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New Event Calendar (Dec-Jan)


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23 hours ago, Lewyn said:

This calendar is absolutely packed with orbs, feathers.  Two tempest trials, two voting guantlets, tap battle, voting guantlets, multiple paralogues, etc etc.  I'm sure xmas units will be insane, and NY as well but the only banner I am really interested is Radiant dawn.  Beast units is the freshest thing since launch.

We've had new weapon/movement combinations, or colored bows/daggers and even colorless breath.  However this is the first completely new weapon type.  It is likely going to be tied to some conditional transformation mechanic that gives unit super powers like 3 move flying and probably boosted stats.  I vowed off summoning on banners with regular rates since the Halloween catastrophe but I might have to make an exception here.  Don't want to be left out of a brand new way to play the game. 


we are gonna get beasts! :D 


33 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

Yeah, it's really dumb.

I mean, I get that Nintendo of America is located in the Pacific time zone, but seriously, I think it'd be much easier to make a schedule primarily aimed for the rest of the world. I think it'd be easier for the West Coast to think of being one day ahead of the calendar then most of the world having to think of one day later.

it is truly stupid. it doesn't take much to just make the calendar start 1 day later vs. people who follow this thing going wait/ what?!

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17 hours ago, DarkAlf said:

@Sentinel07 Oh yeah - I forgot that they could be sent home or foddered off.  I figured that most folks wouldn't do it, especially if you're F2P.  I'm guessing then that the developers might not have thought this through carefully enough (like me apparently...).

That's weird. I'm F2P and I foddered Fjorm off immediately. And then I got her again on a Legendary banner and foddered her off again! Haha. I didn't like her design, and I hate having random characters sit uselessly in my barracks. I would fodder off Sharena and Anna if I could (or if they had any worthwhile skills). Lol.

But I hate random related quests to the things we get for free! Luckily I love Eir's design/etc, so I'm using her, but it's still annoying whenever we got Fjorm stuff. And it's annoying when we get Sharena and Anna stuff because they're still 2*. XD

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34 minutes ago, Sunsurge said:

That's weird. I'm F2P and I foddered Fjorm off immediately. And then I got her again on a Legendary banner and foddered her off again! Haha. I didn't like her design, and I hate having random characters sit uselessly in my barracks. I would fodder off Sharena and Anna if I could (or if they had any worthwhile skills). Lol.

But I hate random related quests to the things we get for free! Luckily I love Eir's design/etc, so I'm using her, but it's still annoying whenever we got Fjorm stuff. And it's annoying when we get Sharena and Anna stuff because they're still 2*. XD

No problem foddering Fjorm off!  I'm also F2P, and I am very reluctant to fodder a 5* exclusive unless a unit desperately needs those skills.  The only times I've ever done that is to give my Gwendolyn DC from OG Hector and Vengeful Fighter 3 from Male Grima, and I still have copies of Hector and Male Grima sitting around as Combat Manuals.

I hope I don't provide false hope here, but I believe you could still clear the Fjorm quests without your own Fjorm - assuming that comes up in the Three Princesses quests - if you have a friend whose lead is Fjorm.  Note that this only works if the quests don't involve the Training Tower, Story/Paralogue maps, Arena (Assault) or Aether Raids.  You could use a friend's Fjorm in Rival Domains/Grand Conquests to defeat foes, assuming the quests are just that. 

If you want, you can PM me and add me as a friend, and I could lead with a Fjorm+2 to help you clear those quests.

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52 minutes ago, Sunsurge said:

That's weird. I'm F2P and I foddered Fjorm off immediately. And then I got her again on a Legendary banner and foddered her off again! Haha. I didn't like her design, and I hate having random characters sit uselessly in my barracks. I would fodder off Sharena and Anna if I could (or if they had any worthwhile skills). Lol.

But I hate random related quests to the things we get for free! Luckily I love Eir's design/etc, so I'm using her, but it's still annoying whenever we got Fjorm stuff. And it's annoying when we get Sharena and Anna stuff because they're still 2*. XD


i remember being so confused how i got Ike + Fjorm because i was like i didn't pull for them and I didn't remember getting them once clearing Book 2 etc. so because 5*s were at the time rare for me, it was like..well they aren't going anywhere. but i could totally see how people could do it (I know a lot of people who ditched Fjorm like you

I know for Eir (and any future Fjorms). i'll probably create a "merge" for them, instead of them going into the neutral (like Ike).

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On 12/14/2018 at 12:27 PM, Sunsurge said:

That's weird. I'm F2P and I foddered Fjorm off immediately. And then I got her again on a Legendary banner and foddered her off again! Haha. I didn't like her design, and I hate having random characters sit uselessly in my barracks. I would fodder off Sharena and Anna if I could (or if they had any worthwhile skills). Lol.

But I hate random related quests to the things we get for free! Luckily I love Eir's design/etc, so I'm using her, but it's still annoying whenever we got Fjorm stuff. And it's annoying when we get Sharena and Anna stuff because they're still 2*. XD

Well, it's coming again. The Three Princesses quests we're getting this week are related to Sharena, Fjorm, and Eir as we thought.

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