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Hmm... kinda hate myself

Freohr Datia

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I hate myself =o

The first reason is kinda a stupid reason... and since I hate myself over a stupid reason, that makes me hate myself even more...

Then I hate myself more for hating myself in the first place...

I iz very confused...

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I thought this was a Lyle topic.


Learn to like yourself. ^^

ok =o

uummmmm........... how? XD jk

Solution: Drop that thought.

I can't cause it's so stupid and it's hard to drop stupid thoughts =D

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I thought this was a Lyle topic.


(Though I'll admit that WAS clever.....Asshole. Lol.)

Aww, Freohr. We all love you here. There's no reason to hate yourself, when there are perfectly stupid other people to hate.

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Don't give into hate. Hate leads to the dark side, especially if you hate yourself. No need for you to get a horrid hair style and noserings and whatnot because you went emo. (I know, not all emos look like that, but whatever)

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Guys, it was nothing serious! :lol: I was just bored!

I'm sorry if you took it seriously cause now you are probably going to be mad worrying over nothing.

I don't hate myself the serious way! I just said I hated myself for a stupid reason, so it's a stupid hate that isn't serious at all. =D

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Guys, it was nothing serious! :lol: I was just bored!

I'm sorry if you took it seriously cause now you are probably going to be mad worrying over nothing.

I don't hate myself the serious way! I just said I hated myself for a stupid reason, so it's a stupid hate that isn't serious at all. =D

Oh, that's good. Sometimes I "hate" myself whenever I recall a grammar mistake.

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(Though I'll admit that WAS clever.....Asshole. Lol.)

Aww, Freohr. We all love you here. There's no reason to hate yourself, when there are perfectly stupid other people to hate.

I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking.

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I feel kinda board again... so... guess explaining my "hating myself" will cure my boredom =D

I "hate myself" because I have the sudden desire to get Rock Band 2. =D Told you it was a stupid reason!

And I hate Rock Band, so that's why I started "hating myself"

But another thing that makes it stupid is that the only reason why I hate RB is because they rival against Guitar Hero. I do have some reasons why I like GH better than RB, but it's still not much of an excuse to not like it. Though one I can think of is that GH was the original guitar game.

My reason for wishing to get RB2 is because "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures" is downloadable and because they have some Avenged Sevenfold songs. I'm sure there's more that I presently don't know of.

But I've been wanting to learn drums for Desperate Times, Desperate Measures for quite a while and since RB2 has it, it would be one thing where I would get to know it better. And Avenged Sevenfold songs always have the best guitar (and drums would seem awesome to play for it too but I would get too tired too easily).

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