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Nintendo Direct on February 13 2019


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1 minute ago, Ertrick36 said:

Lemme guess from your recent change in avatar, you've been digging into the game lately?  First time or returning to it after a break?

Shane's also a complete dick to you when you first meet him, you have to actively pursue him to get a "better side" of him.

Most everyone else just treats you like a neighbor they don't know very well, at least until you actually befriend them a bit (either through simply greeting them a lot or giving them gifts frequently).  It's basically the feeling of moving into a small town with a tight-knit community, which is rather funny considering the community center in that game starts off in complete shambles, on the brink of being sold to the Walmart of that world.

Overall, I approve of how relationships are handled in that game.

This is actually my first time playing it, I've been persuaded by a friend from this forum to buy it and I've been loving it so far! I like Haley a lot, but I have to go for my boy Sam haha. 

People being dicks to me at first makes me even more motivated to make me like them Which means stalking them and acting like a psycho until they warm up or call the police.

If they did something like that in FE16, or something akin to social links in Persona, i'd be very happy.

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8 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

People being dicks to me at first makes me even more motivated to make me like them

Pretty much exactly the reason I befriended Shane.

I hope that if FE 3H makes these kinds of characters, the resolutions to their issues are a lot more sensible than Hana's resolution with Corrin or Soleil's resolution with Ophelia.  Because I do like friendships that were initially built on strained relationships, but not if they're totally stupid like some of those relationships in Fates.

14 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

This is actually my first time playing it, I've been persuaded by a friend from this forum to buy it and I've been loving it so far! I like Haley a lot, but I have to go for my boy Sam haha. 

Well, it's quite a good game, and it's nice you started now because the multiplayer has been out for a bit and the game in general has seen a number of patches since then.

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21 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

Pretty much exactly the reason I befriended Shane.

I hope that if FE 3H makes these kinds of characters, the resolutions to their issues are a lot more sensible than Hana's resolution with Corrin or Soleil's resolution with Ophelia.  Because I do like friendships that were initially built on strained relationships, but not if they're totally stupid like some of those relationships in Fates.

Well, it's quite a good game, and it's nice you started now because the multiplayer has been out for a bit and the game in general has seen a number of patches since then.

oh yeah I am really enjoying it right now. It's quite a relaxing game for me, I love exploring the caves but I don't like how much energy it takes up haha. I have never played multiplayer but I have plans to.

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I'd consider Stardew, used to play HMs as a kid, and then moved on for a while to RF, but now... anything dating sim just doesn't sit well with me. Partly, there is some fear of mine that nothing would match my expectations. I'm not nitpicky incel or anything, and I am flexible and tolerant and wouldn't want to be nitpicky and instead try to understand the character in question. But for some reason I can't quite explain, I think I'd feel a little... repulsed? Not a disgust repulse, but some sort of distancing dissonance.

I could play the game a stoic farmer, but then that'd be missing out on presumably a good chunk of the experience.


33 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

Because I do like friendships that were initially built on strained relationships, but not if they're totally stupid like some of those relationships in Fates.

And you remind me of ShinonxJanaff. That PoR support I happen to like a lot. Both start in the C very racist and distrusting towards each other. They continue being racist in the B, but Janaff softens and tries to understand Shinon despite his continued racism. And then in the A without it being wholly planned or terribly blatant, Janaff manages to get under Shinon's skin and he stops being racist, even stopping himself mid-pronunciation into the phrase "half-breed", and thus at the end Shinon is wanting to ask Janaff more questions as Janaff had after the B.

My only issue is that we don't get another conversation between the two! (Though not in the form of an S support.) I so wish to know how things would've gone after this! All we get in RD is Shinon reverting back to full racism in the Kitten Smitten base convo.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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4 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think Fates demonstrated that this philosophy doesn't really work out. A good half of all Fates story problems stem from the writers being frightened of criticizing anything the player avatar says or does. When combined with Corrin's naive personality this resulted in a main character that was both heavily flawed while simultaneously cuddled and adored by the playable cast. Corrin's naivety is a character flaw but he's not allowed to grow out of it because Fates insist Corrin doesn't have any flaws, because he and the player are perfect as they are. The idea of Corrin needing to change is even shot down by other characters. No matter what happened there was always someone who said Corrin did a fantastic job or was blameless of things that went wrong. Corrin would likely have been far less divisive if this wasn't the case.

And Corrin isn't the only victim of the need for the player avatar to be perfect. Kotaro is clumsily written to betray Nohr for no reason so he can be killed and the player avatar is spared from having to endure a shady ally and Takumi is made to admit he was wrong to distrust Corrin....even if he wasn't. 

Its a matter of wants vs needs. The player might want their avatar to be adored by everyone but usually its not what the story needs. A main character who faces no opposition and has no rival or person who doesn't like him, and who isn't allowed to grow usually isn't very interesting

I find this kind of thing funny coming from someone who doesn’t like tsundere characters for being “too abrasive”. I’m not saying you can’t hold that opinion or anything cause you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. It’s just that sort of reasoning kind of proves my point in that people don’t tend to like overly abrasive characters like that especially if it’s too their playable avatar. However I do sort of agree with your overall point of “wants vs needs”. You see avatar worship is a very tricky balancing act. You want the player to feel good about themselves for what they do in the game but not so much to the point where they come off as a mary sue like corrin. I mean when looking at other avatars who imo have been done well like robin, joker, and yu narukami. You tend to notice they don’t really change or develop over time nor do any of them suffer from any real character flaw. All of them are also all praised a lot in their stories. Now with robin you can the argument that they’re not a main character for a majority of their story but the same can’t be said for joker and yu.

they are the main characters of their respective stories yet they still manage to work despite that. There are a number of reasons as to why but in regards to avatar worship. It’s because the praise feels earned. You talk to people, listen to their problems, and they thank you for it. That just makes sense, you helped someone out therefore you expect to/should be “praised” for it. The game is rewarding you for doing what it wants you to do. If that makes sense. Dunno if I worded that properly. 

As far as your second point is concerned, I completely agree.

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14 hours ago, Ottservia said:

It's either you go big or you go home.

Honestly, i wish they would go home. I am not a fan of social links/bonding stuff/S-Support/etc being forced into every rpg i am playing. Not one game i played that has those forced in are better then their predecessors mostly because of such stuff

14 hours ago, Ottservia said:

The avatar is an extension of the player. They are your window into the game's world and story. In a way it's blatant wish-fulfillment. and you know people don't like people who are assholes to them(unless you're a weirdo like me anyway). Like you know put yourself in the game you kind of expect people to like you because you want people to like you. If that makes sense. I mean you're the player why shouldn't people like you. You play the game. You do a thing so people should like you for it. Again it's kind of hard to explain but I hope you understood that.

Honestly, i was never able to self-insert. The MCs for me are Character of which i see the Story through, not to self insert in. And while yes, i don't like people being assholes to me, you are not gonna have everyone be nice to you just because you did something. That's not how it works.

The MC definetly should get something for what he is doing, but he should not have everyone revolved around him and be able to steal every Character's Waifu because he is the MC

6 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

Also to the people who don't want a dragon as the final boss, I agree but to compensate, let's have a f*ckton of playable dragons. Like, Radiant Dawn Endgame/Awakening levels. Dragons are an amazing class, and after Heroes allowing me to play only with dragons if I want to... I don't think I can go back to PoR and the GBA with only 1 playable dragon. And please let's not go back to Jugdral and 0 dragons. LET'S NOT!

Yeah, playable Dragons are cool. I like them

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Honestly, i wish they would go home. I am not a fan of social links/bonding stuff/S-Support/etc being forced into every rpg i am playing. Not one game i played that has those forced in are better then their predecessors mostly because of such stuff

I can respect that. Dating mechanics have been starting to oversaturate JRPGs recently and even I can find it kind of annoying. Honestly it’s a product of a much larger problem in not just games or anime but Japan as a whole.

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6 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

Also to the people who don't want a dragon as the final boss, I agree but to compensate, let's have a f*ckton of playable dragons. Like, Radiant Dawn Endgame/Awakening levels. Dragons are an amazing class, and after Heroes allowing me to play only with dragons if I want to... I don't think I can go back to PoR and the GBA with only 1 playable dragon. And please let's not go back to Jugdral and 0 dragons. LET'S NOT!

I could get a waifu to surpass Tiki this way. Or not. Whatever it is, I hope Three Houses does good for me.

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Yeah, Tellius was nice to not have any dragon villains. Deghinsea was a boss, but never the main antagonist/villain. I'd like a non-dragon villain too. Playable dragons are fine, I'm just tired of lolis. Tellius was refreshing in this category too, giving us adult dragons like Nasir and Ena.

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22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, Tellius was nice to not have any dragon villains. Deghinsea was a boss, but never the main antagonist/villain. I'd like a non-dragon villain too. Playable dragons are fine, I'm just tired of lolis. Tellius was refreshing in this category too, giving us adult dragons like Nasir and Ena.

Agreed. Not only was their variety of dragons better, they (and the other Laguz tribes) were better realized as well. The Laguz tribes had actual cultures, multiple playable units with varied perspectives, and real stakes in the politics and conflicts of their world.


Manaketes, as portrayed thus far, are shallow, uninteresting trash compared to the Laguz.

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2 minutes ago, TheGoodHoms said:

We're twenty till showtime folks! Any last second guesses as to what we'll be seeing?

Obviously we know Fire Emblem, but any other games? Pikmin 4? Animal Crossing? Wii U Ports? Third-Party Titles?

A expect a good portion of ports like the last direct.

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6 minutes ago, Etheus said:

Agreed. Not only was their variety of dragons better, they (and the other Laguz tribes) were better realized as well. The Laguz tribes had actual cultures, multiple playable units with varied perspectives, and real stakes in the politics and conflicts of their world.


Manaketes, as portrayed thus far, are shallow, uninteresting trash compared to the Laguz.

Yeah, that's exactly why I always found manaketes boring compared to the laguz.

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Here's my wants:

* In depth discussion of 3 Houses gameplay and world measuring 5-15 minutes. With release date.


* 3 Houses transitions into reveal of Wave 2 DLC for Fire Emblem Warriors with Edelgard, Claude, and Dmitri as the first of 3 new packs.


* Keep any discussion of Animal Crossing and Pokemon to a minimum if at all, lest they potentially overshadow the 3 Houses reveal for the casual audience. These games can have their time later.


* Shin Megami Tensei 5 trailer and release date or release window.


* Luigi's Mansion 3 gameplay.


* Ports of Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, and TMS x FE. 


* Metroid Prime Trilogy.


* Super Mario Maker port or Super Mario Maker 2.


* Joker's Smash gameplay reveal and a reveal of the 2nd DLC fighter to close out the direct.

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Regarding S-Supports and the like, I don't mind such things. The problem I have is when they are written terribly and make no sense whatsoever.  I do not want "X loves the Avatar no matter what and Avatar is the perfect being." I want "X is in love with the Avatar due to being childhood friends, bonding over time during the adventure, shared interests, etc." Give me a compelling reason why a person likes another person, not a throwaway response "because shipping."

While I get Cordelia's thing with Chrom, her supports with the Avatar (especially when expanded in the DLCs like Summer Scramble) are amazing. I never tried the route myself but what I read was genuinely enjoyable. I loved the antics Robin and Cordelia had with each other.

Now, if we went into Shadows of Valentia territory and suddenly an Avatar shows up, what do you do with Clair, Mae, Celica, and Matilda? Personally I would block them off from being supports as they already have a pairing, but if somehow the writers made a compelling reason why they would choose the Avatar, then maybe I'll let it slide. Perhaps somehow the Avatar gets Faye to get over Alm and she learns loves the Avatar instead. (The same can be said of Gray, instead of trying to get Clair, he somehow ends up falling in love with the Avatar.) Perhaps Celica and Alm never really made up due to their differences, leaving them open for the Avatar. Perhaps Mae and Boey never took the hints or took action, allowing for the Avatar to sweep in instead (don't do that. only villains do that). For Matilda and Clive, that'll probably go into scandal territory or something (why man, just why).

TLDR: Give me a compelling reason why a person likes another person. The Avatar does not need to have romantic supports with everyone. I wish S-Ranks are just a very strong bond between two people and they don't necessarily need to end in romance (see Sacred Stones paired endings, or the Eliwood x Hector bromance).

* * * * *

Got myself prepared to ramble on this topic as the Direct goes on. I'm hoping it'll be a great one, especially with the Three Houses info! 

As for a random prediction/wishlist, I want to see footage of the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (port? remake?) on the Switch. I loved that game and franchise and want to see what's all going on with the updated version.

Otherwise, I got nothing. Here we go!

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This is VERY interesting. Look, I know some people will get pissed at the idea of how "you alone" are special that you can see this little girl that is likely some goddess/dragon, and you are the ultimate leader, but the premise and how it's done is very interesting. 

In fact, there's a LOT of replayability in that you can choose one of three houses, all in a single game.

And the fact that you can even customize many more things in your units in what weapons they wield and such and possibly even control their promotions. This can give us much more control over making ideal units for characters.

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Initial feelings of deep concern. "YOU are the hero the world needs and only YOU can see this dragon girl and YOU have a magic power!" 

It seems like Fire Emblem is being heavily inspired by Persona and Trails of Cold Steel. 

I wonder what they mean by choosing house, and if it'll affect the plot somehow. 

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Meh, that wasn't too great. Nothing exciting except Three Houses and Mario Maker 2.

Even that Link's Awakening remake looks god awful. Why do the graphics look like a baby's toys? It couldn't look more akin to, I dunno, ALBW?

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1 minute ago, Hekselka said:

Really liking what I saw so far.

MC is probably going to be special despite being a mercenary's son because of the purple stuff around him at the end + his dreams with the dragon.

Plus that they explicitly said as much. 

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2 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

Really liking what I saw so far.

MC is probably going to be special despite being a mercenary's son because of the purple stuff around him at the end + his dreams with the dragon.

Reminds me of Ike a little, actually. Maybe with a good bit of avatarness.

Anyways, I have become interested a little in Daemon X Machina, Astral Chain, FF7, and FF9.

Still, FF9 releases today, but the less advanced FF7 releases later.

Something doesn’t line up.

Also, I want to add Undertale and Deltrarune to my collection.

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