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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Hoo, boy... Legs are gettin' sore." Siorel took a deep breath and ran after Miria, spots beginning to shimmer blue instead of their natural yellow, feet tap tapping against the ground...!

Siorel to 17,10, RES dance Miria!

And with a final flourish, landed the final step, the magic accompanying the dance. "Still got it! Get ruby red over there, girl!"

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Gean moves to 15-9

Gean took a deep breath as she moved forward. Tasha and Nyx had given her the guiding words she needed, and the others were holding off the guards around her. There was nothing left to do. She made her way forward.

For some odd reason, despite her necklace almost blinding her in her brightness, she almost couldn't hear the cries of battle as Gean noticed that bright red hair. It had been ten- no, almost eleven long years, but Gean could never forget that hair. Panting, and looking ready to fall over, Lucille was right before her. The feelings of all those years of journal writing and nightmares were bubbling to the surface, and Gean fought to channel them into action. Gean took a stance to show the least aggression before shouting in a clear voice. "LUCI!!!"

Lucille had sworn that she would make it out of this. No matter what it took, she would make it back, and they would sort everything out. None of this made sense. The man from before, Versaris had begun fighting Vidar, and his guard, dodging them easily. It was her turn, and despite running on fumes, she connected her spell but not for much effect. Come on… just keep it together… He called for backup, and a name hit her ears that she hadn’t expected to hear; today or ever again. Lucille froze, half wondering if she heard him correctly, or heard what she’d wanted to hear for almost eleven years. “Wh-what?”

Then, her name was called. More specifically, her nickname, a name that only family and friends could have known. Lucille turned to look through the forest to see an impossible sight. “That… that can’t… be. That’s… that’s…” A woman with neatly tied dreads, brown and blue in color, and dark skin. A poncho covered the majority of her body, but the scales were unforgettable. There was an unusual shield in her hand, and her neck shining brightly… just as her ring was. That necklace was the point of resonance; more than likely made by the same person. Further proof that the girl calling her name really was… “...That’s… impossible. Why… why are you… here? Why are… you here now…” The blade at her hip was also shimmering just a little brighter now. 

"Trust me this was the last way I thought our reunion to be" Was the first words Gean uttered to her long lost friend. It appeared that much like Gean's necklace, Luci had a ring that was glowing in the moment, and the faint shimmer on her side Gean could only assume was Escaflowne. But the shimmering wasn't important right now. 

"Look Sar- Versaris here speaks the truth. We're here with the Evokers on a mission to escort them to Lufiria. They want peace above all else, but you need to give us that sword. I know- I shouldn't be the one to say this to you after what I've done, but I fear what the world will do. Please Luci." Gean looked straight into her eyes, hoping that there were still the memories they shared, and that would reach through.

“It… it’s…” Lucille couldn’t find the words. Her exhaustion wasn’t helping any, but the moment was far too overwhelming. Of all places, of all times, as many times as she dreamed, cried, waited… it was today, on this battlefield… on opposite sides that she’d finally meet Aegean again. She shook her head, and took a stumbling step backwards before catching herself. “...Why? Why… does it have to be now? Almost… eleven years… and the first thing… the first thing you ask of me… is for me to… trust you?” An ambient spark ran up her gloved arm that she’d grasped tightly. “...no. I won’t… I can’t… Get… get out of… my way, Aegean. I… I have to… I, I…” Lucille turned away to avoid showing the tears forming in her eyes. 

Gean winced as Lucille retracted from her. Her exhaustion was as clear as the noontime sky. She knew it was an herculean task, she knew the odds were stacked in her favor. "I- I don't want them to fight you. I live through enough nights trapped in my mind how I failed you all, please. At least tell me why." Gean replied with an ever growing shakiness in her voice. There had to be a reason, something that would make it make sense. Damn, if only Tio was here now.

“Then… then tell them… to… move. I won’t… I’ve… already had… too many people… turn on me, us… This sword… all of it… none of this… was supposed…” Lucille shook her head, “I… I refuse to put… anyone else… but myself… in more danger. This… is how it has to be… right now.” Why… Why now… It’s been so long… it’s… I’m so… glad that you’re… okay. That you’re alive. 

Lucille lifted her hand with a wince, trembling, she pointed at Aegean. “...If you won’t… then I have to. Go… through them. I… I’m at least… somewhat glad… that I was right all along. So… I’ll say this much… everything right now… is for more than just Lufiria… and for that reason… I… won’t give up.”

Gean further winced, being given the choice right now. She was torn, and that tearing the hand she had on her axe loosened. Lucille had answered, but that answer had just as many questions as before. "I can't bring myself to fight you. But I can't stop these people. They're the ones that gave me the strength to meet you again, and they're fighting to protect their home. I- I'm glad to see you again, even if all I do is hurt you more in the end."

“...” Lucille had no answer for Gean’s final words. Lucille was torn. So much of her wanted to just go over and collapse into her arms, much like she used to. Eleven years, and a difference of direction was more to overcome than she thought. She couldn’t fully trust the girl in front of her now, nor any of these people. Vidar had been downed by the man from before, and surely the others would fall too. That same ember remained… she couldn’t forget all of those wonderful times with Aegean–Gean. Yet, she was still pulled apart by the waves of the past; the blaze and the Levion’s abandoning of Lufiria… and her. 

She wouldn’t forget those memories, nor regret having them, but she had to do what she could for Lufiria, and the people who stood by her. “...Hopefully… maybe… we’ll see each other again… But I’m fighting to protect… my home too."

The knights last words before falling confused Jesse. Sir Tristan was not an uncommon name, if for the merchant's not so hidden stance in regards to Artorious. He was involved in this? Celine was definitely going to have her hands even fuller after this. The most Jesse could do to ease that was retrieve the sword. Her arm was starting to feel the effects of Mana Shoot, but she trudge on, if the dragon next to her could still move forward she had no time to complain or stop. A survey of the area let Jesse hear the beating of wings in the distance. She took a glance in the direction she heard and could see a small band of Wyverns coming over the mountain. "We got more company coming from the north!"

Jesse moves to 20-13

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Siorel's dance gave Miria a much needed boost. With how close they were to victory, it was time. Miria eyes, the trimming of her armor were red, and the sword she drew was swallowed in fire. As she approached the southern group, she saw one of them aiming their spell at Gean.

Miria was much more confident thanks to Siorel's boost. She toom a deep breath. She charged in to protect her sister!

Miria procs Afterburner, moves to 15,8  and attacks Lucille with the Steel Sword

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The group of drakes had arrived as advertised, but they seemed too far away to do anything to the Tigers, at least for now. Which meant there would be no better time to get into formation to prevent them from reaching the people engaged with their mark than now.


Syndra moves to 16, 13.

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With what encouragement she could give to Gean given, Tasha took a look over the battlefield in general. Those reinforcements mentioned earlier appeared over the northern mountains, a slightly larger force of wyverns than she'd expected based on the earlier pincer attack they'd dealt with. On that side was also Alvira, struggling to keep herself walking straight heading toward the healers... Damn it. She couldn't drop what she was doing and head off to help her, though, not when the actual target was right in front. She'd trust the healers with that and keep moving forward.

Natalya moves to 16-10.

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Renais Staff Technician mends Versaris! 

Renais heals Versaris back up to full HP! (14 HP)

Renais gains 17 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP

Nyx engages Merchant Guard 5 in hopes disarming him non-lethally!

[70, 77] Nyx fires her longbow, and the shot wobbled through the air a bit, and took a bit of the man's hand, but most importantly removed the man's staff from his grip sending it into the lake behind them! Merchant Guard 5 disarmed, not well, but non-lethally. 

Nyx gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP! 

Cin offers parley to Merchant Guard 2.

"I appreciate the offer... but wouldn't you continue to fight against all odds for a dream worth having? I've lost much of what I had already; I wouldn't be losing much more to stand along side a true princess. Don't feel bad. Do what you've got to do, because I'll be doing the same." 

Cin nods and begins his assault, elfire covering his gauntlets! 

(-2 HP) [53, 75], [7, 79] Cin aims his blows for 18 damage!

Merchant Guard 2 holds on, but gives it everything he's got! 

[87, 84] Cin quickly parries the lance, causing it to clatter out of his hands!

Cin finishes up! 

[99, 8]

With the lance down, the only thing to do was to put the man to sleep. Then his magic flared, and it crept higher than Cin had wanted. Cin remembered what had been said to him, and that his allies were near to him. Now wasn't the time to lose control. Cin pulled his fist away from the man before drawing his magic back to him, the pulse of magic was strong, and it burned. A searing energy like he'd not quite felt before, but he pulled it away, and locked it, before finishing the job with a measured punch to the jaw. 

Cin takes -4 HP, but his control of the situation allowed him to deal with Merchant Guard 2 nonlethally! 

Cin gains 34 EXP, and +4 Brawling! 

Siorel dances for Miria!

(62) Success!

Miria gains +3 Res, and can move again!

Siorel gains 15 EXP! 

Siorel reaches level 7! 

33	11	46	47	7	61	10	9

+HP, Str, Mag, Spd, Def, Res


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Wyvern riders were arriving now, to the north; given her predisposition towards not getting hit with powerful spells, Laniva decided it was probably best to approach them instead. 

There was a faint voice echoing through her mind; muffled, indistinct, unpleasant. You... with... blade... bring... 

Looking around, she couldn't quite place the cause.  The hair on her tail raised slightly, and she found herself gripping her blade tighter, unconsciously, as she took a defensive stance.

Laniva to (23, 14).

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"Everything hurts," she answered with a grunt, "but I'm fine." Dealing with pain was par for the course, though this was the first time she had ever felt it to such a degree; whatever had happened had left her feeling quite drained, as if a part of her overall being had diminished. It was probably just the exhaustion. Slowly, mainly with the support of her tail, the lizard stood up as her sister released her. "I wish something like that didn't need to happen for you to listen to me..." She had a vague sense of what had probably happened, she'd felt it for an instant in Eibar against one of the insignificant arena fighters. Though it was worrying how hazy the memories were...

"That's what happens when I 'listen' to my voice, Iris. That's why you shouldn't listen to yours." Like usual, Iris was fast to rebound past any hard feelings, or at least it seemed to be that way on the surface. And there was that word again, 'love'. She couldn't return the words and mean them, but she could compromise. "I care about you too Iris, but we need to stay focused on the battle - look, up in the sky. We need to deal with them before anything else. Come on."

Aly 24, 15 equip wing shuriken.

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"O-Okay... I, I won't listen to it. Even if it comes back... Promise." Iris sniffled again, crawling after Aly as she ran towards the incoming flyers. They were a pretty intimidating force, and it would mean using her magic again... But she just had to listen to her sister and not the voice. I should've listen to her in the first place... Why did I get so angry? I don't even know... Ugh... "I didn't need you to get hurt to listen, Aly, I... I just couldn't understand. But... If that's, what happens to you, then, then I think I get it."

Iris to 23,15, equip flux

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Ullr visits Village!

Ullr moves inside to find a couple bodies appearing to be Hecatian Knights, and several smoldering houses. This was the origin point of the smoke that had brought them here. An older man turned to see the blue wolf, eyes narrowing as he saw him. "Another one of ya, huh? Tch, seems like its just the day for mercs and knights to be terri-- hmm?" The man scanned Ullr more, "...You're not a knight, and you don't look like any merc from around here... ...Are you with the red haired woman?" At that moment, the man ran up to Ullr, "If you are, please help her! She and those men and women with her stopped these knights from threatening us! She, she looked like a younger Lady Celine, but the way she fought was entirely different! But... but she was hurt!" The man ran back inside, and returned with a odd looking staff. "If you've got a healer, give that to them; it'll help all of those brave folk, but especially her. Please... We're fine here now, but..." It was clear that the old man was rather frantic, and not entirely thinking straight. But he handed the staff to Ullr, and urged him forward, "Go, go! And thank you... for checking on us. But you need to go help that woman!" 

Ullr acquired a Healing Breeze Staff! 

Almost as soon as Lucille had finished speaking with Aegean, it seemed like the battle had come to her. The sword at her side began to shimmer more, and more, and Lucille's eyes widened. Approaching her quickly was someone in golden armor, familiar, looking golden armor. "What?!" Lucille turned to face the newcomer, "Don't take... another step closer!" Her gloved armor crackled with energy. "...What is a shroud doing... out here? Who are... you?" It had been almost four years since her first encounter with a similar being. Four years since... Lucille looked down at the sword, and then up at Miria. "...There's no way... are they linked...?"

How fitting that she'd encounter a shroud like this again; the circumstances were similar and yet so different at the same time. "...Gold, which means... Rgh..." She shook her head, "I don't know who you are... or why you have that shroud... but you... you won't stop me."

"Shroud?" Miria's head tilted, still readied to engage. She wasn't sure what that meant. Did she mean the armor? The mutter of gold... She... it? Is called a Shroud? The woman seemed to be, afraid, of whatever it was.

"Being honest, I don't know what I am." But she held her blade firm. "What I do know is I'm an Iron Tiger, and I'm going to protect my people, no matter what. I won't let you hurt my sister!"

"Rgh..." The voice was distinctly feminine, but the helmet made it impossible to know for sure. What was a problem was that her blade was ablaze. It was taking everything Luci had to not shiver and scream, but she couldn't break right now. More importantly was that the armored woman had no idea what she was talking about. Which likely meant that she was nowhere near as powerful as the two from back then, or General Rivane. Why was a Spiritual Guardian here? "Sister?" 

Lucille looked over at Aegean, before everything made sense to her. "...Haha... so quickly replaced. Well... I shouldn't be surprised. I won't... lose to a spiritual guardian." The blade at Lucille's side shimmered brightly. 

You there... resonating with that blade.... Bring it back... Bring it back... 

A lone indeterminate voice spoke in Miria's head.

Miria was confused now. Why did she sound so disappointed? "Wait..." Miria paused. She was starting to think about it. "Are you prin--" she paused, as she shook her head, backing away slightly she held her head as she stared at the sword.

"Bring it back? Wha--" What is that voice? Who is talking to her. Wait, she remembered from the mansion.

"You are Princess Lucille..." Is that why she hadn’t attacked Gean yet? Oh. Ohh... 

"I-I..." Miria was suddenly... very unaware on what to do.

Lucille kept her eyes on the flaming blade, even as it seemed like the young woman was less inclined on attacking her now. For the moment, anyway. She made eye contact with Villkiss. "...Yes, I am Princess Lucille. It... seems like Aegean's... said a lot." Lucille kept as still as was possible with her heart almost pounding out of her chest. She absolutely couldn't take any chances with a Shroud bearer, and certainly not one who could use fire. 

Villkiss saw her rider's distress, and charged from the underbrush where she was hidden. "Villkiss?!" Lucille thought a moment, before Lucille jumping back, and then mounted her winged horse, placing some distance between her and the armored woman. Even at their new distance, the panic on Lucille's face was now completely clear  "Get... get away from me..." The magic about Lucille took a shift, and her power suddenly jumped. "...replace me... and then... use... fire... Get... get out of my way... or I'm going... to obliterate y-you. D-do you... hear me?! I've dealt... with one of you before... I'll, I'll do it again!"

The blade... bring the blade back...

The voice echoed louder in Miria's head.

And with that, it was confirmed. Miria was at an empasse. She said she would keep the Tigers safe, but... this was Gean's friend. And she was scared. It was a conflicting feeling. What should she do--

When the Pegasus suddenly appeared, Lucille got aboard. Miria wasn't magically inclined, but she could feel the change. Suddenly... Miria was scared too. But it was what Lucille said. That she had been replaced. Fire being used against her.

And that voice again. Getting louder. Miria held her head, What are you--? But Miria was in the middle of a battle. One she wasn’t sure she could fight. So she made the decision.

"Do you really believe Gean would replace you?" She wasn't too sure on their relationship, but she knew her sister wasn't that kind of person. Miria shook her head... and dropped her sword. "I don't want to fight you. But I won't let you hurt Gean, or any of the Tigers. If you're gonna obliterate me, then... g-go ahead." She held her hands out like a wall, and stood her ground. She grit her teeth, balled her fists and closed her eyes.

Miria refuses to attack.


Wyvern 13 rolls in, and targets Aly!

[82, 16] In actuality, he targeted the ground because that's what he hit! Miss!

Aly with the 1-2!

[53, 39], [1, 78] 

Oddly, with only those two daggers the rider went down. Was he injured before this? Wyvern 13 felled! 

Aly gains 30 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP!

Wyvern 14 targets Iris!

[31, 58] The javelin deals a crunching blow, and Iris had to brace to not fall over. 19 damage!

Iris musters her power, and counters!

[63, 39], [91, 99] Iris pulls the wyvern to the ground, dealing 26 damage!

Iris gains 14 EXP, and +2 Dark EXP!


Due to Miria's actions, and Lucille's panic, her stats, and abilities have changed!

Lucille didn't answer Miria's question. She wanted to believe in what she'd said to Aegean before now, but this girl... Everything that had been said before this moment... the fact that she'd left. That was all proof that she had, wasn't it? Lucille shook her head at Miria, "...How... dare you..." She'd been so ready to fight her before, and now that she'd thought for even a moment, now was the time for her to be altruistic? "Fine.... Fine! I will! I, I will!!" Lucille's magic quickly shot up much higher than it had been before, and even after mounting Villkiss. "You don't... know anything! So stop... stop acting like you do!" For a moment, Lucille forgot about conserving her energy, recklessly putting what she could into her following spell. 

Lucille moves to 13, 8... and targets Miria with Excalibur with as much power as she can manage! Lucille will have her normal magic stat for this attack, but will take 50% of her HP as recoil! 

Lucille cannot miss. 

Miria is slammed with gale force winds, sending her backward, the raw power of the spell felt by everyone in the vicinity! Miria takes 31 damage, lessened to 28 by Siorel's Res dance!

"Haah... haah..."

The battlefield was a mess. He had sprinted ahead while the others were dealing with the wyverns they had run across, hoping to find the princess, and had succeeded in that. Unfortunately for him, there was no chance of him reaching her. She was surrounded by enemies, a mix of clouded and humans that matched the mix they had seen back at the compound. Mercenaries then... So how do I get to her? Tch. Even with my magic up, there's no way I could get her out...

As he moved, trying to get a better position, he almost tripped over a body. Looking down, he saw an elf, clutching onto a sword. The way he dressed, how close he was to the princess, this had to be the man Lydia had been talking about. He shook his head, leaning down to close the man's eyes, to give him dignity in death, when he heard the labored breathing. He's alive! I can't reach the princess without the others, but perhaps... A quick glance to check that the enemy was focused on the princess, and then he quickly leaned down, scooping the man up and pulling him away to a nearby small grove of trees. There he propped the man up and began to quickly dress the most urgent of his wounds. As he worked, he quietly whispered, "I'm with Lydia. Reinforcements, strong ones, are coming soon. We're going to get you and the princess out of here."

"Ugh... wh-what... who... Rgh... You're... you're with... Ly... dia? T-too late... those... mercenaries... they're... strong. something... about the... Evokers... from Glacies. They... better hurry..."

"The Evokers?? Damn... Tan, you better get here soon or I'm going to do something stupid..."


As Tio saw the Wvyerns approaching over the mountain, she heard, and felt, a rather powerful magical blast from the south. "That. Could not have been good."

Map 4 T10.png

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"GHhhgn!" Iris grit her teeth, the javelin taking a chunk out of her, but not enough to put her into the ground.

Kill him... He's going to hurt you. He's going to hurt your sister~

The voice, again... But, she didn't have a choice! They were going to hurt her, hurt Aly, try and kill all her new friends--!


Iris fluxes wyvern #14!

"Ah, fuck...!"

Alvira growled as a pack of riders flew over the mountains, coming after Iris and Aly. "Not while I'm still conscious you fucks!"

Alvira to 23,16, Light wyvern #12!

"Ahhh!" Ren whined in mild terror as the already injured Alvira ran off for more combat, also spying Iris in serious danger... "This is a lot, goodness, goodness, goodness..."

Ren to 22,15, heal Iris

A rather powerful burst of anima magic erupted from down south, Mikoto's ears twitching. "Hmmmhnnn... How concerning. Well, we're hurrying along as quickly as we can..." If the magic was coming out of the person they'd thought was here, Mikoto had a decision to make... If she was attacking them, she could argue it was to keep the Tigers safe. Would the Evokers buy that? I could really do my best to appeal... Leverage Renais... Mmrrhhnnn... But if they didn't buy it... I'm dead. I can't possible escape them both, and the Tigers, and anyone else that may be laying in wait. No, it's too risky... I want to. I DESPERATELY want to. To strike at the crown of Lufiria so directly, out here, away from the heart of those wretches...! Mikoto felt herself gritting her teeth, almost snarling. She bit back her emotions, huffing. It's not time. Soon. You've amassed six tails. You're so close. You're so close...

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Iris attacks Wyvern 14 for his insolence!

[86, 72] 

The Wyvern couldn't fight off the energy, and both rider and mount found themselves crushed under the pressure. Wyvern 14 felled!

Iris gains 38 exp, and +2 Dark EXP

Iris reached C rank Dark!

Iris reaches level 7!

6	82	17	1	3	3	75	19

+HP, Mag, Skl, Speed, Lck!

Alvira engages Wvyern 12 with Light!

[3, 12], [77, 75] 

Wyvern 12 must have been flying into the sun because that boy toast. Wyvern 12 felled! 

Alvira gains 30 EXP, and +3 Light EXP

Ren rushes to heal Iris!

Ren heals Iris for 13 HP!

Ren gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Cin, arms flaring, challenges Lucille! 

[32, 38]

With a plea, Cin closes the distance faster than Lucille or Villkiss could react to in their greatly weakened state. Lucille let out a scream, and did what she could to protect herself, but the attack knocked her from her saddle and onto the ground. Villkiss reacted quickly, running over to cover her rider. Lucille forced herself back to her feet, but her entire body was trembling... "...a dragon... no... no, no, no... rgh..." Lucille slowly pulled herself back onto Villkiss, not even realizing that despite man's fist impacting her clothing... there was no singeing. "I... I, I ... G-got to..." Villkiss looked Cin in the eyes, and with a flap of her wings took to the air with some difficulty. They couldn't make this any easier for them. Villkiss lost a bit of air, before Lucille grabbed the reins... "Haah... Haah... thank you... Villkiss... haah... We... can still... do it..."

Bar broken, and Lucille's Seared Memories activates! Lucile cannot counter in the next combat! 

Cin gains 100 EXP, and +2 Brawling EXP!

Cin reaches level 8!

20	29	61	25	6	4	6	11

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res

Lucille regains +2 Movement, and Lucille's Promise Ring now takes effect! If Luci takes an attack that deals 50% or more of her HP in a single attack, she gains 20% damage res against that attack! 

"Tch." Tio clicked her tongue, seeing the group of wyverns descending on a contingent of the Tigers. "I warned them, their own fault."

Tio remains put, but purges the closest Wyvern to her!

Tio cannot miss, and also guaranteed crits, so... bye Wyvern 9. 195 damage! 


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There was a powerful blast of magic due south of her, and Syndra could feel that whoever it was wasn't going down without a fight. "Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. I have to get over there..." Syndra wasn't convinced she could do much, but she still had to be with the rest of her friends.


Syndra moves to 17, 9 and equips Flux.

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Gean bit her lip. Her brain kept pleading with her. "This for everyone's good. This is your job." Her thoughts keeping her rooted in her spot, despite each moment that followed her exchange with Lucille bringing her heart to run to her princess. "Replaced", "You don't know anything". Emotionally, it may as well been Gean who got hit by that strange new spell of hers. 

Then there was the way she reacted to Cin. Gean knew of the fire. She never forget the evening the news broke. The way Luci recoiled and shouted at the fact that he was a dragon took Gean by shock. Were her assailants dragons? Had something worse happened than she or her father knew? Was that why that spark flew up her arm earlier? What really happened? There were so many questions Gean wanted to ask, but it seemed things were coming to a close as Versaris approached with a short declaration.

Jesse to 23-16 Mana Shoot Wyvern 10

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The force of the spell was unlike anything Miria had ever felt. Despite that, she continued to hold on. She was a wall. And she'd continue to be so until the fight was over. Once the spell had dissipated, Miria dropped to a knee. Her breath was coarse and wheezy. She was tired, the fighting had been crazy, and this... had only made it worse.

With all of her strength, she got herself back to her feet, still holding as she did. The cub didn't know how things with Lucille had been handled. Everything was... suddenly blurry, a bit more muffled. She didn't think she was dying, but it became much more difficult to be cognizant. Was she really in that much pain? Or was she just tired...?

She reached around till she got her head, "Can't see..." She pulled off her helmet, and just dropped it. It seemed to be in the way, not that removing it helped her vision any.

"I've gotta... protect the Tigers..." she said weakly, maintaining her form. She wasn't sure if anyone was there, but she could make out what looked like the form of the Lufirian princess. If she was still standing, Miria would stand in her way.

Miria 'holds her ground'

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So much was happening right now, Renais couldn't believe one person gave so much trouble. Gean was having issues, Versaris was as well, but Miria especially needed help. So Renais got as close as she could to keep her best friend standing. "Miria! I'm here!" She called out, and still did her best to keep calm...

Renais rushes to 16, 8 and Mends Miria.

As Renais used her magic to heal Miria, her eyes turned to the woman that gave so much trouble to the group and... "...?" The pinkette's eyes locked onto her firmly at this point, something in her mind was...scratching at her, she had an odd feeling that she should know her but from where? "...what?" It didn't stop her from healing mind you, but she still couldn't ignore this feeling.

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Alriana wasn't sure if it was the hit her sister, or the voice coming back and making a resurgence, but there was definitely an increase in her sister's aggression. Once the battle was over, and everything wrapped up, they needed to talk about that. For now, though, the wyverns were the immediate priority.

Aly to 25, 16 wing shuriken wyvern 11.

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A familiar voice came out, it was... much more clear than everything else. It was... Renais. She was healing her? The pain started to wear off, her vision got... a little better. She weakly turned to Renais and gave a smile. But started to shift herself between the pinkette and Lucille.

"I gotta... keep you safe, okay?" The exhaustion in her voice was clear, but she was still trying to fight. "Just stay behind me..."

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"It's her, that signature flared up for just a moment. I'll help the others here too." Since Tio was ticked off enough to engage the reinforcements, Elisa figured she could deter some of them from approaching the Tigers. That blast of magic had definitely been Lucille, who clearly had been severely weakened, now likely provoked by some of the group to attack with all of the strength she could manage. Moving up to do what she was thinking of would also put her closer to defusing the situation down there if necessary.

Elisa moves to 18-15 and drops a warning shot Meteor in front of Archers 5 and 6.

That blast of wind was so strong, Natalya could feel it even from not being that close to Miria, who'd taken the attack head-on and was miraculously still on her feet, if barely. Her ears twitched as she looked back toward the other side, the Evokers clearly joining in to stop them from being harassed any further, and with no assistance left, even if the Princess could muster the power to strike that powerfully again, she couldn't take all of the Tigers on alone. "Let's wrap this up, the faster we're done, the better."

Tasha moves to 15-7.

Bodies. A lot of them. This had to be the right direction, and the flashes of magic in the horizon only further proved it. The Evokers must be here, too. That was the same thing I saw in Liste. Whoever had gone through here toward the battle the lightly armored man was also headed towards had done so with incredible strength, making it look like the mercenaries strewn about had had no chance whatsoever. If it's him, I'm already too late. I don't think I can beat him, but he can't beat the Evokers either. Something will have to give there... but my presence isn't needed. Not now.

He quietly approached the treeline from where he could better see what was going on. There was no straight path down there from this overlook, and if his sight wasn't failing him, that was the supposed thief on her pegasus, only barely hanging on. Then, a rapid clatter of hooves from behind, still some ways away. Reinforcements? A quick turn and approach back to the road, and thankfully, what he saw were indeed reinforcements... For him. Celine Altair. Couldn't have asked for a better excuse. He stepped out of hiding to call out to the approaching duo. "Lady Celine! Can I be of assistance?"

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Jesse engages Wyvern 10 using Mana Shoot! 

[24, 58] 

The spear pieces the Wyvern with ease for 25 damage! 

Jesse gains 10 EXP, and +1 Spear EXP! 

Renais mends Miria! 

Renais heals Miria for 28 HP! 

Renais gains 24 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! 

Renais reaches level 8! 

42  7  7  40  57  21  94  74

+Str, Mag, Skl, Lck!

Lani follows up on Wyvern 10 with the C H A I N  G R E A T S W O R D 

[83, 3]

(Damn Lani really likes this greatsword) 

The resulting attack sent both Wyvern and rider slamming into the mountain, and falling to the world below... Critical! 45 damage! Wyvern 10 felled! 

Lani gains 30 EXP, and +2 sword EXP! 

Aly engages Wyvern 11 with the Wing Shuriken! 

[62, 97], [90, 5]

Aly's first dagger was a simple clean hit, but the second was well placed into the neck of the winged beast, and the rider had no time to react before he was upside down, and the Wyvern was falling to the ground below. Critical! The hits combine for 80 total damage! 

Aly gains 26 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP! 

Aly reaches level 9! 

65 100 48 84 35 30 100 75

+HP, Spd, Lck!

Versaris rushes to engage Lucille! 

Versaris cannot miss, nor crit, and Lucille cannot counter so no numbers will be rolled!

This had to end. Miria had just taken a blast of Lucille's magic, the stubborn princess managing to cling onto her last bits of consciousness and stamina. The Shiva family always was stubborn... For better or worse. He couldn't hesitate any longer and Cinaed had given him an avenue to put this to rest, finally. He rushed forward, sword sheathed, not thinking about it any longer. Lucille would fly off at this rate. "Pardon me, Cin...!" With a heft jump and a well placed foot, Sari sprang off of the dragon, right towards Lucille! "Enough!" His arm holding around her waist as he collided with her, he tackled the princess from her pegasus, taking her down with a hefty smack against the ground below. He took a moment to stand up and pull out his sword again, holding it at her stomach. "Stop. This fight has gone on long enough." And you're wearing down my good will, Princess.

The dragon's fists flustered Lucille enough that by the time that she's seen what the man from before was up to, she couldn't even find enough energy to cast him out of the sky. He grabbed her on his way by, and practically snatched her out of her saddle, and returned her back to the ground, almost exactly where'd she been punched by the dragon. He brought her down hard, her entire body screaming from her previous injuries, and now this. 

Lucille coughed as she desperately held onto consciousness. 'Stop. This fight has gone on long enough.' Lucille looked at the sword aimed for her stomach. Lucille looked at the sword at her hip, and slowly pulled herself back before trying to pull herself to her feet. It was the longest, and hardest thing she'd ever done. Stumbling her way, back to standing... Lucille's arm sparked.... before she slid back to knees. "...I... I... can't... m-move...." It took everything she had just to keep her eyes on his... and her other arm on the sword.

"Then stop moving." He sighed, heavily. Sword sheathed once more, he began to approach her, eyes focused on hers. "If you're going to strike, here's your last chance. It had better be fatal." He didn't stop, his gaze only narrowing. That sword was the crux of all of this nonsense... and why? Refusing to explain, leaving us all in the dark, getting us involved in all of this, our lives risked over something we don't understand, you nearly got Alriana killed, dammit! His feeling slipped out for a second, his narrow gaze turning into a scowl. "I fucking dare you."

"I... rgh..." Lucille shook her head... "I... I can't even..." Lucille called forth any magic, before she let out a sharp gasp. "Ugh..." The only thing she could do was grasp the sword tighter, as if that would be enough to keep it from him.

Versaris caught himself and took a deep breath... It was over, then. "That's what I thought." That sword wasn't staying in her grasp any longer, a hand snatching it from her with ease. He then bent over and hoisted the princess over his shoulder, sighing. "I told you we could've talked about this. At least your selfish decision didn't get Vidar and his men killed--" Glancing back over towards where Vidar had been, he was gone... Sari quickly glanced about the area, but... That's concerning. Well. One thing at a time.

His grip on the Escaflowne tightened.

"N-no..." The sword ripped from her hands, and she tossed over his shoulder. Struggling was pointless at this point. She only half noticed that Vidar was missing; he had been defending her but, now he was gone. Just... focus... on staying... awake... The only thing she could do now was see what was waiting for her now. Those... signatures... but what is... that third... one...? It's... what... is it?

Lucille downed! 

Versaris gains 100 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP! 

Versaris reaches level 11! 

70 69 2 54 41 30 79 2

+Mag, Spd, Lck, Res!

Versaris acquires The Breeze Lightning Tome! 


Reward: ??????


Because Ren is the lower level of the two healers on the map, Ren is chosen for after action healing! 

Ren heals Aegean for 1 HP! 

Ren heals Alvira for 13 HP! 

Ren heals Renais for 6 HP!

Ren heals Lani for 2 HP! 

Ren heals Aly for 1 HP! 

Ren heals Nyx for 3 HP!

Ren heals Jesse for 13 HP! 

Ren gains 57 EXP, and +14 Staff EXP! 

Ren reaches level 7! 

35  23  4  29  94  59  5  86 

+HP, Mag, Def! 

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Alvira's whole body felt stiff. Fighting without her fire had proven possible, but taxing... She couldn't rest yet, though. "Ren, make sure that Iris is alright." Still wounded, parts of her still bleeding, Alvira turned and started again to that feeling that was pulling her. It had to be the sword, if their red headed thief actually had it. Nothing else made sense to be magically pulling her towards their target... but if it is, then why? Is it because I've had contact with the Gods? Is the sword directly related? It's not just some crusty museum relic? Terrifying... But these are all assumptions. I need to see the damn thing. Her pace quickened despite her exhaustion, breaking out into a run.

Iris, the threat having disappeared, collapsed, taking a deep breath. "Hahhhh... They're all gone." She glanced over at Aly, smiling. "We did it, sister! Sent them packing~ Heheh... Mmmmm... I, uhm... Imagine you wanna talk about stuff?" Hopefully Aly wasn't too upset. I didn't listen this time because I wanted to... I just... I had to. So it wasn't because of that voice. It wasn't.

"Er, r-right, miss dragon... I didn't catch your name, you must've been paying close attention when I showed up before..." Ren sighed a bit. After this, they would make sure to learn the names of everyone in the Tigers' force. "Hold still now, Iris, was it? I'm going to make sure you're alright... Jesse!" Ren called over towards their mounted ally, glad that she seemed alright. "I've got things taken care of here, can you head back towards miss Natalya and make sure no one else needs serious attention?"

Siorel flopped right onto her butt, taking some deep breaths, finally falling onto her back] "Hhhahhhhh... Wh-What a battle... I need a warm bath, and a massage." Her legs were throbbing, it had been a long, long time since she'd danced this seriously... "Mmmnnn... Cinaaaeeeed," she whined, aimlessly, not even sure how close he was, "come carry me..."

Versaris wasn't going to wait around for people to get comfortable. "Renais," he called out to her, "start checking on the wounded, and make sure someone's with you while you're doing it. I don't want anyone unarmed to be alone right now. Aegean." He approached the somewhat dazed woman, making sure she was paying attention. "Carry her." Rather unceremoniously, he dumped the barely conscious princess into Gean's arms, stretching his shoulders out some. "I don't know what's unresolved between the two of you, but it can wait until we're safe. Someone moved Vidar while we were fighting; this isn't over yet, she has allies hidden."

He then turned to Natalya, sword raised slightly. "This is what the whole mess was about. One famous relic... We'll get the details sorted out once Lucille wakes up. We'll want to be careful, though. After some rest, she'll be back to her proper self. What we fought today was a pale shadow of her true power, so... Keep her bound or keep her with the Evokers. I don't want anyone else getting as hurt as Miria did." He gave their armored girl a glance, wincing. She looked like she was about to fall over any second now... "As well, there's still others afoot. The man I took down that was guarding Lucille, Vidar, he'd passed out over there, but... He's gone now. He was far too wounded to move himself with a few minutes of rest, so someone must have. Keep alert... I'll hold onto the Escaflowne until--"

"Versaris!" Alvira was making a beeline for him, reaching out to grab the sword!

"Wh-- Alvira!?" He dodged, easily, holding the sword away from her! "Wh-What are you doing!?"

"Let me see the sword! I have to hold it!" The dragon caught herself before collapsing, turning and trying to wrestle him for it, a claw getting grabbed and held back, the other free to reach for it...

"Wh, stop! What the fuck are you doing!?" He hadn't expected this! She wasn't turning on them, it didn't feel like, else she'd have reached into her magic and attacked him for it, but she was certainly being weird! "Why do you need the sword!? Stop it already-- Natalya! Help me!"

"My my, what a mess..." Mikoto and the Evokers were finally catching up to the group, the fox resting near Renais, glancing over at her... "Oh! You're hurt... Tiooooo~! Renais is wounded... I'd help, but you're right here, so... Please fix her up, if you would."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Nyx winced watching the priest’s fingers fly off, and waved a quick little apology his way. From there, though… she had two ladies beside her she needed to keep an eye on.

First, was Gean. Nyx didn’t know much about her relationship with the redhead that nearly blew the hell out of Miria, but she did know that Gean wanted to be close to her. So, Nyx gave her daughter a side hug. “Oi, Gean. If y’need me… ye can always come talk t’me. Mum’s got ye, aight?”

From there… it was the other one. Nyx instead grabbed her hand, and looked into Syndra’s eyes. “Listen, Syn… we gotta talk. M’done gettin’ upset wit ye o’er hidin’ shit from me.”

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