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New Heroes: Rulers Of The Laguz


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I don't knowhow I feel about the new heroes. As a free to play I take whoever I can get, but I think that if a laguz is in human form, then they don't have any weapon weakness unless it's the poison dagger. but once they go into beast mode (Pun intended). then they should be weak to bows if they can fly. Also dumb question. Who is the leader of the Cat laguz? 

Caineghis>Gifca>Skrimir>Ranulf>Lethe>Kyzha>Lyre in terms of authority in Gallia of the playable laguz. 

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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

What if they add inheritable beast weapons?

I don't see a problem with Rafiel being able to inherit Elderly Beast Transformation (Infantry).

Adult Beast Tranformation (Infantry)+ doesn't seem like there will be a problem.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't see a problem with Rafiel being able to inherit Elderly Beast Transformation (Infantry).

Adult Beast Tranformation (Infantry)+ doesn't seem like there will be a problem.

I guess as long as they stick to names that generic, it'd work.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

I guess as long as they stick to names that generic, it'd work.

On the other hand, you'd be able to make Rafiel an offensive monster with the Wo Dao effect on the weapon... unless they give him Azama levels of Atk.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

On the other hand, you'd be able to make Rafiel an offensive monster with the Wo Dao effect on the weapon... unless they give him Azama levels of Atk.

That would be scary if he had Wo Dao effects. :sweatdrop:


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20 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Caineghis>Gifca>Skrimir>Ranulf>Lethe>Kyzha>Lyre in terms of authority in Gallia of the playable laguz. 

You forgot Mordecai who should be between Lethe and Kyza. He's Lethe's subordinate.

Localization confuses me sometimes with what Ice Dragon's pointed out about it. :/ Though sometimes, it can be difficult to do a proper translation that wouldn't look messy to the westerners, because of how English works as compared to Japanese.

Edited by Anacybele
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40 minutes ago, TheWildestCat said:

This is more opinion based, but do you guys think they'll add all playable laguz in the game. If not who do you think won't be added.

I would say:



  • Ranulf is certain. Too popular, too much plot attention, and too nice a character to ignore. 
  • Lethe has a decent personality, gets a little plot attention in both Tellius games, and is female. She is certain.
  • Lyre is only playable in RD, which has no Supports, so she she is an undeveloped character. But she is a cute female, that just might get her in.


  • Mordecai would be perhaps the most likely Tiger due to the Lethe association, and they should have at least one of the three in.
  • Muarim is a good character, but he is just so dour I think IS wouldn't include him. It'd be like biting into a pithy lemon. I'd like him to come in, but I doubt it. He is a boss for one chapter, so slim chance of being GHB.
  • Kyza has Lyre's problems. And unfortunately, he is male to boot. Sure he is gay and looks like Anderson Cooper, but that isn't enough. He has some of the worst chances of coming in.


  • Caineghis is a Laguz King, which should give him the awesome stuff Tibarn and Nailah are getting, as their coequal. He has less story presence in Tellius, but is still a good "good old king" character. Certainly possible, and we need at least one Lion.
  • Giffca is Caineghis's shadow warrior. He is just as strong and fairly quiet, but is lacking for a real personality to call his own. If Caineghis comes, I'd expect Giffca to come with him, probably as a different color. If he doesn't get in this way, I doubt he would come at all.
  • Skrimir, has some good character development and plot importance over the course of RD. He is much younger than the other two Lions, he could come.

The remaining Hawks and Ravens:

  • Ulki and Janaff are the steadfast companions of Tibarn. Ulki is his Ears with his unusually incredible hearing, Janaff is his Eyes with his unusually incredible sight. Of these two, if they don't come together, then Janaff is more likely, since he has a more colorful personality to Ulki's stoic one, who might not come
  • Nealuchi is an old man who serves Naesala devotedly. Being so old, I'd say his chances are nil.
  • Vika doesn't have much in way of development, due to being in RD alone, but she is female, with a possible argument for the trainee BST buff. I'd place her at a 50/50.

Rafiel and Volug:

  • Rafiel is the elder brother of Reyson and Leanne, and like them a refresher. Albeit one who due to illness has permanently flight capacities with his wings. The most gentle, serene, and peaceful of them all. Also stated in an artbook to be Nailah's husband. Owing to his familial and marital associations, on top of being a refresh, I'd label him as certain.
  • Volug is the lone fellow Wolf Nailah took with her across the Desert of Death to Daein. His personality is limited due to zero abilities to speak in the language of Tellius, but one can tell he is loyal at least. He is also shirtless with abs to please, the ladies could love him for that reason. So I'd give him a good chance.


And as for the Dragon Laguz, who might go Breath instead:

  • Ena is the lone female Red Dragon Laguz that is playable. She looks kinda cute and has story importance in PoR. I would call her certain.
  • Nasir is Ena's grandfather, and important in PoR too with lots of screentime. He is the only nongeneric White Dragon as well. I would call him a little less than certain.
  • Kurthnaga is the Black Dragon Prince of Goldoa, gets some character development forced and rushed on him in RD. Being a shota, I don't think he'd be too likely.
  • Gareth is a Red Dragon who loyally serves Kurthnaga and his father; has zero personality. And has zero chance of coming.
  • Dheginsea is the Black Dragon King of Goldoa, who fought for the goddess Ashera over 800 years ago as one of her Three Heroes. Possessing her ancient blessings and being gargantuan by Tellius Dragon standards, Naesala once quips the goddess herself would hesitate to fight him. He has plot importance, and fair reasoning behind his actions, making for a well developed character. He WILL come as a GHB eventually- is what most of us believe. 


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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I would say:

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  • Ranulf is certain. Too popular, too much plot attention, and too nice a character to ignore. 
  • Lethe has a decent personality, gets a little plot attention in both Tellius games, and is female. She is certain.
  • Lyre is only playable in RD, which has no Supports, so she she is an undeveloped character. But she is a cute female, that just might get her in.


  • Mordecai would be perhaps the most likely Tiger due to the Lethe association, and they should have at least one of the three in.
  • Muarim is a good character, but he is just so dour I think IS wouldn't include him. It'd be like biting into a pithy lemon. I'd like him to come in, but I doubt it. He is a boss for one chapter, so slim chance of being GHB.
  • Kyza has Lyre's problems. And unfortunately, he is male to boot. Sure he is gay and looks like Anderson Cooper, but that isn't enough. He has some of the worst chances of coming in.


  • Caineghis is a Laguz King, which should give him the awesome stuff Tibarn and Nailah are getting, as their coequal. He has less story presence in Tellius, but is still a good "good old king" character. Certainly possible, and we need at least one Lion.
  • Giffca is Caineghis's shadow warrior. He is just as strong and fairly quiet, but is lacking for a real personality to call his own. If Caineghis comes, I'd expect Giffca to come with him, probably as a different color. If he doesn't get in this way, I doubt he would come at all.
  • Skrimir, has some good character development and plot importance over the course of RD. He is much younger than the other two Lions, he could come.

The remaining Hawks and Ravens:

  • Ulki and Janaff are the steadfast companions of Tibarn. Ulki is his Ears with his unusually incredible hearing, Janaff is his Eyes with his unusually incredible sight. Of these two, if they don't come together, then Janaff is more likely, since he has a more colorful personality to Ulki's stoic one, who might not come
  • Nealuchi is an old man who serves Naesala devotedly. Being so old, I'd say his chances are nil.
  • Vika doesn't have much in way of development, due to being in RD alone, but she is female, with a possible argument for the trainee BST buff. I'd place her at a 50/50.

Rafiel and Volug:

  • Rafiel is the elder brother of Reyson and Leanne, and like them a refresher. Albeit one who due to illness has permanently flight capacities with his wings. The most gentle, serene, and peaceful of them all. Also stated in an artbook to be Nailah's husband. Owing to his familial and marital associations, on top of being a refresh, I'd label him as certain.
  • Volug is the lone fellow Wolf Nailah took with her across the Desert of Death to Daein. His personality is limited due to zero abilities to speak in the language of Tellius, but one can tell he is loyal at least. He is also shirtless with abs to please, the ladies could love him for that reason. So I'd give him a good chance.


And as for the Dragon Laguz, who might go Breath instead:

  • Ena is the lone female Red Dragon Laguz that is playable. She looks kinda cute and has story importance in PoR. I would call her certain.
  • Nasir is Ena's grandfather, and important in PoR too with lots of screentime. He is the only nongeneric White Dragon as well. I would call him a little less than certain.
  • Kurthnaga is the Black Dragon Prince of Goldoa, gets some character development forced and rushed on him in RD. Being a shota, I don't think he'd be too likely.
  • Gareth is a Red Dragon who loyally serves Kurthnaga and his father; has zero personality. And has zero chance of coming.
  • Dheginsea is the Black Dragon King of Goldoa, who fought for the goddess Ashera over 800 years ago as one of her Three Heroes. Possessing her ancient blessings and being gargantuan by Tellius Dragon standards, Naesala once quips the goddess herself would hesitate to fight him. He has plot importance, and fair reasoning behind his actions, making for a well developed character. He WILL come as a GHB eventually- is what most of us believe. 


I could see the Goldoan dragons having their own dedicated banner, with Kurthnaga, Nasir, and Ena being summonable, Dheginsea being a GHB, and Gareth a TT reward

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I actually say Volug will not be added simply due to the fact that he cannot speak the Tellius modern tongue. He'd have to be voiced speaking a language we don't understand or have no voice or text lines at all beyond attacking grunts and that'd be weird and not fun. He'd have no tap lines, no 5 star lv. 40 conversation, no summon dialogue, etc.

Gallia could have a dedicated banner too since the current one has no Gallians. Which I wouldn't mind, as I'd like both Ranulf and Lethe. Ranulf is just my most wanted laguz period. xP

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31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • Kurthnaga is the Black Dragon Prince of Goldoa, gets some character development forced and rushed on him in RD. Being a shota, I don't think he'd be too likely.

Kurthnaga doesn't look young enough to be classified as a shota nor is he mentally a child either. Why is he less likely than Nasir, who is an older man? 

46 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

You forgot Mordecai who should be between Lethe and Kyza. He's Lethe's subordinate.

Localization confuses me sometimes with what Ice Dragon's pointed out about it. :/ Though sometimes, it can be difficult to do a proper translation that wouldn't look messy to the westerners, because of how English works as compared to Japanese.

In that case, he's probably above Lyre but below Kyza. 

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I actually say Volug will not be added simply due to the fact that he cannot speak the Tellius modern tongue. He'd have to be voiced speaking a language we don't understand or have no voice or text lines at all beyond attacking grunts and that'd be weird and not fun. He'd have no tap lines, no 5 star lv. 40 conversation, no summon dialogue, etc.

Gallia could have a dedicated banner too since the current one has no Gallians. Which I wouldn't mind, as I'd like both Ranulf and Lethe. Ranulf is just my most wanted laguz period. xP

You do realize that Volug has a few lines in RD where he speaks the Tellius modern language right? All of Leanne's lines in Heroes has her trying to speak the modern language, albeit with trouble, so who's the say the same can't happen with Volug?

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Looking at relative CYL2 rankings:

  1. FE9 Ranulf
  2. FE9 Lethe
  3. FE10 Ranulf
  4. FE9 Lethe
  5. FE10 Caineghis
  6. Volug
  7. FE9 Caineghis
  8. Vika
  9. FE9 Mordecai
  10. FE10 Kurthnaga
  11. FE10 Dheginsea
  12. Lyre
  13. Skrimir
  14. Rafiel
  15. FE9 Muarim
  16. FE10 Muarim
  17. FE9 Janaff
  18. FE9 Nasir
  19. FE10 Mordecai

Those are the ones who scored in the top 500. I don't think distinctions between the later ones say much.

I think we can consider Ranulf, Lethe, and Caineghis to be safe bets. Vika, Kurthnaga, and Dheginsea also seem pretty likely to me, and if they want a tiger, Mordecai is their best bet. Rafiel, Ena, and Nasir are all plausible if they want more herons or dragons. Volug and Lyre are possible. I'd give quite low odds to anyone else.

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15 minutes ago, Othin said:

Looking at relative CYL2 rankings:

  1. FE9 Ranulf
  2. FE9 Lethe
  3. FE10 Ranulf
  4. FE9 Lethe
  5. FE10 Caineghis
  6. Volug
  7. FE9 Caineghis
  8. Vika
  9. FE9 Mordecai
  10. FE10 Kurthnaga
  11. FE10 Dheginsea
  12. Lyre
  13. Skrimir
  14. Rafiel
  15. FE9 Muarim
  16. FE10 Muarim
  17. FE9 Janaff
  18. FE9 Nasir
  19. FE10 Mordecai

Those are the ones who scored in the top 500. I don't think distinctions between the later ones say much.

I think we can consider Ranulf, Lethe, and Caineghis to be safe bets. Vika, Kurthnaga, and Dheginsea also seem pretty likely to me, and if they want a tiger, Mordecai is their best bet. Rafiel, Ena, and Nasir are all plausible if they want more herons or dragons. Volug and Lyre are possible. I'd give quite low odds to anyone else.

Ranulf, Lethe, Caineghis, Volug with Mordecai TT seems like a pretty marketable banner and would mirror the basic structure of this one, 4 birds and a wolf vs 4 cats and a wolf. Only issue would be gender balance on the banner itself, so maybe Lyre instead of either Cain or Volug or drop Maurim, transfer Volug to TT amd make Lyre a banner unit?

Oh, missed Vika. She's in a similar spot to Lyre. Maybe her as the TT with Lyre and Lethe as the banner units?

Mordecai and especially Caineghis would give easy intros to armored beasts.

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25 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

You do realize that Volug has a few lines in RD where he speaks the Tellius modern language right? All of Leanne's lines in Heroes has her trying to speak the modern language, albeit with trouble, so who's the say the same can't happen with Volug?

...But he doesn't? I've played through RD multiple times, no once did I see Volug say anything in the modern tongue. Leanne was learning it in RD, yes.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

...But he doesn't? I've played through RD multiple times, no once did I see Volug say anything in the modern tongue. Leanne was learning it in RD, yes.

In Part 4 of RD in the map where Oliver shows up, there's a base conversation that can appear if Volug is in the Greil Army. It has him interested in learning the modern language and he even says a few lines in it

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1 minute ago, Gregster101 said:

In Part 4 of RD in the map where Oliver shows up, there's a base conversation that can appear if Volug is in the Greil Army. It has him interested in learning the modern language and he even says a few lines in it

Oh. That explains why I wouldn't have seen it then, I never put Volug in that group.

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The conversation, for anyone curious:

Ike: That makes sense, I suppose. Mordecai once told me that speech lets you avoid fighting when it’s not a good idea. He said that’s why it’s a good idea to know many languages.
Nailah: Did he, now? Volug, did you hear that? You can learn the language of Tellius with Mordecai.
Volug: …I will… I…will try.
Nailah: He understands what you’re saying, for the most part. It’s the speaking that’s the hard part for him.
Ike: You don’t need to feel obligated. I mean, it isn’t like I can understand ancient speech.
Volug: (Here, I want you to have this. Um, here… Take.)
Ike: Oh, I understand. Thanks.
Volug: (It’s about time!)
Ike: I think I understood that. You were happy that I understood what you just said.
Volug: (I guess you could say that.)
Nailah: Good. As long as you have the desire to learn, words will soon follow.
Ike: I see. I’ll try to learn a little ancient speech from now on, too. Volug, you be my teacher and I’ll be your teacher.
Volug: (All right. It’s a deal.)


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6 minutes ago, Othin said:

The conversation, for anyone curious:

Ike: That makes sense, I suppose. Mordecai once told me that speech lets you avoid fighting when it’s not a good idea. He said that’s why it’s a good idea to know many languages.
Nailah: Did he, now? Volug, did you hear that? You can learn the language of Tellius with Mordecai.
Volug: …I will… I…will try.
Nailah: He understands what you’re saying, for the most part. It’s the speaking that’s the hard part for him.
Ike: You don’t need to feel obligated. I mean, it isn’t like I can understand ancient speech.
Volug: (Here, I want you to have this. Um, here… Take.)
Ike: Oh, I understand. Thanks.
Volug: (It’s about time!)
Ike: I think I understood that. You were happy that I understood what you just said.
Volug: (I guess you could say that.)
Nailah: Good. As long as you have the desire to learn, words will soon follow.
Ike: I see. I’ll try to learn a little ancient speech from now on, too. Volug, you be my teacher and I’ll be your teacher.
Volug: (All right. It’s a deal.)


Thanks Othin

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And now I need Nailah. Rachel Robinson, her English voice actress, voiced Fang from Final Fantasy XIII. She apparently voiced Holly Whyte from the Bravely Default games as well.

Also, Reyson's attack art and Oliver's injured art matches well. It's like Oliver's being cleansed by an angel or they're in the process of being fused from using Potara earrings. What would their fused form even look like?

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36 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Also, Reyson's attack art and Oliver's injured art matches well. It's like Oliver's being cleansed by an angel or they're in the process of being fused from using Potara earrings. What would their fused form even look like?

Palette-swap injured art Oliver with white heron wings and light streaming from his very being.

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I want to summon for Nailah, but at the same time I want to save orbs for the Mythic hero at the end of the month. If I wait that much, I'll lose some seasons with her in Arena/AR.

My plan for now is to use the tickets and the free summon on blues and spend orbs on all other blues that comes in those sessions. Hoping that the tickets from Forging Bonds aren't at the top end of the rewards.

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