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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Laniva brought the blade down on the mage hard; perhaps harder than she'd intended to. Perhaps. She blinked slightly as the armored swordsman not far from the mage just... gave up. Probably for the best, though, all things told. 

There was a nasty looking pikeman - the pike, not the man - approaching; it seemed probably in the best interest of her health to not repeatedly take blows from wepaons specifically meant to injure her as much as possible.

Laniva holds.

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It seemed as though everyone was fine, for the moment... The Tigers' cleric had taken care of that woman's wounds, so Ren took a deep breath and waited for things to proceed a bit more. The terrain was getting a bit too tight to squeeze all of them through at once, anyway.

Ren idles.

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While the rest of the group kept pushing forward, Natalya's keen senses allowed her to both see and hear that they were about to be flanked. "Heads up, everyone, we've got incoming from behind! Spare a couple to keep the rear defended while the others keep pushing!" With that in mind, she took a center position toward the back, to either pivot if needed or head up the rear defense.

Tasha moves to 6-18 and waits.

"Try not to make a mess of them, is the best we could ask for, probably... Whatever keeps this front free from reinforcements encroaching on the Tigers." Elisa, as usual, was taking things a bit less seriously than her wife... mercenaries of this caliber would be easy to dispatch without going all out, and that would be for the best in limiting their involvement. Her magic tended to be far more destructive than Tio's, after all.

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Cin says it time to grill! Now with ELfire! (-2 HP)

[38, 94]

Lance Armor 1 is looking real toasty... but he counters!

[22, 96]

The Javelin strikes true, and Cin takes 15 damage!

"Apply more Fire" (-2 HP) 

[29, 71] 

The combat ends with a very, very toasty Armor Knight!

Cin gains 10 EXP!

Iris pops into existence and attacks Priest 1!

[18, 9], [78, 15] 

Two orbs of darkness later, and Priest 1 is barely holding on!

Iris gains 16 EXP, and +2 Dark EXP!

...but not for long as Aly engages!

[95, 62] 

The Knife strikes true! Cleric 1 has been warcrimed!* (Author's note: Civilians are not required to follow the Geneva Convention. This was probably a design flaw.)

Aly gains 38 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP!

Aly reaches level 7!

22  41  37  26  11  35  48  56

+HP, Str, Skl, Speed, Def

Renais heals Syndra!

Uses the Heal Staff for 14 HP healed!

Renais gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP

Siorel taps her way into Miria's heart!

32 (Success!)

Siorel's dance boosts Miria's defense!

Miria gains +3 Defense for the turn, and Siorel gains 15 EXP!

Nyx with the more pew-pew, less q-q!

[64, 79]

The arrow finds its mark, and Lance Armor 1 finds the ground! Lance Armor 1 felled!

Nyx gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!


"Let's get in there, ladies and gents!" Zeit shouted before dashing away from his position, they'd have to take the fight to the target, and to the new arrivals. 

Zeit is now mobile!

Soldier 1 looks back at Archer 1, and nods, as he rushes off to engage Jesse!

[34, 19] 

The monster pike digs in, and deals 10 damage!

Jesse returns a strike of her own!

[95, 74]

It almost missed, but Jesse corrected in time for 10 damage!

Jesse gains 10 EXP, and +1 Lance EXP!

Archer 1 nods, and follows after Soldier 1, only appearing from behind the lanceman once in range...

[2, 80] 

Archer 1's arrow knocks Jesse off of her horse, and into unconscious! Jesse is downed! 

The men behind the pair cheer, as they move in close, filling space as if they were waiting for something...

Other enemies move into position!

Soldier 3 attacks Vidar! 

[35, 15]

His Lance connects, and Vidar's rhythm has been thrown off! Perfectionist fades!

Vidar counters! 

[65, 82], [38, 10

Vidar strikes, and then with a sparkle of his sword, cuts through the man's spear, and finishes him off! Critical! Strikes combine for 44 damage!

Merc 3 looks at both Vidar, and Merchant Guard 1, and tries his luck against Vidar!

[29, 73]

His blade impacts the merchant's son, but Vidar hasn't gone down!

Vidar counters!

[24, 47], [65, 60] 

Two swift swings, and the Merc falls for his attempt! 


"Princess, I don't think we can hang around here anymore. Urgh..." Those two fighters from earlier nearly got the better of him, but his weapons and purpose were superior. "I know you're worried about your mount, but you're going to have to get on, and we're going to have to get out of here! Damned drakes are closing in from everywhere!" They were down two men, and crutching on an injured woman; things were not looking the best. He touched for his earring before remembering that he had lost it in the earlier skirmish. 

"I... know, but..." She watched as more men arrived, if she wasn't like this escaping from his would be simple, but leaving Vidar and his men after what they'd sacrificed so far... it was the last resort, and they weren't out of options yet. "Ugh! Fine, push forward! That's... all we can do right now! Villkiss!" A small, white winged horse appeared from behind the house that they'd been defending, a slightly limp to her movements, and some bandages across her wings. "Okay, stay close... to me, Villkiss. I'm... not until we absolutely have to. I'll keep you safe, just... stay close, we've gotta go!"

"Protect her as best you all can! Princess, if you can help us out a little!" Vidar shouted. 

"I'll... do my best!"

Lucille is now Mobile, but her movement is cut in half!

Priest 5 moves after Vidar to heal his wounds to full! The remaining guards take up retreating defensive positions around Lucille and Vidar!


Enemy reinforcements have arrived!

Map 4 T4.png

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Miria held firm, ready to take a hit or two, but it seemed it wouldn't go that way. The other armored individual was hit once, twice, and she was down. Miria was agape, but she couldn't show it.

"I'll keep the lead! Someone help Greenie!" She didn't know the girl's name, but at least she could say something for her. She switched swords. Fire was a thing she was do, time to see how Wind worked for her. "Come get some!" She called out as she channelled what power she could!

Miria to 13, 17, Wind Swords Fighter 7!

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"Huh!?" Iris called back in surprise at Aly, very confused. "It just told me I was doing good! Shouldn't I keep doing it then? You're not making any sense!" Aly was being weird, wasn't praise a positive? Besides, she was doing well.

Iris to 12,18, BLAST fighter 6!

"Die! Get out of our way!" Iris almost smiled, focusing her eyes on his head, gripping it with the spell in her mind...!

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"'Doing good!?'" Now she was really confused, Iris was actually speaking with something? "Just because something praises you doesn't mean that it's good! Listen to me!" She watched as her sister dashed off, undoubtedly eager to do more 'good' by the voice only she could hear. And a good job she did, killing the target of spells without hesitation. She'd noticed it before but Iris seemed almost eager to kill, no matter who their enemies were. It was worrying, but only because Versaris had told her how dangerous such thinking was. "What did it even tell you to do?" Of course, this conversation wasn't meant for the middle of a fight, Alriana's attention focusing onto one of the upcoming axemen long enough to throw her daggers into his vitals.

12,16 Iron Dagger fighter 3.


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"Told me to do it 'just like that'! So I'm gonna!" Iris didn't know why Aly was trying to stop her... These were their enemies! They'd been attacked! They had to die!

Versaris moves to 4,18

"Whoa, hey... Any chance we can talk about this, friends?" One of them we wielding a pure weapon, because of course he was, making Versaris narrow his eyes. What self respecting group of Clouded would work with others carrying around pure weapons? This whole fight reeks of plans from higher powers. I don't like this at all.


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The enemies had a success in their offensive, taking down one of the knightly people that allied with them. Added to that, more were coming from the other side of the road, it was easy to hear the footsteps, They were loud to Üllr.

"Hrr..." The others were quick to deal with the closest foes,  Üllr advanced, though still not in close enough range to handle the others...

Üllr to 11-17.

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Someone on their side had gone down. "Don't like that..." Siorel grimaced, but they had competent healers, they would attend to her. "Hey there, lover dog!"

Siorel to 11,18, STR dance Ullr!

"Go get those guys so your lovely lizard stays safe, yeah?"

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"Eh...?" Siorel had tailed behind him, calling for his name. He mentioned a lovely lizard... was she talking about Iris? They'd barely talked since the city, so it was suprising to hear her concerns. "Hm. Yeah, I will." Iris didn't like it when he darted ahead of the others, but he wanted to avoid more hurt, Üllr was going to stick to what he knew best and strike first.

Üllr to 13-15, attack Shaman 1 with chakrams.

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Cin attacks the offending Soldier with Fire!

[60, 74] 

Cin gains 10 EXP!

Cin reaches level 7!

46	21	19	92	15	2	6	6

+HP, Str, Mag, Speed, Luck, Def, Res!

The Fireball knocks the man back from Jesse, lining him up for... Nyx who opens fire!

[84, 50] 

Nyx notches yet another kill! Soldier 1 felled! 

Nyx gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Miria throws blades of wind at Fighter 7!

[84, 79], [3, 17]

The Fighter is blown away! Fighter 7 felled!

Miria gains +5 Sword EXP, and 30 EXP!

Iris attacks Fighter 6 with scary fervor...

[69, 59], [36, 6

Iris attacks, and obliterates Fighter 6 with nary a thought! Critical! Strikes combine for 60 total damage! Fighter 6 felled!

Iris gains 34 EXP, and +3 Dark EXP!

Iris reaches Level 6!

88	41	24	26	43	97	68	78

+Str, Mag, Skl, Spd!

Aly engages fighter 3, but is more focused on Iris!

[57, 85], [8, 75] 

Half paying attention, but not leaving the job half done! Both knives connect for exact damage! Fighter 3 felled! 

Aly gains 26 EXP, and +3 Hidden

Siorel shimmies that tail for Ullr!

(95) (Success)

Siorel grants a +3 str boost to Ullr, as well as another turn!

Siorel gains 15 EXP!

(Maybe I should have not let these brave...)

Ullr attacks Shaman 1 with the Chakrams!

[87, 35], [50, 97] 

Shaman 1 crumbles to the ground under the ruthless assault! Shaman 1 felled! 

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling


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She grimaced a little as the arrow separated rider and horse; there was a cheer from the enemy, and she felt a small want rising to cut their enemies' celebrations short.

Laniva to (11, 15), Iron Greatsword Archer 1.

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Gean to 10-16 and follows up on Archer 1. (Revenge!!!!)

Things went by in slow motion for Jesse. In an attempt to keep up with her new armored friend, she managed to misjudge her approach. All she saw next was Charlon's panicked bucking from above as a piercing pain shot across her shoulder. Great first impression girl...

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Alvira was too focused on the sudden wave of people behind them to charge into the enemies ahead, at least right away. She was still ready to kill them, she would just have to wait a moment, but she was going to stay close to the front. It seemed like the elf had put himself in the way of things, so hopefully he'd finally be useful for more than his knowledge.

Alvira to 12,17

"Jesse!" Ren called out to their friend and then sighed, grumbling at the distance the horse rider had put between them. "If you're gonna get knocked out, at least do it where I can help...!"

Ren to 8,17

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Archer 1 forgot that there was an enemy force when he started cheering... Lani will remind him.

[25, 30]

Lani bonks Archer 1, and Archer 1 realizes that his backup has largely vanished. 

Lani gains 10 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

She is the storm that is approaching. Provoking. Aegean approaches Archer 1!

[36, 3]

This man has been launched over the mountains. Critical. 81 Damage. 

Aegean gains 30 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP!

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"Bold position you're taking, Versaris. Not so sure we can talk things out here, so let's make sure we keep the back clear, yeah?" Something that packed a bit more punch would do better against the armored foes trundling toward them, and what it lost in accuracy and range, her twin revolver made up for in power.

Tasha stays put and equips her .45 Double Revolver.

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Renais heals Cin using Mend and Staff Technician! 

Renais heals Cin for 14 HP!

Renais gains 17 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Renais reaches level 7! 

3	2	49	62	69	84	51	98

+HP, Str, Mag!


Zeit grimaced as he saw his distant forces torn apart by the unknown opposing force. The Knights should have been behind; that's what their scouts, and Tristan's men had told him. Had they just taken too long? "Shit, change of plans! Get everyone! Push forward! I'll deal with the target, just focus on slowing them down!" He pointed to two of the cavaliers, "You two are with me. Let's move!"

Cavs 3 and 6 will move with Zeit at his movement speed(Five spaces) but will engage targets at maximum movement (Seven spaces) 

Elsewhere, the newly arrived forces enter the fray! 

Sword Armor 3 engages Versaris! 

[50, 27] 

The blade of wind is nowhere close to Versaris!

Lance Armor 3 looks at Versaris, shakes his head, and charges forward past Versaris! 

Monk 1 engages Versaris!

[55, 90]

But it, too, does nothing!

Soldier 4 engages Ullr!

[35, 14] Ullr takes 11 damage!

Ullr throws a Chakram!

[29, 88] Soldier 4 takes 13 damage!

Ullr gains 10 EXP, and +1 Brawling 

Archer 2 decides to double down!

[6, 30] Despite the odd shackling that he feels, Archer 2 strikes true for 10 damage!

Ullr returns the favor!

[65, 5]

Ullr chucks the Chakram as hard as he can, and Archer 2 is not getting back up from that. Or his bow. Or the other piece of him, but don't worry about it. Critical! 48 damage! Archer 2 felled!

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +2 Brawling!

Shaman 4 attacks Merchant Guard 2 with Elterra!

[61, 70] The ground attacks for 13 damage!

Merchant Guard is not deterred, and counters!

[52, 52] The Javelin hits for 16 damage!

Shaman finishes!

[98, 61] The Guard learned, and dodged the next attack! Miss! 

Wyvern 5 flies in close, and targets Merchant Guard 5!

[95, 1

The javelin is throw with a frightening level of menace, but Vidar was paying enough attention to pull the healer down to avoid the attack! Critical Miss!

Wyvern 6 flies in on Vidar with the Monster Pike drawn! 

[84, 29]

The attack flies wide! Miss!

Vidar counters!

[99, 41], [57, 36] Two swings for a total of thirty damage!


Merchant Guard 1 Javelins Wyvern 6 from distance!

[39, 29] The Javelin connects, and the Monster pike goes down! Wyvern 6 felled! 

Merchant Guard 2 javelins Shaman 4!

[83, 43] The Javelin connects again, and the Shaman goes down! Shaman 4 felled!

Lucille targets Wyvern 5!

Lucille cannot miss, nor crit, so numbers will not be rolled for her! 

Wyvern 5 counters! 

[32, 46] The javelin is close, but shot out of the sky before it can connect! Miss!

Wyvern 5 goes down! 

After Lucille finished off the Wyvern, she noticed that the ring on her finger was shimmering, more so than it had before. "What...? Resonance? With... with what? Is... is someone actually here? The magic wouldn't... react like this... unless...?"

Vidar engages Shaman 5! 

[76, 57] The Levin Sword strikes true for 18 damage!

Shaman tries to counter!

[11, 80] The point blank attack surprisingly connects for 11 damage!

Vidar counters! 

[62, 7] Vidar didn't appreciate the knock, so he returned it with prejudice! Critical! 54 damage! 

Merchant Guard 5 heals Vidar to full! 


Map 4 T5.png

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Post broke again, so update to the update!


Edit: Lance Armor 3 wouldn't be capable of gleaning the danger like that, so he would have attacked Versaris! Disregard Lance Armor 3's original action!

Lance Armor 3 swings!

Sari just steps aside.

Lance Armor 3 has 0 hit!

Sari just sighs.

[46, 13]

Lance Armor 3 is gone.

Sari gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!


Map 4 T5.png

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