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What do you do when you feel down?


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I tend to listen to music that generally goes with the mood I'm in. It doesn't help really, but when you're down, no other music is really appreciated.

I go around the corridor, seeing if other's doors are open, and go see what they're doing.

I try to counter the feeling by playing games. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Everyone else?

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It depends why I feel down.

If I'm down because of something easily fixed, or fixable AT ALL, I fix it.

If I am mad/down because my friends(Or another random person) upset me, I'll kick the shit out of them.

If I am down because I am just feeling sad for no reason(Which happens a lot) By all means, I'll let myself cry, or get drunk.

I get drunk 75% of the time anyway though.

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It depends why I feel down.

If I'm down because of something easily fixed, or fixable AT ALL, I fix it.

If I am mad/down because my friends(Or another random person) upset me, I'll kick the shit out of them.

If I am down because I am just feeling sad for no reason(Which happens a lot) By all means, I'll let myself cry, or get drunk.

I get drunk 75% of the time anyway though.

Getting drunk sounds good...

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It always makes me feel better!

(Until I puke in the morning..)

I haven't been sick due to drinking for a long time now, and I swear I won't be sick again, not after that one time... I must have slept for about 12 hours, and was sick several times within the next 6 hours... Never again.

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If my depression is caused from lack of sleep, then I'll just sleep. If it's a random mood swing, I eat, drink (not alcoholic beverages, mind you), play a game, listen to music or do some spriting (maybe).

But sometimes I will need a friend to talk to...

EDIT: Also, lol @ how Vincent also mistook a General topic for a FFtF one. Funny coincidence. XD

Edited by Nightmare
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I just sit down and think. Staring at the blank walls helps me clear my mind. A weird way, yes, but it helps me think clearly and calm me down.

Edited by Yuli
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I currently feel down due to friendship relations. I don't actually know if anything is wrong though, because it was just a gut instinct that there was a problem... I guess I'll have to find out tomorrow. It's a bit too late to disturb anyone right now.

Edit: *Grabs another drink* Yay for alcohol.

Edited by Raven
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When I'm down, it's typical for me to be less talkative or energetic.

The funny part is that I become so restless I can't keep doing the same thing for longer than a half hour at most.

Occasionally I feel cynical and purposely do weird or jerky things because I think it will snap me out of it.

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When I'm down, it's typical for me to be less talkative or energetic.

The funny part is that I become so restless I can't keep doing the same thing for longer than a half hour at most.

Occasionally I feel cynical and purposely do weird or jerky things because I think it will snap me out of it.

...We know that already. =P
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I do a number of things. Most often, I play the guitar or some random video game; it is calming and relaxing, and after a few minutes I can usually find myself in a much better mood. But I am very, very rarely ever in a truly bad mood. I suppose I am just lucky enough to not be in any incredibly stressful situations as often as others.

If I am mad/down because my friends(Or another random person) upset me, I'll kick the shit out of them.

You kick the shit out of your friends?

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