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Possible hiatus


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You guys this computer is being a douche and I don't know how much longer it'll last

So I might disappear for a bit, and if I do I don't know how long but I've got someone to tell you all if the computer does have an ultimate seizure

and uuuhh

If we are as low on money as we think we are then I might have to live off of library or school computers, but that would mean no MSN/AIM unless my friend was nice enough

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Ilu guys

I' not sure if ts going to happen yet but it alwas happens around this time, it seems like, espeially since we seem to have a virusor something

I jst hope we hav themoney because I'm a hopelessinternet addict ;`;

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Actually, an updated version of the Bizz Dictionary should be due anytime soon

I should post in a bit

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