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One thing I already don't like about Three Houses

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The only thing the REALLY bugs me about the art is Lorenz/Lorents/Laurence/Whatshisface.

When I look at him I forget that this is a mainline entry Fire Emblem and not a knockoff mobile game.

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"Fire Emblem has always been anime"

So you think the art style in Fates, Awakening, Warriors, and even Radiant Dawn and New Mystery of the Emblem had an artstyle not much different to the likes of Pokémon?

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On 5/8/2019 at 5:07 AM, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

"Fire Emblem has always been anime"

So you think the art style in Fates, Awakening, Warriors, and even Radiant Dawn and New Mystery of the Emblem had an artstyle not much different to the likes of Pokémon?

Ok first of all if you consider the 90’s pokemon anime to be anywhere close to the modern traditional anime artstyle. I don’t know what to tell you. Second off, No it doesn’t look all that similar to pokemon(well at least those games in particular) but their art styles do look similar to stuff like:


(as a side note I hate making this comparison because A1 sucks but it’s the best way to get my point across)

Edited by Ottservia
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I think OPs problem is he doesn't really have the depth of knowledge of art style differences (which vary a lot by the decade and even within a decade) to communicate specifically what isn't working for him. Incidentally, as a 90s kid, I apologize for the 90s.

What is generic today is a lot different than other styles used in Fire Emblem, Three Houses included.

5 hours ago, Ottservia said:

Ok first of all if you consider the 90’s pokemon anime to be anywhere close to the modern traditional anime artstyle. I don’t know what to tell you. Second off, No it doesn’t look all that similar to pokemon(well at least those games in particular) but their art styles do look similar to stuff like:


(as a side note I hate making this comparison because A1 sucks but it’s the best way to get my point across)

Ah, A1, the McDonalds of anime (who occasionally produce something nice on accident). It's funny how "light novel adaption" is usually a sure sign of me losing interest in an anime. But looking at the FE protagonist designs, Leif is like the perfect stand in for a "Light Novel guy"

Edited by NekoKnight
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22 hours ago, TheDreamReturns said:

The only thing the REALLY bugs me about the art is Lorenz/Lorents/Laurence/Whatshisface.

When I look at him I forget that this is a mainline entry Fire Emblem and not a knockoff mobile game.

Because obviously Pokemon is the only anime ever, and there's just one art style of anime

Ps: I quoted the wrong person but for a reason I can't edit the quote or delete it 

Edited by Mylady
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21 minutes ago, Mylady said:

Because obviously Pokemon is the only anime ever, and there's just one art style of anime

I know. It's not like manga/anime have many, many styles that depend on the artist. All sarcasm aside, Fire Emblem has definitely had an anime style for as long as the series has been around (and has improved, look at the designs in FE1... FE4 was when they started getting better). I am mostly fine with the designs shown so far. Except Lorentz. His haricut is just terrible. I like Dimitri's messy hair and everyone else still has something better than whatever Lorentz has got going on there.

Edited by PrincessAlyson
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1 hour ago, Onestep said:

I don't want to be mean, but Fire Emblem has lived and breathed anime tropes since it's inception. It's just moved with the culture.

Uuuugh... more misunderstandings...

I know it has anime in it, but FE didn't ALWAYS have the common anime artstyles, and the artstyle they had developed in those games I had mentioned earlier was quite different to the common anime artstyles. I'm gonna miss that unique artstyle in Three Houses because they went full anime. That is all.

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13 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

Uuuugh... more misunderstandings...

I know it has anime in it, but FE didn't ALWAYS have the common anime artstyles, and the artstyle they had developed in those games I had mentioned earlier was quite different to the common anime artstyles. I'm gonna miss that unique artstyle in Three Houses because they went full anime. That is all.

Well if you'd ask "Going full anime" in regards to an FE artstyle imo Kozaki fits (the artist for Awakening and Fates) a lot more. 

The artist for 3H mostly does Otome stuff so I wouldn't call her artsyle "going full anime".

Edited by Hekselka
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8 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

Uuuugh... more misunderstandings...

I know it has anime in it, but FE didn't ALWAYS have the common anime artstyles, and the artstyle they had developed in those games I had mentioned earlier was quite different to the common anime artstyles. I'm gonna miss that unique artstyle in Three Houses because they went full anime. That is all.

It actually DID for most of it's history. It's just that the current anime artstyle (as you recognise it) is a fairly recent thing. Compare the original FE's design choices to the anime Record of Lodoss War, which came out in the same year. This continued right up until Sword of Seals, where pixelated graphics made it impossible, but even then you can see hints through the armour design. Tellius was arguably the only game that had a truly unique style for it's time, free of technical limitations. Awakening, Fates and Echoes all had a fairly typical design for modern anime. It's just the shading on the screen obscured it.

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26 minutes ago, Onestep said:

It actually DID for most of it's history. It's just that the current anime artstyle (as you recognise it) is a fairly recent thing. Compare the original FE's design choices to the anime Record of Lodoss War, which came out in the same year. This continued right up until Sword of Seals, where pixelated graphics made it impossible, but even then you can see hints through the armour design. Tellius was arguably the only game that had a truly unique style for it's time, free of technical limitations. Awakening, Fates and Echoes all had a fairly typical design for modern anime. It's just the shading on the screen obscured it.

Echoes in particular looks a lot like an Atelier game from its artstyle. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you.

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On 5/9/2019 at 11:42 AM, DragonFlames said:

Echoes in particular looks a lot like an Atelier game from its artstyle. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you.

IIRC Hidari had done some art for the Atelier series.

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I know it has anime in it, but FE didn't ALWAYS have the common anime artstyles, and the artstyle they had developed in those games I had mentioned earlier was quite different to the common anime artstyles.

And comparing it to Record of Lodoss War, tell me again that Fire Emblem wasn't anime back then.



My bet is that OP didn't watch fantasy anime in the 90s...

Edited by Timlugia
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On 9.5.2019 at 8:29 AM, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

FE didn't ALWAYS have the common anime artstyles

It did, it always did.

24 minutes ago, Timlugia said:

My bet is that OP didn't watch fantasy anime in the 90s...

yup, seems that way.

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5 hours ago, redtutel said:

People are complaining about Fire Emblem being too anime again? As if the definitive game in the series doesn't look like this:


Yeah that looks like something ripped straight from an anime or manga from the 80’s kind of reminds me of yu yu hakasho then I haven’t read/watched too much 80’s anime/manga but yeah this distinctly looks like something gainax would produce way back when.

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15 hours ago, The DanMan said:

IIRC Hidari had done some art for the Atelier series.

Ah, that would explain it. I remember seeing some artwork from the Atelier series that looked extremely similar to Echoes' art style. Again, far from a bad thing, because Atelier has some pretty amazing artwork.
Even though I've only played one game from that series so far *hides in shame*

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8 hours ago, Timlugia said:

And comparing it to Record of Lodoss War, tell me again that Fire Emblem wasn't anime back then.



My bet is that OP didn't watch fantasy anime in the 90s...

1. I know about the first games being anime, but later games got their own artstyle.

2. I wasn't even BORN in the 90s...

24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Even though I've only played one game from that series so far *hides in shame*

As someone who has only had Fates and Warriors, I can empathise. *joins you*

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2 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

but later games got their own artstyle.

Their styles were the anime Style of that time

2 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

I wasn't even BORN in the 90s

says it all, i guess

2 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

As someone who has only had Fates and Warriors

and you're saying FE16 is ''more anime'' then those 2?

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On 5/12/2019 at 8:01 PM, Timlugia said:

And comparing it to Record of Lodoss War, tell me again that Fire Emblem wasn't anime back then.



My bet is that OP didn't watch fantasy anime in the 90s...

I almost thought that WAS a Fire Emblem title for a sec.

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21 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Their styles were the anime Style of that time

21 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

and you're saying FE16 is ''more anime'' then those 2?

It's not a matter of being "more/less anime", it more about the later games having a more original style. The 3D, semi-realistic style of FE14/FEW vs. the very slightly cartoony 2D style of 3H.
Again, tell me how games like Fates and Warriors look anything like the (recent seasons of) the Pokémon anime, or the Ace Attorney anime, for example.
And I KNOW that the first games had a common anime style... and I know that it isn't fair to compare FE14 or FEW to 90s anime (which is why I ended up getting a more recent screenshot).

Please stop making me repeat myself... I just miss the artstyle of these recent games and the dramatic art shift in Shadows of Valentina, and Three Houses is kind of a shock, you know?

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5 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:


Please stop making me repeat myself... I just miss the artstyle of these recent games and the dramatic art shift in Shadows of Valentina, and Three Houses is kind of a shock, you know?

Recent games? You mean Awakening and Fates?

Seems to me that you’re missing Kozaki’s stye. So obviously any different sort of art style would appear “too anime” for you. 

It’s not really a question of the game being too anime, it’s just the style that’s different.

And there’s no such thing as “too anime”, it doesn’t exist. Anime doesn’t have a universal standard style, so the complaint doesn’t work.

Edited by Water Mage
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1 hour ago, Water Mage said:

And there’s no such thing as “too anime”, it doesn’t exist. Anime doesn’t have a universal standard style, so the complaint doesn’t work.

Thank you! Anyway, I think the new style is perfectly fine. I was getting a bit exasperated with Kozaki's style. It's good, but some of the Fates designs... Ugh, no thanks.

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1 hour ago, Water Mage said:

Recent games? You mean Awakening and Fates?

Seems to me that you’re missing Kozaki’s stye. So obviously any different sort of art style would appear “too anime” for you.

Honestly I think 3H's artstyle is pretty similar to Fates's. Sure there are differences but not enough to be a problem for me.

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