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I found out about the DSi a while back. I can't say that I was too impressed with what I heard. I think the only way I would get one is if my current DS broke. >_>

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I found out about the DSi a while back. I can't say that I was too impressed with what I heard. I think the only way I would get one is if my current DS broke. >_>

this, and it seems my ds will brake within the next year or so......

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I found out about the DSi a while back. I can't say that I was too impressed with what I heard. I think the only way I would get one is if my current DS broke. >_>
Also, your current GBA.

No GBA slot remember?

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I'll be skipping this one, thank you. Downloadable (and likely mandatory) firmware will probably end up in the death of DS homebrew, and I payed good money for my flashcart! That said, it's a useless handheld anyway.

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Getting a DSi is pointless unless you want a slightly larger screen, downloading feature, and a camera in exchange for the ability to play GBA games and a higher price tag. Don't get too excited about the downloading feature either, Nintendo will probably screw it up.

Edited by Knife
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The DSi is a complete gimmick, overprice with horrendous camera quality for the damn price of the thing, and attempting to compensate for flashcarts with their own "version" of it.

The only apparent good news is 16MB of memory as opposed to 4MB, and apparently rather than ARM& and ARM9, it's now ARM9 and ARM11. At the end of the day, this seems more a waste--GBA Micro let's go.

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I might get one. I'm sure the DSi will get exclusive games.

I'm sure it won't. Reason. Developers are not insane. You can make a game. You can make work on all models of DS. That is 20+ million customers worldwide. You can make it work only on DSi. That is 250,000 customers and growing.

The most likely thing you'll see if anything is some games having new features when played on a DSi. Otherwise the only exclusive DSi titles will be on the DSi shop...which is still region locked. It is a shame they haven't learned region locking shops means I don't buy the titles that never come out to native shops meaning less sales...

When this comes out I will buying... a normal DS Lite since the price will likely drop.

The price drop will be insignificantly small due to the DSi actually costing more. The PR will say some crap along the lines of "Don't worry we are not discontinueing the DS lite, the DSi and DS lite with co-exist with the DSi as a luxuary model".

Only the DS Lite will vanish. I saw it happen with the DS Phat and DS Lite. And the insignificant price?

DS Phat - £90

DS Lite - £100

£10 for a system that looks crap, has worse battery life and screens. Bargain...I can see this happening when the DSi comes out:

DS Lite -£100

DSi - £130

I wish Ds Ware all the luck but I'm not buying a DSi. Ever. Its features are pointless and its battery life is an insult to everything Nintendo stood for* the spekaers, screens etc are all better...but at what cost?

*-When Gunpei Yokoi made the Game & Watch, he used pretty old technology (he dubbed this "Lateral Thinking of Withered Technology" btw, so does the DSi use old tech gear, the 0.3 Megapixel CCDs are about the quality of Digital Cameras from 1999) for two reasons. One, it worked properly and two, you could get a lot of battery life out of it. The latter was Nintendo's winning point in handheld wars forever! Well until now with the DSi eating PSP levels of power if you play on Max Brightness (I don't know why anyone would, it seriously strains your eyes meaning you'll have eyesight problems developing but people are like "I can't appreciate the pixels without it"...personally a DS Lite on second lowest works wonders).

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The DSi is a complete gimmick.

You may say that, but remember with the original DS, people thought 2 screens, one of which was a touchscreen, was also a gimmick. The DSi may suck, it may not, but don't write it off so quickly.

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You may say that, but remember with the original DS, people thought 2 screens, one of which was a touchscreen, was also a gimmick. The DSi may suck, it may not, but don't write it off so quickly.

Which are two entirely different things. For one, touch screens are another mode of play, opening a few new venues and gimmicks. Pictures, there's nothing that can really be done gameplay wise. You have the trailers of the system which show of the Wii's Photo Channel for about... five minutes. That's your money there. Along with a music player, but anyone interested in playing music on their DS would have gotten some sort of flashcart, even the Games'n'Music one, and used that to their heart's content, or rather, get some MP3 player or another.

Try looking at it from a possibility viewpoint--those generic barcode battler toys from ages ago have more potential than trying to integrate pictures into gameplay. The only hit I could think of would be a small DSWare title where you need to take snapshots of certain colors of the world. And in terms of gameplay, some will love it, and some will hate it, citing it'd be time to pull out those colored LEGO blocks and "cheat" through the game.

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Starwolf and Celice have pretty much already stated my thoughts on the DSi. Basically, it's a gimmick to get more money from the consumers who have the mindset of OMG IT'S NEW I MUST HAVE IT. Part of what made the DS great was it's backwards compatibility. Without that, I'm sorry to say, but I don't look at the DS the same then. It's nothing more then "the next generation" and I frown upon that. There's a reason I like the PS2, Wii, and DS more than other systems, and that backwards compatibility is why. Note that I don't like the PS3 and Xbox 360s compatibility, because it's half assed.

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Should I mention that save for the fact that I lost the stylus, my old, old DS is still functioning perfectly? So I'm definitely not getting this, because my old DS works and the old models of the DS have the GBA slots.

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Nintendo is just trying to siphon as much money as they can out of my pocket. If my DS is completely mauled in a freak accident, I'll move on to my breaking one. If that also gets mauled in a freak accident, I might get a DSi.

Plus, Nintendo will just find a way to fuck up the "downloadable content" feature, possibly the same way they did it to the Wii. A full-fledged console with less memory than the smallest, cheapest SD cards out there.

Furthermore, their point system is ALSO a way to siphon money. You want an $8 game. They make you pay $10 instead, and those extra two dollars go down the drain and into Nintendo. Even worse is the fact that it's difficult to notice that you got ripped off by a few dollars. And since Nintendo rips EVERYONE off by a few dolars, they just got richer.

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A full-fledged console with less memory than the smallest, cheapest SD cards out there.

That's why you buy an SD card to use, if interested in its use >.>

You want an $8 game. They make you pay $10 instead, and those extra two dollars go down the drain and into Nintendo.

Care to expound upon that, some? Alluding to Squareeeenix tactics without an example... anyone can make claims, remember.

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