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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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The group was making progress getting through the enemies in their path, but reinforcements had shown up to get in their way. Versaris had shown up, but it seemed as if the rabble that arrived wasn't a match for him. Syndra sensed that they were mostly fighting with magic, so Syndra decided to take a chance. She walked over towards them, channeling a spell and declared. "Hello there, I'm feeling generous right about now, so I'm going to offer the two of you one chance to surrender, if you don't..." Syndra said while staring at the monk standing right behind the armored man, "You can join him." She then snapped her fingers and sent an arctic blast at the monk.

Syndra moves to 5-16 and casts Blizzard at Monk 2!

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"Oh, thank goodness..." The Tigers' healer had attended to Jesse, with a much more powerful implement. That left Ren with some heavy peace of mind. "Alright... Excuse me!" One of the more odd monsters of their company was injured, Ren running over to them. "If you don't mind..."

Ren to 11,16, Heal Alriana

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"Rahhh! Listen to me! If only you can hear it than it isn't anything good!" Now truly wasn't the time for this, even with the temporary lull in combat. She didn't have the time to properly explain this to her sister; not without the rest of the Tigers hearing it anyway. They were her family, yes, but she didn't know how they would react to her admitting she constantly had thoughts of killing them floating around in the back of her mind whenever she was mildly inconvenienced by them; especially when tensions were already so high with the supposed thief being within reach.

"Ah... Thanks." She hadn't noticed the short and quiet healer approached her until she felt her healing magic patching up her minor wounds. The situation with Iris could wait a bit longer, preferably until privacy was an option. In the meanwhile, it was time to cull the herd as they approached...

Aly to 16,15 ensure Iron Dagger is equipped.


Edited by Ursali
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"We gotta motor if we're gonna make it anywhere... Hey there!"

Siorel to 12,14, STR dance Nyx

"Pick that guy off for us, wouldja?"

Versaris hadn't expected the lot of them to go for him, but he was happy to deal with at least one of them, especially the most troublesome one. He let the man stab wide, sliding in close and drawing his weapon with a grunt, the sword slicing through the man. With another hefty swing towards the ground, he shook the fresh blood off it, sheathing it just as quickly as it had been drawn. "With that dealt with..."

Versaris moves to 8,17

"Hey there, Cin! Enjoying the party? It's about to get a lot louder..."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Nyx grinned as she felt herself rejuvenated by that cute little number who’d gotten real clingy with the big lizard - well, one of ‘em, anyways. And at her request, she practically grinned.

”Aye aye.”

Nyx to (14,16) and fire away on the soldier.

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Alvira scoots to 16,16

"Come on you fucks! You started this! Can't even finish it!? One group of Clouded and Monsters too much for you bastards!?" Alvira shouted at the approaching mob of men, not bothering to hide her fury. You attack us right away and refuse to talk and you can't even back up your action. Fuck all of you! I'll freeze you down to your souls! A certain Goddess' intervention hadn't helped her stay cool, either...

"Whatever!" Alriana was being annoying. She wasn't making sense and she was really trying to drive it in... "Talk later! Kill now!"

Iris to 14,15

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Having to deal with the soldier and archer, Üllr finally sustained wounds to take notice again. The familiarity of throwing himself against weapons was a bit unpleasant... still, it was part of the job. He had to do his part to keep the others safe, in his mind. The salve didn't seem too complicated to apply either, thankfully, and in the moment he put the chakrams away, to relax his claws.

Üllr to 16-14, unequip chakrams for claws and vuln up.

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It appeared that the next wave was coming along, and a couple of mercs coming from behind them. Some were staying behind to take care of the pincer, and those going ahead seemed to be getting agitated. Luckily Rene had recovered their fallen knight. Gean was still surveying the battlefield when she noticed and odd glow. Looking down, her necklace, the same one she was given from her family, shimmered a brilliant blue. She felt that same tug as before, and grew more certain about who was on the other side of this mountain. "Shit" Gean cursed as she moved forward. They- she needed to move fast.

Gean to 13-15

Jesse opened her eyes to the color pink and a warm glow was moving over her body. Sitting up, she was conscious and next to who she could tell was the Tiger's healer. She pushed any negative motion down as her returning hearing told her that the fighting was still going on. "Thank ya'. I'll be ok, just gotta get back to Charlon." Her partner had seemed to calm down, but his ear were still perked in alarm. She gave him a few strokes. "Sorry for spooking you bud, it's fine now. We still got a job to do." She got back up but took some time to readjust, and summon her armor once more.

Jesse idles.

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Arctic Blast.

[14, 49] 

Monk 2 got hit, and froze. Yes. Monk 2 felled! 

Syndra gains 34 EXP, and +2 Anima!

Renais comes to Jesse's aid with the Mend Staff

Renais heals Jesse to full (20 HP), and brings the rider back to her feet!


Jesse loses 2 defense for this map, and the next!

Renais gains 20 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Ren heals Alriana!

Alriana is healed to full (6 HP)!

Ren gains 8 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Siorel keeps the tail moving!

(95) Success!

Siorel dances for Nyx increasing her strength for the turn!

Siorel gains 15 EXP!

Aye, aye for the pew-pew!

[5, 48]

The arrow pierces armor, and presumably, the soldier's heart. Soldier 4 felled! 

Nyx gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Nyx reaches level 6!

31	64	40	23	18	31	98	55

+HP, Skl, Spd!


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"Tch, three magic users and a pure weapon. Couldn't have asked for a worse group to try and deal with." At least Syndra saw her opportunity to take a good fight, and the Commander wasn't about to stop her. "I'm no good against magic, so I'll let you handle 'em! Gotta keep the group moving!" She may have been hiding things from the group, sure, but she was still putting herself at risk in combat as before to help the Tigers out. That was the Syndra that Natalya had been payrolling, after all... even if she did need a closer eye on her now.

Tasha moves to 10-17 and pulls her rifle back out.

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"This... I'm worried Sari. But that's for later. Not now." Cin pushed forward, fire starting to swirl around his hands again. Something just felt wrong about all of this, he just couldn't quite put a finger on what.

Cin to 13-16

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Tio looked over her shoulder to see that there had in fact been a pincer attack forming. The Tigers were certainly up to the task, and Versaris made quick work of one. The small force of Wyverns that had tried to enter the fray found themselves hovering at a distance; the earlier wyverns that had ignored their threat found themselves forced out of the sky. After four wyverns, and just as many spells, the riders pulled back, but didn't retreat completely. Tio clicked her tongue, "I don't like this. They're not retreating, but they don't look like they're prepared to talk... Devoted mercenaries, that's for sur-- huh?" Tio looked to her west to see two more riders arrive, both looking battered. "Elisa, do you see that?" Tio's eyesight wasn't good enough to see everything, but anyone could see what followed, as the riders all broke to the east, leaving them behind. "What?! Where are they go-- They're flying over the mountain. ...Shoot. We may not be able to remain as neutral as I would like! There's time at least, but..."

Reinforcements will appear from the North soon!


Velura looked to the west; their Wyvern partners should have already started arriving, and charging over the nearby mountain at the target. But a quick scan showed that wings were on the air in her direction. "Whaaat? What are they doing?! They're supposed to be attacking from--" 

"Commander! We may have an issue, Zeit's left his position, and nearly all of his men have charged forth!"

Velura looked confused for a moment, "What? I know he said that he'd get the target but all of his men?! What's going on down there?! ...Never mind. I'll go figure it out myself. You all!" Velura looked at the archer corp, "You remain here. If the target slips by us, you shoot them out of the sky, you got that? The rest of you, we advance! Oh, and if one of those blasted lizard flying apes shows up and asks where I am, tell him I'm doing their job and ask them why the fuck they're not following the plan!" Velura huffed and then charged off, following after her men.

The monk looks at Syndra and her threat as she froze his compatriot. "And you'll be fucked when the drakes get here you bitch. Too much is at stake and to be gained to listen to dreck like you! Cool spell and all, but you're even better at leaving people open!"

Monk 2 charges past Syndra and attacks Jesse!

[79, 46] Jesse is blasted by light magic for 13 damage!

Sword Armor 3 does the same, targeting Renais!

[35, 42] The attack clips the healer for 6 damage! 

Merc 6 sees the enemy approaching, and engages Miria!

[36, 2]

Merc 6 jumps high with his greatsword and deals a crushing blow to Miria knocking her back, but not taking her completely off of her feet! Critical! 33 damage!

Winded, Miria strikes back!

[80, 36], [86, 40] Combined for 20 damage!

Miria gains 10 EXP, and +4 Sword EXP!

Cav 7 engages Aly! 

[62, 19] The powerful lance drifts wide! Miss!

Aly takes advantage!

[97, 15]

Aly returns the favor for her walling partner, and knocks Cav 7 off of his horse with a throw of her knife! Critical! 33 damage! Cav 7 felled!

Aly gains 30 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP!

Cav 9 fills in the gap!

[21, 80]

With a swing of the Armorslayer, it cleaves right through Aly's armor leaving her near death, and at the mercy of darker thoughts...

Both Armor Purge, and Inner Beast activate!

Aly? counters!

[35, 80], [57, 7]

With a bestial growl, Aly assault Cav 9 with horrifying ferocity continuing to strike until neither horse nor rider breathed... Critical! Attacks combine for 68 damage!

Aly gains 30 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP!

Aly reaches level 8!

78	53	1	40	73	37	74	84

+Str, Mag, Skl! 

Wyvern 8 attacks Merchant Guard 5!

[70, 94] The lance goes wide! Miss!

Wyvern 7 also tries his luck!

[7, 30] His spear strikes true dealing 13 to the merchant guard!


Vidar attack Wyvern 8 with the Levin Sword!

[4, 95], [96, 8]

Vidar's blade sparks, one zap, and hen a flourish for the finish! Critical! Damage combines to be 56! Wvyern 8 is felled!

Merchant Guard 1 attacks Cleric 4!

[36, 83] The Javelin connects for 19!

Merchant Guard 2 also attacks Cleric 4!

[38, 19] The javelin connects, and takes Cleric 4 with it! Cleric 4 felled! 

Lucille attacks Wyvern 7!

Lucille cannot miss! 

Wyvern 7 counters!

[90, 8] Once again, the javelin is sniped out of the air! Miss!

Lucille finishes, and Wyvern 7 goes down! Wyvern 7 felled!


Aly is in Beast! She will attack the nearest (Enemy) target at 1 range!

Map 4 T6.png

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They not only ignored her offer, they just charged past and told Syndra about more reinforcements. "Idiots, don't just tell your enemy what your plans are!" Syndra was well intent on punishing them both for their arrogance, but the monk needed to pay more. She moved back towards the others, alerting her commander. "Commander, they're going to send more drakes after us soon!"  She then channeled her spell, planning to bury the other monk in ice.

Syndra moves to 7-18 and casts Blizzard at Monk 1!

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Map Update: Ullr was not placed in the correct position, so Merc 6 would have attacked him, and not Miria. This is amended below with updated map as well. 

Merc 6 attacks!

[19, 81] Greatsword bashes for 17!

Ullr counters with claws!

[40, 3

With a howl, Ullr's claws raze the man, and leave him breathless. Critical! 33 damage!

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +2 Brawling!

Aly attacks the nearest target!

Aly rushes fighter 8! 

[52, 58]

No fanfare. Just death. Critical! 78 damage! Fighter 8 deleted!

Aly gains 22 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP

Map 4 T6.png

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"Alriana!?" Their lizard was usually disgruntled in battle, sure, but this was different. "Hey! Hey!! Snap out of it!" This was wrong. Right after everything she said to Iris, too!? What's going on? Is it because she got too badly injured? Ugh!

Alvira to 17,12, ice soldier 5!

"Just die, you fuckers!"

"Ohhhh, goodness..." Ren scurried forwards towards one of the tougher looking members of the tigers. "Excuse me, miss! Please accept this! Protéger, aérer!"

Ren to 15,16, WIND barrier Laniva!

"That should help against some of those magical weapons... G-Good luck."

"Aly!?" Iris had expected some kind of backtalk, but Alriana suddenly flew into a massive rage and tore apart one of the enemy combatants... "You tell me not to listen to weird voices and then you do something like this?! Ohhhh!" Iris was annoyed.

Iris to 16,13!

"Right! Talk later... Hoof, what a mess this is turning out to be." Sari was more worried than he was letting out, but nothing could be done about it save for heading towards things.

Sari moves to 13,17

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And there went the ointment. Üllr was bleeding even more, managing to gut the mercenary in return with his claws before he could pull the claymore back. "Gah..." And more were approaching... this tactic was looking a bit hopeless...

Thankfully, a magical feeling started to numb the pains of his wounds. Catching that second wind and still full of adrenaline, Üllr grabbed his weapons once more. He needed to push on, for everyone's sake. "GRAAAAAH!"

Üllr to 17-11, attack fighter 5 with chakrams.

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Laniva looked to the side only to see the raging Alriana running off, and grimaced. She hefted her blade and made to chase her; there was no pulling her back at this point, but at least she could help her, if this was things were going to go.

She felt the magic beginning to cloak her, and nodded to the cleric in thanks. "Okay, here goes..."

Laniva to (18, 15).

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