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Fire Emblem Three Houses: Ideas for a "Revelations" route

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Hmmm. . .how it ends. . .

Fodlan's borders are more-or-less intact.  The church's function is changed to that of a mediator between the various countries.  Meanwhile, everyone goes home.  I'll elaborate on this a bit later, since I need to do something.

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6 hours ago, B.Leu said:

but on the facts, they're just a bunch of murder hobos joke characters

we don't know that. Almyra is bigger than Fodlan. The view points you have of them is that of a fodlandian + someone who faced discrimination (both fodlan and almyra peeeps discriminate against each other) + a child.

And the last 2 mention explicitly how every place has it's good and bad.

6 hours ago, B.Leu said:

Maybe the point is precisely that it's the only things we know about them



6 hours ago, B.Leu said:

That doesn't really change my point, you have to be either traumatised (Dimitri) or retarted (pretty much everyone else) to think a kid did a massacre by herself.


the point isn't that she did it (because she didn't), it's that she works with them despite that.

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Fuck a "Revelations route"

Byleth comes in way too late to affect anyone's lives. Divine Pulse canonically only works by a few moments. The characters and their ideals are too damn drastically different and a chance at making it work long passed before Byleth ever showed up.

Intsys agrees since there is NO GOLDEN ROUTE. Not even with the new DLC on the way with a "secret 4th house". Just wait for the spinoffs if you want the characters happy and working together that bad. 

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I had something written up in another thread, but alas, I can't find it.  So, I'm going to fully elaborate on it here.  But for it to work, there'd need to be some significant changes to the story in part 1.


Edelgard and Dimitri's families were on decent terms with each other - so much so that Edelgard's family would visit every winter.  One winter, a plague breaks out in Enbarr.  Because of that, Edelgard is forced to stay longer than normal with Dimitri.  On her return, she finds that all of her siblings have died of the plague, and her father's once-proud figure has been broken - his body survived, but his heart didn't.  After that, she no longer visits Dimitri.  Since no one tells the young prince why she stopped visiting, he slowly blames her for things as life takes a downward spiral (including the tragedy at Duscur).

Claude is blissfully unaware of his own heritage, as most of his childhood is spent in Almyra.  Once he's recognized as the heir to the Alliance, he's forced to take a VERY front-row seat to its politics, including far too many visits with DImitri and Edelgard.  He naturally doesn't get along with either at first, but eventually sympathizes with both.

School begins, and it turns into a bit of a dick-waving contest.  Everything more-or-less looks the same, until Remire.  The villagers are going nuts, and Edelgard is paralyzed with fear - so much so that Hubert takes over for her during that mission.  Dimitri blames Edelgard for the deaths in Remire, while Claude slowly gets the truth out of Hubert (how the hell this happens is anyone's guess).

Because of the disaster at Remire, Edelgard is temporarily stripped of her duties as house leader.  This is the push she needs to ally with the Slithers, as they've promised her a cure to the plague.  They tell her that she needs to steal the stones in the tomb, which she does.  Hubert reveals that he knew of the plan, and supports Edelgard, because someone needs to do so.  This causes a rift between the three leaders - Claude saw this coming, but no one believed him, and Dimitri's mind is more-or-less made up.  A fight breaks out, and the three leaders are kicked out of the monastery, on Rhea's orders.

Five years later, and things look grim in the various lands.  The Kingdom's crown jewel, Arianhod, has been reduced to rubble, and a threatening letter was sent to Dimitri, promising the rest of his country would face a similar fate if he didn't cooperate.  Signs of the plague at Remire break out in border towns of the Empire, and Almyra's set for a full-scale invasion of the Alliance.  The three leaders remember a promise they made to Byleth - if ever they truly need assistance, go back to the monastery, and ask.  To their surprise, it's Byleth that greets them as the head of the church.  The three spill their stories, and Rhea steps out from the shadows, and explains the true past.  Edelgard is disgusted by the turn of events, but the rage in Dimitri's eyes is replaced by tears.  Claude is the one that snaps everyone back to reality.  He explains that the plague they're seeing is native to Almyra - and they have the cure, BUT they're threatening to invade.  The three leaders hatch a desperate plan, each to save their countries.  Claude will take what Almyrans he's managed to sway to his side to Arianhod, and try to figure out how it was destroyed.  Their specialty is aerial patrol, so they'd have a better view of what happened.  Dimitri's side will go to Enbarr - they're familiar with the first plague, and know how to handle the victims.  Edelgard's army will fortify the Almyran border, because all will be for naught if the Alliance falls.

Further investigation into Arianhod reveals a collapsed hall that wasn't on any plans.  The Slithers reveal themselves here, and Claude fights them off.  Meanwhile, investigations into the plague reveal a third Slither behind it all - someone who managed to modify the native Almyran sickness such that it creates a fighting zombie, instead of a delirious patient.  Edelgard's army manages to hold out against the Almyrans, who have some suspicious technology among their midst - and troops from other countries.  Once Claude and Dimitri finish their missions, they hurry to the Almyran border.  Dimitri identifies some of the foreign troops as Sreng, and states that they have no business being this far south.  A bit of fighting reveals that all the troops are just as brainwashed as the plague victims.  It's then that Nader leads a small force towards Edelgard and co., with a promise of talks.

Nader tells them that the majority of his kingdom's troops have been infected, and are not under his control.  The troops he leads are those that he managed to rescue, and they're far outnumbered by the zombies.  He points out the weeds surrounding them, saying that the cure is there, but it takes a long time to render out the appropriate antidote.  With time NOT on their side, Claude leads a small force to go pick herbs, Dimitir prepares the necessary equipment to distill the antidote, and Edelgard makes sure their position isn't overrun.

From within the army, the Silther agents attempt to cause mayhem.  One of them signals Hubert, who promptly sets him on fire.  Hubert explains that he became a double agent, on Edelgard's request.  The Slithers want to destroy Sothis, Rhea, and anyone that supported them, and have no qualms about using the other countries as pawns in their schemes.  Rhea realized this, and figured the shared hatred of the Slithers would unite the countries of Fodlan - hence why she stepped down.  With the truth of the conflict revealed, she transforms into her true form, which throws the other side into chaos.  While this is happening, Edelgard''s troops desperately administer the antidote to as many enemies as possible.  Many are saved, but at the price of many more lives.

Brigid shows up to help - Petra sent a message to her homeland as soon as she saw the situation on the Almyran border.  Ferdinand, Caspar, Linhardt, Bernadetta, Lorenz, and Lysithea each share whatever their families knew - though the knowledge is fragmented, it's enough to pinpoint the lair of the Slithers.  Both Dedue and Sylvain are nowhere to be found, and are assumed to be dead.  Dimitri seems unfazed.  They march on the entrance to the Slithers - Arianhod.

The Slither's trap is set into motion.  With no support from above, the army is caught between troops from within the city and those raining hell from behind.  That is, until another army breaks through.  The remnants of Duscur, led by Dedue, and a company of Sreng, led by Sylvain, break through the rear army.  With defeat certain, the Slithers set their city to self-destruct.  Knowing her time is short, Rhea blasts a hole in the walls, and uses herself to shield the army from the worst of the blast.  Despite being a bitter enemy, Edelgard requests that the army takes some time off to properly bury Rhea at Garrag Mach.

Shortly after the funeral rites, the final experiment of the Slithers is released - Nemesis, in an artificial body.  Lysithea's family was chosen to be experiments for crest power, and unbeknowst to her, one of her older brothers survived.  The three armies take on Nemesis.  When all is said and done, Almyra's forces are almost completely wiped out, and the other country's armies aren't in much better shape.  With a lot of rebuilding to do, both Dimitri and Edelgard go back to their respective places, this time with a peace treaty.  Claude leaves the alliance in Lorenz's hands, because Almyra needs a king.  Byleth takes over the church, and uses its power both to run the academy, and to peacefully resolve conflicts among countries.  A small army is assigned to the church, mostly to keep the countryside safe from monsters and the like.  Though with the sheer amount of life lost, it will be a while before any of the countries are a threat.


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17 hours ago, Sid Starkiller said:

That's fair, it just felt like he was trying to convince me that it was a good idea, and I was trying to inform him that he's wasting his time.

Unfortunately, you were making things sound more like an agrument and I just felt the need to refute a few points.

And just because you don't want a Golden Route, doesn't mean other people don't want a Golden Route. I'd like a Golden Route where no one dies even if it must be a DLC or mod so that anti-Golden Route people like you don't have to have anything to do with it at all...

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1 hour ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

I'd like a Golden Route where no one dies even if it must be a DLC or mod so that anti-Golden Route people like you don't have to have anything to do with it at all...

But wasn't Revelations a DLC golden route end? Look, I agree we are sounding like we are arguing, we totally are, but let's look at the past. We tries once already, and that had plot holes and us talking to ghosts. Revelations was a, pardon my language and bluntness, and cluster fuck story that doesn't really stand up. I just finished replaying it, I did not want to go back and experience the story again. Completely different from Three Houses, where despite me just finishing one route, I totally wanted to go back and replay that route and the others. People, like myself, are afraid of how this golden route will go. Because it can totally ruin what is good in the game. Not to mention that sometimes when golden routes are made, they make characters do out of character things. From the sound of it, we all love these characters and want the best for them. But sometimes you have to realize that you can't save everyone. This isn't Undertale, this isn't a moral game, this is a game about war. And it's trying to show that sometimes, you can't save everyone. And in war, some people will die. I would be ok if a golden route maybe comes out as a side story(depending on how well ashen wolves is) after the main wave of DLC comes out. Because if it's a side story, maybe. Then its established as a spin off, not cannon. That would fix the problem fates had, who you aligned with, that choice doesn't matter, because it's not cannon. But, I would only think it comes out after the expansion pack has been filled. That way, people who don't want it aren't forced into seeing what they deem as a shitty waste of time. 

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2 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

And just because you don't want a Golden Route, doesn't mean other people don't want a Golden Route. I'd like a Golden Route where no one dies even if it must be a DLC or mod so that anti-Golden Route people like you don't have to have anything to do with it at all...

Well, OBVIOUSLY I'm expressing my own opinion on the subject. Everyone here has. And plenty of people have been agreeing with me. This is a topic of discussion, not an echo chamber. You don't get to exclude people just for disagreeing with your fanfiction-level ideas.

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7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

we don't know that. Almyra is bigger than Fodlan. The view points you have of them is that of a fodlandian + someone who faced discrimination (both fodlan and almyra peeeps discriminate against each other) + a child.

And the last 2 mention explicitly how every place has it's good and bad.

the point isn't that she did it (because she didn't), it's that she works with them despite that.

Yeah, I don't believe it, the very fews we see paints a shitty picture of them, or badly written. War for fun... get out of my game.
I think it's the usual "tell don't show", without even telling and bad writing on top of it.

What kind of arguments is that ? No one want to know the why or how, everyone treat her as the president of everything evil, try to kill her and call it a day. The Twister aren't even subtle about it ! And those morons from Blue Lions jump into it.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


I said "buuuuuuuuuut..." you know ? 😛

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9 minutes ago, B.Leu said:

No one want to know the why or how, everyone treat her as the president of everything evil, try to kill her and call it a day.

I mean

> working with killers and those who caused the tragedy.

> Started an (in their view very unjustified) War.

> Coup'd and sentenced their king using Cornelia.

Very Very hard to understand her if you are affected by it. To them, she is evil. 

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27 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I mean

> working with killers and those who caused the tragedy.

> Started an (in their view very unjustified) War.

> Coup'd and sentenced their king using Cornelia.

Very Very hard to understand her if you are affected by it. To them, she is evil. 

Oh yeah, Edelgard sucked at explaining herself and she's out here saying "I had nothing to do with that" right after threatening everyone's lives with an army in the Holy Tomb and having an axe in her hands. 

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5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I mean

> working with killers and those who caused the tragedy.

> Started an (in their view very unjustified) War.

> Coup'd and sentenced their king using Cornelia.

Very Very hard to understand her if you are affected by it. To them, she is evil. 

You know, I agree, but it triggers me how dumb the whole thing is, not one to question things for said things that are so obvious, like I said; they're not even subtle about it.
I kind internally cringe when people say it's "the main/basic FE route", when the BL are so freaking dumb.

5 hours ago, Seazas said:

Oh yeah, Edelgard sucked at explaining herself and she's out here saying "I had nothing to do with that" right after threatening everyone's lives with an army in the Holy Tomb and having an axe in her hands. 

Everyone suck at explaining, but yeah she take the cake and devour it. 😛

13 hours ago, eclipse said:

I had something written up in another thread, but alas, I can't find it.  So, I'm going to fully elaborate on it here.  But for it to work, there'd need to be some significant changes to the story in part 1.

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Edelgard and Dimitri's families were on decent terms with each other - so much so that Edelgard's family would visit every winter.  One winter, a plague breaks out in Enbarr.  Because of that, Edelgard is forced to stay longer than normal with Dimitri.  On her return, she finds that all of her siblings have died of the plague, and her father's once-proud figure has been broken - his body survived, but his heart didn't.  After that, she no longer visits Dimitri.  Since no one tells the young prince why she stopped visiting, he slowly blames her for things as life takes a downward spiral (including the tragedy at Duscur).

Claude is blissfully unaware of his own heritage, as most of his childhood is spent in Almyra.  Once he's recognized as the heir to the Alliance, he's forced to take a VERY front-row seat to its politics, including far too many visits with DImitri and Edelgard.  He naturally doesn't get along with either at first, but eventually sympathizes with both.

School begins, and it turns into a bit of a dick-waving contest.  Everything more-or-less looks the same, until Remire.  The villagers are going nuts, and Edelgard is paralyzed with fear - so much so that Hubert takes over for her during that mission.  Dimitri blames Edelgard for the deaths in Remire, while Claude slowly gets the truth out of Hubert (how the hell this happens is anyone's guess).

Because of the disaster at Remire, Edelgard is temporarily stripped of her duties as house leader.  This is the push she needs to ally with the Slithers, as they've promised her a cure to the plague.  They tell her that she needs to steal the stones in the tomb, which she does.  Hubert reveals that he knew of the plan, and supports Edelgard, because someone needs to do so.  This causes a rift between the three leaders - Claude saw this coming, but no one believed him, and Dimitri's mind is more-or-less made up.  A fight breaks out, and the three leaders are kicked out of the monastery, on Rhea's orders.

Five years later, and things look grim in the various lands.  The Kingdom's crown jewel, Arianhod, has been reduced to rubble, and a threatening letter was sent to Dimitri, promising the rest of his country would face a similar fate if he didn't cooperate.  Signs of the plague at Remire break out in border towns of the Empire, and Almyra's set for a full-scale invasion of the Alliance.  The three leaders remember a promise they made to Byleth - if ever they truly need assistance, go back to the monastery, and ask.  To their surprise, it's Byleth that greets them as the head of the church.  The three spill their stories, and Rhea steps out from the shadows, and explains the true past.  Edelgard is disgusted by the turn of events, but the rage in Dimitri's eyes is replaced by tears.  Claude is the one that snaps everyone back to reality.  He explains that the plague they're seeing is native to Almyra - and they have the cure, BUT they're threatening to invade.  The three leaders hatch a desperate plan, each to save their countries.  Claude will take what Almyrans he's managed to sway to his side to Arianhod, and try to figure out how it was destroyed.  Their specialty is aerial patrol, so they'd have a better view of what happened.  Dimitri's side will go to Enbarr - they're familiar with the first plague, and know how to handle the victims.  Edelgard's army will fortify the Almyran border, because all will be for naught if the Alliance falls.

Further investigation into Arianhod reveals a collapsed hall that wasn't on any plans.  The Slithers reveal themselves here, and Claude fights them off.  Meanwhile, investigations into the plague reveal a third Slither behind it all - someone who managed to modify the native Almyran sickness such that it creates a fighting zombie, instead of a delirious patient.  Edelgard's army manages to hold out against the Almyrans, who have some suspicious technology among their midst - and troops from other countries.  Once Claude and Dimitri finish their missions, they hurry to the Almyran border.  Dimitri identifies some of the foreign troops as Sreng, and states that they have no business being this far south.  A bit of fighting reveals that all the troops are just as brainwashed as the plague victims.  It's then that Nader leads a small force towards Edelgard and co., with a promise of talks.

Nader tells them that the majority of his kingdom's troops have been infected, and are not under his control.  The troops he leads are those that he managed to rescue, and they're far outnumbered by the zombies.  He points out the weeds surrounding them, saying that the cure is there, but it takes a long time to render out the appropriate antidote.  With time NOT on their side, Claude leads a small force to go pick herbs, Dimitir prepares the necessary equipment to distill the antidote, and Edelgard makes sure their position isn't overrun.

From within the army, the Silther agents attempt to cause mayhem.  One of them signals Hubert, who promptly sets him on fire.  Hubert explains that he became a double agent, on Edelgard's request.  The Slithers want to destroy Sothis, Rhea, and anyone that supported them, and have no qualms about using the other countries as pawns in their schemes.  Rhea realized this, and figured the shared hatred of the Slithers would unite the countries of Fodlan - hence why she stepped down.  With the truth of the conflict revealed, she transforms into her true form, which throws the other side into chaos.  While this is happening, Edelgard''s troops desperately administer the antidote to as many enemies as possible.  Many are saved, but at the price of many more lives.

Brigid shows up to help - Petra sent a message to her homeland as soon as she saw the situation on the Almyran border.  Ferdinand, Caspar, Linhardt, Bernadetta, Lorenz, and Lysithea each share whatever their families knew - though the knowledge is fragmented, it's enough to pinpoint the lair of the Slithers.  Both Dedue and Sylvain are nowhere to be found, and are assumed to be dead.  Dimitri seems unfazed.  They march on the entrance to the Slithers - Arianhod.

The Slither's trap is set into motion.  With no support from above, the army is caught between troops from within the city and those raining hell from behind.  That is, until another army breaks through.  The remnants of Duscur, led by Dedue, and a company of Sreng, led by Sylvain, break through the rear army.  With defeat certain, the Slithers set their city to self-destruct.  Knowing her time is short, Rhea blasts a hole in the walls, and uses herself to shield the army from the worst of the blast.  Despite being a bitter enemy, Edelgard requests that the army takes some time off to properly bury Rhea at Garrag Mach.

Shortly after the funeral rites, the final experiment of the Slithers is released - Nemesis, in an artificial body.  Lysithea's family was chosen to be experiments for crest power, and unbeknowst to her, one of her older brothers survived.  The three armies take on Nemesis.  When all is said and done, Almyra's forces are almost completely wiped out, and the other country's armies aren't in much better shape.  With a lot of rebuilding to do, both Dimitri and Edelgard go back to their respective places, this time with a peace treaty.  Claude leaves the alliance in Lorenz's hands, because Almyra needs a king.  Byleth takes over the church, and uses its power both to run the academy, and to peacefully resolve conflicts among countries.  A small army is assigned to the church, mostly to keep the countryside safe from monsters and the like.  Though with the sheer amount of life lost, it will be a while before any of the countries are a threat.


I hate you so much right due to how cool and legit this is. 😛
The tragedy that was in game is even there !

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14 hours ago, Seazas said:

Fuck a "Revelations route"

Byleth comes in way too late to affect anyone's lives. Divine Pulse canonically only works by a few moments. The characters and their ideals are too damn drastically different and a chance at making it work long passed before Byleth ever showed up.

Intsys agrees since there is NO GOLDEN ROUTE. Not even with the new DLC on the way with a "secret 4th house". Just wait for the spinoffs if you want the characters happy and working together that bad. 

Sothis sacrifices  herself to rewind all the way back.

Also, Golden route has 2/3 lords die and a good portion of students die

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10 hours ago, Sid Starkiller said:

Well, OBVIOUSLY I'm expressing my own opinion on the subject. Everyone here has. And plenty of people have been agreeing with me. This is a topic of discussion, not an echo chamber. You don't get to exclude people just for disagreeing with your fanfiction-level ideas.

Well that's fine. I was just trying to discuss some points that could make a Golden Route work, to make it at least look better than the way people make out the Revelations Route to be, ESPECIALLY knowing that this conflict is entirely man-made and may well have been prevented. This is what it looked like to me: I suggested an idea of making a Golden Route work, you made a counterargument that didn't really stand, I refuted it and you nearly went into venting territory by saying "I DON'T WANT A GOLDEN ROUTE!". That's okay that you don't want a 100% happy ending, but if you're going to make arguments against it, at least expect people to try to refute them by saying "actually, that would not be a problem if X was to happen".

1 hour ago, SHEmperor said:

Also, Golden route has 2/3 lords die and a good portion of students die

Pfff... that's a Golden Route??? The point of the OP was to make a route where people don't have to die.

11 hours ago, Thatinsaneone said:

From the sound of it, we all love these characters and want the best for them. But sometimes you have to realize that you can't save everyone. This isn't Undertale, this isn't a moral game, this is a game about war. And it's trying to show that sometimes, you can't save everyone. And in war, some people will die.

True. You have a point. But the very gameplay of Fire Emblem involves making the right strategic choices so that people don't die. Players get attached to the characters, as individuals, very quickly and to find out that in this game, someone will die really upsets them and prompts their imaginations to find a way to save them.

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3 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

Players get attached to the characters, as individuals, very quickly and to find out that in this game, someone will die really upsets them and prompts their imaginations to find a way to save them.

You think I don't know that? Why when I first played a fire emblem game, Awakening, I felt so horrible over Emmeryn's death that I felt like I did something wrong and almost restarted the whole game to see if I could save her. The same goes for Ryoma in Conquest. But these games try to show us something. War is never a pretty thing. And these two characters showed me something that many war based games cannot come close to making me feel, deep utter sadness. Like I failed these characters lives. And that's what I believe Intelligence Systems is going for. You can't save everyone, someone you care about or even love could possibly be a victim of war. And while we can imagine what ifs, we cannot truly bring them back. Like, I would love for Ryoma to come back and help guide Hoshido at the end of Conquest, but I know he cannot.

A golden route would just be a way of "hey buddy, you don't have to be sad that you made a choice in siding with Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude thus having to kill x y z, instead you can do this route and everyone lives! *confetti streamers*" and I get it, gives people a happy ending for every character, but let's look back at revelations. When this route was placed, it was the canonical ending. It made the other two choices seem, let's be frank, pointless! Why play both routes when you know that they don't matter, because it's not what happened. Why I love Three Houses as your choices, at least to me, feel like they matter. Or at least made more impact than in fates. Because all I felt in fates was boredom, anger at the story, and only in conquest I felt horror and pity. It's a bad thing when, as you mentioned, you want to save all the characters because you have attached to them yet in fates besides the royal characters and about 3 or 4 of the retainers I didn't feel anything or give a single care to any character. I just don't want the same to happen to any of the people I met in the monastery to become faceless husks of character tropes like it was in fates. And that's a legit fear I have of a golden route becoming if its made. Why I suggested after the expansion pass is finished depending on how well recieved wave 4 is and blended into the game, then maybe give it a try as a side story, one established very, VERY, early on is not cannon, no where near cannon. That way, it doesn't ruin the main game.

Or you know, you could always mod the game. Then we don't have to worry about it being cannon, as then its a fan game. But hey, that's just my view on this mess.

Edited by Thatinsaneone
Grammar errors
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6 hours ago, SHEmperor said:

Sothis sacrifices  herself to rewind all the way back.

Also, Golden route has 2/3 lords die and a good portion of students die

That makes no sense and never been established in story. Not even Progenitor God fusion Byleth could rewind that far back.

Then that's not a golden route, just a cheap shot at trying to force sacrifice in a route that would objectively be better than the rest.

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2 hours ago, Thatinsaneone said:

When this route was placed, it was the canonical ending. It made the other two choices seem, let's be frank, pointless! Why play both routes when you know that they don't matter, because it's not what happened. Why I love Three Houses as your choices, at least to me, feel like they matter. Or at least made more impact than in fates.

If Revelations was the canon route, that doesn't mean that Birthright and Conquest are completely non-canon. People agrue that Corrin tried both Birthright and Conquest before playing Revelation. Also, the Golden Route is not necessarily the "True Ending", as for all we know, the "True Ending" could happen to be the Silver Snow Route where everyone except your main party dies. Also, if needs be, the Golden Ending may only be unlocked by completing all routes (Silver Snow optional).


2 hours ago, Thatinsaneone said:

You think I don't know that? Why when I first played a fire emblem game, Awakening, I felt so horrible over Emmeryn's death that I felt like I did something wrong and almost restarted the whole game to see if I could save her.

I kinda meant the party members themselves, and especially when you HAVE to choose which person has to die (*ahem* Edelgard and Dimitri). This being because you CONTROL these characters and the control you have over them BEFORE they die makes you think you could've been able to save them.

 EDIT: I brought the whole point up to explain why people want a Golden Route in the first place.

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I understand people want a golden route, and I'm not trying to say that anyone who wants it should be banned from the game. I understand people want to save every character (a noble thought) but sometimes we cannot. We cannot save scarlet in revelations, and she was a member of the party. I just don't like playing a game and knowing that my choices don't matter when you set up your game as "Who you choose will determine who lives and who dies." That was an issue with fates, but is fixed in Three Houses since you can recruit people. And that really helps! My first playthrough I managed to only get Bernie, Ashe, and Sylvain to join me. And because of that, at the end of the game I wanted to go back through new game + to save everyone I can! Yet I still understand that, since I picked verdant wind, edelgard will die and as much as I disliked how he met his end, Dimitri will as well. Just because I realize that someone will die doesn't mean I'm happy for it. I was mad and upset over the fact that Dimitri died in the way he did, and that he even died! But that helped me, as my byleth, get more fuel to end the war. As a motivation in the story as to not let him be forgotten, and to avenge him for he shouldn't have been taken out like that. But hey, I understand that death is a hard thing and some people don't want that.

I don't mean to sound completely on the "No don't do it" side, it's just that after revelations and after just replaying it last month and seeing how poorly the story held up(I almost gave up to play literally anything else) I just am hesitant to say yes, let's do this. And from what I've read many people are as well. So while my opinions say no, I'm also understanding that there are many people who do. I am not fully against a golden route, despite everything I've said, but implementing this route would be hard, and some people are more critical than you or me. They hear this and immediately hate it. Why I keep suggesting after the expansion pass is done, make another DLC(not $20 like revelations, maybe $15 or something) that is a golden route, and state that it is. That way, if you want it you can get it and if you don't want it, it's not cramped down your throat since you have already purchased it. It's not the best solution I know, but it's a solution if they are willing to make it.

Or, you know, mod the game. That works to. Probably would work abit better... maybe?

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I guess this is an unpopular opinion, but I'd be fine with a Revelation/Golden route for Three Houses. Revelation was actually my favorite of the Fates games because it told the most complete story (still not a great story, though) and, honestly, I thought the gameplay/maps were totally fine. I think it'd be kinda nice to have a somewhat similar route in TH, where the lore is actually dived into by all three houses, and things sort of "unify" in a way. At the same time, though, I'd want it to differ from Fates in that TH's Golden Route wouldn't end all sunshine and rainbows for everyone. The students get their endings, sure, but characters like Judith and Rodrigue may have to bite the dust, as well as the possible death (or deaths) of Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude/Rhea. It'd be a tricky thing, but a thing I'd be down for.

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There are a lot of reasons why I dislike Revelations, but none of them is the reason why I thought I would dislike a golden route in  3H.

I thought I would dislike a 3H golden route because finding a path where everyone lives makes the other paths feel dumb for not finding that solution. But in Revelations, this path split is because of the decision you make. You, the player, are the reason. Your dumb choice made people die in other paths, making another choice when picking a house could be the point where we save everyone.

Making a similar choice as Corrin, not choosing at all. Choose to be a knight instead of a teacher. The three house leaders have made it a point that they want to learn from you, but by not being part of one particular house, the three lords would compete for your attention on equal ground. This would subsequently mean the house leaders get to know each other a lot better during part 1. Claude and Dimitri could convince Edelgard that change can come without large spread war. Claude and Edelgard can convince Dimitri that change is truly needed. (Only factor I haven't figured out yet is Rhea, if she's still an enemy then no way Catherine would join you.)

I've changed my mind, a golden path could be possible and if done right I wouldn't hate it.

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On 2/10/2020 at 1:14 AM, B.Leu said:

Nader and Claude shooting arrows at each others for fun, with said arrows colliding mid air, this kind of thing.

This is indeed a very dumb part, although it's weird to me that this stood out to you over other very shonen moments, such as Edelgard and Byleth's short duel in SS(and especially its conclusion), or Dimitri's freakout at the Flame Emperor reveal/Rodrigue's death scene. It's kind of just a thing 3H does from time to time, unfortunately. At least in that case it's completely inconsequential.

On topic, I agree that a golden ending would greatly undermine the entire premise of 3H, and I'm pretty sure that is still something I would argue if Rev had never existed. There are also too many separate routes in the game with their own proper and generally satisfying conclusions. Golden endings tend to work best when every other ending available is very lacking in terms of closure.

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And look at that, Intsys completely shut down a golden route in recent Famitsu info.

Just shows that the route is a bad idea if Intsys finds the idea terrible and would never make it. Thank god.

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1 hour ago, Seazas said:

And look at that, Intsys completely shut down a golden route in recent Famitsu info.

Just shows that the route is a bad idea if Intsys finds the idea terrible and would never make it. Thank god.

Yeah... no. In no essence it correlates to being a good or terrible idea. Just they didn't wanted a repeat of Fates where people would dismiss the other routes for it.

Honestly, this thought of "dismiss all routes because a Golden One exist" is part of the problem, too.

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49 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah... no. In no essence it correlates to being a good or terrible idea. Just they didn't wanted a repeat of Fates where people would dismiss the other routes for it.

Honestly, this thought of "dismiss all routes because a Golden One exist" is part of the problem, too.

Having an objective right answer to a moral question defeats the purpose of such a question. I'm sorry you don't understand that.

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