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The "Every SS Weapon" playthrough

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Oops, been a while since I posted.

-Makalov tore through the opposition, killing the pathetic boss and growing to level 14. Nephs is 9. Calill may have leveled up too, I dunno. Haar, of course, leveled up several times even though I'm benching him eventually.

-3-P and 3-1 were pretty uneventful, as Shinon and Ike require, like, no work at all. I supported Soren with Mist for silly fanboy purposes.

"Hey, Soren! How ya doing? ^_^" "Hello. I hope your meaningless babbling has no detrimental effect on your performance on the field." Ass.

-With mah Bexp, Ilyana is now level 9 with 19 spd. Is that bad? I had also given a lot of stuff to Nephenee and co. before, so I can now have fun with some new statboosters, a Silver Axe and a Brave Lance.

Rofl sucks

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You know, if you take the time to raise Rolf, he actually turns out better than Shinon. Anyway, Ilyana with 19 Speed at level 9 Sage is pretty good. I think mine had 20 at promotion into third tier (yes, I used her) so yours should gets a little bit more. She won't be doubling anything, but she'll certainly own in 4-F-3. Ilyana can be slightly fun to use, since she can deal lots of damage against the all-too-common armour knights.

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I used her in the Dawn Brigade playthrough that made me dump the game.

I think everything makes you dump FE games, so I wouldn't use that as a standard.

I wouldn't recommend dual weilding SS swords. You get much more out of them by giving them to different persons.

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I used Lucia's talisman on Ilyana (giving her 20 res) and everything else (being a Dracoshield, an Energy Drop, an Ashera Icon) turning her into a lolwtfmonster.

As for supports:


Rhys-Mia (fired Mia though)


Planning a Titania-Ilyana


Nephenee-Brom (B already, fired Brom though)

Boyd-Rolf (fired them both)

I just realised that I'll have to pass up on the Spirit Dust Boyd was going to give Mist if they have an A support. Don't worry, Mist! Soren will make you happier eventually if you manage to melt through that wall of ice!

Let's recap my final team:

-Nolan, Nephenee, Bastian, Ilyana, Shinon and Makalov are certain. That's six.

-Calill, Volke, Renning and Oliver would be pretty sweet to bring as well. That only leaves Pelleas. Which of these four should I relinquish? I'd rather not drop Renning. The main dilemma is between Oliver and Calill (alternatively Micaiah and Sanaki). Oh, choices!

Edited by Thingy Person
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Jeez. Thanks to whacky flood controll, I'm ages behind in posting.

Alright, let's see... I just cleared Rival's Collide. I am doing REALLY well.

First of all, I got Soren and Mist's A support.

B: "Uh, Soren, it's a cold night and I'm freezing my ass off, so...could you, like, come sleep with me?" "...I am not inconvenienced by that plan."

A: "Mist, don't die." "Ah! Soren, you finally admit that you care about me!" "Indeed. Rhys is inept in his staff duty, so we require you as an extra healer to continue mounting the wall of battle." "..."

So right before 3-7, I resupported Mist with Boyd, and I should get them to A in time to get the Spirit Dust comfortably. They're now at B, because Mist likes being slapped around disrespectfully. That's why she fell in love with him, see. Domestic violence much?

Ilyana was promoted through bexp before 3-7 and has 23 speed. Nephs was promoted before 3-8 and is a freakin monster. Shinon is still a sniper as of yet, but only because I had Blossom on him for a while. When I realised Haar was level 18 without any special care, I wondered wether I should just drop Nolan since he was performing mediocrily. I still have all of my master crowns...should I use them?

But then came 3-6. Due to my terrifying shortage on good units here, I had to try a number of different setups. One thing I insisted on doing is giving Volug Beastfoe and making him kickbox some enemies to oblivion. Micaiah was charged with healing Volug and Laura (who was still a low-level priest) kept Nolan healed. The four of them were positioned at the northern opening. Nolan was one step ahead of Volug, so that he could finish off the enemies Volug weakened (as the latter can't afford to get hit, kill the enemy, and get hit again by another one). Chuck also had Paragon, and he went from Level 4 to 14 over the course of the chapter, going from getting killed in three hits to obliterating everyone in his path. He could double cats. Jill, Zihark, Sothe and Aran were having a rather difficult standoff to the right. This chapter actually gave me more tension than anything else I had done in the game before.

And I've decided to drop Calill, seeing as she's the only pending endgame unit not being totally amazing right now. I'll still train her a bit in case something goes horribly wrong with Sanaki (who will likely be inferior to Calill anyway).

On a random note, I had stuffed Neph's inventory full of lances in 2-F. Her supply still hasn't reached its limits. That Brave Lance is godly.

And finally, I resupported Nephenee with Haar. Titania and Ilyana have a B now. And not only did Soren lose his potential girlfriend, he was also ruthlessly attacked by Jill because Reyson abandoned him when he was trodding through the river in an attempt to escape. He'll spend the rest of the war staring into space and/or cutting himself over his allies' betrayal.

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And I've decided to drop Calill, seeing as she's the only pending endgame unit not being totally amazing right now. I'll still train her a bit in case something goes horribly wrong with Sanaki (who will likely be inferior to Calill anyway).

Baby Calill a bit and you won't be disappointed. Trust me, she's better. Hell, Calill is probably the best endgame Archsage in the game. She may not be as powerful, but she doubles. Basically, Calill > Sanaki.

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Baby Calill a bit and you won't be disappointed. Trust me, she's better. Hell, Calill is probably the best endgame Archsage in the game. She may not be as powerful, but she doubles. Basically, Calill > Sanaki.

But then I'd have to drop either Oliver or Volke. I want to bask in their awesomeness, even if it means sacrificing Calill =(

I'm wondering more about the Master Seals, though.

Also, I had Ike and the BK fight (on the very last turn, no less). The prophecy has been fulfilled.

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But then I'd have to drop either Oliver or Volke. I want to bask in their awesomeness, even if it means sacrificing Calill =(

I'm wondering more about the Master Seals, though.

Also, I had Ike and the BK fight (on the very last turn, no less). The prophecy has been fulfilled.

It's simple, drop Oliver! :D

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But then I'd have to drop either Oliver or Volke. I want to bask in their awesomeness, even if it means sacrificing Calill =(

Oliver, Volke, and Calill. All 3 have forced alternates into endgame (Micaiah, Sothe, and Sanaki). If I were you, I'd drop Oliver and give Micaiah Rexaura and Matrona.

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Oliver, Volke, and Calill. All 3 have forced alternates into endgame (Micaiah, Sothe, and Sanaki). If I were you, I'd drop Oliver and give Micaiah Rexaura and Matrona.

Oliver!? He's awesome! Although it's mostly because of his theme... Anyway, that sounds like a good plan. Except that Matrona is overrated. I mean, THREE uses!? it's too little. I'd probably like it if it were more durable, but not 3. Maybe 5.

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I want to bask in his beauty. Stop trying to convince me otherwise. With units like Nolan and Nephenee, I can afford to bring one less stellar unit to endgame. The last time I brought him (on my second and previous playthrough), he was completely redundant thanks to staves not getting blessed (contrary to what I expected). He was the only one out of Micaiah and the two saints I had brought that had an SS in tomes, albeit having crappy magic compared to Rhys who had capped his. I LOVED IT. He's just too special to dislike. To me, at least.

Don't worry Wario, you're special too.


But is using Master Seals a good idea? I'm most concerned with using this on Makalov and Nolan. Should I let them grow more first, or make them more effective early on?

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The last time I brought him (on my second and previous playthrough), he was completely redundant thanks to staves not getting blessed (contrary to what I expected).
Good to know that I wasn't the only one who thought that.
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But is using Master Seals a good idea? I'm most concerned with using this on Makalov and Nolan. Should I let them grow more first, or make them more effective early on?

What Falcon said, as well as possibly using it on Laura at about level 15. She'll still cap all her important stats and some BEXP can fix the rest.

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You could use them at level 20 to save a whole level of experience ;)


I put one in Shinon's inventory and used it when he reached level 20. By god, I hate the lava chapter. Even though I seemed to have taken ages to clear it, I got the turn bonus anyway. Haar also promoted unintentionally and got really uber on his own. Sigh. And I let Boyd backhand slap Mist a few more times so that they would get an A support already and I wouldn't have to field their unarmed asses ever again.

And then, Marauders. With how omgwtfinvincible units like Nephs and Ilyana were, this wasn't an easy transition. I only fielded Geoffrey, Calill and Makalov, the latter two equipped with Paragon. Geoffrey had a Killer Lance, so he critted a good bit of enemies. Because I wanted to save as many houses as possible and the partner units' incompetence caused me to get attacked from two sides, the chapter ended with some nasty battle save abusing that involved Makalov and the same Killing Edge I had finished Ludveck with under similar conditions. I also gave all of Geoffrey's stuff to Calill. And Makalov, combined with bexp (which had gotten him to 17) and the experience from this chapter, arrived at level 20. I also got the turn bonus. Lots of bexp.

In The Heart of Crimea, it became really appearant how uber my units are. I could just send Nephenee and Haar into a pile of bricks and they'd kill everything in sight. Shinon just stopped taking damage altogether. Ilyana was remarkably durable as well. Ike also reached Level 20 a little prematurely here...oh well. Also, turn bonus. Ridiculous amounts of bexp now.

For the next chapter, I used Makalov's master seal, after which the Apostle gave me yet another one. Having no one else to use it on, I just promoted Rhys at level 11 because he's my only healer and he looks pretty cute in his Saint outfit. And by god, if this game makes me any gayer I'm going to gouge out my eyes with spatulas. I also gave Crimea's two speedwings to Ilyana, resulting in 27 speed. That's why I also gave her Adept.

And because Rhys died on the first turn, I ragequitted, which is why I am here typing this.

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And because Rhys died on the first turn, I ragequitted, which is why I am here typing this.

Lol, my Rhys never dies (maybe only once per playthrough for the whole game). He's easy to protect. Looks like you're having fun with your uber units but when endgame comes along, some of them won't seem so uber anymore (looks at Haar and anyone else with low speed caps).

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Alright... The Bridge was annoying, what with all the pitfalls. I halted Tibarn, fortunately. Nothing of particular importance happened. Makalov as a gold knight is winsex. I don't even need Wind Edges to attack ranged now.

3-12 was rather tense, just like 3-6. I put one Master Seal in Nolan's inventory in case he reaches 20. The other one, I promoted Mr T with (level 11). I put the General on that ledge and watched him bring down those funny enemies trying to crawl up. I also sent Mickey and Volug (since I supported them) his way to deal with the pegasus. The right side was guarded by Zihark, Nolan and Aran, with Aran most up front (next to the rock, luckily), Nolan in the middle and Zihark behind. After a while, I replaced Zihark with Sothe. Laura and Jill were there for support. Everyone except Nolan sucks. And for that reason, the only kills Nolan got were from player phases. Near the end of the game, I let everyone flee except Nolan. Some units went after Laura & co, and I had to squeeze in a Hammer strike at less than 50% hit (battle save abuse, of course) just to avoid an imminent death. Nolan reached level 18.

For 3-13, I bexp'd him to 20 and made him promote. Finally third tier. I also gave him all the statboosters I had (and they're a LOT), and continued bexp-ing him to level 4, making him almost cap a few stats.

The strategy I like most is fielding all of my units and letting them block off every ledge. The only problem presents itself in the form of hawk soldiers.

Or I could give Tauroneo pass and make him luna Ike if I really had to =P

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I have only one thing to say:


I tried to do the above set-up, but it just wouldn't work. Those damn hawks would keep killing Laura or some other crap unit. So after a while, I just made Tauroneo clear a path for Nolan (who had Beastfoe and Resolve), made Chuck jump down the ledge, and awesomeness ensued. Nolan would take no damage from cats and dodge most Tiger attacks. He killed everything in his path (and grew to level 7). So then I went straight for Ike.


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I have only one thing to say:


I tried to do the above set-up, but it just wouldn't work. Those damn hawks would keep killing Laura or some other crap unit. So after a while, I just made Tauroneo clear a path for Nolan (who had Beastfoe and Resolve), made Chuck jump down the ledge, and awesomeness ensued. Nolan would take no damage from cats and dodge most Tiger attacks. He killed everything in his path (and grew to level 7). So then I went straight for Ike.


That's awesome! You're not very good at protecting your healers, are you. Don't the ballistae usually take out the hawks? Unless they were used up on tigers and cats. I hate the ally units in this game. They're so stupid and have no strategy at all.

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That's awesome! You're not very good at protecting your healers, are you. Don't the ballistae usually take out the hawks?

I usually heal a meatshield with one, have the meatshield shove the healer away, and make sure the healer is safe from both direct and indirect attacks. The last time I had a healer die (aside from Laura now) was when I tried to use Rhys as a shield. Saints =/= invincible. All the above precautions are meaningless when it's a flying unit...

And the ballistae did kill the hawks, when it was too late.

3-F was agonizingly long, but fairly easy. Nolan, however, scared the living crap out of me. Due to me having to leave on short notice, I battle saved somewhere near the end of a player phase, the same phase where Nolan would double Sigrun with his tomahawk, leaving her with a silver of HP. I retried about 3 times for her to dodge every attack afterwards (mostly from first tier units, though =P). I sent Makaluv out to battle Nolan and ended up finishing him with Ilyana. That man is insane.

I'm halfway through 4-P, soloing the map with Haar and Neasala (most of the endgamers are with Tibarn). I bexp'd Marcia, Manith and Sigrandma up to third tier. They form a nice wall. I also bexp'd Sanaki to level 10, causing her to cap her epic 40 magic.

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Alright, I DO suck at defending healers. Cleared 4-P, Laura died due to AIDS and longbows. Ouch. Naesala too, by the way =P

I've brought actually no uber unit to the Greil Army, so I just fielded Ike, Nailah and Rhys to heal them (as if it was necessary). Silly me. Dead Rhys. Now I know which saint to pick.

Ike grew to level 12 overnight. Nailah gained one whole level.

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Alright, I DO suck at defending healers. Cleared 4-P, Laura died due to AIDS and longbows. Ouch. Naesala too, by the way =P

I've brought actually no uber unit to the Greil Army, so I just fielded Ike, Nailah and Rhys to heal them (as if it was necessary). Silly me. Dead Rhys. Now I know which saint to pick.

Ike grew to level 12 overnight. Nailah gained one whole level.

Lol, that is hilarious. I think you spent a little too much time training just the one's you're taking to endgame and not enough time on the rest of the characters that help get you there. You're not fielding a lot of units cause most of them are underleveled, is this correct? I always go max deployment on most of the maps cause the game gives you more than enough units to beat the enemies while protecting the ones that need protection (healers, mages, snipers, etc). It would be unwise of you to solo 4-4 with just Ike, Nailah & Rhys cause of the hundreds of reinforcements.

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