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The "Every SS Weapon" playthrough

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Lol, that is hilarious. I think you spent a little too much time training just the one's you're taking to endgame and not enough time on the rest of the characters that help get you there. You're not fielding a lot of units cause most of them are underleveled, is this correct? I always go max deployment on most of the maps cause the game gives you more than enough units to beat the enemies while protecting the ones that need protection (healers, mages, snipers, etc). It would be unwise of you to solo 4-4 with just Ike, Nailah & Rhys cause of the hundreds of reinforcements.

Well, Rhys is dead now, so...

I think I'm just gonna rescuenate Rafiel with Nailah and slooooowly pick off all the enemies. Presuming Ike can't yet match Nailah's invincibility. The Tormod Trio...sucks to be them.

4-2 was rather worrying, honestly. My endgamers did well (everyone except Nolan was at least level 10), Shinon critical'd a pack of reinforcements (the top right corner) into oblivion thanks to the Aqqar crossbow - those things are useful after all! Thing is, while Pelleas promoted halfway through the map on my last playthrough, he ended up with a pathetic level 17. Tibarn still falcon punched some enemies, but not nearly as many as he did previously. I guess I did have too many killer units. Still, any unit you bring to 4-5 is an almost guaranteed 20/20/20. I also gave Pelleas an Elthunder so that he doesn't burn up all those precious macabre dark tomes before he even gets any WXP outta them.

But goddamnit, I already miss Rhys. Just like I began to miss Soren after he was impaled on Jill's lance. Poor crippled little bugger...

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Well, Rhys is dead now, so...

I think I'm just gonna rescuenate Rafiel with Nailah and slooooowly pick off all the enemies. Presuming Ike can't yet match Nailah's invincibility. The Tormod Trio...sucks to be them.

But goddamnit, I already miss Rhys. Just like I began to miss Soren after he was impaled on Jill's lance. Poor crippled little bugger...

You could've restarted after Rhys died if you battle saved. I guess you can use Mist in 4-4 but she'll probably die. Whatever you decide to do for that chapter, just remember to take out ALL the sages before the bishops put you to sleep.

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Holy balls, it took long for me to finish this chapter.


Sanaki is level 20, capped Mag and Luck (bah), SS in fire

Tanith and Sigrun fell in battle. lols

Micaiah is, like, level 9 or something

I got the Baselard, the White Gem and Dragonfoe. Also, Stefan

The threemusketeers where somewhat of a help here. I rescued Micaiah with Haar and Sothe with Skrimir, and 4-P had left me Naesaless, so the three of them were my main attackers. I grinded through this map, sloooooowly.

Luckily, aran just happened to have a Savior lying around for 4-4, so I'll put it on Ike and let him rescue Heather. Rafiel goes on Nailah. Time to tank.

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Holy balls, it took long for me to finish this chapter.


Sanaki is level 20, capped Mag and Luck (bah), SS in fire

Tanith and Sigrun fell in battle. lols

Micaiah is, like, level 9 or something

I got the Baselard, the White Gem and Dragonfoe. Also, Stefan

The threemusketeers where somewhat of a help here. I rescued Micaiah with Haar and Sothe with Skrimir, and 4-P had left me Naesaless, so the three of them were my main attackers. I grinded through this map, sloooooowly.

Luckily, aran just happened to have a Savior lying around for 4-4, so I'll put it on Ike and let him rescue Heather. Rafiel goes on Nailah. Time to tank.

I hate that chapter so much. I don't care for a lot of the characters who are actually useful on that chapter so it always takes me a while to finish it too. You got Naesala killed in 4-P? That sucks a lot cause 4-3 is really hard to finish fast without him. Good luck on 4-4. Don't forget to kill ALL the mages, especially the fire sage near the stairs where the bishops put you to sleep and the one with meteor.

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I'm almost through 4-4 now. Ike+Savior rescued Heather, Nailah rescued Rafiel. Nailah could barely kill anything thanks to her inability to double, so Ike did most of the work. He took care of everything in the middle and eastern parts of the mansion's first half, while Nailah secured that little room to the left to put Rafiel in.

Tormod and Vika died before I could help them =( I also discovered that Muarim has a special conversation with Ike if his little one is dead. So yeah, I stuck Muarim with Rafiel in that little room and let Nailah be the sentinel. Now, all of the reinforcements are dead (there were so many that some even spawned behind Nailah) and Ike is level 20 with speed, skill and strength capped. Not bad, methinks. So I went ahead and let the bishops but Nailah and Ike to sleep. Ike got the sleepy hammer twice, and he's actually more durable than Nailah now.

FYI, Ike is still carrying Heather. I had bought a chest key which I used to salvage the Blizzard and that other item.

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I'm almost through 4-4 now. Ike+Savior rescued Heather, Nailah rescued Rafiel. Nailah could barely kill anything thanks to her inability to double, so Ike did most of the work. He took care of everything in the middle and eastern parts of the mansion's first half, while Nailah secured that little room to the left to put Rafiel in.

Tormod and Vika died before I could help them =( I also discovered that Muarim has a special conversation with Ike if his little one is dead. So yeah, I stuck Muarim with Rafiel in that little room and let Nailah be the sentinel. Now, all of the reinforcements are dead (there were so many that some even spawned behind Nailah) and Ike is level 20 with speed, skill and strength capped. Not bad, methinks. So I went ahead and let the bishops but Nailah and Ike to sleep. Ike got the sleepy hammer twice, and he's actually more durable than Nailah now.

FYI, Ike is still carrying Heather. I had bought a chest key which I used to salvage the Blizzard and that other item.

You know what you could've done? I know its late for this but you could've taken Savior off of Tibarn in 4-2 and put it in the convoy so you could give it to Nailah. Unless you're rescuing people with Tibarn, he doesn't really need it.

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Instead of bothering you with a report on each individual chapter, I'm going to describe my team as of 4-E-2.

Micaiah: Fail. Good as a healer, but otherwise, fail. I think I made her get an SS in staves, not sure. She sure as hell ain't gonna kill anything, anyway.

Sanaki: I didn't field her in 4-E-1 for some reason. With capped Mag, she's bound to do some damage, but she likely won't be doubling anything (except maybe dragons, but meh)

Kurthnaga: Ach, no. Pretty much cannon fodder. I'm fresh out of bexp, so I doubt he'll be of any use later on.

Ena: Used her to unsilence people, but I'm taking that Boon clean off and giving it to Kurth. He's also hotter than her anyway.

Sothe: Who?

Makalov: <3 Really good unit. for now, anyway. He capped a variety of stats, but with low caps to begin with, that may not mean much. But whatever. He's got a pink fro, and that's what counts.

Renning: Meh. For a Level 16 unit, he's pretty subpar. He's got high speed and defense, but can't seem to kill anything. Did his mustache short-circuit or something? I'll have to baby him some more, I guess. There aren't that many left that need babying anyway.

Nephenee: The queen of 'adpet'. Kills everything in sight. As good as ever.

Nolan: At level 16 and already capped everything except strength (which is around 36 now). A godly unit. May his Jesus Beard light the way to victory.

Oliver: I love having him here. I dislike how he keeps getting hit even if the enemy's hit is about 30. And one attack shaves off over half his health. He can't double for his life either, but that's justified because he CAPPED MAGIC WHAT THE FU-

Bastian: Lo and behold, the count makes a dashing debut! He dominates the map with Tornado, but I let him use mostly Thunder Magic like in my fic, just for kicks (Gods help us if he ever needs to fall back on that detestable fire booklet). He's a bit frail on the fisticuffs side, but he'll get over it. His shoes will protect him. In 4-5, I watched him go from mediocre to splendid.

Ilyana: Good enough. Has no trouble doubling most enemies. She capped Strength, unfortunately, but seems to suffer no drawbacks in damage. Actually a great unit, but getting there was the frustrating part.

Pelleas: Still mighty underleveled, but he shows promise.

Volke: I can just send him against any opponent with the Baselard in hand, regardless of damage done. He'll always kill because of the (sometimes dual) crits. As of now, he has Gamble to make him even more h4x.

Shinon: The king of 'Adpet'. I tried to make him my "merciful" unit so that Pelleas and/or Renning could get some kills, but with Adept and Deadeye, that isn't happening. He also dodges/takes minimal damage from any attack thrown at him. Uber unit.

For Weapon Levels, I think Oliver and Pelleas got an SS through combat. I used the spare Arms Scrolls to max out Oliver and Micaiah's staff levels. I have another one, which I think I'll use on Bastian. Thunder, of course. Speak me not of fire.

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