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Freohr Datia

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I'm still bored, sooo... I quiz you! Some of these questions prove my boredom XD (plus I have a strong feeling I made a topic with the exact same title, though I'm not sure :lol:

1. What object(s) are you usually most reluctant to share?

2. What is your favorite color?

3. What is your favorite thing to eat?

4. Do you prefer reading stories, or watching movies/shows?

5. Who do you know with the most similar music preferences as you?

6. What is your favorite animal?

7. What is your typical dressing style?

8. How much do you go on the chatroom?

9. Are you creative?

10. How many dreams that you have are nightmares? (lol Nightmare special!)

11. Whatcha gonna be when you grow up (if you know)?

12. What physical characteristics of a person catch your attention and heart the most?

13. What personality of a person catches you attention and heart the most?

14. Would you say your life is exciting?

15. Would you say your life is boring?

16. Would you say your life is normal?

17. Would you say your life is paranormal?

18. Would you say your life is crazy?

19. How much do you enjoy your stay here on these forums?

20. How did you like taking this quiz/test/survey/interrogation/interview/exam? (I'm sure there's more, but I'm too lazy at the moment xP)

SIGH!!! I think that's all =D I'll do mine in a bit.

Wait... cool! Hit 20 right on the spot! =)

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I'm still bored, sooo... I quiz you! Some of these questions prove my boredom XD (plus I have a strong feeling I made a topic with the exact same title, though I'm not sure :lol:

1. What object(s) are you usually most reluctant to share?

My Laptop and MP3 Player

2. What is your favorite color?


3. What is your favorite thing to eat?

Spagettiii and stir fry

4. Do you prefer reading stories, or watching movies/shows?

Watching movies unless its a very good story

5. Who do you know with the most similar music preferences as you?

Branded and Faiya

6. What is your favorite animal?

Puppies and Tiger kittens :3

7. What is your typical dressing style?

Blue Jean shorts. Blue shirt

8. How much do you go on the chatroom?


9. Are you creative?


10. How many dreams that you have are nightmares? (lol Nightmare special!)

barely any

11. Whatcha gonna be when you grow up (if you know)?


12. What physical characteristics of a person catch your attention and heart the most?

Their Legs and Hair

13. What personality of a person catches you attention and heart the most?

Nice and quiet and a bit shy. Cute

14. Would you say your life is exciting?

Only when my friends are around

15. Would you say your life is boring?

When im not doing anything

16. Would you say your life is normal?

If you come on serenes then ur life isnt normal. well......if you have been coming on serenes since last summer and come to FFtf

17. Would you say your life is paranormal?

not really

18. Would you say your life is crazy?


19. How much do you enjoy your stay here on these forums?

I still love it. But it was much better before

20. How did you like taking this quiz/test/survey/interrogation/interview/exam? (I'm sure there's more, but I'm too lazy at the moment xP)

It was a good time killer! THANKS

SIGH!!! I think that's all =D I'll do mine in a bit.

Wait... cool! Hit 20 right on the spot! =)

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I'm still bored, sooo... I quiz you! Some of these questions prove my boredom XD (plus I have a strong feeling I made a topic with the exact same title, though I'm not sure :lol:

1. What object(s) are you usually most reluctant to share?


2. What is your favorite color?

Lime green

3. What is your favorite thing to eat?


4. Do you prefer reading stories, or watching movies/shows?


5. Who do you know with the most similar music preferences as you?

My girlfriend

6. What is your favorite animal?


7. What is your typical dressing style?


8. How much do you go on the chatroom?


9. Are you creative?

Kind of.

10. How many dreams that you have are nightmares? (lol Nightmare special!)

Haven't had a nightmare for 7 years

11. Whatcha gonna be when you grow up (if you know)?

News Anchor

12. What physical characteristics of a person catch your attention and heart the most?

Physical? I dunno, I guess their face. :/

13. What personality of a person catches you attention and heart the most?

People like my girlfriend. (in other words; my girlfriend)

14. Would you say your life is exciting?


15. Would you say your life is boring?

Same as 14.

16. Would you say your life is normal?


17. Would you say your life is paranormal?


18. Would you say your life is crazy?

Alot it is.

19. How much do you enjoy your stay here on these forums?

All of the time, I love you guys.

20. How did you like taking this quiz/test/survey/interrogation/interview/exam? (I'm sure there's more, but I'm too lazy at the moment xP)Liked it.

SIGH!!! I think that's all =D I'll do mine in a bit.

Wait... cool! Hit 20 right on the spot! =)

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I'm still bored, sooo... I quiz you! Some of these questions prove my boredom XD (plus I have a strong feeling I made a topic with the exact same title, though I'm not sure :lol:

1. What object(s) are you usually most reluctant to share?

Anything electronic.

2. What is your favorite color?


3. What is your favorite thing to eat?

Nothing beats a good, ol' fashioned cheese pizza.

4. Do you prefer reading stories, or watching movies/shows?

I definitely prefer film over literature, but I enjoy reading nonetheless.

5. Who do you know with the most similar music preferences as you?

Honestly? Nobody, at least not personally.

6. What is your favorite animal?

Whale shark. I had to do a report on them in sixth grade. I've been found of the things ever since.

7. What is your typical dressing style?

I like to wear clothes that fit. Nothing baggy. I'm almost always wearing some kind of hoodie.

8. How much do you go on the chatroom?

Since joining? Frequently.

9. Are you creative?

I draw, but I wouldn't call myself creative.

10. How many dreams that you have are nightmares? (lol Nightmare special!)

I almost never remember my dreams. The ones I remember are just trippy nothings.

11. Whatcha gonna be when you grow up (if you know)?

Was planning on being a chef. These days, not so sure.

12. What physical characteristics of a person catch your attention and heart the most?

Honestly? Their build.

13. What personality of a person catches you attention and heart the most?


14. Would you say your life is exciting?

In its own deprived way, yeah. I'm certainly enjoying it.

15. Would you say your life is boring?

I wouldn't, but there are likely a few who disagree.

16. Would you say your life is normal?

Yes and no. I'm an oddball, but in terms of oddball standards, I'm a pretty average one.

17. Would you say your life is paranormal?

Absolutely not.

18. Would you say your life is crazy?

Nah, things are pretty chill.

19. How much do you enjoy your stay here on these forums?

There's been a lot of craziness going on around here lately, but I plan on weathering through the storm. I like this place, truthfully.

20. How did you like taking this quiz/test/survey/interrogation/interview/exam? (I'm sure there's more, but I'm too lazy at the moment xP)

I usually get bored on the multiple choice varieties. For ones that require a human response, hell, I'd sit through one hundred questions.

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1. What object(s) are you usually most reluctant to share?

My computer, drawings/sketchbooks.

2. What is your favorite color?


3. What is your favorite thing to eat?

Chicken, mostly.

4. Do you prefer reading stories, or watching movies/shows?

Even for me, it depends on the mood.

5. Who do you know with the most similar music preferences as you?

A few, they were the ones who got me into some of the bands I listen to.

Friends from another forum who I call Greg, Ben and Ala.

6. What is your favorite animal?

This is hard, I'm going to go with cats, but I find appeal in many others.

7. What is your typical dressing style?

Black Jeans, Chucks or Volitants, a black, dark blue, grey hood with a plain t-shirt.

8. How much do you go on the chatroom?

24/7 idler.

9. Are you creative?

You can say that.

10. How many dreams that you have are nightmares? (lol Nightmare special!)

Rarely, but I've gotten a few recently. (Though very unorthodox nightmares, it's just scary because it seems surreal, not the bloody murder kind of nightmare.)

11. Whatcha gonna be when you grow up (if you know)?

An architect.

12. What physical characteristics of a person catch your attention and heart the most?

Black hair mostly, blah blah, the rest is vague.

13. What personality of a person catches you attention and heart the most?

Carefree, someone who loves to joke and doesn't mind goofing around.

14. Would you say your life is exciting?

No. Lazy high school senior who procrastinates is not fun.

15. Would you say your life is boring?


16. Would you say your life is normal?


17. Would you say your life is paranormal?


18. Would you say your life is crazy?


19. How much do you enjoy your stay here on these forums?

This is why I procrastinate half the time.

20. How did you like taking this quiz/test/survey/interrogation/interview/exam? (I'm sure there's more, but I'm too lazy at the moment xP)

It was nice to dwell upon some things before going to bed.

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1. What object(s) are you usually most reluctant to share?

I usually share quite a lot, but most reluctantly... probably my electric + acoustic guitar...

2. What is your favorite color?


3. What is your favorite thing to eat?

spaghetti! =L yummy

4. Do you prefer reading stories, or watching movies/shows?

for me it's kinda a tie, but I only have time for reading, so it's reading I guess...

5. Who do you know with the most similar music preferences as you?

Actually... my brother is one who has the most similar. The funny thing between us is that if my brother finds a band he likes, he'll say "Kate listen to this!" and then eventually (either slowly or quickly) I start liking the band a lot. And it will be the same the other way around too.

6. What is your favorite animal?

dangit... idk =D When I was 7 it started as giraffes, then leopards/cheetahs... I forget what was next... =/ Now I would say... dragons!!! XD yeah I know they aren't real, but in my mind they'd be my favorite animal!

7. What is your typical dressing style?

flare jeans, some shirt that would have a band on it or some other shirt that I think looks good =D Sometimes wear skirts, but at the moment not much since it's cold.

8. How much do you go on the chatroom?

Almost every day I go on. Since I don't come on here every day, I can't say I get on every day... oh yeah and there's the few occassions where I don't go on.

9. Are you creative?

Yes, most of the time I can be.

10. How many dreams that you have are nightmares? (lol Nightmare special!)

D= I haven't been having any much recently! And if the last ones I remember are usually ones with tornadoes though those dreams end up boring half the time XD

11. Whatcha gonna be when you grow up (if you know)?

maybe and astronomer

12. What physical characteristics of a person catch your attention and heart the most?

OMGOMGOMGOMG HAIR!!! XD And if me and a guy's eyes meet, then depending on how their eyes are I almost immediately fall for them =D Hair and eyes are kinda my weak spots, which isn't very good.

13. What personality of a person catches you attention and heart the most?

If they make me laugh then I like them a lot! They also have to be kind.

14. Would you say your life is exciting?


15. Would you say your life is boring?

yup, if not exciting what else? (this was exactly what I was waiting for during when I typed this survey, me criticizing my own quiz on parts I purposely made dumb quesitons)

16. Would you say your life is normal?

not really

17. Would you say your life is paranormal?

(lol I came up with this randomly to come right after normal since the words are just about the same yet mean total different things) nope not really

18. Would you say your life is crazy?

no not crazy either which actually makes me kinda =( since it's so boring (except when on here, this place is my fuel for fun)

19. How much do you enjoy your stay here on these forums?

look above, it's (sadly XD) the best part of my life!

20. How did you like taking this quiz/test/survey/interrogation/interview/exam?

WOAH WAS I JUST INTERVIEWED BY MYSELF??? =o ooh, it was pretty fun, more fun than making it I guess. GOSH I never expected it to take so long though XD

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1. What object(s) are you usually most reluctant to share: my life

2. What is your favorite color: red

3. What is your favorite thing to eat: meat, egg

4. Do you prefer reading stories, or watching movies/shows: both

5. Who do you know with the most similar music preferences as you: none

6. What is your favorite animal: wolf

7. What is your typical dressing style: T-shirt

8. How much do you go on the chatroom: usually

9. Are you creative: yes

10. How many dreams that you have are nightmares: 80%

11. Whatcha gonna be when you grow up (if you know): dont know yet

12. What physical characteristics of a person catch your attention and heart the most: cute

13. What personality of a person catches you attention and heart the most: happiness

14. Would you say your life is exciting: dont know

15. Would you say your life is boring: maybe

16. Would you say your life is normal: maybe

17. Would you say your life is paranormal: yeah

18. Would you say your life is crazy: yeah

19. How much do you enjoy your stay here on these forums: a lot

20. How did you like taking this quiz/test/survey/interrogation/interview/exam: uhm

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