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If FEW used only your favorite characters, what would it be like?

Fabulously Olivier

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So let's complete the roster trifecta. This isn't the best roster. This isn't the worst roster. This is YOUR roster. In this alternate universe, Koei Tecmo read your mind and included only your favorite characters.


The rules:


FEW has 32 playable characters counting 2 OCs. Therefore, we're going to have 30 characters as the limit.


Curate your roster as little as possible. The only factor is how much you like these characters. And this isn't you telling Koei who to add, but rather them pulling your list from your head. Do not take into account weapon/moveset diversity, popularity, or importance. If your roster is somehow every Myrmidon in the franchise, so be it. The way to achieve this should be to name characters you like, as you think of them.


Only characters who existed before Warriors. No Three Houses or Shadows of Valentia exclusives. However, you do not need to take into account whether you liked that character that much before the release of Warriors. If SoV has made an existing Gaiden character your favorite now, you can include them.


If two characters are substantially similar, they will share a moveset. 


You can, however, retroactively make decisions to improve weapon diversity in your finished list. Ie: if Raven is among your favorites, you can choose to have him wield an axe over a sword.





Here's mine (no particular order):

1. Bastian

2. Nasir

3. Naesala

4. Zihark

5. Innes

6. Cormag

7. Ephraim

8. Lewyn

9. Sigurd

10. Pelleas

11. Ike

12. Micaiah

13. Sothe (RD)

14. Nephenee

15. Lethe

16. Rennac

17. Forde

18. Pent

19. Haar

20. Hawkeye

21. Lyon

22. Gilliam

23. Pent

24. Joshua

25. Duessel

26. Lon'qu

27. Virion

28. Raven

29. Legault

30. Jill




Moveset breakdown:

Hero - Ike, Raven

Myrmidon - Zihark, Lon'qu, Joshua

Sword Cavalry - Forde, Sigurd

Lancer - Ephraim, Nephenee

Lance Flier - Cormag, Jill

Lance Armor - Gilliam

Warrior - Hawkeye

Axe Flier - Haar

Axe Cavalry - Duessel

Fire Mage - Pent

Wind Mage - Bastian, Lewyn

Dark Mage - Pelleas, Lyon

Light Mage - Micaiah

Thief - Sothe, Legault, Rennac

Archer - Innes, Virion

Bird - Naesala

Beast - Lethe

Dragon - Nasir


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ok, let's give it a try


1) Ike

2) Soren

3) Zihark

4) Caineghis

5) Makalov

6 Levin

7) Erk

8 ) Boyd

9) Sigurd

10) Micaiah

11) Luthier

12) Tatiana

13) Finn

14) Shiida

15) Ashnard

16) Tauroneo

17) Sephiran

18) Deghinsea

19) Tibarn

20) Naesala

21) Astrid

22) Calill

23) Pent

24) Louise

25) Black Knight

26) Camus

27) Jeorge

28) Shinon

29) Titania

30) Ishtar




Snipers: Shinon, Jeorge, Louise, 

Wind Sages: Soren, Levin

Thunder Sages: Ishtar

Anima Sages: Erk, Calill, Pent, Luthier

Lance Paladins: Camus, Finn

Axe Paladins: Titania

Sword Paladins: Makalov, Sigurd

Bow Paladins: Astrid

Sword Gererals: Black Knight

Lance Generals: Tauroneo

King of Daein: Ashnard

Lance PegKnts: Shiida

Lords: Ike

Swordmasters: Zihark

Light Sages: Micaiah, Tatiana, Sephiran

Warriors: Boyd

Lions: Caineghis

Hawk King: Tibarn

Raven King: Naesala

Black Dragon: Deghinsea


Edited by Yexin
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Just favorites now huh. Well...

By game:

  • Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem- Palla, Camus, Linde, Merric, Barst, Wolf

  • Echoes- Kliff, Lukas, Delthea, Celica

  • Blazing Sword- Eliwood, Fiora, Raven, Hector

  • Sacred Stones- L'Arachel, Marisa, Joshua, Innes, Cormag

  • Awakening- Chrom, Owain, Anna, Tiki, Cordelia, Cherche

  • Fates- Azura, Anna, Elise, Kaze, Silas

By Moveset:

  • Lord (Sword): Chrom
  • Myrimdon: Marisa, Joshua, Owain
  • Trickster: Anna (Awakening)
  • Cavalier (Sword): Eliwood
  • Pegasus Knight (Sword): Palla
  • Soldier: Lukas
  • Songstress: Azura
  • Cavalier (Lance): Camus, Silas
  • Pegasus Knight (Lance): Cordelia, Fiora
  • Wyvern Rider (Lance): Cormag
  • Lord (Axe): Hector
  • Fighter: Barst, Raven
  • Wyvern Rider (Axe): Cherche
  • Archer: Innes, Anna (Fates)
  • Bow Knight: Wolf
  • Ninja: Kaze
  • Fire Mage: Celica, Delthea
  • Wind Mage: Merric
  • Light Mage: Linde, Kliff
  • Mage Knight: L'Arachel, Elise
  • Manakete: Tiki
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So, a roster that only includes my Top 30 FE characters (prior to SoV/3H)? Let's see...

  • 1. Lyn 
  • 2. Ephraim
  • 3. Eliwood
  • 4. Leif
  • 5. Eirika
  • 6. Marth
  • 7. Nils
  • 8. Ninian
  • 9. Brom
  • 10. Roy
  • 11. Hector
  • 12. Elincia
  • 13. Sigurd
  • 14. Chrom
  • 15. Matthew
  • 16. Joshua
  • 17. Lucius
  • 18. Nino
  • 19. Tailtiu
  • 20. Alm
  • 21. Lucina
  • 22. Fiora
  • 23. Caineghis
  • 24. Heath
  • 25. Isadora
  • 26. Caeda
  • 27. Lilina
  • 28. Canas
  • 29. Lukas
  • 30. Ike
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  1. Spoiler


    1. Vika
    2. Ike
    3. Titania
    4. Edward
    5. Petrine
    6. Gatrie
    7. Soren
    8. Shinon
    9. Mia
    10. Black Knight
    11. Sephiran
    12. Leonardo
    13. Nolan
    14. Laura
    15. Nephenee
    16. Elincia
    17. Pelleas
    18. Tibarn
    19. Janaff
    20. Ricken
    21. Robin
    22. Morgan F
    23. Aversa
    24. Vaike
    25. Miriel
    26. Tharja
    27. Cordelia
    28. Amelia
    29. Selena
    30. Hector



Edited by NinjaMonkey
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This seems interesting

Just some random favorites off the top of my head


1. Ike

2. Micaiah

3. Sothe

4. Pelleas

5. Tormod

6. Janaff

7. Eliwood

8. Niime

9. Fiora

10. Bastian

11. Minerva

12. Sheema

13. Lewyn

14. Arvis

15. Brigid

16. Finn

17. Raquesis

18. L'arachel

19. Rolf

20. MEG

21. Brom

22. Geoffrey

23. Sigrun

24. Sanaki

25. Matthew

26. Harken

27. Bartre

28. Fir

29. Karel

30. Noah

Now for movesets


Heroes (Mixture of Swords and Axes): Ike, Harken

Light Mages: Micaiah, Sanaki

Thieves (Daggers): Sothe, Matthew

Dark Mages: Pelleas, Niime

Fire Mages: Tormod, Arvis

Wind Mages: Bastian, Lewyn

Bird Laguz (Punches lmao): Janaff

Cavalry (Lances and Swords): Eliwood, Noah

Lance Pals: Finn, Geoffrey

Falcon Knights (Lances mainly): Fiora, Sigrun

Dracoknight: Minerva

Lance Gen: Sheema

Sword Gen: Meg

Axe Gen: Brom

Snipers: Brigid, Rolf

Master Knight...? or just Valkyries: Raquesis, L'arachel

Warrior (Axes and Bows): Bartre

Swordmasters: Fir and Karel

Well, I tried at least

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Why must you torture me by not allowing me to pick Berkut? X(

Anyways, my roster of favorite characters:

  1. Alm
  2. Ike
  3. Hector
  4. Jill
  5. Patty
  6. Gray
  7. Python
  8. Cordelia
  9. FE4 Arthur
  10. Tine
  11. Gonzales
  12. Julian
  13. Severa
  14. Canas
  15. Black Knight
  16. Lyon
  17. Arvis
  18. Shinon
  19. Marcia
  20. Osian
  21. Ares
  22. Lene
  23. Miledy
  24. Leif
  25. Sigurd
  26. Takumi
  27. Oboro
  28. Leo
  29. Olwen
  30. Dart
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  • 4 months later...

My favorites before Shadows of Valentia, which prompted me to go back and start really experiencing the old games would be:

  1. Marth
  2. Lyn
  3. Eliwood
  4. Hector
  5. Florina
  6. Ninian
  7. Serra
  8. Lute
  9. Tana
  10. L'Arachel
  11. Ephraim
  12. Lyon
  13. Valter
  14. Ike
  15. Black Knight
  16. Katarina
  17. Lucina
  18. Robin
  19. Cordelia
  20. Lissa
  21. Frederick
  22. Walhart
  23. Tiki (Older)
  24. Say'ri
  25. Nyx
  26. Scarlet
  27. Flora
  28. Azura
  29. Beruka
  30. Kagero
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  1. Niles
  2. Owain
  3. Keaton
  4. Hector
  5. Matthew
  6. Serra
  7. Florina
  8. Lyn
  9. Nils
  10. Yarne
  11. Panne
  12. Severa
  13. Inigo
  14. Olivia
  15. Brady
  16. Dart
  17. Ike
  18. Boyd
  19. Nephenee
  20. Ranulf
  21. Mordecai
  22. Xane
  23. Artur
  24. Ross
  25. Selena
  26. Legault
  27. Heath
  28. Cormag
  29. Soren
  30. Stefan

30 is a lot less than I thought it would be. I still want to add so much more to the list.



Myrmidon - Lyn, Stefan

Ranger - Ike

Mercenary - Inigo, Severa

Trickster - Owain

Axe Lord - Hector

Warrior - Boyd, Brady (with Staff usage)

Pirate - Dart, Ross

Light Mage - Serra, Artur

Anima Mage - Soren

Mage Knight - Selena

Theif - Legault, Matthew

Outlaw - Niles

Soldier - Nephenee

Dancer - Olivia

Dragon Bard - Nils

Sword Pegasus - Florina

Lance Wyvern - Heath

Sword Wyvern - Cormag

Taguel - Yarne, Panne

Wolfskin - Keaton

Felines - Ranulf, Mordecai

Freelancer - Xane


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  • 1 month later...

1.) Arthur
2.) Tine
3.) Tailtiu
4.) Sophia
5.) Lachesis
6.) Hugh
7.) Niime
8.) Canas
9.) Arvis (Gen 2)
10.) Finn (Gen 2/Thracia)
11.) Lex
12.) Quan
13.) Sigurd
14.) Seliph
15.) Lewyn (Gen 1)
16.) Franz
17.) Jamke
18.) Ethlyn
19.) Arden
20.) Leif
21.) Nanna
22.) Eldigan
23.) Eyvel
24.) Duessel
25.) Raigh
26.) Azelle
27.) Fae
28.) Shannan
29.) Serra
30.) Amelia

Class breakdown:
Mage Knight (anima/sword cavalry): Arthur, Azelle
Shaman/Druid (dark magic and staves): Sophia, Raigh, Canas, Niime
Sage (anima and staves): Hugh, Lewyn
Mage Fighter (anima and swords): Tine, Tailtiu
Sword Knight: Sigurd, Seliph, Eldigan
Lance Knight: Finn, Quan, Franz
Axe Knight: Lex, Duessel
Sniper: Jamke
Swordmaster: Eyvel, Shannan
General (sword, lance, axe and bow): Arden, Amelia
Baron (anima and sword): Arvis
Manakete: Fae
Troubadour (sword and staves): Nanna, Ethlyn
Bishop (light magic and staves): Serra
Master Knight (all weapon types available): Leif, Lachesis

Movement type breakdown
Cavalry: Arthur, Azelle, Sigurd, Seliph, Eldigan, Finn, Quan, Franz, Lex, Duessel, Nanna, Ethlyn, Leif, Lachesis
Infantry: Sophia, Raigh, Canas, Niime, Hugh, Lewyn, Tine, Tailtiu, Jamke, Eyvel, Shannan, Fae, Serra
Armour: Arden, Amelia, Arvis
Flier: whoops lol

I actually expected a lot worse balance-wise, but I'd be fine with this.  At least this FEW would actually have armours!

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1: Corrin (as Male as a fucking default) 

2: Courage the Cowardly Dog

3: Peter Griffin 

4: Ray William Johnson 

5: Zeke

6: Luther 

7: Lil Wayne

8: Donald Trump

9: Jim Cornette

10: DaBaby

11: Sonic the Hedgehog (he has a damn sword so ofc)

12: CM Punk

13: Scott Steiner 

14: Drake Bell

15: Josh Peak

16: Tobey Maguire 

17: Kyu (Huniepop)

18: Fred Fuckstone

19: Leopold Slikk

20: EDP445

21: The 21 kid

22: Welvin The Great (the creator of Deez nuts)

23: Low Tier God

24: Luigi

25: SkyViewRay

26: 50 Cent

27: Greg Hefley

28: Jin Kisaragi

29: Limp Bizkit

30: SammyClassicSonicFan 

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On 3/31/2021 at 9:26 PM, DarkSage861 said:

1: Corrin (as Male as a fucking default) 

2: Courage the Cowardly Dog

3: Peter Griffin 

4: Ray William Johnson 

5: Zeke

6: Luther 

7: Lil Wayne

8: Donald Trump

9: Jim Cornette

10: DaBaby

11: Sonic the Hedgehog (he has a damn sword so ofc)

12: CM Punk

13: Scott Steiner 

14: Drake Bell

15: Josh Peak

16: Tobey Maguire 

17: Kyu (Huniepop)

18: Fred Fuckstone

19: Leopold Slikk

20: EDP445

21: The 21 kid

22: Welvin The Great (the creator of Deez nuts)

23: Low Tier God

24: Luigi

25: SkyViewRay

26: 50 Cent

27: Greg Hefley

28: Jin Kisaragi

29: Limp Bizkit

30: SammyClassicSonicFan 

1. Nikki is the best girl in Huniepop.


2. Sigh. Someone just had to troll it.

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Far from the Forest, the subforum in which low-effort, off-topic posting is more acceptable. Posts outside of that subforum are expected to meet a certain standard and level of relevance.

Any further divergence will be deleted. List some hypothetical FEW candidates.

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