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My mom is going to try to kill me on Christmas.

Destiny Hero

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She's getting me WiiFit, and I'm already popsicle-stick thin :o

Assuming I live, all I have to do is:

-Sell my shoes

-Sell all of my socks

-Sell all of my shirts except for a white T-shirt

-Sell all of my pants and get some white shorts

-Sell all of the stuff in my living room

-Get a linoleum floor in there

-Paint the TV white

-Paint the couch white *or bleach it =P*

-Find the Wii Condom

-Find the Wiimote straps

-Gather around my family and take turns playing it

-Somehow look happy

And then I'll even be set to be on a WiiFit commercial as long as I:

-Get two Japanese guys at my door.

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She's getting me WiiFit, and I'm already popsicle-stick thin :o

Assuming I live, all I have to do is:

-Sell my shoes

-Sell all of my socks

-Sell all of my shirts except for a white T-shirt

-Sell all of my pants and get some white shorts

-Sell all of the stuff in my living room

-Get a linoleum floor in there

-Paint the TV white

-Paint the couch white *or bleach it =P*

-Find the Wii Condom

-Find the Wiimote straps

-Gather around my family and take turns playing it

-Somehow look happy

And then I'll even be set to be on a WiiFit commercial as long as I:

-Get two Japanese guys at my door.

"And then I a coke bottle THE WHOLE THING"

ITT: non sequiturs

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Yeah, it is. This was written by a guy who's actually fit to begin with. Not only is it potentially harmful, but anyone who thinks it's an actual workout is sadly mistaken. It's fun to play though.

That article was talking about using the BMI system. Wasn't there an article about a 10 year old girl who was clearly not fat being told that she was? I imagine Wii Fit would call me obese... If nothing else, the game seems to be good for halfway motivating out of shape folk to try to get in some form of shape. Although, it sounds like it would only make them only able to do mild stuff, though. According to my sister, the girl gym classes in my school are actually getting Wiis and this game for exercises...... Maybe someone should set the teacher straight.

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That article was talking about using the BMI system. Wasn't there an article about a 10 year old girl who was clearly not fat being told that she was? I imagine Wii Fit would call me obese... If nothing else, the game seems to be good for halfway motivating out of shape folk to try to get in some form of shape. Although, it sounds like it would only make them only able to do mild stuff, though. According to my sister, the girl gym classes in my school are actually getting Wiis and this game for exercises...... Maybe someone should set the teacher straight.

No, it also talks about how in order to get the highest score you have to do the exercises wrong a lot of the time, which is bad for you, worse even than not working out at all, because you can pull muscles and the like. Also, BMI is just flawed in itself. But hell.

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Wasn't there an article about a 10 year old girl who was clearly not fat being told that she was?

Well that is BMI being utter crap for people who are still growing and people who actually work out. But from what I remember of the story (doing the BMI by hand the girl came in at 19.5) carpets utterly destory the accuracy of scales of any kind*...balance board included. Wooden floor or floor like the bathroom is okay though.

*-That eplxains the BMI dsiscrepancy. When the story first broke (before we found what the BMI should have been) I actually said, Carpets+Scales=Disaster...

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Here's the logic of the story--instead of buying all this, do something even simpler: log on to YouTube and look up exercise videos, or even, Wii Fit videos.

I'm not getting it; my mom is. Nobody in my family needs to exercise more.

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Thankfully, I attend a gym, so Wii Fit isn't really needed. It's good for working up a sweat and losing some flab and some weight, but I wouldn't ever use it as my sole form of exercise... Assuming I had it.

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