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RNG raped and blessed at the same time.

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You ever have these weird characters who just defy logic? I had a Hector at 20/20 that capped Res, but barely 20 Defense. I don't even know whether I should all him RNG raped or not. This is freaking Hector here who's built to be a tank. I used him to tank through magic units instead. It was pretty funny. I think he had the most Res out of all my units.

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The only one thast comes to mind involves Hector.

At 20/0 Hector had something like 11 defence. He had 20 strength (not too special) and I think 14 speed and good skill as well at 40 HP. I dubbed him Hector the Warrior. He couldn't take hits but could do pretty good damage and it felt pretty weird using Hector like that...

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i had a Boyd with crazy defense and speed, but poor attack.

he was almost like a swordmaster with extremely good defense. he failed at killing, since he had extremely low strength, but would double most of the times which usually ended up him killing stuff anyways. but just bearly.

and he hardly got damaged at all because of high defense combined with high hp.


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I had a 20/20 Serra with nothing above 20 aside from like 30 Resistance... and she capped the 30 resistance as soon as she possibly could. Not sure if that counts though.

I've also had a Canas with around 19 Magic and Defense at max level. Hmm.

Edited by Lord Raven
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