense (not least Holmes's lack of suspicion about the whole thing) but I love it anyway.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


So, the Sea Serpent! He's apparently a unit. Let's see...

HP 10% - Strength 5% - Skill 5% - Speed 5% - Defense 0% - Magic 0% - Luck 5% - Mastery 0%

Pffftthahaahahahahahaha! Aaahahaaahaaaahaah! Oh, my goodness. Ladies and gentlement, I present to you, Joke, the meme unit! With horrendous base stats, nonexistant growths, no promotion, barely any supports at all and only the skills you can see, he's the worst unit in the game... or is he?

Well, no. You see, he has one saving grace. Notice that icon between Locktouch and Steal? That's Mug. What does Mug do? For starters, all units within support range will see their hitrate and avoid lowered by 50%. However, the skill does more than that: if you can somehow get him to kill, he'll take every single item in his victim's inventory. Even if he doesn't have a support with her, Raquel is definitely Maerchen's best friend. Get him an estoc, and his hitrate will actually be rather respectable. And then you can watch the money roll in! He's terrible for combat, but he definitely has his uses. Also he's a fun meme.

Especially since it leads to THIS. This is glorious. (Even though, like with Norton, I was already spoiled on the details...)

He's a massive meme of course, but I appreciate how Mug's existence prevents him from being only a meme, RNG willing.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Wait, Frau? Seriously? Frau? That just means "woman" in German! And it's not even like it's a perfectly fine name in another language, like Guy is in French.

This is even worse than Warrior the Berserker, I swear. At least Warrior the Berserker was a one-off boss.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngWell, you always were a tenacious little worm.

This is almost exactly how Holmes described his dad back in Chapter 1 (except as a "rat" instead of a "worm"). Maybe a coincidence and I'm reading too much into it, but if not, it says a lot about Admiral Vals that he's being painted in similar terms to Richard. (Holmes has already gone off about how horrible he is, of course, but without specific detail.)

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hWNvWXL.pngThis is an elixir, right?

ilEV0SF.pngIndeed. I thought perhaps if she used them as eye drops...

hWNvWXL.pngThank you very much. But, well...

ilEV0SF.pngIt won't work, will it...?

hWNvWXL.pngI'm afraid not. My husband has tried these with no success.

It's small, but this is a pretty interesting bit of world-building to me. As incredibly powerful as healing in Fire Emblem is (less so than in most RPGs, granted, because of permadeath and the extremely limited ways of recovering from it) that someone who was bleeding to death a moment ago can be good as new in an instant, it seems it can't heal something you're born with.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even though I've shown that scene, I will let you guys decide whether or not you want Shigen to accept her offer. Besides, that way I get to avoid transcribing the duel until next time, and I'm sick to death of this damned plot part I've been stuck on for almost a week. Also, the sooner I can move out of Imgur, the better. Seriously, you have no idea how much I want to get this update out of the way. Urgh...

Sure, why not? Shigen has Dullahan and Vega's benched anyway, so no harm done, right?

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