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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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The party turned towards the south and as Mikoto had said, there were two figures approaching. The smaller of the two held a gleaming sword in their hand, and the 2nd looked enormous, and not unlike Cinead; dark skinned, and well built, but at a distance, draconic features were not apparent. There was an equally large axe on the man's back. There was a small pause, and then the smaller of the newcomers picked up the pace. The taller man stopped moving, and then an aura of dark energy swirled around him. 

Tio looked to the sky, and realized that they had forgotten something extremely important. Lucille's pegasus was still flapping in the air above them. Anyone who could recognize the pegasus from that distance would know that something was wrong.

Tio cursed, "That's--" 

The man's hand was pointed... directly at her. No... it's not at me... Versaris... and the Escaflowne were right behind her. As soon as the spell finished forming in the man's hand, he then shouted loud enough for the valley to hear. 


Not another moment of hesitation. The man released the spell, in Tio and Versaris's direction. Tio scrambled to get her crystals out in front... when one of them shimmered. "Wh--" It was one of the crystals behind her. "Someone's here?!"

Celine tilted her head a moment before narrowing her eyes, "I... can't imagine that they would be sending someone off on their own in a scenario like this. Knights and mercenaries--as I'm sure you're aware--," Celine gestured to the bodies littering the road, "have been vanishing quite frequently, so I can't say I'm fond, nor trusting of your commander intuition. That said, I--"

Celine paused, and her eyes shot back to the battlefield in the distance, "...What the hell is that?" Celine focused a little more on it, and it definitely felt like dark magic, powerful dark magic. Celine clicked her tongue, "You said you may have spotted our thief ahead? Something's happening ahead, and I don't like it. Given what I just felt... I would be a fool to not accept your assistance in this, Sir Sead." Celine turned to Diya, "We have to go, now."

Without another word, Celine snapped Silica's reins, and had the horse charge towards the signature. Who could this possibly be?! 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"Ullr, now is not the time for--" Their guests were here, and within moments of their appearance, a spell was already being cast.

He had seconds to react, clutching the sword close to himself with one hand, the other grabbing Ullr and tossing him as far away from himself and Tio as possible--

Mikoto's eyes shot wide with fear, "Versaris, get away--!" Her voice was drowned out by the spell...

A dull thud crashed around him and Tio, the magic sending pain throughout his body before a wave of forced gravity sent him to the ground, clutching tightly to the sword as a pained gasp left him...

The fox dropped Miria. "Ghhhn!" Mikoto growled in fury, cursing her lack of tome options; she never equipped herself for more than self defense! However... "Elisa, protect Renais!" The fox shot like a dart towards Aegean and their sleeping beauty, once again shocked to see someone already there!? She couldn't stop herself, she was already in motion, and casting like this would have the same chance of hitting Gean that it would of hitting this silent assailant. All she could do was rush and lay a hand on Lucille, gritting her teeth at the gun that was now aimed directly at Gean.

Alvira was furious, but felt like she was about to pass out. She saw the fox move, saw her grab Lucille, and realized exactly what was going on-- Wait who was that!? "Gean! But I'm too... F-Fucking, tired, dammit...!" If she put herself out there, she'd just make herself a target...!

Siorel screamed and curled up, the sudden blast after all that too much to handle...!

Iris, Iris just watched in disbelief. The notelf was so strong, and he was down in one spell... That was dark magic, surely, but something that she couldn't possibly cast--

Her eyes shot to Aly, realizing just how bad things were about to get...

Edited by Nanami Touko
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The girl was comfy in the fox's arms. She would've been content stuck there for awhile, but what started was the blast. It was loud. She could sleep through a whole lot, but that? Her eyes were forced open, tinged with red. As she turned to see what had gone on, something much worse had happened.

She was falling. It was brief, but she was not ready for the impact with the dirt. There was a much audible gasp from the cub as she tried to get her brain into focus. She looked over from her position to see Sari had been taken down, from... whatever it was she missed. Her eyes widened again, "By god..."

It wasn't going to work, but Miria made an attempt to roll herself over and get off the ground, despite how futile it'd be until she was back to most her strength. Just trying to stand with how sore was wasn't going to work as she crumpled back to the ground.

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"Sorry about this." Those words were the only warning that Gean got before a golden haired man materialized behind her and a bullet thudded into her side. Kas grabbed the girl as she began to collapse, trying to grab the princess at the same time, only to have her snatched away by a multi-tailed fox, one whose power he could sense immediately. Damn... Right then. This is going to get messy. Hauling the clouded woman up, he smiled tersely at the fox. "Right then. She's not dead. Yet. I don't want to kill her. But I'm afraid I need to leave with the one you're holding. Trade?" It wouldn't work, he knew that much, but perhaps he could stall long enough to let Tanvir figure out something else.

Yana stood next to Tan, jaw clenched as she watched the situation unfold. She wasn't strong enough to get the sword right now, that much she knew. Nor could she move towards Kas without things falling apart. "Tan... Now what?"


Cin had been moving towards Siorel when everything happened. He had been planning on checking up on her, as tired as she had seemed, but when an attack came, he flung himself towards her, standing over her, flames flaring up his arms. "You're safe, I'll keep you safe..." Then a gunshot rang out. He turned to see Gean collapsed in a strange man's arm with a gun to her head. "No... NO!"

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Mikoto was lucky to get Lucille away from the exchange, but was none too pleased to see Gean held hostage like this. With swift motions, her spell book was out and Lucille was being wrapped in its energies, her eyes snapping rapidly between the gunner and the large man. "Not a chance, " she spat out towards Kas, turning her attention fully to who seemed to be in charge. Whatever he had to say, he was going to have to make it quick.

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Time seemed to slow down. Suddenly there was a incredibly large man who nearly knocked out Sari with his opening shot. Mikoto was now running over in Gean's direction and the only sound the Clouded could make out was "Wai-" before there was a bang and a sharp pain shooting through her side. Gean lost control of everything at that moment, including holding onto her friend. "No-" her next phrase was stopped by a cough of blood as her assailant now held her up as a hostage.

Jesse cursed again as two people her, one of them being the capable swordsman from earlier, were struck hard and fast. "Don't move!" Jesse held her arm at the sword woman who approached, she was wincing but she still had two shots left in her, and she would fire. Her fatigue made her wish the Evokers would be able to grasp control of the situation again, but she'd definitely help. Things were bad.

Edited by Bluemask 96
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The threat was called out, and well in Renais' sight after the fact. It only took one glance to have the pinkette instantly tense up. He was big, very big, and as everyone quickly learned he didn't just look like a warrior he also had the capabilities of a mage. One spell throttled the area around the poor girl, and while it didn't impact her directly, it did enough to make her stagger back and turn her head from the destruction. She had never seen anything on this scale, it was almost enough to make her want to flee if she didn't have powerful friends and allies by her side. Sadly, that was also her weakness as she would soon discover.

Renais lifted her head once she had recovered, and her eyes shot wide open at a rather dreadful sight before her. Mikoto, and a newcomer, in a standoff. Each person had a hostage in their arms, and both of them sent all sorts of bad vibes to the poor pinkette's mind. Gean was in the man's arms, and had an injury on top of that. While Mikoto had the princess. While Renais wasn't sure why she didn't like that move beyond it being morally questionable, she was far more concerned with Gean's position more than her head scratching issue. More so considering her wound. "A-aaah...Gean..."

She beat back those terrible images of the flaming ship and injured people as best as she could to keep composed. Gean needed her now. That said, it still deeply impacted the cleric. When she reached for her healing staff as sneakily as she could, she realized her hand was shaking. Ngh...I can't...not now...please settle down...' The feeling of powerlessness was slowly weighing at Renais, she wanted to help but was afraid of what might happen. She struggled to get herself to move, and just stood in place only to fight back the urge to cry and scream.

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As soon as the pair came into view Alriana was immediately on alert; there was no mistaking the hulking man that had entered her view, nor the axe on his back. He was, without a doubt, the man from the fortune she'd received in Eibar. Immediately and without hesitation one of her daggers was drawn from its sheath, clutched tight in her hands. Enemy. He must be an enemy... Her whole body tensed, prepared to break into a charge and attack the second she had any sort of confirmation that she was right. Then he stopped, pointed, and for a split second even she saw the dark magic emanating from him.

That was enough for her, the entirety of her stored momentum unleased the moment his spell landed in the group of Tigers. He hurt the Tigers. He's an enemy. Kill... She didn't even try to brush off the 'voice', in full agreement with it. Until out of the corner of her eye she saw the target of the blast, or in the very least the one who had taken the hit. Time seemed to slow as Versaris fell to the ground, the lizard suddenly frozen in her tracks. Bloodthirst and concern battled for control of her actions and, with a glare filled with fury and hate at the hulking man, concern for the not-elf won out. With the same force that she’d propelled herself towards the enemy she dashed to Versaris' side, arms reaching around his torso and pulling him onto her lap.

Edited by Ursali
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Everything seemed to be going ass up all at once, but most of the incidentals had nothing on what Nyx was focused on right now - her fucking daughter, getting snatched up by some stranger. It brought back bad memories - of trying to save people that night, everything going to pot, the blood, so much blood…

“Gean! Syn, get th’fuck off me, I gotta save m’daughter…” Nyx tried to wriggle free of Syndra’s grip, but then realized - she was absolutely going to do something stupid if she got free. And Syndra knew it, so she was holding on for dear life. A physical specimen, she was not, so Nyx would’ve had no issue shaking her… but… she knew better, in this case. “Dammit! Dammit, this sucks…”

Farther back, the clanking of armour sounded out around the mountain pass, even if nobody could really hear it. Slowly, but surely, the heavily armoured sheep made her way over to the Tigers, panting by the end of it. Sophia looked to Ren and Jesse, and gave them her best pouty, grumpy face, even if it looked more cute than cross.

”You guyyyyyyyyyyyyyys, you can’t just run off like thaaaaaaaaat. I gotta protect you, for Cece…” She whined, before looking over at the current situation - and that one of the Tigers had Escaflowne in hand. But there were others - who looked really strong - lurking too. “Ohhhhhhhh, dear… This looks bad.” Sophia put a finger to her chin, trying to think of if this was a time to throw her weight around as an Amaryllis knight…

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After the explosion, there was a shot. It made Miria flinch as she turned to see where it came from. It inspired Miria to try getting up again when she saw Gean held a gunpoint, but it went as poorly as expected. She got to her knees, and immediately crumpled again. "Please...! Body, m-move..." No matter her pleas, she wasn’t getting up easy.

A-aaah... Gean... 

Miria heard the familiar meek voice, she forced herself to her side. She realized right away it was Renais in a panic. She tried to do something, even in her state,

"Renais." Her voice was weak, but she made an attempt. "I know you're scared, but we can make it through this without losing Gean, okay?" Her smile was small, but it was still as soft as normal.

"Do you think you could reach Gean with your healing?" Not that healing her would help her free herself, but at least she wouldn't be in pain from that gunshot anymore. "Or..." She had to think, "Maybe even Sari for that matter?"

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Things were not going well. While they weren't in the path of the blast of dark magic, it seemed to have nearly taken out Versaris. Plus there was the other more pressing matter of the man who not only shot, but was now holding Aegean in his arms. Syndra expected Nyxied to freak out, but oddly enough, she had expected her to just break free from the pinning position Syndra had her in. Syndra wasn't built in a physical sense, and both of them were aware of that, Nyxied could easily power out if she wanted to... but she was showing some level of restraint even with her surrogate daughter in peril. Syndra wanted to still reassure her friend it would be okay. "Just stay calm Nyxied, there's no way the Evokers or Mikoto are going to let them do anything else to Aegean. Besides, if they could handle Versaris like they did the two of us rushing in aren't going to fare any better. Please, now's the time we have to trust in our allies..."

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"Aly no--!" Iris cut herself off as she realized where her sister was going, breathing a heavy sigh of relief. Iris was still panicked, but at least she didn't have to worry about Alriana for now. She glanced at Ullr on the ground, seeming no worse for wear, at least, and slowly began to slink over to him.

Siorel said nothing as Cinaed came over, just latching herself onto him and shaking. This was a lot more fear that one might've expected, especially from someone not directly involved... Clearly something had happened.

Suddenly, Sari was moving, groggy eyes trying to place who was-- hands came into view and answered his question quickly, coughing as he tried to speak up. "Don't... Don't try to... to fight... them..."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Huh? Gah--" Before he could properly react, Üllr was grabbed and tossed by Versaris, who fell right after a magic thud seemed to almost crush him. Üllr winced, falling on the floor. "You..." He struggled to process, but first instinct made him feel immediate guilt. Versaris was like this because of his misstep. "Hng..." Lifting himself quickly, yet another deafening sound swarmed his senses. Gunshot, and Gean was not being held hostage. "Ah..!" Üllr grit his teeth, too frustrated at his mistake to risk another one, he glared. "Let her go."

But what could he do? Right now, he felt like a hindrance, and right as his thoughts were all over the place, Versaris was stirring. "Ah!" Üllr found his bearing at that, coming to Saris' side to help him steady.

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Laniva grit her teeth; she was too far, too slow, too helpless to do anything in this situation. A blade's edge, an arrow's sting; she could guard against these threats without concern, but skullduggery of this caliber was the opposite of her forte. The enemy had already gotten between her and the rest of the Tigers; staying on guard in the aftermath of the battle had served to do little from distance her from the action, and she began to make her way towards the sudden hostage situation. 

The rest of the Tigers were split between rushing towards the situation impulsively and standing by to think through the situation; she threw her lot in with the former group, moving to try to surround their two new foes, for what little good that might do.

We were supposed to be escorts... if people this strong can so easily do this, then what are we even doing...?1

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"Lani!" Syta ran onto the scene just a moment after Sophie did, rushing over to the cat and checking on her. "You're not too hurt, are you!? Sorry we're late... Oh." A glance around told her what she needed to know. The scene was beyond tense. What a time to stuff myself into things... With a hefty gulp, she took stop of who Mikoto was holding, her face going pale. Oh, no...

Meanwhile, a perhaps familiar voice to Tanvir, suddenly spoke up from behind him, though there was no body visible. "Yo, Tanvir... The fuck's going on? Didn't think the next time I saw you would be you facing down my clients. They cause a problem? Been a while since I've seen a hostage situation like this..." Marigold didn't seem phased by the man; he'd threatened being able to kill her prior, but if he actually could, she didn't see that as a bad thing. "You wanna talk this out like civilized folk before blood starts getting spilled...?"

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The plan went perfectly, just as it had every single time before this, but the situation was different this time. Instead of scattering, one of the mercenaries beelined for Lucille, and appeared to have clear intent on killing her if it suited them. Not only that several of them surrounded the man who had been holding what looked to be the Escaflowne, and force Yana to hold her position. These mercs were quite a bit better about things than the companies that they'd cleaved through to get this far. "Tch." With Lucille in their hands like that, and clearly in no condition to free herself, they'd have to go and introduce themselves. 

He heard a voice behind him, a familiar voice that made him sigh. "What the hell are you doing here? Clients of yours? I suppose this is the part where you tell me that your bosses are trying to capture a friend of mine, and that's where our conversation ends, Marigold. There was exactly one hostage situation before we got involved, but... I don't really have much of a choice but to parley anymore. I rather not have to kill you, and every single one of your clients. Yana, let's go." Tanvir walked forward, not even sparing a look for Marigold. His eyes focused solely on the person with Lucille in their hands. Kas had taken a hostage of his own, which meant he'd figured that the assailant was stronger than he could manage. 

Tanvir brought Yana closer, hand on the axe but kept his hand visible to show that he wasn't casting dark magic, at least at the moment. "I'll hand it to you; you guys are better than the rest of the Hecatian mercs we've come across today. Unfortunately, that doesn't paint you guys in a great light. So I'll make it simple. Return her. Right now, and you might make it out of this more alive than the rest of your accomplices." Tanvir then looked closely at the person holding Lucille and his eyes widened, "...A Kitsune? Out here?" That changed things... and not exactly for the better. If they group knew who Lucille was, then the Kitsune likely had serious intent on killing a Lufirian Princess. "Release her, Kitsune. Release her, and my friend releases your ally."

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"You listen to me, fool. We never came here for the girl. We came here for the sword... If you noticed, none of the people that were protecting her are dead. Maybe your muscles got in the way of your brain?" Mikoto was not going to play nice with the man that had instigated this by nearly killing Versaris, the nosferatu spell covering Lucille growing ever stronger by the second as he approached. "Use what little brain you have and stop right where you are. If this turns to bloodshed, do you get out of here alive? Do your friends? Do not test me. I have been harmed by this woman's family more than you could POSSIBLY imagine, and were it not the for kindness these people have shown me, she would not still be breathing. So here's the deal, meat."

Mikoto spat at the ground, unable to hide her animosity. "You can have your precious princess. You give us back Aegean, we keep the sword... Everyone gets to live. Do NOT try and negotiate with me. No matter how powerful you are, I will make you regret it before my life's flame flickers out." Her eyes narrowed, locked onto Tanvir; the other two were ants compared to this monster that played at being a man.

Marigold manifested herself, following after Tanvir, but keeping at least ten feet between them. "Look, we never came here for anything but the sword, alright? Least that's how I'd learned about things, so if we wanna act like adults, no one has to die. Right?"

"She's... T-Telling the truth, Tanvir." Versaris, hurt and tired as he was, pulled himself to his feet, taking a deep breath. "Nice to, meet you, after so long, though... I doubt, you know me. V-Versaris, Didarion. Protégé of the Moonless Arbitrator... Never thought our f-first encounter, would go like this, but that's m, my fault, I assume. We," he coughed, holding his chest. The magic had been extremely painful. "We, came here for the sword. The only, r-reason we were even, holding Lucille is because she wouldn't, let go of it... She's fine. She's no worse for wear... I was going to hand her over to Jeremiah, when he caught up with us, but... If you're here. You can have her. Please... This doesn't need to end in death. Mikoto?"

The fox's tails bristled, but the spell around Lucille began to recede, until it completely faded. "... yes. It doesn't... So long as this monster is willing to cooperate..."

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The tension in the air was so strong you could set a table on it. Secrets were being dropped, and Jesse almost faltered at words princess. The target was royalty? Was this what Syta couldn't tell us?" She still held onto her blast but wasn't sure when or who to fire on. Speaking of, her other companions had finally arrived, giving them more of an advantage. Hopefully Celine would be here soon. "Ren this is bad."

Another cough flew out of Gean and the pain surged through her. She had very few options here, but she HAD to do something, her friends lives were on the line. "P-Please... Don't do this..." Another cough blocked her as she looked to Mikoto, pleading with her eyes. There was a story behind these actions but none of that mattered right now.

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With Versaris being the target of the large man in the distance, Tasha dodged away from him, still half carrying Alvira, then hearing her call out as she looked elsewhere... Ears twitching violently at the sudden gunshot from behind. Her head swung around to look, and there behind Mikoto, who now held Lucille, was a mystery attacker holding Aegean. "GEAN! Damn it!" She hadn't turned her gun around yet, teeth grit at the fact she didn't have a good shot past the fox, not with that gun at that range while having to aim one-handed. At least them still having Lucille as hostage thanks to Mikoto's quick thinking gave them a lot of leverage in the situation, but making moves now would have to be done by the people who could actually fight the strongest of their attackers...

But then they were approached by said attackers, seemingly not intent on pressing an assault right at this moment, trying to negotiate a trade. The only problem was they still had Escaflowne as well, and there was no reason for them to give up both. Versaris stated as much, hard as it was for him to speak, and while it seemed the fox's vitriol toward the princess was justified to at least some extent, calmness was going to be required here. Thankfully, Mikoto seemed to acquiesce, and Natalya followed up by lowering her revolver halfway. "While I don't agree with her aggression about it, we can all get out of this alive on the condition that Escaflowne stays in the country it should. We don't want to see this turn into a war either. Right, Tio?" She turned her eyes to the Evoker next to her, only to see quite the scowl adorning her features. "...Tio?"

"Huh? What?" Elisa was confused for a second, not by the dark magic attack itself - that was targeted about as expected, since Versaris was holding the sword - but by Mikoto's sudden command, seeing her bolt toward Lucille only for Aegean to be shot and taken hostage at the same time. Much as she wasn't a fan of hostage tactics herself, she had to admit that the fox's move was likely going to save them in negotiations, giving them the ability to trade and be done with the situation if the attackers were willing to do so.

She did agree with what she was told to do, though, and without thinking on it more than that, the strawberry blonde dashed on over to Renais's side... who looked particularly shaken. This was exactly when they'd need their healer most, and Elisa could only try to keep her voice quiet, calm and serious to assuage her. "Renais, I need you to focus, okay? I know it's scary, but you're a healer. You can be the difference between life and death, but you have to act. Be more afraid of what happens if you don't act than what's already happened. You can heal from a distance, right? That means you can stabilize her without having to provoke her attacker."

Ferid had anticipated that turn of questioning, but he also had a feeling he knew why that task might have been hoisted upon him. There was no time to give that answer to Celine, however, with the battle still apparently continuing, they needed to get going immediately. "Roger that. Lead the way, Commander." He'd be a good bit slower just for being on foot, but he might be able to take some shortcuts to keep up.

On the way, he pulled his visor back down in anticipation of combat. He wasn't magically adept to any degree, and said helmet restricted his hearing, having to rely on eyesight to keep both Celine and their target in view. It at least looked like not much was going on in the immediate aftermath of what had pushed them to move, but that could change in an instant.

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Renais had trouble trying to get herself to move, it looked bad until Miria's weak voice reached her. She did her best to try to settle Renais, which did help pull the girl out of her bad thoughts. "Miria..." Then came Elisa to help even further, encouraging Renais to act. It was a dire situation, and if she didn't do something odds were good they would lose people for good. 'No...I can't let that happen. I won't.' The vision of flames left her mind, as she forced herself back into reality. She deemed herself the Cleric of the Tigers, it was time to act the part. "...just a minute." She spoke aloud and tried to get the attention of Mikoto, the large man and the comrade who held Gean hostage. "Mm...my name is Renais, I'm the cleric of the Tigers. I'm not here to interfere with negotiations, I just don't want my allies to die." She stood where she was but slowly held up her Mend staff. "I can heal right where I am, so no sudden movement from me. I only want to heal my girlfriend Gean and our dear ally Versaris right now, that's it. A hostage is useless when their life is gone, isn't that right?" As dark as that last part sounded, she hoped that little bit of leverage was enough to not let Gean bleed out.

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"If they attack they Tigers again I will kill them." It was less so a response to Versaris' warning and moreso a statement of fact. While Alriana doubted her ability to do much to the monster of a man, she was confident she could handle his lackeys; especially so if she let her instincts guide her attacks. But just a warning wasn’t enough for Versaris, even as injured as he was. The monster of a man approached them and gave his demands, Mikoto snarled back, and Versaris rose to play peacemaker. A quiet growl left her lips as she rose with him, using her tail to support his back as she got infront of him. Daggers still drawn as she took a protective stance, keeping her attention entirely on Tanvir as Versaris called him, still giving him that hate filled glare.

Edited by Ursali
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Kas had been holding very still, hiding behind the woman he was holding onto as best he could, praying the enemy listened to Tanvir, when two things caught his ear. The first was tricky, but needed to be dealt with, while the second was easy. He could deal with that first. "If you stay right there, do what you need to do. No tricks though, I can't speak for what my companions would do in that case." Especially Yana. Don't do anything stupid, Renais of the Tigers, and hopefully we can all leave alive.

As for the second issue, he straightened slightly, making himself an easier target but also allowing himself to see everyone involved. "We don't want the sword. I know you're unlikely to believe me, but I promise." He looked over at the man claiming to be Jeremiah's protege and sent a small pulse of magic out to him, the same method that he had used to identify himself to Lydia what seemed like ages ago now, even though it had been less than a day. "Tan. These aren't the same people who tried to kill her. They're from Glacies. With the Evokers." He looked at the two women he could only guess were the women he had just called out and mentally sighed. No way we could have known what we were walking into...

"I promise you. We want to walk out of here with the princess, nothing more. She may have valued the sword more than her life, but we don't. There's a reason none of us have mentioned it since we got here. She was always our goal." He took a deep breath and then did something that every instinct he had yelled at him to not do. He lowered the gun away from his captive's head and started walking towards the fox holding the princess. "Please. I give you her, you give me the princess, and we leave. The sword stays. I swear it." They had to listen. They had to! Otherwise... No. Don't think on the alternatives.

"Kas..." Yana bit her lip so hard it started to bleed as her brother moved forward, exposed and open for an attack to try and get the princess. If he was right, if the Evokers were here, she knew there was nothing more she could do for him. Her blade dipped down, the wind magic around slowly turning into ice magic that crept up her arm, forming a shield. If things went poorly and they needed to fight their way out of here, she would be prepared. It wouldn't go well, she knew that, but she would be ready. For now, she waited, praying his gamble paid off. 

"Yes ma'am!" Diya spun her horse around, following after Celine. Her grip on her shield tightened as she rode, leaning forward over the back of her mount. They had a mission. Retrieve the Escaflowne. Just a little while longer and then you can rest, milady. Soon. I'll keep you safe until then. She knew they were headed into dangerous territory, with a fight potentially ahead. It didn't matter though. She would complete her mission. There was no other option.

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Tanvir only rose an eyebrow at Mikoto, "...Do you really think I'm using everything at my disposal? If I'd known that you'd be brazen enough to go after her like this, I probably should have just blasted the whole group. If I'd done so, this wouldn't be a conversation, and you wouldn't be asking me a question like that. I'd hoped that acting a manner that minimized casualties was the way to go, but maybe I was wrong on that front." Tanvir's gaze then hardened, "More importantly though... I'm not sure you're living in the right century if you think holding a member of the royal family would be real penance for what Lufiria did to the Kitsune. The Shiva Family has been working to right the wrongs against the Kitsune for almost two hundred years to my understanding--none more than Queen Hilda Shiva. Of course, she's been assisted by a Kitsune much of her reign, a woman by the name of Tamarinne. Sounds like you know who you're holding, so I don't need to tell you that she's the Queen's granddaughter. Lastly, don't ever assume that I couldn't possibly understand what you've endured. You and I, we feel a little similar, though, yours feels like you chose that path." A grimace across his face, before his hand tightened on his axe. Tch... Luci probably couldn't do anything even if I gave her an opening. Mission dictates that I'd get her, and the sword... but I don't think there's a way for me to do that right now. Perhaps if I can get Luci back... "A trade for a trade, huh? I know Luci better than anyone standing here; if she fought you for that sword, then I should be doing everything in my power to take it with me. Though, I'm not interested in getting her hurt further."

Tanvir turned his gaze on the man he'd targeted; the one holding the Escaflowne as he rose to his feet. "...You're Jeremiah's understudy?" Tanvir paused a moment, before his eyes narrowed. Then his eye fell onto the familiar being in front of Jeremiah's understudy glaring up at him with murder in its eyes. He spared it a look before starting to chuckle, "What a group we've found ourselves. So I've got a backwards ass Kitsune, the seeming protégé of the head of intelligence, and one of those creations that those psychotic researchers fashioned as weapons. Didn't actually think I'd see another one outside of those nightmares." He tilted his head at Aly, "What? Can you tell? Is that why you're glaring at me?" Tanvir looked at Lucille again. No worse for wear my ass. But there's little sense in forcing anything right now... 

Tanvir sighed before looking back at Versaris, "We can talk. I'm not making any promises right now. I would prefer to leave with her and the sword, but failing that, the princess is my only real priority." Then, surprisingly, a new voice entered the conversation. Tanvir looked over his shoulder and the voice belonged to a small, pink healer. He looked at her her, and then chuckled as he listened to her speech. "You know. Most healers would know not to move into a situation in which their are no guarantees on their own life. Brazen, and idiotic. I like that. Reminds me of a friend. You can heal her, but things don't change just yet." Tanvir offered Renais a small smile, before returning to Versaris, "And if we're doing this? Lucille is released first, and the Kitsune backs off. I'm not compromising on that one. She's in danger the longer she's held in that woman's grasp, and as you can see from my friend, we're at least willing to play along." Tanvir chose not to acknowledge what Kas had said about the group. Them being from Glacies didn't rightfully change much about their current allegiance, but the other bit of information threw a huge wrench into things. The Kitsune would have been a tough fight, but his victory was never in question. The Evokers were mages potentially on par with the Phoenix himself--the most powerful, and one of the most skilled mages in all of Lufiria--which meant that a fight that included them would be far beyond him. What the hell is Glacies doing out here, and sending such important people around...? I don't like this one bit. 

It happened in an instant. The shadowshot was fast, accurate and powerful, slamming Versaris to the ground. Tio had done what she could in that small amount of time to shield him. Then the shot rang out that had her head whirl around to see that Mikoto had run for Lucille, and a newcomer had grabbed Gean, after shooting her. What should have been a relatively calm end to their fight was now an incredibly tense face off between forces. Mikoto's actions certainly saved the tigers from more attacks, but what followed was... unnerving, especially after the conversation that she and Versaris had, and the glee with which she dealt with the wyverns from earlier. Fortunately, it seemed like cooler heads might prevail. That didn't stop the scowl forming on Tio's face, especially after the rather thoughtless words from both Mikoto, and the new threat. If anything was going to go wrong in these talks, it was going to be between the two of them with Aly being a close third, and judging by what the both of them were capable of, it was going to take either her or Elisa to keep things in line.

Both Mikoto and the newcomer were much stronger than other threats that they'd encountered, and if things moved beyond the exchange, she'd have to take measures. Renais stepped forward to take care of Gean, and surprisingly, the man acquiesced to her request with the caveat that if this trade were to occur that they had to hand over Lucille first, and that Mikoto had to back off. I don't like this... Tio stepped a little closer to Renais. "I do have to agree with Natalya, and Mikoto. The sword can't leave Hecatia." This whole situation left an awful taste in her mouth. It was the safest way, but using the princess as a bargaining chip reminded her of so much that she'd love to forget. "Just. Return Aegean, and we can sort this out." Just remain calm, Tio. Things are fine. Tio's left hand tightly gripped her dress, hopefully, hopefully, things stayed more civil than they had. She'd have to check on Versaris, and Gean after this, amongst others... What a mess. What a goddamn mess.

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"Your grandstanding does nothing to help your case, meat. That you claim to be able to have killed them all only makes me trust you less! Who's going to stop you from turning on us after such a trade and blasting us all to Hell and back!?" Mikoto growled louder, this Tanvir pissing her off with his backwards logic on how to conduct this negotiation... His claim after, seemed impossible, though. Tamarinne, alive? And working with the Queen of Lufiria? I refuse! Such nonsense... She was against the bigger players back then, yes; she stood against everything Kisara worked towards, and rightfully so-- her actions got so many of us killed, but to turn and work with our enemies over it!? I refuse!

"I've no reason to believe you," was all Tanvir got from his claims. "And I'm not letting you get any upper hands in this exchange. You. Boy." Mikoto looked towards Kas and Gean, glaring at him. "Come over here and let's have this exchange done. If you know what's best for your precious princess, you'll listen to me and not the absolute blithering idiot giving 'orders'. Some leader... One step too far and he would've gotten you all killed. Hopefully he learns from this. Now, hurry up!" She gave one final glance to Tanvir, gritting her teeth. "You and I may feel the same, but you know nothing. Nothing of what I've gone through... Be silent before you ruin what little good will I have left."

Versaris sighed, taking a few deep breaths to try and stabilize himself. "Aly, please," he whispered down to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Don't do anything. We'll be alright..." At least Mikoto seemed to be playing along, to some extent. "I have to agree with the fox. The exchange happens at the same time... With all our eyes on it. Letting you get a card to play against us would be foolish, at the least. Sorry, Tanvir, but you didn't start this on the right foot. I suppose you were worried for her, not knowing who we are, but that doesn't change the fact that you almost killed me, you know? So." He also looked at Kas, trying to smile. "Would you mind? Mikoto knows better; neither of the Evokers want to see Lucille dead, either, so if she tries anything while handing her over, they'll stop it."

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Tanvir's response was a bit unexpected, and so was the smile. She only offered a small nod in response, she wanted to keep as brief as possible. Then she turned to Kas, who also agreed to her request. "Very well. With your blessing and his, I will heal Gean." She lifted her staff and closed her eyes as a healing aura fell upon her partner's bullet wound, she reversed the damage enough to seal it up. "...finished. You have my thanks." Which was very odd to give during this situation, but she did what she wanted to do. She looked at Sari, and started on his wound now. She still didn't move, she respected their wishes.

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