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Cynthia's Quick Briefing Topic


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Popping in while I have some free time, prepping for my SATs, and much other things.

So can anyone give me a quick version on what's happened in the past few days?

Edit: Changed the title, I'll use this topic from now on if I'm gone for periods of time and have questions.

Edited by Cynthia
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There was a merge with another site (FESS) so we have a bunch of new members, a new admin (Lord Glenn) and Musashi has been made a mod.

Also, I went temporarily insane for a day.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Interesting. Personally I don't really think it's always a good thing, as their problems become ours then.

Not my problem though really, as I've been considering leaving for good sort of...

Well, when you get down just to it, all that happened was that we got a bunch of new members, another mod, another admin, and data to use for the info part of the site.

Okay, I really never knew what FESS means, anyone?

Fire Emblem Sanctuary of Strategy

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With all the new member who are supposedly coming, it might become a better idea.

For all we know, only five more could come, we should have waited until this was actually an issue, rather than trying to predict it.

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For all we know, only five more could come, we should have waited until this was actually an issue, rather than trying to predict it.

We got over 50 new members the day the merge was announced.


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We got over 50 new members the day the merge was announced.


Still don't see it.

We have no way to determine how many will be active, and how many will leave in the first month or so. Not to mention we didn't see if the current moderators can handle it.

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I hate to be the spoilsport here, but this topic has been discussed as nauseum. Cynthia, if you want to familiarize yourself with what's been going the past few days, I suggest you take a look at the Announcements board.

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I hate to be the spoilsport here, but this topic has been discussed as nauseum. Cynthia, if you want to familiarize yourself with what's been going the past few days, I suggest you take a look at the Announcements board.

Actually I did, however more goes on than just what is announced.

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My friend gave me the nickname of "MattLocke" which, as you no doubt know, it "Matt" and "Locke" from "Matthew O'Connell" and "Locke Cole" which, was a bad pun on "Matlock" Which, if you didn't know, is a show from 1986- about an attorney, who charges 100,000 to take on a single case. In a few days I shall change my name to MattLocke, just because I loved that show.

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We have no way to determine how many will be active, and how many will leave in the first month or so. Not to mention we didn't see if the current moderators can handle it.
The increase in numbers isn't exactly the reason for the new staff. I'd ask Jyosua or Vincent about it if I were you.
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The increase in numbers isn't exactly the reason for the new staff. I'd ask Jyosua or Vincent about it if I were you.

I understand it was also because of them trusting them, and other reasons. I may ask them later, thank you YokaiKnight.

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