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I can't say I'm a true insomniac, because I'm not totally sure what the requirements are to be classed as one.

But, I spend very little time sleeping, staying awake until I no longer can be arsed to stay awake. And when I do finally go to sleep, I wake up on my own about 4 to 6 hours later. This morning for example, I think I went to sleep at about 4am after being awake for about 22 hours. I then woke up at about 9am.

Anyone else with screwy sleeping patterns or insomnia?

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I don't know if I actually have insomnia, but I've always had messed up sleeping patterns that never seem to go back on track.

Today I have 'decided' to sleep at 3:30 AM and woken up at 6 AM. I don't think I qualify as an insomniac because I could sleep when ever I wanted but I do have a screwed up sleeping pattern (again).

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I sleep from about 7am to noon or 1pm usually, and my sleep "schedule" gradually changes and will eventually go into a full loop where I'll be falling asleep at midnight and waking up around 7am again. Makes it a little hard to function, but I'm getting over my sleep disorder (non-24) at least.

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For some reason I never get enough sleep, but my body always woke me up around 7am, despite whatever time I went to sleep. Now, however, it's around 9-10am. Also, I have this tendency to wake up multiple times between the time of 1am-3am. Like, every 15 minutes I'll wake up, sometimes without being able to go back to sleep.

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I would not say that I am an insomniac, since I get the required seven or eight hours of sleep in any given day, but the time in which I lay down to sleep these days is ridiculous. I now often fall asleep at around six to seven in the morning and wake up around two to three in the afternoon. I try to get them back on track, but I never do well at all, and often make myself fall asleep even later.

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Take a cup out of the dishwasher right after it's done. Put some milk in, and heat it up and burn yourself. Then, go to sleep.

And if you're sleeping in jeans, that might be the problem. Two weeks ago I tried that an it wasn't very comfortable.

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Raven: Do you feel tired/groggy and unable to function after your minmal rest? Some people only need a handful of hours of sleep, unlike the majority of us. I know someone whose brother lived on 3-4 hours of sleep a night until he was about 40, and there are others out there as well. Basically, it boils down to the question of whether you are getting enough sleep or not. How you feel after you wake up and throughout the day will tell you that.

As for me, I would say that I'm half insomniac. I have a hard time falling asleep, but once I'm there I sleep like a log. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for me to spend anywhere from 1-3 hours lying in bed waiting to fall asleep. The worst part is that I'm very sensitive to what sleep I've gotten, so if I wake up at noon, for instance, there's no way in hell I'll be able to go to sleep until 3AM or so at the earliest. Plus I routinely sleep 10 hours at a stretch. Its not uncommon for me to sleep 10 hours one night, then force myself to wake up after 6 hour of sleep the next night just to try and stay on a 24 hour clock. I used to kinda do what Death did, and 'cycle' my body clock around, but with the amount I'm working nowadays thats just not feasable for me.

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There are many different kinds of insomnia, but generally they're labeled as such: sleep-onset insomnia (where you have trouble falling asleep), sleep-maintaining insomnia (where you have trouble staying asleep) and early morning awakening (where you wake up far earlier than you should and can't go back to sleep). Generally insomnia is caused by things like stress, substance abuse, jet lag, anxiety, and sometimes more serious problems, like schizophrenia and manic depression.

Symptoms include not being able to focus during the daytime (can include problems with memory or things like, having trouble operating machinery), obviously not being able to fall/stay/go back to sleep, etc. Alcohol makes it worse, because it prevents your body from going through its natural sleep cycle. Generally, if you've had symptoms like this for about a month, you should go see a doctor. They'll see if it's biological in nature, and if it's not, you may be referred to a psychologist to check to see if there are any psychological reasons you might be suffering from insomnia.

(Psychology majors learn all kinds of fun stuff.)

I know that when I'm really stressed out I have trouble falling asleep, so I take melatonin during these times. It's something your body creates naturally to prepare you for sleep, so it's not like shoving sleeping medication down your throat or something. It doesn't have the adverse effect that Benedryl does (you can wake up and not be groggy) and it's not possible (at least as far as we know) to overdose on, though generally one tablet is enough. It just takes an hour or so to kick in.

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There are many different kinds of insomnia, but generally they're labeled as such: sleep-onset insomnia (where you have trouble falling asleep), sleep-maintaining insomnia (where you have trouble staying asleep) and early morning awakening (where you wake up far earlier than you should and can't go back to sleep). Generally insomnia is caused by things like stress, substance abuse, jet lag, anxiety, and sometimes more serious problems, like schizophrenia and manic depression.

Symptoms include not being able to focus during the daytime (can include problems with memory or things like, having trouble operating machinery), obviously not being able to fall/stay/go back to sleep, etc. Alcohol makes it worse, because it prevents your body from going through its natural sleep cycle. Generally, if you've had symptoms like this for about a month, you should go see a doctor. They'll see if it's biological in nature, and if it's not, you may be referred to a psychologist to check to see if there are any psychological reasons you might be suffering from insomnia.

(Psychology majors learn all kinds of fun stuff.)

I know that when I'm really stressed out I have trouble falling asleep, so I take melatonin during these times. It's something your body creates naturally to prepare you for sleep, so it's not like shoving sleeping medication down your throat or something. It doesn't have the adverse effect that Benedryl does (you can wake up and not be groggy) and it's not possible (at least as far as we know) to overdose on, though generally one tablet is enough. It just takes an hour or so to kick in.

oh shi~

i've had all of those problems for years now!!!!! and i don't substance abuse or anything!!!!

maybe i should go check up my problem then...

most nights i just lay in bed for hours without being able to fall asleep, all the way up to 3 am!

Edited by Empress Alina
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I got a bad sleeping pattern. Usually in my weekday, I’ll force myself to stay awake until 1 or 2 AM then I’ll awake around 5 or 6 AM. And I never take a nap.

While in weekend, I probably won’t sleep at all if I can help it, but alas I still need my rests, no matter how short they are. I’ll most likely fall asleep in 6 AM or more just to awake around 12 or 1 PM.

So yeah, I only get roughly about 6 hours to sleep, everyday.

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I too am one of the many suffering from horrible sleeping patterns. I used to be an insomniac though, unable to sleep for around 2 days usually, but it's gotten better, now I just need to regulate my sleeping patterns better >_<

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Speaking of insomnia, it looks like I'm gonna be here awhile with you guys. Got about 6 hours of sleep last night and I don't feel tired at all. Tried to trick myself into going to bed but it didn't work, so here I am. :(

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I love sleeping. Normally, I'm able to keep my stress from affecting my sleeping pattern. It's all a matter of getting to relax before you go to bed. There are ways to help with that. I used them when I was trying to trigger lucid dreams, and occasionally I'll still use some of them to help me get to sleep.

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I'm not quite insomniac, but I have my fair share of sleeping problems. Typically I'm unable to sleep until 4am at the earliest, usually not sleeping until 6-10am. Then I'll sleep until 2-4pm. Even on the rare occasion that I sleep early, 12-2am, I usually wind up sleeping until 2-4pm like usual (thus destroying any hope of me getting a normal sleeping schedule).

I work best on 5-7 hours of sleep, but typically between 12-7am, not 9am to 3pm =/.

Though, I'm not working or going to school these days, which is likely part of the cause.

Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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Interesting. Then is it really insomnia, if you don't have negative side effects? I'd look it up, but I don't feel like doing much research right about now.

Remember there are different types of insomnia, and they all effect a person differently. So someone else could have the same form, but be affected differently.

Edited by Cynthia
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