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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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Okay, so I looked up what happens in the Shigen and Vega duel. Unfortunately, I couldn't find what the consequences are after the fight, or what happens if you refuse the event. Still, even if it can backfire by activating the duel in the wrong place at the wrong time, I think your healers could use the free experience.

I vote for Shigen and Vega to duel.

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I vote duel, if only because I find Krishna somewhat interesting of a character and hate Vega. Oh, random nitpick: anyone who studies/has studied Latin? I'm asking because I'm studying it and the spell lines in this game are just wrong. I'll try to point it out next time one of our spectacular spellslinging spellcasters of slaughter fights.

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On 1/27/2019 at 8:51 PM, Hawkwing said:

It's been a while since I last played it too. I've noticed that people who play videogames tend to catch onto the rules faster than those who don't.

Ah, the memories. From winning with divine intervention and gloating afterwards as per rules, to being a badass super thief with a badass bandanna and a singing sword, to using the pollymorph potion on a monster to gain a crap ton of treasure...

Oh, I hated Divine Intervention.

I think I'll be bringing it to something tomorrow though.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Coward! Record yourself (audio only if you must) and send it our way, or else I shall be forced to deem you a chicken, cheep cheepcheepcheep cheep cheeeeep!

Well, I'll be honest and say I don't really have much in the way of options for recording.

I'll have to search around, give it a bit.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Just capture him, man. The man didn't deserve to die.

Hopefully there'll be a remake for that.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Right? Good ol' Shouzou "Send Girls to Slavery for a Refresher" Kaga.

I'm trying to think if Berwick's as messed up as this game.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Knowing me, she'll be my best unit. Well, second-best, after Tom.

Somehow I doubt that.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png Everyone in my team's so irresponsible... but at least Shigen does it in style!

"She could stab us all in our sleep, but fuck it, why not?"

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png Hahahahahah! Cockroaches can eat shit, amirite, Holmes?

Are we sure Maerchen's not like a cockroach?

And who's like a cockroach in BB?

I think Hugh could be a relative- Yeah no, that'd imply a link between Maerchen to Canas and that's just disgusting.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngAh, I gotcha. Girl stuff. We haven't got a bath on this ship, either, so I bet it's been pretty uncomfortable for you. No worries. We could all use a rest stop.

IfRBMws.png ...HOLMES! She didn't even have to make up a shitty excuse, you did it for her! It's been like five minutes since the pirate head honcho regained consciousness, she's asking you to go to his former hideout for unknown reasons and is being suspiciously shady about it, and you're just gonna agree to it?!


I guess after hearing that he had to obey.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


0zFk3fj.png ...excuse me?


I guess we'll never know how this level of convenience truly happened.

Unless it was Bizzaro Sacae's Percival proving himself a hero.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


So, I guess Maerchen didn't want to be breaking this law.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Lydia, that's not digging up.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ruben's not helping.

Even if he's right.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


So, the Sea Serpent! He's apparently a unit. Let's see...

HP 10% - Strength 5% - Skill 5% - Speed 5% - Defense 0% - Magic 0% - Luck 5% - Mastery 0%

Pffftthahaahahahahahaha! Aaahahaaahaaaahaah! Oh, my goodness. Ladies and gentlement, I present to you, Joke, the meme unit! With horrendous base stats, nonexistant growths, no promotion, barely any supports at all and only the skills you can see, he's the worst unit in the game... or is he?

Well, no. You see, he has one saving grace. Notice that icon between Locktouch and Steal? That's Mug. What does Mug do? For starters, all units within support range will see their hitrate and avoid lowered by 50%. However, the skill does more than that: if you can somehow get him to kill, he'll take every single item in his victim's inventory. Even if he doesn't have a support with her, Raquel is definitely Maerchen's best friend. Get him an estoc, and his hitrate will actually be rather respectable. And then you can watch the money roll in! He's terrible for combat, but he definitely has his uses. Also he's a fun meme.

I petition we make him a lord unit and he can't be allowed to die.

Also, is gentlement a typo? I hope not.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png No kidding! This music's absolutely unbelievable! One of my favourite themes in the game.

Yeah, this is great.

In fact, I'll link you to someone who's made the PP tracks for the GBA soundfont (The person's Deltre, who's not updated in ages but who I'd love to see either do a tutorial on this kind of thing or put it up for hackers to use.)

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngPicking up an orphan girl from who knows where and calling her Leda's lost princess... I can only assume you're trying to conquer all of Leda for yourself. You're no better than Emperor Bahanuk.

YNfmH04.pngHmph. I was entertaining the idea of allying with Granada, since it would be advantageous to have a maritime trade partner who is also a friend of Runan's...



17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FF3NqbQ.pngI know what kind of person Richard is. Thanks to my father's connections, I'm well-acquainted with Mahl's and Senay's leaders. I knew him as a kid. I fought with him, drank wine with him...


At least we know Little Dick was into it.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Lionel also got one out of jeiganing. Predictably, it's the best of the bunch. Keep it up, you gigantic badass.

What a lion(el) of a unit.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Are we sure she's an NPC?

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

XaQD3CQ.pngShake those hips, girl! You got nothing to be ashamed of anymore, you little tramp!


Yep, that's that sickening shit right there.

If only there was a way to make sure this guy died.

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Remember to vote for whether or not you want Shigen and Vega to duel.

I'll be upfront and say no, mainly because there's no point in helping this vengeance quest. Shigen might die. :P

Speaking of votes, Heroes had one. Frost ended up last (It's just disappointing every time you hear who's last, though he's the first who wasn't from Thracia.).

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On 31/01/2019 at 4:06 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm sorry, Pengaius, but I can't keep on letting this shit slide. Esther at least has decent defense. What does this guy have?

Uhh handsomeness. Please don't give up on Arkis, I swear he'll get good, anyway although if you do stop using him for battles you might assign him as Ruben's bodyguard due to the recent attack, so he can still have fic relevance?

Also go for the duel I want edgy boy to commit the stop breathe

Edited by Pengaius
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Sooo the new image host. It seemed to be perfect, until I started dragging pictures and it started flipping out and doing really weird shit that I don't understand, like whenever I place an image next to another image, it's placed underneath instead, and if I don't leave extra space it flips out and all sorts of random stuff that made me lose hope with the site.

But then I did some testing and I found out Imgur is doing weird stuff, too! What the hell?! Is Serenes dying on me too?! Will I have to make my own website and image host just so I can keep on doing LPs? I don't even understand, the post editor has worked perfectly for every single day of all my LPs, and it picks THIS moment to faint?! At this rate, I'm going to have to call a hiatus while I wait for the internet in general to cooperate!

A day later, I tried putting the pictures outside of the spoiler. Guess what, it works just fine there, and copypasting from there fixes the issues. Why there and not in the spoiler like it always has worked? Well, because fuck me, I guess. And not only that, you know how Imgur shows all the pictures ready to be dragged to wherever you want them when you open the album? In the new site, you have to open the album, and then click on the picture to be taken to where you can actually nab the thing. You can imagine how much slower the whole process is now. For no reason at all! That's the most exhilarating part of it.

But then, you know what happened? After like, 5 images, the outside of the spoiler bugged out also! I've tried to start writing the update six times and every single time something's come up and I couldn't do anything. You know what that means? Yes, exactly! It means we're going on a god damned hiatus until I can figure out how to do this thing that I could do just fine last week. Amazing. I wish I knew where the owners of Imgur were right now, just so I could break their noses. Fucking damnit...

I was completely unsuccessful last time I tried asking you guys for an image hosting site (read, nobody bothered), but let's try again, because I can't do anything else. Give me a site that I can work with (that means free, folders of some sort and no upload limit) and that won't make Serenes die. I've been going over google and I just can't find anything.

Okay, found another site. This one's called imgbox. It has the same "click on picture thumbnail to be taken to the actual picture" thing as lensdump, but it loads a lot faster, and I can move images inside the gallery and it doesn't do anything weird with the first pic. However, that all is irrelevant: what matters is that I think, I THINK it works. It's a little more inconvenient than Imgur, but, heck, it works! I think. Now's when I start writing the update and it flips out again.

Before you ask, no, I'm not going to delete any of this. In fact, I'm just going to post this as is so you can get a taste of just how miserable this has been. By the time you're reading this, I've already managed to fix everything and the update is in the works, but seriously, that was so frigging shitty. I think I've earned some "you're the bestest LPer ever!" comments for all this.

Ah, what am I saying, you'll just use it as a chance to make fun of me, like when I asked that sort of comment in FE6. Save it, I'll just pat myself in the back.

On an unrelated note, Frost came in last in the latest FEHeroes's Popularity Contest Where Only Protagonists And Camilla Stand A Chance. He lost to the likes of Recolored Nomah, the completely irrelevant merchant troupe from Ike's games, minor FE4 bosses...

I'd feel bad about not voting him, but honestly? I didn't care about Heroes before, and now that I've tried it out, I care even less. And now that Camilla won yet again and Frost came in dead last? Well, what's Heroes? Is that the game with Corrin for the 3DS?

Here's hoping they'll meme him up like they did with the other guy from FE5. Unlike Glade, he's got innate potential. I swear that frown of his is just unbelievable...

A3pc3oxy o



A3pc3oxy o


A3pc3oxy oA3pc3oxy oA3pc3oxy oA3pc3oxy o


There used to be a bunch of pictures of Kreiss here, but I deleted that test album (it's called gallery in the new site) so now it's just gibberish. Nothing to see  here, move on.

A3pc3oxy o


A3pc3oxy o Stsebntirbst


A3pc3oxy oA3pc3oxy o





A3pc3oxy o


Gxurec93 o


Arxhudu0 o

So far the site seems to be working fine

8stwd5qs o

Okay, I think we can safely assume it's going to work out all right.

8stwd5qs o8stwd5qs o


8stwd5qs o8stwd5qs o8stwd5qs o
Okily dokily

Next time, an actual update. Is anyone even reading this? If you are, post a reply saying "Brave Frost for CyL 4!".




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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd feel bad about not voting him, but honestly? I didn't care about Heroes before, and now that I've tried it out, I care even less. And now that Camilla won yet again and Frost came in dead last? Well, what's Heroes? Is that the game with Corrin for the 3DS?

Nice IGN reference.

Also Brave Frost for CYL 4. Would probably actually make that vote if I had anything to do with Heroes.

Here's hoping things work out better for you on the images, because otherwise I've had two bits of bad news today.

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That whole situation's unfortunate.

At least imgbb is a backup to recommend next time, I probably should have done so.

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Thanks for being transparent. Take your time with the update and getting used to the website. We can be patient.

Also, Brave Frost for CYL 4! I too was sad when I learned who was at the bottom, even if I didn't vote in the event. Next time, I throw him several bones, er, votes. And maybe to some of the other characters I liked that were at the bottom.

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Brave Frost for CYL 4!

I tend to copy-paste URLs into the spoiler (editing them in Notepad as needed, because the direct image link isn't always given), and so far, it's been all right.  But I'm also insane.

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Honestly, it should be a badge of honor to be dismissed by whatever criteria results in a complete tool like Camilla making it to the top of a ranking.

Well, unless it's a tier list obviously. Those bases are just dumb.

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Part 28 - Plum is free!


On 31/1/2019 at 6:44 PM, BrightBow said:

Sorry to hear about Imagur being a dickbag. Good luck with your transition to a different service.

Sure hope this works.

And wow, two instances of people changing their mind immediately about seeing a girl cry in jut one update. So this part is both stupid and repetitive. I feel like at least the Shigen & Krishna scene could really have been better too. Unlike the Katri & Marchen stuff at least it wasn't fundamentally stupid. I mean, Marchen: Hobbies: Murder, Pillaging and nursing injured priests back to health. Guess Renee didn't count as a priest.

It's just do dumb... I mean, I love it, it's so bad it's good, but... damn.

Still, rereading that scene was most certainly interesting. Never really took note how they emphasize that Law should be dead. Reminds me of Levin. Maybe we are dealing with a case of resurrection here.

Ah, who knows...

Also, "How to ally yourself with a potential Maritime trading Partner" by Richard the Lion Prince. Step 1: Call their representative a bastard child in your first line.
Well, at least he is consistent. He did approach Runan pretty much the same way. Really don't think this is an effective way to win allies though.

I can only imagine how he approached Tia.

"Ah, the so-called Princess of Leda. A woman leading a country? Don't make me laugh. You should be in my manor, tending to the kitchen, where you belong. How about you marry me so that a real man may take over your country? I'll get Leda all for myself! MWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH ahem... cough. Forget that last part."


On 31/1/2019 at 6:57 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Well... that's a surprise. Maerchen's not a total scumbag despite having the biggest kill count of the lot. Also, I can't beLeeve the uncanny resemblance.

Like I said, if Lee isn't recruited at Verje, Katri comments on how he reminds her of her foster daddy. I can understand why.

Not surprised his growths are down. He never got his piano lessons and he lost his bollocks on a ship.

He's jewish now. Anyone got a bomb shelter? I think I might need one shortly.

Thus making Krishna's threat sadly meaningless, as if he weren't his chance of dying would be up.

I can always sacrifice him, like I sacrificed Rutger.

Just like that, a barrage of law puns were disbarred.

Good thing, too. Lee puns are fine, but if we made Law puns, we'd have V I O L A T E D   T H E   L A W.

And a real shame he is. But maybe Holmes can do us a favour and put an arrow in this guy... and have him roll on the floor gurgling as the life drains from his veins.

I'd rather keep mug, thanks.


On 31/1/2019 at 11:39 PM, Hawkwing said:

Goodness gracious, that's a bible if I've ever seen one... let's get to work.

Even if I never used imgur, I can understand why this update was slow. Don't worry, take your time. We can be patient. Thanks for telling us, by the way.

No worries.

I see. Since I wear a swimming shirt to cover up my back scar when going to the beach or a pool and the like, I guess I'm used to the added weight. Well, that, and I'm not the best swimmer, so I'm used to doggy paddling to get around occasionally.

I have no idea how wearing a dress would change things.

Well, for instance, it would start absorbing the whole sea and Renee would've started to weigh about as much as a rock. And being heavy while trying to keep your head out of the water isn't the best thing.

I can understand wearing less clothing there to account for the wings, but come on! Wear something in some media! Being shirtless is just asking to get easy cuts and bruises from an enemy!

Would you rather they wore a silly bra?

Thank you.

I was accidentally spoilered the day before that update. I hinted at Plums situation in another topic, and a person flat out told me that it ended better than it appeared. And that the Judgral games had a similar situation that didn't end as well.

Other than that, I have no idea how it will actually play out.

Eh, good enough I guess.

I'm honestly surprised it's not talked about more often when people complain about fanservice in the 3DS games.

I suppose looking and acting like a child, being the sibling of the protagonist, and/or having the fanservice be forced/noticeable in cutscenes and portraits goes further than technically being actually naked.

That makes sense.

"They are either dull or disgusting, and all of them are old." "The fact that we have bodies is the oldest joke in the book."

- C.S. Lewis in The Four Loves. That's off of memory, so it could be structured differently in the book itself.

Hwahahah. Good quotes.

My sense of humor is tragicomedic. Able to go from serious to humorous and back again, to managing to combine both at once.

That, or relevantly irrelevant randomness that turns out not to be so random. Or both at once.

I can get behind this.

An excellent criticism. With hope, Holmes will learn from this mistake.


Cold logic often does.

Hawkwing DESTROYS oddly positive Ruben with FACTS and LOGIC.

Sorry, I just had to.

The only difference is a few rule changes and a different name. No one said that being a privateer meant you were a good guy.


I forgot to mention hiding in a barrel before going overboard. Not that it matters now.

Where'd she get a barrel?

Also, it is an interesting question of why none of the heroic characters use warp on themselves. I suppose that they don't want to accidentally warp themselves into the ground, or several feet into the air?

I have no idea.

I'm questioning how much the dress would actually affect the ability to swim.

Then again, I was constantly questioning how in the world a graduation gown was supposed to be practical in any was, shape, or form during graduation, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised. I suppose I can add another complaint to the list of reasons why I find female clothing to be impractical.

Like I said earlier, it would've gotten wet and would've acted like a net on top of Renee. Not the best thing to have on you while trying to swim.

You spelled because incorrectly Except that it's not just limited to this game. Nearly, no, EVERY game I've played or seen that features harpies has them without a shirt, and I still can't fathom why. Do they want to we easily cut ans stabbed by the enemy?

Maybe their skin is tougher than ours?

A character dodging because they were distracted by something else needs to be a thing in a future Fire Emblem game now.

Probably so.

That... is much more awesome than what I was expecting.

Ain't it? I need to use it in the actual update so that everyone can see it.

Except he has a magic sword. A magic sword that blinded him, mind, but at least he gained some humility from that experience.

Ah, I see.

Given that the sword fight in the video link in my signature, as well as Lugaru, show that it is possible to steal someones weapon in the middle of a fight, it's not as far-fetched as it may seem. Extremely dangerous, yes, but this is a franchise where tanking is not only possible, but a legitimate strategy.

I understand.

I mean, with an arrow shot from a tank with a tremendous amount of power, I'm either expecting the harpy to be split in half, have its head be destroyed, or have a gapping hole in their chest.

Or all of them at once! That is the power of Tom.

Related image

... I don't want to know what you mean by that, and I'd rather remain forgetful of what I learned in health class...

I was referring to its boobies. C'mon, it wasn't so hard! Unlike *insert easy joke here*

And this is the other reason why your lets plays are so entertaining. Seeing you fail isn't the only attraction, you know?

Those are the perks of using units nobody else does. You get crazy results, as opposed to the usual "top tier losers break game, LPer describes them as multiple variations of awesome, repeat until game ends".

Not really, no.

I do remember where the profile picture was from, though.

Ah, I see.

Very much agreed.


I'll compliment him for trying, but really. Someone should have dove into the water the moment she went overboard.

Maybe that should have been a mechanic: You could send someone over the edge of the boat to have them rescue Renee, but they wouldn't be available for the level itself.

Could have been an interesting workaround to not having Attom, but alas...

Kaga wanted it to be really easy to lose Renee.

Mean, it's not like she has much of a choice. There aren't a whole lot of places to go on the boat itself.

She could've just asked for passage and left when we reached Mahl.

Holmes, at least Eugen had subtly. You're just in it for the eye candy, aren't you?

Subtlety* Why would you compare Eugen to this blonde imbecile?

Shigen is quickly becoming my favorite character on Holmes route. Granted, that's not exactly hard, but he's solidifying his spot.


I cab't tell if that's sarcasm, vitriolicism, or if Holmes is being serious.

Probably a mixture of the first two.

You can walk away from being castrated. It's painful as heck, sure, but it's something you can walk off, as long as you've taken care of the bleeding.

That was only one of two things I remembered from that portion of health class.

I see...

Or you could keep him prisoner and then sell him to the prison for a small reward. It won't be much, but I doubt anyone would pay for his corpse. Besides a desperate necromancer.

500 gold is all I'd give for him, and that's only because of mug.

That is an awesome line.

Gotta hand it to him.

Even more so when if he joins them.

Heheh, yeop.

Maybe he just doesn't want to hear Katri ball her eyes out, and decided it's best to off him out of her sight.

I guess that makes sense, but...

Holes logic is sound, but I see what you mean by how easily it can backfire.

Given what happens later...

... I am resisting the urge to go into detail about what the consequences of getting a lance to the crotch would mean. Needless to say, Mearchen can say goodbye to his strength and those muscles...

...I could make several jokes here, but I personally swore not to make another castration joke after looking up what it actually does to a person.

He never had very good stats anyway. Hah!

Not to mention Eugens mistakes helped humanize him. With Katri, the only thing keeping her alive is plot armor.


...Oh no...

If Maerchen is in cahoots with that slaver...

You know the drill. His addition to the death count will not be held against you.


...Maerchen doesn't know what subtlety is, and Katri can't see what's right in front of her.

Great. If Katri ends up knocked out, stuffed in sack, and/or thrown in a cell, I will not be surprised in the slightest. Although if she falls for the same trick in the inn...

It would've been a very Katri thing to do.

I was... uh... not expecting THAT of all things to be the excuse the game/Katri would use...

I think just saying they could have sold off some pirat-I mean Privateered cargo from the bandits would have been enough.

Neither the game nor Katri used that excuse. It was all Holmes.

Granted, I can understand perfectly well why Holmes would want to get that kind of problem done and over with as soon as possible (Katri is enough of a whiner as is, and I don't think he want's to be stuck with... uh...).

The real stupidity would be if Holmes didn't keep an eye on old punchable goatee man. Or worse, if he let him off the ship at all. But he isn't that dumb, right?



Well, that was a quick transition.

This raises several questions:

  1. How did they get there? On foot.
  2. Why did Holmes let Maerchen off the ship? Because he's retarded. Sorry, that was an insult to retarded people. Holmes is worse than them. He's an idiot.
  3. Why didn't Holmes walk with Katri and just wait outside the building while she supposedly did her "business"? Read 2.
  4. Why didn't Holmes walk to the prision to see if he could get a reward of Maerchen? Read 2.
  5. Why can't Katri see what's right in front of her? Read 2 but swap Holmes's name with Katri's.
  6. How/Where did Maerchen get the resources to build an underground base? Er, because plot.

And so many more...

I'm fairly certain at least 60% of them can be answered with "read 2".

Called it. And I'm not surprised in the slightest.



The game played you like a fiddle.

This is going to be one of those "this only works because the plot says so" kind of deals, won't it?

I agree with you. This scene is hard to make heads or tails of.

It's hilariously dumb, this scene.

Wait, was this an a partially elaborate ploy to get the two back together, or is Maerchen just taking advantage of a coincidence?


Or is the plot just taking an off day and spewing out whatever it wants?


Also, why did Holmes even let him off the boat?

Eeeeerrrghh... read 2, read 2!

Sad thing is is that's is probably accurate. Unless he used the blowgun. Then Law might have a change to explain things while he's reloading.

Probably wouldn't matter at all. He's too dumb to be able to process new information so quickly.

Are you sure about that Holmes?

...Man, Katri's excuse was a despicably low blow, but I can deny how well it works.

But it was Holmes's own excuse!

And is no one going to question how that is so, or will the game just transition to avoid having to deal with it?

Yep. They transition.

"If I don't see it, it's not a plothole", says Kaga.

Ah the age old "we don't have time/I'm not in the position to tell this story in full" writing trick. As old as time, and while it can be easily spotted, it's hard to refute.

Even though this guy seems to be just peachy.

Is.. Holmes not going to question Maerchen about the whole ordeal? Also, why didn't they ransack his underground base? They could have found some useful stuff there!

The underground lair ceased to exist after Law left it.

That line is pretty neat, though.

That... I... Wha...

I am at a loss for words.

I can understand.

The historical method of dual wielding, or the fictional kind? Or does she mean "dual swords" as in Darth Mauls lightsaber?

Who knows, who cares.

Delicate physically. Emotionally, we'll have to see.

Also, I see what you did there.

Hehehe... eeh, what did I do there, exactly?

Those who take the low road will find themselves with nowhere else to go. And those who live by the sword will die by the sword.

Vega must die, is what you're saying?

In other words, Krishna is basically saying she'll hire an assassin against him, and Vega is states that he'll kill her if the person she hires fails.

This would be an interesting sidequest or even storyline for a game with multiple endings. In a game where permadeath is a factor, however...

It is interesting.

It is an awesome theme.

Also, one of the youtube comments called the guy "Bow Jesus".

A good description.

I was going to comment on what you said earlier, but you pretty much said all you could about it.

J015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm oJ015avhm o

This scene is rather awkward with that knowledge in mind.

Way too much.

This will be a battle of the sharp tongues, won't it?

Not at all. Two scumbags interact, and it goes about as well as...

...Took the words out of my mouth again. I am not comfortable with Holmes doing that.

These lines are, in a nutshel, Richard and Holmes's scene.

Very much agreed.

Nah, Richard just needed a good 4X game to keep him occupied.

Uh, what?

For all his a-holenss, Holmes is not afraid to give the harsh truth when he needs to. Makes him a jerk in some situations, but here it's done pretty well.

I agree.

Is this foreshadowing, or a red hearing?

Could it even be both? Especially when taken with the previous conversation in mind?

Ah, who knows...

That's actually a good question. Why is Katri still being taken along with Holmes? I can understand not wanting her to be kidnapped or killed by the cult, but Holmes line of work isn't exactly the safest route, either.

To be fair, she's surrounded by strong fighters all the time. She's safer with them than with old Law.

He probably will, for better and worse.

Patience, my man...

And that is...

*Looks him up*

Right! Ezekiel!... How much action has he seen in this Let's Play?

I think I described him once. And then I quoted that description so I wouldn't have to think.

...Why are you doing it, again? And is it really the only person Kriess can marry?

There is a workaround, which I want to try out. Kreiss deserves the pusseh. Also, yes, it is.

That's a pretty interesting dodge animation. I guess if you're already dead, who cares about what your spine looks like?



Is she trying to get the both of them killed?

Just Vega. Shigen's expendable.

I'm liking Shigen more and more.

Glad to see Shigen doesn't fall for such a lowly trick.

Seriously, it's one of my most hated cliches, and I'll gladly take even a minor jab at it.


I can see why he's Holmes second-in-command.

He should be in command.

She's not going to listen to the "revenge won't bring you anything but emptiness" lesson, will she?


Eugen also would have dived overboard to save Renee.

And he would've succeeded in exactly one turn.

Now watch as Shigen just talks with Vega, and maybe throws some flynning into the mix to may Krishna think they had a bloody fight.

That might be, but Vega's insane enough...

So the lady with the fancy head-thing is an NPC.

That's... a waste of an interesting design.


Samson synchronizes so well with Holmes statement that I am curious what the rest of his character is like.

Ah, but you'll see it. The good thing about the way this game handles supports is that I don't have to actively use anybody to get at least some of their scenes.

An uncommon yet welcome sight.




Calm yourself! I cannot kill him yet!

Oh no...

...I say this with complete sincerity:

Ultra Combo this fuckers ass and send him to hell in pieces.


The time will come when he'll die, but it's not now nor here.

...Speaking of which, do you mind telling/showing us what would have happened if Bartz was the one to save her? Please?

Well, I can tell you.


He falls in love with her after watching her dance, and at the end, leaves on a journey alone to put his feelings in order. I'm not even kidding. At least he doesn't go straight to fucking his underage sister.

I'll have to vote in a separate post. I want to see what will result from the duel first.


...Man that was a long post.

Tell me that.

It was definitely worth the wait, though. And I hope you have something planned for that slimeballs fate...

I do, but it won't be in a while, because he actually shows up again after this. I beg you to be patient.


On 1/2/2019 at 7:38 AM, eclipse said:

Jack items to make your life easier?  Do you think Runan would approve?

Mxzjqyc8 o

Pretty sure he would.

(not asking about Eugen, I already know what he'll say)

Eugen'd loot the guy himself.


On 1/2/2019 at 9:49 AM, Ruminant said:

Hopefully the new image hosting site continues to work out better for you.

It didn't. Let's see if new image hosting site #2 continues to work...

Nice to see Shigen's not one to turn down a free unit. Even a bad one, in this case...

Eh, she's getting there.

So basically, the moral of the story is that you should go off alone with a known murderer and scoundrel because he'll reunite you with your long-lost and presumed dead father?

More or less...

Nothing about that scene made any sense (not least Holmes's lack of suspicion about the whole thing) but I love it anyway.

Hah, same.

Especially since it leads to THIS. This is glorious. (Even though, like with Norton, I was already spoiled on the details...)

He's a massive meme of course, but I appreciate how Mug's existence prevents him from being only a meme, RNG willing.

Yeah, he's not quite up to Tom's level of meme. Or Billford's.

Wait, Frau? Seriously? Frau? That just means "woman" in German! And it's not even like it's a perfectly fine name in another language, like Guy is in French.

This is even worse than Warrior the Berserker, I swear. At least Warrior the Berserker was a one-off boss.

Jeez, these names...

This is almost exactly how Holmes described his dad back in Chapter 1 (except as a "rat" instead of a "worm"). Maybe a coincidence and I'm reading too much into it, but if not, it says a lot about Admiral Vals that he's being painted in similar terms to Richard. (Holmes has already gone off about how horrible he is, of course, but without specific detail.)

Holmes isn't the most reliable narrator, to be fair. He's a dick himself!

It's small, but this is a pretty interesting bit of world-building to me. As incredibly powerful as healing in Fire Emblem is (less so than in most RPGs, granted, because of permadeath and the extremely limited ways of recovering from it) that someone who was bleeding to death a moment ago can be good as new in an instant, it seems it can't heal something you're born with.

I agree, it's pretty cool worldbuilding.

Sure, why not? Shigen has Dullahan and Vega's benched anyway, so no harm done, right?

Okily dokily.


On 1/2/2019 at 3:02 PM, BrightBow said:

Honestly, Marchen has it's uses even without Mug. He can pick locks after all. And there are no chest keys in this game.

Yeah, but for lockpicking only, the normal Thieves are better, since they don't ruin combat for everyone around them.


On 1/2/2019 at 4:55 PM, Hawkwing said:

Okay, so I looked up what happens in the Shigen and Vega duel. Unfortunately, I couldn't find what the consequences are after the fight, or what happens if you refuse the event. Still, even if it can backfire by activating the duel in the wrong place at the wrong time, I think your healers could use the free experience.

I vote for Shigen and Vega to duel.

Oki dokie.


On 1/2/2019 at 11:25 PM, Goddess Serra said:

I vote duel, if only because I find Krishna somewhat interesting of a character and hate Vega.


Oh, random nitpick: anyone who studies/has studied Latin? I'm asking because I'm studying it and the spell lines in this game are just wrong. I'll try to point it out next time one of our spectacular spellslinging spellcasters of slaughter fights.

Go ahead and do it.


On 2/2/2019 at 1:23 AM, Dayni said:

Well, I'll be honest and say I don't really have much in the way of options for recording.

I'll have to search around, give it a bit.

Hmph... all right. cheep cheep cheep...

Hopefully there'll be a remake for that.

We can only hope.

I'm trying to think if Berwick's as messed up as this game.

Don't tell me, I'd rather not get spoiled.

Somehow I doubt that.

Bah, you pessimistic fool.

"She could stab us all in our sleep, but fuck it, why not?"

Shigen probably sleeps with Dullahan under his pillow, so he doesn't care.

Are we sure Maerchen's not like a cockroach?

Nah, a cockroach would be smarter.

And who's like a cockroach in BB?

I think Hugh could be a relative- Yeah no, that'd imply a link between Maerchen to Canas and that's just disgusting.

C'mon, comparing Hugh to Maerchen, seriously?


I guess after hearing that he had to obey.

Probably so.


I guess we'll never know how this level of convenience truly happened.

Unless it was Bizzaro Sacae's Percival proving himself a hero.

That makes... sense?

So, I guess Maerchen didn't want to be breaking this law.

He didn't have money to pay the court a fine, and he'd rather not serve his sentence or have his stolen goods forfeit. He had already paid with his blood bollocks, so he was out of options.

Lydia, that's not digging up.

Not at all.

Ruben's not helping.

Even if he's right.

I guess not? I thought he was.

I petition we make him a lord unit and he can't be allowed to die.


Also, is gentlement a typo? I hope not.

It was, but quite the fortunate one.

Yeah, this is great.

In fact, I'll link you to someone who's made the PP tracks for the GBA soundfont (The person's Deltre, who's not updated in ages but who I'd love to see either do a tutorial on this kind of thing or put it up for hackers to use.)

I've seen that video. The songs sound surprisingly good in GBA soundfont.


No dice this time around, I'm afraid.

At least we know Little Dick was into it.

He was always a dick, Dick.

What a lion(el) of a unit.

He's too good. Well, except for his defense.

Are we sure she's an NPC?

Pretty certain she is.

Yep, that's that sickening shit right there.

If only there was a way to make sure this guy died.

That could be arranged...

I'll be upfront and say no, mainly because there's no point in helping this vengeance quest. Shigen might die. :P

You're always voting against things. I thought everyone wanted my units to die.

Speaking of votes, Heroes had one. Frost ended up last (It's just disappointing every time you hear who's last, though he's the first who wasn't from Thracia.).

I am obviously aware. Arran was 469th, which also sucks but sucks less than dead last. And then there's the top, which is protagonists, Fates royals, Heroes OCs and FE Youtuber's Favourite Waifu. I mean, I'm okay with that, I like Louise, but I have a feeling she's 12th not because people like her but because a certain egghead likes her.


On 2/2/2019 at 1:55 AM, Pengaius said:

Uhh handsomeness. Please don't give up on Arkis, I swear he'll get good, anyway

I don't have enough deployment slots and he's really low on the priority list.

although if you do stop using him for battles you might assign him as Ruben's bodyguard due to the recent attack, so he can still have fic relevance?

How about I shoehorn Morgan in the story and have him kill Arkis? How's that sound?

Also go for the duel I want edgy boy to commit the stop breathe



On 2/2/2019 at 1:24 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Nice IGN reference.


Also Brave Frost for CYL 4. Would probably actually make that vote if I had anything to do with Heroes.

Aha, good.

Here's hoping things work out better for you on the images, because otherwise I've had two bits of bad news today.

If you're reading this, it probably means you only had one bit of bad news that day.


On 2/2/2019 at 3:15 PM, Dayni said:

That whole situation's unfortunate.

You can say that again.

At least imgbb is a backup to recommend next time, I probably should have done so.

If this site fails me, I'll keep that one in mind.

By the way, you disappoint me.


23 hours ago, Ruminant said:

Brave Frost for CYL 4!

Good, I knew I could count on you.

I was one of the people who went all-in on Glade for CYL 2 so I can safely say that Frost is getting my CYL 4 votes.

I'm glad to hear that.


20 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Thanks for being transparent. Take your time with the update and getting used to the website. We can be patient.

Well, seems to be working thus far.

Also, Brave Frost for CYL 4! I too was sad when I learned who was at the bottom, even if I didn't vote in the event. Next time, I throw him several bones, er, votes. And maybe to some of the other characters I liked that were at the bottom.

Aha, perfect.


18 hours ago, eclipse said:

Brave Frost for CYL 4!

Well, he might not win, but he sure as heck ain't gonna be last next time!

I tend to copy-paste URLs into the spoiler (editing them in Notepad as needed, because the direct image link isn't always given), and so far, it's been all right.  But I'm also insane.

You sure are. Or drunk, that might also be.


11 hours ago, Pengaius said:

You're the best LPer ever!

Brave Frost for CYL4

Wait... you?

What a twist!


11 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Honestly, it should be a badge of honor to be dismissed by whatever criteria results in a complete tool like Camilla making it to the top of a ranking.

Heh, that much is true. Frost ftw.

Well, unless it's a tier list obviously. Those bases are just dumb.

Ah, he can be used, as I proved in my FE12 LP. Ironic, he lived while Etzel perished. Although that was more my fault than Etzel's, and I did revive Etzel later on.



Gxurec93 o

So, Holmes the Hero! Let's see how much of a hero he really is.

Before anything else, let's have that duel. You might notice some discrepancies with the deployed teams. That's because I had intended to show the duel last time, but with all the troubles I had, I ended up saving it for later.

Asplxky6 o

They're going to fight with Maruj between them? Really? Do you think that's the wisest idea, guys?

Nxfrmesp o

Idkay99o oShigen... I'm glad you actually showed up. I've been starved for competent opponents.

0zfd96rn o You haven't fought a single battle in ages.

Gmhhyxnn oI know I could win with my Dullahan, but it wouldn't feel like a real victory if I did. We'll both use these scimitars. Agreed?

0zfd96rn o No, I mean, do use the Dullahan, there's no point in not doing that.

Idkay99o oFine by me.

Gmhhyxnn oKrishna, you're our witness. Don't let anyone else interfere.

C79gmdg9 o


3x8fef62 oEwxlgalw o

Oh, shiet! It's an actual fight! And it's got Army of Darkness blaring in the background! C'mon, Shigen, kill the bastard!

Nitmrd7k oCb9g4v0x o

I'm sorry, I managed to catch the world's worst combat shots ever.

Cb9g4v0x oE1a0ph1y o

Good, he got a hit in!

Hkzumktd o

So did he, though...

Wgnidp59 o

Ah! No!

Xsfkstqt o

Ah-ha, yes!

A14tbhzw o

Well, uh... that's the end of that?

Dlebsnwn oHc5vjpdy o

2eka1cxm oAt this rate they'll both... That's enough! Stop, both of you!

Botkdysk oO0qrw5rp o

Shigen, I swear to god, if you get killed... you're the least edgy male Myrmidon I've ever seen, you can't die! You can't!

Axg5vr0p oGf95yepz oYjgtwblz o

That's a good start!

Rp4duztm oW1explxl oKgjfwcel o

Nice, nailed him! Now you just have to--

X0iqr7tw oFyr5j7lj oGfysluzb o


Iowhrmdd o

H-He lived!

Rwml2qdv o69eagyqa oEzgw2bsr o
O691ecrp oRyiotabv o

Dang! That's the stuff!

5dqhxipz o

Oh, goodness gracious... it's up to the next hit...!

2eka1cxm oStop it! Please stop, for Yutona's sake!
Omdsaydl oWh0kod1s o
2eka1cxm oSomebody, please... Holmes! Holmes, help me stop them! They're going to kill each other!
Muvphmfm oDo you have a death wish, Krishna? There's no stopping a duel once it's begun. You started this, and it's your responsibility to see it through to the end.
2eka1cxm oI understand that, but... This isn't what Altair would've wanted...
Zfuutlry o

2eka1cxm oI can't let it end like this!

Muvphmfm oFinally coming to your senses, eh? ...All right, I'll help you out.

Muvphmfm oKnock it off, you two! I order you to stop fighting!

0zfd96rn o Hah! Yeah, like that's gonna wo--
Ncub6hrh oZha5putc o

0zfd96rn o ...it worked?

P1zzgcas o Oh, thank goodness. Nobody dies. Vega's survival is a little disappointing, but oh well, what can you do.


Arxhudu0 o

Well, that's over. First things first, let's hand over Mel's gear to Katri, since I don't have enough slots for Mel. Stupid Vega...

8stwd5qs o

Today's map and the actual team. It's not the world's most difficult map. There's enemies and houses and that's about it. There isn't even a real boss.

Pvtwvnvt o

Here's the chapter's "boss". At least he's standing in front of the gate and doesn't move. He's a promoted Lionel who's worse than Lionel in every way. Well, except for defense. Lionel's defense is really lackluster, it's starting to worry me.

7kc4pple oZrxa8ggu o5ah8ps95 o

Aside from that, we've got a Myrmidon with a killing edge right on top of us, Rogues with money bags to collect, and a Bishop who isn't a healer but an attacker. Remember how, back in chapter 6 I think it was? I said that High Mages only exist so that they can be easily identified as the "offensive Bishops", whereas Bishops would always be used as healers by the enemy? Yeah. Never trust Kaga.

Cu5ozpjc o

By the way, the whole thing with the duel? All we got out of it is a 5% mutual support for Shigen and Krishna. Oh, and a support between Shigen and Vega, but who cares about that.

4fqumox3 o

Oh, and just like when Vega kicked Julia's ass in his recruitment, these two are both at 1 HP. Joy.

K0afzyey o

Fixed. Vega can lick his wounds.

Zphke3or o

Maruj, you may initiate the opening killing.

Lhenumz2 o
C5ql32di o
Udj5boyn o

Anyhow, he does the foul deed.

Xqjbmlmy o

Fruit is ours. Good, 20 HP per pop ain't shabby.

Voediuvd oAqjn8cyy oGmmfhguf o

The only way for me to Jeigan this scrubby Soldier for Krishna is to exploit Kreiss's middling speed.

E8ijdawx o

Here we go. No steals, but that's life.

Hm4p3cvp o

The Roger cannot 1HKO Rogues anymore.

1wvoguup oXmxohitl oLtcq2kmp o

He can Jeigan them for Julia, though.

Jdgqoaqc o

Cash is always welcome.

Bliv1zkm oD3ixcam3 o

And with that...

2xyvwlck o

It's over. The killing edge Myrmidon is alive, but he can't reach Maruj, and Lionel, Garo and Holmes can take a crit from him easily. Heck, pretty sure Maruj could, too, he's still got that leather shield of his.

Mzx36fz4 oLmzpap4q o

Not bad.

Sij1gpuj o

Hwahah! Outclassed! Even without the Weapon Triangle to help!

Hgh79p7s oBny16qpa o

Next turn, he's dead.

Fbxkut8c o

Just like so.

Wgie3xbw o

Not your best level, Kreiss, but still, I like that mastery (I think he can use pilums now!). When you promote, you'll be like a more defensive, but less mobile Lionel indoors, which is something I can get behind. I am glad I gave you a chance.

EDIT: hey, Ruben from the future here. No, he can't use the pilum right now, but he's one point away from being able to do it, so the moment he promotes, he's good to go. Just one more reason to promote him as soon as we get a Knight's Crest.

Glzsrfsz o

Man, so many droppable goodies... just after giving us Maerchen, too! Did Kaga do this just to spite him?

Eyzjpexq oIbjpdklk o

Honestly though, as bad as Maruj's growth has been, the fact that everyone's so susceptible to magic in this game and wind's low weight is keeping him afloat. If he could get some good levels on top of that, it'd be swell, but I don't think he needs them that badly. His promotion bonuses are quite solid. Still, I'd be really sad if he was worse than Lee after promoting.

Yubgpp1w oWvoydb4r o

We've cleaned up the entrance to Ocus. Now, Lionel and his 7 move (thanks, Urbanite!) will lead the charge.

Nbmblwwf o3qnvbas3 oNqpkjicm o

Vega, you... you might as well do something. Try to scare that Rogue so he goes north, where Shigen and Krishna can catch him off-guard.

1cbaf3ww oNxoxvxri o

Goodness gracious... you know, as amazing as Lionel is, I really don't think he's the best choice for frontlining. His luck is too low and so is his defense.

Fzepspxo o

Bah, we'll worry about that when it becomes a problem. For now, let's pay these fellows a visit.

R2226sfk o

Oh hey, it's Juliattisnacordst's grandpa.

...oh shit, it's Juliattisnacordst's grandpa... how am I going to tell him...

Ha0dg21k oBut fourteen years ago, the King was killed, Viceroy Ahab took over, and things have gone downhill since then. Now, this town's only profitable for the thugs prowling around.
Ha0dg21k oWhat's that? You're here to help us?! Well, I'll be! Here, lemme give you this. It's a hammer from my old blacksmithing days. It's pretty worn out, but it should still have a few good whacks in it.
Tajqsgsh o

Nice, that's pretty cool.

Agljvqd6 oPv4rjoxb o

Some more visiting will do no harm.

Sa1kgj4j o
Ctmximdg oThey got scattered after the Battle of Balt and came to Ocus. Our mayor's a real softie, so he was happy to take them in. Most of the soldiers went back to their home countries after they'd healed up... But the ones that stayed all joined together and made some sort of raiding party. They're the ones walking out and about right now. They're trying to take over the whole town... Please, you've got to help us! Here, I'll give you this as an advance payment!

P1zzgcas o Please, there's no need to--

Ikcqgufr o

Okay there is a need to. Now that's what I like to see!

Yjfb3ecl o

Julia levels up.

Szefvnkd o

Sigh... man, I miss Runan's team so much.

Idb6ijov o

The Roger will run left to assist the two swordsmen. The rest will go north.

Snxrv99r o

Katri Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure's Lionel. I know it's kinda hard to tell.

Mfpmgnvy o

Even with the Schram, Vega gets killed by this scrub. Pathetic!

Aetcpppr o

Stay at this house for the time being, Vega. It'd be a little annoying if you died, I guess.

Q2dnzuck oL9hf3eur o

Shigen's good, but he's still a Myrmidon. He can't handle that guy by himself.

D0cjqd8b oWmcxzndl o

Krishna's... Krishna. There are few things she can handle by herself. This is... actually one of them!

Fuehse9d oA8pyocga o

Both my female Myrms are so shitty...

Axejxwlf oAfsufhj9 oPmiphxzi o


Aimvctv9 o

It's our turn! Let's begin with Maruj. I don't think I need to show what happens to this man.

5wo86tnt o

Then this arsehole dodged a javelin. Hmph... I need to get Kreiss a pilum now that he can use them.

Snr4w2rj o

Yeah, that's not going to happen. As always, it may be below 1%, but I refuse to risk my unit's lives so unnecessarily.

7yn98sjz o

He'll move there instead. Man, seriously, that movement! He can go anywhere he wants. Thanks, move growth.

Ih6etzxd o6jenebwl oT4jly9my o

Here's the plan: while Shigen and Krishna retreat southwards, The Roger will ambush this Archer.

K9iir9mc oA0mi2kmu o

Here we go! The Roger strikes again!

Bdpoudz6 o

And that's about it, there's not much else.

U58pipty o17fznwdo o

Lionel summons the, uh... string of death?

Fclg8k0n oLlc4sd9w oOjowywhn o

Shigen is attacked as well, but he can take it, easily. Well, not easily, but you get my point.

Ij9lrywn o

Man, Krishna. She can't even 1RKO Rogues. In fact, she's so bad at fighting them, they come at her.

Rod5agol o4825yvb7 oHvni6nno o

Eh, she's still decent against them. It'd take a really scrubby unit to lose against a Rogue.

G1aei8jb oO9zk2owp oPrhuti4i o

That 10 defense is doing my man The Roger much good.

E2jwmci9 o

Kreiss still has a ways to go before achieving that level of tankiness, but he's getting there.

Efhquffi oJd3pdccf o

Ah-ha! You thought Kreiss is a terrible fighter, did you? Well, I've got a surprise for you...

Mv325jfq o

He ain't terrible, he was just using a terrible weapon! Hah! Perish!

Bigwri2n oYzlkwmfl o

Down with you!

Capyg3fw o

Visiting time.

Ficvggvt o
Ctmximdg oWe had street bands, singers, artists, bards, you name it! Hardly a frown to be seen. But now, that's just a memory. It's all gloomy and quiet now.
Ctmximdg o...Huh? You're gonna try and fix that? Hahaha! Well, more power to ya! Man, it's been a while since I last had a good laugh. Here, you can have this. It's a thank-you present for cheerin' me up.
0zfd96rn o Are you laughing at me?
J8tbl6kp o

I like this, but when will I get a Knight's Crest for Kreiss? Or something for Maruj?

Wqvsytc4 o7vfagats oZejracvn o

Oh, dear. It's the other guy's twin brother and another NPC that looks playable.

Lxupjoxd oYou think I care about some old hag? Now hand it over... or someone might get hurt.
Ctmximdg oYou're a monster...
Lxupjoxd oThere, that wasn't so hard, was it? But I'm not through with you yet!
0zfd96rn o What even is this place? The asshole's home? Another rape pub?
Ctmximdg oGoddess Yutona, help me...
Lxupjoxd o...Hm? Wait a minute, who are you? You trying to stop me? Tsk... All right, I'm going. But I won't forget this!
Yntbbjrl o

0zfd96rn o It's Julia, I'm sure he could've managed. Of course, when Shigen found out, the pieces of the guy would be tiny enough to fit in a keyhole, but...

Ctmximdg oThank you very much. But, well, he still took my money...

0zfd96rn o If I had money, I'd be given the chance to give some to her. Alas, we're low on funds, so...

Ctmximdg oDon't worry about me. I'll manage, somehow...

0zfd96rn o That's harsh... but don't worry. We'll liberate this place, and I'm sure someone will be ready to help you afterwards. Besides, the only thing we'd have gotten out of this is, if the unit had one of those crit weapons cursed (remember, there's a 50% chance weapons will be cursed with the devil effect upon reaching max crit), the curse would've been removed. You know, in chapter 14. This is way too early for something like this.

Z9acbb9y o

You heard me, all. Time to kick some ass!

D4q2b7jw o

Nice, Roger's so good he killed the guy before his shield broke.

Zqzcyvxp oJiumwmgz o

It's a level for the Krish. Don't let me down now!

10j2hex7 o

She actually made it to levin!? Astounding! I can't believe it, she did something!

Baxe65tu oUonblmsk oDqdm4eyy o

Anyway, Shigen heals up and it's over.

Kzkrzq8x oUrf1yhbk o

Fool! You should not have done that!

Xivy2ory o

Hohohohohohoh, man... Kreiss! How? How does he do it?! He and Sasha have to be the only people who barely ever get bad levels! I mean, how many 1-statters has Kreiss gotten? Two? Jesus fuck, man! Look at him go! His strength matches The Roger's already, and when he promotes, so will his defense! And he loses nothing from dismounting! Sure, Bronze Paladins have worse movement than The Roger's Silver Paladin, but who cares? It's still 7, that's great, and no dismounting penalties ensure he'll be just as good all game.

Kreiss, am I glad I gave you a chance! Your fellow Cavaliers may have failed, but you shall prevail! Even without Ezekiel, I'm gonna get you your girl. I will waste the revival on her if necessary, but you're going to get fucked, 'cause you've earned it, man, you've earned it!

Kgrangtf oAbfiwg3j o

You, er, you haven't, but still, I'm happy with you. With Attrom and Juliattisnacordst both dead, and Vega and Samson benched, I might just have a Hero Crest to spare for you.

Crwubjwn oUebudfge o8zkauc5v o

Money for us. I could probably have opened a bag for the girl getting assaulted, but I forgot to do it, and besides, I'm going to need the cash for a little project I've in store... heheh... you'll see, I am sure you'll like it.

Zug0ny3f oL8ypkgai o74zxu5wy o

The Bishop electrocutes Lionel.

K64n5rqp o

Now, this guy's an issue, an issue I want out of the way post-haste. And since the Sylph has 47 uses and we're getting another one...

R9ropk8e oZ2z4ipdr o


Yzoekggs o

You-- wah!? What in the world...?

Ylkwzggm oGr2pohog o

M-May I ask why Maruj summoned a hot titan to lightly blow at the Bishop? Is she even legal...?

Hy1qg5pg oSblwyr56 oSzzfcy6t o

Well, whatever the case, he's dead.

5tbrpk8g o

Eh. It's a free item.

Wm2tkv03 oIq2mwe9j o

Health and inventory management.

Pzzkwmdq oIyzoiiil o

The Roger's such a badass.

4agc02i5 o

And so are you, Shigen.

Ymobbpct oZ2sssxas o

Here's the plan: I'm going to bait the Knight into attacking Krishna instead of Roger, and then she'll blast him away with the levin sword in the player phase.

Sa9zcxel oQu8prsnc oKv4pgvhb o

Ah, you have fallen for my trap! In America!

Ns8cnsma oGwo6qpfy o

I'm pretty sure this is all the action Garo saw today. He's so good, I just wanted to feed others the experience.

Dmbu9zvj oCctgfrfr oVbyuvfjm o

Like Kreiss.

Oh my goodness, what was I thinking!? He would've died had he been hit critically!

Wait... is that right?

Hold on... 19 x 2  = 38 - 8 = 30

...he would've lived. Kreiss could've taken a crit from an iron blade to the face and he would've survived with one HP. He didn't even need to be at full HP to live, either.

When will I get another Knight's Crest? I cannot wait to promote this man!

M2kjejao o

Maruj, do your thing and level up well!

Oiwdzvsg o

Sigh... you know, if I promoted you right now, you'd have worse offensive stats than base Lee. And Lee's been levelling up. Please...

Eqij8koh o

Ahh, who cares. The important thing is that it's time.

Gh4mynjn o

Holmes... y'know what, I'm not even going to ask why you were going around asking the townspeople where to go to see poledancing.

Wxok6l9k oYou heard correctly, my good man! We've hired an extraordinary new dancer!
Dezikzw8 o56xigt09 o

I swear, that portrait is just vomit-inducing.

Fnygzjdx o

...oh, no way... no friggin' way!

Eaqrtxya oJrlcl84x o6ogpdf7d o

No closing your eyes, you fuckers. If I'm gonna feel dirty, so are you.

7t9b0rro oWzfc8azg oNkq0o8hb o

The worst part is that she doesn't even look like Plum. That sprite looks like it belongs on an actually grown dancer.

Bebtyab8 oGqu1l8yl oZoqi4zpe o

It's, uh, still going.

F9yidleb o9gqjrfgi oFsqxxks6 o

...what?! Did I see that right!?

Tlxvjazy o

Hold on, hold on, rewind! Rewind! Did I... did I just see...?

Xum5ois5 oKg4f2xku oZ7zbpt2w o

...her boobs wiggle. Her boobs wiggle in her dancing animation.

I don't think I...


...you know what? Let's just pretend we didn't see that, okay?

Tlxvjazy o


Wxok6l9k oWhoa, that's not the kind of business I'm running here, buddy. If that's what you're looking for, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

Muvphmfm oSo, that's how it's gonna be, huh? In that case, it's time for you to die.
Fm8waxmu oDmiaa1et o
0zfd96rn o ...that's a thing that's happening.
Muvphmfm oHuh... He fainted... That's no fun.
Hgfemn01 o
Xxpglhid oWho... Who are you?
Muvphmfm oOh, you're the dancer from before. Did you get kidnapped and forced to do this or did your parents sell you to him? Doesn't really matter, I suppose. Come on, I'll take you somewhere safe.
Xxpglhid oYou're... setting me free?
Muvphmfm oYep. That boss of yours won't be getting up for quite a while, so the coast is clear.
P1zzgcas o Aaahhh, so he was trying to trick the asshole so that he could free the prisoners, right? I have to hand it to him, that was crafty of Holmes.

Muvphmfm oWhat's your name, kid?

Xxpglhid oI'm Plum. I'm from Wellt. I was traveling with Runan of Razelia, but that man kidnapped me...

Muvphmfm oYou know Runan?! Tell me every detail about your journey! Hmm... Hmm... I see... I've seen people pass out after drinking wine or beer, but never milk! Ha ha ha...

Xxpglhid oDon't laugh! I was so scared... Besides, there was definitely something off about that milk!

Muvphmfm oSorry, sorry. You're right, it was probably drugged. But you know you're a pretty good dancer.

0zfd96rn o ...Holmes, you were doing so well up until this point...

Xxpglhid oBut it's so embarassing...

Muvphmfm oReally? You looked right at home on stage. You were so good, it was almost infectious. I wanted to get up and start dancing myself!

4lt3brpp o She's probably traumatized, Holmes!

Xxpglhid oDo you really mean that...?

Muvphmfm oYeah! I wish the others could've seen it, too. Hey, you could put on a show to them! How's that sound?

Xxpglhid oI don't know...

Muvphmfm oC'mon, just think of it as paying me back for rescuing you. Plus, we're sure to meet up with Runan sooner or later, so you don't need to worry about getting home or anything. What do you say?

Xxpglhid oAll right... I am in your debt...

Muvphmfm oMaybe I was too pushy... I'm sure Katri won't be happy about me getting this girl to dance for everyone...

4lt3brpp o Piece of shit, neither am I! You completely ruined it, Holmes! She got drugged and beaten and forced to almost strip and dance for strangers! No way she's going to be fine with dancing for you! She's a girl! Goddamnit, Holmes, why!? Why can't you be a decent person for just five minutes!?

2tp7l3cl oBodew77d o

Plum's back, all. Her stats still suck, but now she has the Dance skill. Dance works about as you'd expect it to: you dance for someone, they can move again. In this game, there's also a chance that special effects will be applied to the target upon dancing. It starts off minuscule and increases as you have Plum dance more times. It's not reliable at all, but whatever. None of this changes the fact that the game's dancer is a victim of kidnapping. I'd rather have Feena's dense self, honestly. She was dumb as rocks, but at least it seemed she was doing it of her own volition!

On a side note, she still has Lan's Mirror and the Enarmor staff, the two items I left in her inventory. She would've lost anything else, I'm pretty sure.

Ave4hg2m oWukrr0kk o

Katri, you could've tried to emulate the man you're healing.

Ddqo6oxz o

Holmes could probably survive this, but this is as good a chance as any to show off Plum's dance.

M3jjllv1 oU4equcgg oMgwh9emi o

Well, at least she's dressed up now.

Upfpuatu oXqtnbonn oWilwzm3y o

Oh, it can't be...

3ctkap6r oPef2y2md oAlelizqg o


Qtpcfkfy o

Even Holmes seems to be ashamed of himself.

X1chzykr oWl3hhcvd oSgdcfegh o

Well, anyway. Tom takes care of this fellow.

Ps8mmgs6 o

Time for Krishna to shine, at last!

Iyv98jy3 oLqzb1efh oUd4yjwnh o

Hwahah! Nice! No steals, but oh well, what can you do.

B3bzxi8l o

Cool! Strength!

6zbl55nr o

The end is night, everybody.

Olrxklws oJgkzyvtc oY8q0akzg o

You will not stop us!

R3x1a57d o

Forwards, all!

Ixkvcn3k o

Ergh... yeah, y'know what, I don't want to see that animation again, so let's just...

90jewdvm oHo6vtegl oXj90auyc o

That works, yeah. I mean, the animation's absolutely gorgeous, but it's the fact that it's a little girl that makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Nm8c9kuv oQwqdpxmk oSst4kcoi o

Get some experience, Maruj.

Xkd5ygds oHk31mhef o

Almost there.

Urolmyok oBgvv85uo o

That'll be a level for The Roger, too. Make it a good one, man, Kreiss is starting to catch up to you, and Mintz exists also!

98tw5umc o

Minimalistic, but all right. I can get behind this.

Tv4cev7r oYc0osdsa o34dhv9fi o

Lionel and Kreiss rain down javelins on the enemy as well.

Rs0x8j4v o

And with that, I think we can call this a wrap.

Mmo5clkq o

Sigh... you're making it so very difficult, Maruj, but I haven't lost all hope yet.

Oosix87z o

Gotta kill that one rogue. No sense in leaving without the extra cash.

Ra5dkyih oPkoppd7v oYqsbjbse o

Maruj, please. Where's the MLG proness?

Vsow8kns o

Oh, I see. He's got the dodge sword.

Y6mdd28n o

While we take care of him, I'll send Krishna to the arena for a bit. I want to show you something.

X1oyyfq7 o

Oh, doggone it...

Yj6i83ly oJpix3mzk o

There. That looks like a decent match-up for her.

Gg4ayygx oVq1wejjd oEfag4l7q o

She got 2-shot, but she dodged a lot, so she won. Attagirl.

Zcxpqf7w oJ2z5g6jb o

Again? Bah, she'll kick your ass as many times as you want.

K1aexmlr o

A-ah! Abort, abort!

Qdhnpnnh o

She'll win this, right? I mean, look at those laughable stats!

2r5cz4ct oUxg3ofqr oEnooatgc o

Jesus, and her weapon's gone too! Leave!

T8zdc3b2 o

This looks like a better match-up... didn't I say this already and things ended badly?

Nvzd0ana oRiifbqwn o

Darnit, I forgot to unequip the shieldblade. What a waste.

U4xrgumc o

Ah, there it is. See, steal works in the arena. Mug's banned, but steal's fair game. This can potentially be a source of endless income, provided you're patient enough. I am not.

Cioy6jef oAbjefz20 o

Besides, I was disappointed and wanted out already.

Tvsuvquj o

Time to go before someone dies.

Well, that was a problematic update, and not because of the game, but it's over. Imgbox seems to work thus far, with minor oddities that are of no concern to you. Next update, we have a bit of a weird chapter, and Tom reaches new heights. Do not miss it, lest you risk missing important and entertaining happenings. Please, I beg you to fare well!

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 1


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How about I shoehorn Morgan in the story and have him kill Arkis? How's that sound?

Jeez man it was just a suggestion, lighten up dude, yeesh. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait... you?

What a twist!

I-it's not like I like your LPs or anything b-baka, you're just entertaining is all. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't have enough deployment slots and he's really low on the priority list.

Still uses Julia, likely for that one unique sword Vega could also get for you. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o Piece of shit, neither am I! You completely ruined it, Holmes! She got drugged and beaten and forced to almost strip and dance for strangers! No way she's going to be fine with dancing for you! She's a girl! Goddamnit, Holmes, why!? Why can't you be a decent person for just five minutes!?

Says the man who knowingly and willingly sent her off to be drugged kidnapped and forced to dance, even after being shown a scene warning him of this beforehand. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Time to go before someone dies.

Drat. Release the Barthnoise

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Sadly the Holmes' variation is probably the slightly less tone deaf of the rescue scene. In Bartz' version it's Plum herself who insist's that she really wants to perform. I suppose this might make actually using her a little less awkward, but having the victim of this abuse herself arguing that she actually really wants to do the stuff she was beaten into doing in the very same scene she is rescued does... not really work.

Also, "love" how they let the slaver just walk away. Up until this point scenes involving him were appropriately dark. But now he just gets treated as an occasional troublemaker who gets to just wall off once his plans are foiled, like Team Rocket or whatever. And yeah, he is gonna show up again. Well, probably. We are already missing out on one girl that he can kidnap.

Also, in Bartz' version of the scene, when he approaches the slaver to ask him what his sister is doing on-stage, the slaver responds with: "Just look, no touch. At least for someone in your pay grade. " So it's implied that she was exploited in that particular fashion too.

After playing this game I have little doubt that Kaga has a fetish for underaged slave girls. This stuff was already weird in Jugdral. Both Sylvia and Lara were like that, girls with a slavery background who really love to dance despite learning the skill in the most traumatizing way possible. But with the way he indulges in this game where he finally had completely creative freedom, there is really no plausible deniability anymore. And while I'm not one to judge you for your fetishes, you should probably keep that shit out of your serious war drama. Especially when it ties into the awful stuff that actually happens as a result of war, like the abducting and exploitation of the vulnerable.

At least Berwick Saga doesn't seem to have any of that crap as far as I can tell. Of course I can only judge that game for as far as the current translation goes.

Edited by BrightBow
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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's jewish now. Anyone got a bomb shelter? I think I might need one shortly.

I remember when I had a high-school friend by the surname of Cohen (which, in Israel, one is not allowed to legally change their surname to unless they are Jewish for whatever cultural reasons relating to it being a sign of priesthood). The surname was actually a coincidence, as he wasn't jewish at all. So naturally, when as a joke on it I threw him a "surprise bar mitzvah", he was, indeed surprised. After all, would you expect a Bar Mitzvah if you weren't jewish but had a jewish surname? See, the Lee puns aren't even the worst case of me misusing a name.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, for instance, it would start absorbing the whole sea and Renee would've started to weigh about as much as a rock. And being heavy while trying to keep your head out of the water isn't the best thing.

Funny enough, when I did swimming lessons in primary school, there was a part of the lessons where we had to wear cotton clothes... and keep our heads above water for three minutes. Unsurprisingly, despite it being a controlled swimming pool, some of the others needed saving. Not that I can throw stones. I nearly drowned my first lesson, perhaps because they asked me to demonstrate how well I could swim so they knew where to put me, I told them I didn't know how to swim at all, hence why I was taking the lessons, and like geniuses they proceeded to throw my six year old self into the deep end. Just to be sure I wasn't lying. Fun way to prove I didn't know how to swim.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He falls in love with her after watching her dance, and at the end, leaves on a journey alone to put his feelings in order. I'm not even kidding. At least he doesn't go straight to fucking his underage sister.

The hell did I just read? Maybe he's better off dead.

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Idkay99o oShigen... I'm glad you actually showed up. I've been starved for competent opponents.

0zfd96rn o You haven't fought a single battle in ages.

Hence why. He's been flat starved for opponents. He'd probably settle for a fight with a highschool bully at this stage. Maybe even a preschool bully.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Q2dnzuck oL9hf3eur o

Shigen's good, but he's still a Myrmidon. He can't handle that guy by himself.

Meanwhile playing Path of Radiance and have an RNG blessed Mia. She got to 20 defense as a level 7 swordmaster (18 at promotion). I didn't even need to waste draco-shields. Swear it's the best using a myrmidon ever felt because she can actually take hits. A lot of hits.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Muvphmfm oHuh... He fainted... That's no fun.

I agree. I really would have preferred the arrow in the throat and gurgling as the blood drained thing.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even Holmes seems to be ashamed of himself.

He better be after everything he just made me witness. If Chris Hansen shows up to this thread I swear....

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Time to go before someone dies.

Honestly I'm a bit disappointed Stromboli-m'cSlavetrader didn't get it.

I'd make a joke about Arkis insensitive lines to women, but Holmes did a better job of that this chapter than Arkis ever did in that he was even conscious of the fact. Damn it. Now I need to make Holmes jokes.

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10 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

The hell did I just read? Maybe he's better off dead.

For the record, they are not related by blood, so it's not too unlikely that such a scenario would occur. And it speaks for Bartz that he tries to deal with his conflicting feelings in a mature manner rather then just using their lack of blood relation as an excuse to throw away their existing relationship like yesterday's trash.

Edited by BrightBow
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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Goodness gracious, that's a bible if I've ever seen one... let's get to work.

Yeah, I wrote a lot last time. There several plot points to go over, but back then I was wondering if I went overboard.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, for instance, it would start absorbing the whole sea and Renee would've started to weigh about as much as a rock. And being heavy while trying to keep your head out of the water isn't the best thing.

I see. I am know curious in soaking a dress in water to see how much heavier it would become. I will not actually perform this experiment, however.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Would you rather they wore a silly bra?

Sure, if it covers their privates. Then I could complain how impractical a bra is in a battle with sharp weaponry!

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hawkwing DESTROYS oddly positive Ruben with FACTS and LOGIC.

Sorry, I just had to.

This got a laugh out of me. No need to apologize.

Although now I'm curious about what the reference is.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Where'd she get a barrel?

Maybe she could have hopped on one when she fell over-board? Or she could have grabbed on and jumped off the side.

As for where... well, when hasn't a pirate ship not had a barrel somewhere?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe their skin is tougher than ours?

I... will have to look up whether that's true or not.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ain't it? I need to use it in the actual update so that everyone can see it.

Please do. I don't mind if it become a Saint Rubenio LP meme staple.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Or all of them at once! That is the power of Tom.

...I just imagined all three happening at once...

...Hey Neatherrealm Studios! I have an idea for Mortal Kombat 11!

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I was referring to its boobies. C'mon, it wasn't so hard! Unlike *insert easy joke here*

My mind is not that dirty in that area. A lot of things fly over my head, and considering my reaction to the ones I do spot, that's probably for the better.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Subtlety* Why would you compare Eugen to this blonde imbecile?

Touché Because Eugen knows how to recruit females into the army without being immediately obvious about his other "interests" or "reasons". Holmes, on the other hand, didn't even bother to hide such things.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Neither the game nor Katri used that excuse. It was all Holmes.

Yeah, I realized that after posting, but I still wouldn't pass up a chance to use Takei's "Oh my".

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm fairly certain at least 60% of them can be answered with "read 2".

I dread if "Read 2" and "Read 5" will be a common occurrence in this story.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But it was Holmes's own excuse!

Which makes it all the more impressive that he can make excuses for his own excuse that was never the case in the first place.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"If I don't see it, it's not a plothole", says Kaga.

Just like Katri and hand axes.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even though this guy seems to be just peachy.

Hard to refute, not impossible.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hehehe... eeh, what did I do there, exactly?

The normal phrase is "no offense"

You said:

On 1/31/2019 at 11:06 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png She's still delicate, actually. No defense.


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Vega must die, is what you're saying?

Vega will die as he lived: by the sword.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

These lines are, in a nutshel, Richard and Holmes's scene.

Reading all three lines as a conversation, you're right!

That... is impressive and a little scary. Especially since it was accidental.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uh, what?

Richard needed Civilization to satisfy those "conquer the world" dreams of his. Might also have given him an important lesson in how important science, culture, and diplomacy can be. On the other hand, he would be even more weary of alliances, given how many times I've been tricked to do another empires dirty work in a war I was otherwise uninterested in.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, she's surrounded by strong fighters all the time. She's safer with them than with old Law.

Right. It seems that Holmes army is made of either stellar warriors or lackluster combatants.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think I described him once. And then I quoted that description so I wouldn't have to think.

...Riiiiiiight he was one of the people who have an option of picking.

No wonder I forgot about him.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He should be in command.

This is so accurate it almost hurts.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


It is astonishing (and ridiculous) how many problems in adult fiction could be solved if they just applied the lessons taught in children's programs.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And he would've succeeded in exactly one turn.

Eugen missed an opportunity to be real badass here.

"I'm sorry Runan, but I can't let that damsel drown! You're on your own with strategy!"




*One Turn Later*

"She's safe! And you butterfingered pirates bastards better stay on that deck unless you want a piece of ME!

...Wait a second. SOMEONE SEND DOWN A ROPE! We, uh, I-I suppose we can wait until the battle is over.

...So... What's your name?"

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, but you'll see it. The good thing about the way this game handles supports is that I don't have to actively use anybody to get at least some of their scenes.

It definitely is a strength of the game.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I can tell you.

  Hide contents

He falls in love with her after watching her dance, and at the end, leaves on a journey alone to put his feelings in order. I'm not even kidding. At least he doesn't go straight to fucking his underage sister.



...I can say many things about that.

What I will say is that at the very least, Bartz is not acting upon these feelings, and he does seem to be seeking help with the issue, even if the player doesn't get to see it.


I will also say...


...that holy mother of shit is this entire event fucked up beyond all recognition and I can easily see why you called it the games most infamous moment.

Seriously, did NO ONE tell Kaga just how fucked up the entire thing was?!?

Needless to say, I am becoming more and more thankful with IS for downplaying that element of the series when compared to past games.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do, but it won't be in a while, because he actually shows up again after this. I beg you to be patient.

Okay, then. I can be patient.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Idkay99o oShigen... I'm glad you actually showed up. I've been starved for competent opponents.

0zfd96rn o You haven't fought a single battle in ages.

Hence his starvation.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gmhhyxnn oI know I could win with my Dullahan, but it wouldn't feel like a real victory if I did. We'll both use these scimitars. Agreed?

0zfd96rn o No, I mean, do use the Dullahan, there's no point in not doing that.

Do you want Vega to go insane and attempt to waste all of its uses before either side dies?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
3x8fef62 oEwxlgalw o

Oh, shiet! It's an actual fight! And it's got Army of Darkness blaring in the background! C'mon, Shigen, kill the bastard!

I do like how this game actually shows combat when it occurs in the story.

I know that Fire Emblem does the same, but it just works so much better here.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nitmrd7k oCb9g4v0x o

I'm sorry, I managed to catch the world's worst combat shots ever.

Looks more like they're doing ribbon gymnastics than dueling.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dlebsnwn oHc5vjpdy o

I like the small blood details you put on the portraits.

Although I guess I can say goodbye to them talking things out...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Shigen, I swear to god, if you get killed... you're the least edgy male Myrmidon I've ever seen, you can't die! You can't!

I think some of the Tellius myrmidons aren't edgy. And Kamui is laid-back only in it for the money, and is wondering how he got himself into his situation. And Owain... Okay, Owain pretends to be edgy (or at least theatrical), but that's clearly a joke and he's too good hearted to be a proper example.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2eka1cxm oStop it! Please stop, for Yutona's sake!
Omdsaydl oWh0kod1s o

Dang, those injuries...

This... I can say many things about this scene. It's surprising and frightening how easily two people can be determined to kill the other once a fight starts. Not just in fiction, but real life as well.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2eka1cxm oI understand that, but... This isn't what Altair would've wanted...
Zfuutlry o

2eka1cxm oI can't let it end like this!

Muvphmfm oFinally coming to your senses, eh? ...All right, I'll help you out.

I'm glad that Krishna realizes the error of her ways. It happened pretty quickly, considering what just occurred, I don't blame her.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ncub6hrh oZha5putc o

So... did the two just become friends? Enemies? Rivals? Friendly Rivals?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

By the way, the whole thing with the duel? All we got out of it is a 5% mutual support for Shigen and Krishna. Oh, and a support between Shigen and Vega, but who cares about that.

I'm curious about what Shigen and Vega have to say to each other after nearly slashing each other to death.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
4fqumox3 o

Oh, and just like when Vega kicked Julia's ass in his recruitment, these two are both at 1 HP. Joy.

That just means more experience for your healers.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Lhenumz2 o
C5ql32di o
Udj5boyn o

Glad to see the meme got a use. I won't mind if it becomes a staple.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh hey, it's Juliattisnacordst's grandpa.

...oh shit, it's Juliattisnacordst's grandpa... how am I going to tell him...

I can just picture the double take that happened there.

Not to mention... you said that Plum was Juliattisnacordst's sister, correct? And she's currently in the level as a dancer...

I hope that their grandpa is a strong man when he hears the news...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ha0dg21k oBut fourteen years ago, the King was killed, Viceroy Ahab took over, and things have gone downhill since then. Now, this town's only profitable for the thugs prowling around.

Ahab, huh. One of the kings of Israel (after the kingdoms spilt a short time after Solomons death), and a very wicked king at that. The prophets Elijah and Elisha were present during his reign. After Ahabs death, his entire family was murdered by Jehu, who was anointed king some time before by a prophet (who was ordered to run away after doing so, which he did).

For the record, none of Israels kings were "good", and even though the Kingdom of Judah had several wise and good kings that obeyed God, many more sadly didn't, and had terrible reigns.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sigh... man, I miss Runan's team so much.

So do I, Ruben. So do I.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
17fznwdo o

Lionel summons the, uh... string of death?

Looks like the mixture between a tonfa, a hook sword, and a spear/staff.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ctmximdg o...Huh? You're gonna try and fix that? Hahaha! Well, more power to ya! Man, it's been a while since I last had a good laugh. Here, you can have this. It's a thank-you present for cheerin' me up.
0zfd96rn o Are you laughing at me?

Maybe. Or he's just thankful that someone is attempting to solve their bandit problem.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o What even is this place? The asshole's home? Another rape pub?

A house under extortion?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
R9ropk8e oZ2z4ipdr o


Lets' see another one of the games high level spells...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Yzoekggs o

You-- wah!? What in the world...?

What... is... that?

How... how does this spell even work?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ylkwzggm oGr2pohog o

M-May I ask why Maruj summoned a hot titan to lightly blow at the Bishop? Is she even legal...?

So... the Bishop was blown out of existance? Wha...

We don't even know what she is, and you're asking if she's Leegal. Kaga has really done a number on you, hasn't he?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gwo6qpfy o

I can see what you mean by Garo lifting his weapon so it doesn't get damaged now.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Gh4mynjn o

Holmes... y'know what, I'm not even going to ask why you were going around asking the townspeople where to go to see poledancing.

Maybe Holmes knows what the dancing skill does, and is interested in hiring one for the army?

Please, may that be the reason. Please, may that be the reason. Please, may that be the reason...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
56xigt09 o

I swear, that portrait is just vomit-inducing.

I agree.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fnygzjdx o

...oh, no way... no friggin' way!


...Rip the skin off that bastard. Slowly...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Eaqrtxya oJrlcl84x o6ogpdf7d o

No closing your eyes, you fuckers. If I'm gonna feel dirty, so are you.

Oh no...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
7t9b0rro oWzfc8azg oNkq0o8hb o

The worst part is that she doesn't even look like Plum. That sprite looks like it belongs on an actually grown dancer.

No... no... no...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...her boobs wiggle. Her boobs wiggle in her dancing animation.

I don't think I...


...you know what? Let's just pretend we didn't see that, okay?

...Does anyone mind if I dropkick Kaga in the face?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tlxvjazy o




If you do ANYTHING to Plum, you will regret having plot armor....

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oSo, that's how it's gonna be, huh? In that case, it's time for you to die.

Yes, Holmes. Show what you can do with an arrowhead...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fm8waxmu oDmiaa1et o

That's... underwhelming.

At least I can imagine that Holmes punched him after every letter and did this:


Image result for kung lao brutality gif


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oHuh... He fainted... That's no fun.


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oYou know Runan?! Tell me every detail about your journey! Hmm... Hmm... I see... I've seen people pass out after drinking wine or beer, but never milk! Ha ha ha...

Unconvincing "character tells another character what happened, but only has the character repeat what was said" cliche.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o She's probably traumatized, Holmes!

This uncomfortably reminds me of the "character that has seen so much crap it no longer bothers them accidentally traumatizes a less experienced newbie" joke (Example), except this one has a bit too much drama for it to be funny.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Mgwh9emi o

Well, at least she's dressed up now.

Thank God.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Upfpuatu oXqtnbonn oWilwzm3y o

Oh, it can't be...

3ctkap6r oPef2y2md oAlelizqg o


...This feels like the perversion of a much more innocent trope.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hwahah! Nice! No steals, but oh well, what can you do.

I question how she'd steal something with lightning from two spaces away, but eh. Maybe she gains Raiden's Teleport move temporarily.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ixkvcn3k o

Ergh... yeah, y'know what, I don't want to see that animation again, so let's just...

Very smart move.

4 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Sadly the Holmes' variation is probably the slightly less tone deaf of the rescue scene. In Bartz' version it's Plum herself who insist's that she really wants to perform. I suppose this might make actually using her a little less awkward, but having the victim of this abuse herself arguing that she actually really wants to do the stuff she was beaten into doing in the very same scene she is rescued does... not really work.

Also, "love" how they let the slaver just walk away. Up until this point scenes involving him were appropriately dark. But now he just gets treated as an occasional troublemaker who gets to just wall off once his plans are foiled, like Team Rocket or whatever. And yeah, he is gonna show up again. Well, probably. We are already missing out on one girl that he can kidnap.

Also, in Bartz' version of the scene, when he approaches the slaver to ask him what his sister is doing on-stage, the slaver responds with: "Just look, no touch. At least for someone in your pay grade. " So it's implied that she was exploited in that particular fashion too.

After playing this game I have little doubt that Kaga has a fetish for underaged slave girls. This stuff was already weird in Jugdral. Both Sylvia and Lara were like that, girls with a slavery background who really love to dance despite learning the skill in the most traumatizing way possible. But with the way he indulges in this game where he finally had completely creative freedom, there is really no plausible deniability anymore. And while I'm not one to judge you for your fetishes, you should probably keep that shit out of your serious war drama. Especially when it ties into the awful stuff that actually happens as a result of war, like the abducting and exploitation of the vulnerable.

At least Berwick Saga doesn't seem to have any of that crap as far as I can tell. Of course I can only judge that game for as far as the current translation goes.


I have nothing left to say.

Please tell me that the end to this nightmare is in sight...

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25 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:


I have nothing left to say.

Please tell me that the end to this nightmare is in sight...

Well, uhh... the slaver will only show up once more at most. And we may actually miss out on him altogether depending on how things go.

But at least from this point on there should be less generic, creepy thugs as things will be more about fighting the empire and monsters rather then bandits or therelike. So it's mostly uphill from here I think.

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8 hours ago, BrightBow said:

For the record, they are not related by blood, so it's not too unlikely that such a scenario would occur. And it speaks for Bartz that he tries to deal with his conflicting feelings in a mature manner rather then just using their lack of blood relation as an excuse to throw away their existing relationship away like yesterday's trash.

Yeah. Puts him ahead of some lords I can think of. That said the underage part manages to worry me more.... like a lot more. Besides... I did kind of mean for his own sake. I mean the mental anguish alone.

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On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Gmhhyxnn oI know I could win with my Dullahan, but it wouldn't feel like a real victory if I did. We'll both use these scimitars. Agreed?

Ah. Kaga has outpredicted me again.

At least it was a scripted fight, so nobody could have died anyway.

On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly though, as bad as Maruj's growth has been, the fact that everyone's so susceptible to magic in this game and wind's low weight is keeping him afloat. If he could get some good levels on top of that, it'd be swell, but I don't think he needs them that badly. His promotion bonuses are quite solid. Still, I'd be really sad if he was worse than Lee after promoting.

In fairness, I think Lee would still be better than promoted Maruj because he gets staves and Maruj doesn't.

I know you just mean statistically, but still.

On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Julia levels up.

Szefvnkd o

Sigh... man, I miss Runan's team so much.

Yikes. 10 levels in and Julia is equal or worse to base Vega in everything except for Luck and Mastery (and personality).

Why did she even get deployed this map? Wouldn't Mel have been a better use of the last slot?

On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

10j2hex7 o

She actually made it to levin!? Astounding! I can't believe it, she did something!

Consider me impressed. Now she can do more somethings!

Really though, if there's a consistent source of Levin Swords her terrible strength shouldn't even matter now.

On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Tlxvjazy o


I'm going with the charitable interpretation that Holmes is only saying this as an excuse to get Plum out of there without a fight.

On the other hand, I'd argue that with this guy there's a strong case for shooting first, asking questions later...

On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oHuh... He fainted... That's no fun.

And after all that, he didn't even kill the guy. Damn it, Holmes.

On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oYeah! I wish the others could've seen it, too. Hey, you could put on a show to them! How's that sound?

So much for that "charitable interpretation"...

On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Bodew77d o

That wasn't worth it in the slightest.

On 2/3/2019 at 11:00 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Upfpuatu oXqtnbonn oWilwzm3y o

Oh, it can't be...

3ctkap6r oPef2y2md oAlelizqg o


why, Kaga

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On 2/3/2019 at 5:19 PM, BrightBow said:

Well, uhh... the slaver will only show up once more at most. And we may actually miss out on him altogether depending on how things go.

But at least from this point on there should be less generic, creepy thugs as things will be more about fighting the empire and monsters rather then bandits or therelike. So it's mostly uphill from here I think.

I see. No wonder Ruben is asking me to be patient. I'm glad to hear that we're nearing the end of fighting bandits.

Although now I'm curious about where the heck the slaver will appear again, and if it's possible to send that bastard to hell...

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On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Shigen probably sleeps with Dullahan under his pillow, so he doesn't care.

Maybe he has to hold it for it to work?

I hope he doesn't toss about in his sleep.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

He didn't have money to pay the court a fine, and he'd rather not serve his sentence or have his stolen goods forfeit. He had already paid with his blood bollocks, so he was out of options.

I mean, I could see him in Oblivion.

I should know, I played too much of it.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You're always voting against things. I thought everyone wanted my units to die.

Well, someone has to be the contrarian.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I am obviously aware. Arran was 469th, which also sucks but sucks less than dead last. And then there's the top, which is protagonists, Fates royals, Heroes OCs and FE Youtuber's Favourite Waifu. I mean, I'm okay with that, I like Louise, but I have a feeling she's 12th not because people like her but because a certain egghead likes her.

Let's be honest, there might be campaign burnout next time, especially if she's actually in Heroes by then.

I mean, some of the lords being high up is one thing, but F!Corrin? Can you explain that? (I won't even ask you to explain the OCs)

I mean, I think Arran did better than Luke at least (who's in the game mind. :P)

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

If this site fails me, I'll keep that one in mind.

By the way, you disappoint me.

Disappoint? For not mentioning it sooner?

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Asplxky6 o

They're going to fight with Maruj between them? Really? Do you think that's the wisest idea, guys?

No, we know what Maruj is trying to do:


On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Idkay99o oShigen... I'm glad you actually showed up. I've been starved for competent opponents.

0zfd96rn o You haven't fought a single battle in ages.

So is it LP canon that Vega's just been sitting by the convoy, bored that he hasn't had a worthy fight the whole time he's been on side?

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Gmhhyxnn oI know I could win with my Dullahan, but it wouldn't feel like a real victory if I did. We'll both use these scimitars. Agreed?

0zfd96rn o No, I mean, do use the Dullahan, there's no point in not doing that.


On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Botkdysk oO0qrw5rp o

Shigen, I swear to god, if you get killed... you're the least edgy male Myrmidon I've ever seen, you can't die! You can't!

Is he less edgy than Zihark?

Samto's whole shtick is pretending to be Navarre and he's nothing like him, Hinata isn't all that edgy but Samurai's just the Hoshidan version anyway, Joshua's a bit different and I don't particularly remember him being edgy barring fighting Caellach on Eirika's route. He's not got much competition but it's there for Shigen.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
0zfd96rn o Hah! Yeah, like that's gonna wo--
Ncub6hrh oZha5putc o

0zfd96rn o ...it worked?

Well, sometimes you have to realise you're doing this at the edge of a larger fight.

Also, the How dare you is just great. Like, he's just been sitting there guarding the convoy and the first halfway decent fight he gets he gets Richard-blocked by Holmes. Vega is going to be pissed for a while.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Aside from that, we've got a Myrmidon with a killing edge right on top of us, Rogues with money bags to collect, and a Bishop who isn't a healer but an attacker. Remember how, back in chapter 6 I think it was? I said that High Mages only exist so that they can be easily identified as the "offensive Bishops", whereas Bishops would always be used as healers by the enemy? Yeah. Never trust Kaga.

Never Trust Kaga should be put on top of any Kaga title's walkthrough.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Wgie3xbw o

Not your best level, Kreiss, but still, I like that mastery (I think he can use pilums now!). When you promote, you'll be like a more defensive, but less mobile Lionel indoors, which is something I can get behind. I am glad I gave you a chance.

Alright, not bad at all.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Xivy2ory o

Hohohohohohoh, man... Kreiss! How? How does he do it?! He and Sasha have to be the only people who barely ever get bad levels! I mean, how many 1-statters has Kreiss gotten? Two? Jesus fuck, man! Look at him go! His strength matches The Roger's already, and when he promotes, so will his defense! And he loses nothing from dismounting! Sure, Bronze Paladins have worse movement than The Roger's Silver Paladin, but who cares? It's still 7, that's great, and no dismounting penalties ensure he'll be just as good all game.

Kreiss, am I glad I gave you a chance! Your fellow Cavaliers may have failed, but you shall prevail! Even without Ezekiel, I'm gonna get you your girl. I will waste the revival on her if necessary, but you're going to get fucked, 'cause you've earned it, man, you've earned it!

This one though. That's a real good one. Good to see a cav getting somewhere.

Even if he has to die to ensure he gets a happy end. :P

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Yzoekggs o

You-- wah!? What in the world...?

I don't think Sylph was ever this powerful in Final Fantasy.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gh4mynjn o

Holmes... y'know what, I'm not even going to ask why you were going around asking the townspeople where to go to see poledancing.

I mean, he could have heard someone else mention it off hand. Ocus seems to be a bit of a shithole at the time he's there.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I swear, that portrait is just vomit-inducing.

Fnygzjdx o

...oh, no way... no friggin' way!

Yeah, this shit happened.

Nope, that's enough, I don't want to be discussing the whole thing.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Muvphmfm oHuh... He fainted... That's no fun.

For the asshole it's probably for the best Runan wasn't involved, we've seen what that smile can get up to.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Muvphmfm oYep. That boss of yours won't be getting up for quite a while, so the coast is clear.
P1zzgcas o Aaahhh, so he was trying to trick the asshole so that he could free the prisoners, right? I have to hand it to him, that was crafty of Holmes.


On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oSorry, sorry. You're right, it was probably drugged. But you know you're a pretty good dancer.

0zfd96rn o ...Holmes, you were doing so well up until this point...

Oh, I guess absolutely not.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oReally? You looked right at home on stage. You were so good, it was almost infectious. I wanted to get up and start dancing myself!

4lt3brpp o She's probably traumatized, Holmes!

There's tone deaf. Then there's where Holmes goes after this.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oMaybe I was too pushy... I'm sure Katri won't be happy about me getting this girl to dance for everyone...

4lt3brpp o Piece of shit, neither am I! You completely ruined it, Holmes! She got drugged and beaten and forced to almost strip and dance for strangers! No way she's going to be fine with dancing for you! She's a girl! Goddamnit, Holmes, why!? Why can't you be a decent person for just five minutes!?

I should make an edit of this. It would involve Shrek in some form. Is that an issue?

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Upfpuatu oXqtnbonn oWilwzm3y o

Oh, it can't be...

3ctkap6r o

Wait, did I just watch a magical girl transformation?

In a Kaga Saga title?

Well, that's me sick again.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Qtpcfkfy o

Even Holmes seems to be ashamed of himself.

As he should be much more than.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

U4xrgumc o

Ah, there it is. See, steal works in the arena. Mug's banned, but steal's fair game. This can potentially be a source of endless income, provided you're patient enough. I am not.

Honestly that's pretty cool.

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