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What do you want the fire emblem news to be, if we get any?

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I know this will probably never happen, but I really want a fire Emblem maker! Getting to make your own maps from nes up to gba would be amazing! 


Also yeah fe 10 remake would be cool too. 

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I want FE4 remake or Radiance HD collection. I'll accept other possibilities but that's what I'm specifically hoping for.

FE Maker would be amazing but idk how realistic a wish it is.

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7 minutes ago, Etheus said:

Fire Emblem Warriors 2. I genuinely want it more than a new mainline game, in large part because FEW failed to live up to its potential.

Pretty much this yeah. Gimme Elibe, Tellius, and Valentia characters and I'm good. I'm even welcome to the 3H cast at this point.

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An FE 4 and 5 remake in a bundle, is what I truly want.  What I think will happen is an FE 6 remake.  Much as I love Elphin, I want GBA remakes the least out of all FEs.

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I actually want a sequel to Mirage Sessions but this time taking place in Hollywood and with different characters. Perhaps around 5-10 years after the events of TMS. I want to see mirages from various FE games this time. Perhaps have the MC's mirage be Leif. But this is pretty much a pipe dream now.

Anyways, any FE release is fine. Even if it means adding the classic FE titles that were not released in the West to the Nintendo Online apps, but that is also a fantasy that might not come true.

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There are only three games I want and I’ll never ask for another game again: Half life 3, Demon’s Souls Remastered, and a FE4 Remake.

we know that a remake is in the works because there was a shelved 4th game on the 3DS that was a remake.
it could be PoR because of some of the leaked information, it could be FE6 because the director showed interest in it, or it could be FE4 because it’s next in line.

i hope it’s FE4. I don’t think FE9/10 need to be remade. They hold up very well. A remaster of them would be great though and I think would be a cool and easy thing for IS to do to hold off fans for the remake.

a warriors game would be nice because it wouldn’t be IS making it, it would be KT. I think it would just pander to 3H though. They shafted so many games in the first one. (Where’s my boy Finn?)

i would love a new paper Mario game, but I hope they do something tomorrow. I know IS may be burned out from FE, but I just hope something cool will happen and it not just be heroes garbage. 

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FE4 remake, Tellius remasters and FEW2 with Jugdral, Elibe and Tellius focus, in that order.  I think Tellius remasters are realistic at least.
Honestly I'd love an FE6 remake as well but I don't think it has as much potential as a FE4 remake.

Edited by Sayyyaka
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1 minute ago, Sayyyaka said:

FE4 remake, Tellius remasters and FEW2 with Jugdral, Elibe and Tellius focus, in that order.  I think Tellius remasters are realistic at least.

Fingers crossed.

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Personally I would love a Student Avatar and Byleth fully voiced as a new game plus with the Student Crest ability to Destroy Crest.   It would also give Intys more experience developing on the switch until a new game or echoes remake.    Ps : about the  crest destroying ideas I’m now curious about Byleth upbringing without a Crest and Rhea reaction as the crest saved Byleth but also deprived them of emotions early on until sothis awakens

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Anything but a second DLC wave announcement. I hope IS would work on other projects than try to continue milking Three Houses. If they want to work on something in the world of Fodlan as a prequel/sequel/side story, I would love that. I'm much more interested to the lands in the East- Almyra. It sounds like a diverse empire, so it would be interesting to get some more lore/backstory on that side of the Throat.


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I completely agree with you but they’ve been a bit lazy and lackluster  with the game and its dlc. In a dev interview they literally said that they NEVER showed Holst and Almyra other than reinforcements to make to world seem bigger. 

Edited by NaotoUzumaki
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I personally would love to see remastered or remade Tellius games because for me Path of Radiance is the most inaccessible game in the series, which is a series with Famicom exclusive games that are only in Japanese. As it stands I don't have a 3DS either, but I guarantee I'd have an easier time getting one of those than a GameCube.

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I'm usually the "no please, god, ENOUGH of remakes and crossovers!" guy, but yeah after Three Houses I could use a glow up on an old game. No preference atm.

Also, put FE2-5 on the Famicom and Super Famicom apps. Even untranslated, I'd play any one of them on my switch.

Edited by Glennstavos
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3 hours ago, Etheus said:

The day is still young. And anniversary or not, game announcements on Mondays are rare.

Well the anniversary has technically passed since it’s Tuesday in Japan. That’s why I say that.

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