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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Kas gave Tan one final glance and smiled slightly before turning back to the fox, his face turning serious again. "Right then. Lets just get this over with." He continued to move closer, carefully keeping an eye on the rest of the group as he did. They didn't seem to be making any moves besides the healer making sure his hostage, Gean apparently, was healed. That was a relief. It didn't seem like this group was specifically against their goals, more that it was a strange coincidence. Still, he had to get the princess. As he approached the fox, in range to do the swap, he gave her a tight smile. "No tricks, just the trade." He stowed his gun quickly, reaching out to get a hand on Lucille before releasing Gean into the fox's arms. Pulling Lucille into his arms quickly, he gave her a slightly brighter smile, and commented, "Right then, I'll be going." He made a quick hand gesture, slightly hampered by the woman in his arms, and with a shimmer of light vanished from view.

Time to go. Time to go, time to go, time to go. Get out of here too Yana, Tan. We need to be safe. He turned, moving quickly away from the group, starting to pick up pace as he went. He knew where they were set to rendezvous, but he had a ways to go before he headed there. He wasn't headed straight there, not trusting that fox to not try and follow him. The vitriol in her voice had been a little too strong for him to trust it.

As soon as he was out of sight of the group, he suddenly stopped running, looking up at the pegasus that had suddenly appeared in his path, despite his still being invisible. "Hah, guess you know your mistress, huh?" He dropped the spell, walking up to the clearly exhausted mount, letting her sniff at the princess in his arms. "She'll be ok. You both will be. You're safe now, we've got her. Time to go home."

Yana let out a sigh of relief as her brother disappeared, with the princess. "Right then, Tan. Any last words or are we going to just head out? Feels like we might have outstayed our welcome, you know?" She grinned at the group of mercenaries in front of them, her tense stance relaxing slightly. "Lovely to meet you all, shame we'll have to be leaving. Ah well, perhaps we'll meet again and I'll get to have some more fun then."


Cin let out a sigh of relief as Gean was handed back over, and he released his magic, dropping down to one knee to scoop Siorel up in his arms. "It's ok. We're going to be ok. Nothing is going to hurt you, I promise." He held her close, glaring up at the two figures still present. He wasn't going to let them hurt her.

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Whoever this Tanvir was, he was one of the few people that actually knew what she was; she'd have to ask Iris if she remembered a man like him as, so far anyway, her sister was the only person, sans Grelbiria, that she'd encountered who knew the truth. "Rrrghh..." She answered Versaris with a growl, meeting Tanvir's head tilt with the same murderous glare. "You hurt Versaris. Only reason I need." She knew she couldn't do anything to threaten the man given how easily he'd dealt with Versaris. Trying to attack him was just as pointless, it would almost certainly get her killed, or end up fulfilling the vision which might have been the same thing. Instead her glare lessened from murderous to hateful yet inquisitive. "What do you know about me?"

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Tanvir just sighed. Dealing with this Kitsune was impossible. He kept an eye on her as the exchange went through. He wouldn't have missed that look in her eye. A look he was so intimately familiar with. If genuinely given the chance, she would have killed Lucille. "Tch... I guess that's that then." Once Kas was suitably far away, only then did Tanvir turn to look at Aly. "Are you asking to gauge what I know, or are you asking because you genuinely have no idea? Come on. I could see it in your eyes. It was there. A voice telling you to kill, wasn't there? I told you what you need to know. But I can say this, I guess." Tanvir looked close at Aly, revealing the man's eyes as amber, and the other, an odd, almost implausible split of the gold, and red. "You and I? We shouldn't exist."

Tanvir closed his eyes, and turned to face Versaris. "You guys can keep the sword. The princess will be furious, but I'd rather that than dead. Besides, you already said that Sir Noire would be on his way to see you and I can't imagine he'll be pleased with this. That'll be interesting." Finally, his eyes fell on Mikoto, "And lastly... you. If not for the situation, I'd let you see just how much regret you could make me feel. I'd even let you have the first strike, not even strike back. You ever lay a hand on the princess again," A faint aura of darkness swirled around the man, "I will end you." Before Tanvir could dissipate his magic, he felt something. The area around him, and Yana began to glow, spreading beyond just them to the surrounding area. The magic in the area around them was being almost completely converted into light energy including the dark magic that had been swirling. "What the..."

"You will do. Nothing of a sort."

Tanvir turned to see Tio standing still a distance from them, but unmistakably the origin of the phenomena. "This conversation has gone on long enough. They have already explained their involvement in this, and while I don't agree with Mikoto's actions, they were they only ones that made sense against a formidable enemy who opened fire against us. Unless you're going to tell us why the princess had taken the blade, I don't want to hear more of these threats, or grandstanding. Their only actions here were to potentially end the chance of causing a war, and this was the option left to them. Neither one of us going to engage in hostilities against the other from this point forward, you have my word for them. If there is nothing more that you wish to inform us of regarding what the princess's mission was all about, then I suggest that you go, and without another word."

"...Holy shit." Tanvir scanned the area as more of it was converted. What the fuck is this... I've... never seen something like... "...Yeah... I got the memo. Yana. Let's go, we've got people to tend to." Tanvir began moving after Kas and Lucille before he stopped again, "Oh, one last thing. Tanvir. I'm a Lufirian Knight in service to the crown of Lufiria. I think I owe you that much." With that, Tanvir began moving after the invisible pair. 

Ha... I couldn't tell you why the princess took the blade even if I wanted to. She wasn't supposed to do anything like this... no one was...

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Yana raised an eyebrow as the ice around her arm disappeared, and she grinned. "Well then, this got interesting~ Bye bye all you." She looked over them and then looked at the brave pink haired healer and winked at her. "Make sure you get your party up and healthy. Sorry the boys were so rough. We just really needed that princess back." She waved before turning and following after Tanvir. She didn't feel a need to introduce herself. They already had Tanvir's name from that one man, so that didn't lose anything, but she didn't need to give any information out. She casually waved to the group behind her as they walked away, and then looked up at Tan. "Well. That could have gone better, but we saved the princess and the man who saved her. Time to get her back home, yeah?"

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Mikoto took Gean and was about to spit more venom at Tanvir over his show, but Tio's show was even more frightening, enough to completely shut the fox up. Her tails bristled for a moment before falling low to the ground, her ears flattening down some. I should not get on the bad side of these women. Ever... If my plans come to fruition, I should exact them while they are far, far away. This is... She's not even Lufirian. Humans have come quite a ways, haven't they...? Giving Tanvir a glare, the best she could muster, she stepped away from the tension, bringing Gean towards Renais.

Iris didn't say anything as Aly and this Tanvir had their exchange, but she could feel something. She glanced up at Aly, unsure if she was feeling it, but it was unmistakable. The same sensation as that voice in her head... She didn't like it. Maybe I really should stop using my magic... But it helps people. Mnmhn... I'll have to talk to people about this. Aly, Ullr. Maybe even the magic ladies... It's important. Right?

Sari left out a hefty sigh, hugging Aly, trying not to let Tanvir's words get to him. Shouldn't exist, huh? Can't say I agree with that. You know the people that care for you don't agree either, Tanvir. They were willing to put their lives on the line over your orders, even if it was for Lucille... Versaris couldn't stop the man and pick his brain for why he'd said it, for many reasons, chief among them the sensation of feeling being lost in his legs. He slumped over Aly a bit further, hoping she was strong enough to hold him up. "S-Sorry... That, hit really, took a lot out of me." He could feel himself getting healed, at least, Renais' magic working itself over him. Hopefully with a moment of rest, it would be enough to keep him on his feet.

Mari shrugged. "Well! That's all that, then." The zombie sighed, walking back over to the group, arms folded, staring up at Tio. "So... I realize there's probably a lot you've gotta say to certain people, and you're not gonna flip a switch and turn off all this angry, but we should keep moving... Yeah? We're still in Hecatian territory. If the wrong knights come up on us, it'll be another fight. Might not stop you, but the other folks here, they can't take a second fight."

Ren didn't say much, just meandering over to the group and starting to heal what wounds they could, taking a moment to sigh. "Always another rodeo."

The tired lizard dancer at the side of things clung tightly to Cin, slowly starting to calm down as the altercation stopped and no other spells went off. She swallowed hard, slowly nodding. "I'm... I'm, okay. Now. Sorry... S-Sorry..."

Alvira, meanwhile, was mesmerized. The show was terrifying in its scope, sure, but it was insanely interesting, the flow of light magic everywhere, the magic in the air even converting into more of it. "Whoa..." With the tension of the exchange fading, she was left with an odd sense of wonder. The Evokers really were impressive... Wait-- Lufirian Knight in service to the Crown!? Alvira pushed herself off of Nat and took several steps Tanvir's way! "Hey! I just have to ask!" She took a deep breath, hoping this was a good decision... "Does the name Mercuria mean anything to you!?"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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It seemed things were working for the most part. Lucille and Gean had been traded, and the person who now had the Lufirian princess left. "There goes that..." Miria felt the frustration about not having any idea what Shroud was, no doubt, but a part of her felt... awful, at least in the way she scared the princess. Even if she didn't know anything about the women. A part of the cub was also relieved. There was a modicum of fear in Miria, if Lucille could smack her the way she had been, and the people who came to rescue were just as, if not stronger than her. Which meant Miria would've been trashed had she been able to fight back. She had been too scared, too tired to even realized she had been shivering the entire time. How did she even get a word in to Renais?

However, it seemed, things had calmed down, at least for now. It had been a long, admittedly pretty terrible day. Much so for even more of the group than herself. She gave one weak attempt to get back up, then decided it didn't really matter anymore today. With everything calming, her exhaustion kicked back in again. She just laid there, her head planting to the ground on its side. She gave a weak, quiet sigh.

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Gean stumble a bit as she was released into Mikoto's arms, most of the pain and bleeding had been covered by Renais, but she was still struck by the whirlwind of events. "Thank you Mikoto." Gean said, however her eyes never left Luci until her rescuer vanished. I guess this is goodbye again. One day, I'll see you again. When that day comes, we'll talk openly. Gean gave another thank you as she was escorted away from the spot where she last saw her friend...


Jesse lowered her hand as the exchange took place. In truth, it was taking all she had just to stay in her armor. Now the hostilities were done and this new group, who were apparently big ups in Lufiria were gone, the young knight let her armor drop. She hoped to stay conscious enough to at least see Celine, however much longer that would take. C'mon body. You can hold out.


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"Syta...?!" The stress of the situation was slipping into her voice, nerves fraying slightly even as the situation in front of them began to resolve. There was a brief pause as Laniva turned to speak with Syta as she took a moment to collect herself.

"S-Sorry... I'm okay. See, I'm not too badly hurt. I, it's just... a-all of this, is a lot, all at once, Syta..."

The fatigue of the battle was starting to kick in, and as she sheathed her greatsword, her shoulders fell slightly. The hair on her tail was no longer exemplifying her panic quite as much, though it was clear enough that she was still on edge.

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The situation appeared to be dying down a bit, the hostages were exchanged and their new 'guests' were leaving, princess in tow. With Aegean back in the Tigers' custody, Syndra loosened her grip on her partner in crime, telling Nyxied: "Go. Be with your daughter, I'll catch up with you in a minute." Syndra then stood up and dusted herself off, and started getting lost in thought. What the hell's going on in Islexia that a Lufirian princess and her agents are just freely wandering around like this?  Well, I guess we're find out soon won't we... Islexia would be soon upon them after this matter was settled, for now Syndra could just tend to her friends, and make sure they were alright.

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Renais didn't pay any mind to the threats that Tan and Tio gave to each other, but she knew that Tio had an advantage. Moreover, she paid no mind to the millions of questions swirling about her mind. She simply focused healing Sari until it was done, and by the time she was the threat was gone. The Tigers were safe, for now, though she did note the other twin wink and compliment her before her departure. "....." She noticed Mikoto approach with Gean, and simply gave them a concerned look. "...please give me a moment." She turned to Elisa. "I'm going to be selfish for a minute and..." She embraced the bigger woman, as tight as she could too. Yes, her face went exactly where one might think it would go. That being said, it wasn't out of some perversion. She just wanted to settle down, even for just a moment. "...mm." She pulled herself away, and had a very light blush on her cheeks. "...you can yell at me or whatever you want after I've tended to everyone, I just needed to do that. Thank you, Elisa, and you too Miria." She looked down at her friend. "If it weren't for you two, I wouldn't have willed myself to do what needed to be done. I owe you both, truly." She just nodded. "...now then." She turned back to Mikoto and Gean, she inspected Gean's wound to make sure it was better and used a little more healing to finish the job. "Everything will be ok, Gean. I promise."

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"Hmhm..." Mikoto wasn't exactly surprised to see Renais diving into Elisa for a hug... She slowly and gently set Gean down as their healer came over to inspect her, closing up what was left of the damage... The fox swallowed hard, feeling, for a moment, out of place. That feeling was swiftly swallowed up by a certain urge, moving in and hugging Renais, hiding her face against the healer's shoulder. "I'm sorry..." Her tails fluttered softly, all her usual confidence gone, missing for a few specific reasons.

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Gean released a big sigh as the last glows of her necklace faded away, indicating her friend was truly gone. She was back in the company of the people she cared for, but was still feeling lonely. Trying to pull away from these feelings, she focused on the two people in front of her who just saved her life. There was also what Renais said to her assailant, but titles weren't important right now. Taking her arms and trying her best, Gean wrapped Renais and Mikoto into a larger embrace. "Thank you, both of you." Resting her head on top of this hug pile, Gean let out another sigh before letting go, looking towards Nyx and Tasha, who she felt would be particularly worried.

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As soon as Renais finished, she was immediately surrounded by two beauties and held tight. She was entirely stiff and brief during the exchange, but once that was over her mood was out the window. She gawked a little at the amount of attention she got, and could only blush during the hug pile. After a quick moment, she recovered enough to compose her wild thoughts. "...it's alright, Mikoto." She brought one arm over Mikoto's back and rubbed it while the other reached around Gean's waist. "Mm...today has been exhausting, hasn't it?" While she was caught off guard by Mikoto's moment of weakness, she accepted her place as a pillar for her. Not to mention Gean as well, she's been through a lot today. She was glad it ended without a life being taken from the Tigers.

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The fox flinched as Gean joined the hug, but didn't whine or complain, not exactly against her presence or the physical attention. It was nice to be comforted, especially by Renais. "Today has been very enlightening," she commented, without any specifics. She didn't want to admit how afraid she currently was, squeezing Renais tighter, greedy for the comfort. "Thank you," Renais got, at least, the fox's tails slowly swishing behind her idly again, calm returning to her one moment at a time. "Hahh... Mmm... I'll be alright. You're the best..."

Syta smiled and pat the cat's back, nodding. "Yeah... Seems like we weren't here for a lot of stuff. Sorry for taking so long, but... Here now. Let it all out if you have to. We're gonna protect each other, right?" Syta's smile grew a bit wider, helping Lani up to standing fully. "Let's get you looked at and then give you somewhere to relax first, yeah? You're probably exhausted. Swinging that sword around with your big ol' muscles, I bet your arms are screaming..."

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Miria at first took the acknowledgement and accepted it with a thumbs up. As she went back to Gean and Mikoto, there was... a modicum of annoyance building up in the girl, still half-faced in the dirt. She sighed, but tried to be as nice as possible. "Yes, it's all very nice everyone is safe and hunky-dory, but, may I please have a hand? It's very hard to move right now, and you all look very comfy." She couldn't help but feel she was being at least a little rude, but she felt validated to request some assistance.

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Tanvir had begun hurrying away with Yana. The stories about the Evokers were completely true, perhaps even underselling them. Large scale magical conversion like that was unfathomably difficult, and made even more so by the localized nature of it. That kind of control and power was on par with that of the Phoenix. He might have been able to deal with the mercenaries and the fox, but those women were... if it came down to it, Tanvir wasn't sure that anyone aside from the Lady Valkyrie, Chris and Marianne were even capable of winning that consistently. "Getting Luci back home is going to be a lot tougher than you think... we'll have to go back through Islexia. I doubt the Princess or Villkiss will be well enough to fly to their usual standard, and all of the standard routes are closed... We'll have to see if we can--huh?"

Tanvir didn't stop walking, nor turn back as he heard one of the mercenaries shouting at them. What the voice said did get the faintest of flinches from Tanvir, though, invisible to most at the distance they were now at. Tanvir just kept walking. All the while his mind raced. Were they lying the whole time? How could someone out here know that name? That can't be a coincidence that they came for the sword, and know Mercuria's name... What's more is Jeremiah's protégé actually fighting against the princess... A mole perhaps? Gah... They're lucky the Evokers are about, even with everything I've got... I wouldn't get close if they wanted to kill me. Looks like there are more people who can't be trusted... Damn, I miss Anna, she'd have had this figured out already. 

Finally, the pair faded out of sight. 

Tio audibly huffed at Tanvir disappeared from sight. The shimmering distortion remained in the area about the Tigers as Alvira asked a question pertaining to Mercuria. The man didn't stop, or even acknowledge the question, though she hardly cared at this point. Tio took a glance over at Mikoto before releasing a breath, and moving onto Versaris, staff reforming in her hand. "Are you alright, Versaris? I hadn't... expected such a quick attack, so I didn't get as much of my barrier up as I would have liked. Damn... The last thing I expected today was to meet a Lufirian Royal Knight in Hecatia..." Had we not been here... I don't want to think about what might have happened. Tio looked around at the group. They were spent. This fight had been far more than anything they'd dealt with so far, and it showed in their dispositions. To then have to contend with a situation like that left them all drained... 

Tio just looked over at Marigold, unamused. "I could turn it off if I wanted to, Marigold. I just haven't yet seen a reason to turn it off. More importantly... I don't think moving forward like this is a good idea, specifically because of the threat of a second fight." Tio sighed, "I don't like this... but as it stands right now. I don't think pushing onto Islexia today is going to do anyone any good. This fight was well beyond what the Tigers are used to, and it shows. We'll have to do something about the Escaflowne as well... Commander, I'd like your thoughts as well; you know the Tigers better than I do. I--" Tio paused, as she heard something, again coming from the south. "This is... really starting to try my patience."

It sounded like the hooves of horses. 

As they rode closer, the situation seemed to escalate. The pulse of magic that Celine had felt before was dwarfed by a huge magical presence--one that dwarfed even herself. There were not many mages in Hecatia that were stronger than her, and far fewer that were capable of accessing the kind of power that she was feeling... and now seeing. At a distance, Celine could see that the area they were riding towards was saturated with light energy. "What in the..." She brought Silica to a stop, and scanned the area, noticing that there was a group inside the glowing realm of light. A woman with bright, bright green hair appearing to notice them approaching. 

"Hold on a second... is that...?"

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Ren was wandering about the field of mercenaries, unsure if this field of light magic was meant to be doing anything... They couldn't really feel it. Light magic and me don't mix, after all... Healing was being handed out to those still injured, when the sounds of hooves began to sound over the plains to the south... For a moment, Ren was worried that they would be getting assaulted once more, but then... "Oh! Oh!! Lady Celine!" Ren ran in the direction of the incoming knights, waving them over with their staff! "We're over here! It's so good to see you've made it!"

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Jesse managed to raise her head up as Charlon perked his ears and turned his head south. "Please be good" was the young knight's immediate reply, but Ren's waving signified that the lady of the hour had finally arrived. The magic in the air had gotten rid of some of her fatigue, but her arm was still sore. With a flick of her good arm on the reigns Jesse pulled up beside her healer friend. "I'm glad she's safe." Jesse chimed as they continued to wave. "It's looking like things are working out."

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Nyx had been separated from Syndra, and while she was tempted to grab the woman’s hand and not let go, she had to go make sure the other part of her little family was okay. She practically bounded over to Gean and scooped her into a hug, glad that she was okay. At least, she looked like it, now.

”Oi, y’good, kid? Mum’s ‘ere for ye.” And Nyx wasn’t going to bail so easily.

Sophia put a finger to her chin as her head tilted slightly, as Tanvir and his group exited. Why would a Lufirian royal knight and his group be so far out? Was there something about that pretty redhead that she wasn’t getting? Too many questions, and Sophia just didn’t know-

But she wouldn't have to, now. As soon as she heard Ren shouting, Sophia’s eyes lit up, and she ran in the direction of where she’d heard Ren shouting, willing her little legs to get her over to her lady as quick as possible. “Lady Celine…!! Ceceeeeeeeeee!!!”

Sophia had to make sure she didn’t trip; she didn’t want her lady to see her fallen like that, especially considering she was pretty sure things were gonna get messy. She hoped Lady Celine wouldn’t be too mad at her.

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"Hey now, no no." Cin sat down, holding Siorel close to his chest, gently stroking her hair. "It's ok, come on. No need to apologize. This was so far above us, you don't need to apologize. I wasn't able to do anything at all. I'm sorry I couldn't help you more." He looked up, the magic surrounding them infusing him with a warm, strong feeling, and then over at Tio. It was clearly her magic, something that left him feeling safer. That feeling was disrupted slightly by the sound of approaching horses, but the reaction of the Knights with the party assuaged that fear quickly enough. It seemed like the knight, Celine, that they had all talked about at points had finally arrived. "We're safe now, Siorel. It will be ok." I have to get stronger. I would have been useless against any of those three. I'm still not really sure how I did so well against the princess, if I'm honest. To protect her, to protect the others, I need to be stronger!

Diya was close behind Celine, pulling up behind her as she stopped, lance and shield drawn, ready for just about anything. One of the few things she had not been prepared for was what appeared to be a shining field of magic surrounding the group in the field in front of them. "Lady Celine, what..." Her question was interrupted by a figure breaking free from the group and charging at them. Instinctively, she wheeled her horse forward, placing herself in front of her commander, lance lowered and pointed at the figure. "Halt! Do not approach without identifying yourself!"

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Sophia practically skidded to a stop in front of the taller woman, who also made her eyes practically sparkle in joy of seeing her again. If she wasn’t on a horse, she’d probably wanna hug her, too. “Diyaaaaaaaaaa, you’re okay tooooooooooo!” Sophia was practically ecstatic by this point, even with the lance pointed in her face. “Oh… you allllllllllmost turned me into a shiiiiiiiiiish-kaboooooooooooob. Heehee… a sheepsh-kabob!”

Sophia clapped her hands excitedly at the joke. It wasn’t a particularly good one, but she hoped Diya might laugh anyways.

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Syndra had caught up to the rogue, who had wrapped her arms around Aegean. Syndra decided to join Nyxied and hugged both of them as best as she could. "Are you alright Aegean? You were very brave out there. All of you were." She then noticed Miria lying down on the ground still. "Oh hang on Dame Miria, I'll try and get you up." Somehow the end of battle was going to be more physically taxing then just the fight itself was...

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When Gean left the hug, Renais just gave her one last look before she left. She wanted to talk to her, but it'll happen later she's sure. She noticed Syndra helping up Miria, which was good because she also wanted to do that. She gave her best friend a nod and turned back to Mikoto and rubbed her back some more. "It wasn't a good situation, but you helped however you could." Renais still had mixed feeling, but she put all that aside for now. "...thank you." She pulled back a little with a smile. "I have to do my duty and check on everyone else, will you be ok without me?"

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"Mmmnhn... Of course I'll be okay." Mikoto put on a strong front, but she shook her head. "You won't need to heal anyone. Tio?" The fox looked her way, picking herself up and swallowing hard. The Evoker was still terrifying, but this would help the group, though it didn't seem like the incoming knights were their enemies, for now.

"Here." The fox paused a moment and reached into a black portal wreathed in her blue fire, slowly pulling out the fortify staff that had been on display previously. "I don't usually do this, but... Just, considering the situation, I... C-Call it, product testing. And... I'm, sorry if I've upset you. I just... I had, to keep the Tigers safe. No matter what..."

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Miria took Syndra's help gleefully. When she approached, the cub noticed Renais' little nod. She nodded back, she understood. It's been a long, very rough time. Even if she was mad over Mikoto dropping her on the ground, she did put her life on the line for theirs.

She tried just forcing the thoughts away. It wasn't worth being mad at the moment, or at all for the cub. She was tired, hungry, and sore. She just needed... anything really. Taking Syndra's hands, she used that as leeway to force herself off the ground. Miria clearly braced as if she was in pain, more from the sore feeling of her body being forced to move. "Okay, okay..." She was only on her feet for a few seconds before letting herself drop again, but twist herself so by the time her bottom half hit the floor, she was leaning her back on Syndra. "Sorry, Syndra, sorry, just... Can I borrow you for... a few seconds, I just need to not be facefirst in dirt for like, until we're back at the wagons."

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