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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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Replace "New Job" with "Videogames I'm trying to complete", and this describes the past two weeks in a nutshell. Those six games I bought about a month ago are catching up to me. I also didn't think too far into the future, because I don't think that working for two months qualifies as "new job" anymore.

On 8/20/2019 at 2:20 PM, eclipse said:

Sara cares not for you petty insults, since one of the things she wields is a "gun", something that would confuse the everliving daylights out of the entire FE cast. 😛

Well, crossbows exist in TearRing Saga, and Ballista are common in most Fire Emblem games. Since the only real major differences between a crossbow and a musket is what they fire and how you reload them (excluding how many different types of guns there are, with both subtle and substantial differences between them), it probably wouldn't be a stretch that they could at least grasp what a gun would do. Even if they may just think it's magic.

On 8/21/2019 at 9:42 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I guess my point is Dread Fighters tended to be some of the best endgame units and a clear upgrade to the other sword wielding classes despite being sword-locked in Gaiden/Echoes... and Mortal Savants, despite having access to both black and white spells tend to be mediocre at best and inferior to some of the classes on the tier before. So smear is accurate.

So... Priestesses, except as ninjas?

On 8/21/2019 at 9:42 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Yeah, but that's mostly by necessity. After all, it would be an error to lock you out of most of the child units because there weren't enough parents to go around. Not that you can't get locked out of one (or two) by having your Robin/Corrin be the wrong gender and marry someone from the cast that can have kids but isn't the decider parent.

Hence why I specified "waifu emblem", since having a disproportionate amount of males and females would render the mechanic fruitless (although there are still more dudes than dudettes, but that's probably so you can still potentially unlock everyone on an ironman run).

On 8/21/2019 at 9:42 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Eh. I'm not blaming you.

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I went into "Blood of the Eagle and Lion" in my Blue Lions run planning not to kill any named characters except Hubert, Edelgard and Claude in the event it turned out they didn't retreat. (they do of course). Next thing I know I've killed every Golden Deer not named Claude, Hilda or Marianne (two of which retreat and the third was on my bench) and Bernadetta to boot. I still feel bad about that. Less so on being told that if you somehow don't kill Bernadetta, Edelgard turns her into a suicide bomb.... which I can't verify, but if it's the case she kind of shot up my list of despised (playable) Fire Emblem characters to the point Peri, Oliver and Tharja have competition.


I almost wish Three Houses brought capturing back, but I suppose that would cheapen moments like that. And lead to a lot of kidnapping jokes.

On 8/21/2019 at 9:42 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Pretty sure that's Luigi. It's Green and the mustache looks smoother. Also this is Ruben.

Well, I meant "Mario" in the general "from the Super Mario Series" sense.

On 8/21/2019 at 9:42 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

When you think about it... aren't most generic enemy soldiers Camuses themselves in a way? A number of them are likely only loyal to their country as opposed to evil. A true Camus is just the one that stands out in combat compared to anyone else who won't be recruited. Or maybe I'm overthinking the canon-fodder. After all, you really can't recruit everyone.

Heck, even bandits could be spun around to being loyal for money. So if everyone is a Camus, then no one is.

Well, except for Camus, but that's by virtue of it being his actual name. Then again, he also changed it twice, so...

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The saddest part is that I wasn't even being sarcastic. I don't give a damn what anybody says, DSFE are the best FE games ever for me.


On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

7ltmkwc7 oNo, Ruben, that's a guy called Joshua (I'm pretty sure (this is not Eclipse's dialogue, this is me(if it wasn't obvious enough (I should probably get back to it))))

Eclipses avatar is so synonymous with her that I have a difficult time believing she looks like anything else.

I also once thought she commented on a youtube video once, but it turned out to be someone else with the same avatar.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ijdjfrue o

I love that frame of Palpatine I swear, he looks so dumb. I don't understand why there aren't more memes using this.

There are so many things to make prequel memes out of, and so little time to create them.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Judging a unit's performance could be classified as tactics talk. Now, remember that Eugen can't tactics.

Wonder what Eugens tier list would look like.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, while we're on the subject of member cards, I've noticed that a lot of you have different titles on 'em, like "Hero" or "Greil Merc". Is that something that you earn somehow, or can you change it somewhere? Because I've never been able to figure it out. Been here for, what, 4 years already? I know I haven't been the most active member ever, but it feels a little disheartening to see that, after all this time, I am still a member among heroes of all sorts. Is it because of all the blood on my hands? I know I must've killed some higher-up's favourite, but... oh, dear... maybe one of them loves Lugh... please tell me it's not the case...

It's based off of the "I Fight For" choice. Unless you're a staff member.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, what do you think?

I could see it going either way, honestly.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

There is, however, a person I hate more in Berwick. But that's a story for another day.

That other day shall be quite interesting indeed.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hard. But that's a lie. It's more like "requires two braincells to be steamrolled".

Guess I'll know what difficulty to pick if I ever manage to pick up the game.

Fire Emblem difficulty is so weird.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You never forgot about the Mintz jokes you started.

I was the only one that engaged in them. And I did stay up late to do the joke with Katri commenting on the usefulness of units, which helped me remember them.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You also inmediately recognized the Royal Historian of Wellt, shockingly enough.

Pragmatism for the win! And his escaping when prudent made it possible for him to return at some point. And few people have his distinct bald head!

Except for the guy that accidentally insulted Lentzenheimer that one time.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Everything even remotely relevant, though? Erased from your mind.

I may need to binge watch these sometime, and try to remember each plot point of the story when it's going from one reveal to the next, and so I don't have daily distractions taking up my attention.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Frankly, I think I prefer quality over quantity. Berwick's women are awesome, for the most part. There are a couple of snags (literal couple, there's like 2 women who aren't great in the game), but aside from those, they're all a bunch of badasses, as units, as characters, and sometimes as both. Meanwhile, Fates has a gallery of cheap prostitutes in what barely qualifies as armor.

"Cheap prostitutes" is a bit excessive, but it isn't an achievement to surpass Fates cast in quality.

It's also possible to have both quality and quantity, but I understand the point you made.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's why Hagar became a tank driver. His neck works for the job. He was just bluffing when he said he can't see anything. When noone's looking, he does this:

3em33idm o

Hilarious, even if it reminds me of that one scene from Saving Private Ryan.

I need to watch that movie again. It's been a while.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's wise. Too much hype will only lead to disappointment. Case in point, me after the earlygame. Also me after the Path of Radiance earlygame!

Well, I wasn't as hyped as everyone else from the start, but the animations (and in a different way, graphics) seeming to be downgraded from Echoes were a major factor for that (especially considering my hype for SoV nearly doubled when I saw the battle animations would be dynamic, although it being a remake of an older game in the series and having an interesting story at first glance helped tremendously in building up my interest). The "the church is evil" cliche also didn't get me that engaged, since I'm not a fan of it in the first place, and knowing that JRPGs (and previous Fire Emblem games) aren't the best at utilizing the trope didn't help any.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Perhaps, one day. I have to say, the character designs really throw me off. And there are people who say that's better than Shadow Dragon? People have no taste... says I, man whose favourite female is Malice.

Eh, artistically they're solid. Class design wise, I'd say they take some steps forward, and some steps back when compared to Awakening. Female Cavaliers are actually covering their legs, but then they add a butt window. Fighters are wearing a shirt, and even the strange neck thing they wear looks less out of place, but then they have crotch armor. Female wyvern riders are wearing actual armor instead of what amounts to a blouse, but then there's Camilla. The armor of knights is repositioned subtly but it changes them from clumsy buffoons into intimidating fighters, but again females have a butt window. Shapeshifters are wearing reasonable clothing, but then their transformation animation sucks. Dark mages don't look like they belong only in a desert, but then it looks like they're wearing what amounts to swimsuits, and so on.

Some designs take a lateral move. Female mercenaries wearing a skirt isn't all that noteworthy considering the tunics they wore in the past more or less acted as one, and the animations of adventures gives off a greater "trickster" vibe than in the previous games, but the bow cape they wear is... odd. And that's all I can say about it; It's odd, and nothing else.

TL;DR Fates has less obvious fanservice when compared to Awakening, but it has more WTF design choices. At least, in regards to the classes.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

How Senator Armstrong's confrontation would've been like had he been facing Snake instead.

Md6deion oNanomachines, son!

Giinquxq oSON?!

Md6deion oThey harden in response to physical trauma!


Md6deion oErgh... yes! You can't hurt me, Snake!

Giinquxq oHURT YOU!?

Md6deion oWhat did I just say?

Giinquxq oSAY?!

Md6deion o...okay, you know what? Fuck this, I'm going to kill you now.

Giinquxq oKILL ME!?

Heh heh heh, Woo boy.

Now I wish there was a "Snake Tales" alternative universe for Revengence. Even if it would just be an old man beating Metal Gears with his cane.

Also, "Snaek" made me think of this:













On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

In Tellius it had lacking might, in FEDS is was rather underpowered to compensate for everyone's lack of res... there have been a few games.

I was actually going to bring up how it was lackluster in Fates, on account of both you and the enemies actually having decent to great resistance stats this time around, as well as it being inserted into the weapon triangle, which... works okay, but not well, if you get what I mean, but I wanted to see if any other games in the series also had magic be less than notable.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You have to keep upgrading them. High enough level, and you'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Getting enough money to buy them and hoping I they don't die in battle was what I struggled with.

Again, I haven't played the game in some time, so I might give it another shot.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I tend to get bored by the conquest part of the game, where it's just idling as you wait for castles for be seized. That's the worst part of the game for me, sieges are horrendously designed.

Yeah, seizes are meat grinders in a game where replacing fallen units isn't all that easy. And you can't even wait them out because AI run cities have unlimited food.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Friendly remark that Berwick Saga sort of has instances of deceit being used by both friends and foes.

In gameplay and/or story?

Who am I kidding? It's Kaga. It's both.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm not saying he's foolish, he's just confused.

Meanwhile, Raiden gets mind screwed and suffers an existential crisis. And then becomes a cyborg ninja.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

"Fasteriskck you, Ruben, you went too far this time. I'm not reading a single more word that you write. You're going to hell", perhaps? Yes, I agree.

Not at all. I would wish hell upon no one. People twisting the scriptures to mean whatever they want (which is just another way of saying they want to excuse their sins) has been around since the beginning. I would have to be a blind fool to believe that there would be no opposition, especially since God and Jesus bring it up repeatedly and don't hold back that .

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Perhaps I should read the Bible one day. I've heard it's got a lot of gore in it. If nothing else...

There is much violence, yes, though don't expect it to relish in gore. It only describes what it needs to, no matter how blunt or detailed it must be.

I'm also tempted to tell you to look up the Brick Bible, but be forewarned that it does not shy away from using large amounts of blood and depicting sex. And that simply googling images means seeing scenes without their context, which, as I stated earlier, is extremely important.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Everything. Use Dr. Wahwee for everything.

Reading things you've said in the past and future with this in mind will be... interesting, to say the least.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

An ironman run or two should do it. As I always say, I also never gave much of a damn about them before. Now? Hohohoh, boy. I love using Matthis, but those 2% he faces against everyone in Shadow Dragon are... oh, my goodness.

I already lost Libra to a critical in my first ironman, had Luthier die to a 3% crit in Echoes (although I had the turnwheel to prevent that), Sever- I mean Selena died to a 4% crit (and a 55% to hit, no less) and Keaton died due to missing a 97%. chance to hit. It may not have fully sunk in, but I don't blame you in the slightest for fearing them.

Ironically, Arthur, who's infamous for having pitiful luck, is probably my luckiest unit my first run. And I don't mean his stat. Both times he was hit with a single digit critical with a 100% chance to hit him, dual guard activated and he survived. He's hit the most low hit rate attacks, and dodged the most 90-ish% enemy assaults, and is competing with Niles for who would have survived the longest if I was doing an ironman run instead of playing on casual.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Funny how being so powerful caused him to be completely irrelevant in this LP.

Fire Emblem: One of the few games where you don't use units because they're too strong.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahah, yeah, he does have pretty big hands.

Maybe that's where he keeps his mints. Or his McFlurries.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sammo Hung = Chinese Ernst.

So Ernst was part of several comedic battles early in his career, took on more dramatic roles as he got older, and was a badass all throughout? Somehow, I find that believable.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I am unable to see the problem.

This is why people say not to trust google translate.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, remember all those guys Leonie headshotted and that was the end of them? Ernst survived exactly that, if only for a little while. What a man.

Even when it's unintentional on the games behalf, Ernst keeps becoming more and more badass.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Getting people to surrender in games is always awesome. Whenever I play Perfect Dark for the N64 (with a special emulator configured to make it control like a normal mouse-and-keyboard FPS) I always enjoy shooting people's guns off their hands. Sometimes they start punching you, or pull out a hand gun, but the wisest of mooks just give up. It's great.

Except for 7-9 year old me when playing Pirates!, where I was sad whenever the enemy surrendered, because it meant that the sword fighting minigame was skipped. 'Course, I also attacked any ship in my way, not for promotions, not for politics, not for gold, but entirely for fun. I raided forts just because I could, and rising up in the ranks so quickly was merely a coincidence. I saved every family member because that's the main goal, made every famous pirate sleep with the fishes, and found several hidden treasures and cities because I was bored.

Needless to say, I was a very scary 7-8 year old pirate.

Oh, yeah. I also romanced at least 8 women to the point that they would have jumped into my arms if any word that started with the letters "Mar-" was uttered, and was completely ignorant that that was possible in this game. I just thought I was being a gentleman by accepting their offers to dance, as well as saving them from the clutches of some baron that kept kidnapping them, because that's what gentlemen do (and I can't say no to a good sword fight).

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe while they were setting up to hold a siege, Ernst's corpse just stood up and started killing everyone out of the blue. Eugen from the future used his many superpowers to return to the past, and while Runan was receiving exposition from Verna, he quickly buried Ernst under a layer of cement.

So Ernst gets a statue that unbeknownst to everyone except AU!Eugen is actually his coffin?

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's Runan in a nutshell, yes: a realist who doesn't let that override his ideals.

That's why it kinda annoys me when people compare him to Leif. Sure, they look alike, but that's where the similarities end. Runan and Leif are complete opposites when it comes to personality.

Out of curiosity, how are Runan and Leif complete opposites?

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Keep in mind that Zieg was saved by the most powerful witch of the realm warping in and out, and that Zieg himself is rather strong even though I didn't train him. Still doesn't make any sense that nobody was there to at least try swinging a blade at her, but...

So the difficult path got the easy person to capture, while the easier path had to keep watch over not only a hardened soldier, but one of the strongest magic users in the game storywise?

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

't Yoda, you ain.

re still cool, you a.

Quite like that, Yoda doesn't speak.

You Thank.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

No joke. There were some black sheep among them (Pavlov and Carnell), but for the most part, Canaanite enemies have been extremely sympathetic. Remember Seamus? I never forgot.

Ah, yes. The man who was burnt to death, was replaced by a cult member that didn't warp away, and we stole the same spell and used it against several other enemies. Including those in Camus-land.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd like to see a FE game where randos get names and faces. Maybe all of them would be difficult, but a few each chapter, to humanize the enemy a bit.

I've been wanting them to do this for a while, Especially when the games went 3D, and they couldn't use sprites to make enemies look ubiquitous. Time and money constraints are the only reason I can think of of why they don't do this.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh! Guess what game did it first!

Yes! It's Berwick Saga!

Boy, do I love that game!

At this point, I don't know what's higher: The number of times Eugen has been badass, the number of times Holmes has been a dumbass, or the number of times you've fawned over Berwick saga.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Julius is really easy if you know what you're doing. He wasn't kidding when he said they were undermanned: he's got exactly 6 mooks, not counting the Archer and the Ballistician who can't even move. You know who else had 6 mooks? Russ, the oddly handsome boss of the first chapter. Well actually, he had 5, but hush. Still, Julius really doesn't need any help. You'll see why, later. This chapter's basically a glorified boss fight. And it'd be a mighty tough one, if it wasn't for something else that we'll see later on. This chapter has a lot of surprises waiting to be discovered.

So it's pretty much Ernst's chapter but without having to be split into two parts?

I'm taking a guess that Julius will be backstabbed sometime in the fight, and will be weaker than he first appears?

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ymrhag7o o

The usual house theme doesn't play here. Instead, what we (well, I) hear is... one of the themes for bad guys speaking?

Why do I feel like this is foreshadowing?

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ctmximdg oWell, I don't care why you're here, just try not to cause us any trouble. It doesn't matter to me whether you win or the Empire wins. It won't change a thing. What, were you expecting me to give you something? This isn't a charity, bub. Now hurry up and get out!

0zfd96rn o ...well.

Guess the people with names aren't the only ones who didn't get the memo that Runan was willing to talk things out peacefully.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
3gjmjk6z o

Ctmximdg oI'll thank you not to disgrace this upstanding capital of Reeve with your trifling squabbles. The fact that rebels like you even call yourself(sic) Reevans is an embarrassment to this city. The Imperial army may be disgusting, but so are you. You barbarians would do well to kill each other off.

0zfd96rn o ...I am shocked and appalled.


This seems like one of those mysteries where you have to find out why people hate you so much, despite not having actually done anything to them directly. 

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Mluhqetf o

Ctmximdg oThis is why I hate nobles. You all think the law doesn't apply to you. Get out of my house, now! And never come back again!

0zfd96rn o So, yeah. This is this chapter's gimmick. Everybody we're liberating is a stuck-up jerk. All of the enemies are heroes.

So were the soldiers from this place Camus's who went off to die valiantly in battle, and be the sheepdogs to protect the sheep from the wolves, or were they tired men who were sick of the people in their hometown to the point they found the possibility of being killed by Sasha to be the more appealing alternative?

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Sk9t4igu o1z9vnicj o6mpleqrt o

And so, a bunch of the troops who were supposed to retreat emerge from the barracks(?). Nobody has any portraits, but I've always assumed the General is uglystacheman, and the lone Cavalier's his hotheaded subordinate.

In any case, this is a whole troop of generic Camuses. The General can pose a decent fight, but the others are complete scrubs. Complete scrubs who refuse to let their prince die alone... motherfucker... they're going to make this as hard as possible, aren't they? And we aren't even getting started, oh no. The real heartbreak will happen next update...

It really is a nation of Camuses. Except for the people who stay indoors.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Bghcmovd o2pgkwlbf o

These guys are so irrelevant, I couldn't be bothered to make them portraits.

Inauuhik oThey should thank us for softening up the Imperials for them!

Hey, the return of Bismarck!

On a... stupid gladiator, but still! It didn't go to waste for a single joke!

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o You couldn't soften up Julius if he stripped naked in front of you and asked you to punish him for being a naughty boy. And knowing him, I'm fairly certain the roles would be reversed if it ever came to that. Not that it would. You both are hideous.

...Something tells me I don't want to know and I don't want to ask.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Can I kill these two now

Disembowel them and feel free to do nasty things with their intestines

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Hey, Mintz. Are you going to do something already?

I think he thinks it's better to stay out of the scene to avoid any relation to it, and then tell Sasha to have extra fun this time.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

And that's the end of the scene. Is this really what we're doing here? Giving lunatics an excuse to look good while murdering people?

Guess this is what happens if you judge a nation by it's soldiers; You don't always get an idea of who they protect.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Allow me to doubt it. I mean, compared to Ernst, how strong can this sheltered princeling be...?

Vpvhm6nt o


For comparison:

On 8/17/2019 at 11:33 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Fdvpmlj8 o

Not gonna do an analysis of which one is stronger, but I would pay good money to see the two duel.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
2n4r4fr1 oAa3xp09o o


So yeah. Julius. He's invincible, because he has a nosferatu lance. Not to worry, though. I said two updates ago that he's vastly easier than Ernst, and I stand by my words. This chapter isn't done pulling surprises on us yet...

I take it that those gladiators will get the idea they may as well liberate the town for us?

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Vl7wmb3r o

Oh yeah, and this is the last batch of reinforcements. That's literally it. They truly were defeated when Ernst fell-- excuse me, when Ernst died. Standing.

Huh, never really thought about the connection between falling and dying before Ernst died standing.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

BLONDE IDIOT*: Okay, it's decided! Everyone, get geared up for battle! Don't let a single one of those Imperial bozos leave with their life!

*Not Holmes.

On 8/25/2019 at 10:57 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I love how that had to be clarified.

Took the words out of my mouth.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yvdmur0l o

Look, bandits. They're actually green bandits. They'll be helping us out by being torn to shreds by Julius. I am dead fuckin' serious.

'Twill be a waste of a good weapon, but at least it will be spilling the blood of the wicked.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Qt0fyuq5 oSmrwlk5d o

Ergh... look, Julius, I hate to break it to you like this, but... nobody's retreating. Everybody is dying a pointless, pathetic death here for you. Please surrender...!

So the soldiers died and Julius didn't even notice, which adds another layer of tragedy to this level.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rxgbkuej oTo think that I'd have to taint this holy spear with the blood of mere bandits..

Depending on how one counts Gaiden (it's a black magic spell, but only clerics have it), Kaga either did or didn't do it first in regards to making the Nosferatu magic "holy".

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i oMaybe, though not for the reason you think. Gladiators kill for sport, money, and fame. They wouldn't just suddenly start fighting for the sake of justice. They're in it for the reward.

Llibn6rp oSo they're hoping I'll repay them for their troubles, is that it?

It's usually a good idea to check if the person is willing to pay before doing their job for them.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
973ha7p7 o

F4aswdy8 o Blistering barnacles, Eugen! You fuckin' savage! I don't know who's worse, them or you! I can say that I do like you a lot better, though. Never change, man. Even if it would be for the best.

Prioritizing tactical advantage over human life. Sad that this is common, and in some cases inevitable, in real life conflicts. The only thing that lessons the blow is that the people walking to their death are murders instead of another nations soldiers.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

These guys are what negates the map's difficulty. See, Julius is actually going to begin moving now. He'll charge at these idiots, and he'll make mincemeat out of them. This'll result in the destruction of the Canaan Spear. Reduced to only the literal worst weapon in the game, he won't be able to fight well at all. That's when we'll be jumping in for the kill.

Why, yes, this map more or less requires that you kick the Canaanites while they're down, and that you utilize underhanded, honorless stratagems in order to beat the only menacing opponent. In other words, you need to be an integral dickhead to win this one. I can only imagine how proud Eugen will be after we win.

Ah, videogames. The major source of testing how players respond to being forced to do something terrible to win.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yrdoa4if oBastards! It does not matter how strong you are! Even if it costs us all our lives, we will fight for Prince Julius!

Hmmmwnmk o

Yrdoa4if oGuaaahhh... Prince Julius... I am... proud to have... served...

Well that was quick.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I do suppose we can now conclude that FEWOD was wrong, though. If his speed growth truly is 5%, then I am the luckiest man in the world, and as we all know, that's not at all who I am.

I believe unluckily lucky is a good description of your lets plays.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Tfq979li o

Oh, no, it's just a cleric with a more pleasant and interesting design than any of the playable healers, aside from Lee and Renee.

A number of NPC's seem to have playable designs in this game.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ctmximdg oPrince Barker used to be our benefactor, so we've done fairly well until now. But after the Imperial army retreated, the other citizens came and raided our coffers...

0zfd96rn o It is worrying that this does not surprise me. It's horrifying, but surprising? Not at all.

Considering what the townspeople are like, unfortunately I have to agree with you.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Cgcllymc o

Ctmximdg oOh, thank you, thank you! May the Goddess bless each and every one of you!

Wouldn't the curtain of blessings include protecing?

Maybe Footballman should change his catchphrase.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That actually has an effect, unlike Footballman. If the unit has any cursed weapons (that is, a weapon that reached 100 kills and gained the devil effect), they'll be wiped clean of the loathed risk of self-destruction. It's... not useful at all, but hey, I wasn't about to let those off-screen orphans starve.

Are there any other ways to remove the devil effect, or is this the only one?

I feel like this was brought up before, way back when the Lets Play was just starting.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gz4h4lpt o

How can he dodge with a neck like his? Let alone the tank!

The longer neck may make him a larger target, but it also allows him to bend out of the way more easily.

I got nothing for the tank, though.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Na27alge o

This is Julius, folks. If he was allowed to have a fair fight, the LP would be over right here.

Not hard to see why they added the gladiator gimmick now.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
0nac0off o

Ctmximdg oDon't give her a penny, got it?

0zfd96rn o Wait, what? Why? I hope I haven't made a mistake...

At first glance, this looks like she's running a phony charity...

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ctmximdg oI saw it with my own two eyes! Barker himself went into that place and donated a huge sum of money!

0zfd96rn o I mean, yeah. Barker's a great man. He didn't want the kids to starve to death, and neither did the nun, so she of course accepted the money! What is so despicable about that? I don't follow your logic, green person...

I can sadly see how this can be misinterpreted, but just because most people in town are jerks that likely have ulterior motives, doesn't mean that everyone is.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ctmximdg oIt makes me sick how all these churchy types have no sense of loyalty to their country.

0zfd96rn o ...


You do realize that religion has no borders, right?

And considering Israels history, being a nation set aside by God does not mean that you'll get all sunshine and rainbows.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Xm5mywvv o

4lt3brpp o...


On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o ...yeah, sure! I'll reward you all right. I'll have the princess of Wellt herself pay you a visit so she may give you what you deserve for your "great" deeds! And then, I'll feed what's left of your corpse to the ra-- no, wait, how cruel would that be!? The poor little rodents would get such an indigestion! I don't think even acid would want to burn you!

No wonder everyone stays indoors; They know they'll be slaughtered without remorse if they stepped outside.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Son of a bitch, that was the most despicable fucking villager I've ever seen in anything! Why are we saving these idiots?! Living under Julius's reign is too good for these heaps of garbage!

I can say that this was an effective twist, but whether it was a necessary one is a different matter.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
K0ns4hhe o

Julius actually has this line for the gladiators. He's far more respectful when fighting us.

Hyenas is a fitting description.

Although this also means that the animal exists in the TRS universe, which raises several questions.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rgyqpumt oHrgh! May you... live on... Prince Julius...

Farewell, brave Julius_man_1. Your sacrifice helped make this map even more tragic.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Efvn2otj oWxmhnzik o

Oh my God, does he have Miracle or something? Miracle doesn't exist in this game!

He must have donated some money and has the Goddesses protecion/blessings.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hxpjeh2k o

He actually has a unique sprite, with a matching red cape and a badass mask for the wyvern.

It looks like Juiluis is pointing at something, has a long sword growing out of his elbow, and the sword is slightly bend and has some burn marks.

Also, the Wyvern decided that a mask would make his "I don't want to be here" face look badass, and it almost looks like he's tiptoeing.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Uuw6oy15 o

No, we don't. Why do you think we're only attacking from over here?

Pfft. Great response to the "Do you have what it takes" saying.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Pdure2vc o
Maszzbbu o
Abx8iof8 o

I find Julius's reason for not finishing Lee off believable.

Looks like those gladiators are good for something more than cannon fodder.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

In order to avoid getting away with this completely scot-free, however, I will implement a penalty: due to being too injured, Lee will not be able to fight ever again. He'll be a staffbot and nothing else. I know, it's a poor excuse, as that is how I mainly use him these days, but I have to do something to somewhat salvage my ego.

A fair trade.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

7mgjafcp o

I can't help but hear Juluis yell, in a dramatic an powerful voice, "Feel the W!!!"

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Qvcbmjts o

Runan pokes the guys knee, while his ghost stabs the hip.

I think Runan's split personality is starting to manifest itself in ways beyond his smile.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
0gbcd57f o

Eh. Worth a shot.


On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hfkzeeu7 o

Llibn6rp oThis has gone on long enough, Prince Julius! Surrender the palace, and you can live! Please, return to Canaan!

Rxgbkuej oSave your breath, Lord Runan. I will not change from the path I've chosen. And I won't go down without a fight!

Short but sweet.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gtart24r oCxmhtjn4 oBzhx5wyu o

There we go. Finally! If you're wondering, Mug does not work on special weapons (the ones with a star), so if we had given the kill to Sasha, she would've only gotten his shittier stuff. Sierra needs the experience more than anybody needs a worn-down slim sword.

Was wondering if the star meant anything more than signifying special weaponry.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Nuxqd1g7 o

Julius drew the short straw when it comes to deaths. Ernst and Barbarossa got special death quotes and cutscenes solely for their deaths, but this guy falls like a regular boss. A little underwhelming, but thinking about it, I suppose the whole point of this chapter is that this whole situation is crap and this death, completely meaningless.

Sad that his death was unimpressive, but as you said, it's thematically appropriate considering how pointless the battle was. 

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, well. It's been a dreadful trainwreck of an update, but don't let that distract you from the fact that we just gave Julius a pathetic, pointless death, so we could save that guy who hates orphans. What an absolute tragedy.

This update in a nutshell.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i oBe careful, Lord Runan! This woman is Julius's right hand! She might be concealing a blade!

On 8/25/2019 at 10:57 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I feel like this is Eugen channeling Merlinus.


On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Kphnmwii oJahzxrea o

She moves to the tile where Julius died, and then leaves. Always love when these games play with their overworld sprites like this. Then there's Berwick, where every single scene takes place in overworlds.

Kaga sure was good at gameplay-story integration, wasn't he?

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
F00ykosy oNmegywsa o

Anyway, that conversation with Theodora was pretty good. To compensate, here's Oblivion-tier dialogue.

Reminds me that I need to get back into playing the Elder Scrolls.

There was a heck lot more dialogue in Morrowind, but voice acting everything predictably lead to them having to cut corners.

On 8/24/2019 at 6:17 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Runan heads to the palace, and the update ends. We'll resume tomorrow, where we'll meet one of this game's more... questionable? characters. Don't let that discourage you from reading it, though, because the update will also contain Eugen Moments, and one of the top scenes in the entire game. Look forward to that. And also the other guy, he's fun to hate. In any case, 'till then, I fare thou well, readers.

I think I'll split these into two, since I already spent more time than I intended on this update (two-three days, actually. Intended to complete this earlier, bu then life got in the way. I'm currently visiting relatives in Ohio at the moment).

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11 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Well, crossbows exist in TearRing Saga, and Ballista are common in most Fire Emblem games. Since the only real major differences between a crossbow and a musket is what they fire and how you reload them (excluding how many different types of guns there are, with both subtle and substantial differences between them), it probably wouldn't be a stretch that they could at least grasp what a gun would do. Even if they may just think it's magic.

I actually find it hilarious the regulations on a crossbow where I live are stricter than those on owning a gun. I mean, sure you can't own a pistol unless it's kept at a firing range/you work at a job which requires it (security guards, police officers). Large arms are easier to own, simply because they aren't concealable. Though the most illegal thing according to regulations, is funny enough, body armor (bullet proof vests etc). It makes sense in a way. They don't want a criminal who is resistant to being shot (mind, two shots to the same plate of the vest would still work, as kevlar only really takes one impact before being ruined).


11 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Hence why I specified "waifu emblem", since having a disproportionate amount of males and females would render the mechanic fruitless (although there are still more dudes than dudettes, but that's probably so you can still potentially unlock everyone on an ironman run).

But in Fates the male parent usually determines the child. The exceptions being Female Corrin with Kana, or of course Azura with Shigure. Anyone else though...


11 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
On 8/21/2019 at 11:42 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:


Heck, even bandits could be spun around to being loyal for money. So if everyone is a Camus, then no one is.

Well, except for Camus, but that's by virtue of it being his actual name. Then again, he also changed it twice, so...

Is it irony that when he changed his name he stopped being his own archetype? I mean Merric, Cain and Abel sort of dropped being their own archetype the second time round. Presumably others too. But when you think about it Camus betrayed his own archetype to the degree that it went from "Thou shalt not recruit a Camus" to "Zeke will join you if you save his girlfriend" to "Sirius will join you if you ask him to". One more name change and he would have been joining at the start of the third turn. One more after that and he'd join at the start of the chapter. Eventually we'd get to the point he's just a Jeigan instead of a Camus. Which would probably be when he was finally old enough to be a Jeigan.

Oh also, I'd debate the brigands thing. Loyalty to money can't really be spun as a noble cause unless they need the money for a good reason. Though I guess when you think about it Echoes had that line about people turning to such out of desperation due to the present conditions of Valentia. Though some of them are obviously fully immoral. Guess the Camus archetype is a double edged sword. It's meant to humanize the enemy by giving you one to feel sympathy for. Except in focusing on a specific one, it sort of draws attention away from anyone else in the enemy army who may legitimately be as deserving of the role.  Thus by humanizing one enemy, we may be dehumanizing the rest. Or maybe we're overthinking the whole thing to a comical degree. That said, all the technical arguments one can have about the archetype are why it's my favourite archetype to talk about and/or make fun of. You can either stretch it to it's logical endpoint where it breaks, or you can argue it's already broken from the inception. It's way more open to interpretation than "unit you get under-levelled at a late point that has great growths but will need excessive babying to achieve potential". Those are either fun or not depending on who you are and the specifics of the unit.


11 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Eclipses avatar is so synonymous with her that I have a difficult time believing she looks like anything else.

Imagine your shock when she turns out to be a seige tome that gained sentience and uses her magic to strike down those who break the rules from a range.


12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

ronically, Arthur, who's infamous for having pitiful luck, is probably my luckiest unit my first run. And I don't mean his stat. Both times he was hit with a single digit critical with a 100% chance to hit him, dual guard activated and he survived. He's hit the most low hit rate attacks, and dodged the most 90-ish% enemy assaults, and is competing with Niles for who would have survived the longest if I was doing an ironman run instead of playing on casual.

Isn't there a Dual Guard gauge that gradually fills up as you fight enemies in Fates that you can use to strategically time uses of Dual Guard? Actually found that info. I thought I recalled using it to deliberately negate attacks that I didn't want to risk (I.E high crit ones)


12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

So were the soldiers from this place Camus's who went off to die valiantly in battle, and be the sheepdogs to protect the sheep from the wolves, or were they tired men who were sick of the people in their hometown to the point they found the possibility of being killed by Sasha to be the more appealing alternative?

I honestly don't know. Option 2 would ruin the nation of Camus-es thing, but at the same time it's so much funnier.


12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
On 8/25/2019 at 8:17 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


Depending on how one counts Gaiden (it's a black magic spell, but only clerics have it), Kaga either did or didn't do it first in regards to making the Nosferatu magic "holy"

There's a catch. Kaga was still around for Gaiden. So it was him first either way.


12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
On 8/25/2019 at 8:17 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


I believe unluckily lucky is a good description of your lets plays.

Technically speaking, bad luck is a form of luck in much the same way good luck is.


12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
On 8/25/2019 at 8:17 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


I can say that this was an effective twist, but whether it was a necessary one is a different matter.

When the plot twist is more like a knife twist.


12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

and it almost looks like he's tiptoeing.

Now that image is ruined for me.


12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

find Julius's reason for not finishing Lee off believable.

Looks like those gladiators are good for something more than cannon fodder.



12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Runan pokes the guys knee, while his ghost stabs the hip.

I think Runan's split personality is starting to manifest itself in ways beyond his smile.

Yep. That ghost is definitely the dark side of his personality manifesting on a physical plain.


12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Was wondering if the star meant anything more than signifying special weaponry.

It also means you can't Smith Hammer them. They need the Hammerne for repairs. It also appears next to the names of characters whose death is a game over.

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Part 69 - And we're supposed to be afraid?

I've been playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion lately. This is my character.


He's a hopeless drunk loser. I've made a point to steal and drink every single bottle of booze I come across, which isn't good, because I'm a mage and booze drains intelligence. He's rude, arrogant, a kleptomaniac, emotionally unstable, and half the time he doesn't even understand what's going on around him. The hero of Cyrodiil, ladies and gentlemen.

That is all. Just wanted to show off my skills with character creators.

Leaving that aside, and continuing with the series of unprecedented footage the likes of which you shall never again see!

Ezv3cnr8 o

Macellan kills Camus. He needed a crit, and help from Norne's forged longbow, and some warping so I wouldn't have to play through the entire thing for a chance to get this screenshot, and a ton of resets, but hey! The fact that he could actually try without dying horrendously is already quite impressive!


On 8/29/2019 at 9:07 PM, BrightBow said:

Poor Bahanuk. Lotz in PoR has more lines then he got.

Who? Hold on...

...why does this guy have a name?

Anyway, he isn't that bad! Bahanuk has more lines than Roberts... you know, the one boss from FE6 chapter 11A, but only in Hard mode for some reason...?

Wait, no, that guy appeared in cutscene from route B and he had a full line, so that's more than Bahanuk... uuhhh...

...Himmler! He has more lines than Himmler! There we go. He's important all right.


On 8/30/2019 at 8:13 AM, eclipse said:

Runan is good with a sword, and awful with women.  Thank goodness Eugen's there to guide him~!

He's awful with women, but not in the conventional "anime boy can't get any hints" way, which I like.


...there was no need for this. But all right. I shall join you in your teeheeing. Tee hee~!

Crap it doesn't sound so dignified when a guy does it... uhhhh quick, endeavor to appear manly! Uh, mmm... I AM VERY HUNGRY! (Epilepsy warning, cause jesus christ they didn't know when to quit with the lights)


On 8/30/2019 at 8:21 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

That's an interesting qualifier.

I really like the guy's character, but I cannot deny that Lorenz has to be one of the worst units in the game. Seriously, those bases are unsalvageable so late into the game. No wonder he got whooped by Lang in FE12...

By the way, I just want to say, I hate that googling "fire emblem lorenz" now only gets results for the other Lorenz. Heck - even searching "fire emblem archanea Lorenz" gets you the other one before the good one! I still can't get over that. Was it so difficult to call him Lawrence, or at least Lorenzo? Or, you know, fucking Rick?!

True.. but in Barlowe's case the container had been shown the whole game. So you knew it was there. Also Dracula had a history of resurrection spanning 20+ years of games. And Barlowe always planned to resurrect Dracula... albeit his orginal plan didn't involve his own death. Not to mention in doing so, he technically achieved his goal of resurrecting Dracula. It was Dracula who fucked up his side of the deal.

Yeah, that's one of the things I really like about Barlowe. He actually wins. Sure, Shanoa more or less forces him into plan C, and it cost him his life, but he won in the end. It was Dracula that botched it all up by underestimating Shanoa.

  Reveal hidden contents

Nemesis coffin is not shown until the cinematic where his fist strikes through it all of a sudden. Likewise, Thales never intended to resurrect Nemesis (well perhaps while he was nuking the base, but that's debatable. It could have been a "I'll take you all with me" that got fucked over by Rhea's intervention so he was the only named fatality. The fact Nemesis is apparently absent in the Church route which is apparently similar supports this). His goal was the destruction of the Church of Seiros/any spawn of Sothis pure and simple. Then there's the fact that he never achieved that... unless you side with Edelgard perhaps... in which case he's still screwed over according to the endings. Imagine being a villain so lame you get dealt with in the ending text. Thales? More like Fails.

I don't know much about Iago, but someone who does, please tell me how Thales fares against him. I know everyone hates Iago, so I figure it's a fair comparison. Because thus far, Thales has got to be the worst Gharnef in the entire series that I am familiar with. Even the original Gharnef had more to him. In the NES game.

...man, I can only ever say negative things about this game, eh? I wish it wasn't the case, but seriously, chests in the final chapter. That little detail alone proves that the map designers didn't have the slightest idea what they were doing. Then there's the unlimited Wyvern Lord exploit (can it even be called that, when it's so easy to do?), the piss-easy student recruitment that completely undermines the narrative, the awful bosses-that-retreat problem, the bosses that move even though they have no movement, the lack of new units in the war phase, the support spam that gets unbearable really fast, both of Edelgard's routes are half-assed, half the maps are "kill boss" and the boss is like 10 tiles away in a game where bowmen can have 5 range and siege tomes replenish after each map, magic is overpowered, combat arts are overpowered, you can buy anything in the town shop! Even brave weapons! Brave weapons! They only gave you one of each in the other games for a reason! The game is second only to Path of Radiance and Sacred Stones in mindnumbingly easy difficulty - and it manages this despite the fact that the enemies have actually pretty damn great stats! How!? Well, I'll tell you how: the player is given a thousand tools that break the game in half by themselves, which is why I doubt even lunatic will fix anything! Enemy stats and toolkits aren't the problem, half my army spent the entire game getting doubled by everything! But when I barely needed to get attacked because everyone had godly range and gambits, who cares?

All in all, yeah, I have too many problems with the game. Why am I ranting for like the fifth time? No reason, other than the fact that every single Fire Emblem related website in existance has Three Houses coming out of their ears, and it gets really tiring when you've long since moved on from the game.

If the song was a parody of the Duck Tales theme entitled "Luck Fails", would it give it away?

Hmmmmmmm... luck, luck...

It's The Roger (because his death was bullshit), or me. Just... just me. I mean, technically it's been a few updates since plot!me last showed his face.

Well... Ghosts n Goblins is almost a family tradition. Given my mother was so handy with the series... at least Ghost n Goblins and Super Ghouls n Ghosts. Never saw her beat regular Ghouls n Ghosts.

Hah! Your family's rad. At least what I know of 'em.

It happens.  My biggest concern was for the other labrador. He's blind, and had, up until now, known few days of his entire life (perhaps a couple weeks when he was born and a couple days when one of them was with a vet overnight) without the other. I feared the shock would be too much for him given on those nights where they had been apart previously, he'd taken to howling. But this time, he seems to understand what's happened. Even their rooster pal is having issues with a stress-related condition that started when the other dog died. He's being treated for that.

I hope nobody else passes away too soon.

Let's go one further.

  Reveal hidden contents

Codha is Porky at a different phase in his time travelling between being "fat kid" and "used up old body in a machine". He targetted Wellt because of Eugen, as Eugen was of that bloodline. Fat blonde guy with funny face and no death in story? See. It's Porky.

...oh my God, that's why they didn't kill him, just imprisoned him! They couldn't kill him! You're a genius!

And then, he travelled to the country of Thracia, year 776, and joined the church of Loptous. Brilliant!

Given even his  C&B supports with Byleth are him threatening Byleth not so subtly/trying to think of ways to assassinate him... he's not a very saveable character. When you're more edgy than the Navarre archetype for the game...

Well, I think it's fun in a way to have a literal villain that's playable. But yeah, he's just that - a villain. No stupid feelings when feathering him.

Like Waluigi would even be recruitable. Too irrelevant. I mean, the main reason people want him for Smash is because of the "Waluigi Time" strips in Brawl In The Family. Guy can't even get a role in Luigi's games as a secondary antagonist (which ironically, I think would be the best use for him).

It'd be awesome if he was a villain in Luigi's Mansion. Like, say, he was threatened / paid off / mind-controlled by the ghosts into fighting Luigi, since he's inmune to the poltergust. Maybe it could even end with them begrudgingly forming an alliance against the boos, when they became more and more of a threat. Or, if they were to fight, it'd make for a pretty different battle, as you couldn't use the poltergust on him, instead having to rely on other tactics, such as launching things at him.

Alas, I'm fairly sure he'll remain a spin-off tertiary character his entire life. And no, he isn't joining Smash. If he does, I'll be severely disappointed.

Either that or my theory was right and he was pretending to be bad at tactics the whole time and just let it slip.

Let's go with that. Can't let Eugen have a flaw. Maybe it'd make him a deeper character, but it sure as heck would make him a worse one.

I could try "they're on the wrong side of history" but that's such a cop-out because it's more attacking the characters of those Sasha kills than actually explaining why she's looting the bodies.

I mean, they are on the wrong side of history - the side that Sasha is allowed to tear to pieces.

The use of the word channeling was also intentional... given Merlinus being decapitated.

Hahahahahah, he was trying to ruin Runan with his usual shenanigans, but he could only get one line out before Eugen's soul beat him out of his body.

Maybe if you lick this dude if you can like get buzzed and stuff. Keep Hagar away man. That's some gnarly junk.

Why- why would Hagar lick this guy?! He's into girls! This guy's a toad, a toad!

Eugen is a classic. I'm sorry. I think I like this one better than the Holmes punch.

Hwahahahahahahahahah... I wouldn't go that far, but this one's definitely up there. I'd say fourth, behind the Holmes punch, the Arkis beheading and the endgame line I've been hyping up all LP.

Runan didn't even get time to get out a Runan-smile before Eugen interupts with a mop. Tatus better watch it or Eugen will mop the floor with him.

Holmes and Tatus: Mopping Jam.

Pw9vgrak o

We did it, folks. Last in the series. And probably the one that best explains what TRS is all about.

So it's like Phantom of the Opera minus all the singing and squeezed into a far shorter and more comedic time-frame? Tatus probably had a song prepared based off the theme song and everything... then couldn't get the words out. 

He was a terrible singer, so Enteh thought he was in pain and used her staff on him.

They just haven't dropped yet.

When will they drop, then? He's 80 years old, at least!

Can't decide whether this was meant to be your thoughts or whether Runan's split personality is getting worse.

Hah! I made a whoopsie...

Is it bad this typo actually fits? I mean really well. Them aristocrats are crazy.

I laughed my ass off at my own typo. Man, am I a comedy genius when I'm not trying.

I did say Eugen would mop the floor with him, but this is taking it further than expected.

I like making fun of the toad.

Lee could not Leeve even at the cost of a Leesurely retirement.

Lee puns. Let's not stop till the end.

Eugen botches strategy again? If sticking with my theory, he had to. He'd been a badass for a whole update and had some sound strategy last update. He'd have gave himself away without a major gaffe.

Right, right.


On 9/1/2019 at 2:07 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Tom has a use! So someone told me, and so it proved true!

  1. Take him to an Arena, Fort Ligria is fine. Give him lots of bows, or have a man man the Armory for infinite Irons.
  2. Teach Arena Fighter to Tom.
  3. Fight only non-Mages/Sword units at the Arena.
  4. Watch as enemies deal pitiful damage outside of Crits to Tom. If any damage at all.
  5. Watch Tom kill said enemies.
  6. Watch Tom earn you 500 Gold or more per fight.
  7. Watch your funds worries gradually disappear.

Add Dance to accelerate this process. I guess you could try Enarmor/Enpower too, but anyone if they worked could use those effects. Tom doesn't call for them to win in the Arena with few worries of death.

Hah, that's a nice use, but I prefer my own use - a member of the main team!

Despite starting much later than you, I've almost finished (up to C39) TRS for the first time myself.

That's great! Could you share your team, if you want? No spoilers, although at this point, there aren't many units left to spoil.

Not Ironman, and not having the albatross of a LP to make certainly speeds things up.

Yeah, LPing really makes things go slower. I tend to finish my own runs anywhere from a couple weeks to a month, depending on how slow I am. On the other hand, I've been on this run for almost a year! Not complaining, though. I love commentating.

Good luck with your remaining fights! -Unless you have finished the game already and just haven't posted it.

Nah, I move with the LP. If I didn't, I'd have finished the game by update 10. It'd be weird to give commentary about things that happened months ago.


On 9/1/2019 at 7:35 PM, Hawkwing said:


Replace "New Job" with "Videogames I'm trying to complete", and this describes the past two weeks in a nutshell. Those six games I bought about a month ago are catching up to me. I also didn't think too far into the future, because I don't think that working for two months qualifies as "new job" anymore.

Oh, well. At least you're here, now.

Well, crossbows exist in TearRing Saga, and Ballistae* are common in most Fire Emblem games. Since the only real major differences between a crossbow and a musket is what they fire and how you reload them (excluding how many different types of guns there are, with both subtle and substantial differences between them), it probably wouldn't be a stretch that they could at least grasp what a gun would do. Even if they may just think it's magic.

...so you're telling me that the only differences between crossbows and guns are the myriad of differences between them?

So... Priestesses, except as ninjas?

Basically, yes.

I almost wish Three Houses brought capturing back, but I suppose that would cheapen moments like that. And lead to a lot of kidnapping jokes.

Frankly, I'd have preferred capturing than the cheap-ass "kill with Byleth to not kill" nonsense.

Well, I meant "Mario" in the general "from the Super Mario Series" sense.

Hush! Do not call Luigi such lowly names as "Mario"!

Heck, even bandits could be spun around to being loyal for money. So if everyone is a Camus, then no one is.

Ergh... I don't think that really works.

Well, except for Camus, but that's by virtue of it being his actual name. Then again, he also changed it twice, so...

Funny how Camus is really only a Camus in one of his appearances.


Never. More people need to leave behind the "Shadow Dragon bad and ugly" bandwagon. And instead join my "Shadow Dragon good and neat" bandwagon.

Eclipses avatar is so synonymous with her that I have a difficult time believing she looks like anything else.

I dunno, it's one of the unused sprites. I just recolored the collar to yellow.

I also once thought she commented on a youtube video once, but it turned out to be someone else with the same avatar.

Well, that's what happens when you use a fictional character as your avatar. There's bound to be someone out there who uses the same avatar.

There are so many things to make prequel memes out of, and so little time to create them.

Yeah... a shame.

Wonder what Eugens tier list would look like.

Top Tier:


Almost Top Tier:


That guy who keeps the blonde idiot in check.

Everyone else Tier:

Everyone else.

The Good For Nothing Scoundrel:


It's based off of the "I Fight For" choice. Unless you're a staff member.

Ahhh! Right, I never did choose one.

...yeah, there's the little falchion. A shame that there's no Lazberia.

I could see it going either way, honestly.

Hmmm... I guess?

That other day shall be quite interesting indeed.

I hope!

Guess I'll know what difficulty to pick if I ever manage to pick up the game.

Fire Emblem difficulty is so weird.

Yeah, some games are piss-easy no matter what you pick, others are horrendous even if you go down to the min... FE12 handles it best, I feel. Normal in both games is extremely easy, hard is the sweet middle ground, maniac is FE6 hard, and then there's lunatic.

I was the only one that engaged in them. And I did stay up late to do the joke with Katri commenting on the usefulness of units, which helped me remember them.


Pragmatism for the win! And his escaping when prudent made it possible for him to return at some point. And few people have his distinct bald head!

Except for the guy that accidentally insulted Lentzenheimer that one time.

Wait, who? The only ones who ever insulted Lentzie were the Royal Historian, his dad, Zieg, every one of his citizens, Runan, Eugen, Julia...

I may need to binge watch these sometime, and try to remember each plot point of the story when it's going from one reveal to the next, and so I don't have daily distractions taking up my attention.

Ah, well, so long as you don't get too lost, don't lose sleep over it.

"Cheap prostitutes" is a bit excessive, but it isn't an achievement to surpass Fates cast in quality.

It probably was, but those designs... I seriously dislike them. Not even because of fanservice, I just don't like them.

It's also possible to have both quality and quantity, but I understand the point you made.

Indeed, indeed, but in lieu of both...

Hilarious, even if it reminds me of that one scene from Saving Private Ryan.

I need to watch that movie again. It's been a while.

I never have. Like I always say, never been much of a movie person.

Well, I wasn't as hyped as everyone else from the start, but the animations (and in a different way, graphics) seeming to be downgraded from Echoes were a major factor for that (especially considering my hype for SoV nearly doubled when I saw the battle animations would be dynamic, although it being a remake of an older game in the series and having an interesting story at first glance helped tremendously in building up my interest). The "the church is evil" cliche also didn't get me that engaged, since I'm not a fan of it in the first place, and knowing that JRPGs (and previous Fire Emblem games) aren't the best at utilizing the trope didn't help any.

Well, most people are evil or insane in Three Houses, not just the church. Except Claude. Claude is just plain boring, but he's hot and charismatic, so everyone loves him. In a different world he'd be judged as the game's "boring Marth-like lord". Not that I can agree with that. All the people who complain about Marth being boring clearly have not played Shadow Dragon.

...Marth in his other games, though... can't deny it there, he's bad.

Eh, artistically they're solid. Class design wise, I'd say they take some steps forward, and some steps back when compared to Awakening. Female Cavaliers are actually covering their legs, but then they add a butt window. Fighters are wearing a shirt, and even the strange neck thing they wear looks less out of place, but then they have crotch armor. Female wyvern riders are wearing actual armor instead of what amounts to a blouse, but then there's Camilla. The armor of knights is repositioned subtly but it changes them from clumsy buffoons into intimidating fighters, but again females have a butt window. Shapeshifters are wearing reasonable clothing, but then their transformation animation sucks. Dark mages don't look like they belong only in a desert, but then it looks like they're wearing what amounts to swimsuits, and so on.

In other words, everyone's ruined by something. Check.

Some designs take a lateral move. Female mercenaries wearing a skirt isn't all that noteworthy considering the tunics they wore in the past more or less acted as one, and the animations of adventures gives off a greater "trickster" vibe than in the previous games, but the bow cape they wear is... odd. And that's all I can say about it; It's odd, and nothing else.

TL;DR Fates has less obvious fanservice when compared to Awakening, but it has more WTF design choices. At least, in regards to the classes.

I understand.

Heh heh heh, Woo boy.

Now I wish there was a "Snake Tales" alternative universe for Revengence. Even if it would just be an old man beating Metal Gears with his cane.

Pffft... that'd be awesome. And not too out there, in a series that has a senator who wants to end war with the power of memes.

Also, "Snaek" made me think of this:


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents




Hah! I wish I got this!

I was actually going to bring up how it was lackluster in Fates, on account of both you and the enemies actually having decent to great resistance stats this time around, as well as it being inserted into the weapon triangle, which... works okay, but not well, if you get what I mean, but I wanted to see if any other games in the series also had magic be less than notable.

Actually, it's mostly the GBA games that have broken magic, and that's just anima magic. The other games tend to screw over Mages in one way or another.

Berwick handles mages better than FE games. You can add one to the count.

Getting enough money to buy them and hoping I they don't die in battle was what I struggled with.

Having a surgeon is paramount in these situations.

Again, I haven't played the game in some time, so I might give it another shot.

Sure, go ahead.

Yeah, seizes are meat grinders in a game where replacing fallen units isn't all that easy. And you can't even wait them out because AI run cities have unlimited food.

It isn't even hard, it's just tedious as all hell, because actually fighting is detrimental, so you just sit there and twiddle your thumbs until it's over. It's quite telling that something every single mod out there does is make it so your death doesn't end the battle instantly.

In gameplay and/or story?

Who am I kidding? It's Kaga. It's both.

Hahahahah... you got it.

Meanwhile, Raiden gets mind screwed and suffers an existential crisis. And then becomes a cyborg ninja.

How melodramatic.

Not at all. I would wish hell upon no one. People twisting the scriptures to mean whatever they want (which is just another way of saying they want to excuse their sins) has been around since the beginning. I would have to be a blind fool to believe that there would be no opposition, especially since God and Jesus bring it up repeatedly and don't hold back that .

Then there's the part where I was obviously kidding. I don't remember no damning for jest in the bible, no sire.

There is much violence, yes, though don't expect it to relish in gore. It only describes what it needs to, no matter how blunt or detailed it must be.

I'm also tempted to tell you to look up the Brick Bible, but be forewarned that it does not shy away from using large amounts of blood and depicting sex. And that simply googling images means seeing scenes without their context, which, as I stated earlier, is extremely important.

All right, I shall ignore your advice and look it up.


...why is everyone having sex?

Reading things you've said in the past and future with this in mind will be... interesting, to say the least.

Pfffft... that voice makes everything interesting.

I already lost Libra to a critical in my first ironman, had Luthier die to a 3% crit in Echoes (although I had the turnwheel to prevent that), Sever- I mean Selena died to a 4% crit (and a 55% to hit, no less) and Keaton died due to missing a 97%. chance to hit. It may not have fully sunk in, but I don't blame you in the slightest for fearing them.

That's right, you can't.

Ironically, Arthur, who's infamous for having pitiful luck, is probably my luckiest unit my first run. And I don't mean his stat. Both times he was hit with a single digit critical with a 100% chance to hit him, dual guard activated and he survived. He's hit the most low hit rate attacks, and dodged the most 90-ish% enemy assaults, and is competing with Niles for who would have survived the longest if I was doing an ironman run instead of playing on casual.

How peculiar.

Fire Emblem: One of the few games where you don't use units because they're too strong.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that's just me. Normal people use the top tiers forever and get mad if you don't.

Maybe that's where he keeps his mints. Or his McFlurries.

Oh, please... they'd get hot!

So Ernst was part of several comedic battles early in his career, took on more dramatic roles as he got older, and was a badass all throughout? Somehow, I find that believable.

He probably sleeps standing.

This is why people say not to trust google translate.

Actually, you should probably trust it in this instance, because I am messing with ya. I did say a string of curses in spanish.

Even when it's unintentional on the games behalf, Ernst keeps becoming more and more badass.


Except for 7-9 year old me when playing Pirates!, where I was sad whenever the enemy surrendered, because it meant that the sword fighting minigame was skipped. 'Course, I also attacked any ship in my way, not for promotions, not for politics, not for gold, but entirely for fun. I raided forts just because I could, and rising up in the ranks so quickly was merely a coincidence. I saved every family member because that's the main goal, made every famous pirate sleep with the fishes, and found several hidden treasures and cities because I was bored.

Needless to say, I was a very scary 7-8 year old pirate.

You bloodthirsty cinnamon roll, you.

(When did you even make that your rank, by the way? I only just noticed it)

Oh, yeah. I also romanced at least 8 women to the point that they would have jumped into my arms if any word that started with the letters "Mar-" was uttered, and was completely ignorant that that was possible in this game. I just thought I was being a gentleman by accepting their offers to dance, as well as saving them from the clutches of some baron that kept kidnapping them, because that's what gentlemen do (and I can't say no to a good sword fight).

So, thirsty as well as bloodthirsty, eh?

So Ernst gets a statue that unbeknownst to everyone except AU!Eugen is actually his coffin?

Basically, yes.

Out of curiosity, how are Runan and Leif complete opposites?

Leif starts out as an optimistic little kid who has no idea what he's doing. He makes tons of mistakes, his pride gets in the way, and he doesn't learn his lesson until he suffers a pretty heavy personal loss. He does grow into a better leader as the game goes, and by the end, he's actually pretty good.

I'm not sure which I'd say is better. Leif goes through more development, but when it comes to personality, he's just "idealistic child hurt by loss". Meanwhile, I love Runan's personality. He's intelligent, shrewd, bold, can even be snarky on occassion. It helps that the game shows him in more relaxed enviroments, as opposed to Thracia, where Leif never gets any time to breathe.

So the difficult path got the easy person to capture, while the easier path had to keep watch over not only a hardened soldier, but one of the strongest magic users in the game storywise?

That's basically it.

Quite like that, Yoda doesn't speak.

Ho said that, W?

You Thank.

Lcome, you are we.

Ah, yes. The man who was burnt to death, was replaced by a cult member that didn't warp away, and we stole the same spell and used it against several other enemies. Including those in Camus-land.

...did you have to emphasize that we used the spell to give Seamus's comrades a similar fate to his? Was it truly necessary?

I've been wanting them to do this for a while, Especially when the games went 3D, and they couldn't use sprites to make enemies look ubiquitous. Time and money constraints are the only reason I can think of of why they don't do this.

Well, someone did it...

At this point, I don't know what's higher: The number of times Eugen has been badass, the number of times Holmes has been a dumbass, or the number of times you've fawned over Berwick saga.

Someone needs to count them all. And that sure isn't me.

So it's pretty much Ernst's chapter but without having to be split into two parts?


I'm taking a guess that Julius will be backstabbed sometime in the fight, and will be weaker than he first appears?


Why do I feel like this is foreshadowing?


Guess the people with names aren't the only ones who didn't get the memo that Runan was willing to talk things out peacefully.


This seems like one of those mysteries where you have to find out why people hate you so much, despite not having actually done anything to them directly. 

Basically, yeah.

So were the soldiers from this place Camus's who went off to die valiantly in battle, and be the sheepdogs to protect the sheep from the wolves, or were they tired men who were sick of the people in their hometown to the point they found the possibility of being killed by Sasha to be the more appealing alternative?

The former, though I imagine there must be at least a few who classify as the latter.

It really is a nation of Camuses. Except for the people who stay indoors.

And even they, sometimes... remember that one soldier who remained with Barbarossa in his finest hour? He never left the fort.

Hey, the return of Bismarck!

On a... stupid gladiator, but still! It didn't go to waste for a single joke!

Yeah, I was feeling lazy, and I thought "hey, might as well!".

...Something tells me I don't want to know and I don't want to ask.

I thought it was fairly self-explanatory!

Disembowel them and feel free to do nasty things with their intestines

Fun fact: I was rushing to the top of your reply, caught sight of the word "disembowel", and I thought I knew for sure what it was about.

Turns out, I was wrong. I thought this was directed at the orphan hater.

I think he thinks it's better to stay out of the scene to avoid any relation to it, and then tell Sasha to have extra fun this time.

Hah! Maybe.

Guess this is what happens if you judge a nation by it's soldiers; You don't always get an idea of who they protect.


For comparison:

Not gonna do an analysis of which one is stronger, but I would pay good money to see the two duel.

Julius has just enough speed to double Ernst, not factoring in weight, but Ernst's strength is a great deal higher than Julius's, so his blows would be hardier. His defense is slightly lower, but he has Pavise, which Julius doesn't have, so he could use that to counter Julius's blows.

If Julius used the Canaan Spear, it'd be an easy win for him, becasue that weapon is broken. But if they used equal weapons? I'd be a pretty even match. It would probably be down to how many times Ernst procced Pavise.

I take it that those gladiators will get the idea they may as well liberate the town for us?

Well, not those, but some gladiators do get that idea.

Huh, never really thought about the connection between falling and dying before Ernst died standing.

Yeah... now I'll have to make sure to double check before saying someone's fallen.

Took the words out of my mouth.

Hahah, right?

'Twill be a waste of a good weapon, but at least it will be spilling the blood of the wicked.

Yeah... it'll break doing something good.

So the soldiers died and Julius didn't even notice, which adds another layer of tragedy to this level.

This whole chapter, man.

Depending on how one counts Gaiden (it's a black magic spell, but only clerics have it), Kaga either did or didn't do it first in regards to making the Nosferatu magic "holy".

Actually, Thracia had Nosferatu as light magic. Not sure about Genealogy, but Thracia had it. So even if Gaiden doesn't count, Kaga definitely did it first.

It's usually a good idea to check if the person is willing to pay before doing their job for them.

Well, they're dumb, what did you expect?

Prioritizing tactical advantage over human life. Sad that this is common, and in some cases inevitable, in real life conflicts. The only thing that lessons the blow is that the people walking to their death are murders instead of another nations soldiers.

Yeah, if Eugen's going to sacrifice someone, I'd rather he sacrificed those hyenas rather than Lionheart.

Ah, videogames. The major source of testing how players respond to being forced to do something terrible to win.

Right? Urk...

Well that was quick.

He was level 2. Two.

I believe unluckily lucky is a good description of your lets plays.

After losing half my army in FE6 to crits and still manage to take fucking Marcus to the endgame with Durandal? Yeah, I think it is.

A number of NPC's seem to have playable designs in this game.

That's actually something I like. Makes the world feel more lively.

Considering what the townspeople are like, unfortunately I have to agree with you.

(It was the green-haired bastard, I'm certain of it)

Wouldn't the curtain of blessings include protecing?

Maybe Footballman should change his catchphrase.

Nah, it's just that this nun knows that the Hand of the Goddess's proteccion is Footballman's personal blessing, so she uses her own.

Are there any other ways to remove the devil effect, or is this the only one?

There was another one of these houses. Way back in chapter 14, when there was no chance in hell you had any of these weapons.

I feel like this was brought up before, way back when the Lets Play was just starting.

Probably mentioned it when I was explaining the high-kill-count weapons, as there's one in a house in chapter 1.

The longer neck may make him a larger target, but it also allows him to bend out of the way more easily.

I got nothing for the tank, though.

It's probably a special property of TRS tanks, since Tom is able to do it too.

Not hard to see why they added the gladiator gimmick now.

They could've just not given him the weapon, but Kaga wanted to kill people.

At first glance, this looks like she's running a phony charity...

Yeah, they do a good job at making it seem like this fellow may not be fuckin' Satan.

I can sadly see how this can be misinterpreted, but just because most people in town are jerks that likely have ulterior motives, doesn't mean that everyone is.

Wait for it...


You do realize that religion has no borders, right?

Wait for iiiiiiiiiiiit...

And considering Israels history, being a nation set aside by God does not mean that you'll get all sunshine and rainbows.

Any second noooooowwww...!


No wonder everyone stays indoors; They know they'll be slaughtered without remorse if they stepped outside.

Ahah, there we go! As expected.

I can say that this was an effective twist, but whether it was a necessary one is a different matter.

Y'know, this is the same game where you get a dancer by sending a 15 year old girl to be enslaved and forced to dance in front of sweaty, horny men.

At this point, "why" is not the question. It's "when".

Hyenas is a fitting description.

Although this also means that the animal exists in the TRS universe, which raises several questions.

There's the Arcadia desert, and the desert to the east of Mahl. They could live there.

Farewell, brave Julius_man_1. Your sacrifice helped make this map even more tragic.


He must have donated some money and has the Goddesses protecion/blessings.

Could be, could be.

It looks like Juiluis is pointing at something, has a long sword growing out of his elbow, and the sword is slightly bend and has some burn marks.

Also, the Wyvern decided that a mask would make his "I don't want to be here" face look badass, and it almost looks like he's tiptoeing.

Why did you feel the need to ruin the sprite for me?

Nah, you didn't, but now I can't unsee the sword-on-elbow thingy. I shall never forgive you for that.

Pfft. Great response to the "Do you have what it takes" saying.

Thanks. It was the truth.

I find Julius's reason for not finishing Lee off believable.

Looks like those gladiators are good for something more than cannon fodder.

I suppose so.

A fair trade.

I wouldn't say it's fair, but it's the best I could come up with. Either that or kill someone else off, but then I'd just murder Hagar and call it a day, and noone wants that, right? Right...?

I can't help but hear Juluis yell, in a dramatic an powerful voice, "Feel the W!!!"


I actually did yell it when I read this. I felt satisfied.

Runan pokes the guys knee, while his ghost stabs the hip.

I think Runan's split personality is starting to manifest itself in ways beyond his smile.

Hoo, boy...


Thanks to you, too!

Short but sweet.


Was wondering if the star meant anything more than signifying special weaponry.

Like The Roger said, it's just that you cannot fix it with ordinary hammers, you need hammerne. Other than that, yeah, it's just to point out that it's a rare weapon. Sometimes they're personal weapons, but not always.

Sad that his death was unimpressive, but as you said, it's thematically appropriate considering how pointless the battle was. 

My thoughts exactly.

This update in a nutshell.



Bwahahahahahahahahahah! And I didn't expect this to return like this! Pffffhwahahahahahah... took you long enough to come back from your small disappearance, but this was well worth the wait.

Kaga sure was good at gameplay-story integration, wasn't he?

His games may have their flaws, but where he excels, he excels.

Reminds me that I need to get back into playing the Elder Scrolls.

Use my character as a source for inspiration!

There was a heck lot more dialogue in Morrowind, but voice acting everything predictably lead to them having to cut corners.

Meanwhile, you have Oblivion, where Wes Johnson voices half of the cast. Seriously, so far, the most fun I've had has been trying to find Wes Johnson in the most ridiculous scenarios imaginable. Thus far, my favourite is Wes Johnson with a voice moduler as the Dremorans in Oblivion proper.

I think I'll split these into two, since I already spent more time than I intended on this update (two-three days, actually. Intended to complete this earlier, bu then life got in the way. I'm currently visiting relatives in Ohio at the moment).

Sure, sure, but don't take too long. Don't let me press that submit button too soon, lest you'll have one more update to take care of!

...mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.


The update number is sixty-nine:

54hdfpi3 o

Today's map is very easy. See that castle in the middle? Get to it, that's it.

Eq8n7cq6 o1x5xkbzx oOh1fgivn o

First, Hagar kills a thing.

Lsypg9kd o7yene5qa o

Kreiss tests out his new spear. Uuhhh, fancy effect!

Mlelrded oZqemnqc6 o

If you're worried that I am wasting this thing, worry not: counting this one, there are exactly 5 chapters left in the game, 4 with Runan. Over 70 uses aren't running out any time soon.

Man... only 5? Seems like yesterday that I started this thing. A full year... it's my longest run yet, but it's been a blast the whole way through. For me, anyway.

Zwm2yefp oHhzrkn82 oTgbuwlgu o

These two are attacked. The skeleton parked itself next to Norton, but didn't dare try him.

Flo5uqfg oDslkwxuu o

Pfah! I'd completely forgotten he had Vantage. Sheesh, this guy's going to stomp the finale. If I can get my scheme to work, he's going to have earned that returned-from-the-dead pussy. And if not, I'll pull the ending from one of my old files and it'll be LP canon.

Ip6fwv5f oOls9waza o

That done, more experience for Hagar is in order.

74mrh1s2 o


06wtkodi oQkdjmdw8 oKmwit4hg o

This happens...

Omjdm86r oU5bvmuk4 oGclw4ofs o

And then this happens... really, there's nothing to this chapter's gameplay. The text will be great, though, so please remain.

V0vib9u2 o

...nope. Not happening. That's a miss waiting to happen if I ever saw one.

Tuy4dkeu o

That's better for my heart rate.

Vih3ovky o

That... kinda is, too! Took her a while, but she's really powering up. A shame she'll lose a bunch of those stats and her horse next chapter.

This game's finale isn't nearly as harsh on riders as Thracia's, mainly because dismounting is less crippling here, but it still sucks. One of the advantages of using Kreiss and Arkis. Or, y'know, it'd be one of their advantages, if it wasn't for the fact that Raffin, one of the game's objectively best units, is also a Bronze Paladin, and doesn't even lose the dismounted lances and stats when promoting to Wyvern Rider. Frankly, I think it should've been the christmas cavvies' personal class. Just to give them a niche of their own. Or at least make it so Raffin loses the super dismounting when promoting to Wyvern Rider, to make it an actual choice. As it is, only an irresponsible buffoon would choose to leave him as a Paladin.



Wzuqe2be o7snd9cvi o45sjrizy o

I hate this animation, I swear.

Wjcm8bpd o

Not this one, though. Look at that, over three times its healthbar, on a normal blow. Norton, you're fuckin' A tier material!

Y7xeyqkg o

I could capture right now, but I think I'll wait a turn.

Qlxtoki6 o

Just to get this guy's experience.

3z9pmxiv o


9kik5gdz o

Hurr durr time to seize.

1gqtjrnj o

At last, we officially meet you! The game's third protagonist, as far as I'm concerned.

Llibn6rp oIt's a pleasure to finally meet you. I am Runan, of the Duchy of Razelia.

Ih49ob2i oI am Eugen, head strategist of the Champions of Yutona and guardian of Lord Runan.

0zfd96rn o "Head strategist", pfff... yeah, sure. You're as terrible as me! ...which I suppose is fitting, since you're the player character and all.

Yzsfx7qs oI am Resshea, Crown Princess of Sophia and aunt to Prince Sennet.

Llibn6rp oI heard about you from Lady Verna. Good to meet you, Princess Resshea.

Yzsfx7qs oYou're very kind, Lord Runan.

B4cp2kin oI'm Temujin of Erial. So you're Gramud's kid, huh? You definitely look like him.

Llibn6rp oPleased to meet you, Lord Temujin. I know you were good friends with my father.

Fwhksugy oI'm Lord Temujin's daughter, Katrina.

Llibn6rp oLady Katrina! I've heard stories of your legendary swordsmanship!

Fwhksugy oHah, you flatter me, Lord Runan. But I can't compare to my father. He's the real legend around here.

Iomsrst4 o

Llibn6rp oYou...!

K5ueiwj7 oLet's talk about that later...

Llibn6rp oR-Right...

0zfd96rn o Last he saw her, she was desperately trying to cut his head off his shoulders, and he doesn't even know that Barker is dead. So awkward...

8l2hmbwa o

P1zzgcas o Oh, you're here too, after disappearing from the plot for the past 10 chapters or so! Awesome.

Llibn6rp oGeneral Silva! My father told me all about you and your bravery when I was younger!

Aryzhpbb oHow kind of you... After Prince Arless died, the Black Knights were scattered among the new Imperial army. Those of us who stayed together were captured or fled west to Salia.

Cpz3qysn oThankfully, now that the Empire has fallen, the prison camps in the Valley of Zoa are being liberated, and the Black Knights re being reinstated as the Knights of Arless. At the moment, they're working alongside General Theodora's wyvern knights as the main forces of the Army of the Free Canaan. Ah, here she is...

Llibn6rp oGeneral Theodora...

E6ckxgxj oExcuse me for the other day, Lord Runan. I'm currently working to carry on Prince Julius's hope under Prince Sennet. My life is pledged to His Highness.

Yzsfx7qs oSilva's Knights of Arless and Theodora's Knights of Julius are the pride of Canaan.

4mzw5itp o

P1zzgcas o I'm sure, Eugen, I'm sure... wait a moment, Knights of Arless and Knights of Julius? Where are Barker's forces? He didn't have any?

0zfd96rn o ...oh, right. Seamus and Barbarossa.

Cpz3qysn oAnd now, Lord Runan, I'd like to get straight to the point.

0zfd96rn o Wait, hold on! The introductions aren't over yet! Alfred, where's Alfred? He was with you when you found Barker! Remember, white Sage sprite to the right? He didn't say anything there either, but... what in the world is up with that guy? Why is he so stubbornly set on making everyone forget him?

Cpz3qysn oOn behalf of the people of Canaan, I want to apologize. This war was Canaan's responsibility. We have brought great tragedy to the people of Reeve and the other nations of Lieberia. My only goal is to end this war.

1srgzo2p o

Cpz3qysn oThe Kingdom of Canaan and all conquered nations of the Zoa Empire surrender unconditionally to the Kingdom of Reeve. We beg for your forgiveness and that you spare the lives of our people.

Llibn6rp oPrince Sennet...

X0rl0lim o

Llibn6rp oI know that there are some in Reeve who call for retribution against Canaan, but I will not allow it. Our conditions are that the borders of our territory return to as they were before the war, and that we continue to cooperate in the fight against the Cult. Let it be as in the olden days, when our fathers fought side-by-side under one purpose in the Ledan Crusade. What say you to this?

P1zzgcas o I say that the filthy toad has nothing on you. Absolutely nothing.

Cpz3qysn oLord Runan... On behalf of the Kingdom of Canaan, I wish to express my deepest gratitude.

Xb2wpbs5 o

Llibn6rp oLet's get this wrapped up as soon as possible so we can focus on finding her.

Cpz3qysn oAgreed. Thank you, Lord Runan.

Ih49ob2i oPrince Sennet, Lord Runan... I have drawn up the document for the treaty. If it is acceptable to both parties, then please sign your names.

Llibn6rp oLooks good to me.

Cpz3qysn oSame here.

Ih49ob2i oThen, sign here...

K0tbcggh o

Ih49ob2i oReeve and Canaan, two nations allied under one cause! I know your fathers must be proud of you. Lord Runan, Prince Sennet, and all knights and citizens in service thereof... Congratulations!

Ffq373dz o

Woo! This's awesome! Can I get all of them as playable units? I guess not, but still! Hahah, three hurrahs for everyone involved! Hip hip, hurra--

R2gvvzdk oBjw7zbzz o


Stwwdkij o

Cpz3qysn oThat's Rachis! Neyfa, I'm coming...!

Yq1zyn7h o

W1bjm9gj oLike your fathers before you, you will be reduced to ashes! Go, my servant Rachis! Destroy them all!

Ih49ob2i oLord Runan, there's nowhere to hide! It pains me to say it, but it looks like this is the end...

Llibn6rp oNo...

9nuvqouy o

Don't be so negative, Eugen, for Enteh has... teleported from the building she was in to the city hall?

H7nfo5el o

A3liakj5 o......

A3liakj5 oO Goddess Yutona... Give me the strength to protect the one I love...

D0bd8mwt oQxfrwgth o

Llibn6rp oEnteh!? Why would you...

Ih49ob2i oThere's no time for that, Lord Runan! Let Lady Enteh handle this for now! We have to escape from this city!

Rmvstae3 oRixadaff o

On top of Rachis, a bunch of enemy Summoners appear. After next turn, Paladins, Mages and Witches will begin spawning as well.

Twewgbvw oUk0igk66 o

So here's the problem: Rachis flies. Mouse doesn't. Rachis ruins everybody else's day if you let her, and the only way to prevent her from getting to them is by having Enteh enter (heh) her range. She'll take the bait, and they'll spend the rest of the map duking it out. Once this has happened, there's really nothing much more to this. Weak monsters and enemies. I prefer to use this chapter as a way to get nosferatu and swarm tomes for Sierra to use in the final few chapters.

Bhmtrs87 o

For whatever reason, the game claims that the objective is to kill Rachis. While this is, surprisingly enough, a possible feat, it's not something you can do unless you actively prepare for it. The actual objective is to survive for X turns. I'm not sure how many exactly.

Lu2ryzv9 o

But first, this is the last chance we'll get to see both Mousa and Rachis's animations, so let's do this. Enteh's actually had her ring for a while, but like with Katri, I've completely forgotten to make her use it. You could say this is a dragonless run. As dragonless as it gets, anyway.

Aq4ggtac oIabo0uux oW750xgjv o

Just like Neuron and Kranion, this is quite the spectacle. And wait till Rachis gets here.

Fpb2nqyk oHnjji6q1 o

Anyway, Hagar takes the Jeiganed kill.

Ujmczao8 o

That's nice.

Y13uh3xd oUxrjpmpo o

The others mantain their defensive positions.

5xndofkn o

Look, experience!

Yawbfgvt o

Ah, danger! Get outta there, Runan!

Cufdpnsl oImvvcp2y oXrzqvyvn o

These guys are way out of their league.

Ufnxxzog oZvm3urgm o

Always amusing to see something attempt to kill Norton.

Sscg8qwm o

Ohohohohohohohoh! I love this guy, I swear.

Potykay4 oFuocyxmv oAehighmp o


Pfrlfjg6 oNzocfywt o

Here are the main prizes. Thankfully, they're both right next to Sasha.

O3uncthy o

Here we go, longbow magic for Sierra.

Yhuwuhuw o

We did it! Max luck! We made it, folks!

1iydgawd oJmargied o

Time to do this.

6ssyltg5 o392vp83f o


0s75nr6z oZ65pa9wv o54kiuez2 o

Fancy. Those dragon sprites are seriously something else.

Ndrilwxu o

Those two better haul ass south, but other than that, we're safe.

Gmoo2w8q oZlv5ixgo oKnyoccuq o

First, though, a couple of weird frames.

Ymtmyvto oUzbfggr6 o

Gah, so close to one-shotting!

0yiplway o

That's more like it.

Wwqulspp oYahytci1 oBzbrhoz5 o

Southern rider thinks he's very sneaky. But Sierra knows how the cult operates. She's ready for anything.

Jw2fsxqm o


Hbong4c0 o

Getting a little crowded in there.

Tveqx40a o

To the point where this guy doesn't even use his staff, he just... runs forward?

N8lbxp55 oEwpnw03t oGaxpjjo2 o

Aha, perfect! Rachis is exactly where I want her: far away from Hagar.

8jllg0zq o


Cqsmx29n o

Ahah... great.

Mmrdtiag o

And that's about it.

Ls4mqbpj oOfpmmee8 o

Time to get us some life-sucking snakes.

Zj2p1kgn o

Still not liking how crowded this place is, so let's do this.

9rnibvwy oRxyvxdlk oX9lh7ppe o

Here we go, much better. But with the summoners alive, it won't stay that way for long.

Pz5u11cz o

Heck yeah! Best Mage level I've ever seen in this game!

1u6hifec o0uhkisjd o

...that's not.

Kxplqjbg oO77qbrga o
0t3wsec0 o7u4mbbot o

Some more Guardian fighting.

E3vajruh o

Hmmm... well, it's not like we need the experience. Might as well go the whole nine yards!

Dyojlck1 oDjkuqws7 o

All right! The red dots are the enemies. Only three Summoners remain, and if you look closely, you'll realize that one of them is right under all of our troops and the other is trapped between the wall and Mousa. I could probably warp up to the third guy with Sierra, but eh, might as well let him give us a bit of experience.

Pfeh... the mighty Cult of Gerxel, ladies and gentlemen. They got the jump on us, and we still mopped the floor with 'em. These guys are the ones threatening the entire world? They have nothing on Ernst! Nothing at all! Er, disregard the fact that, had Enteh not been here, Rachis would've destroyed us all. Details, details...

Vhdnylwq o

This guy's gotta go, though.

Pnyqw0qf oDp93kwly o

The Ogre guy's so unlucky. He's completely trapped (no, that perfectly open street to his right is out of bounds), and half the Ogres he creates are slaughtered by Rachis.

Bp7ptwls o

Just because the rest of the map is dead, though, doesn't mean these guys will stop appearing.

Mbk2ghgc o

Which is fine by me. By the end of this, I'll have enough Nosferatu to make Sierra all but invincible.

Egyyvzia o8op0vcmz oSqlv5yvr o

Everyone else fights.

Niz35asv o9w43fhhr o0k90zafu o

Yeah... not sure what else to say. This chapter's not all that exciting. It's short, though, so hang in there.

V9np2ucg oPf7osehk o

Kick fuckin' ass! He may be the master of none, but he's one hell of a jack of all trades!

Afnc1mad o

Jesus, the poor Summoner. That dinky little alley must smell pretty horrendously right now...

V23ilhx9 o

Rachis is doing a public service right here.

Y10iv6gi oLzujht7e o

These harpies, man. So stupid!

Lrbyezuu o

They're just making Sasha stronger! Marginally so.

Zlr9l8hu oGw29ii7h o

Why are you playing missing games, Sasha? Are you tired of murder? I sure hope not!

2j3au5rk oTxref7yg o

One more nosferatu tome, and if the map lasts that long, I think I'll get another swarm.

1cc6mcts o9qz7qbst o

For now, though, Meriel does the foul deed.

Fafpnc9d oMwaw6tyj oAwgij4pn o


Olxciryv o

Haven't had Lee do anything today. Or Kate, for that matter. Let's see both their sprites. They're among my favourite sprites for playable units, alongside Zach's magnificent General sprite, and Maruj's unpromoted self.

7munzcyg o2toodgyv o

If you're wondering, she's fighting from up close to try and get a bit more experience. I don't think it's working, but oh well.

Ph7radgh oG19ajdfn o

There are so many monsters stuck in that tiny alley, that the newer ones are starting to spawn outside. That's all right. They'll never make it to us, and even if they did, it wouldn't change a thing.

Xzkxh2wd oI1dqqhko o

I just love that Rachis kills an Ogre every turn by accident.

Mwdebau9 o

Ah, finally, some action for those guys!

Aeyhxxbr oLpoaitjv oI86qbolx o

All of the Harpies go after Mintz. For all the good it does 'em.

Zlebrtjl o

One of the Harpies blocked the Nosferatu Mage, but that's fine. He was not Sasha's target this time around.

Dwyds7ft oYnon9e95 oTeq5by5w o

There we go, a kill for Hagar. Fun times.

Ojkpeexg o


Eseemhut o

Eh, bad, but you can afford it.

Xczljiws oFfipk1kb o

You could probably use a good level, though, so...

14ywsc0j o

So, uh... is this good or...?

Nwbmkbh2 oBoclrhdg o

We can count on Leonie to get good levels.

Kcdn03ud o

Yeah, what I said.

Bbybauq2 oIfidzydv oAeun5ne3 o

Yawn... Okay, so San hasn't seen any action today, but that'll change when that guy attacks her.

6l61mpyl oFtunzd9l oMna8boog o

Never mind, Sennet is here to end the map. Where even were he and his whole team the entire time? Trying to wake up Alfred?

Iroedv3l o
Mflvzdyf o
Hskpvbti oX3oquyik o

Oh. Well, that was painless enough.

E9tz9gih o

Zrfcllhj oSennet... Take this...

Cpz3qysn oThe Ring of Canaan!? But you...

Zrfcllhj oIt's not safe... with me...

Mg6bvkcm o

W1bjm9gj oWhat?! When did she take the Ring...? Rachis, return to me!

Zrfcllhj oAaah...!

Ul0qzcj0 oHk0mbw4q o

W1bjm9gj oNow that I've found Mousa, all the required players are accounted for.

P1zzgcas o So this seems dumb at first glance, but it's actually pretty smart when you think about it. Guenchaos needs the rings to control the dragons. After taking it, Neyfa knew she was safe. However, instead of running away like a headless chicken and getting captured again, she decided to play along and pretend to still be under his thumb, until she could find Sennet to give him the ring before Guenchaos figured out she had it. And it appears her gambit has worked.

0zfd96rn o Now, I won't deny that this still has a couple of holes. Like, what, he just needs to have them? He doesn't need to do anything with them to bend the dragons' will? Even so, did he never try checking his pocket to see if he still had the ring? Also, she will kill my guys if she's given the chance, which is a bit stupid, but eh... I did what I could to explain this sudden (and highly convenient) turn of events.

Yvrqmq7l oUnugp8u5 oTchx2wdj o

Enteh untransforms and says the Anime Namedrop With Elypsis™, and that's where we'll be stopping for today.

Well! Not much excitement in the game proper, but still, the text was cool. Canaan is officially the good guys now, Guenchaos still has two princesses but has no rings to control them with, and Enteh is still safely with us. It'd take some really dumb moves to put us in a disadvantageous spot here. Next time, we continue. See you then, and farewell!

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Who? Hold on...

...why does this guy have a name?

Of course he does. What do you think he is? The continent of Fire Emblem Fates?


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This game's finale isn't nearly as harsh on riders as Thracia's, mainly because dismounting is less crippling here, but it still sucks. One of the advantages of using Kreiss and Arkis.

They also allow mounts to be used on the final map, even though it's still an indoor tileset. A bit inconsistent but I appreciate not having to hold back during the grand finale.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But first, this is the last chance we'll get to see both Mousa and Rachis's animations, so let's do this. Enteh's actually had her ring for a while, but like with Katri, I've completely forgotten to make her use it. You could say this is a dragonless run. As dragonless as it gets, anyway.

Actually you can't actually have her transform until now anyway. Makes sense, I mean she kinda still wanted to hide that whole "I killed your father" thing.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh, bad, but you can afford it.

Let's not forget that she already capped Speed. And Luck of course.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

 So this seems dumb at first glance, but it's actually pretty smart when you think about it. Guenchaos needs the rings to control the dragons. After taking it, Neyfa knew she was safe. However, instead of running away like a headless chicken and getting captured again, she decided to play along and pretend to still be under his thumb, until she could find Sennet to give him the ring before Guenchaos figured out she had it. And it appears her gambit has worked.

Feels weird to think that one of the Shamans may actually have a brain.

Edited by BrightBow
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That little stunt by Neyfa also gives Sennet and Co. some breathing room, since it means Guen knows where she is, so he doesn't have to chase after them.  From the looks of it, Guen looks a little preoccupied, and since he thinks Neyfa is under his control, he won't search her for the ring until later.  And then he'll be mad, but in Neyfa's mind, whatever.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
45sjrizy o

I hate this animation, I swear.

I guess you dislike Alucard and DoS Soma then? *Backsteps aways with afterimages*

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Heck yeah! Best Mage level I've ever seen in this game!

So I wasn't the only one plagued by bad Mage levels! Which isn't a surprise when you look at growths, Mages have altogether growths a notably lower than the physical competition, albeit not as bad as Staffers. Unless you're Sierra and Lee, but neither needs growths all that much.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kcdn03ud o

Yeah, what I said.

You Leonie has 6 more Skl than mine, and was definitely luckier on the 10% Move front. More Def too. And her offense is just as awesome.

This reminds me of my strategy for the next fight (spoilering it in case you don't want to read it right now):


I had Leonie run into the area with Necrodragon pack. None of them had more than a ~10% hit rate on her with a Wooden Bow equipped.

Leonie used Flurry to kill a few of them, but most of them died of halitosis from their fellow Pythonae mortus. -To coin a Greek-Latin scientific Linnaean classification name.

I didn't realize one of the Necrodragons had a Dragon Scale however, and Leonie spent the majority of the battle in a corner keeping the Scaly Necro distracted. When she hit level 40 in this fight, Leonie had with a Wooden Bow 76 Avoid, the Necro had 77 Hit, a 1% chance.

It was a 1% big enough to keep the Necrodragon from considering stopping Runan's efforts to acquire the one thing it fears.:



*Jumps on the Necrodragon as ice freezes it in place, slashes at its gut, and buries itself in the open wound, and begins slurping on its small intestines like noodles as the Necrodragon writhes in undead pain*


"Guenchaos, I'm still hungry..."



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's great! Could you share your team, if you want? No spoilers, although at this point, there aren't many units left to spoil.

Sure, a full history of all the units (I do include those who haven't been recruited, but yet, but I took precautions you'll see):


Physical Units:

  • Runan- Had really bad levelups from beginning to end, even if his stats, assisted by big promotion bonuses, were okay at the end. He usually only got about 2 points per levelup, and usually only one in a good stat. The one time he got a fiver, he followed it with a zero.🙁
  • Holmes- He stole stat gains from Runan, not until later in the game did he fail to earn at least 3 points per level, often in good stats. He was very blessed!
  • Zieg- Clutch for Runan post-Holmes 1st Reunion. Hit level 27 with capped stats. Don't regret it.
  • Arkis, Kreiss, Esther- All three are early Cavs with potential, none lived up to it at all. Esther first showed promise, but then I realized she was behind Arkis and Kreiss even with good levels, was dropped during Runan's post-1st Reunion. Kreiss and Arkis got to levels 16/19 and saw combat as B-rate units until the 2nd Reunion, but both were still very bad with stats barely breaking 10 if at all, and they never promoted.
  • Kate- Tried using her knowing the levels would help a little later, but had bad stat gains. Outdone by Sharon and the better Bow users later.
  • Sasha- Achingly trained her to 10 for Paragon. She was nifty on Runan 1, but had terrible stat gains. 7 Str, 5 Def, 8 Skill. Her only redeeming stats were capped Spd and 22 Lck, a pathetic Caeda (who has massive Skl and WpnLvl too). Sasha didn't even get enough Mastery to salvage her offense with a Levin Sword! 4/10 😑
  • Garo- Used maybe twice. I considered training him, but then I used Barts instead, in part by realizing Garo would be worst by missing on promotion bonuses.
  • Barts- Got him to about level 13, but dumped for the much Samson. For the heck of my last Hero Crest, I trained him more, up to 18, but he remained squishy and not very fast or strong.
  • Raffin- Had good early levelups, and was brilliant as a Wyvern Rider initially. He continued to serve Runan, but his stat gains became poor and he declined to a second-rate unit at the very end, despite Wing and Def Potions being given to him. I still brought him for Lance use in the final fights, but I didn't have him abuse the Salia Lance like I should have. 8.5/10.
  • Julia- Terrible Str, went with Runan post-1R, bad decision that left her unusable. Benched at level 6.
  • Martel- Good Pegasus Knight who always went Holmes, never promoted though she hit 20 during late Holmes 2, a solid flier.
  • Vega- Awesome! Used a little of the first Arena, got very good levels. Went Holmes-Runan-Runan. Strongest Navarre-archtype ever. 
  • Raquel- Queen of the battlefield post-1R on Holmes who did a lot during the Mermel Caves fight and the Leda Valley, then went Runan-Holmes. Great levelups. Love this prepromoted Sniper!
  • Tom- Arena abuser and one-time combat unit. Thank you for the ~40000 Gold won in the time it took you to hit level 30. Was Speed cursed, but Def blessed.
  • Roger- A very solid prepromote from beginning to end, with good stat procs. Always went Holmes to give him a high Move unit.
  • Norton, Billford- Never used, too slow, need more base Def.
  • Sharon- Trained her to level 15, had comparable stats to Kate, but had a much better 18 Spd. Because she went Runan 2 where she did next to nothing, she never got to 20. Nor did she really have a chance to support Raffin there. Though she did, I forget how, spend some quality time with Raffin clearing the boss zone in Raphael's chapter, on the brink of death and weapon depletion that is.
  • Shirou- Just barely reached 20 by the end. Blessed Str and good Spd and Skl, he suffered from having gone Runan 2. I wanted to use him so much.
  • Leonie- I check her growths and saw they were amazing, so I sent her on Holmes 2 to gain levels and become a second Raquel. She did not disappoint, though it did require excess grinding. -But this was my first play of TRS so I wasn't going to be totally LTC. My only unit to hit level 40, on Runan 3.
  • Mintz- He was cool at first with Flurry for easy player phase killing. He went Holmes 2, where he joined Roger as cavalry. But, his poor growths and bases weren't enough, and they, combined with his loss of Flurry and massive dismount losses, meant he had to be benched for the end of Runan 3. I wasted Astra on him.
  • Raphael- Replaced Zieg for Runan 2. Had good stat gains for how poor his growths are. Saw heavy use until Runan went to the Water Shrine. Why can't Caeda's dad be like this guy and join me in Chapter 1 SD/Book 1?
  • Shigen- Started comparable to Vega, at a similar level, with similar stats, albeit more Def but less in other things. Shigen later fell off. No Draco, Dullahan being shoddy, and me wasting his free skill slot on a terrain skill, combined with bad Str gains, meant his offense just couldn't compare. I still promoted him and got him to the low 20s, but he was relatively weak, more than I was expecting. I did Enarmor and Warp him to deal the final blow to Carla with a Brave Sword. And I will say this YOU MUST HAVE SHIGEN KILL CARLA!😤 I don't care if you reload and undo it afterwards for someone to like Lina to do the canon execution honors, but you must kill her with Shigen and it in full here on SF, in this topic, when you get to that. 
  • Samson- Replaced Barts due to better stats and made to level 22 without grinding. He grew like a Myrmidon, he was Str screwed (14), but go 21 Skl and 22 Spd. Me being conservative in rare weapon use, he never touched the Killer Axe, Brave Axe or the Dolharken, which I hesitated to use because his 50 HP and the damage halving didn't seem like enough to compensate for his 9 Def. He didn't see much use later, due to me leaving too many strong units with Holmes, who he was always with.
  • Lionel- Similar to Samson in outcome, but with Lances. He had higher Str, but lower HP, almost comparable Skl and Spd, and a measly 8 Def. Due to that bad Def and Lances being heavy on his Avoid, I never trusted him to tank, which was a hindrance. He procced Move twice though, and reached 21-22 levelwise without grinding.
  • Lionheart- He saw use with Holmes, but dismounting and his shabby bases for the fabled Lord of Selba kept him being as splendid as his semi-parallel as I see it in Raphael.
  • Zachariah- Saw some use with Holmes, and remained with him for Holmes 2, but didn't see much combat there, though I did give him Wrath from Yr Village. He was a good, if slow and offensively a bit lacking, unit for Runan 3 however, his bases are top notch.
  • Frau- I trained her to see if she would make a good partner for Martel or her superior. She made it to like 18 by the end of Holmes 2, with the help from some optional grinding, but I didn't realize how useless that would be. She was arguably better Martel statistically.
  • San- Her face looks a little poorly drawn, a rough draft that didn't get the level of polish you could find in someone like Frau's. But I knew she got Paragon, and the old incomplete walkthrough on SF said Black Knight is a great class. She needed minimal favoritism and next to zero (maybe one or two swamp runs where she shared kills with others) grinding to reach level 19 by the end of Holmes 1. She capped level in Runan 2 and promoted, where she served as Zieg's other replacement. Went Runan 3, and had stats good enough to still fight indoors afterwards. Was Str screwed, but Def blessed, and Skl and Spd were great, so the poor Str didn't really matter.
  • Rina- Despite Sasha (IF her Str ain't bad), San, and Leonie, TRS proved it could produce an awful investment unit. You have to death transfer with the Dakruon if she stands any chance of being trained. And why would you when has a 10% Str growth with a 4 base? Use only if you're a Luck/Move-acholic. I didn't want to use the Dakruon, so I didn't use Rina.
  • Hagar- I considered some Arena abuse for money with him, but I never got the chance. He has great growths across the board though, if you somehow used him, which wouldn't be too bad with the remaining fights mostly indoors.
  • Xeno and Attrom- I tried using Xeno at first, but dumped him and his low bases thinking Shigen and Vega were enough. I never even considered Attrom for being like Xeno. But then I liberated Granada, and I suddenly felt like training Attrom for obvious reasons, and I liked Xeno's earlier scenes with Katri. Both of these young men have excellent growths SF showed me, so they joined Leonie and Frau in a training mission to get into the high teens. I promoted them in Morse Tower with high stats everywhere, putting Shigen to shame. Attrom had a little more in the offensive stats, but Xeno's higher Def made the better of the two. Both stayed with Holmes for the third split, but I honestly didn't need both there, I just kept them there in case of any scenes happening, they did not of course.
  • Yoda- Was sent with Runan to provide him with another powerful infantry unit. Frequent crits and procs meant a good offense, even if he wasn't the highest durability. A prepromote of the highest order that isn't broken.
  • Verna- Fought at Nolzeria, but the poor girl did nothing else.

Utility Units:

  • Enteh, Katri- Mandatory Healers/10. I like the concept of Katri's dragon form, but the ending at the end of the player phase made it too big a risk to use other than contesting Kranion.
  • Lee- Early Physics, good early offense, and Enarmor for Plum (which I barely used). I didn't want Narron the Broken, I had not intentions to get Leticia/Leteena, and Luca is the butt of the Marlon picks. Lee was always useful and always went Runan, where he healed away.
  • Mel- Useful, would have more useful with Runan, but she always had to go Holmes with her husband. Ensorcel helped Alicia and Sierra a couple times.
  • Krishna, Juni, Bud, Narcus, Maerwho- Never used them, except for opening a few chests and doors with Juni and Narcus, who got all the sand treasure. Narcus severely disappointed me when I had him Imitate into Vega, and saw tawdry stats across the board. Narcus is an imposter, he is no Xane. 🤬 IS for not letting Xane and his Emblem Saga happen! What was the problem with Kaga using the world of Archanea and beyond from a separate company?
  • Rebecca- Not Leticia and a substitute for Enteh by the odd chance Runan got not a single other healer. Thats all there is to her, but she did see a little fielding.
  • Plum- Poor healer at the start with Lee and Enteh around, but getting Dance made her good, if not a great Dancer by FE standards. I should have used Enarmor far far more, as is I almost never touched it, all but like one of its consumed uses were spent in the final battle. Went Holmes 2 and 3, though Runan might have wanted her for the 2nd and 3rd splits.
  • Lyria- Thanks to the longggg Mermel Caves battle with Plum dancing, and later Tom Arena abusing, I maxed out that terribly weak Sing's radius. I split her from Attrom and sent her to Runan 3, because eons ago, I read that LTCers like to Empower on the Chu-no-ku to kill Julius. My actual Julius strat was a ~90 Hit Sunflame, a ~80 Hit Slyphid, and then 2 hits of an Empowered Chu-no-ku with ~60 Hit. Viola, on turn 4, I had a 20 use Canaan Lance I never stabbed anything with. But Empower was otherwise underused on my part.
  • Renee- I recall reading leaving her with Holmes many moons past, so I did. Thank Yutona for that! The Fire Shrine swamp battle would otherwise be a nightmarish slog. She then Warpskipped both of the remaining two Holmes fights with Sierra's help. For the final battle, she Warped every physical unit near her away except Attrom to defend her, Mel, and Plum from Witches. She used Exorcise too to get rid of some monsters. A Saint indeed. Proving that Warp is divine, how ever sinfully guilty it makes you feel when you use it.


And to dedicate a section to the Mages:

  • Merric- Took until after level 19 promotion to ever proc Magic.🙁 But had useful early Speed procs, and later did get 2 Magic and even with just that + Sage bonus and despite lacking midgame growth, he had a very good and helpful offense later. A late redemption, but a meaningful one. Went Holmes-Holmes-Runan. I meant to send him Runan the 2nd time, but forgot and I remembered too late. Went Holmes the first time for the second Sylphid, which turned out to be very useful, more than a 10% growths to HP/Mag/Lck/Mast item ever could. Sierra liked Slyphid for Holmes 3, Maruj used Slyphid for Runan 3, I didn't have to choose where to put it.
  • Lindae- I thought she'd replace Maruj and his poor Mag, but she didn't. She did a little helpful combat against high Def foes, but she ended the game at only level 6. Starlight is strong and accurate, but it is heavy, and ruins her EXP gain due to it being a *weapon. Fire Magic is heavy like Starlight, and inaccurate on top of that, not good given her base stats. She went Runan 2 for Aura Rain (which I never used), which further crippled her, since it mean she never had a chance to get easy levels. She clipped the wings of a Condor though, but I didn't time it right to have her Aura Rain them.
  • Ishwen- "Thunder is the master of the skies!"(?) Went Holmes all the way. Slower than Maruj, but I still trained her and her higher Mag to promotion. Useful, more so in the midgame, but not so much at the end due to Warpskip.
  • Sierra- Recruited early by having Shigen suicide on Kranion. I don't need to say much for this lady's reputation in TRS is already great. I fed her a Spirit Potion, a Dragon Potion, and maybe a Wing Potion. She rarely Nostanked though, other than keeping enemy Renee from wasting too many Warp charges, using ordinary tomes or Slyphid much more instead. She warpskipped three fights on Holmes 3's side, but I can't help but think having Plum+Renee and Sierra in a single group was too much Warp, and that Runan should have gotten her. For the final battle, I Enarmored and Ensorceled her so she could warp around, injure Carla, and then Slyphid anything not a Necrodragon to death or near death (sadly she can't double well here), because why not?
  • Rishel from Hell- Vae bae bae Latin I Don't Understand, Valbeline! He takes a little time to recruit, and I was hesitant at first how good he would be because he could only use Fire. Somehow, he overcame the accuracy and weight issues during Runan 2, despite not IIRC seeing that much combat there outside some dedicated training in C25, where he baited the Condors and razed another on the player phase. He had excellent stat gains, 20 Mag and 22 Skl by the end, with good enough Spd and Def (his extra base Move over all the other Mages is extra sweet). I sent him with Runan for the final split, where turned Ernst's Wooden Cavalry into wicker men (a Celtic practice worth looking up) with little fear of death. Sunflame was far more than the gimmick Starlight is, its +10 Def lets Rishel walking into anything physical and survive, its 15 Mt lets him OHKO or cripple anything monster or human, and its 1-3 range gives it extra reach for extra utility and safety. Once he got to level 15 for Slayer, I stopped delaying his promotion because there was no way he was going to reach level 40. Even with so much Sunflame use that I had just less than 30 uses left when the final battle ceased, he managed to reach level 22 or 23. I didn't even need Sunflame all the time, plain old Fire proved absolutely usable for him despite it having ruined Meriel. I'm considering trading my current redhead avi for Rishel in honor of his lategame service. 10/10


Missingos Whose Names Belong in the Book of Unutterable Names:

  • ???- I wish I saw more them in this game, they just did their one job, sadly.
  • ???- Opened a door, and then joined somebody after getting something done to them. They then did something.
  • ???- Does poor damage for the one thing they must do and takes a heavy blow in return. Has growths 40 or 50+ outside of Def, Mastery and Move, all of which are essential trophy growths one sadly never gets to see used meaningfully if ever. I hate that.😣


Did I miss anyone?

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Sorry for the double post, can't edit the one above. 

16 hours ago, BrightBow said:

They also allow mounts to be used on the final map, even though it's still an indoor tileset. A bit inconsistent but I appreciate not having to hold back during the grand finale.


Odd, Mel started dismounted. Though the starting area might be an exception. Oh well.


On 9/2/2019 at 2:10 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

One more name change and he would have been joining at the start of the third turn.

So, Ares? 

Kaga admitted Eldigan was is much like Camus. That Ares betrays the man who has raised him since childhood and joins so easily on his own without any persuasion on the heroes' end in the 2nd Gen, is because you couldn't get Eldigan and IS thought fans would be sad that the Lionhearted was unplayable.


On 9/2/2019 at 2:10 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

It also means you can't Smith Hammer them. They need the Hammerne for repairs. It also appears next to the names of characters whose death is a game over.

And EXP gain I believe. Unless it's a boss or maybe something else, you get reduced EXP if you kill an enemy with a starred weapon. I tried using Slyphid to kill some Gargoyles with Maruj a few times, I noticed he got less than he got with Thunder or something else common. A result I thought I saw again with Starlight, Dire Thunder, and the Sol. But someone could double check me.

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23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

 He's rude, arrogant, a kleptomaniac, emotionally unstable, and half the time he doesn't even understand what's going on around him.

You know, I'm unsure if you're describing your Oblivion character or Holmes.


23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I really like the guy's character, but I cannot deny that Lorenz has to be one of the worst units in the game. Seriously, those bases are unsalvageable so late into the game. No wonder he got whooped by Lang in FE12...

By the way, I just want to say, I hate that googling "fire emblem lorenz" now only gets results for the other Lorenz. Heck - even searching "fire emblem archanea Lorenz" gets you the other one before the good one! I still can't get over that. Was it so difficult to call him Lawrence, or at least Lorenzo? Or, you know, fucking Rick?!

Maybe they could have called him Mortimer. But to be fair you'd have to be of a high IQ to understand the jokes about Lorenz' name. Also, I was more thinking units you used in OTHER games were implicated to be worse. I'm sure there's some knight worse than Shadow Dragon Macellan. Like say, Barth.


23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know much about Iago, but someone who does, please tell me how Thales fares against him. I know everyone hates Iago, so I figure it's a fair comparison. Because thus far, Thales has got to be the worst Gharnef in the entire series that I am familiar with. Even the original Gharnef had more to him. In the NES game.

To put it bluntly... while they are both substandard villains... Thales at least has an endgoal. There's literally no logical reason for Iago to be undermining any chance of Corrin staying on side with Nohr through the entirety of Conquest except the fact that he's a evil for the sake of being evil. Despite supposedly being a tactician, his approach to allies puts Martel's stupidity with Niime to shame. In other routes, he's bland. In Conquest he's traded his two remaining brain cells for more screen time.


23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hmmmmmmm... luck, luck...

It's The Roger (because his death was bullshit), or me. Just... just me. I mean, technically it's been a few updates since plot!me last showed his face.

Well, actually I was going to go with two characters. One of whom isn't playable and is usually fleeing the other.


23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I think it's fun in a way to have a literal villain that's playable. But yeah, he's just that - a villain. No stupid feelings when feathering him.

Though, his supports are fun. His B support with Caspar that ends with him declaring "I suppose there's no cure for idiocy" was great. His A with Bernadetta almost made him human. But my favourite part is his delightfully devilish post-timeskip design. He looks like someone crossed an SS officer with Dracula. There's just this brilliant degree of evil and authority.


23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Himmler! He has more lines than Himmler! There we go. He's important all right.

Speaking of SS officers, how'd Himmler get to his position without talking?


23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It'd be awesome if he was a villain in Luigi's Mansion. Like, say, he was threatened / paid off / mind-controlled by the ghosts into fighting Luigi, since he's inmune to the poltergust. Maybe it could even end with them begrudgingly forming an alliance against the boos, when they became more and more of a threat. Or, if they were to fight, it'd make for a pretty different battle, as you couldn't use the poltergust on him, instead having to rely on other tactics, such as launching things at him.

I was thinking more he comes in to raid the Mansion of treasures and is busy setting traps and tricks to stop Luigi beating him to any of it. Things like bombing staircases to wreck them, dropping you into parts of the Mansion through trap doors and so on. It'd be a method of giving you reason to go to parts of the Mansion you might not have otherwise to find ways to disarm the traps/alternate paths (kind of like the times Polterpup ran off with things in 2, but more varied). Eventually you'd corner him and take him out in a fight. He'd spend the rest of the game in a cell in E. Gadd's lab. Though my idea is kind of based off Knuckles in his earliest appearances back in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.


23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why- why would Hagar lick this guy?! He's into girls! This guy's a toad, a toad!

You don't have that urban myth about x group of people (originally hippies, but it's been surfers at least once) licking toads to get high in Spain? (Funny enough some toads do secret chemicals that would allow it, but you'll likely have a damn unpleasant time because it's a defense mechanism. Also salmonella).


On 9/4/2019 at 2:22 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pw9vgrak o

We did it, folks. Last in the series. And probably the one that best explains what TRS is all about.

Yeah. The fact Holmes isn't the scared one is apt. He's too dim to be.


On 9/4/2019 at 2:22 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

He was a terrible singer, so Enteh thought he was in pain and used her staff on him.

Enteh obviously thought he was croaking.
I'd do a parody of the theme song, but I've never actually watched the movie. So... I'd have to learn it first. That said, the "Phantom of the Sewer" would be a smash hit.

On 9/4/2019 at 2:22 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

When will they drop, then? He's 80 years old, at least!

I meant Mario series Toads balls haven't dropped yet, as their voice shows. This guy's balls can't drop, assuming he has them. Toads (amphibians) have theirs stored internally.


On 9/4/2019 at 2:22 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Wait, hold on! The introductions aren't over yet! Alfred, where's Alfred? He was with you when you found Barker! Remember, white Sage sprite to the right? He didn't say anything there either, but... what in the world is up with that guy? Why is he so stubbornly set on making everyone forget him?

He had a bet with Tomas on who could make more people forget he existed.


On 9/4/2019 at 2:22 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Yhuwuhuw o

We did it! Max luck! We made it, folks!

How does the Historian keep escaping her with that kind of luck stat?


On 9/4/2019 at 2:22 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well! Not much excitement in the game proper, but still, the text was cool. Canaan is officially the good guys now, Guenchaos still has two princesses but has no rings to control them with, and Enteh is still safely with us. It'd take some really dumb moves to put us in a disadvantageous spot here. Next time, we continue. See you then, and farewell!

I'd squeeze in Luck Fails here for no reason other than the lack of things I had to say on the update itself, but right now... I think it'd be more prudent to get some sleep.

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1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Yeah. The fact Holmes isn't the scared one is apt. He's too dim to be.


Have to disagree on Holmes. He is the only of the four "lords" to not be a copy of someone prior. His personality can be criticized as insensitive, and he could be nicer to Katri, but it is refreshing when Runan's has been done to death in FE. Not to say the Marthian personality is wholly unlikeable, I do like FEB2 Marth and Leif, but Runan IMO doesn't stand out positively for me, I say kinda bland. Picks up a bit later I admit.

Runan is at his best when he has someone not-so-proper to be bounced off of, who breaks their properness and makes them seem more real. And Holmes provides once such personality. Likewise, I find Eliwood's best moments to be with Hector, or maybe Lyn. EliwoodxNinian bores me to tears, Fiora ain't any better; why even Marcus can be a good counter to Eliwood's straightman. Not to say I love jocks, Ephraim is on the whole a jockstrap to me (but I'll still give him credit in the funnies with L'Arachel).

Holmes furthermore seems smarter than Runan, and much more capable on his own. You're little assessment of Holmes is undermined by the fact he knows he has made a bad move when he sees Kranion. Not one of those fools who plunge blindly into battle aggressively.

Don't try to disagree. You can't reach out and fire back, but I can to you, I've got a Blessed Bow.😜


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So, seeing as I decided to do it (based off earlier jokes)...  I took the version of the Phantom of the Opera theme in the following spoiler tab, and made "The Amphibian of the Sewer". Note that blue is Enteh, Green is Tatus the Man-frog, and purple is both. The Gold should be obvious.



That creep he sang to me 
My ears aflame.
That bullfrog calls to me
And croaks my name
And do I hallucinate,
Or see this sight
The Amphibian of the Sewer is there,
A horrid blight.

Sing once again for me.
Your voice fills my soul.
Women have shunned my form
Since I were a young tadpole
And though you turn from me, a rebuke unkind
The Amphibian of the Sewer is there
Our fates entwined.

Those who have seen your face
Draw back in disgust
The lies drip from your tongue,
I cannot trust.

My/Your future and my/your nation's health
In one combined
The Amphibian of the Sewer is there

Goddess strike me blind.

He’s about, the Amphibian of the Sewer
Look out, the Amphibian of the Sewer

It is your destiny, 
You always knew.
We will make history.
This toad and you.
And beneath this manhole here,
I lurk inside

The Amphibian of the Sewer is here/there
You'll be my bride.

Sing for me my bride to be.

Lady Enteh, Lord Runan informed me that you wished to borrow my mop.

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Part 70 - The Sable Mayor.

Today, I learned that there is a company named Ernst & Young out there.

Agylelqx o

That is all.


On 9/3/2019 at 9:44 PM, BrightBow said:

Of course he does. What do you think he is? The continent of Fire Emblem Fates?

Well, he could also be from Fodlan. Y'know, the game where there's four bosses who have more lives than a cat and everyone else hasn't a name?

Actually you can't actually have her transform until now anyway. Makes sense, I mean she kinda still wanted to hide that whole "I killed your father" thing.

Ah, huh. Didn't know that. I guess that goes to show how little thought I've ever paid to the dragon gimmick. Perhaps too little.

Let's not forget that she already capped Speed. And Luck of course.

And that strength is far too much for her growths. She's completely blessed and I love it.

Feels weird to think that one of the Shamans may actually have a brain.

Right? But that's the reality we live in!


On 9/3/2019 at 10:41 PM, eclipse said:

That little stunt by Neyfa also gives Sennet and Co. some breathing room, since it means Guen knows where she is, so he doesn't have to chase after them.  From the looks of it, Guen looks a little preoccupied, and since he thinks Neyfa is under his control, he won't search her for the ring until later.  And then he'll be mad, but in Neyfa's mind, whatever.

She's quite smart. Definitely beats both Enteh and Katri. Once again, an unplayable NPC is better than my guys...


On 9/4/2019 at 2:32 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

I guess you dislike Alucard and DoS Soma then? *Backsteps aways with afterimages*

Not really, I like trials. I just dislike this animation in particular. It's the default strike, but in the last frame she freezes and seamlessly slides to the left. Lazy.

So I wasn't the only one plagued by bad Mage levels! Which isn't a surprise when you look at growths, Mages have altogether growths a notably lower than the physical competition, albeit not as bad as Staffers. Unless you're Sierra and Lee, but neither needs growths all that much.

Sierra and Lee have even lower growths than the others, but they've other aces up their sleeves to compensate.

You Leonie has 6 more Skl than mine, and was definitely luckier on the 10% Move front. More Def too. And her offense is just as awesome.

Yeah, on top of Leonie being amazing on her own, mine is also a really good Leonie. I wasn't quite as blessed with move as it may appear here (keep in mind that she has Urbanite, she was given an extra point of move in this map), but still, three whole move levels is really good, especially when you consider she got one of those as soon as Fort Balt.

This reminds me of my strategy for the next fight (spoilering it in case you don't want to read it right now):

  Reveal hidden contents

I had Leonie run into the area with Necrodragon pack. None of them had more than a ~10% hit rate on her with a Wooden Bow equipped.

Leonie used Flurry to kill a few of them, but most of them died of halitosis from their fellow Pythonae mortus. -To coin a Greek-Latin scientific Linnaean classification name.

I didn't realize one of the Necrodragons had a Dragon Scale however, and Leonie spent the majority of the battle in a corner keeping the Scaly Necro distracted. When she hit level 40 in this fight, Leonie had with a Wooden Bow 76 Avoid, the Necro had 77 Hit, a 1% chance.

It was a 1% big enough to keep the Necrodragon from considering stopping Runan's efforts to acquire the one thing it fears.:

  Reveal hidden contents


*Jumps on the Necrodragon as ice freezes it in place, slashes at its gut, and buries itself in the open wound, and begins slurping on its small intestines like noodles as the Necrodragon writhes in undead pain*


"Guenchaos, I'm still hungry..."


Good one, but I've got something else in mind.

Sure, a full history of all the units (I do include those who haven't been recruited, but yet, but I took precautions you'll see):

  Reveal hidden contents

Physical Units:

  • Runan- Had really bad levelups from beginning to end, even if his stats, assisted by big promotion bonuses, were okay at the end. He usually only got about 2 points per levelup, and usually only one in a good stat. The one time he got a fiver, he followed it with a zero.🙁
  • Holmes- He stole stat gains from Runan, not until later in the game did he fail to earn at least 3 points per level, often in good stats. He was very blessed!
  • Zieg- Clutch for Runan post-Holmes 1st Reunion. Hit level 27 with capped stats. Don't regret it.
  • Arkis, Kreiss, Esther- All three are early Cavs with potential, none lived up to it at all. Esther first showed promise, but then I realized she was behind Arkis and Kreiss even with good levels, was dropped during Runan's post-1st Reunion. Kreiss and Arkis got to levels 16/19 and saw combat as B-rate units until the 2nd Reunion, but both were still very bad with stats barely breaking 10 if at all, and they never promoted.
  • Kate- Tried using her knowing the levels would help a little later, but had bad stat gains. Outdone by Sharon and the better Bow users later.
  • Sasha- Achingly trained her to 10 for Paragon. She was nifty on Runan 1, but had terrible stat gains. 7 Str, 5 Def, 8 Skill. Her only redeeming stats were capped Spd and 22 Lck, a pathetic Caeda (who has massive Skl and WpnLvl too). Sasha didn't even get enough Mastery to salvage her offense with a Levin Sword! 4/10 😑
  • Garo- Used maybe twice. I considered training him, but then I used Barts instead, in part by realizing Garo would be worst by missing on promotion bonuses.
  • Barts- Got him to about level 13, but dumped for the much Samson. For the heck of my last Hero Crest, I trained him more, up to 18, but he remained squishy and not very fast or strong.
  • Raffin- Had good early levelups, and was brilliant as a Wyvern Rider initially. He continued to serve Runan, but his stat gains became poor and he declined to a second-rate unit at the very end, despite Wing and Def Potions being given to him. I still brought him for Lance use in the final fights, but I didn't have him abuse the Salia Lance like I should have. 8.5/10.
  • Julia- Terrible Str, went with Runan post-1R, bad decision that left her unusable. Benched at level 6.
  • Martel- Good Pegasus Knight who always went Holmes, never promoted though she hit 20 during late Holmes 2, a solid flier.
  • Vega- Awesome! Used a little of the first Arena, got very good levels. Went Holmes-Runan-Runan. Strongest Navarre-archtype ever. 
  • Raquel- Queen of the battlefield post-1R on Holmes who did a lot during the Mermel Caves fight and the Leda Valley, then went Runan-Holmes. Great levelups. Love this prepromoted Sniper!
  • Tom- Arena abuser and one-time combat unit. Thank you for the ~40000 Gold won in the time it took you to hit level 30. Was Speed cursed, but Def blessed.
  • Roger- A very solid prepromote from beginning to end, with good stat procs. Always went Holmes to give him a high Move unit.
  • Norton, Billford- Never used, too slow, need more base Def.
  • Sharon- Trained her to level 15, had comparable stats to Kate, but had a much better 18 Spd. Because she went Runan 2 where she did next to nothing, she never got to 20. Nor did she really have a chance to support Raffin there. Though she did, I forget how, spend some quality time with Raffin clearing the boss zone in Raphael's chapter, on the brink of death and weapon depletion that is.
  • Shirou- Just barely reached 20 by the end. Blessed Str and good Spd and Skl, he suffered from having gone Runan 2. I wanted to use him so much.
  • Leonie- I check her growths and saw they were amazing, so I sent her on Holmes 2 to gain levels and become a second Raquel. She did not disappoint, though it did require excess grinding. -But this was my first play of TRS so I wasn't going to be totally LTC. My only unit to hit level 40, on Runan 3.
  • Mintz- He was cool at first with Flurry for easy player phase killing. He went Holmes 2, where he joined Roger as cavalry. But, his poor growths and bases weren't enough, and they, combined with his loss of Flurry and massive dismount losses, meant he had to be benched for the end of Runan 3. I wasted Astra on him.
  • Raphael- Replaced Zieg for Runan 2. Had good stat gains for how poor his growths are. Saw heavy use until Runan went to the Water Shrine. Why can't Caeda's dad be like this guy and join me in Chapter 1 SD/Book 1?
  • Shigen- Started comparable to Vega, at a similar level, with similar stats, albeit more Def but less in other things. Shigen later fell off. No Draco, Dullahan being shoddy, and me wasting his free skill slot on a terrain skill, combined with bad Str gains, meant his offense just couldn't compare. I still promoted him and got him to the low 20s, but he was relatively weak, more than I was expecting. I did Enarmor and Warp him to deal the final blow to Carla with a Brave Sword. And I will say this YOU MUST HAVE SHIGEN KILL CARLA!😤 I don't care if you reload and undo it afterwards for someone to like Lina to do the canon execution honors, but you must kill her with Shigen and it in full here on SF, in this topic, when you get to that. 
  • Samson- Replaced Barts due to better stats and made to level 22 without grinding. He grew like a Myrmidon, he was Str screwed (14), but go 21 Skl and 22 Spd. Me being conservative in rare weapon use, he never touched the Killer Axe, Brave Axe or the Dolharken, which I hesitated to use because his 50 HP and the damage halving didn't seem like enough to compensate for his 9 Def. He didn't see much use later, due to me leaving too many strong units with Holmes, who he was always with.
  • Lionel- Similar to Samson in outcome, but with Lances. He had higher Str, but lower HP, almost comparable Skl and Spd, and a measly 8 Def. Due to that bad Def and Lances being heavy on his Avoid, I never trusted him to tank, which was a hindrance. He procced Move twice though, and reached 21-22 levelwise without grinding.
  • Lionheart- He saw use with Holmes, but dismounting and his shabby bases for the fabled Lord of Selba kept him being as splendid as his semi-parallel as I see it in Raphael.
  • Zachariah- Saw some use with Holmes, and remained with him for Holmes 2, but didn't see much combat there, though I did give him Wrath from Yr Village. He was a good, if slow and offensively a bit lacking, unit for Runan 3 however, his bases are top notch.
  • Frau- I trained her to see if she would make a good partner for Martel or her superior. She made it to like 18 by the end of Holmes 2, with the help from some optional grinding, but I didn't realize how useless that would be. She was arguably better Martel statistically.
  • San- Her face looks a little poorly drawn, a rough draft that didn't get the level of polish you could find in someone like Frau's. But I knew she got Paragon, and the old incomplete walkthrough on SF said Black Knight is a great class. She needed minimal favoritism and next to zero (maybe one or two swamp runs where she shared kills with others) grinding to reach level 19 by the end of Holmes 1. She capped level in Runan 2 and promoted, where she served as Zieg's other replacement. Went Runan 3, and had stats good enough to still fight indoors afterwards. Was Str screwed, but Def blessed, and Skl and Spd were great, so the poor Str didn't really matter.
  • Rina- Despite Sasha (IF her Str ain't bad), San, and Leonie, TRS proved it could produce an awful investment unit. You have to death transfer with the Dakruon if she stands any chance of being trained. And why would you when has a 10% Str growth with a 4 base? Use only if you're a Luck/Move-acholic. I didn't want to use the Dakruon, so I didn't use Rina.
  • Hagar- I considered some Arena abuse for money with him, but I never got the chance. He has great growths across the board though, if you somehow used him, which wouldn't be too bad with the remaining fights mostly indoors.
  • Xeno and Attrom- I tried using Xeno at first, but dumped him and his low bases thinking Shigen and Vega were enough. I never even considered Attrom for being like Xeno. But then I liberated Granada, and I suddenly felt like training Attrom for obvious reasons, and I liked Xeno's earlier scenes with Katri. Both of these young men have excellent growths SF showed me, so they joined Leonie and Frau in a training mission to get into the high teens. I promoted them in Morse Tower with high stats everywhere, putting Shigen to shame. Attrom had a little more in the offensive stats, but Xeno's higher Def made the better of the two. Both stayed with Holmes for the third split, but I honestly didn't need both there, I just kept them there in case of any scenes happening, they did not of course.
  • Yoda- Was sent with Runan to provide him with another powerful infantry unit. Frequent crits and procs meant a good offense, even if he wasn't the highest durability. A prepromote of the highest order that isn't broken.
  • Verna- Fought at Nolzeria, but the poor girl did nothing else.

Utility Units:

  • Enteh, Katri- Mandatory Healers/10. I like the concept of Katri's dragon form, but the ending at the end of the player phase made it too big a risk to use other than contesting Kranion.
  • Lee- Early Physics, good early offense, and Enarmor for Plum (which I barely used). I didn't want Narron the Broken, I had not intentions to get Leticia/Leteena, and Luca is the butt of the Marlon picks. Lee was always useful and always went Runan, where he healed away.
  • Mel- Useful, would have more useful with Runan, but she always had to go Holmes with her husband. Ensorcel helped Alicia and Sierra a couple times.
  • Krishna, Juni, Bud, Narcus, Maerwho- Never used them, except for opening a few chests and doors with Juni and Narcus, who got all the sand treasure. Narcus severely disappointed me when I had him Imitate into Vega, and saw tawdry stats across the board. Narcus is an imposter, he is no Xane. 🤬 IS for not letting Xane and his Emblem Saga happen! What was the problem with Kaga using the world of Archanea and beyond from a separate company?
  • Rebecca- Not Leticia and a substitute for Enteh by the odd chance Runan got not a single other healer. Thats all there is to her, but she did see a little fielding.
  • Plum- Poor healer at the start with Lee and Enteh around, but getting Dance made her good, if not a great Dancer by FE standards. I should have used Enarmor far far more, as is I almost never touched it, all but like one of its consumed uses were spent in the final battle. Went Holmes 2 and 3, though Runan might have wanted her for the 2nd and 3rd splits.
  • Lyria- Thanks to the longggg Mermel Caves battle with Plum dancing, and later Tom Arena abusing, I maxed out that terribly weak Sing's radius. I split her from Attrom and sent her to Runan 3, because eons ago, I read that LTCers like to Empower on the Chu-no-ku to kill Julius. My actual Julius strat was a ~90 Hit Sunflame, a ~80 Hit Slyphid, and then 2 hits of an Empowered Chu-no-ku with ~60 Hit. Viola, on turn 4, I had a 20 use Canaan Lance I never stabbed anything with. But Empower was otherwise underused on my part.
  • Renee- I recall reading leaving her with Holmes many moons past, so I did. Thank Yutona for that! The Fire Shrine swamp battle would otherwise be a nightmarish slog. She then Warpskipped both of the remaining two Holmes fights with Sierra's help. For the final battle, she Warped every physical unit near her away except Attrom to defend her, Mel, and Plum from Witches. She used Exorcise too to get rid of some monsters. A Saint indeed. Proving that Warp is divine, how ever sinfully guilty it makes you feel when you use it.


And to dedicate a section to the Mages:

  • Merric- Took until after level 19 promotion to ever proc Magic.🙁 But had useful early Speed procs, and later did get 2 Magic and even with just that + Sage bonus and despite lacking midgame growth, he had a very good and helpful offense later. A late redemption, but a meaningful one. Went Holmes-Holmes-Runan. I meant to send him Runan the 2nd time, but forgot and I remembered too late. Went Holmes the first time for the second Sylphid, which turned out to be very useful, more than a 10% growths to HP/Mag/Lck/Mast item ever could. Sierra liked Slyphid for Holmes 3, Maruj used Slyphid for Runan 3, I didn't have to choose where to put it.
  • Lindae- I thought she'd replace Maruj and his poor Mag, but she didn't. She did a little helpful combat against high Def foes, but she ended the game at only level 6. Starlight is strong and accurate, but it is heavy, and ruins her EXP gain due to it being a *weapon. Fire Magic is heavy like Starlight, and inaccurate on top of that, not good given her base stats. She went Runan 2 for Aura Rain (which I never used), which further crippled her, since it mean she never had a chance to get easy levels. She clipped the wings of a Condor though, but I didn't time it right to have her Aura Rain them.
  • Ishwen- "Thunder is the master of the skies!"(?) Went Holmes all the way. Slower than Maruj, but I still trained her and her higher Mag to promotion. Useful, more so in the midgame, but not so much at the end due to Warpskip.
  • Sierra- Recruited early by having Shigen suicide on Kranion. I don't need to say much for this lady's reputation in TRS is already great. I fed her a Spirit Potion, a Dragon Potion, and maybe a Wing Potion. She rarely Nostanked though, other than keeping enemy Renee from wasting too many Warp charges, using ordinary tomes or Slyphid much more instead. She warpskipped three fights on Holmes 3's side, but I can't help but think having Plum+Renee and Sierra in a single group was too much Warp, and that Runan should have gotten her. For the final battle, I Enarmored and Ensorceled her so she could warp around, injure Carla, and then Slyphid anything not a Necrodragon to death or near death (sadly she can't double well here), because why not?
  • Rishel from Hell- Vae bae bae Latin I Don't Understand, Valbeline! He takes a little time to recruit, and I was hesitant at first how good he would be because he could only use Fire. Somehow, he overcame the accuracy and weight issues during Runan 2, despite not IIRC seeing that much combat there outside some dedicated training in C25, where he baited the Condors and razed another on the player phase. He had excellent stat gains, 20 Mag and 22 Skl by the end, with good enough Spd and Def (his extra base Move over all the other Mages is extra sweet). I sent him with Runan for the final split, where turned Ernst's Wooden Cavalry into wicker men (a Celtic practice worth looking up) with little fear of death. Sunflame was far more than the gimmick Starlight is, its +10 Def lets Rishel walking into anything physical and survive, its 15 Mt lets him OHKO or cripple anything monster or human, and its 1-3 range gives it extra reach for extra utility and safety. Once he got to level 15 for Slayer, I stopped delaying his promotion because there was no way he was going to reach level 40. Even with so much Sunflame use that I had just less than 30 uses left when the final battle ceased, he managed to reach level 22 or 23. I didn't even need Sunflame all the time, plain old Fire proved absolutely usable for him despite it having ruined Meriel. I'm considering trading my current redhead avi for Rishel in honor of his lategame service. 10/10


Missingos Whose Names Belong in the Book of Unutterable Names:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • ???- I wish I saw more them in this game, they just did their one job, sadly.
  • ???- Opened a door, and then joined somebody after getting something done to them. They then did something.
  • ???- Does poor damage for the one thing they must do and takes a heavy blow in return. Has growths 40 or 50+ outside of Def, Mastery and Move, all of which are essential trophy growths one sadly never gets to see used meaningfully if ever. I hate that.😣


I love how different your team is from mine, aside from a couple coincidences. That's the beauty of Fire Emblem, and this FE knock-off is definitely no exception.

About the big, all caps request, worry not, I've seen that scene before and I already fully intended to show that off.

Did I miss anyone?

Don't think so, no.


On 9/4/2019 at 2:06 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sorry for the double post, can't edit the one above. 

Don't worry about it, I forgive you.

Odd, Mel started dismounted. Though the starting area might be an exception. Oh well.

Yeah, I think that's it.

So, Ares? 

Kaga admitted Eldigan was is much like Camus. That Ares betrays the man who has raised him since childhood and joins so easily on his own without any persuasion on the heroes' end in the 2nd Gen, is because you couldn't get Eldigan and IS thought fans would be sad that the Lionhearted was unplayable.

Huh. Neat.

And EXP gain I believe. Unless it's a boss or maybe something else, you get reduced EXP if you kill an enemy with a starred weapon. I tried using Slyphid to kill some Gargoyles with Maruj a few times, I noticed he got less than he got with Thunder or something else common. A result I thought I saw again with Starlight, Dire Thunder, and the Sol. But someone could double check me.

Actually, that has nothing to do with the star. It depends on the "score" stat: the higher it is, the lower the unit's EXP gains are. Since rare weapons are always very strong, they make the wielder's score skyrocket, hence the EXP reduction.


On 9/4/2019 at 3:24 PM, BrightBow said:

Yup. Once they are past the stairs, everyone is free to get on their mounts.

That's what I recall, yes.


On 9/4/2019 at 6:52 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

You know, I'm unsure if you're describing your Oblivion character or Holmes.

Hah! Could really go both ways, could it not.

Maybe they could have called him Mortimer. But to be fair you'd have to be of a high IQ to understand the jokes about Lorenz' name.

You need a very high IQ to understand why the hell they'd reuse so many names in a single game.

Also, I was more thinking units you used in OTHER games were implicated to be worse. I'm sure there's some knight worse than Shadow Dragon Macellan. Like say, Barth.

Ahahahahahahehehehehehehehohohohohohoh... yeah, no. Macellan is as bad as it gets. He's a weeeeeeee bit better than Wendy, and that's exactly it. Barth is fuckin' Seth compared to Macellan. He may be stinky, but he can tank something, even if he's unable to hit back or anything. Macellan just about survives one round of combat, which puts him ahead of Wendy, but beyond that...

To put it bluntly... while they are both substandard villains... Thales at least has an endgoal. There's literally no logical reason for Iago to be undermining any chance of Corrin staying on side with Nohr through the entirety of Conquest except the fact that he's a evil for the sake of being evil. Despite supposedly being a tactician, his approach to allies puts Martel's stupidity with Niime to shame. In other routes, he's bland. In Conquest he's traded his two remaining brain cells for more screen time.

I see, so Thales is better. All right, thanks. Good to know we can still agree that Fates bad. Even though I've never said that. Or know anything about fates. All in all, I still think the top strategy game of the Switch is Mario and Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.

Well, actually I was going to go with two characters. One of whom isn't playable and is usually fleeing the other.

Ahahahahah... of course, of course. Well, I won't say much, but I will tell you that we haven't seen the last of him yet.

Though, his supports are fun. His B support with Caspar that ends with him declaring "I suppose there's no cure for idiocy" was great. His A with Bernadetta almost made him human. But my favourite part is his delightfully devilish post-timeskip design. He looks like someone crossed an SS officer with Dracula. There's just this brilliant degree of evil and authority.

Yeah, like I said, his character is a lot of fun. When he's an enemy, he's an irredeemable villain and that's it, but the fact that he can be playable is just hilarious. It's like the FE12 DLC chapter where you control the villains, only he's in the main game.

Speaking of SS officers, how'd Himmler get to his position without talking?

I... have no idea. He's just sort of there in Tomas's chapter. He's an enigma.

I was thinking more he comes in to raid the Mansion of treasures and is busy setting traps and tricks to stop Luigi beating him to any of it. Things like bombing staircases to wreck them, dropping you into parts of the Mansion through trap doors and so on. It'd be a method of giving you reason to go to parts of the Mansion you might not have otherwise to find ways to disarm the traps/alternate paths (kind of like the times Polterpup ran off with things in 2, but more varied). Eventually you'd corner him and take him out in a fight. He'd spend the rest of the game in a cell in E. Gadd's lab. Though my idea is kind of based off Knuckles in his earliest appearances back in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Ah, yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe even throw in a redemption arc, where at the end of the game he escapes from captivity and seems to mean to fight Luigi, but instead takes out a ghost behind him and they form an alliance for the endgame.

I don't know, there's something oddly interesting about the idea of Luigi and Waluigi working back-to-back. I'd love to see that.

You don't have that urban myth about x group of people (originally hippies, but it's been surfers at least once) licking toads to get high in Spain? (Funny enough some toads do secret chemicals that would allow it, but you'll likely have a damn unpleasant time because it's a defense mechanism. Also salmonella).

I... I don't think I've ever heard of it, no. I know there are toxic frogs, but... this Holmes-tier stupidity? I had no idea.

Yeah. The fact Holmes isn't the scared one is apt. He's too dim to be.

I mean, he does seem a bit scared. Angry-scared.

Enteh obviously thought he was croaking.

Pffft! I hate that I didn't think of this.
I'd do a parody of the theme song, but I've never actually watched the movie. So... I'd have to learn it first. That said, the "Phantom of the Sewer" would be a smash hit.

Please get to it at once.

I meant Mario series Toads balls haven't dropped yet, as their voice shows. This guy's balls can't drop, assuming he has them. Toads (amphibians) have theirs stored internally.

Oh God... yuck!

He had a bet with Tomas on who could make more people forget he existed.

Hwahahahahahahahahahah... Ironic, that they've both failed miserably, since I remember them both.

How does the Historian keep escaping her with that kind of luck stat?

His is even higher.

I'd squeeze in Luck Fails here for no reason other than the lack of things I had to say on the update itself, but right now... I think it'd be more prudent to get some sleep.

Yes, please have a good night. I know I am days too late, but still! The thought is what counts, right?


On 9/4/2019 at 7:59 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Have to disagree on Holmes. He is the only of the four "lords" to not be a copy of someone prior. His personality can be criticized as insensitive, and he could be nicer to Katri, but it is refreshing when Runan's has been done to death in FE. Not to say the Marthian personality is wholly unlikeable, I do like FEB2 Marth and Leif, but Runan IMO doesn't stand out positively for me, I say kinda bland. Picks up a bit later I admit.

Okay, I disagree with multiple of your points (FEB2 Marth, any of the non-SD Marths really, is absolutely inferior to Shadow Dragon Marth), but I can respect your opinion, and I do see the appeal of Holmes, even if I do not particularly like him that much. I also have a soft spot for Runan. I don't really think he's as bland as you say he is. His personality is standard, but he's well-written at that, and he's shown to have his moments of snark and shrewdness.

Runan is at his best when he has someone not-so-proper to be bounced off of, who breaks their properness and makes them seem more real. And Holmes provides once such personality. Likewise, I find Eliwood's best moments to be with Hector, or maybe Lyn. EliwoodxNinian bores me to tears, Fiora ain't any better; why even Marcus can be a good counter to Eliwood's straightman. Not to say I love jocks, Ephraim is on the whole a jockstrap to me (but I'll still give him credit in the funnies with L'Arachel).

Yeah, okay, this is fine...

Holmes furthermore seems smarter than Runan, and much more capable on his own.


You're little assessment of Holmes is undermined by the fact he knows he has made a bad move when he sees Kranion. Not one of those fools who plunge blindly into battle aggressively.


Oh, dear. You haven't read much of the LP, have you? Because unless you've missed... literally the entire thing, you'd know I've been talking crap about Holmes throughout the entire game. I'm not trying to imply that I'm completely right and everyone else is completely wrong or anything, but... I'm just saying, this really isn't just The Roger's "little assessment". It's a multiple-page essay written by me that spans the whole LP.


Holmes furthermore seems smarter than Runan, and much more capable on his own.

Holmes being smarter than Runan in any way is such an outlandish concept to me that I cannot help but hope you elaborate.


You're little assessment of Holmes is undermined by the fact he knows he has made a bad move when he sees Kranion. Not one of those fools who plunge blindly into battle aggressively.

Seriously though. He did acknowledge that he made a bad move, which is nice I guess, but he still blindly charged in there in the first place, despite knowing for a fact that Kranion lived there. He also blindly attacked an Imperial cargo ship with no provocation and without even knowing what kind of ship it was, manipulates Plum into dancing for the army, leaves Granada to burn in anarchy after "liberating" it, later manipulates Attrom into having the position thrown on him while he leaves to have fun adventures...

I'm sorry, but I cannot see your point. His idiocy and angst are explained by his father being a horrible human being as well, but it does not make him better than Runan. I respect your opinion (heck, I know I'm in the minority here), but I will continue to cherish the memory of Eugen breaking his sorry skull.

Speaking of, what do you think of Eugen? 'Cause all that's left is for you to tell me that Eugen is generic and bad and I'll officially hate you. Okay, not really hate, but damn will we ever be polar opposites.

Don't try to disagree. You can't reach out and fire back, but I can to you, I've got a Blessed Bow.😜

...then where does that leave me? I've been insulting the guy for a year! I don't think there's a single update with Holmes where I don't insult him! Heck, I've insulted him in updates where he doesn't even appear! You'll need more than a shitty bow to get back at me for all that! You'd need to nuke all of Spain just so you could inflict enough damage to me to tip the scales!


23 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

So, seeing as I decided to do it (based off earlier jokes)...  I took the version of the Phantom of the Opera theme in the following spoiler tab, and made "The Amphibian of the Sewer". Note that blue is Enteh, Green is Tatus the Man-frog, and purple is both. The Gold should be obvious.

  Reveal hidden contents


That creep he sang to me 
My ears aflame.
That bullfrog calls to me
And croaks my name
And do I hallucinate,
Or see this sight
The Amphibian of the Sewer is there,
A horrid blight.

Sing once again for me.
Your voice fills my soul.
Women have shunned my form
Since I were a young tadpole
And though you turn from me, a rebuke unkind
The Amphibian of the Sewer is there
Our fates entwined.

Those who have seen your face
Draw back in disgust
The lies drip from your tongue,
I cannot trust.

My/Your future and my/your nation's health
In one combined
The Amphibian of the Sewer is there

Goddess strike me blind.

He’s about, the Amphibian of the Sewer
Look out, the Amphibian of the Sewer

It is your destiny, 
You always knew.
We will make history.
This toad and you.
And beneath this manhole here,
I lurk inside

The Amphibian of the Sewer is here/there
You'll be my bride.

Sing for me my bride to be.

Lady Enteh, Lord Runan informed me that you wished to borrow my mop.

I shed manly tears when Eugen arrived to save the day. Truly a hero among heroes.



Eigmk3ue o

We're in Nolzeria, if you remember.

S8ldwefz o

Ih49ob2i oShe left for the Water Shrine. However, she gave me this bracelet and asked that I pass it along to you.

0zfd96rn o So she gave you the thing she needs to turn into a big dragon, and left on her own, without any means to defend herself? And you didn't try to stop her? Eugen, please...

Llibn6rp oThe Ring of Reeve?! Why did she take it off? Why would she give away something so precious to her?

Ih49ob2i oI haven't the foggiest, milord. Perhaps you should ask her yourself. It is not far to the Water Shrine in Rimne.

Llibn6rp oLet's get going, then!

4a8hs4mx o

Cpz3qysn oNow that I have the Ring of Canaan, I can get my hands on the holy blade of Carluon, which should be strong enough to defeat Guenchaos!

Llibn6rp oI'm going to make sure Enteh is all right, and then I'll catch up with you. Do take care of yourself.

Llibn6rp oWait-- the blade of Carluon?!

Qaivjshu o

Llibn6rp oAh, it's you! You're Princess Stephanie, right? I'm glad you were able to see Prince Sennet.

K5ueiwj7 oI'm sorry about before... I wasn't in my right mind.

Llibn6rp oIt's all right. This war's gone on for so long, I can't count how many enemy soldiers I've killed... I would do it all again if I had to, but... I don't blame you for calling me a monster.

Vlozsbgu o

P1zzgcas o Aww, she's forgiven us! That's great. You know what isn't great? Her entire family's dead.

Llibn6rp oSo, Princess, was there something you wanted from me?

K5ueiwj7 oR-Right...Here, I want you to have this.

Llibn6rp oWhat is it?

K5ueiwj7 oIt was my father's sword... I hope it will serve you well in the battle against the Cult.

0zfd96rn o Barker's sword is actually the sword she was carrying in chapter 24, the Wardblade. I guess this implies that she stole it from him before she left for the battlefield. Maybe if he still had it, he could've... survived... Carla's attack...

0zfd96rn o You know what? I'm going to stop questioning everything. I'm making this worse for myself.

3stpr6na o


5txeurmv oSgkmab2f o

Runan gets the plot ring and a sword covered in tears. Now we just need a book to roll the credits. No, the subtitle in Japanese doesn't count.

Auxp6mlq o


Fk1z5byl o

Rqqssoyw oKate...? I can't believe you even recognized me out of all these other Shadow Knights.

Dymo2jvo oI saw you take your helmet off a while back, and I've been tailing you ever since... Why didn't you say anything, Zieg? If the Cult was trying to get to you, I know that the others would've helped! You didn't have to go back!

Snrv1drm o

Rqqssoyw oEverything we've ever done has been for self-defense, for self-preservation! If they would only stop their mindless persecution of the Zoan people, I know that we could live together peacefully! Come with me, Kate! We can end this war, together!

Dymo2jvo oZieg...? W-What are you talking about? You told me the Cult had taken your family hostage, and that you'd been forced to fight to protect them! You showed me the scars on your back from when they whipped you as punishment! What's going on, Zieg?!

Ywfoerqw o
2njj27wx o
J7r3pjn1 o

0zfd96rn o After randomly introducing him in that one Holmes map, the game now begins to push this guy into the spotlight. Probably because he's going to die next chapter. Eh, at any rate, I prefer this clunkiness to the generic twins triplets Holmes got.

Rqqssoyw oFather Nevhka?!

Minwrp95 oI'll take care of this woman, Zieg. ...I trust you have no problems with that? You wouldn't want to disappoint Lady Carla, now, would you?

Rqqssoyw o...No, Father Nevkha...

Dymo2jvo oZieg... You're really one of them, aren't you?

Minwrp95 oHahahaha! Of course he is, girl! This man is a Knight of Zoa, one of our most distinguished warriors! You really had no idea who he was?! You poor fool!

Fyhhmewv o

Rqqssoyw o......

0zfd96rn o Well... that was one hell of a turn of events, to say the least.

Kx89axvg o

Ih49ob2i oNo, milord... But I believe she may be in danger.

Llibn6rp oDanger? What makes you say that?

6wom7ppz o

4lt3brpp o What!? Why in the world would you make that assumption, Eugen?! What's wrong with you?! It doesn't make any sense! She could've had a million reasons to run after the Shadow Knights - heck, her actual reason wasn't what you say at all! You are completely off the mark!

Llibn6rp oWhat?! Impossible! Kate isn't that sort of person, Eugen. You know that as well as I.

4lt3brpp o Yeah, what Runan said! Stop trying to be like Merlinus, Eugen! There's no reason to think that she's joined the Cult!

Ih49ob2i oYou say that... But why, then, has she not returned? Certainly she knows that desertion is a crime. She is a knight of Wellt, after all.

0zfd96rn o Oh, gee, haven't you considered that perhaps she has been, I dunno, CAPTURED?! Oh, but no, you're right, that's silly. She's joined them. Kill her on sight! Oh, please...

Llibn6rp oYes, but... Would she really do such a thing?

Djz9koxo o

Llibn6rp oAh, n-no, she's not missing... She's just gone out on reconnaissance. She'll be back early tomorrow morning. No need to worry, Princess Sasha.

38ti9te7 oAll right... It's just that she hasn't been herself lately... To be honest, I've been really concerned... Give her my regards when she returns, okay?

Llibn6rp oI'll do that. Get some rest now, all right?

38ti9te7 oAll right...

0zfd96rn o It's so weird to see Sasha being her normal delicate self, when I've made her out to be a deranged psycopath.

Ajuoni1o o

Let's leave that trainwreck of a scene behind, and see what there's to Rimne.

Dwsi8mrv oMrtyeflr o

Oh, wow. That guy is the embodiment of fashion. Look at that jacket! Can I have three of those, please?

9edhrbqj oAfter the fall of the Palace, Rimne too was occupied by Imperial forces. But thanks to your victory, we are free. It's all thanks to you, Lord Runan. Everyone here is greatly indebted to you.

Llibn6rp oThank you, Sir Mayor. There's something I'd like to ask you... Has a cleric with blue hair passed through Rimne recently?

9edhrbqj oDo you mean Lady Maeve? She came by just the other day. She said she was on her way to the Shrine. We tried to stop her, but she somehow managed to slip past our guards...

Llibn6rp oSo she did go to the Water Shrine... Why did you try to stop her?

Nvkcmjwx o

0zfd96rn o Oh, so she didn't just leave alone without the one "weapon" she possesed, she also went right into the lion's den! Marvelous, just fuckin' great. What's next? She went there to "save" Neyfa?

9edhrbqj oPlease, make sure Lady Maeve is safe...

Iav7l1ke oRxmupewp o

We get a supportive moment between Meriel and a recolor of the Reeve nun.

X4svuaba oSister Anna!

0zfd96rn o Anna? Really? And she's also a redhead... this was also in the bad and ugly old translation, by the way. Guess this is Kaga being cheeky. With the subtlety of a pachyderm defecating in a public highway. Unlike the time he put Literally Anna to host the secret shops of the game, that time he was just being plain vindictive. At least he had enough restraint not to make her Hagar's girlfriend.

0zfd96rn o Notice, by the way, that this is a ways from Blaad. If Meriel was a nun at the shrine near Rimne, the whole "Rishel disappears for two years and everyone and their mother sets out to find him too late" shenanigan gets even more confusing. Were all three of Renee, Rishel and Meriel in Rimne? Then why did Lionheart get involved? If they all were in Blaad at the time of Rishel's disappearance, why did Meriel leave the shrine for over two years?

0zfd96rn o No, wait, I think I got it. First, Rishel is in Blaad, and disappears. Renee leaves Blaad to look for him. Word reaches Meriel of their disappearances and she leaves to... wait... but then... it is specifically stated that she left to look for Renee... Rishel apparently disappeared long before Renee did... so why did Meriel immediately begin to pursue Renee, but didn't lift a finger for her own brother?

4lt3brpp o I uh... okay, you know what? I think I'm going to wait for smarter people to explain this to me, because I cannot make sense of this nonsense. In the meantime, I think I'll blame Holmes. Yes. Holmes ruined this subplot. That'll stick.

X4svuaba oSorry to worry you.

Ctmximdg oThank you, Great Goddess, for protecting Meriel on her journey...

X4svuaba oAnna, do you know where Maeve is?

Ctmximdg oShe was here at one point, but she was adamant about getting to the Water Shrine. After that, she disappeared...

Lpysgh5h o

Oh, so this scene served no purpose other than to confuse me? Great! Honestly, I think they could've cut this scene. The most fashionable mayor on earth did a perfectly good job at explaining the situation. We didn't need to have it explained to us again. This isn't Ace Attorney.

By the way, Rimne. Again.

6glrjnu2 o

We're randomly visiting Best NPC in one of his many homes, to read exposition we already know. To be forthcoming with you all, I don't remember this scene or the last at all.

Ctmximdg oThere's a huge underground cave system that all leads to Mt. Cielo, where the Altar of Gods is said to be. Each of the four shrines was built over one of the entrances to the caves, and Yutona's daughters were assigned to watch over the tunnels. The kingdoms of Reeve, Canaan, Salia, and Leda all rose up around the shrines of Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth, respectively.

Brsdyyzw o

Ctmximdg oThe Zoans, on the other hand, believe that's where the soul of Gerxel rests. Spooky stuff, huh?

Kh9gyldh o

Again!? What now!?

Yl8z6jkz o

Ih49ob2i oI would advise stocking up before we head out to the Water Shrine.

4lt3brpp o Okay! Thanks! Anybody else feel like buttin' in?!

Kh9gyldh o





Jxc2ti4t o
R9uwdsa0 o
Z5ftwihe o
Fzmpg1pt o

Hpcoylr5 o

Ncry4ojx o
Fczh9k3x o
6hixjxjg o




5du8lt9c o

Nah, just kidding, we're actually going here. In fact, this scene took place before the short one with Eugen, but for comedic purposes, I elected to take a creative liberty. Please forgive me.

Ino5srae o
Tlk6ivsg o
Cd3daozi o

A3liakj5 oHardly. I'm here to save the Wind Shaman. Release her at once!

0zfd96rn o ...

0zfd96rn o ...well. You've got to give her one thing: she's got balls the size of the Empire State. A shame that her brain is the size of Holmes's, because this is, quite possibly, the absolute worst thing she could've done at this point.

Minwrp95 oNow why would I do that? You really think you can threaten me?

A3liakj5 oI heard Rachis crying, just like I just to... Begging for someone to come and save her... I won't let you use her like you used me!

4lt3brpp o You idiot! She already took care of that! They can't use her, not without the Ring of Canaan! You're just helping them out by coming here!

A3liakj5 oI might not be a match for you... But Mousa is. If you know what's good for you, you'll hand over Lady Neyfa now.

0zfd96rn o Oh, so now you're friggin' Phoenix Wright, trying to bluff your way out of this? Gee, I wonder what this insane, evil cultist lich will do now? Hmm, my bet is on the obvious thing.

Minwrp95 oDo your worst, Water Shaman.

Qdhytyyh o

0zfd96rn o Yeah, exactly.

A3liakj5 o......

Minwrp95 oWhat's wrong, girl? Lost your nerve? If you will not strike, I shall!

A3liakj5 oA-Aaahh...

Minwrp95 o...What's this?! You don't even have the Ring of Reeve! I see... You didn't want to risk us taking the Ring, so you tried bluffing, is that it? You've sorely underestimated us, girl.

Zmukb439 o8pwmzarz o13oskvzz o

Rimne has a shop, but I don't need any of its wares, so let's just hurry to the Water Labyrinth and pray we can catch up to the lich before he gives Enteh to Guenchaos.

8nceln83 o
Pfnbzmhj o

...Aaahhh, fiddlededee.

Rpupy1en o

W1bjm9gj oI trust you didn't kill her...

Minwrp95 oOf course, Your Excellency. She is but unconscious.

W1bjm9gj oExcellent work, Nevkha. I shall take her to the altar. Now, we need only the Earth Shaman...

Minwrp95 oWhat shall we do about the pagans who are invading the Shrine?

W1bjm9gj oMake good use of the dracozombies. Don't let the pagans into the catacombs.

Minwrp95 oAs you command.

W1bjm9gj oAnd guard the pedestal at all costs. By no means are you to allow them to acquire the Varunastra.

Minwrp95 oUnderstood. I will not fail you, Your Excellency.

Jniluedv o

Well, there goes Shaman 3 out of 4, and yet another healer that I've lost in a game full of healers. If you guys hadn't chosen Lee, I would be shit out of luck right now. Well, no I wouldn't be, because if you hadn't picked Lee, I probably wouldn't have done the Letena event, and I'd still have Rebecca.

Anyway, only one cleric remains, but not to worry, Tia is a fighter, she can handle herself! Last we heard of her, she was heading towards the Earth Shrine... alone... with... Richard...

Richard, I swear to God, if you do the predictable thing...!

Dog4uef1 o

Take a gander at this beautiful shot. In a string of cataclysmical failures, I closed the emulator by mistake, forgot to enable rewind again, and nearly missed the establishing shot that lingers for three seconds. I'm still not the dumbest being in this update, worryingly enough.

Iyq0khre o

E7ffcz4a oLord Runan?

Llibn6rp oLady Claris!?

P1zzgcas o Claris! You didn't join Holmes, but perhaps it's not too much to ask that you join Runan...? Pretty please...?

Llibn6rp oWhy are you here?

E7ffcz4a oI heard that Lady Enteh had returned to the Water Shrine, so I made haste here, but it seems I was too late... I cannot feel Lady Enteh's presence inside the shrine...

Llibn6rp oThen... Do you think Guenchaos...?

Mgrjorzi o

Llibn6rp oLady Claris, Enteh entrusted me with the Ring of Reeve before she left... Do you know why she would've done that?

E7ffcz4a oThe Ring of Reeve?! I see... Clearly, she trusted you with its power.

0zfd96rn o Oh, Christ on a bike... We already know this! Still, can't complain. It could be the Law Bible. I'm just glad it's not the Law Bible.

Llibn6rp oBut why give it to me? I can't use the power of Mousa...

E7ffcz4a oIt is true, the Ring's power can only be used fully by the Shaman of Water... But it can do more than invoke Mousa. Are you familiar with the holy sword that is kept here at the Water Shrine?

Llibn6rp oYes, my father told me of it. After Carluon destroyed Gerxel, he placed the sacred blade here in the Water Shrine. Althought he also told me it's almost entirely rusted away nowadays.

Fcrgy316 o

Llibn6rp oSo she... Enteh gave this bracelet to me so that I could reclaim the holy sword? Then why would she come here on her own after entrusting it to me?

E7ffcz4a oI do not know...

6zmh7oxz o

E7ffcz4a oNo doubt her actions have been guided by the Goddess herself. This bracelet is Lady Enteh's love for you. Now, she is counting on you to return it to her with your own.

P1zzgcas o Okay, that's actually a pretty awesome line, even if it's just the same "RING LOVE" nonsense she told Holmes but with a bit more flourish to it.

All right, so that's it! The stakes are higher than ever. With Enteh having more or less committed suicide, it falls upon Tia to keep it from turning into a collective suicide of the entirety of Lieberia. As for Runan, he'll be hunting liches next update! Join me then to watch how he does, as we enter the final stretch of the game. Farewell!

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All in all, I still think the top strategy game of the Switch is Mario and Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.

You just want me to parody the Phantom's song.

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, like I said, his character is a lot of fun. When he's an enemy, he's an irredeemable villain and that's it, but the fact that he can be playable is just hilarious. It's like the FE12 DLC chapter where you control the villains, only he's in the main game.

Which is one of my favourites. How often do you get to play Gharnef (I mean literal Gharnef, not "Hubert is a Gharnef" because that'd be Thales, but Hubert is better than Thales)? I mean... you can't even do that in Warriors. Which is a shame, because I admit I wanted to. But then I wanted Dorcas in Warriors unironically, so what I want is evidently irrelevant. Kind of like how I like the option to use Lyon & Valter in the creature campaign in Sacred Stones or Camus in that one bonus chapter based on Archanea Chronicles in FE12, or the ability to play Ashnard in PoR's Trial maps. Or Fernand (not to be confused with Ferdinand) in the Rise of the Deliverance DLC. But Hubert and Edelgard are basically that on a larger level in that they have a whole route (which is thankfully a lot more different from Blue Lions than Golden Deer was after the mandatory shared chapters... even if short)


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahahah... of course, of course. Well, I won't say much, but I will tell you that we haven't seen the last of him yet.

Thankfully. It's too fun to watch his misadventures.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know, there's something oddly interesting about the idea of Luigi and Waluigi working back-to-back. I'd love to see that.

Maybe it's just because two rivals being forced to work together, when done right can be fun in a "just because they have to work together doesn't mean they'll like it" way. Look at the Mario RPGs with Bowser. Some of his best moments come out of being forced to work with Mario and/or Luigi (knowingly or otherwise).


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I... I don't think I've ever heard of it, no. I know there are toxic frogs, but... this Holmes-tier stupidity? I had no idea.

Given the toads here can actually kill snakes, dogs, foxes, etc if they eat them by the toxins they produce... yeah it's pretty dumb. Though I'm sure there's an old episode of the Simpsons where Homer tries it (Holmeser?). Hell look at the cane toad (Native to America, but imported to Australia where they infamously became a pest instead of solving the cane beetle problem they were brought to deal with... also inspiring a Simpsons joke or two). Those bastards have enough toxin to kill a freshwater crocodile (not a saltwater crocodile though), and they're still pikers in comparison to South America's infamous Poison Dart Frog.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

His is even higher.

Yet both their lucks seem to fail. He fails to avoid meeting her. She inevitably fails to kill him. It's like all that luck is cancelling out on each other.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...then where does that leave me? I've been insulting the guy for a year! I don't think there's a single update with Holmes where I don't insult him! Heck, I've insulted him in updates where he doesn't even appear! You'll need more than a shitty bow to get back at me for all that! You'd need to nuke all of Spain just so you could inflict enough damage to me to tip the scales!

I think I may have started an arms race here just for a cheap joke at Holmes... who to be fair does come off a lot worse in this LP thanks to the whole "Attrom's death made a bunch of story sequences not make sense" thing.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I shed manly tears when Eugen arrived to save the day. Truly a hero among heroes.

I figured I needed a way to end it seeing as I couldn't actually have her sing like in the original... so I took some creative liberties and ended with a comedic interruption. Which, you know... suits the tone given Enteh was just showing disgust and contempt the whole way through.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Llibn6rp oIt's all right. This war's gone on for so long, I can't count how many enemy soldiers I've killed... I would do it all again if I had to, but... I don't blame you for calling me a monster.

Remember that split personality theory? We now have proof he's aware of the costs and it matters to him. He also knows it had to be done. Mostly.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


0zfd96rn o It's so weird to see Sasha being her normal delicate self, when I've made her out to be a deranged psycopath.

Well, remember the most dangerous psychopaths can put on a mask of normalcy. Ask Ted Bundy's victims.
The ones who are blatantly psychotic all the time have you straight on guard. The ones who can be normal, or even charismatic strike from nowhere.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Mrtyeflr o

Oh, wow. That guy is the embodiment of fashion. Look at that jacket! Can I have three of those, please?

This guy is what Three Houses Lorenz would look like if he looked half as noble as he thought he did. Instead we have the world's worst haircut... that only improved marginally by being grown out.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Anna? Really? And she's also a redhead... this was also in the bad and ugly old translation, by the way. Guess this is Kaga being cheeky. With the subtlety of a pachyderm defecating in a public highway. Unlike the time he put Literally Anna to host the secret shops of the game, that time he was just being plain vindictive. At least he had enough restraint not to make her Hagar's girlfriend.

0zfd96rn o Notice, by the way, that this is a ways from Blaad. If Meriel was a nun at the shrine near Rimne, the whole "Rishel disappears for two years and everyone and their mother sets out to find him too late" shenanigan gets even more confusing. Were all three of Renee, Rishel and Meriel in Rimne? Then why did Lionheart get involved? If they all were in Blaad at the time of Rishel's disappearance, why did Meriel leave the shrine for over two years?

0zfd96rn o No, wait, I think I got it. First, Rishel is in Blaad, and disappears. Renee leaves Blaad to look for him. Word reaches Meriel of their disappearances and she leaves to... wait... but then... it is specifically stated that she left to look for Renee... Rishel apparently disappeared long before Renee did... so why did Meriel immediately begin to pursue Renee, but didn't lift a finger for her own brother?

4lt3brpp o I uh... okay, you know what? I think I'm going to wait for smarter people to explain this to me, because I cannot make sense of this nonsense. In the meantime, I think I'll blame Holmes. Yes. Holmes ruined this subplot. That'll stick.

I think this is more complex than something we can blame Holmes for.
So, what if Rishel's disappearance was him visiting Meriel in Rimne, and Rishel's disappearance happened on the way back to Renee in Blaad, but Renee went looking because Rishel had been gone a while, and Meriel went to Blaad to visit them both, but found Renee gone and assumed Rishel and Renee were together because the thought he hadn't got back had not occurred to her.

Or weren't there inconsistencies with how long Rishel was gone? (relating to him being unconscious?), what if he got back and found Renee had set out looking for him because he was delayed, went looking for her, told Meriel (so she knew he was looking for her and joined in), then actually got injured and ended up in that river. Which would mean he wasn't unconscious for two years. I'm going with that unless something invalidates it.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All right, so that's it! The stakes are higher than ever. With Enteh having more or less committed suicide, it falls upon Tia to keep it from turning into a collective suicide of the entirety of Lieberia. As for Runan, he'll be hunting liches next update! Join me then to watch how he does, as we enter the final stretch of the game. Farewell!

Well, no matter how many mistakes a player makes in a game like this, they can always rest assured that the protagonists will find some way to make worse ones to give the villains a chance. I mean, given most deaths this time have been bad luck pure and simple.

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Enteh's move seems a little forced. Although TBF, she didn't understand that the Rings weren't really necessary, the Cult of Gerxel obtaining them is more to head off a threat than move forward on their goals.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...then where does that leave me? I've been insulting the guy for a year! I don't think there's a single update with Holmes where I don't insult him! Heck, I've insulted him in updates where he doesn't even appear! You'll need more than a shitty bow to get back at me for all that! You'd need to nuke all of Spain just so you could inflict enough damage to me to tip the scales!

It is called a game having a fanbase. Enough people liking something will inevitably disagree somewhere along the line, humans are opinionated and diverse.

Just think of it like this- would you rather I not have played this game so I never came to that opinion? Ideally, you should want hundreds of Holmesians and semi-Holmesians (the category I fall more into, I have my reservations on Holmes's faults). Because that would mean the game's popularity has grown and more people have played it, which should lead to, if not as many (but it could be as many, or more), what would still be an absolute increase in Runanites.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't really think he's as bland as you say he is. His personality is standard, but he's well-written at that, and he's shown to have his moments of snark and shrewdness.

I give him points for a certain moment that hasn't been shown yet. That was funny, daring and logical all at the same time. And it didn't require the character-bouncing I said above. Runan could be worse in his typical FE lord category, I could place him over Seliph, Roy, and FE3B1 Marth.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Speaking of, what do you think of Eugen? 'Cause all that's left is for you to tell me that Eugen is generic and bad and I'll officially hate you. Okay, not really hate, but damn will we ever be polar opposites.

Eugen > Augustus > Jagen > Dorius > Malladus.

I'd place Merlinus somewhere in that lineup of early FE NPC tacticians, but I can't quite say where. I'd say below Jagen. But does "Merlinus is always wrong until for laughs he isn't" fall below or above Dorius's honor balderdash (but, Dorius does willingly ya' know when he knows better), and or Malladus's inoffensiveness?

Eugen is old, but his crustiness is handled well, and he is neither a perfect strategist nor a terrible one either (I recall mistakes, but I forget when they happen if they actually did). His temper is enjoyable, and the Holmes Punch is genuinely funny. Does he go a little too far? Maybe, but is that necessary to balance his character?

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, dear. You haven't read much of the LP, have you? Because unless you've missed... literally the entire thing,

I have missed pretty much the entire thing actually, I wanted to play the game myself in full first, to establish my own independent opinions. 

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

His idiocy and angst are explained by his father being a horrible human being as well

Vals being terrible is in a way a clever inversion. Consider that:

  1. Cornelius was an honorable individual probably who died what is cast as a tragic death.
  2. Rudolf doesn't exist in a fatherly capacity.
  3. Lima IV is purely a person in lore like Cornelius. Unfelt and unliving.
  4. Byron expends his life to help his son, and was the right hand to Grannvale's good prince Kurth.
  5. Sigurd is an honorable soldier, if not very smart with politics and a little too trusting.
  6. Quan is the US South expression "Bless your heart". A nice way of saying "a good person, but gosh they're stupid". Still, died a death portrayed in the games as tragic.
  7. Eliwood is a good man.
  8. Elbert had so much Quintessence that his alone could open an interdimensional portal, and with the residues remaining in his body, stab Nergal badly enough to leave him unable to summon dragons for quite a long time thereafter.
  9. Fado I guess was a good man, but he has next to no screentime.
  10. Greil is another good man.

What is the overall pattern pre-Awakening outside of Gaiden? Lionization of FE lord fathers as good men. Lord Gramud follows in this pattern, as does Arless. And notice that almost all of these daddies die.

Vals doesn't die. And Vals, although apparently a ruler liked by his people and he supposedly loves Holmes deep down, is morally and behaviorally objectionable. Just as Holmes bucks the trend for lords, Vals ****s the trend for FE lord's dads.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

manipulates Plum into dancing for the army,

That doesn't exist, I had Barts get her.

And Plum getting enslaved doesn't exist, the slavers don't exist, she asked Runan if she could leave the army to join a 100% clean record dance studio. Her success at the studio led her to join its dance company and do a full tour of Salia as its upcoming star. But then Barts stumbled on her dance company, which was being forced to put on shows for the bandits who had recently taken over the village. Barts beheaded every last bandit and freed the sexually unabused Plum. She thanked her brother and then said goodbye friends before deciding to return to fighting with her new dancing abilities, so they could all dance again in peace once the world's problems were solved.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Holmes being smarter than Runan in any way is such an outlandish concept to me that I cannot help but hope you elaborate.

Holmes doesn't need a tactician, even if Shigen serves as his second. And right from the start with Runan being loaned Garo, I got the impression that Holmes was the more capable of the two.

You could analyze it as Holmes being too stupid to realize the need for a tactician, which would be a fair counterpoint.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, I disagree with multiple of your points (FEB2 Marth, any of the non-SD Marths really, is absolutely inferior to Shadow Dragon Marth),

SD Marth has restrained, but elegant dialogue that with subtly expresses his character. That I admit to. I see what people I believe with reason like in that. But, subtlety and restrain can to another read as dryness. 

So to explain me preferring FE3B2 Marth, I'll just copypaste what I wrote elsewhere recently:


Marth I think is at his best in FE3B2 as well as a character. I know some people love his Shadow Dragon incarnation and is subtle characterization. But, FE3, and specifically Book 2 because Marth is cardboard hardly more than a silent protag for the majority of Book 1, is my preferred Marth. Why?


"How can you not see why?! What must I do to make it clear to you no matter what?!"

-Seriously, a second facial expression, one that puts actual emotion on Marth's physical person, did a whole lot for me.* It's a small thing, but one with an outsized impact, and is a little detail that the DS remakes lacked. Sure, other games got away with only one facial expression (minus closing the eyelids) and it worked for people in conveying their character perfectly, Tellius did for me. But, Marth ended up needing more in my case.

Helping convey Marth better was not just the face, it was partly his words and actions for sure (albeit the Lang rebuke is irresponsible in the moment, until they explain everything was a ploy, Lang/Hardin would have attacked Altea sooner or later). And, I'd chalk it up to the music too, using "Off to War" again, since that happens to coincide with a lot of the "Serious Marth" facial expression. Music can reflect what is happening around the characters in the moment, but it can also reflect what they feel within and choose to express. I would suppose that "Off to War" FE3 casts Marth as being much more concerned than its FE12 descendant.

-I'm not going to delve into Kris or That One Elice Quip (not that she has many). Kris does hurt Marth, but I don't dislike them so much I'd beg for the right to throw dance over the body pouring the dissolving acid if I was part of the plot to murder them. And Elice, if making a poorly worded statement, does have a point- Marth when confronting Medeus in Book 2, criticizes Jagen when suggesting they may have to sacrifice lives to win the day. Albeit, in FE3B2, maybe it comes off more as a stern rebuke by Marth (I think it did for me), and less a "B-But I won't let anyone die!😭", possibly because of that danged extra facial expression.


*Afterwards, I was informed that everyone in SD has "slight smile" and "frown" expressions that can be superimposed over their one face. It still isn't enough for me.

So FE3B2 Marth > SD Marth, but SD is still firmly in second place amongst the Marths unless we add Smash. I cannot deny the quality of his script.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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On 9/8/2019 at 11:05 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Anna? Really? And she's also a redhead... this was also in the bad and ugly old translation, by the way. Guess this is Kaga being cheeky. With the subtlety of a pachyderm defecating in a public highway. Unlike the time he put Literally Anna to host the secret shops of the game, that time he was just being plain vindictive. At least he had enough restraint not to make her Hagar's girlfriend.

0zfd96rn o Notice, by the way, that this is a ways from Blaad. If Meriel was a nun at the shrine near Rimne, the whole "Rishel disappears for two years and everyone and their mother sets out to find him too late" shenanigan gets even more confusing. Were all three of Renee, Rishel and Meriel in Rimne? Then why did Lionheart get involved? If they all were in Blaad at the time of Rishel's disappearance, why did Meriel leave the shrine for over two years?

0zfd96rn o No, wait, I think I got it. First, Rishel is in Blaad, and disappears. Renee leaves Blaad to look for him. Word reaches Meriel of their disappearances and she leaves to... wait... but then... it is specifically stated that she left to look for Renee... Rishel apparently disappeared long before Renee did... so why did Meriel immediately begin to pursue Renee, but didn't lift a finger for her own brother?

4lt3brpp o I uh... okay, you know what? I think I'm going to wait for smarter people to explain this to me, because I cannot make sense of this nonsense. In the meantime, I think I'll blame Holmes. Yes. Holmes ruined this subplot. That'll stick.

Apparently, Enteh and Meriel was nuns at the water shrine near Rimne, with Rishel and the water/light sage grandpa. Guenchaos invaded the place to get Enteh, water/light sage grandpa stay and sacrifices to gain time and wind sage saves Meriel and Enteh, leaving the first in Blaad and protecting the other in Wellt Mars water temple. Rishel also runs, but cultists catch up, they fight, he falls in the river and the current drags him to Salia borders, where Bud find him. Meriel get worried and leaves for find Rishel, Renne get worried and leaves for find Meriel and Atthrom get worried and leaves for find Renne, but the godness RNG f--king kills him.

Sorry the bad english 🙂

Edited by corto super
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Part 71 - Luck?!

So (in)famous FE Youtuber Mangs is doing a FE6 Hard Ironman run. He's doing a lot better than me in terms of numbers, but he killed Marcus, so his run is automatically worse than mine. Nothing beats taking Jeigan to the endgame.

That is, until Lot came about and saved his run by being a boss in chapter 7. After everyone talked shit about him. All I can say is, I am proud, but not surprised. One day, his power will be recognized. One day.

Anyway, on to more important matters. I've just started school again, so my time will be more limited. Whether it'll impact the schedule or not is to be seen. Next year I'll have to do actual work as a part of the school year - first time I'll ever work, in fact. I'm quite curious to see how it is. Don't think it'll change anything here, though. We've like, what, 8 updates left? By Christmas at the very latest we should be all done.

Now's when Aethin releases the full version of Berwick Saga right when I start to work and I die.

One last thing! It is time for the next installment of cursed images the likes of which have never been seen prior to this! On today's episode, Macellan and Maria team up to kill Michalis.

Bnr7meuu oOkus1q0z oXzxionr8 o

I love using terrible units, I swear.

However - okay okay this is the real last intro thing I pinky swear - I must ask for your urgent help. I am considering playing FE6 on Hard mode again after I'm done with this run of FE11. Either that or Three Houses on the new difficulty, but as much as I'd love to love Three Houses like everyone else, I doubt a half-assed difficulty that just inflates enemy stats and lowers EXP gains will change my opinion of the game. Ironic, I know, given the alternative is FE6 of all things. Please dissuade me from doing that to myself again.


On 9/8/2019 at 5:58 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

You just want me to parody the Phantom's song.

It'd be great fun, I won't lie.

Which is one of my favourites. How often do you get to play Gharnef (I mean literal Gharnef, not "Hubert is a Gharnef" because that'd be Thales, but Hubert is better than Thales)? I mean... you can't even do that in Warriors. Which is a shame, because I admit I wanted to. But then I wanted Dorcas in Warriors unironically, so what I want is evidently irrelevant. Kind of like how I like the option to use Lyon & Valter in the creature campaign in Sacred Stones or Camus in that one bonus chapter based on Archanea Chronicles in FE12, or the ability to play Ashnard in PoR's Trial maps. Or Fernand (not to be confused with Ferdinand) in the Rise of the Deliverance DLC. But Hubert and Edelgard are basically that on a larger level in that they have a whole route (which is thankfully a lot more different from Blue Lions than Golden Deer was after the mandatory shared chapters... even if short)

Yeah, I always love getting to play with the villains in these games.

Thankfully. It's too fun to watch his misadventures.

Hahah, well, we'll get some more of 'em before the end.

Maybe it's just because two rivals being forced to work together, when done right can be fun in a "just because they have to work together doesn't mean they'll like it" way. Look at the Mario RPGs with Bowser. Some of his best moments come out of being forced to work with Mario and/or Luigi (knowingly or otherwise).

Yes, I agree.

Given the toads here can actually kill snakes, dogs, foxes, etc if they eat them by the toxins they produce... yeah it's pretty dumb. Though I'm sure there's an old episode of the Simpsons where Homer tries it (Holmeser?). Hell look at the cane toad (Native to America, but imported to Australia where they infamously became a pest instead of solving the cane beetle problem they were brought to deal with... also inspiring a Simpsons joke or two). Those bastards have enough toxin to kill a freshwater crocodile (not a saltwater crocodile though), and they're still pikers in comparison to South America's infamous Poison Dart Frog.


Yet both their lucks seem to fail. He fails to avoid meeting her. She inevitably fails to kill him. It's like all that luck is cancelling out on each other.

Maybe they both just have capped luck. We know Sasha does. You know what they say, when eveyone is super...

I think I may have started an arms race here just for a cheap joke at Holmes... who to be fair does come off a lot worse in this LP thanks to the whole "Attrom's death made a bunch of story sequences not make sense" thing.

Nah, not really. At least I don't think so, nobody has begun to call anybody names yet.

I figured I needed a way to end it seeing as I couldn't actually have her sing like in the original... so I took some creative liberties and ended with a comedic interruption. Which, you know... suits the tone given Enteh was just showing disgust and contempt the whole way through.

It was a great piece. Still prefer "unleash the The", though.

Remember that split personality theory? We now have proof he's aware of the costs and it matters to him. He also knows it had to be done. Mostly.

Sheesh, poor Runan...

Well, remember the most dangerous psychopaths can put on a mask of normalcy. Ask Ted Bundy's victims.
The ones who are blatantly psychotic all the time have you straight on guard. The ones who can be normal, or even charismatic strike from nowhere.

Good point. Sasha gets scarier every update.

This guy is what Three Houses Lorenz would look like if he looked half as noble as he thought he did. Instead we have the world's worst haircut... that only improved marginally by being grown out.

Lorenz's design is an insult to OG Lorenz's design. Eyepatch >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rose.

I think this is more complex than something we can blame Holmes for.
So, what if Rishel's disappearance was him visiting Meriel in Rimne, and Rishel's disappearance happened on the way back to Renee in Blaad, but Renee went looking because Rishel had been gone a while, and Meriel went to Blaad to visit them both, but found Renee gone and assumed Rishel and Renee were together because the thought he hadn't got back had not occurred to her.

Hmmm... I think that's solid enough.

Or weren't there inconsistencies with how long Rishel was gone? (relating to him being unconscious?), what if he got back and found Renee had set out looking for him because he was delayed, went looking for her, told Meriel (so she knew he was looking for her and joined in), then actually got injured and ended up in that river. Which would mean he wasn't unconscious for two years. I'm going with that unless something invalidates it.

Oh, God, this whole thing is so contrived...

Well, no matter how many mistakes a player makes in a game like this, they can always rest assured that the protagonists will find some way to make worse ones to give the villains a chance. I mean, given most deaths this time have been bad luck pure and simple.

It's a sad day when I'm not the worst tactician in the room, really.


On 9/8/2019 at 6:00 PM, BrightBow said:

Sadly, as far as I remember from the old translation the Enteh scene was actually even dumber, if you can believe that. Rather then trying to bluff, she offered to trade herself in in exchange for Neyfa's release.

Goodness gracious...


On 9/8/2019 at 6:12 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Enteh's move seems a little forced. Although TBF, she didn't understand that the Rings weren't really necessary, the Cult of Gerxel obtaining them is more to head off a threat than move forward on their goals.

Yeah, the Rings are little more than a nice bonus for Guenchaos. I mean, he's invincible himself. No Rings just means he has to move his ass.

It is called a game having a fanbase. Enough people liking something will inevitably disagree somewhere along the line, humans are opinionated and diverse.

Just think of it like this- would you rather I not have played this game so I never came to that opinion? Ideally, you should want hundreds of Holmesians and semi-Holmesians (the category I fall more into, I have my reservations on Holmes's faults). Because that would mean the game's popularity has grown and more people have played it, which should lead to, if not as many (but it could be as many, or more), what would still be an absolute increase in Runanites.

Agreed on all accounts. Disagreeing is truly a beautiful thing. Ergh, when both parties can keep it from turning into a flame war. Which I think we've managed, for now.

I give him points for a certain moment that hasn't been shown yet. That was funny, daring and logical all at the same time. And it didn't require the character-bouncing I said above. Runan could be worse in his typical FE lord category, I could place him over Seliph, Roy, and FE3B1 Marth.

I'm not too familiar with FE3 Marth or Seliph, but he's definitely better than Roy. Roy's got good supports, but he's not that great in the main story.

Eugen > Augustus > Jagen > Dorius > Malladus.

Ah, now this is a ranking that I can get behind! In fact, I'd say I completely agree.

I'd place Merlinus somewhere in that lineup of early FE NPC tacticians, but I can't quite say where. I'd say below Jagen. But does "Merlinus is always wrong until for laughs he isn't" fall below or above Dorius's honor balderdash (but, Dorius does willingly ya' know when he knows better), and or Malladus's inoffensiveness?

Wait, what do you mean "until for laughs he isn't"? I cannot recall a single moment where he was right. Throughout the entire game, Merlinus was always, without fail, wrong in every possible way.

Frankly, I'd say he's worse than both Malledus and Dorius. Malledus is nothingness given form, which, as you said, is bad, but inoffensive; and Dorius, while dumb at times, had some valid points to make, was a great foil to Augustus, and in the end, seemed to realize that he was not the best man for the task of guiding Leif (see how he insists to do you know what instead of Augustus? How he begged him to keep watching over Leif? How he complimented his intelligence and talent despite their disagreements? He clearly understood that Augustus was better than him). He wasn't the best, but I respect him.

Merlinus, on the other hand, takes the worst aspects of both Malledus and Dorius, being completely unnecessary, and actively infuriating in every single scene he appears in. It seems his only purpose in life is to contradict Roy, even in the instances where Roy is completely right, and his dialogue is completely generic except for a layer of absurd paranoia that was not needed in the slightest. A generic soldier would've delivered his lines better. He makes the plot worse by existing. He drives me mad, I swear.

Eugen is old, but his crustiness is handled well, and he is neither a perfect strategist nor a terrible one either (I recall mistakes, but I forget when they happen if they actually did).

He, uh.. he made a few. Long story short, it's become a LP running joke that Eugen has maxed everything except for tactics. Then again, it's also a LP joke that Holmes is awful, so take that as you will. Leaving all exaggerations aside, he makes mistakes, but usually Runan takes his flawed plans and flips them into something great. Rarely is he completely wrong, but oftentimes it's Runan that puts the finishing touches on his ideas. I frankly love that, it gives Eugen and Runan a very special dynamic that no other protagonist-advisor in the series has.

His temper is enjoyable, and the Holmes Punch is genuinely funny. Does he go a little too far? Maybe, but is that necessary to balance his character?

Nope. Not at all, in my humble opinion. I'm glad we can agree on this. Eugen is the way to do Malleduses.

I have missed pretty much the entire thing actually, I wanted to play the game myself in full first, to establish my own independent opinions. 

And that is perfectly fine. In all honesty, Holmes looks worse in my run due to a few key deaths that break his story. I mantain that he's a doofus, and I do like Runan better, but a lot of my biggest problems with him are really oversights that I exaggerated for comedic purposes.

Vals being terrible is in a way a clever inversion. Consider that:

  1. Cornelius was an honorable individual probably who died what is cast as a tragic death.
  2. Rudolf doesn't exist in a fatherly capacity.
  3. Lima IV is purely a person in lore like Cornelius. Unfelt and unliving.
  4. Byron expends his life to help his son, and was the right hand to Grannvale's good prince Kurth.
  5. Sigurd is an honorable soldier, if not very smart with politics and a little too trusting.
  6. Quan is the US South expression "Bless your heart". A nice way of saying "a good person, but gosh they're stupid". Still, died a death portrayed in the games as tragic.
  7. Eliwood is a good man.
  8. Elbert had so much Quintessence that his alone could open an interdimensional portal, and with the residues remaining in his body, stab Nergal badly enough to leave him unable to summon dragons for quite a long time thereafter.
  9. Fado I guess was a good man, but he has next to no screentime.
  10. Greil is another good man.

What is the overall pattern pre-Awakening outside of Gaiden? Lionization of FE lord fathers as good men. Lord Gramud follows in this pattern, as does Arless. And notice that almost all of these daddies die.

Vals doesn't die. And Vals, although apparently a ruler liked by his people and he supposedly loves Holmes deep down, is morally and behaviorally objectionable. Just as Holmes bucks the trend for lords, Vals ****s the trend for FE lord's dads.

Yes, I really like Vals, even though I really don't like Vals. Does that make sense? Well, you get my point, I think.

That doesn't exist, I had Barts get her.

Well, that's arguably worse. He falls in love with his own sister after watching her dance in provocative underwear, remember?

...sorry for reminding you. Really sorry.

And Plum getting enslaved doesn't exist, the slavers don't exist, she asked Runan if she could leave the army to join a 100% clean record dance studio. Her success at the studio led her to join its dance company and do a full tour of Salia as its upcoming star. But then Barts stumbled on her dance company, which was being forced to put on shows for the bandits who had recently taken over the village. Barts beheaded every last bandit and freed the sexually unabused Plum. She thanked her brother and then said goodbye friends before deciding to return to fighting with her new dancing abilities, so they could all dance again in peace once the world's problems were solved.

Ah, so you resort to denial. A lot more healthy than the coping mechanism of my readers. They demanded the slaver's blood. And when I told them it could not be done, they demanded I found a way. And I did, yes I did.

I'll admit that my self-insert fanfic's as cringeworthy as any other self-insert fanfic any day, but I must say, getting to murder that guy personally was great.

Holmes doesn't need a tactician, even if Shigen serves as his second. And right from the start with Runan being loaned Garo, I got the impression that Holmes was the more capable of the two.

Well, Holmes was involved in the war due to his status as heir to Granada, but his crew were merely a bunch of ragtags that weren't involved in the fighting until much later. Runan and everyone under his command, meanwhile, had been fighting against Canaan for a while by the time the game started. It's only natural that Holmes's band would be in much better shape than Runan's army, and since they weren't going to participate in the war at the time, they could afford a man or two for Runan.

You could analyze it as Holmes being too stupid to realize the need for a tactician, which would be a fair counterpoint.

I mean...

3dr9vaya o

SD Marth has restrained, but elegant dialogue that with subtly expresses his character. That I admit to. I see what people I believe with reason like in that. But, subtlety and restrain can to another read as dryness.

Okay, I see and respect your point.

So to explain me preferring FE3B2 Marth, I'll just copypaste what I wrote elsewhere recently:

  Reveal hidden contents

Marth I think is at his best in FE3B2 as well as a character. I know some people love his Shadow Dragon incarnation and is subtle characterization. But, FE3, and specifically Book 2 because Marth is cardboard hardly more than a silent protag for the majority of Book 1, is my preferred Marth. Why?


"How can you not see why?! What must I do to make it clear to you no matter what?!"

-Seriously, a second facial expression, one that puts actual emotion on Marth's physical person, did a whole lot for me.* It's a small thing, but one with an outsized impact, and is a little detail that the DS remakes lacked. Sure, other games got away with only one facial expression (minus closing the eyelids) and it worked for people in conveying their character perfectly, Tellius did for me. But, Marth ended up needing more in my case.

Helping convey Marth better was not just the face, it was partly his words and actions for sure (albeit the Lang rebuke is irresponsible in the moment, until they explain everything was a ploy, Lang/Hardin would have attacked Altea sooner or later). And, I'd chalk it up to the music too, using "Off to War" again, since that happens to coincide with a lot of the "Serious Marth" facial expression. Music can reflect what is happening around the characters in the moment, but it can also reflect what they feel within and choose to express. I would suppose that "Off to War" FE3 casts Marth as being much more concerned than its FE12 descendant.

-I'm not going to delve into Kris or That One Elice Quip (not that she has many). Kris does hurt Marth, but I don't dislike them so much I'd beg for the right to throw dance over the body pouring the dissolving acid if I was part of the plot to murder them. And Elice, if making a poorly worded statement, does have a point- Marth when confronting Medeus in Book 2, criticizes Jagen when suggesting they may have to sacrifice lives to win the day. Albeit, in FE3B2, maybe it comes off more as a stern rebuke by Marth (I think it did for me), and less a "B-But I won't let anyone die!😭", possibly because of that danged extra facial expression.


*Afterwards, I was informed that everyone in SD has "slight smile" and "frown" expressions that can be superimposed over their one face. It still isn't enough for me.

So FE3B2 Marth > SD Marth, but SD is still firmly in second place amongst the Marths unless we add Smash. I cannot deny the quality of his script.

Fair points, I can understand them. I should get around to playing FE3 one of these days. I've tried, but I don't like the artstyle, and the game is so slow...


On 9/9/2019 at 1:14 AM, eclipse said:

That's three kidnapped shamans, and two without rings.

Actually, none of them have Rings. Both Katri and Enteh gave their Rings to their respective love interests before departing, and Neyfa gave it to Sennet last update.

Uhh. . .just who's the dumb one?

Well, Guenchaos threatened the life of Katri's mother, and his army apparently ambushed Sennet and co. to take Neyfa. Enteh gave herself up with the worse excuse for a plan ever. So yeah, it's her.


On 9/9/2019 at 10:03 PM, corto super said:

Apparently, Enteh and Meriel was nuns at the water shrine near Rimne, with Rishel and the water/light sage grandpa. Guenchaos invaded the place to get Enteh, water/light sage grandpa stay and sacrifices to gain time and wind sage saves Meriel and Enteh, leaving the first in Blaad and protecting the other in Wellt Mars water temple. Rishel also runs, but cultists catch up, they fight, he falls in the river and the current drags him to Salia borders, where Bud find him. Meriel get worried and leaves for find Rishel, Renne get worried and leaves for find Meriel and Atthrom get worried and leaves for find Renne, but the godness RNG f--king kills him.

Ohhhhhhh that makes all the sense! Right, I'd forgotten the part where Maios and Eisenbach fought Guenchaos! Of course Eisenbach would save his friend's granddaughter as well! Thanks, man(?), you cleared this whole thing up for me.

Sorry the bad english 🙂

Ah, don't lose sleep over it, I understood you perfectly.



Wjrrfnqa o

Map. Look familiar? It should, because it's a blue copy of the last chapter we played with Holmes. It is, however, a far more difficult version of it, with Witches, Mages, and actually threatening monsters on the pedestal. The spell slingers are all equipped with AoE spells, which can be dangerous. There are also three Summoners up north. They'll be extremely difficult to reach before long, as they'll create a plethora of monsters that will clog the one entrance, and even with long range spells they'll be hard to fell, because the two Shadow Bishops by Nevhka have Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cures, and they won't hesitate to use them on the Summoners. And you can't just ignore them, either. Not just because of the treasure they're standing on, but because of the chapter goal.

K0svvmcb o

See that? Rout? Yeah. "Get Sword" is also an objective, which basically turns this map into a hybrid of a seize map and a rout map. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? But even if getting the Varunastra wasn't an objective, it still would've been mandatory to nab it, because it is impossible to rout without it. Why? Well, notice that dragon I've marked on the map?

5n2frpqq o

Yeah. Like the Guardian Dragons, it's all but invincible. I'm fairly certain it doesn't move unless you enter its range, but as for the rest? It's impossible to move Runan past them, so you have to face them. Not to mention, it's a rout map. You'd have to deal with them eventually. What this all amounts to is that, at some point or another, you'll have to fight 15 Dracozombies at once.

Doesn't that just sound like fun? Well, here's the craaaaazy~ thing: it's not the worst part of the map. The worst part of the map is getting to the fucking Summoners. The Summoners singlehandedly turn this into an Advance Wars map, and let me tell you, that is not a compliment, coming from me. I hate Advance Wars, because I want to like it, but the battles drag on and on and on in endless stalemates that never go anywhere. I've tried to play the first one, the second one, and Days of Ruin, and each of them I've dropped sooner or later out of sheer boredom. I have no idea what I do wrong every single time, but the result is the same every single time: 30 turns of trying to get through to the enemy factories.

In fact, here's a related fun fact for y'all: in my first run of TRS (the one with an emulator that didn't have the throttle function), I quit the game in this chapter. It got so unbearably slow, that I couldn't bring myself to do it. In my second run, of course, it was better, because I could just speed everything up and make it less awful. Still, even with that tool to make it more pleasant, I won't deny that this map is condensated crap. Not as bad as the swamp map without Renee, but... sheesh.

Dbiavgzb o

Anyway, let's move. I did some changes to the formation after taking the map screenshots. In other words, I forgot there are chests in this map before I pressed "battle" and I had to reset a bit into the battle. Ergh, three times. Yes, I am dumb, why?

No, they don't count as dishonorable resets. I didn't do anything important, I just moved some units forward and had Sierra warp on top of a fellow Witch.

Xgpwqwf4 oMynqyaby o

Like so.

Awxydegr o

Her deleted levels were all better, actually. That's punishment enough for the five-minute resets, I feel.

M4pmni7s o

Leonie dashes forward to nail the closest cultist.

Xdgakqgf o

That'll be all. As you can see, Sasha got the boot in this case. The stealable loot in this map isn't all that great. Nevhka has the Tumahann tome (1-3 range Sylph with more weight), which is a shameful loss, but she has Sylph, so there's no real need for it. Everything else is expendable.

Ig1adwf8 oD1cc6hdp oVdfcwobw o

The Witches are not very smart.

Tllvnliz o

Sigh... so it begins. Friendly reminder that there's only one entrance and it's one tile wide.

2wwwbcpj o1meog735 o

This lance is going to invalidate the entire rest of the game. Not the dragons, though...

Zsrgyas2 oSvbn2jzk o

If you're wondering why these guys can't retaliate, they've got their AoE spells equipped. It only works in my favor right now.

Jl5vbaxz oRmuyiq8o oMmj9uams o

There are no reinforcements in this map, by the way. Four Witches is scary, but if you can get rid of them quickly, that is that.

Jgufdeez o

Hagar can't even ballista the dragons without entering their range. What a loser.

Dxctf9j8 o

Trudging forward. I wish I could say that will last.

Gj7ghtwt o

Good lord... friendly reminder that there's only one way in and it's a single space.

93khoobp oAdydx6bc oPdou553g o

Only one of the Witches attacks. That's a fancy animation, bunch of rocks protuding from the ground.

00hq54nn o

Now, it is time to watch Kreiss trivialize the game.

3daxpkbe oAybw8n0n o56diuvps o


Jax0yiqb o

Oh my goodness.... gwaaah...!

Hogmj5qy o

Shit, Nevhka!

Hsktkex4 oNbqqwsa9 o

This is why you can't just warp on top of the long-range healers. Aside from them having weaponry to defend themselves, Nevhka has an AoE spell that reaches the entire area, and even on uneven turns, there are only two tiles that are safe from Tumahann.

8vc9nbst oMvoanjhs o

Yes! Unnecessary damage! Give me more! More!

F6ui6quc o

That isn't more, but at this point, it matters not.

Staya5mt oRkzw9pxh o

No holding back. The game is almost over. Big guns, out!

Nxs7hhg6 o

D'awwww... I at least wanted to stop them from swarming the main area...

5ys5bd6j o6ppiuvnk o

Hmm, well... 16% is high enough crit? The Roger died to way less than this.

Gnf6wv3o oEqheyut3 o


1oozncba oH4cpqic4 o


5yw9pjt0 oVb2hviar o

You can't be serious.

Oyzvc7ca o

Well, next turn it is.

Apduv2vs oLadkffzk oInfpmfpp o

Let's get rid of this guy before he has the chance to do something meaningful.

Rbvfku8i o

Yeah, sure.

Ouraypas o

Oh God please stop

Qh0kdkma o

Kreiss didn't even crit this one.

8lislljo oFpfnz0pi oN47q4aws o

Runan did, of course. All of them.

3b8kkzuq o0syoavs8 o

Mintz is not that great when he's forced to dismount forever. I also gave him a pretty crappy iron sword, but his selection is rather limited by his subpar mastery. Mintz, The Roger, Lionheart and Raphael are hit the hardest out the whole cast when the endgame arrives. Most trained riders will have the raw stats to offset the penalties, and Kreiss, Raffin and Arkis don't lose anything, but our poor prepromotes can't really keep up. Mintz has grown well, so he can still do something, but the others...

Sxmnkozp o

Anyway, Runan shanks the guy Kreiss softened up.

Wllywwti oHod3egj3 o

Esther and San step up to open up the way forward. Their sprites are identical to Kate's when dismounted.

Cctphnay o6ywbccli o

Whoa, Mintz! Sorry for doubting you, man!

Xzcstwtx o

All right, all right! I won't bench you! Sorry, man, sorry!

Sjsmowgq oZn0ahgki oJw1ruw77 o

All right, and with that, the point has been choked by Norton. The hard part now will be to move forward, but we can wait on that.

Adwpqmjc oSbyrtvil o

Another Mage down.

Taa2kghg oYvywyxry oSv3bjonn o

No obstacles in the way to the Dracozombies, now.

Dtjklq76 o

If you are wondering how exactly is Narcus supposed to get to that chest, he can swim. For some reason. Well, I ain't complaining.

5pgq62e2 oXcri34kp oXqsbzogl o

That was magical. A slow mud monster and a slow heavily armored man just playing dodgetank.

4eesgg4n o

G-Guh! Good thing I noticed! I can't have Narcus pilfer that chest yet.

0idvx5no o

Go north instead.

Lsovgrj2 oEgfeaqny oEakat4pp o

For the next step, I think you know what is coming. This is effective against monsters, by the way. Please, give me the keys to a swift victory!

Uatscpk9 o

Annoyingly enough, it was just a couple points short of killing the Ogres. The mud monsters, being more sturdy, were left with a little under 20 HP. We have made no progress...

Surcr2kk oKo9itwem oN2hwmyax o

However, it did kill some Dracozombies!

3cqxahve o

...oh, no, what if that aggroed them all!?

Mdgqtzww oQaufptnw oL5kx3fpl o

Please, please tell me they aren't going to charge us now...! If they go after Hagar, that's the end of him!

Lq4a7xtv o

Okay, let's not panic yet. Let's do this now, and panic afterwards. How's that sound?

Au0bpkha o

That is good, but not enough. I cannot get through like this!

Gfzncdyq oHcnfcvrx oKjw45qg3 o

My hope was that the tremors would be enough to finish the Summoners. It was not. Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh...

Fckajcoi oO4bixwdw o7rtkpy9s o

At least these guys will die quickly now. It's... it's really nothing that makes me feel any better.

Igkjishz o

Hah! All the speed you've been getting these last few battles doesn't really make up for not getting any the rest of the game, but that's all right. It'll look good on the final roll call. And besides, you need no speed to be godly.

B03omd6g oEstbmc5v oVyiswa9j o

Thus is Norton's killing spree. Now, on to the dragons' killing spree...

Bysjj8en o

Ahah! They didn't move, perfect!

Pkdt5mmo o

Plan time. First, Kreiss is carrying a bridge key. I... have no idea when I gave it to him, but I'm glad I did. Lower that thing!

Ojm9fv6n o

Now, Leonie will attempt to dodge as many of these as possible. With her godly stats, I imagine it shouldn't be that much of a problem. The flags are the invincible one's range.

Erxihsmr oOfoxfbfb o

You! Go down, dammit! I haven't the time for this nonsense!

Ykf9ckil o

I do have time for nonsense of this sort. Hahah!

Uu3ux7uu o

Another one of these? All right, sure.

Q2lfdqbe o

'Kay... I'd say to wish Leonie luck, but c'mon, does she need it? Yes. This is me we're talking about. Wish her luck.

Uudz5u9n oGbrqwigd o

Healing one another? Fine by me. Better than if they healed the dragons.

4wrzofh9 o

Da dara daaaa da dara daaaaa da dara daaaaa... Ah, do excuse me. I'm merely making a reference not everybody will get. Also, this is boring to even look at.

Fun fact: at the time of writing, I still haven't finished the chapter. I was so bored by the sight of this, that I decided to do the update before finishing the chapter. It's that bad.

4kgft7n1 o

Nice! One of them is dead, and Leonie is healthy.

Yo6yl8wv o


533tocds o


Vy2firh1 oZonmjnp0 o

Guuuuhhhhhhh... a-aaaaaaiiii... b-backup...! Adrenaline shot... somebody help... me... look for the... low crit kit...! Gah!

Nzwfhww1 o5w7qxle6 o

These guys have 1%. Too many close calls... my heart is pounding...!

1waotqzt o

Okay, so uh... two of these guys live and literally everyone is in mortal danger.

Dqle41lw oWcraa0el o

One down.

Pxw3uz8o o

Ah, Runan! Nice, nice. This will be useful. If you get to keep it.

P1ipad3k o

Another one.

Qrpzpves o

No, Kreiss. Useful stats, not this. Then again, you're all set, more or less, with that lance only you can use at this point.

Xqba0oom o

You, too.

Ly7xct2u oRnhau2vq o

Well... that's my best.

Vszna69x oUv4fi5w3 o

Soooo everyone has to dodge at least four hits in order to live. Well. I suppose we've gone for too long without a permanent death. Who's it gonna be?

Wajgv9ap oCxjdgv8p o


Ohetr1lu o

Ah, I see, it's going to be San. Well. Better her than Sierra.

0sqkwu5g oZcxb7etv oTxsxw6h2 o


Duaojqot oSbarcogh o0qwteaiw o

Well, well! Color me surprised, she's alive. Everyone's alive. I was lucky. Now I've seen everything.

...this cannot be good. I must be wary. The universe is setting me up for a fall. Somebody will die to something stupid later. Either that, or this monday I'm going to crash with my car on my way to school and die.

Hq8rfbbz o

This * 5 = The rest of the enemy phase.

Alsdm7jb o

Okay, so I need to get everybody out of this monster's range, while killing all the other four. Alternatively, I could try killing Nevhka now, for the sword...

H32lxuov o

As far as bosses go, Nevkha is really boring. Same as every other Dark Mage boss we've faced in the game: powerful, but slow and squishy. He does carry some canned Dullahan, which is annoying, as I cannot kill him fast. That's one plan down the drain.

Eogifnmx o

On to the other one. First, San, you must get the hell out of this place.

Jt6rgiha o7ci1btem o

Now, let's at least try to make sure there's only one left.

D0h4e19v oXbusn1fj o

99 damage. Against a Dracozombie. If only she was legal so I could say that I love her without being put in a watchlist...

F4imsbya o

21 strength! This girl's a goddess!

Qj2dhago o

And another one!

Jycnoyaq o

Yes! Yes! All four of them!

Nhgztbxy o

Even more speed? I love how, on top of the statboosters, my Sierra is pretty damn good.

8wl1kygg o

Okay, so that's--


...the Dracozombies deal 30 damage.

No defense.


Well, Meriel is dead.

Kryvfccf o

Some experience for our favourite crippled Bishop.

Qhxjrero o

Ah, magic! That's the stuff!

Dkepjc0l o

I forgot to take a shot of Runan running up to Nevhka's bridge. Nice.

1ovxqy9r o

Goodness gracious...

R7weozj1 o

Ah! Crap!

Akqzwpmc oOcfwa4z8 oYprawtkj o

Good job, milord.

Tauqnm4l o

Oh God.

T8j1mbxn o

...AAAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! SHE'S ALIVE! ALIVE! What is wrong with the RNGoddess today? Everything is going well! Too well! Maybe I really am going to die in a car crash this monday...

Im9ae3hu o

...oh, I can't believe it-- that 50% dodge just saved the run, too!

Ah, lemme guess, he's gonna crit Runan and kill the run anyway because I'm being far too lucky, isn't he?

7ex3gaye o

For a guy who's gotten a fair bit of build-up, and who seems to be one of the higher-ups of the Cult, he's pathetically generic.

Upnaxsny oPc5pxdx8 o

Let's see Tumahann. It's worth seeing for the animation alone.

D3tw0dj1 oAp6toxfy oGhvmcww0 o

Fancy. Definitely nicer than Sylph, but eh, affordable losses.

Utdsyp3x o

All right, then. We were lucky there, but I cannot take any more chances. Best get Meriel out of there fast, but how?

Q5vv5vwj oKxyrb3ls o

This is as far as she can go... hmm... would it be too much to ask...

Ct2auzot o

Hah! Right on! It's awesome that this is all working so smoothly. We might actually be able to leave without any casualties! It's just a matter of luring the dragon south, so I can keep it distracted with... Leonie, probably.

1ecw6tlq oRslqyg18 oQtx1rydy o

This isn't even a Kishar Wrath turn, so we can begin working on the healers. Today's a good day, folks.

4o6kv0lf oDybxohb5 o

I... I feel like I'm missing some screenshots here. What? How'd this get here? Meriel just waited!

I4rikn9a oTlypzxf4 o

Okay, this makes more sense. Narcus nabs some HP.

Uxbeuxb4 oG1qbodxz o

Okay, so we're still here. I don't know what's up with that shot of Meriel before. Fairly certain that should come up later.

In other news, my luck's finally ran out and my units are getting hit now. Also, the dragon has blocked the way south, so I can't lure him away from Meriel. Nice.

Mjt0etzq o

Norton! Yeah...

...I'm gonna skip his action from now on, if you don't mind. It's not worth showing.

Xwmpvajk o

Holy sh-- enough already! What's wrong with this map!?

Krabdedt o211vgqqk o

And the worst part is that I can't even have Sierra take a potshot at the Summoner, now that he's within swarm reach. I need to get the Varunastra sooner than later.

1iz7vrmu o

Nngh! That's not far enough! Meriel and Runan can both get to safety, but Kreiss will have to run the other way. You'll get your chance another time, mate.

3ztpfxl1 oCbaxbqus oDybxohb5 o

Okay, so this is where that picture should be. Weird that it moved on its own. Maybe my own resources are gaining a mind of their own, and are trying to stop me from LPing, so as to add no more names to my list of casualties. Well, tough luck. I really want to play Berwick publicly. Then again, I'd also like to do a fast, personal run, since I couldn't do that this first time. Perhaps I'll do two runs. Berwick is awesome enough to warrant that.

Imd0362p o

Anyway-- whoa, whoa, what? What's with my Mages getting speed today? They never get anything! Attagirls, attagirls. Maruj, learn from them.

K0figiff o

Kreiss, you learn from your best friend, and run away. Don't learn too much, though. I don't want you to desert my army.

Styhqgex oGtswxe6e o3xjvaz3h o

Looking better than I ever expected.

Ulhmchf2 o

I will continue to show this. I just cannot believe somebody looked at this and thought it was okay. And the worst part is that I know I'm going to have to deal with it at some point... This isn't even my usual "pretend the screenshots are happening in real time" style of writing, I legit am sitting here, five days after all of this happened, sighing at the prospect of doing this.

Kjylxhrs o

Whatever. We'll scream when we get there. For now, the (not for long) invincible dragon attacks Leonie with . What a nightmare, . I sure wouldn't want to be , no sir!

Vvwy0fpi o

Leonie, please stop not dodging. All those people on the edge of death dodged so well!

Still, this is good news! The thing moved! So considerate! This'll make killing you that much easier!

Hsqtzyvm o


Quick! Somebody find out how to survive being smushed against the ground! W-Wikihow, Wikihow will save us! Let's see, uh...

...copy their body language if you want to show you're interested? What's it talking about?

Oh-- how to deal with "a crush", not "being crushed"! Get outta here, I don't need help with that! Nobody loves m--

Xyvqfjdq o

Shit! Duck! Sidestep! Blistering barnacles, anything but die!

P65ktc8o o

...that was anticlimatic. See, this is why Runan is better than Holmes. Holmes died at the end of the swamp and made me sad. Runan lives at the end of this shit, and makes me happy.

Bynyogmt o

And now, we just need to move Runan forward a little, and the dragon will go after Leonie, who can buzz past it and lure it somewhere more private. Perfect, perfect. Everything by design.

Iykiomin o

Nevhka is the only remaining obstacle in our way, but look at that! Idiot's got his AoE spell equipped! He cannot retaliate! We don't even need to heal anybody to face him!

27r15zts o5ihn5bjq o

First-- pfffffffffffffffft! You rock, girl. You rock.

Bqgnxchi oGvhvgtfd o

Well, all that's left is to Lukuud him.

Jijt37re o

There we go. I hope he doesn't miss. If he does, he's dead. But what's the chance?

5bcoso8g o

...well. At least he didn't miss. It's really sad that I'm happy with this result.

Fmlsthek oNerkgaon oWfdaipvx o

I swear, if Sierra misses, I'm going to blow my brains out.

Oc3lfufi oYnkr1wim oZtr2teva o

All right. That is a big relief.

Iz647pti o

Lived a generic, died a generic. What a big bore. And I never even got to find out why he's a blue lich.

Ck5nkmru o

What? Why does she want to be a tank now? Well, don't mind me, you keep going, sweetheart.

See, this is the true way to make a waifu. A woman who warps all around the map, kicks ass and breaks the game's balance in a way that is so much fun, even I cannot help but use her. Move along, boring statwalls like Seth and Perceval - Nay, no need to move along. You may as well stay put, for here comes She of the Infinite Movement!

Q3b3wj7v o

You, heal up. If you died, I'd be devastated... and so would be my run!

8oaduuge o

I won't skip this, for reasons that should be easy to deduce.

I60h6wrm o

This is the worst level he's gotten in the last third of the game. I really don't mind.

Byhvxgpj o

I do mind this, though. Nnnnnnnghhhh...

Voizeoyp o

You can't be serious.

Vym6puf8 o

Let's just take what is ours.

9emkloid o

E7ffcz4a oIt still is. Right now it may look like little more than an old blade, but with the Ring's power, the holy sword will awaken anew. Now, Lord Runan... Draw the sword forth from its pedestal!

Oifzzldr o

Notice that Runan didn't needlessly complain about it being a fruitless endeavor.

Wkgkd95o o0lo2ddit oXfklmzim o

This happens, except this time...

Fnetj2i9 o

...It's a more rapier-like blade, befitting of the game's generic Marth-lord. I hate myself for saying that. I hate everyone who agrees. Not looking at ANYONE IN PARTICULAR >:/

O0xysnnp o

Keep your pants on, Eugen, it's just a sword.

Llibn6rp oThe sword of Carluon... That reminds me, Lady Claris... Prince Sennet seemed to think that the sword was at the Wind Shrine in Canaan.

E7ffcz4a oHe was not wrong. In truth, what you hold in your hands is only part of the holy sword. Carluon divided his sword into four pieces and gave them to his daughters. This is Varunastra, Lady Reeve's portion.

Ih49ob2i oIt's like the hero Carluon has returned from the grave to bless us... We have nothing to fear now, Lord Runan! Let us leave none of Gerxel's foul beasts standing!

F4aswdy8 o Transcribing this, I just realized that this chapter's objective is "rout" solely because Eugen wants to watch the legendary sword kill stuff. Eugen went into the game's code and changed the objective so he could fawn over an ancient blade. That almost makes up for having to kill all those monsters. Almost.

Tkc2wavy o

This sword.

6rrtfr71 oTgrucyrz o

Take a gander at this beauty. Also take a gander at Runan's inventory. I'm having him hoard all the good swords, and I love it. That steel sword must be feeling pretty small.

Mpv5vyzg o

Let's not forget, however, that Leonie still needs healing. There we go.

Ioqip9of oAeh5psji oXpiluiku o

Now, while Runan gets to the dragon, let's do this, now that I have the chance.

Fdyhxjqj oPqj9u7mu oMyinfkm8 o

No kill, sadly. But there'll be time for that. Since Leonie finally dodged, I could have Lee heal up Runan in preparation for his confrontation.

62n5tko6 oCpl78k4r o

When using one of the legendary swords, there's this really cool effect where the sword seems to accumulate power as the round starts. I know, it's just a circle, but trust me, it looks better in motion. I also really dig the attention to detail - the sword only starts to glow after the "powering up" animation.

Tjrlpksb oLus6dvgl oXkfizbsd o

I don't really get why these swords don't deal extra damage against monsters, but that's fine. Just means its agony will last longer.

7qb493a7 o

Leave them alone, Leonie. You've done enough.

Lgvfy0iy o

Hagar looks really stupid, just stuck in the middle of the chapter. He's done nothing at all today. So sad.

Jlk9ax4d o

Sure, that's useful at this stage of the game, in an Ironman run.

2ygwkohj oSgp7411f o

Gaaaaaaah why'd you have to move? Waste of my time...

Yxu792t4 o

That will not save you. Especially since you missed.

Flzyzcgs oCba1xagl oQp9ikvpl o

And so, the second boss of the chapter (has Army of Darkness and all) falls.

Bwjsmrsc o

Only this remains...


...you know what?

W9ufqkur o

Let me just pop a save. It's really useless, because my emulator autosaves when quitting. It's really handy, like that. But just in case...

Qc5k6hu2 o


...and, uhh... I think that's the end. My original intent was to play this after writing the rest of the update, but since I've started school, I've had a bit of a messy week and it's therefore taken me longer than usual to make it this far. Thus, I've decided to cut the update just a wee bit shorter than usual, rather than making you guys wait more than normal. I will do the clean up offscreen, and show the highlights next update. I mean, I don't think anybody wants to sit through 100 images of monster killing, right? It was necessary with Ernst to give his death the build-up it deserved, but here? Pfft.

So yeah, I'll see you next time! We'll actually be returning to Holmes for his last chapter. It's... I'm not going to lie, it's a pretty lame filler chapter, but we just have to get through it, and from there on, it's all awesomeness after awesomeness till the very end of the game. Don't miss it! I'll be seeing you guys next time. Buh-bye~!

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Was this not the plan? Luring them in with a single high avoid unit so they torch each other with their AOE attacks? Seems to me like that's the intended way to beat them. Zombie dragons got abysmal accuracy but no avoid. So they tear each other to pieces with their defense negating attacks.

Of course there is still a bit of luck involved. That's probably why they give you a fresh Save Staff on this map.

Well, in any case good thing everyone made it out alive.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Doesn't that just sound like fun? Well, here's the craaaaazy~ thing: it's not the worst part of the map. The worst part of the map is getting to the fucking Summoners. The Summoners singlehandedly turn this into an Advance Wars map, and let me tell you, that is not a compliment, coming from me. I hate Advance Wars, because I want to like it, but the battles drag on and on and on in endless stalemates that never go anywhere. I've tried to play the first one, the second one, and Days of Ruin, and each of them I've dropped sooner or later out of sheer boredom. I have no idea what I do wrong every single time, but the result is the same every single time: 30 turns of trying to get through to the enemy factories.

You didn't like Days of Ruin either? That's unfortunate since this is the game that as less issues with "back-and-forth" because it changed how Co powers work. You probably remember that in the other games, Co powers would charge faster when losing units then when destroying them. So your opponent could really annoy the hell out of you by spamming their powers once they start losing because their units blow up left and right. In Days of Ruin you have to actually put in work to build up your power. Making smart use of your command zone and stuff. And if your Commander unit blows up, all the effort goes to waste.
So if you didn't even like that game, that's most certainly a problem.

How did you usually try to play? If you try to intercept enemy infantry at the start of the map to prevent the enemy from gaining momentum and grab contested bases to quickly gain control over most of the map, there generally shouldn't be that much of a stalemate from my experience. In any case, you really want to keep animations disabled for those games.

Edited by BrightBow
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15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The worst part of the map is getting to the fucking Summoners.

They weren't so bad for me. They were busywork of course, but I don't recall them being terribly annoying busywork. Only the Stone/Earthborn golems can threaten you by this point, and they alone have significant durability. The Ogres are largely a nonthreat and flimsy, and the Skeletons exist just to get their rotten bone marrow on your equipment.

But, I admittedly had no problem devoting time to kill them all, since I was having Narcus alone open every chest, and he took a while longer to do that. If I wasn't opening every chest not knowing the contents and not knowing if I'd need any of it, I wouldn't have had him go for all or any of them.

The hard part of this fight was the boss chamber, since Tomahan is threatening, the boss is durable, and the goons just push things far enough to make it difficult to clear it all or survive it all. It took me three tries to get through it. But, had I actually tapped into my four Miracle Charms and some Magic Shields, I would have had a much easier time.


13 hours ago, BrightBow said:

How did you usually try to play? If you try to intercept enemy infantry at the start of the map to prevent the enemy from gaining momentum and grab contested bases to quickly gain control over most of the map, there generally shouldn't be that much of a stalemate.

Agreed. Against the easy AI, on any map that isn't one of the "spiced up" campaign ones, this is the basic strategy to success. This is really true on any map with a production facility right smack dab in the center. Like this one:


Sensei outright tells Grimm "You let the enemy take the advantage" if the player captures the factory right below the yellow Recon next to the red Infantry.

And, it helps to know wisely the value (or lack thereof) of each unit, for only a fool goes "Bomber Spaaaaam!" without the preconditions being right for that.


I understand going from FE to AW and not liking AW. They're significantly different.

For me, any good war of attrition/slog becomes benignly mindless for me. I've played Royal Channel Days of Ruin version 2 or 3 times from Blue's perspective and enjoyed it. The turns pass without me realizing how many have. And eventually the tides turn and it becomes a victory march.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If you are wondering how exactly is Narcus supposed to get to that chest, he can swim. For some reason. Well, I ain't complaining.

Maybe this explains it?:


Runan: Narcus, please swim over and open that chest for me.

Narcus: Uh, can I bail on this one? I don't like getting wet.

Eugen: Narcus, swim over there and open that chest now!

Narcus: No! Haven't I done enough in this war already? First it's sneaking around a castle hoping I won't be found out and lose my head. Then it's getting lost in scorching deserts twice for treasures I see no benefit from. And now I have to drown for your sakes! I'm outta here! *Runs away*

Eugen: I'd offer to flog you myself, but I've a more productive idea.

*Eugen dashes over to Narcus at a blistering speed and grabs him by the shoulder. Narcus is stunned stiff and still by Eugen's unbelievable speed, which leaves Runan quietly asking himself if Eugen really was too old to fight or if that was a lie. Eugen then reaches for a leather pouch of his and pours its contents down into the backside of Narcus's pants. Having a piece of flint and a dagger on his person too, Eugen strikes the two against each other, causing a spark to enter Narcus's still open pants, which Eugen then closes with a wedgie.*

Narcus: W-w-what did you do old man?! What is this war- hot hot HOT!

*Narcus proceeds to run straight towards the water as a small flame is seen around his rear growing and consuming his pants. Narcus plunges open mouth first into the cold cold dip to keep himself from meeting a hot and humiliating end. Once in the water and halfway to the chest, Narcus's ass has been been saved and the fire is out. Now as his teeth chatter from the chill of the blue, he accepts his duty and swims the other half of the way to the chest. Then looks around and sees his toasted buns are fortunately not blackened, but unfortunately for everyone, Eugen has forced them to be on public display until Narcus can find another pair of pants. Narcus ponders what goes through Eugen's mind, and then sighs as he swims back to shore to unlock the rest of the Water Shrine's treasures to avoid the continued wrath of Eugen.*

...In the meanwhile, as Narcus caught on fire, Eugen sprinted back to Runan's side. Runan, with a puzzled look on his face, choosing not to ask Eugen about his physical fitness for fear of what he has seen, chooses to Eugen about something else. ...

Runan: Eugen, what was it that you just did to Narcus?

Eugen: That my Lord, was something I acquired many years ago on a trip to Granada with Lord Gramud. At the port I encountered a merchant who from appearance alone I could tell came from far far away, from nowhere in Lieberia that was certain. He entertained me with a product he called "fire medicine", in high demand back in his home country and forbidden to sell aboard. The price was okay, a little high, but I was impressed enough that I spent for a whole barrel of the black powder. It's good when I want a little spectacle. 

Runan: Spectacle? I don't understand the curative properties of this "fire medicine" Eugen, but a powder that can ignite so fast and so strongly could find uses in warfare.

Eugen: I thought that too my Lord. But the medicine I bought doesn't have the lightning bang like some of the merchant's did. I'd say we stick with Fire Magic, who'd bother with something so finicky?

Runan: Fire Magic requires a natural aptitude and years of studying arcane tomes. This powder could be used by anyone. If we put Reeve's alchemists to it, they could figure out how to make our own supply of it. All we have to do is give them whats left of that barrel you bought.

Eugen: If you say so my Lord. I kept the barrel in the cellar, there was only a quarter of it left. I didn't check if the Imperials got rid of it, but if it's intact I leave it in your hands milord.

...And thus, within twenty years of this conversation, Reeve under King Runan discovered "fire medicine" and invented a primitive weapon called "fire lances" to use it. In the following one hundred years, roughly 20% of Lieberia's armies would consist of troops armed with fire lances, incendiaries, and increasingly explosives as the medicinal formula was refined to produce an ever faster and more energetic reaction.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait, what do you mean "until for laughs he isn't"? I cannot recall a single moment where he was right. Throughout the entire game, Merlinus was always, without fail, wrong in every possible way.

The "for laughs" part appears to be a fever dream of mine. I thought it happened around Chapter 23, but he doesn't even show up there. This, despite me playing FE6 only a few months ago. Maybe I was desperate to see more.

However, I did find one instance where Merlinus is right, Chapter 22:


“Master Roy, Zephiel is residing in the throne room at the center of the castle. However, there seem to be some special devices that protect the throne room when invaders appear.”

“What kind of devices?”

“One of the captives said that at the west end of the castle, there are switches that need to pulled before one can access the throne room.”

“It’ll be a long detour…”

“There is more. After hitting the switches, you must hold the ‘Gem’ in front of the throne room door to make it open.”

“Gem? Is it the Fire Emblem?”

“Most likely.”

“I have that with me. So I should head to the throne room while leaving the switches to the others…”

“That would be the shortest way.”

“…But would the captives leak that kind of information so easily? Perhaps it’s a trap…”

“I doubt it, Master Roy. The captive also said, ‘The switches and the door are all defended by Bern’s most powerful warriors. You wouldn’t be able to get to the throne room even if you knew how.'”

“We need to try, even if we’re going up against powerful enemies. We’ve gotten strong as well. We won’t lose!”

No comedy, but yes, Merlinus is correct!:MerlinusYoung:The captive was telling the truth about how you get to the throne room. It only took until the third/fourth-to-last final/false final map for this to happen.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In all honesty, Holmes looks worse in my run due to a few key deaths that break his story.

Story? What story? How erroneous are you to insist Holmes has a story! 

Well, for the first time you're playing as Holmes that is. After the Hidden Village reunion Holmes does get a storyline for the rest of the game.

But everything prior to that is painfully devoid of a narrative, a little bandit killing, some treasure hunting, a dash of liberation of Salia, and a bunch of criticizing Katri. Attrom dying kills the weak reason to get for the Dakruon to bring back Renee. I wish there was more, more funny or more seriousness, either way, I'd just want a clearer and stronger direction.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that's arguably worse. He falls in love with his own sister after watching her dance in provocative underwear, remember?

...sorry for reminding you. Really sorry.

At least they keep it kinda vague. He just can't see her as he used to now, he didn't specify how IIRC. Albeit yeah, one could read that definitely as "I don't see you as a cute little sister anymore, I see you as this beautiful young woman I want to embrace".

But it juuuust might be better than...


Shigen and Julia.

If I remember what Carla said, she dropped off Shigen as a baby, so Shigen has had over a decade of memories of Julia as his sister I would think. It isn't like Raffin and Estelle where the sibling bond is recent and not so real, even if they made one.

Holmes even picks up on the contextual incestuous tones Shigen is putting out there by bringing Julia on the boat.

ShigenxJulia is better because they aren't genetically related. But they do spell it out a little more that the relationship is likely romantic.

By the way, who'd you pick for the second kidnapping scene, Juni or Lyria? There are so many pages and screenshots in this topic, that this is easier than trying to find it.

I didn't expect the scene to happen when it did, so I accidentally stumbled through the text and picked Juni the first time, only to immediately reset and pick the outcome from not drinking the obviously drugged milk. Picking Lyria made it seem like things worked out well(?) so I left it with that. But I wonder if that made Juni's ending worse, since she just decided to return home.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

and Dorius, while dumb at times, had some valid points to make, was a great foil to Augustus

Thinking about it (Thracia 776 spoilers for those who haven't played it)...


Dorius accepts the end result of his logic argued just chapters prior to his 18-19 death.

I cite the crappy old translation because I can't access the new one's PDF now:

At the start of Chapter 15, when Dorius suggests the coastal route to Leonster:

“The northern highroad is practically Lenster’s front door. Legions of enemy soldiers will be defending it. We will lose many of our troops.”

“I understand. But their deaths will be in glory and honor.”

He followed what he espoused. He was consistent.


Although, in the Chapter 17B choice of "Do you let civilians serve as ballista fodder?" Dorius is the one against the civilians sacrificing themselves. Augustus is the one for it.

However, if Dorius holds to nobilesse oblige and my simple understanding of it is correct, only knights/trained soldiers should heroically sacrifice themselves. Augustus has no honor code distinguishing the two kinds of voluntary deaths.

But, I like that Dorius and Augustus flip positions here. It makes less black and white when it comes to the tacticians. They're more than just "sacrifices justify the ends" and "even one death is too many". Although they're essentially an honorable nobleman general vs. pragmatic tactician, they have nuance in their positions.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean...

3dr9vaya o

And I bow to evidence on the strategist point. One should not get angry at bona fide facts. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I should get around to playing FE3 one of these days. I've tried, but I don't like the artstyle, and the game is so slow...

Emulators can speed things up a bit. But I can see the problem.

Bantu and Tiki in FE3 are the prototype for the gameplay rules of Katri's dragon transformation. Although both of them untransform at the start of the player phase, not the end. And no AoE breath, and their Def and Res are lower so things can actually kill them. But they're still useful in a balanced but unique way.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One last thing! It is time for the next installment of cursed images the likes of which have never been seen prior to this! On today's episode, Macellan and Maria team up to kill Michalis.

How is this cursed? This is blessed. Goddess protec blessed.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Doesn't that just sound like fun? Well, here's the craaaaazy~ thing: it's not the worst part of the map. The worst part of the map is getting to the fucking Summoners. The Summoners singlehandedly turn this into an Advance Wars map, and let me tell you, that is not a compliment, coming from me. I hate Advance Wars, because I want to like it, but the battles drag on and on and on in endless stalemates that never go anywhere. I've tried to play the first one, the second one, and Days of Ruin, and each of them I've dropped sooner or later out of sheer boredom. I have no idea what I do wrong every single time, but the result is the same every single time: 30 turns of trying to get through to the enemy factories.

I honestly have the same problem. Though hate is a strong word. Let's just say I've never quite gotten the motivation to get through one.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2wwwbcpj o1meog735 o

This lance is going to invalidate the entire rest of the game. Not the dragons, though...

Remember when Kreiss wasn't expected to amount to anything? How life changes.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
3b8kkzuq o0syoavs8 o

Mintz is not that great when he's forced to dismount forever. I also gave him a pretty crappy iron sword, but his selection is rather limited by his subpar mastery. Mintz, The Roger, Lionheart and Raphael are hit the hardest out the whole cast when the endgame arrives. Most trained riders will have the raw stats to offset the penalties, and Kreiss, Raffin and Arkis don't lose anything, but our poor prepromotes can't really keep up. Mintz has grown well, so he can still do something, but the others...

I figure The Roger earned retirement. Hell, Lionheart and Raphael probably did too. But what are the odds Pengaius spins this into a "why Arkis is the best" argument?


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jw1ruw77 o

All right, and with that, the point has been choked by Norton. The hard part now will be to move forward, but we can wait on that.

With Norton there it's not merely choked. It's strangled. With an iron grip.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
4eesgg4n o

G-Guh! Good thing I noticed! I can't have Narcus pilfer that chest yet. 

As much as he deserves it, he must live until Eugen's use for him has ended.


3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Runan: Narcus, please swim over and open that chest for me.

Narcus: Uh, can I bail on this one? I don't like getting wet.

Eugen: Narcus, swim over there and open that chest now!

Narcus: No! Haven't I done enough in this war already? First it's sneaking around a castle hoping I won't be found out and lose my head. Then it's getting lost in scorching deserts twice for treasures I see no benefit from. And now I have to drown for your sakes! I'm outta here! *Runs away*

Eugen: I'd offer to flog you myself, but I've a more productive idea.

*Eugen dashes over to Narcus at a blistering speed and grabs him by the shoulder. Narcus is stunned stiff and still by Eugen's unbelievable speed, which leaves Runan quietly asking himself if Eugen really was too old to fight or if that was a lie. Eugen then reaches for a leather pouch of his and pours its contents down into the backside of Narcus's pants. Having a piece of flint and a dagger on his person too, Eugen strikes the two against each other, causing a spark to enter Narcus's still open pants, which Eugen then closes with a wedgie.*

Narcus: W-w-what did you do old man?! What is this war- hot hot HOT!

*Narcus proceeds to run straight towards the water as a small flame is seen around his rear growing and consuming his pants. Narcus plunges open mouth first into the cold cold dip to keep himself from meeting a hot and humiliating end. Once in the water and halfway to the chest, Narcus's ass has been been saved and the fire is out. Now as his teeth chatter from the chill of the blue, he accepts his duty and swims the other half of the way to the chest. Then looks around and sees his toasted buns are fortunately not blackened, but unfortunately for everyone, Eugen has forced them to be on public display until Narcus can find another pair of pants. Narcus ponders what goes through Eugen's mind, and then sighs as he swims back to shore to unlock the rest of the Water Shrine's treasures to avoid the continued wrath of Eugen.*

...In the meanwhile, as Narcus caught on fire, Eugen sprinted back to Runan's side. Runan, with a puzzled look on his face, choosing not to ask Eugen about his physical fitness for fear of what he has seen, chooses to Eugen about something else. ...

Runan: Eugen, what was it that you just did to Narcus?

Eugen: That my Lord, was something I acquired many years ago on a trip to Granada with Lord Gramud. At the port I encountered a merchant who from appearance alone I could tell came from far far away, from nowhere in Lieberia that was certain. He entertained me with a product he called "fire medicine", in high demand back in his home country and forbidden to sell aboard. The price was okay, a little high, but I was impressed enough that I spent for a whole barrel of the black powder. It's good when I want a little spectacle. 

Runan: Spectacle? I don't understand the curative properties of this "fire medicine" Eugen, but a powder that can ignite so fast and so strongly could find uses in warfare.

Eugen: I thought that too my Lord. But the medicine I bought doesn't have the lightning bang like some of the merchant's did. I'd say we stick with Fire Magic, who'd bother with something so finicky?

Runan: Fire Magic requires a natural aptitude and years of studying arcane tomes. This powder could be used by anyone. If we put Reeve's alchemists to it, they could figure out how to make our own supply of it. All we have to do is give them whats left of that barrel you bought.

Eugen: If you say so my Lord. I kept the barrel in the cellar, there was only a quarter of it left. I didn't check if the Imperials got rid of it, but if it's intact I leave it in your hands milord.

...And thus, within twenty years of this conversation, Reeve under King Runan discovered "fire medicine" and invented a primitive weapon called "fire lances" to use it. In the following one hundred years, roughly 20% of Lieberia's armies would consist of troops armed with fire lances, incendiaries, and increasingly explosives as the medicinal formula was refined to produce an ever faster and more energetic reaction.

I declare this thread canon. It's Eugen being Eugen.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Soooo everyone has to dodge at least four hits in order to live. Well. I suppose we've gone for too long without a permanent death. Who's it gonna be?



My pet rooster, who never stopped mourning the recently deceased dog. Damn my life.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

99 damage. Against a Dracozombie. If only she was legal so I could say that I love her without being put in a watchlist...

Reported to the FBI.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xwmpvajk o

Holy sh-- enough already! What's wrong with this map!?

I figure if you're going to get a ton of bad luck all the time good luck has to balance it out eventually. Or vice versa in my case.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ulhmchf2 o

I will continue to show this. I just cannot believe somebody looked at this and thought it was okay. And the worst part is that I know I'm going to have to deal with it at some point... This isn't even my usual "pretend the screenshots are happening in real time" style of writing, I legit am sitting here, five days after all of this happened, sighing at the prospect of doing this.

At this point, you could just about leave them in there building up until there's no room and they die from being cramped.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Bynyogmt o

And now, we just need to move Runan forward a little, and the dragon will go after Leonie, who can buzz past it and lure it somewhere more private. Perfect, perfect. Everything by design.

You're having Leonie seduce a necrodragon? But that's like necrophilia, bestiality and pedophilia at the same time. Yet you complained about Holmes and Plum.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Iz647pti o

Lived a generic, died a generic. What a big bore. And I never even got to find out why he's a blue lich.


Sticking with my explanation that he used to be Dagon in life.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i oIt's like the hero Carluon has returned from the grave to bless us... We have nothing to fear now, Lord Runan! Let us leave none of Gerxel's foul beasts standing!

F4aswdy8 o Transcribing this, I just realized that this chapter's objective is "rout" solely because Eugen wants to watch the legendary sword kill stuff. Eugen went into the game's code and changed the objective so he could fawn over an ancient blade. That almost makes up for having to kill all those monsters. Almost.

Though technically speaking, it's a sound tactical move. In reality they wouldn't just disappear or surrender because you got the blade after all. I mean, Norton may be able to hold them off indefinitely, but then you'd have to leave him behind. But he's too good to leave. So Eugen does good tactics again, in the name of violence.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So yeah, I'll see you next time! We'll actually be returning to Holmes for his last chapter. It's... I'm not going to lie, it's a pretty lame filler chapter, but we just have to get through it, and from there on, it's all awesomeness after awesomeness till the very end of the game. Don't miss it! I'll be seeing you guys next time. Buh-bye~!

Filler or not, I'm sure you must enjoy the prospect of Holmes portion of the adventure being done.

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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So (in)famous FE Youtuber Mangs is doing a FE6 Hard Ironman run. He's doing a lot better than me in terms of numbers, but he killed Marcus, so his run is automatically worse than mine. Nothing beats taking Jeigan to the endgame.

That is, until Lot came about and saved his run by being a boss in chapter 7. After everyone talked shit about him. All I can say is, I am proud, but not surprised. One day, his power will be recognized. One day.

I actually mentioned you while watching the stream. No one caught on it, of course, but just in case you or anyone else who read the FE6 LP (I'm re-reading it btw) were watching...


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

 One last thing! It is time for the next installment of cursed images the likes of which have never been seen prior to this! On today's episode, Macellan and Maria team up to kill Michalis.

Bnr7meuu oOkus1q0z oXzxionr8 o

While I have never used Macellan, Maria was one of my best units in my FE3 Book 1 Ironman run (which is the place a lot of my Archanea preferences come from), so I'm really happy to see her perform (she IS performing, right?). Who else are you using? I see a female Sniper, is that Norne? She's definitely my favourite native bow-user in Archanea and you have no idea of how good she becomes if you reclass her to a General post-promotion. Seriously, do that when you play FE12 again. We all know you want to play it again.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

However - okay okay this is the real last intro thing I pinky swear - I must ask for your urgent help. I am considering playing FE6 on Hard mode again after I'm done with this run of FE11. Either that or Three Houses on the new difficulty, but as much as I'd love to love Three Houses like everyone else, I doubt a half-assed difficulty that just inflates enemy stats and lowers EXP gains will change my opinion of the game. Ironic, I know, given the alternative is FE6 of all things. Please dissuade me from doing that to myself again.

So... I have yet to play 3H (or get a Switch, for that matter) but I wouldn't suggest playing it on a different difficulty if you didn't enjoy it previously. It might make it even more stressful, if anything.

(Ignore the first quote, SF is weird) Regarding Advance Wars, well I love it as much as you do 3H. That means I hate it. Maybe it's because I found out about it after FE but it's just so boring for me. As I said, you shouldn't force yourself to play through a game you loathe. It doesn't work.

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15 hours ago, eclipse said:

If you die in a car accident on your way to school, I'll ban you.  Really.

I've been known to make similar, if less achievable threats of murdering friends if they die in a plane crash. I feel like I've been one-upped here.

How about "If you die in a car crash on your way to school, I won't read your Berwick LP"?

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