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FE GBA builder with skill module personnalisation


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I want to make a personnalized FE8 hack in order to create a FE8 game I like more (because the vanilla is not really suit my taste), so I plan to do a lot of modification to make players phase more important than ennemy phase. In FE GBA builder, the skill module is very interesting for that. You can add some skill for each unit like that add some advantage in damange, hit rate and avoir when you attack, and make the class more specialized, so it could be great for that.

But when I test it, I see that this module not only add the skill, but also many small changement I can't set up, like for exemple, display the growth, change the weapon triangle to +2 & +20%, add lead star that I can't attribute or remove to the unit I want ect. There is a way to set up all this thing, or if you want to use the skill, you must use all this small change that you can't control anymore. And if it's the case, there the list of all the modification somewhere ?

Because the weapon triangle +2 +20% is okay, but I prefer don't display the growth in order to play blindly, just test all the unit and see how they growth bad or well, and the lead star it's a bit problematic if I can't control who got the lead stat, and how many star I can get.

Also, there the skill prescience (When initiating battle, Hit and Avo +15.), but when I test it, it seems the stat avoid of my unit become absurd. Erika with this skill become suddently 67 avoid, and seth 73. Is it a bug ? The description is wrong ? Or I mess up somewhere.

And last question, there is a way to modify or add some skill ? Because there some skill who seems pretty interesting, but the number too high, like 30% avoidance when you initiate the battle. I would prefer something like 15%. Or for exemple vantage always attack first  if (HP < 50%), but i would prefer always attack first without condition, something like that.

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Some of the additional features can be modified. 
The number of leadership stars can be edited with the leadership patch.


You can just set the extended list to 0 if you don't want anyone to have stars.

You can also edit the anima magic triangle with a patch of the same name. It is alo possible to remove the finisher feature whenever you kill a boss.

As for the weapon triangle, I believe you can reset the values manually using FEBuilder's editor


Changing skills sounds like it would be hard though. Pretty sure you would need to know a little coding and mess with the ASM files to do that.

Edited by bløød
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21 hours ago, eclipse said:

If you want to test numbers (WRT stuff like Prescience), step away from the hacking tools, take out a pen and paper, and check the math yourself.

I try to calculate in order to see what could happen. But it's just so strange.

  Erika avoidance in the description menu is 33. It's 9 spd * 2 + 5 luck = 23. And Erika have 2 star leader ship, and Seth one, so it normaly + 3*3. So it normally should be 32, but it's 33 for some reason.

Seth avoidance is 38. It's 10spd *2 + 8 luck = 28. And we have 3 leader star * 3, so it should be 37.

The thing weird, is when I add the prescience skill (it say, +15 avoid and + 15 hit, only when you initiate the combat, so it should'nt affect the value display in the menu of the character,)

It become 68 avoidance for erika, and 73 for seth. So it's a +35 avoidance without initiated the combat, but I don't understand why.



For the weapon triangle advantage, I find that in fact, it's double the bonus we set up in FE gba builder. So we can't have +1 atk bonus, it's 2 the minimum now, but it's fine for me.

But I don't find the leaderstar star menu, or the leaderstar patch. I try to google it, but I don't find anything. How can I get this windows or new patches ?


I continue my hack, and I have another problem with the skill. I can change the skill of many unit and class, but I can't for  the priest and pegasus knight. I think it's because of moulder and vanessa in the chapter 2, because I have many thing strange here. For exemple, if I change the item they have in the place unit menu, it do nothing.So it's the same if I add or remove some skill (only skill to get at some level, not only one base skill of the class. And I put the lvl obtention at 1, so normally it work for the other class), it's do nothing. And if I add a pegasus kgniht or a priest in previous chapter, it's don't work as well, but a falcon knight and a cleric, work with the same set up. There something particuliar in this chapter 2 ? Vanessa should move above the mountain in the introduction, that's the only thing special I see.



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2 hours ago, Zuda said:

I try to calculate in order to see what could happen. But it's just so strange.

  Erika avoidance in the description menu is 33. It's 9 spd * 2 + 5 luck = 23. And Erika have 2 star leader ship, and Seth one, so it normaly + 3*3. So it normally should be 32, but it's 33 for some reason.

Seth avoidance is 38. It's 10spd *2 + 8 luck = 28. And we have 3 leader star * 3, so it should be 37.

The thing weird, is when I add the prescience skill (it say, +15 avoid and + 15 hit, only when you initiate the combat, so it should'nt affect the value display in the menu of the character,)

It become 68 avoidance for erika, and 73 for seth. So it's a +35 avoidance without initiated the combat, but I don't understand why.

Do they have a support together?  What kind of terrain are they standing on?  Is weapon triangle interfering with this?

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2 hours ago, Zuda said:

For the weapon triangle advantage, I find that in fact, it's double the bonus we set up in FE gba builder. So we can't have +1 atk bonus, it's 2 the minimum now, but it's fine for me.

But I don't find the leaderstar star menu, or the leaderstar patch. I try to google it, but I don't find anything. How can I get this windows or new patches ?

1. Click on the "patch" menu of FEBuilder


2. Type "leadership" on the search bar


3. Click "extended list" to add or remove slots


4. Then edit each individual slot to include characters and their respective stars



Also, I feel like I should warn you about using the skill system. It is still a work in progress and it contains a lot of bugs and things that don't work properly/as intended. I've been using it on my Sacred Trilogy hack and I already received numerous reports of the game behaving oddly and having basic functions malfunctioning because of it. Some of the more glaring issues involve the game freezing whenever the gorgons use their "stone" weapon and the game replaying main missions when the player attempts to start a skirmish. It was also reported that it is now impossible to use the "retreat" command from the Tower of Valni and Lagdou Ruins, and on top of that, the main lords seem to have lost access to the supply.

Be very careful of the patches you install on your hack. Not everything there works as described and some of them can fuck up your hack permanently and make you lose a lot of progress. 

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There no support, and they are in a plain, so no avoid bonus. It's the first turn of the prologue chapter, and the only difference between the two, is that I add the skill prescience. So instead of add a +15hit and +15 avoid only when you initiate a fight, it seem to give + 35



Ok thanks, it works perfectly. I really love what you can do with the skill patchs, so I will try. If there some problem, I will try to fix it, but this hack it's just for gain some skill, so it's not that important.


I find why I can't modify Vanessa and moulder. They join you at the end of the chapter 1, so you can change them and load the chapter 2. You need to redo the chapter 1, my bad.


I have another problem, but it's not related to the skill patchs. I have to create another topic or I can ask here ?

When I try to create a new object, I can't use it and I don't know why. For exemple, if I want to add an item which is a elixir with only one use, I can modify the elixir item, and set at 1 use only. It's works with no problem. But if I copy the elixir in another empty item, I can't use it. In game, when I try to use the item, it says, can't use it (and I'm not full HP, and I can use the true elixir, but not the copy).

The elixir is just an exemple, whenever is a weapon, a staff, etc, I just can't use it. What could be the problem

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18 hours ago, Zuda said:

I find why I can't modify Vanessa and moulder. They join you at the end of the chapter 1, so you can change them and load the chapter 2. You need to redo the chapter 1, my bad.

That is a common mistake. Vanessa and Moulder do not join at chapter 2. They join during the Castle Frelia cutscene. To edit that, open the unit placer editor and go to the very last slot.


18 hours ago, Zuda said:

I have another problem, but it's not related to the skill patchs. I have to create another topic or I can ask here ?

When I try to create a new object, I can't use it and I don't know why. For exemple, if I want to add an item which is a elixir with only one use, I can modify the elixir item, and set at 1 use only. It's works with no problem. But if I copy the elixir in another empty item, I can't use it. In game, when I try to use the item, it says, can't use it (and I'm not full HP, and I can use the true elixir, but not the copy).

The elixir is just an exemple, whenever is a weapon, a staff, etc, I just can't use it. What could be the problem

Are you remembering to edit the "effect" field?


If that doesn't work, send me a screenshot of the item you're editing.

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Here the two item I try to just copy


https://imgur.com/6GGmGHW https://imgur.com/6GGmGHW https://imgur.com/6GGmGHW https://imgur.com/6GGmGHW 6GGmGHW.png

I do ctrl+v so it's the same thing. I just change the id. It works for the weapon as far as I test, but not for anything usable, or the staff


There's a way to modify stat for a member of a party, in a save file ? Because if I must restart at the beginning each time I want to ajust stuff, it will be pretty long. And also, I would like to test by putting average lvl, or 0% growth, in order to test the lvl without too much luck requirement.


Edited by Zuda
don't know how to post an image
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I find what's the problem. You also need to go to the menu item "use" effect, and copy paste the effect of the previous item to the new one

edit: In fact it doesn't solve the problem. Now I can use the elixir, or the staff, but it does nothing, just and the turn.

Edited by Zuda
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