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[CYOA] Teehee and the quest to Rean's Bod (LoH: Trails x FE3H)

Codename Shrimp

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Or maybe the opportunity arises at a later point in time.

This one, probably xD

What If chapters will only happen if you guys happen to vote for a bad end 😉 

Which shouldn't be any time soon


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

What If chapters will only happen if you guys happen to vote for a bad end 😉 

Which shouldn't be any time soon

And now I'm scared... gonna choose carefully from now on.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Maybe i should've left out the fact that Bad ends are a thing...

But yes, they are xD

That one was almost a given, considering the kind of games you played before. XD
Also, this makes it more exciting.

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time for me to write a fight scene, oh boy. 
(+3 QP. Total: 15 QP)
Chapter 6: The Mock Battle

''Show me what you can do, young Musse!''

And so the fight starts.

It was me against his highness.

Swords aren't his main weapon either, but he has more experience than me.

But it's fine.

Aslong as i hold out until Professor, Claude and other clear up the rest, we can win.

I think back to the planning session we had.

''Musse,'' Claude tells me, ''I want you on the front with Teach.''

''Remember my lessons well, Musse.'' Professor continues, ''While we hold them from the front, Marianne will support from behind us while Claude and Lysithea attempt to flank them with their longer range. I will proceed fast to cover them when necessary.''

''Right.'' Claude confirms, ''It's a shame though, i wanted to use that other tactic.''

''No.'' The Professor responds.

''What was the other Tactic?'' I ask them.

''Ya know, nothing spectacular, just putting something in their food.''

''Oh my. That would've been quite the sight, Teehee.''

His highness moves forward.

I face him also by moving forward.

I slash with my sword. 

He tactfully evades, then attempts, to strike back.

I fall back as well.

From my right i can see Professor taking out Ashe, while Claude was able to surprise Hubert. 

I block a strike. I move in to attempt another strike.

He naturally blocks it, and strikes back.

I am losing my footing. 

But around me i am seeing that our tactic is succeeding.

Claude and Lysithea, with the help of Marianne are finishing up the Black Eagles and are heading to help Professor, who got surprised by something from Mercedes Bow while holding off Dimitri.

Probably Tita's contribution to the battle.

I fall back.

His Highness pursues. I try to slash at him.

The result was me getting disarmed.

But it was already over.

His Highness is now sorrounded five to one.

''Alright, alright,'' he drops his sword and raises his hand, ''I know when to give up.''

Does he?

And so...

''The winner of thise mock battle is...

The Golden Deer house!''

The Professor's father announces the winner.

That night, a small celebration followed. 


*Time skip*

I wake up to the morning sun.

We have free today. 

I wonder what i should do. Wouldn't be a bad idea to hang out with some of my Classmates before i meet up with Tita and Olivier for Lunch.

With that in mind, i eat breakfast and head to meet up with...

Choice 1: Claude. I would like to get to know more about that shrewd mind of his.

Choice 2: Hilda. Maybe the girl has information to share?

Choice 3: Lorenz. As nobility, he has to know something, not to mention he doesn't seem against the idea of talking with me.

Choice 4: Lysithea. Maybe she can give me some magic pointers, not to mention she seems to be fond of sweets as well.

Choice 5: Marianne. She could give me some pointers for healing magic, while i can figure out her secrets.

Choice 6: Leonie. She could tell me more about how the average person on Fondlan lives, not to mention information about the Professor's mercenary company.

Choice 7: Raphael. As the son of merchants, he must've seen something not everyone has seen before, right?

Choice 8: Ignatz. He wants to be an artist, right? Maybe i could ask of him to paint Rean for me.

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1. We're going with Ignatz, someone who's mouth can keep up with Musse.
2. Only now did I realize that this is in the wrong place.  Off to Forum Games with you~!

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Let's see how i should deal with this xD

3 equal votes huh...

Chapter 7: To the Canyon

I actually only wanted to meet up with one of them...

so how did it come to this?

Why am i sharing a table with Hilda, Lysithea and Ignatz?

Not that i complain.

But Lysithea and Ignatz don't get along.

And Hilda, well...

She's being Hilda.

''So Lysithea,'' I turn to her, ''I wanted to ask you, could you help me with magic?''


''I have cake.'' I continue.

''Ok, i will help you next week.'' I knew it. Cake will get me that girl.

And Hilda is trying to pawn some work on Ignatz, typical.

Atleast i got to know them a bit more!

*Time skip*

I got to meet with Tita and Olivier after my meeting with my Classmates.

Sadly, they didn't have any new information that could help us return home to share.

Tita is getting along well with her classmates, especially Annette and Mercedes, while Olivier is getting along with Dorothea and Ferdinand.

He is trying to get close to the imperial princess, however he is failing thanks to her shadow, Hubert. Or so Olivier calls him.

Sitting in class, the professor tells about about our next mission.

We are gonna take out the Bandits that attacked us during our excursion

*Time skip*


It happened again.

A Time Quartz shattered. 

The mission went well, all things considered.

Atleast as well as you'd expect from a mission where students are expected to hunt bandits.

We all survived.

Even if some moments were pretty close.

But i am almost sure now...

Whatever the Time Quartz reacted to, it is related to the professor.

Even if the data i have is insufficient, what happened can not be denied.

The Time Quartz shattered both times near the professor during a Life or Death situation.

I will have to discuss this with Tita later, and maybe try asking the professor about it.

As we turn to leave the canyon....

I feel something calling out to me.

I look back.

This feeling...

Is definetly familiar.

I should...

Choice 1: sneak out of the group and explore the canyon.

Choice 2: stay with the group and return to the Academy. 

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So, Divine Pulse does have an effect on Time Quartz'.
That is a great idea, I think.

Very intriguing, this chapter. I can see this going places. Good places!

Let's see... Choice 1 would be the more interesting one, yet Choice 2 is definitely the smart one... which to take? Hmm...

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

So, Divine Pulse does have an effect on Time Quartz'.

gotta mix the universes somehow^^

I think Trails fans might guess where  i am going with this.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That is a great idea, I think.



poll is up btw!

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Bad End 1: Shadow of the Canyon of Death

I sneak out of the group and head back to the canyon.

It's an empty place.

Void of life and void of color.

It's a risk trying to search this place unprepared, but maybe i can find some information there.

I decide to head to deeper in the ruins and explore the remains of buildings.

I see remains of pictures. 

Not paintings, but pictures.

Pictures of people who have similiar hair color to mine.

So technology used to exist in this place.

I continue to search further.

I head to another destroyed building.

There i find remains of a mural. I can't make up what it used to entail.

Except for what looks to be a dragon tail and the green hair of a woman.

I head further into the canyon.

There're ruins that look different than the rest.

Not grander or majestic, but different.

Maybe they belonged to outsiders?

I search these ruins.

And what i find there surprises me.

The remains of a destroyed orbal device.

That means...

''Follower of Time detected!''

Before i collect my thoughts, i hear a voice.

I turn to where the voice was.

I see no one.

I take my sword out and take the remains of a book i found before i prepare to leave.

''Activating exterminaton mode!''

I hear that voice again.

It's a familiar voice, but kinda disorted.

I head outside and to the exit of the canyon.


I block an Attack from above me.

But i can't spot the attacker.

Whoever she is, she's fast.

And she's someone i met before.

I wish i had my rifle with me.

Even if i am better with the sword now, it's not my primary weapon.

I block another attack.

I spot strands of white hair before the enemy leaves my sight.

I can't cast arts against such an enemy while alone. Not against an enemy that is fast and has air superiority.


Before i think of other

What is that?

I look to the exit of the canyon.

What i see there...

are beasts standing on my way.

And behind me...

I spot the enemy that's been after my life.

A familiar face. A familiar gear.

''How... How are you here?'' I ask her, ''And why are you after my life?''

''Tell me,'' She ignores my question, ''Where's Rean?''


What does instructor Rean has to do with it?

''I don't know what you are talking about, A..''

She attacks.

I hold her back.

But i won't be able to hold on for long.

I can't run away. Behind me are numerous beasts.

But i can't win.

Not alone, and not with my weaker weapons.

I try to to attack her.

But it's futile.

She's faster and stronger than me.

It's to be expected.

I was never a frontline fighter, while the girl infront of me participated in more battles than i can count.

I'm sorry, everyone.

It seems i won't be able to make it back.

The information i got won't be of use to me, or to any of us.

I will never fulfill my objective.

I will definetly lose the fight here.

If not to the enemy infront of me, then to the beasts behind me.

But i'd rather die with my dignity intact, and not as beast food.

As what i thought was suppossed to be a classmate disarms me...

the last thing i see before she slashes my eyes are her cold eyes. Eyes that will never show mercy to her enemies.

Before i breath my last, i hear her words as she prepares to end my life.

''I will find, you, Rean, no matter how long it takes me, no matter where you are.''

Bad End 1, Fin.

I hope you all enjoyed this....


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Funny thing is, this is completely my fault...


Didn't expect Altina of all people to show up, though.

In any case, I'd like to apologize for ruining everything.

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Interlude 3: Time

They all returned to the academy safely. 

Yet i keep thinking back to the canyon. 

The canyon that kept calling to me.

I wonder why.

All i remember is my name.


And that i have this strange ability to rewind time.

An ability that the person i am connected to uses to help himself and his students survive their challenges.

Speaking about said person...

''Welcome, Byleth,'' he appears before me, like he usually does, ''i hope you are here to show some gratitude.''

And he nods his head.

Stoic as always, isn't he?

But it seems he is here for something else as well, isn't he?

Ah. It must be that.

''Sothis,'' he asks, ''do you know anything about that strange reaction i felt when i used divine pulse?''

As expected.

''hmmm, i don't know much about it, but i reminds me of something...''

Something i can't grasp. Like all my memories, they are all close, yet far away.

''Although, i could pinpoint where that reaction is coming from.''

He looks at me expectantly.

''It's that green haired student of yours, Musse, was it? Maybe you should seek her out?''

He nods his head, and proceeds to leave.

''Seriously. He just gets what he needs and leaves like that. Would be nice of him to show some gratitude or to stay here and talk for a while.''

''Oh well, let's see how this all plays out.''

*Time skip*

Through his eyes, i see him talking to that student of his.

In a seculded place, away from the eyes and the ears of the curious, i listen in to their discussion.

The girl pulls something out...

A shattered... Time ... Quartz?

What's a Quartz?

Why do i remember that object's name?

I feel lightheaded.

He must've felt it, too.

But he needs to push on.

So must I.

The girl looks unconvinced by his answer. That object of her probably shattered as a result of us using divine pulse.

But she didn't need to know that.

The girls shows him an unshattered Time Quartz this time.

I recognize it, yet my memories are hazy all the same.

I try to grasp into these memories.

Anything can help, anything might help.

But i feel a pushback.


Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. T̷̪̄̓͗̔̌̆̇̚͝í̶̫̤̻̄̔m̸̳̑͗̾͐́̍̏͛͗ę̸̰͇̖̹͓͕͇̥͚̮͌̿͛͛́.̷̧̛̼̻͚̦̙͖͊̄̌̀͐̈͊́̏͊͘͜͝ ̷̡̪̖̪̥͓̎̄͒̂Ṱ̵̱̄̈͆̇͝i̸̧̢͔̳̣͍͉͓̬̙̐̏̓̇̊̈́̇͆͌́͠ͅm̵̧͕͉̥͎͍̽̍̇̽̉͜e̴̛͓̩̅̈́̐͋̌̅͗͑.̸̨̤̺͈̳͉̞̬͇̣̺͙̼̞̈́̅͠ͅ ̸̧͚̪͔̤̤̞̪͕̗̣̩̪̳͇͛̿̆̊̀T̵̺̘͊̈́̂̑̿͌̕͜͝͝͠i̵̠̋m̶̨̱̪̒̏̋́̕͝e̶͖̼̘̰̳̜̲̟͑̂̾̂̈̓̂̌̓̄͑͐̐̚.̷̢̡͈̫̠̜̥͍͖̣̝̫͉́̉̃ ̷̞̗̼̩̪̮̐̚ͅͅT̷̢̢̧̢̰̭̣͎͇͍̻͎̠͕̲͑̉̈́̌̔͊͊́̄̄͆̚i̴̛̘̯͈m̶̧͍̯̠̖̺̳̭͕͕̊͌̃͐̔̈́̐̕͠͝ȩ̷͚̺̰̮̭̻͉̗̞̼̹͇̯͇̃͛.̷̡̧͓͚̹̜̱͉̮̪̬̾͌͗̈̔̏̏̍̿̑̍͝ ̴̧̪̮̭͎̤̦̩̹͇̋̈͝T̵̪̭͇̗̘̍͝ͅͅi̸͖̯̹͓̼͓̓̐͛̇̀̽́͐̓̚͠͝͝m̸̧͉̟̜̜͆̓͗̏͊̄̎͝e̷̳͕͍̙̰̭̹̦̬͊͊̽͒̅͊̂̈́̍̕̚.̵̛̤̭̦͍͚̖̝͉͓̺̚ ̶̨̪͕̮̼͉̤̱͉͖͓̪̠̲̅̈̈́̍́̿T̷̪͙͙̣̘̥̗̳̩͔̾̂͆̀́̓͋́̏̀̚ï̸̠̪̀͘m̸̩͔̹̞͚̗̗̠͈̲̤̰͙͂̉̃̀̕͜͜ȩ̶̗̈̅̒̃͐͘.̶̖̺̟̅̓̏̄͆͜͝͝ ̷̡̧̢̦̭̥͎͕̲̞̣̺͈͊̾͜T̸̨̡̛̯͚̮̙̦͎̜̮͍̜̟̠̃̊̏̇̌́̅̎͌͛̆́͘͝i̷͙͙͈̮̘̱͖̽̔m̶̡͇̳̫͓̼̱̤̗̟̘̪̻̹̥̅̀̂͗̾͠ȇ̶̡̛͓͚͍͓̝͎̼̗̥̜̮͖̂̿̃̌͗̏̾̾̉̈́̊͘.̴̧̨̮̼̫̳̳̥͓̬̏̾͜ ̴͎̥̠̘͙͈̥̙̙̣̰͉̃̊̇T̷̖̭͉̩͍̜̭̻̯̼͇̰̬͗͊̈́̉̆͌̅̽̾̊͋̆́̿i̸̛̗͇̬̣̽̈́̀̿͛͐̽̌͑̾̔̄̚͜m̷̧̹̱̆̌͛͋̕ḙ̵̡̨̘̣̘̱̱̳͈̑̓͒̒̑̄̏̓̀͂̓͛̉.̶̙̣͚̜̘͇͉̣͙̣̑̌̇̊ ̸̢̧͇̬̖͚̜̳̺͍̼̫́̊͌̍͋͌͒͌͜͜͝ͅT̴͈̰͕̘̱̝̓̅̓̋̊i̴̡̧̭̤͈̦̫̼̟̙͓͗̂̊̈́̔̈́͝m̶̨̡̛̞͓̪͙͍̥̞̠͓͌͗̄́̊̏̍̀̎̓̕ͅȩ̸̯̗͚̤̥̖̝̻̳̥͈̫̓̀̈́͝.̸̨̟͖̬̱͍͙̰̰͓͆̔̅͌̐̑͂̕͜ ̵͈̙͖̪͚̈́̓͛͋̈́̅̈̈́̓́̕T̸̤͎̳̙̼̹̹̺̗̭̘̋͗̽̇̌ͅi̶̡͓͚͖̘͎̲̱̘͊̀̍͂̏̾́̌͋̒̕̕ͅm̵͔̤̗͓̲̩̐̆̏̂̓̑͑̎̅̽̍͋̚͝͝ë̸̦̱̥͔̟́͑̎̅́̀̒͋́́.̷̢̧̢̨̠̗͈̹̥̳̣͚̦̘́͊́̏ ̶̹̯̜̳̗̹͉͙̜͎͆̉̐̂͛̇͑̽̐̋͑̚̕T̴̛͈̙̥̥͕̪̝̽̔̽͗̏͋͝i̶̧̔͑̓͗̋͆̉̑̋͘͘m̶̧̢͖̺̜̳̲̺͇̠̊̓͛ͅę̵͍̣̠̳̮͉̟̼̄́̀̋̐̽͗͛̿͊͐͠ͅ.̴̣͓͉̞̞̗̲͙̠͈̝̽̓̒̀̋̃͌̉͋̈́͊͝ ̷̱̙͉̹̫͙͓̲̉͗͆̽̇̈͊̈́̇̿̈͂̀̕̚

Another name i was once called.

I remember it now.

A name given to me by...

Heroes who failed.

A name my allies? Enemies? Own citizens? My children? called me as well.

Before i close my eyes, i remember it clearly.

That name is...


Interlude 3, End.


Why are you all acting like it's the end of the world? I never said a Bad End would mean the end of  the CYOA...

Unless you guys want it to end xD

I will just continue from the right choice after writing the bad end hehe.

I hope you all like what i am doing with Sothis. She will definetly play a much bigger role than ingame. My Sothis bias will definetly show xD.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

of all people to show up, though.

Gotta connect the universes, somehow 😉

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

this is completely my fault...

Huh. I thought you voted No xD.

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I guess choices don't matter.after all /s

Sothis is a time god in Trails?

So with the Orbal, is Trails in some form related to Fodlan then?

Is Rean that worth chasing if he's as generic as I remembered with the demo?

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Oh, so it's not over?
Phew... dodged a bullet on that one.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. T̷̪̄̓͗̔̌̆̇̚͝í̶̫̤̻̄̔m̸̳̑͗̾͐́̍̏͛͗ę̸̰͇̖̹͓͕͇̥͚̮͌̿͛͛́.̷̧̛̼̻͚̦̙͖͊̄̌̀͐̈͊́̏͊͘͜͝ ̷̡̪̖̪̥͓̎̄͒̂Ṱ̵̱̄̈͆̇͝i̸̧̢͔̳̣͍͉͓̬̙̐̏̓̇̊̈́̇͆͌́͠ͅm̵̧͕͉̥͎͍̽̍̇̽̉͜e̴̛͓̩̅̈́̐͋̌̅͗͑.̸̨̤̺͈̳͉̞̬͇̣̺͙̼̞̈́̅͠ͅ ̸̧͚̪͔̤̤̞̪͕̗̣̩̪̳͇͛̿̆̊̀T̵̺̘͊̈́̂̑̿͌̕͜͝͝͠i̵̠̋m̶̨̱̪̒̏̋́̕͝e̶͖̼̘̰̳̜̲̟͑̂̾̂̈̓̂̌̓̄͑͐̐̚.̷̢̡͈̫̠̜̥͍͖̣̝̫͉́̉̃ ̷̞̗̼̩̪̮̐̚ͅͅT̷̢̢̧̢̰̭̣͎͇͍̻͎̠͕̲͑̉̈́̌̔͊͊́̄̄͆̚i̴̛̘̯͈m̶̧͍̯̠̖̺̳̭͕͕̊͌̃͐̔̈́̐̕͠͝ȩ̷͚̺̰̮̭̻͉̗̞̼̹͇̯͇̃͛.̷̡̧͓͚̹̜̱͉̮̪̬̾͌͗̈̔̏̏̍̿̑̍͝ ̴̧̪̮̭͎̤̦̩̹͇̋̈͝T̵̪̭͇̗̘̍͝ͅͅi̸͖̯̹͓̼͓̓̐͛̇̀̽́͐̓̚͠͝͝m̸̧͉̟̜̜͆̓͗̏͊̄̎͝e̷̳͕͍̙̰̭̹̦̬͊͊̽͒̅͊̂̈́̍̕̚.̵̛̤̭̦͍͚̖̝͉͓̺̚ ̶̨̪͕̮̼͉̤̱͉͖͓̪̠̲̅̈̈́̍́̿T̷̪͙͙̣̘̥̗̳̩͔̾̂͆̀́̓͋́̏̀̚ï̸̠̪̀͘m̸̩͔̹̞͚̗̗̠͈̲̤̰͙͂̉̃̀̕͜͜ȩ̶̗̈̅̒̃͐͘.̶̖̺̟̅̓̏̄͆͜͝͝ ̷̡̧̢̦̭̥͎͕̲̞̣̺͈͊̾͜T̸̨̡̛̯͚̮̙̦͎̜̮͍̜̟̠̃̊̏̇̌́̅̎͌͛̆́͘͝i̷͙͙͈̮̘̱͖̽̔m̶̡͇̳̫͓̼̱̤̗̟̘̪̻̹̥̅̀̂͗̾͠ȇ̶̡̛͓͚͍͓̝͎̼̗̥̜̮͖̂̿̃̌͗̏̾̾̉̈́̊͘.̴̧̨̮̼̫̳̳̥͓̬̏̾͜ ̴͎̥̠̘͙͈̥̙̙̣̰͉̃̊̇T̷̖̭͉̩͍̜̭̻̯̼͇̰̬͗͊̈́̉̆͌̅̽̾̊͋̆́̿i̸̛̗͇̬̣̽̈́̀̿͛͐̽̌͑̾̔̄̚͜m̷̧̹̱̆̌͛͋̕ḙ̵̡̨̘̣̘̱̱̳͈̑̓͒̒̑̄̏̓̀͂̓͛̉.̶̙̣͚̜̘͇͉̣͙̣̑̌̇̊ ̸̢̧͇̬̖͚̜̳̺͍̼̫́̊͌̍͋͌͒͌͜͜͝ͅT̴͈̰͕̘̱̝̓̅̓̋̊i̴̡̧̭̤͈̦̫̼̟̙͓͗̂̊̈́̔̈́͝m̶̨̡̛̞͓̪͙͍̥̞̠͓͌͗̄́̊̏̍̀̎̓̕ͅȩ̸̯̗͚̤̥̖̝̻̳̥͈̫̓̀̈́͝.̸̨̟͖̬̱͍͙̰̰͓͆̔̅͌̐̑͂̕͜ ̵͈̙͖̪͚̈́̓͛͋̈́̅̈̈́̓́̕T̸̤͎̳̙̼̹̹̺̗̭̘̋͗̽̇̌ͅi̶̡͓͚͖̘͎̲̱̘͊̀̍͂̏̾́̌͋̒̕̕ͅm̵͔̤̗͓̲̩̐̆̏̂̓̑͑̎̅̽̍͋̚͝͝ë̸̦̱̥͔̟́͑̎̅́̀̒͋́́.̷̢̧̢̨̠̗͈̹̥̳̣͚̦̘́͊́̏ ̶̹̯̜̳̗̹͉͙̜͎͆̉̐̂͛̇͑̽̐̋͑̚̕T̴̛͈̙̥̥͕̪̝̽̔̽͗̏͋͝i̶̧̔͑̓͗̋͆̉̑̋͘͘m̶̧̢͖̺̜̳̲̺͇̠̊̓͛ͅę̵͍̣̠̳̮͉̟̼̄́̀̋̐̽͗͛̿͊͐͠ͅ.̴̣͓͉̞̞̗̲͙̠͈̝̽̓̒̀̋̃͌̉͋̈́͊͝ ̷̱̙͉̹̫͙͓̲̉͗͆̽̇̈͊̈́̇̿̈͂̀̕̚


Ngl, I thought my screen was somehow glitched for a sec there. XD

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

I hope you all like what i am doing with Sothis. She will definetly play a much bigger role than ingame. My Sothis bias will definetly show xD.

I approve! Sothis is awesome!

31 minutes ago, Daysi said:

Is Rean that worth chasing if he's as generic as I remembered with the demo?

Rean is actually Shrimpy's least favorite character in the Trails series for more than understandable reasons.
But, since Musse has a crush the size of a mountain on him, and she's the main character of this CYOA, well...

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Just now, Falcom Knight said:

Sothis shares voiceactor with Fie, so of course she's awesome.

Also Morgana from Persona 5. And Edea Lee in Bravely Default/Bravely Second.

And she shares her Japanese voice actress with one of my favorite characters in Nights of Azure. I'm almost obligated to like her just for that.
Coincidentally, their roles in the story as mysterious girls who guide the protagonist is nearly identical.

Though Chris' role in NoA is arguably bigger than Sothis' in Three Houses.

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Ngl, I thought my screen was somehow glitched for a sec there.

Glitchy text ftw xD


Also after the next chapter there will be some Interludes, so vote will be up for a while (when i get to write the chapter ofc.)

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