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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"I can do this. Hold the magic back..." The last attack had almost broken free of him, leaving his arm cloaked in fire still, but it was only his arm. He could handle that. Turning, he saw the final group and a lone swordsman running towards them. He moved to back the man up, flames swirling around his arms as he did. "It's almost done. We just have to manage this last bit... And pray that Sari can get through to them." 

Cin to 18-9 and use a vuln

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Versaris ran towards the group with his sword sheathed, stopping a good ten feet from them and making no further aggressive motions. "Princess Lucille Shiva!" It was her after all... That red hair was unmistakable. "My name is Versaris Didarion, of the Didarion family branch of Lufirian Intelligence. I work directly under Jeremiah Noire and am currently acting as envoy to the Evokers Tiora Candialia and Elisa Candialia." He took a deep breath and straightened himself out. "My group is aware that you are in possession of the Escaflowne and wishes to discuss the future of the sword. We'd like to avoid combat with you if at all possible... We’ve just finished routing the mercenary groups that were chasing after you. I hope that can serve as a show of good will... But if you are unwilling to settle this peacefully."

Versaris didn't draw his sword, but his hand did rest idly on the pommel. "I will use every ounce of training that Jeremiah has drilled into me to make you come along and talk. Choose wisely." His steely gaze was fixed on the Princess, one she might have recognized. Versaris was angry, for sure, but he was a professional, and he would deal with this like one.

Vidar was not quite so controlled with his blade, noticing that someone was moving towards them. His weapon remained sheathed, however, so perhaps there was merit to letting this happen. To which, the conversation took a turn he hadn't expected; the man called to the princess by name, before offering his own, the names of two women he hadn't expected to hear today, and an ultimatum. 

"Do you know him?"

Lucille stiffened as she heard her name called, and not by a voice that she recognized. She pulled her coat over the shimmering blade, before taking a deep breath, and walking out into the open, before standing alongside Vidar. 

"I don't, but I know someone he mentioned." She looked at Versaris, "...What exactly would you be discussing? I have to say... that there is only one place that I can take the Escaflowne. If your offer isn't to help... me to escape, then I'm afraid... that there isn't much to say. Too much... is already at stake..." The gaze the man gave her was deathly serious... and familiar, all at the same time. It was a little proof to his words, but his current temperament gave her pause. "It's incredibly hard for me to trust... what you're saying, even if... you did take care of the other mercenaries; you're still also... mercenaries, and I... can't ascertain where the Evokers fall in all of this." That means they have to be those signatures on the other side of the mountain...

"If discussion leads to helping you escape, then so be it, but we're working with incomplete information, caught in-between all of it. My job is to see the Evokers to Lufiria through Islexia... You can be a part of that if you let us understand what's happening. So choose. Either be civil of your own will or I make you come with me." Lucille was powerful, but she looked like she was about to collapse. I can handle her as she is right now. The rest, they shouldn't be any problem. Sorry you all got caught up in this mess.

"Wh-what? Why... would the Evokers...?" Sending the Evokers as an envoy? That didn't make any sense. Lucille had heard of the pair, and had wanted a chance to meet them, but there were Glacian ambassadors to Lufiria, and she had been out of the area when they had come. "Be that... as it may. You're... going to have to remain in the dark. Forgive me... but telling you anything could put more people... in danger, and your... father might be the reason..." Lucille shook her head, with everything that had happened, a Didarion was not someone she could trust, even if the man supposedly knew Jeremiah. She returned his hard stare. "My... this mission is beyond that of what you're... saying. If... my assumptions are... correct, then that's all the more reason... for me to take the Escaflowne and flee.... Do... not, underestimate me. I've... made several promises... and I... intend to keep them." I... don't know if I can take an intelligence officer like this...

"I may be speaking above my understanding, but I think this situation is clear." Vidar brandishes the Levin Sword, placing it in front of Lucille. "I have my own reasons for assisting her, selfish, pragmatic as they might be. I can tell that I'm out of my league against you, but perhaps I'm just here to open the gate for the princess to fly through. Whether you're aligned with my father, Artorius or anyone else who wants that sword... You'll have to go through me, and I know the princess will pay you back in kind."

So Lucille wasn't going to comply... The comment about his father threw him off a little, raising an eyebrow. Hes a shady man, for sure, but what does he have to do with this situation? There was talk of allies, but the last person they'd be working with was Artorius."If we're aligned with anyone, it's Celine. We've members of the Amaryllis with us." That was the truth, as far as he knew it. He took a deep breath and drew his sword, taking up stance without any hesitation. "You're a good man, though you don't know what you're getting into. I won't kill you... but this isn't going to be pleasant."

Vidar did the same as Versaris took up his stance. "Celine, huh? I guess that's the best case scenario for failure, but..." Vidar pointed his sword at Versaris, "My mission is clear, and so is what I have to do now. I don't know all that's happening, but I do know how real the princess's passion is. That's enough to tell me that this fight will be worth it in the end. Vidar Emeria, if that matters to you. And I agree, this won't be pleasant if you underestimate us. Princess, please recover more of your strength. You'll need it..."

"Celine..." Lucille had heard that name, but trusting anyone affiliated with Hecatia in that way was far too great of a risk right now. "...I'll be fine. I have to be. I'll be right behind you."

"Suit yourself."

"I won't forget your name, Vidar. Versaris Didarion, as I mentioned previously. I'm afraid I'm not underestimating you in the least... If the Princess was well, I'd stand no chance. Right now?" His gaze narrowed towards Vidar, eyes full of focus. "I don't think I'll have to worry--!"

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The mercenaries were clearing, the Tigers had seemed to pull through despite the odds. There was only one left between them and their theif. Throwing caution out the window Jesse focused up and aimed for a second mana shot, energy coursing through her arm.

Jesse to 24-15. Attacks Velura with Mana shot.

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"Haah... hahh... what?" Zeit's words were confusing. Apparently Üllr did something wrong, in this wolf Clouded's eyes, but how was he to trust said words when Zeit's peers were swinging pure weapons at them. "I don't understand. What do you mean..." Üllr stopped talking, noticing Zeit seemed too out of it to respond. Dropping to his knees, Üllr lightly pressed a finger to his neck. Still breathing.

"Haah..." It was distressing nonetheless, taking Üllr out of his fight drive. "Who's this person? Are they bad for us... against us?" He felt worse hearing Iris' clear cry. Unfortunate, Alriana... seemed to lost control, and had taken quite the beating. "Hrr..." He breathed deep, he didn't want to be there right now, he needed some time... but this was still a battlefield.

Maybe walk around... he could surprise the humans still fighting if needed, and could use the break.

Üllr to 22-7, vuln his wounds some more.

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Siorel dances for Sari!

(2) Failure!

Siorel trips on her tail again, a sign of clear fatigue. Spd dance fails!

Siorel gains 10 EXP, and Sari can move again!

Ren rushes to Alriana's side, and begins healing!

Ren heals Aly for 13 HP! 

Ren gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Alvira engages Velura!

"Considering all the blood of my men, and everyone else on you all's hands; I think you'd better be quiet about your friends, girl. Supposed to be simple, and here you all are. Don't matter, I guess, just run you all through."

Blizzard is cast! (-2 HP)

[14, 64] Velura takes 15 damage!

Velura shakes off the attack, and counters with a spear toss!

[28, 14] (68)

The spear connects, throwing Alvira back for 21 damage! Mercurial Curse Activates!

Alvira drains the last bit of energy from within for one more cast! (-4 HP)

[62, 14] Velura takes another 15 damage!

Alvira gains 16 EXP!

Jesse enters the fray!

Mana Shoot activates!

Jesse attacks with the Verdant Lance!

[45, 1]

With a powerful strike, the Iron Shield commander is knocked to her knees!

"...Ha, so the knights... were here after all. Damn it... So close to making a change... Ah... Sir Tristan, I'm sorry about the future..." Velura slides into unconscious, leaving her Speedwing up for grabs! Velura felled! 

Jesse gains 81 EXP, and +2 Lance EXP!

Jesse reaches level 7!

37	5	12	39	78	9	53	71

+HP, Str, Skl, Lck!

Renais comes to mend Aly!

Renais heals Aly for all of her remaining HP! (21)

Renais gains 20 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Aly has awoken! 

(2) Aly's Magic has been decreased by 2 for two maps! 

Cin and Ullr both vuln for 10 hp! 

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The mercenaries were no more, and now Gean's true battle was beginning. Turning south it seemed that Versaris was already trying to negotiate. Gean knew she had to try, otherwise this mission would be pointless. The last 10 years of writing apologies in her journal would be pointless. With her necklace shimmering brightly, Gean began to ready herself to meet Luci, worry and determination full in her eyes.

Gean to 16-12.

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Having apparently gotten enough of firing arrows into mercenaries for a while, Nyx saw Gean run down south, shortly after Sari did. Something felt funky, so Nyx went with her - have to support the daughter, after all.

”M’right behind ye, kiddo.” Nyx whispered into Gean’s ear, keeping a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. Something told Nyx that Gean would need the support.

Nyx moves to (16,13).

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Thankfully, although it didn't look like things went completely smoothly, the other mercenaries had been dealt with. But now came the bigger problem of who they, and the Tigers, were actually after the whole time. This couldn't have been easy for Gean, considering everything she'd told before... the least Tasha could do was try and support her through the fight, seeing the mermaid dash into position just ahead of her. "You've got plenty of support, so eyes forward and mind focused on what you have to do, yeah?"

Natalya moves to 15-13.

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The spear ran through Alvira, not enough to take her down, but the pain was pounding throughout her body, another cast of blizzard almost toppling her over. At the end of the altercation, she was still standing, barely, spitting blood out towards the armored woman. "Maybe your precious, allies, would s-still be alive if they'd taken a single minute to talk, instead of blindly attacking us. Fucking, idiot... And using pure weapons!? You're all a disgrace!" Alvira spat again and felt her head spin, taking a deep breath and using her tail to stabilize herself. "Need... Need Renais... Oh, whoa... S-Stay standing, Alvira..."

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'Alriana' had dashed forward and tore into the first thing she collided with, cleaving her dagger through the unfortunate axeman that had been in her way. His wound resembled her own, a harsh and deep diagonal cut from shoulder to waist; though the wound she inflicted on him was much more instantaneously lethal and his death was assuredly swift. It felt like everything was in a heavy haze, her body moving with such ferocity from the simplest thoughts, if they were even hers. Another approached and she cut him down with sheer brute strength, cuts with her dagger enough to rend the unarmored fool's flesh. Another approached, mumbled some words she couldn't understand and didn't care to. She'd kill him, then the rest of them, until there was nothing left to kill.

Perhaps her wounds were catching up to her at last, or the exhaustion from all the fighting she'd been doing decided to hit now, but her body simply refused to move as the beginnings of the magic spell appeared below her. The pain didn't even register, the darkness clouding her vision just another obstacle to her objective. Even as the spell faded she stayed standing and it was only when her instinct told her to lunge at and kill the mage that her body finally gave out and she crumpled to the ground as unceremoniously as a puppet cut from its string.

Alriana blinked as she regained consciousness, everything a hazy blur. As the lizard blinked more her vision slowly came into focus, her sister's on-the-verge-of-tears visage taking up the majority of her sight. Her everything hurt, the wound, her muscles, everything. As though she'd just pushed herself too hard during exercise and pulled her entire body... "I, ris...?" Why was she so upset? Sad upset, not angry upset, they'd just been fighting not a minute ago. Her memory was hazy, a blur from baiting to cavalry to being on the ground; she'd taken down the cavalry, then another mercenary, then another, then blackness. "Why, are you sad...?"

Aly idles.

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"Alyyyyyyyhyhyhyyyy...!" Iris couldn't help herself, diving a hug onto the exhausted lizard, squeezing her tight... "I thought you were deeeaaad! I was gonna be all alone again!" She squeezed her harder, sobbing rather loudly and uncontrollably into her sister. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry for fighting with you! I won't argue with you again, I'm so sorry...! I'm sho shorry... hhhhnnn... I'll listen... I'll listen, please, don't leave me..."

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"HrgkK!" An uncomfortable grunt left the lizard as her sister wrapped her into a powerful bear hug, sobbing into her chest and refusing to let go. "Why would I, leave?" She didn't understand. "Why, would I be dead?" She'd clearly lost consciousness, long enough for Renais and the other healer to have made their way to the front to heal her... Did she lose, to this worthless riffraff of mercs? The thought was enough to get her blood boiling, her tail slamming into the ground. An unusually strong reaction, even given her temper. However, Iris' continued sobbing and clinging quickly took her focus off her indignant rage and back onto her sister. "Iris. It's fine, I'm alive..." She slowly returned her sister's hug, rubbing her back.

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"Y-You're fine?" Iris sniffled and looked up at Aly, her eyes red, her face covered with worry, but her sister was alive and talking, even if she still looked pretty bruised. "Okay... Okay. I'm, sorry. Sorry for arguing... I, I won't listen to the voice. I won't fight with you anymore... No more fighting with my sister..." Iris calmed down quickly as Aly came to proper consciousness, still breathing heavy, still mildly panicked, her tail wagging frantically, but. As long as her family was okay, she was okay. "Eheheh. Thanks, Aly... I love you." Iris slowly released her sister and sat up, wiping the tears out of her eyes. "Hee... I'm so glad... So glad you're okay. We should do something fun after this is over..."

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"...Should we go check on the boss? It's awful quiet over there now." 

One of the other archers shook his head. "Boss said to remain here until the wyverns got here, and they're almost here."


"No, 'buts'. You already got us in trouble last time O'Connell. Not dealing with the boss's wrath again."

The man sighed as heavy flapping approached. "There they are...

A Wyvern rider approached, flying a little odd, "Saddle up--where's Velura?"

One of the archers rose an eyebrow, "You're all late, and what's with the change in plan? Commander went ahead to assess the situation."

The rider shook his head, "Our entrance was cut off by three mages; damn strong ones too. Not to mention that we got some weird intel from our boys down south. We were supposed to get support from them, but one of our scouts hurried back, and found that all of them were annihilated."

"Huh, what? Weren't those supposed to be your best guys? What the hell happened?"

"Scout doesn't really know himself... all he got from one of the dying was something about this huge guy with an axe. And if that's what we got coming from the south, then we need to get a move on."

"...Point taken. Get back to your men, and we move out!"

All remaining enemy forces will now move! Reinforcements have arrived! 


Vidar smiled at Versaris. "You might not need to worry... but you've made one miscalculation. I am a man fighting for something well beyond his self, and I've already made a promise to a beautiful woman. Intelligence, like yourself. That promise is all I need to surpass my limits, and make you regret overestimating yourself!"

Vidar engages Versaris!

[85, 48] 

The bolt from the blue... is wide! Miss! 

Merchant Guard 2 also attempts to attack Versaris!

[93, 4] 

But his Javelin, too, is wide! Miss!

Lucille steps forward, "I'm sorry, but I have to keep... going. If that's... through you... then I'll apologize after the fight... is over."

Lucille attacks! 

[44, 67] 

Despite injury, and exhaustion, the spell was blindingly fast, and connects with Versaris for 5 damage! Perfection and Aplomb wears off! 


Map 4 T9.png

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"Tch...!" The princess was still shockingly fast, as out of sorts as she looked, but her magic wasn't as powerful as he'd expected. "Sorry to say, Princess, but you've lost your touch. Now you'll lose your guard..."

Versaris to 17,8...

"It was a fine attempt, Vidar, but like I told you. I'm not underestimating you one bit."

... And swings for Vidar! (attempting to knock him out)

"Hhhh..." Alvira slammed her foot against the ground, forcing herself to stay conscious. The healers were right there...

Alvira stumbles to 20,14

"R-Renais... Ren... H-Healing. Please..."

"Oh! Goodness... Y-You Tigers sure do get into a lot of trouble, don't you?"

Ren stays put and heals Alvira!

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Sari engages Vidar!

[75, 97] The strike deals 23, and nearly knocks Vidar to the ground! 

"I'm not... finished yet!" 

Vidar counters!

[18, 82] The last ditch effort... connects! Sari takes 9 damage! Far from Perfect activates! 

Sari finishes!

[37, 41] 

Even with Vidar's counter hit, Sari followed through, knocking the Levin Sword away, and Vidar backwards. "N-no... not yet... not... yet...! They're... coming...! I've... got to...!" But Vidar's body wouldn't move, exhaustion finally catching up with him. "Ah, haha... how do you... do it, princess? One hit, and I can't move... Damn it... damn it... sorry. Rgh... keep fighting! Keep the princess... safe! Ngh..." Versaris's attempt was successful... but not nearly as clean as he would have hoped. Vidar's hit had caused him to falter just enough... Vidar incapacitated... for now. 

Versaris gains 53 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Ren heals Alvira!

Ren heals Alvira for 13 HP!

Ren gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

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"Kh!" Whether it was some form of guilt, or Vidar was actually as good as his claims, Versaris was not in top form, taking a counter after his first strike. The man was down, at least, but there was no way Sari was facing down the rest of them alone. "I'll be happy to talk with you when this is all over, Vidar... Cinaed! Aegean! I need some help down here!" The princess was weak, but accurate, and the guard with her was anything but a pushover. Damn... Urgh, all those years of training and I'm still not enough, huh?

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Contact was made. Sari was already in the thick of it, but even he had trouble. It worried Renais, but she still kept calm. Losing herself again is the worst thing she could do at this point. With Alvira being taken care of by Ren, Renais turned to her. "I'll be back, I promise." She rushed as close as she could to Versaris and used her Mend from afar to keep him steady. 'I shouldn't worry but...I've got this terrible feeling in the back of my head now...'

Renais rushes to 18, 10 and Staff Tech Mends Versaris.

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Nyx had a feeling this was gonna be hella tricky to deal with, if they were trying to merely incapacitate these new problems. Maybe if she aimed for the legs, to just keep him from walking over, or to knock the staff out of that priest’s hand…? 

Yeah, that second one would do.

Nyx moves to (16,9) and Longbows the priest, but like. Not lethally.

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"Hhh..." Noticing the others were engaged in combat, Üllr became aware his position... wasn't ideal. He'd need to get around the houses...

Those living there had to be taking precautions with all that commotion around them, right?

Üllr to 20-6, visit.

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As Sari called for him, Cinaed moved forward, emotions conflicting in his heart. This was the moment Gean had been dreading and all he could do was support her as best he could. Flames wrapping up his arms, he moved towards the man in armor, a lick of flame lashing out and scorching the ground in front of the man as he did. "I would prefer to not fight you. I know that you have your goals and we have ours, but, there's been enough bloodshed and we want to help. So please. Surrender." He would attack if he needed and hopefully be able to just knock the man's weapon out of his hand. 

Cin to 16-7, elfire fist steel gauntlet guard only if he doesn't surrender


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