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Who is you least liked or most hated FE characters


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17 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

I think most would agree that her Chrom schtick gets old quickly. However, it's mostly remedied by her support conversations; especially her support conversations with Male Robin. Not only do most of her supports not mention Chrom at all, her support with Robin explores her past as part of Ylisse's Pegasus Knights, the origin of why she hates being called a "genius", and involves her dealing with her grief over the loss of her fellow Pegasus Knights. It's honestly one of the best supports in Awakening

Cordelia is bad mmkay, I get you like her but she is awful. I will compare her to Tharja(sorry tharja). A) both are obsessed with a character to point of annoyance. B) they both give their kids sever trauma. C) they both “kinda settle for someone else”. But I feel Tharja is less obsessive and just more stalker-y while Cordelia is well in her words “I would do all this and more to be with him”... except telling him she want to sleep with him. I’m mean really Lady you are married, I’m sure your husband loves to hear “Chrom this and Chrom that” every other word. And while I don’t like Tharja I do feel that comparing her to Cordelia is insulting. 

And I did get a bit of a chuckle at the Geoffrey thing. Good one

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2 hours ago, ciphertul said:

Yes Camilla is more than not just sex appeal, but she isn’t as forced down you throat as Azura. Now there is a character the devs want to tap.

Really? I don’t recall Azura getting a cutscene dedicated solely to showing off her exposed parts (which, in Azura’s case, would be her... feet and armpits, I guess?)


42 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

And I did get a bit of a chuckle at the Geoffrey thing. Good one

Thanks. That’s a relief. I’ll put the joke back. 


42 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

Cordelia is bad mmkay, I get you like her but she is awful. I will compare her to Tharja(sorry tharja). A) both are obsessed with a character to point of annoyance. B) they both give their kids sever trauma. C) they both “kinda settle for someone else”. But I feel Tharja is less obsessive and just more stalker-y while Cordelia is well in her words “I would do all this and more to be with him”... except telling him she want to sleep with him. I’m mean really Lady you are married, I’m sure your husband loves to hear “Chrom this and Chrom that” every other word. And while I don’t like Tharja I do feel that comparing her to Cordelia is insulting. 

Really? I think it’s the other way around: comparing Cordelia to Tharja is insulting for Cordelia. There’s some big differences between the two of them; the main one being that Cordelia doesn’t settle; she legitimately moves on. This is implied in almost all her supports, and made explicit in her support with Lon’qu (the only support that even mentions Chrom) where she explicitly and honestly tells him that her feelings for Chrom are in the past. I honestly think that her still talking about Chrom after her s-support is just the developers not taking her marriage into account. Had they bothered, her code would probably say something like: if single, Cordelia says, “‘How to get him to fall in love with you in a fortnight’ ah...” if married, Cordelia says, “‘How to get him to fall in love with you in a fortnight’ I forgot I still had this... I should probably incinerate it.” 

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9 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

Really? I don’t recall Azura getting a cutscene dedicated solely to showing off her exposed parts (which, in Azura’s case, would be her... feet and armpits, I guess?)


Thanks. That’s a relief. I’ll put the joke back. 


Really? I think it’s the other way around: comparing Cordelia to Tharja is insulting for Cordelia. There’s some big differences between the two of them; the main one being that Cordelia doesn’t settle; she legitimately moves on. This is made explicit in her support with Lon’qu (the only support that even mentions Chrom) where she explicitly and honestly tells him that her feelings for Chrom are in the past. I honestly think that her still talking about Chrom after her s-support is just the developers not taking her marriage into account. Had they bothered, her code would probably say something like: if single, Cordelia says, “‘How to get him to fall in love with you in a fortnight’ ah...” if married, Cordelia says, “‘How to get him to fall in love with you in a fortnight’ I forgot I still had this... I should probably incinerate it.” 

Well of course you would switch it around on Tharja you clearly like her(Cordelia) more, but the whole moving on statement applies to Tharja just as much as Cordelia. I don’t remember read all about Robin in Tharja’s supports, her supports with Gregor and Libra are better Cordelia/Robin(I never pair with her anyways, Severa is better and cuter)

And no Azura doesn’t have a cutscene showing her off, She has an entire game where she is the end all be all Dues Ex Machina. The Devs clearly loved her more but knew that most people would prefer a more well endowed women.

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1 hour ago, ciphertul said:

Cordelia is bad mmkay, I get you like her but she is awful. I will compare her to Tharja(sorry tharja). A) both are obsessed with a character to point of annoyance. B) they both give their kids sever trauma. C) they both “kinda settle for someone else”. But I feel Tharja is less obsessive and just more stalker-y while Cordelia is well in her words “I would do all this and more to be with him”... except telling him she want to sleep with him. I’m mean really Lady you are married, I’m sure your husband loves to hear “Chrom this and Chrom that” every other word. And while I don’t like Tharja I do feel that comparing her to Cordelia is insulting. 

Wait wait hold up! You’re comparing Cordelia and Tharja in terms of parental abuse. I’m sorry but the two situations are not remotely the same like at all. As the self-proclaimed Severa expert here, I really have to ask if you paid any attention to their supports because otherwise you wouldn’t think this. Severa’s trauma mostly comes out of lies she’s told herself to make her believe that it wasn’t her fault that Cordelia died on that day. According to Severa herself, Cordelia was actually a pretty good mother all things considered. A little strict sure but straight up abusive not in a million years. Again never take a tsundere’s words at face value cause they usually mean the opposite of what they say. 

Severa’s psychological issues mostly stem from other people comparing her to Cordelia and Cordelia becoming something of a workaholic to try and create a world where Severa could grow up safely. She didn’t spend much time with her daughter which caused them to grow distant as a result. Cordelia likely hardly knew about Severa’s gigantic inferiority complex or if she did know she probably didn’t know how big it actually was.

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1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

Severa’s psychological issues mostly stem from other people comparing her to Cordelia and Cordelia becoming something of a workaholic to try and create a world where Severa could grow up safely. She didn’t spend much time with her daughter which caused them to grow distant as a result. Cordelia likely hardly knew about Severa’s gigantic inferiority complex or if she did know she probably didn’t know how big it actually was

This, regardless if it was on purpose or intentional, that put the pressure on her and that IS trauma, TRAUMA not abuse. It still stems from Cordelia, if Cordelia wasn’t so “perfect” no one would have placed those expectations on Severa. I’m not defending Tharja but Tharja is in my eyes better then Cordelia, as you all know “the best of intention bring about the worst actions” and that holds truth about her. Wanted to make the world the best for Severa while failing as a mother to realize the damage she was doing

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2 hours ago, ciphertul said:

And no Azura doesn’t have a cutscene showing her off, She has an entire game where she is the end all be all Dues Ex Machina. The Devs clearly loved her more but knew that most people would prefer a more well endowed women.

Sure, but if that logic held, then Alm and Corrin being be-all-end-all Mary Sues means that the developers "wanted to tap (your words)" and Palpatine inexplicably being back and all-powerful in Episode 9 means JJ Abrams "wanted to tap" Palpatine (a sentence I never thought I would say and that made me almost want to vomit as I typed it)

By the way, out of curiosity, what did you think of my joke about Azura?


2 hours ago, ciphertul said:

Well of course you would switch it around on Tharja you clearly like her(Cordelia) more, but the whole moving on statement applies to Tharja just as much as Cordelia. I don’t remember read all about Robin in Tharja’s supports, her supports with Gregor and Libra are better Cordelia/Robin(I never pair with her anyways, Severa is better and cuter)

Weren't you the one who literally said:


they both “kinda settle for someone else


Anyway, there is another point I wanted to make:

3 hours ago, ciphertul said:

But I feel Tharja is less obsessive and just more stalker-y while Cordelia is well in her words “I would do all this and more to be with him”... except telling him she want to sleep with him.

This is way incorrect. Cordelia does take her infatuation with Chrom to borderline-unhealthy levels, but at the end of the idea, it's just an unrequited crush that the developers forgot to have patched out after Cordelia's s-supported. In terms of obsession, Tharja is way worse:

(Tharja and Robin C-Support)



I suddenly feel very ill.

Don't worry. I'll take care of you. ...Veeery good care.

Coming from a normal friend, I'd probably be happy to hear that. But somehow when you say it, it's not quite so comforting...

Is that what you want, Robin? Someone..."normal"?

Well, I...suppose? That's to say—

All I needed to hear.

Wait, Tharja! Stay here! ...Where I can see you! Oh gods, this will not end well...

(Tharja and Robin B-Support):


Why good day, Robin! How fare you? Enjoying this weather?

...Tharja? What are you doing?

What, me? Ho ho! Whatever do you mean? Just a normal greeting on a typical day. ...Why? Are you concerned for my welfare, good sir?

Um, well... I suppose, in a way.

You ARE?! Why, how sweeeeeet!

Actually, I'm more concerned about whatever you're planning for me.

Of course I have a plan for you, silly-billy! Now close your eyes, and get ready for... A slice of liver-and-eel pie! That's your favorite, correct? Oh, I do so adore baking...

...Are you SURE you're all right, Tharja? You didn't eat anything strange, did you? Miscast a hex? Hit your head on a rock?

Oh ho ho, goodness me! Such an imagination you have, good sir. I'm sure I wouldn't know anything about anything strange, much less eat it! Just a typical day for a typical girl here.

This is about our conversation from before, isn't it?

Don't be silly. Now have some pie!

(Tharja and Robin A-Support):


(...Heh heh heh!)

I'm glad Tharja's acting like her old self again. A-although... I feel... Urk! Ch-chills up spine... G-goose bumps... C-can't stop sh-sh-shivers...

Robin? ...You all right? Robin, you're shaking like a leaf! And your forehead's on fire! Okay, Tharja, think. We need cold water and a spell to bring down the fever...



Huh? Wh-what happened? Why am I lying here?

You lost consciousness and collapsed. It was because of the fever.

Yes, I-I've been feeling unwell for a while. Probably been working too hard.

I thought you might accuse me of putting a curse on you...

I'd never assume that! What kind of monster would curse their friend...

...Oh. Right. That would be crazy! Heh heh.

Anyway, thank you so much for taking care of me.

Didn't you once say you wouldn't want me taking care of you?

Clearly, I was mistaken.

You're just saying that because I helped you out.

No, it's true! In fact, I wonder if you wouldn't mind...staying... *Yaaaaaawn* Just...just for a while...

Aw, how sweet. He's sleeping. Sleeping and...helpless. Hee hee hee hee!

(Tharja's confession scene):


I can't believe you made me love you! ...Course if you back out, I'll murder you in your sleep.


By contrast, if you look at Cordelia's one and only interaction with Chrom: the conversation in the Summer Scramble DLC that they can only have if Cordelia is still single, it basically amounts to Chrom walking over to talk to her after overhearing her mumble something to herself, and she goes into a flustered panic that results in her having a panic attack and her falling unconscious, which she then tries to claim was due to heatstroke as she's still wearing all her armour at the beach. It ends thusly:


*Sigh* It was so nice to talk to Chrom... And it actually went well, for a change. But I know his affections lie elsewhere... He and I... It'll never work. I know that someday I'm going to have to give up on these foolish dreams of mine... Someday... But perhaps not today. ...All right, Cordelia. That's enough pining. It's time to slay some brigands!

How are these even comparable? It seems pretty obvious to me which one is way worse. 

By the way, what did you think of my Cordelia-variation of the old, "This is from when I was still single... I should probably destroy it" joke?

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21 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

Cordelia's one and only interaction

This! Let’s make a character obsessed with another and give them nearly ZERO interactions, the player never see her having trouble talking to Chrom because she never talks to Chrom. Really Cordelia’s junior, Sumia wins him over with pie, are you telling me “PERFECT” Cordelia can’t make a damn pie. If and that’s is a big IF she has trouble talking to Chrom that is clearly her own fault.

I guess I missed the Azura joke, but considering that she had a crazy OP combo in Warriors I would she is the devs fave, Alm didn’t get in fansevice Warriors so... I don’t think they cared as much about him. Would you prefer a girl telling you she’ll kill you if you cheat/abandon her, after fully knowing she is crazy over a girl telling you maybe she’ll like you more then money

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1 minute ago, ciphertul said:

I guess I missed the Azura joke, but considering that she had a crazy OP combo in Warriors I would she is the devs fave, Alm didn’t get in fansevice Warriors so... I don’t think they cared as much about him.

The joke was the, "[…] exposed parts (which, in Azura's case, would be her... feet and armpits, I guess?)" I admit, it's not much of a joke. But I just wondered what you thought of it after you mentioned liking the Geoffrey joke. 

3 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

This! Let’s make a character obsessed with another again give them nearly ZERO interactions, the player never see her having trouble talking to Chrom because she never talks to Chrom. Really Cordelia’s junior, Sumia wins him over with pie, are you telling me “PERFECT” Cordelia can’t make a damn pie. If and that’s is a big IF she has trouble talking to Chrom that is clearly her own fault.

How about let's just not make any more obsessed characters? Or at least, if they have to exist, make it that, like Cordelia in that quote I found, they realize how unhealthy it is and try to move on?


4 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

Would you prefer a girl telling you she’ll kill you if you cheat/abandon her, after fully knowing she is crazy over a girl telling you maybe she’ll like you more then money

Let's see... murder threat, or a girl saying, "I admit, I used to like this guy, but that's in the past now. You're the one I want." Hm... If this were a movie built on a difficult decision, it would be over in a heartbeat; I'd pick the latter and never look back. 

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35 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

This, regardless if it was on purpose or intentional, that put the pressure on her and that IS trauma, TRAUMA not abuse. It still stems from Cordelia, if Cordelia wasn’t so “perfect” no one would have placed those expectations on Severa. I’m not defending Tharja but Tharja is in my eyes better then Cordelia, as you all know “the best of intention bring about the worst actions” and that holds truth about her. Wanted to make the world the best for Severa while failing as a mother to realize the damage she was doing

That’s the thing though, she did fail as a mother and it’s something she does apologize for at the end of her paralogue. She acknowledges it which shows growth on her part. Also it’s not Cordelia’s fault that she’s gifted. That’s just the way things are. If anything she hates being as gifted as she is because people treat her differently as a result. It’s as they say the apple doesn’t really far from the tree because both Severa and Cordelia hate themselves albeit for slightly different reasons. They’re more alike than people realize. Personally I love the relationship between Severa and Cordelia because of how nuanced it is/can be at times. It’s one of the reasons I love Severa so much. The dynamics she has with different characters is interesting to me but I digress.

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2 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

The joke was the, "[…] exposed parts (which, in Azura's case, would be her... feet and armpits, I guess?)" I admit, it's not much of a joke. But I just wondered what you thought of it after you mentioned liking the Geoffrey joke. 

I actually wanted to post back "Yea, geoffrey best waifu, I love to hate on my waifu but i'll be damned to let others hate on him"


3 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

How about let's just not make any more obsessed characters? Or at least, if they have to exist, make it that, like Cordelia in that quote I found, they realize how unhealthy it is and try to move on?

I do think an obsessive character can be done well, they just don't seem to really try to make one.


4 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

Let's see... murder threat, or a girl saying, "I admit, I used to like this guy, but that's in the past now. You're the one I want." Hm... If this were a movie built on a difficult decision, it would be over in a heartbeat; I'd pick the latter and never look back. 

Well I used Anna as the second pick, but I'll sit and believe that Cordelia makes her husband wear a Chrom mask to sleep. However Cordelia never really seems to get over Chrom, as if you play Before Awakening in Fate and have Selena talk to Chrom she'll tell him "You need to spend time with her... enjoy me gift to you mom..." showing that even after Severa is born Cordelia is still on about Chrom. This is still shown in Awakening as Severa still knows how much her mother loves Chrom.

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1 minute ago, ciphertul said:

I actually wanted to post back "Yea, geoffrey best waifu, I love to hate on my waifu but i'll be damned to let others hate on him"


To be fair to me, I wasn't hating on him; I believe my exact words were that he's, "extremely placid". 

2 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

Well I used Anna as the second pick

Oh, that makes a lot more sense... Yeah; I was thinking, "Wait; money? Did he make a typo? ...I guess Chrom's royalty, and would thus be money... Is he even still comparing Cordelia to Tharja?"


5 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

But I'll sit and believe that Cordelia makes her husband wear a Chrom mask to sleep.

Again, 😂. I will just say though that this bit of dialogue directed at Robin if they're married suggests otherwise:


I'm way ahead of you! But I'll make sure the specific plan of attack is one you'll never see coming!

I'll be looking forward to it! But know that I'll always be watching you...and only you. I love you, Robin. I always will.


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6 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

I'm way ahead of you! But I'll make sure the specific plan of attack is one you'll never see coming!

I'll be looking forward to it! But know that I'll always be watching you...and only you. I love you, Robin. I always will.

And this is why I ship those two. I love their relationship oh so much but I’ll leave it at that. Don’t wanna derail the thread too much

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17 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

To be fair to me, I wasn't hating on him; I believe my exact words were that he's, "extremely placid".

Well, is there any others you hate/dislike then what you stated earlier, I more I read the more I find that I dislike.


New-Niles,Azama,Geoffrey,Eliwood,Kent,Soren,Leonardo,Sully,Kjelle and Ashe 

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4 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Don’t wanna derail the thread too much

Kinda too late. Anyways, I guess I'll toss some more people into the mix.


LYN-she really has no reason to be in fe7. Her character doesn't do anything for the plot, but she's a lord anyways. I don't dislike her as a character, (minus all of her alts in FEH,) but she needed a defined role as either a main protagonist or random playable character.

LEKAIN- People tend to like him, but considering he's one of the main antagonists, he's kinda boring and falls a bit short in terms of the "moustache twirling" archetype.

SILVIA/SYLVIA/SILVYA/SYLVYA: She low-key abandons her kids. If you're going to try to seduce Lewyn the whole time, at least take care of his kids! Otherwise, I don't mind her.

MATTHEW: Unless you read his supports with Jaffar, he acts really insensitive to the fact that 


Leila died

He literally says, "If she was a better spy, this wouldn't have happened." He does do a bit of mourning, but he wasn't really all that well written. Especially since his endings imply that he's dead inside, whereas we see very little evidence of that in-game.

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5 hours ago, Strullemia said:

The game kind of calls him out on it by the end of Gen 1. Not so much with words but more by actions. 

Kaga even said this in an interview:

  Reveal hidden contents

Although Sigurd is the protagonist, he is also heavily flawed, his aforementioned love included. He is also extremely naïve, even compared to Seliph. The tragedy would not have happened were he a more competent person.


While the game does this, the general fan base does not, the point that I was trying to make was that I dislike Sigurd because if you swapped Sigurd with Corrin, the game would be the exact same except with a different lord. My problem is that when people assess the story of genealogy they (almost) only have praise for its story and characters, Sigurd included while these same people would (rightfully) criticise all of the (many) faults in Fates' writing. People complain about how cartoonishly evil Garon is even though Julius is effectively the same. My big issue with Sigurd is just that he's dull, he isn't “cookie cutter lord" but it'd almost be better if he was (Marth, Roy, Eliwood and Seliph at least somewhat change or grow through their story but Sigurd is the exact same from the start to the end of gen 1 (love at first sight is not character development)). The way gothw is structured Sigurd only really has boss dialogue where he's angry, or has conversations at castles like this. 

Oifey: Lord Sigurd, some dude is attacking, save the villages. 

Sigurd: All right lets do the thing. (After arena and preps for like an hour lmao)

Deirdre/Shannan/Rahna: Wow Sigurd you sure are a cool dude, also seliph is your son. 

Sigurd: No time, war now. 

Sigurd also never benefits from lover conversations giving him character, and I'm not sure if he has any secret events but I haven't seen em. Sigurd is Corrin but used less and then dies and feel like nobody in the fan base ever genuinely criticises his character, like they do Corrin. But ultimately that's just a me thing. 

On 1/29/2020 at 9:20 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I dare say you're wrong here. A certain someone did give him hell for his naïveté. Eh? Eh?

Ehhhhh. Falls flat, because the stretch between valflame and hellfire is a bit awkward, and Sigurd was too “Model Paladin" to actually go to hell. 8.5/10 IGN

On 1/29/2020 at 9:20 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Yarharharharhar, Holmes me boy, if ye don't shut up ye'll get a pincer upside the head. 


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54 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

Well, is there any others you hate/dislike then what you stated earlier, I more I read the more I find that I dislike.


Least Liked:

I can't think of any general categories, so I guess now it's individuals:

  • Meg. A few characters introduced in Radiant Dawn suffer the issue of not having as much depth as their Path of Radiance counterparts, and Meg probably has it the worst. She's Brom's second daughter, she shows up in Daein looking for Zihark, and... that's it. She's not even very useful either, and I can't even remember if she and Brom can even talk to each other during Part 3; I imagine Brom would be quite shocked to find his daughter fighting for Daein. 
  • Heather. Being a thief to get funds for a sick mother I understand, but she's also a con-artist who's every bit of dialogue isn't about her thieving or her mother (something that might give her a bit of depth or make it easier to sympathise with her), but about one part of her personality in particular; meaning that she's just as one-note gimmicky as Fates characters. 
  • Frederick. I'm just not a fan of the guy; I find some of his antics more annoying than anything else really.
  • Berkut. His voice actor does a stellar job, but that's about all the character has going for them. When he and Fernand were announced, part of me was worried that they would just end up being filler; you could remove them, and nothing would really change. That part of me was correct, but the worst part is that a character who could've been a fairly imposing mid-game antagonist comes across as a joke because of his filler nature and his never really achieving anything (then again, villains coming across as jokes is one of several recurring issues that Echoes' writing has). 

Most Disliked:

Oh, for this, I still have at least one more category:

  • Womanizers: characters like Virion and Sylvain (this one may change when I play through Blue Lions, but I doubt it, despite him being the first male redhead in Fire Emblem in a while...) are a trope intended for humour, but the joke has gotten old and was never all that funny to begin with. It's a similar issue that I have about the obsessed characters like Tharja and Faye. 
  • One-note villains who get way more screen-time than they deserve: Iago, Hans, Slayde, etc. These guys are a blight: taking precious time away from antagonists who could actually be interesting or competent while providing nothing of value as they just keep sticking around. These guys would be fine as minor villains to be dealt with quickly. The problem isn't that they're less competent than they think they are; villains like that can have appeal (just see Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood); the problem is that they're just not interesting. There's nothing they add by lasting longer. 

Now, individuals:

  • Mycen. I do appreciate his noble side: saving Celica's life, raising Alm, etc. But, he readily goes alongside Rudolph's mad plan to unite Valentia, manipulates and acts cryptic with Alm, and spends a fair bit of the game being very cold, and we're supposed to like this guy? No questions asked? 

@ciphertul Why do you not like Soren and Ashe?

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7 hours ago, ciphertul said:

But Dubs Vs Sub is an odd thing to bring up... did you just wanna put that out there?

No, but I’m not making up the story of her Japanese voice actress being a reason of her being a good character. In fact, this happened either in the FEH or Fates forum in one of my famous Camilla rants I’ve made constantly in over a year ago

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59 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:
  • Meg. A few characters introduced in Radiant Dawn suffer the issue of not having as much depth as their Path of Radiance counterparts, and Meg probably has it the worst. She's Brom's second daughter, she shows up in Daein looking for Zihark, and... that's it. She's not even very useful either, and I can't even remember if she and Brom can even talk to each other during Part 3; I imagine Brom would be quite shocked to find his daughter fighting for Daein. 

Oh boy....you did NOT just bring my daughter into this.

Okay, get ready for a long rant about how Meg deserves the world:

While I respect your opinion, I still can't help but feel like you don't maybe truly fully understand Meg's character. Now to most people she's very simple character, which she is, I'm not going to argue that she's a complex one. But becasue she's a simple character/person, I do feel like people feel like they know everything that could be said about her, which isn't usually the case.

Let's start with her introduction. It's true being a new character in FE10 isn't easy with the lack of supports, but I disagree with the says that she has it the worst, becasue unlike some other characters that were introduced in FE10, she actually had connections to characters from FE9, which gives her just that little more depth than characters like Laura, Aran, and Fiona, and such on.  And we could see these connections play part in when she does run into her father on the battlefield. I will talk more about this later though, oh and a random fun fact: Nephenee WON'T attack Meg if you tried to make her do so. This is a very nice little touch, and it's nice becasue Nephenee is from the same village as Meg, so they most likely know each other. And the fact IS added such a small thing to the game gives Meg more depth than some of the original FE10 cast that I mentioned. 

Now as for the whole Zihark thing, it was the reason Meg left her country. Now no matter how you try thinking about this, her travelling all the way to Daein just to meet a guy she never met before is nothing short of stupid. And yet, somehow, she made it. In this act, we sorta see just how much of a strong will Meg has, but it also shows us that she's a bit dense. And that really is the way I think most people would describe her personality, and....they aren't wrong. Meg herself is a simple person, and she probably wouldn't stand out personalty wise in a series such as this who has tons of characters. However it's part 3 Meg that I want to talk about.

Now you might ask yourself, okay....what did Meg do in part 3? Did she even get any screen time? And the answer would be...no, she didn't. But that doesn't mean she didn't do anything in that part, which is what I want to talk about.

After part 3 starts, some characters which you've used in part 1 and 2 will join you on Ike's side of things, and you would THINK Meg would be one of them considering her father is fighting on that side, right? But surprisingly, she doesn't join you, but instead she stays on Daein's side.  And funny enough, she isn't even one of the characters that you could make switch sides (those characters being Jill and Zihark) 

Now someone could argue she only stayed on Daein's side of things becasue of Zihark, but even if Zihark were to switch sides, Meg would still stay on Daein and would refuse to switch sides as well. I'm pretty sure she has a battle dialogue with her father and Zihark about this, in which she refuses to betray Micaiah, which goes to show just....what a sweetie she is. The reason she left her country in the first place was telling her to switch sides, and yet she refused and stayed loyal, even though it would had made much more sense for her to just run to her father's side. 

 And in her ending, we see that....she finds the love of her life and starts a happy family. It wasn't Zihark, it was someone else, and I think that ending shows us just how Meg has grown as a person through the war, and that she no longer is somewhat obsessed with Zihark. As someone who HATES FE10's endings, Meg's ending has to be one of my favorites hand down becasue it shows you that she no longer is the silly girl she was at the very start of the game. 

I'm sure I'm reading much more into this than I should, but yeah....Meg is an angel, and I would take a bullet for her.

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2 minutes ago, Rose482 said:

Oh boy....you did NOT just bring my daughter into this.

Okay, get ready for a long rant about how Meg deserves the world:


…Okay. I see your point (and yes, I did read all of it). What do you think of the other characters that I listed I'm almost afraid to ask?

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49 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:



  • Berkut. His voice actor does a stellar job, but that's about all the character has going for them. When he and Fernand were announced, part of me was worried that they would just end up being filler; you could remove them, and nothing would really change. That part of me was correct, but the worst part is that a character who could've been a fairly imposing mid-game antagonist comes across as a joke because of his filler nature and his never really achieving anything (then again, villains coming across as jokes is one of several recurring issues that Echoes' writing has). 




Speaking bro my heart here. Except with you once had fear I had hope, which resulted in bitter disappointment.

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44 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Speaking bro my heart here. Except with you once had fear I had hope, which resulted in bitter disappointment.

I had hope and fear: hoping for the best, yet preparing for the worst. 

Yeah; I don't dislike Berkut, but he is such a massive waste of potential. 

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10 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:


By the way, did you see the message that I sent you?



To stop this being a technically illegal single word post I'd add that I have issues with Conrad for similar reasons. He's not quite as bad as Berkut as he ties in better to Celica's backstory and gives the Sage's hamlet a better reason to exist. But he's still as bit underwhelming. When you reveal that the princess's older brother is still alive I expect there to be some ramifications to that instead of him just being another guy that hangs around.

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28 minutes ago, Jotari said:



EDIT: I figured it out; wrong person. Sorry, Jotari. 


Back to the topic, I dislike Wrys in Shadow Dragon for being basically useless even before the player gets Lena.

@Gregster101 I'm not actually going to question you on why you like Berkut. I'm actually going to make an educated guess as to the reasons:

  • The voice acting
  • His design
  • His personality/gradually falling apart
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