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How to tell if you're a noob Ike user:

Destiny Hero

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60 bucks says Doom Dragon doesn't actually have a girlfriend.

Also, shouldn't this list just be

1. You use Ike

I mean srsly, he's limited to fair, nair, bair, >B, Aether, Counter, dsmash, and utilt, so he's predictable as hell and move deterioration takes an ample effect.

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60 bucks says Doom Dragon doesn't actually have a girlfriend.

Also, shouldn't this list just be

1. You use Ike

I mean srsly, he's limited to fair, nair, bair, >B, Aether, Counter, dsmash, and utilt, so he's predictable as hell and move deterioration takes an ample effect.

Lol post is lol.

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I mean srsly, he's limited to fair, nair, bair, >B, Aether, Counter, dsmash, and utilt, so he's predictable as hell and move deterioration takes an ample effect.

Jab? Usmash? Uair? Dair? Heck, even dash attack? Ike has a bunch of rather decent moves and not all moves need to be useful for a character to be usable.

Ike is subpar because of no projectile and general slowness, as well as a somewhat gimpable recovery, not because he has limited usable moves.

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60 bucks says Doom Dragon doesn't actually have a girlfriend.

Also, shouldn't this list just be

1. You use Ike

I mean srsly, he's limited to fair, nair, bair, >B, Aether, Counter, dsmash, and utilt, so he's predictable as hell and move deterioration takes an ample effect.

Play Azen's :)

Edited by Rei
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Jab? Usmash? Uair? Dair? Heck, even dash attack? Ike has a bunch of rather decent moves and not all moves need to be useful for a character to be usable.

Ike is subpar because of no projectile and general slowness, as well as a somewhat gimpable recovery, not because he has limited usable moves.

I forgot about jab. Uair has hitboxes that are generally inconvenient, Usmash is too slow, and so is his dash.

If projectiles mattered enough to make a character good or bad, MetaKnight wouldn't be considered God tier. His recovery is more than "somewhat" gimpable, all you have to do is jump in the way of his >B or jump over his sword (because you can almost garuntee Ike will Aether through the ledge) and grab the ledge. All he's really got going for him is a decent shuffle and 37 STR.

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Actually its Short Hop Fast Fall L-Cancel

Though in theory the L-cancel isn't necessary if a character has an auto-cancel attack (i.e. Yoshi's bair and nair; Link's fair, nair, and bair; Fox's dair and nair; every attack MetaKnight has ever; etc.)

Edited by Krevin
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Actually its Short Hop Fast Fall L-Cancel

Though in theory the L-cancel isn't necessary if a character has an auto-cancel attack (i.e. Yoshi's bair and nair; Link's fair, nair, and bair; Fox's dair and nair; every attack MetaKnight has ever; etc.)


Also, L cancel stands for Lag cancel.

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No, L-Cancel stands for L-button cancel. You hit the L-button within the last six frames before you hit the ground.

L isn't the only button that L cancels. The L stands for lag, not the L button. V_v

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In 64 it was Z-cancel, but it's debatable what L-cancel really stands for (unless you were around when the term cropped up). I would wager that it means lag-cancel, though.

And you guys are silly for thinking that L-cancel exists in Brawl.

ps L-cancel in Melee is input during a 15 frame window prior to making contact with the ground, not 6.

I forgot about jab. Uair has hitboxes that are generally inconvenient, Usmash is too slow, and so is his dash.

If projectiles mattered enough to make a character good or bad, MetaKnight wouldn't be considered God tier. His recovery is more than "somewhat" gimpable, all you have to do is jump in the way of his >B or jump over his sword (because you can almost garuntee Ike will Aether through the ledge) and grab the ledge. All he's really got going for him is a decent shuffle and 37 STR.

Uair has massive horizontal hitboxes, usmash has massive horizontal and vertical range (punish rolls, air dodges, basically anything from above), and dash attack is rather safe if spaced well. Projectiles do matter; MK has the mobility and speed to work without projectiles, but Ike is not nearly as fast nor as maneuverable.

Edited by dondon151
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Some people brought up something like "Metaknight's sword doesn't clank with projectiles, so he has a unique problem with not being able to clank with projectiles" as a legit weakness. I laughed.

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Some people brought up something like "Metaknight's sword doesn't clank with projectiles, so he has a unique problem with not being able to clank with projectiles" as a legit weakness. I laughed.

I saw that too XD

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In 64 it was Z-cancel, but it's debatable what L-cancel really stands for (unless you were around when the term cropped up). I would wager that it means lag-cancel, though.

I'd wager that it stands for the L-button, on account of it not being called L-Cancelling in 64. I don't think that lag is called zag in 64.

And you guys are silly for thinking that L-cancel exists in Brawl.

Who thought it existed in Brawl?

ps L-cancel in Melee is input during a 15 frame window prior to making contact with the ground, not 6.

Uhh, no.

L-Canceling (LC): This is a tactic to reduce the recovery time of air attacks. Right before you hit the ground, if you're in the middle of an air attack, press L (or R, or even Z) to decrease the recovery time. There are 7 frames during which an attack can be L-canceled. You must press L/R/Z in the 6 frames before hitting the ground or the very frame during which your character hits the ground. The result is that the lag of the air attack will be cut in half. Practice with Link’s Dair or Bowser’s Bair to see the full effects.


Uair has massive horizontal hitboxes, usmash has massive horizontal and vertical range (punish rolls, air dodges, basically anything from above), and dash attack is rather safe if spaced well. Projectiles do matter; MK has the mobility and speed to work without projectiles, but Ike is not nearly as fast nor as maneuverable.

Uair's hitboxes are too high up. It really only serves a purpose against enemies that are above you, in which case they'll probably aerial dodge through it. Usmash can't be boosted very far, and its horizontal hitboxes aren't all that massive IIRC. With the time it takes to react to and approach a rolling enemy, you don't really have time to deploy your usmash.

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I'd wager that it stands for the L-button, on account of it not being called L-Cancelling in 64. I don't think that lag is called zag in 64.

Except that you can still L-cancel with R and Z? Why is it not called R-canceling or Z-canceling? Or LRZ-canceling? Naming conventions can change.

Who thought it existed in Brawl?
Though in theory the L-cancel isn't necessary if a character has an auto-cancel attack (i.e. Yoshi's bair and nair; Link's fair, nair, and bair; Fox's dair and nair; every attack MetaKnight has ever; etc.)

Since you're citing examples from Brawl, it sort of implied that L-cancel exists as an alternative, even if what you were really saying was that L-cancel isn't necessary with the presence of autocancel. I'd also like to point out that generally (at least in Melee) auto-cancel frames occur near end of attacks where the extra time spent airborne offsets the time saved by autocanceling.

Uair's hitboxes are too high up. It really only serves a purpose against enemies that are above you, in which case they'll probably aerial dodge through it.

Every aerial can be airdodged. Use mindgames.

My bad on the L-canceling frame window.

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How about you stop being lazy and stop abbreviating things? Just look at yourselves, talking about nairs and bairs.

How about you stop spamming and actually try contributing something to the topics you post in?

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