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Why I'm against having an opinion on abortion

Not Changed by VASM :(

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No matter what your opinion, neither side is EVER going to change their mind.

It's a debate that will continue with no end in site, both sides have the issue deeply rooted in their philosophy/beliefs that changeing their mind is near impossible.

Edited by Toa Lord Shade
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No matter what your opinion, neither side is EVER going to change their mind.

It's a debate that will continue with no end in site, both sides have the issue deeply rooted in their philosophy/beliefs that changeing their mind is near impossible.

I disagree. It's not about convincing the other side. It's about proving how unequivocally CORRECT your own opinion is.

Whether or not you are correct or incorrect is entirely independent of how many people happen to agree with you.

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I don't think you're understanding what he's trying to say. The way I see it, he's trying to say that he's not opposed to holding an opinion on the issue, but rather opposed to arguing all the time against people who will not be persuaded in any case.

I'd agree. There's not much point to an argument other than insulting others or listening to your own voice when it can't lead to a consensus or at least compromise.

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Yeah I can see you're point. It's a never ending cycle of arguing what's right and wrong

One side won't ever give up. It has been proven right now, at the abortion topic that people can't come to an agreement.

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Well if NO ONE voices their opinion nothing gets done...

We might as well all be forced to think the same thing, because what's the point of thinking something is wrong or right, but not opposing or supporting it? What do you accomplish then? What's the point in supporting or opposing something then if you're not going to do anything to change it or keep it the same?

Ironically, knowledge comes from disagreement. If everyone agreed on everything, then we would never have a reason to question anything, as we'd all accept it as fact.

Without opposing opinions society would not move forward.

Hell, that's how things like slavery ended. Someone thought it was right, and someone else thought it was wrong, if no one voiced they thought it was wrong, then well we'd all have slaves still.

Edited by Cynthia
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Well if NO ONE voices their opinion nothing gets done...

True I agree with that but it has been done time and time again...I think they just needs to be a formal argeement on what grounds on is Abortion is needed for.

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true, but if everyone voices their opinion, wars break out

War is inevitable. You can't have peace without war, not if you want freedom.

People died for the right for all of us to have our own opinion, and voice it freely without the government telling us we can not. Why should we not use that right?

People have already died for this right, not using it is making their sacrifice in vein.

I think you should look into the issue and form your own opinion Toa Lord Sothe, and be proud of it, and your right to have it. Don't be intimidated just because others disagree, as there is no way to agree on everything with anyone.

Edited by Cynthia
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No matter what your opinion, neither side is EVER going to change their mind.

It's a debate that will continue with no end in site, both sides have the issue deeply rooted in their philosophy/beliefs that changeing their mind is near impossible.

That is completely false. Were it not for similar debates with others on the topic of religion, both in person and on the internet, I would still be a practicing and devout Christian.

You can't know if one's mind will never be changed. Even if they act as though such is so, it's not necessarily true.

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It is ironic how a topic that is meant to say that he does not wish to debate is turning into what it is meant to prevent.

When you make a topic, you open yourself to criticism. That's just how it works. Criticism leads to disagreement, and disagreement leads to debate.

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It's tough to not have any opinion at all on something. It's easy to not express it.

While true, people shouldn't be afraid to express them.

We live in a country(ies) where we are allowed to express ourselves, which is possibly the greatest right we have, besides the right to live.

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I don't think you're understanding what he's trying to say. The way I see it, he's trying to say that he's not opposed to holding an opinion on the issue, but rather opposed to arguing all the time against people who will not be persuaded in any case.

I'd agree. There's not much point to an argument other than insulting others or listening to your own voice when it can't lead to a consensus or at least compromise.

Why debate on anything then?

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Well, yeah, it's a good idea to open a debate on everything.

It is not, however, a good idea to endlessly argue and pour energy into that debate when you aren't accomplishing anything. Throw your energy somewhere else.

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Well, yeah, it's a good idea to open a debate on everything.

It is not, however, a good idea to endlessly argue and pour energy into that debate when you aren't accomplishing anything. Throw your energy somewhere else.

Except giving information on your side, so that someone else who was either undecided or was for the other side ends up liking your idea better, and in turn increases support for one side, and that support builds with more people over time, and eventually all those people have the potential to get together and actually change something they find unjust...

It's a lot more productive than some of the other topics I've seen on this site...

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