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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Looks like everyone's awake..." Alvira watched at the Tigers made short work of the enemies in front of them. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, she channelled the ice once more-- "Ghh!?" For once, casting this ice hurt... But the ice that appeared, wasn't her regular 'spell'. "Well... I guess I should be grateful? Feh."

Alvira to 7,19, cast Blizzard! on Cav #4

Ren looked out over the Tigers, taking stock of who was injured and who seemed to be doing fine... The pink girl from before had handled the most grievous injury, that Laniva character taking a hefty blow... Maybe it was too early for her? She was still standing, so it was likely fine. That left... That ice mage, and the odd monster... The ice mage was far away from further trouble, meaning...

"Pardon me. I'd like to close those..."

Ren moves to 6,22, heal Aly.

Versaris sighed. He was feeling about as frustrated as Tio was for this excuse cropping up so often. Sadly, that was exactly how fragile the world was at the moment. Glacies was in an 'alliance' with Lufiria, but also friendly to its neighbour Hecatia, despite the countries differing stances on how Clouded and Monsters were meant to be treated... It wasn't a great spread of allegiances. "I suppose I am, technically, under the queen's employ as well... And I do not believe I am so mighty as to talk her down into giving us the blade or turning herself in, but I would like to hope I can at least stop them from killing each other, our princesss and the Tigers." He frowned a little, not entirely sure of his ability to do so in that regard, but thinking he had a better chance to do it than most did. How their princess reacted to Aegean was going to go one of two ways...

"Well, I'll give it a few minutes and start heading after them... I can't leave well enough alone; I know me, so I'm going to worry until I see things resolved. I'm sure the two of you can handle yourselves, even if I do wander off."

"And myself as well, Versaris~ Gosh, it's like I'm not here... Are you that afraid of me~?" Mikoto scoffed and giggled a little, the 'elf' flinching somewhat to her lack of care towards the situation. "I'll make sure to keep the Tigers safe, no matter what... And I'll do my best to avoid harming the Princess, that you're so concerned over. So long as she doesn't try and hurt any of the Tigers beyond reasonable means, of course... If it's self defense, well..."

"What are you implying?" Versaris really didn't like that, turning to face the fox, sword still at the ready, his grip tighter on the hilt.

"My, my, so quick to the hostilities... Look, I've no allegiances with any of these countries. I'm here because I've found a group of individuals that I can take interest in and enjoy. If someone threatens that, royalty or not, I will protect them, no? And if she is not going to listen to reason and continue to fight, well... Perhaps a little aggression will work to make her listen."

"Do NOT harm her, you understand me, fox?" Versaris narrowed his eyes. "Look, you might have some of the Tigers wrapped around your tails, but you are still incredibly suspicious. You can claim that you've done nothing wrong and have only gone out of your way to help us, but why have you done that? Because you find us interesting? A flight of fancy? Maybe there's something genuine in there, but I'm not trusting you completely, not for nothing. At the very least, as far as trusting powerful mages goes, Tio and Elisa have years of clout behind their names; an entire country trusts them. Who is 'Mikoto'? Will anyone know? Do not harm her if you know what's good for you."

Mikoto's smile faded completely, her own gaze narrowing towards Versaris. "My... And here I thought we were all getting along. Hmph... Then I shall not, to prove I am not a liar; that I am not spouting pretty nothings... If I throw myself between her and the Tigers to prove my honesty, will you lighten up, Incubus?" She cocked an eyebrow at him, Versaris flinching again.

"Tch... Whatever. Do as you must, so long as you understand." He sighed. He was getting worked up, but he hadn't been upset at Mikoto's little threats, he'd been upset at her being right in her reasoning. If she truly was so attached to the Tigers, this mercenary group, unaffiliated with any of the politics behind this situation beyond their current escort, why wouldn't she attempt to stop some threat to them? Much as it would get them all killed if she did... You don't realize the kind of people you'd be setting off if you took her life, Mikoto. You might be strong enough to stand your ground against me, but Jeremiah, Rosaria, Virion... All of the Asteria. You'd be signing your own, and the Tigers death warrants... I really hope you won't try anything stupid.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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True to her expectations, it was only one of the wyvern riders that had spotted her against the cliffside; the speed at which he swooped down on her with his mount was too fast to dodge, especially with the lack of experience she had  on that front. His lance pierced her armor and cut into her side, however it was far from the worst wound she had suffered. She drove her dagger into his mount as it passed her by, leaving a harsh gash on the beast and leaving it slow and weakened. At least this dagger does was it was said it's supposed to do. Part of her had doubted it, given the apprehension of its maker, but the results spoke for themselves.

Gean ran in and capitalized on the slowness of the rider's beast, leaving Alriana without another target. One of the hangers-on, one of the knights that got them into this combat, was swiftly behind her and produced a staff to heal her wound. A simple "Thanks." was all the lizard offered in return, now setting her sights on the weakest link in the mercenaries' attempt at a human blockade.

Aly to 8,18, Steel Dagger Mage #1.


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Miria was caught off guard after hearing the new voice. A lady who came up to her on a horse. She gave some encouraging words before... suddenly transforming. Much like Miria, but with a gem on her glove, and she was in...

"Green armor..." Like what Mikoto talked about. Gold, silver and green. And here was the green, in perfect view. Miria was almost entranced, thankfully her face was hidden behind the helmet she wore. It was also a battle! The Tigers didn't need their Golden Cub slacking on the job due to being awestruck. In Miria's eyes, this meant she had to make sure she survived! She had to know more! "Yes ma'am!" Miria exclaimed, with a bit of a salute. "Then let's do it!"

Miria moves to 3,18, engages Fighter 2 with the Iron Sword!

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Jesse canters over to 6-17

Well it looked like Jesse's reveal went smoother than she imagined, her fellow armorette seemed locked in on her, but seemed to reign it back in to focus on the fight. Jesse took note and proceeded to turn back towards the other enemies. For now it was best to survey and assist when needed.

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She was getting really sloppy if this was how she was going to be starting a battle. It was tempting to blame the strange, discomforting feeling from across the mountain, or perhaps thoughts wandering elsewhere; but in the end these things were little more than excuses, and excuses wouldn't stop another blade.

"Thanks, Renais... I'll be more careful."

Laniva to (5, 18).

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Aegean chunks Wyvern 2!

[50, 51]

The Wyvern is put to rest, and the rider sent flying! Wvyern 2 felled!

Aegean gain 38 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP!

Aegean hits Level 6!

31 18 2 12 46 12 29 67

+HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Speed, Lck, Def

Ullr tests his new weapon out! The Iron Chakrams debut!

[28, 25], [41, 11]

Both weapons struck their target true, and removed him from combat! Cav 5 felled!

Ullr gains 34 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Ullr hits Level 6!

39 38 36 22 17 97 34 33

+HP, Str, Skl, Speed, Res

Iris lines up Wyvern 1!

[69, 43], [90, 95] 

Wvyern 1 is pulled to the ground by the powerful dark magic! 26 damage!

Iris gains 14 EXP and +2 Dark EXP!

Nyx takes advantage of the downed Wyvern! 

[74, 12

"Bang." Indeed. Critical! 36 damage, and Wyvern 1 ceases to be!

Nyx gains 42 EXP, and +2 Bow Exp!

Nyx reaches level 5!

28	22	27	67	19	68	8	12

+HP, Str, Speed, Def, Res!

Syndra pulls Fighter 1 into the Dark!

[68, 60] (4)

Syndra is feeling a little vengeful today! Vengeance Activates! 

18 + 7 for 25 damage! Fighter 1 goes down hard! 

Syndra gains 30 EXP, and +2 Dark EXP!

Renais swoops in to mend Lani's wounds!

Heals Lani for all of her HP! (26)

Renais gains 23 EXP, and +3 heal EXP!

Alvira invite Cav 4 into the cold... (-2 HP to Alvira!)

[84, 4]

The blizzard was blinding... and Cav 4 was nowhere to be found. Cav 4 vanished! Critical! 54 Damage!

Alvira gains 26 EXP!

Ren moves to heal Aly!

Ren heals Aly for all of her HP! (12)

Ren gains 11 EXP, and +2 staff!

Aly engages Mage 1!

[84, 56] 

The Knife strikes true for 18 damage!

Mage 1 retaliates!

[55, 36] 

For a paltry 5 damage.

Aly gains 10 EXP, and +1 Hidden!

Miria rushes into battle with Fighter 2 (This really isn't a battle)

[22, 17] 15 damage!

Fighter 2 counters!

[75, 43] 

...the air because that was no where close. Miss!

Miria finishes!

[10, 40] 

Fighter 2 goes down without a single contribution!

Miria gains 26 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP

Lani requires a new move! 


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"Ghhn!" Alvira grunted as the magic she released was far beyond what she'd expected... The torrent of ice that followed almost pushed her back, and when it had faded... "... Gods..." There was nothing left of the rider. She felt herself go pale for a moment, but bit the inside of her lip to shake herself out of it. "This won't be the last time, Alvira, so stiff upper lip. They chose this job, they chose to attack us... And if you stop here, you'll never reach that bitch." She spat out a bit of blood from her hard inner bite, her claw still shaking slightly-- from the power of the magic. "Really should've taken this from me, idiot..."

"Heyyyy big kitty~!"

Siorel to 5,19, STR dance her!

"Too bad Syta's not in the fray to show off to, huh~? Buuuuut, you can still buff up so you can look better when you get back... Maybe get a bit sweaty? You think she's into that~?"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"I took exactly what I needed from you, fool." The feminine voice echoed in Alvira's head, "It would have been no fun to take everything from you, and watch just writhe and suffer while powerless. No, I wanted to see whether you're really worthy of your boast. If you shiver as you were when you took that man's life, you'll never amount to what you've claimed to do. Only a fraction of the power that I've afforded you, and you fear it." She laughed, before sighing, "Imagine. Believing that you're so far above the world that you can claim one of the foundations of this world. Fool. Besides, you've given me so much more than you even realize. I can't just let you die. I want to see you dance, struggle, and grow... so that I can snuff it all out, and tear your hope from your body like your scales. One by one, and just like I did to your flames. You'll come find me, and it will be as I devised. Go now, survive." 

The voice vanished. Leaving Alvira alone.

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"... So you are still there. Nice to know you care so much~" It didn't matter to Alvira if Mercuria could hear her retort, but the taunts only left the dragon smiling. "We'll see who gets snuffed when I get my claws on that black spear. Must be pretty bored if I'm your entertainment... Watch all you want. It'll make it all the more worth it when I meet you face to face and get to see the frustration you'll feel first hand." Alvira conjured another chunk of ice and crushed it in her claw, her smile growing wider. "Looking forward to our date, you worthless Goddess."

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Laniva might have taken a heavy chunk through her armor, but she was still standing, and Renais made quick work of getting her back up to speed. Aside from that, their advance was going well, though with a patch of woodland in the way it was a little more difficult for Tasha to see or hear exactly what was going on back there, though Alvira's ice magic seemed to have grown in strength... maybe that had something to do with what had happened earlier. It was, however, far too easy to hear what the cat and lizard were talking about as she passed them by. "Hey, eyes on the prize, Siorel, and I don't mean anyone's ass," she quipped in jest, taking point next to Miria and keeping an eye out for any additional mercs coming from that side of the mountain.

Natalya moves to 4-17 and waits.

Much as Elisa wanted to say something about Mikoto's reasoning, it was sound enough, but she also understood at least partially where Versaris's concern was coming from. It wasn't that this fight itself was going to be the issue, it was what would be happening to the Tigers after it, should they end up grievously injuring if not outright killing Lucille, even without the Evokers' involvement. Versaris himself was proof enough that Lufiria had strong people looking out for its interests everywhere, whether others were aware of it or not. "Let's just hope for all of our sake that none of that comes to pass, alright? Even if we're not directly involved, the Princess's death would have catastrophic consequences that the Tigers wouldn't be able to escape. Whether directly to them, or because mercenary groups constitute Glacies's military forces in wartime..."

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Siorel dances for Lani!

Strength Dance!


Success! Lani moves again and receives +2 strength!

Siorel gains +10 EXP!

Lani empowered by embarrassment and Siorel's dance, engages Mage 1!

[36, 9

The mage was already wounded, but finding such a wound on a body that quite frankly was cleaved so hard that fell in between dimensions would be impossible. Oh well. Critical! 69 Damage!

Lani gains 34 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP

Lani reaches level 6!

40	32	4	7	40	63	44	26

+HP, Str, Skl, Speed, Def!

The Sword armor looked at Lani, and then looked at what remained of the man giving him orders. He turned his sword over, planted it in the ground, along with other weapons, and walked away without a word. 

Sword Armor 1 has fled combat! 

Lani also gains 40 EXP!

"Yes, let's hope that things don't get too worrisome out there... but for now." Tio looked up at the approaching riders, "We should give the tigers time to sort this out. I strongly doubt that these will be the only people arriving..."


Armor Knight 2 shakily throws Javelin at Aly!

[95, 52]

He threw the javelin, but the fear at seeing a man ceasing to exist--twice--caused him to forget to throw it, until it landed in the earth in front of him. Miss!

Aly counters!

[86, 45], [57, 3

The first knife was a test, the second was a statement. 2nd hit critical! 20 damage overall!

Priest 1 engages on a suicide mission, and heals Spear Armorknight 1! "Come on, we gotta run! We can't hold them here! Damn, who are these mercs?!" Armorknight is healed to full! 

The archer turned over his shoulder, "Come on! These guys are pressing us over here! Let the boss know, and follow us! Reinforcements should be on their way shortly, so let's pin these assholes! The southern group will capture the target shortly!" The group of mercs cheered as they started pushing forward.

Merc 4 charges Vidar with his Monster Blade!

[89, 78]

The blade swings wide! Miss!

Vidar counters with the Levin Sword!

[31, 57]

Shock to the system for 13 damage!

Soldier 2 throws a Javelin at Merchant Guard 1!

[39, 49] 

The spear connects but to little effect! 2 damage!

Merchant Guard counters with a toss of his own!

[8, 32] 

A crunching blow for 17 damage!

Cav 2 engage Merchant Guard 4 for the 2nd time!

[11, 37] 

Cav 2's spear strikes true, and Merchant Guard 4 goes down!

Cav 1 engages Merchant Guard 3!

[44, 1

Cav 1 reared back, and unleashed a powerful toss. The spear pierced through the air, and then finally the mercenary's heart, leaving him gasping for air before leaving this world. Critical! 42 Damage! Merchant Guard 3 is felled!


Lucille shivered ever so slightly, and looked towards the mountains. Something was surveying the area, and it lingered on her... "Damn it... I have to... get out of here..."

Merchant Guard 1 attacks Merc 4!

[1, 47]

The spear strikes, and the Monster blade drops away! Merc 4 felled!

Vidar targets Soldier 2!

[19, 12]

A zap, and a kill. Soldier 2 felled!

Lucille targets Cav 2!

Lucille cannot miss or crit, so no numbers were rolled!

Cav 2 felled!

Merchant Guard 5 moves north to heal Merchant Guard 1!

Heals for 2 hp!

Merchant Guard 2 moves to target Cav 1!

[4, 50]

Merchant Guard 2 fells Cav 1, a shout of pride for his friend!

Vidar turned to look behind him, and then cursed. "Shit, we've taken too long! Reinforcements!"


Knights on Track


May 30th, 1218 PAF 12:45PM 

Ever since the attack on Axios, the reports that had been flooding into the knights had been of dubious quality. Given the severity of the issue, Artorius had demanded that no stone be left unturned. An exorbitant bounty was offered for whoever could find the thief, and recapture the Escaflowne–nearly 80k gold, and peerage were offered for the recapture of the Escaflowne. Of course, no mention was made of the thief, and that was why things were considerably more frantic than need be. The situation regarding harassment by knights, and mercenaries supposedly doing their ‘due diligence’ had been escalating to a fever pitch, to the point that she had a number of notable clouded merchants, and nobles demanding that something be done. As long as the thief was out and about, there was little she could do, aside from capturing the blade herself, and using that as leverage to unbalance her father while also doing what she could to protect the thief. 

Which brought her back into the real world, atop Silica, and hurrying their way through the mountains. The sudden storm had slowed their arrival, but Celine had broken away from her “cohort” of knights in order to investigate a rather odd string of reports that she’d received, pertaining to Tristan Emeria. She knew the merchant well; he was a close friend of her mother’s, and as a clouded, devoted to improving the relationship between humans, monsters and clouded in Hecatia. However, the man had long been in decline especially after the events that saw him lose his wife, and first estate. His association with her mother, and the Celti Family was grounds enough for Artorius to punish him harshly. Yet, he continued to operate as a magnate in the eastern part of the Altair province, and there had been numerous reports of strange activity. Many of his outposts for stocking their goods had been sealed off, they’d stopped dealing in some shipments, and at a time where commerce would be at an all time high. The knights would need gear for the search, and the people of Hecatia–Cerezia especially–would need their own supplies to weather the tumult. 

A visit to one of Tristan’s lesser known outposts revealed something incredibly worrying; Tristan had many of his merchants, and guards searching for leads on the stolen blade. Normally, he would have contacted her in some manner about anything that had been going on, but he had been eerily silent. That was something that she could deal with in the future; Cerezia was still a little ride away from them, and there were more reports to check on. 

Celine stifled a yawn as Silica pulled them over another hill. She turned to look back at the lone knight following her–the only one that she could, and had, trusted since running into her after parting ways with Ren and Jesse. “Diya! Come on, you’ve got to keep up! We’ve got to hurry, so that we can rendezvous with the others. We just need to check this last location, and then we head to Cerezia. Haah… Something’s off with this whole scenario.” 


The clouds that had been brewing over Hecatia for as long as Diya could remember had finally burst into a full blown storm. In the past, she would have been able to count on a hand the number of times she had needed to intervene in a situation because of active aggression against Clouded. True, the humans of Hecatia had never liked her kind, but it had been more subtle, under the surface, but the theft at Axios had brought everything to the surface. When she had gotten the news, she had immediately started to make her way back to Lady Celine, suspecting that she would be needed at her side, but had been slowed by stopping to break up multiple instances of harassment of innocent Clouded. It had almost made her too late to catch her before she split off from the rest of the Knights. Not much of a bodyguard if I’m not there when she needs me. Tch, she’s the one who sent me off in the first place though. Ah well. I’m here now. 

The Clouded was snapped out of her thoughts by the call, her ears drooping slightly before she nudged her horse into a faster pace. “Come on Gulliver. I know you’ve been working hard, but we have to keep up.” She wasn’t thrilled to be on a horse, if she was being honest. It limited her ability to fight, with her shield slung on her back and lance put away for now. Lady Celine was right though, they needed to be quick, which meant horses. Pulling up alongside her, Diya grimaced and nodded. “Sorry, sorry. I got distracted looking around. I don’t like this either. Especially not it just being the two of us. I know you trust me to protect you, but really. Sending off all the people you can trust, leaving you hoping that you’ll run into someone else? And then heading into what could be a trap or some other dangerous situation with just me?” She cut herself off before she started lecturing her, knowing that Celine had only done this because it was necessary. Necessary or not... You’re the one hope so many Clouded around here have. One of the few people standing up in front of them to help. You can’t risk your life like this, not when so many people need you. 

She scratched absentmindedly at one of her long ears, knocking the circlet she wore slightly ajar before she quickly fixed it. The silver base matched her armor but the three gems, two red and one white, represented the woman next to her, who had given it to her when Diya had been chosen as one of Celine’s guards. She wore it whenever she was on duty, a constant reminder of the vow she had made to keep the Lady safe. “We’ll be there soon, right? When we’re close, I’ll dismount and go by foot. I can be ready to fight more easily that way. Hopefully that won’t be needed, but... Better safe than sorry.”


“It was either that, or everyone was late, like we are now. Believe me, having to guide all of my father's men without anyone to back me up was exhausting enough.” Fortunately, they were away from all the knights, so she was free to vent as much as she wanted. “Besides, I strongly doubted that there would be any such trap for me. Artorius might be worried about my movements and actions, but the Escaflowne is his foremost priority right now. To say that Lady Veras is furious with him would be gross understatement, and he’s not going to throw away one of his better options at securing the blade. I don’t plan on making it easy for him, but my duty is to the people of Hecatia, and that means finding the blade. Moreover, I don’t trust any of the knights to perform this investigation with me; Tristan Emeria is Artorius’s enemy, and a clouded man. They’d fabricate things if I involved them, and the nobles would just go along with him.” 

Celine’s hands shot to her reins, as Silica reared up on her hind legs. “Wh–Silica! Calm down! Easy! Easy! What’s wron–” Celine looked up the mountain path, and her eyes fell on a figure in a cloak resting against a tree. More importantly was that they weren’t the only one; there were bodies leading up the mountain path, and the splatters of blood seemed to indicate their place in life. “...What the heck? Hold on…” Celine paused for a moment; they weren’t far away from that compound. Celine quickly rubbed Silica, before she jumped off of her horse. Embers gently formed about her hand, “Diya, check the bodies, see if you can find anything. Move quickly, and don’t leave my sight.” 


“I know, I know. You just, take too much on. I’m just glad you’re starting to have more people you can rely on. Pan and I can only do so much.” She shook her head as Celine explained why she wasn’t worried about a trap. Just because the trap isn’t specifically for you doesn’t mean you couldn’t be caught up in it. You’re right to not trust the Knights, though I’m not sure I trust this Tristan much more. He’s hiding something, I know it. His actions can’t be explained otherwise. It was a discussion they had already had, and she wasn’t going to bring it up again. She would just have to keep an eye out for the dangers that Celine couldn’t see.

The next danger was one they could both plainly see. She hopped down from Gulliver’s back as he planted all four hooves on the ground, refusing to go any further as Silica reared in front of them. Her shield was out with her lance not far behind as she darted in front of Celine, eyes scanning the scene for any sign of motion. “Yes milady. I don’t see any movement as of now, but stay back, please. Someone could be playing dead.” She moved cautiously forward, checking one body after another, pausing occasionally to pull something off one before moving on to the next. She quickly made her way back to Celine, holding out a handful of mercenary symbols that she had ripped off cloaks, a frown on her face. “There’s too many of these to be something normal. Merc groups don’t work together en masse like this unless there’s guaranteed payment, and a lot of it. What’s worse, these are all Cerzian based groups. I know your answer already, but please Lady Celine. Let me be the one to go investigate. Something terrible has happened and we can’t afford to lose you.”

“Displaced Front, Iron Shield, Hand of Galari… you’re right, none of them would have ever worked together like this unless there’s an absurd payment. Artorius put out eighty-thousand gold and peerage, but there’s no way that would galvanize all of these people to…” Celine’s eyes fell on one of the felled men. He was different from the others. Not in attire, but in circumstance; the man didn’t have any blood around him, in fact, glancing at some of the men that Diya had searched, this man didn’t have any immediately discernible wounds like many of them did. 

“...Hold on a second. Diya, look here.” She pointed over to the man, and once she stepped closer, her first assessment hadn’t been entirely correct. The only sign that the man had been involved in the fighting was the sword not far from his body, and the sear mark right over his heart. “...Was he killed by that attack?” The searing mark was almost implausibly pinpoint, especially if this was done with thunder magic. “...The report said that the thief had been using magic, didn’t it?” She looked over at the others, and so far, this man had been the only one to be killed like this; the others had visible wounds. “...We might not have any time to just let you investigate yourself, Diya.”

“Peerage is only for one person, no way you get the entire group out. Eighty-thousand is nice, but to have what seems like all of Cerzia’s mercs out and working together?” Diya shook her head, leaning on her lance slightly as she surveyed the mess. As she did, Celine called out to her, pointing out one of the men she hadn’t searched. Moving closer, she frowned. “Damn. That’s, impressive. He was killed by that attack, I’d bet my tail on it. For an attack like that to be so accurate, well, I think Pan is about the only one I would trust to get close to that. If the thief is using thunder magic and is able to do it that well...” She sighed, knowing this was getting more and more dangerous. “So the thief was here, on one of Tristan’s compounds and he’s still putting up such a search for them. Either he didn’t know, or he was playing a part for some reason. I don’t like either of those options, but I think I prefer that he was ignorant.” She looked around, not spying any others with the magical wounds. “He’s the only one though. If the thief is this good, why aren’t there more dead from magic?” Looking down the path in front of them, she let out an irritated noise and then nodded. “Right, let's go. I suspect we won’t like what we find up ahead, but we need to look.”

“...I’d surmise that something kept them from doing so. With how accurate this attack is, I don’t think anyone would have been able to get near them, but the others were killed with common weaponry. So the thief now has help, and that might imply that they’re not in a state to be fighting freely.” Celine stood up, “Come on. We need to hurry to that compound… These men haven’t been dead long.” Celine took note of wagon wheels that seemed to veer off into the forest. 

Celine hurried back to Silica, mounting her in one swift motion. “We just need to scale the mountain a little more. This compound is a little out of the way so not a lot of people would know where it is.” She snapped the reins and moved on ahead, knowing that Diya would be immediately behind her. 

Several minutes of riding ahead, Celine made the hidden turn to the compound, but she could already smell smoke. They once again arrived in a field of bodies. The compound was still smoldering, and it appeared that they were the only two breathing people. A quick glance reveal another man who had been felled by a pinpoint magical attack. “...Shoot. I don’t think we have to investigate to know what happened here. Looks like we were right; the thief was here, and then had to fight their way out. So there are two options here; either Tristan is actively helping the thief, or someone within his organization is. But… We don’t have time to confirm this. We need to find them before anyone else can get their hands on the sword…” Celine thought for a moment, and then looked at Diya, “I hope you’re ready for a mad dash towards the checkpoints; that’s the only possible place that they could go under these circumstances. What a way to spend a birthday.” 

Diya quickly mounted up, looking over the remains and reciting a few lines for the dead in her head. It was likely all the service any of them would get, having been abandoned out here, and even though she knew many of them likely hated her kind, they still deserved something to respect their lives. Besides, there was no way to determine their beliefs now. She followed after Celine in silence, her orange eyes pensive behind the lenses of her glasses. Things were moving quickly and they were caught up in the flows of fate now.

Just how caught up they were was quickly revealed as they made their way into the compound, a slaughter laid out before them. "Damn." She had known something like this was coming, but that didn't make it any easier to see. She slid off her horse, just to do a quick check, even though Celine wanted to move on quickly, and was rewarded for her caution. "Lady Celine. We weren't the first here." She gestured to one of the bodies, and then to the ground. "The blood stain here doesn't match the body position, and the dirt is disturbed. Someone searched this body. Likely others as well." She moved back to her horse, mounting up with a quick spring, knowing this news would just spur her Lady on to faster movement. The mention of her birthday caused Diya to pause, her mind going to the small wrapped package in her saddlebag, but she pushed past it. This was no time for that anyways. "It might just be more mercs, but it was probably a small group, there's no signs I can see of a second significant group moving out. There's something fishy about all of this. Something we're not seeing... I'm right behind you, lead on." 

“What?” Celine looked closer, and for all that she’d just put together, she had completely overlooked that Diya was right. They had been moved, and searched. That’s gotta be the exhaustion starting to catch up with me… but that’s why you have Diya with you. “More mercs is a possibility, but with all of this, everything remains on the table. Just how many people are after this sword?” Celine shook her head, “Never mind that for now. We make for the gates. Those are the only possible places they could have gone. Diya, I expect that we might encounter resistance on our way. I’ll cover your back, but, I hate to ask, could you lead? I am… rather exhausted, and you know where the gates are.” 

Diya frowned as Celine finally admitted to her exhaustion. She sighed, nudging her horse forward, and commenting, "There is one other possibility, you know. It could be that someone is looking for the thief, not the sword. We'll need to be careful if we run into anyone on the road... So I'll take the lead, of course. All I ask is that if it gets to be too much, you tell me so we can rest. You will do no one any good if you collapse in the middle of all of this." With her shield returned to her back, and her lance stored in an easy to grab loop on her saddle, she was ready to move, and after one quick glance back at the carnage, she kicked Gulliver into motion. They would need to move fast if they had any chance of catching their thief.

“I wish I had that luxury, but as long as there are questions about the Escaflowne, Hecatia is in danger, and because my father is an incompetent philanderer, someone has to be watching out for the province. I have a feeling that I’ll have some time to myself after this is all over, but it has to be over first.” She hopped back onto Silica, a little slower than before, and set off after her bodyguard. They would have to move quickly. The number of people who could get all of the mercenary groups of Cerezia on a single page was vanishingly few. Artorius wasn’t likely; Cerezia had too many clouded units, and the man’s reach was fairly weak out here aside from the knights. Other mercenary leaders would have a difficult time as well; 80k gold was an exorbitant amount but split among this many people would amount to far less, and peerage could only truly be passed to one person.

Who… or what could drive this many mercenaries to band together like this? The reward isn’t strong enough from Artorius, and the mercenaries out here aren’t silly enough to trust that man. So then… who, or why? Celine sat straight up in her saddle as a series of thoughts seemed to link in a rather cataclysmic way. A single conversation from barely four years ago started to play over in her head; the day she realized that Tristan had truly begun to slip in his old age. A conversation about the legend of the relics, more specifically the Escaflowne. When Galari received the Escaflowne, the alliance never again suffered a direct defeat in combat. The blade, and the other relics were said to grant divine providence. 

It was a common legend in the alliance, but Tristan was a man of myths and legends. His words, his promise, it all unscored a fanaticism for the legend, devoting himself entirely to them and allowing his son and other magnates to continue the business as necessary. The other cocktail… was his vitriolic hatred for Artorius; a man that until the Escaflowne was stolen, was impervious to assault. No assassin, or action that Tristan could undertake was enough to threaten that man. But with the Escaflowne… it would have been possible in his mind. Tristan was also perhaps the only person with enough information, good will, and a promise that would galvanize the mercenaries. There was only one more question to answer then: What would Tristan do if he acquired the mythical blade?

As the pair set off, a lone pair of eyes watched over them. Gentle strokes in the notebook he held, alongside the picture of a dragon. “Hmm… intriguing. My, my… it seems like Artorius really has let this situation spiral out of control, hasn’t he? A lot more pieces in play for this blade than I could have imagined… even pieces that I don’t think we quite understand.” He snapped the notebook shut, and then turned to the man at his side, “Oh well. We were just sent to confirm things, and to find our targets. As far as we’re concerned this has nothing to do with us. Whether the Escaflowne returns to their hands or not, our mission moves forward.” 

The man licked his lips, “I’m sure the Maestra has already devised some contingency if we’re asked to assist, so I believe it is about time for us to get a move on and inform our partner about the people scurrying towards his domain, don’t you agree, Cyro?” 

Cyro couldn't help but grimace at the picture of the dragon inside Luthier's notebook. Once a pervert, always a pervert, I suppose... "It would be in our best interest to do so, yes. Not that I believe he'll need much of a heads up... Someone like him, getting trouble from a group like the Tigers? Pfeh." Cyro scoffed, unamused by the whole situation. "Still, he might be able to spare us a few extra bodies since you've gotten so greedy over who to pick from them... I do hope you took what I told you about that fox to heart. She was... An enigma. Could immediately tell my origin at a glance... I don't know anything about her magic, but a kitsune about, one with multiple tails, cannot be good for anyone."

“You need not worry, Cyro. Kitsune like her have been… a pastime of mine. I’ve dealt with enough of her kind. Six tails is a little unusual, but I’ve been taking precautions. I’m hardly worried about her; if she wants to step into the fray then she might also join the cast I’m inviting to come with us. And, yes, Kazran will have no issue with the Tigers after we’re finished with them. Come now, Cyro. Let’s make our way~”

"... If you say so." No, he's in over his head. Her magic, it felt strange. It felt... Wrong. Whatever you've dealt with before, Luthier, it's not this... I called her a kitsune, but I'm not sure what she is. There was no point in arguing with Luthier, either way. Either he was confident and things would be fine, or he'd be adding a second fear to his list. "I suppose you'll be making a personal visit to one of them? Which will it be? The dragon you've fallen for, or the Rhapsodia child?"

“Fallen for?” Luthier looked over at Cyro with a amused glance. “You misunderstand me, Cyro. The dragon is but a child as far as I am concerned, but she is a dragon. Haven’t you ever just wanted to rip one apart? Tear scales from its body to understand their strength? Break them down to their most fundamental level to understand their magic? I am in love with the idea of taking her apart, and learning more about what makes her tick, than I will ever be with her. You’ll learn that I have no interest in monsters or clouded in that manner. I simply aim to learn so that I can see depths of the world that no one else could dream of seeing.” There was an absent look behind Luthier’s eyes, but a horrific grin on his face. “The Raphsodia will likely be my target. I left things to others back then and I lost a valuable specimen. I will not do so again.” 

"... Right. I-I shall leave her to you, then." There were times, like this, that Cyro regretted his choice to accept the underground's offer. Sometimes it was mundane work. Ship weapons or drugs around, sell them to the right people... Sometimes it was trafficking. Slaves and shipments of people and monsters. Sometimes... It was Luthier. Cyro had never been present for the man's work and he had no plans to ever join a session. "Let's get going, then..."

Zeit smiled as more wyverns approached from the south. "About damn time they got here... and it looks like our unknowns really are making a mess of things... Shit. Fine, guess we're gonna have to press. Hey! All of you! Don't worry about the southern group! We've got more on the way! We'll force them onto the plains, and crush em from all sides! So focus on that group coming from the northern pass! Get some boys to circle around, and get behind em! I'll head over, and see what I can do about our target..."

Velura sighed, "This isn't going anywhere near as smoothly as was expected... we really are going to need everyone at this point. We'll start pressing if Zeit and his forces start having difficulty. I imagine it won't be long before the knights get here... and then our chance to turn fortune into a chance to save Hecatia goes up in smoke. We mustn't fail... Sir Tristan and all of us... we can put an end to this with the fabled blade..."

Map 4 T3.png

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Iris got another spell ready, when her ears began to twitch gently, her eyes and focus turned elsewhere by a soft voice.

Yes... Just like that. You're doing wonderfully~

"Huh? Who's... You're the same one I heard before... ... So... I should keep doing this?" Silence followed, but Iris felt rather comfortable with her magic at the moment. There was a healer near their enemies, fixing up the knight her sister had wounded. "Annoying." She sunk down and darted across the grass.

"Hey." Iris was suddenly in front of the priest, claw held out. "Stop making this take longer for us."

Iris to 8,17, blast the priest with flux!

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Tio looked around; between herself, Elisa and Mikoto, there was likely very little in Hecatia that was going to trouble them. But the number of approaching wyvern, and the number of people already present... "Versaris. Leave us and go with the Tigers. There is something off about the numbers that they're devoting to this mission. If they've committed this much, they'll be just fine with committing far more if they have the option. I don't want the Tigers getting pincered. I'm not interested in finding out about their survivability. Besides, I want you there if she is about, and I want you do what you can to talk her down... if there is anything, that is. Get going." 

Tio held out her hand, and her staff broke into the 6 familiar crystals. "Let this be a warning to the riders approaching. Unless you are Hecatian Knights, I will take your encroachment on this airspace as a threat. If you are Hecatian Knights, then I would ask to speak with your leader... failing that, I will be forced to defend myself, and whoever else you may threaten. Please don't test us." 

Edit: Aly Should have Gained 10 EXP and +2 Hidden EXP on the last post. As I cannot edit the post above, it has been acknowledged here. 

Map 4 T3.png

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"You sure?" Sari asked out of courtesy, but Tio was already readying her spells, leaving him to give a weak salute and dash off.

Sari to 4,23!

Mikoto gave the incubus a sarcastic little wave, flipping through a few more of her tome's pages, the book beginning to almost suck in light as her magic radiated out of it. "How very kind of you to warn them, Tio... That's more than they'll get from me. And, pardon if I get a bit cruel during this... I have no forgiveness towards those that wish to come after me~"

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Alriana paused as she heard something amidst the sounds battle; Iris was speaking, but to none of the Tigers. Is she...? But she told me that Del or whoever said she was incomplete. Something about not feeling things...? Either way, if what she was talking to was in anyway similar to the near ever-present thoughts that filled the back of her mind, then Alriana couldn't let her sister 'talk' to whatever it was she was speaking with. "Iris!" She shouted at her sister as she moved closer, dark magic already forming in her sister's claws. "Whatever you're talking too, don't listen to it! It doesn't say anything good!"

Aly 7,16 Iron Dagger the priest.

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"Hey, shiny! You're a regular ol' human, to the best of my knowledge... Wanna get that guy's attention for us? He'll make short work of most of us... Here's a little boost to keep you safe~!"

Siorel to 7,18, Def Dance Miria

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Miria turned to see Siorel do a little dance, and... it made Miria feel invigorated.  Is this some other magic she didn't know about? She lifted her visor and gave a little thumbs up.

"Thanks Miss Siorel, I'll use it wisely."

Miria moves to 10,17

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"Sorry, Iris, just thought I could deal with that more." She seemed concerned that she charged ahead, but Üllr was just... used to it. Guess it was a bit wasteful when he wasn't alone, but still...

Trying to consider his positioning for once slowed him down, making him pace his steps. For now.

Üllr to 8,18

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