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Three Hopes - Rate their Chances

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Much like Solon, chances are she'll be in the game as an enemy unit, but unlike Solon or even Thales, I can feasibly see her being playable.

Due to her connection to Dimitri, there's more wiggle room to make her relevant again, plus she's a hot lady so her chances might be inherently higher. Giving her a 7/10.

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Cornelia gets a 2.93.


I did not count the one 3/10 want score without a chance score. But if you want me to, let me know.


Day 37 - Linhardt


My boy is fighting an uphill battle in the most competitive house. I'll say 4/10.


But 11/10 want. Linhardt is my favorite 3H character.

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4/10 sounds right for Linhardt. He's not unpopular so I could be underrating him a bit, but he just feels like he has very little going for him short of an all-students roster - weak connections with the other Eagles (sans Caspar, who's the least popular one), lots of other mages and/or healers who are more popular, etc.

Personal want is... 5/10. I kinda like him, and I kinda just want all the Eagles in. He reminds me a bit of the worst aspects of myself when I was younger but I dunno if that makes me like him more or less.

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Linhardt is in that category of not quite needing everyone to get in, but also needing more than 5 from each house to make it in. He's certainly not getting in over Bernadetta, Dorothea, or Ferdinand. His biggest competition within his house is probably Petra, and she's still a bit more likely. I'd say 5/10.

Personal want is probably a 7/10.

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Linhardt. He's certainly a character that people remember, but so is basically everyone in the Black Eagles. He's a natural pick for a purely white magic character that focuses more on healing & support (do such characters exist in Warriors games?), but he does have strong competition in Marianne and Flayn. Plus, he hates combat, so I doubt he'd enjoy the 1 vs 1,000 combat that Warriors games are known for.

Overall, I'd say maybe 5/10.

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1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

Linhardt. He's certainly a character that people remember, but so is basically everyone in the Black Eagles. He's a natural pick for a purely white magic character that focuses more on healing & support (do such characters exist in Warriors games?), but he does have strong competition in Marianne and Flayn. Plus, he hates combat, so I doubt he'd enjoy the 1 vs 1,000 combat that Warriors games are known for.

Overall, I'd say maybe 5/10.

Linde and Elise are light mages/healers in FEW. Lissa and Sakura appear as a war cleric and archer with heal staves respectively. 


Healing magic is a proximity ally heal in FEW with limited uses. It's extremely useful for defending mission-critical NPCs (like your main base captain).

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41 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Linde and Elise are light mages/healers in FEW. Lissa and Sakura appear as a war cleric and archer with heal staves respectively. 


Healing magic is a proximity ally heal in FEW with limited uses. It's extremely useful for defending mission-critical NPCs (like your main base captain).

I see. Thanks for the information.

Wait; Sakura appears as an archer? I only remember her using chakra-enhanced punches and kunai...

Edited by vanguard333
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Who's that Pokemon!?


Today we're rating Pikachu! He's the mascot of the biggest media franchise in the world, so I give him 150/10. One point for every gen 1 Pokemon.



Linhardt gets a 4.33.


We're actually rating Hanneman today. 3/10 likelihood, 8/10 want. I like Hanneman and would like to see him be useful for once.


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Pikachu is clearly a 150/25/10 - If there's a Pokémon game that doesn't have a completely new set of Pokémon, then Pikachu is in the game. If the Pokémon game that only has new Pokémon unlocks older Pokémon via the National Dex after defeating the Elite Four, then Pikachu is still in the game. 

4/10 chance

7/10 want

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Pikachu is a lock IMO. Incredibly popular, only excluded from Choose Your Legends because the devs know he'd win. Fills a thunder mage role which will be otherwise unfilled in 3H (assuming Dorothea is made some sort of songstress character, like she is in FEH). Lots of possibilities for riveting support conversations which would not overlap with any supports that already exist in FEH. Can canonically be either gender so can balance out whatever house he is added to.

10/10 chance, 10/10 want.


Hannemane gets a 2/10, I think. Slightly less likely than Manuela; I'd rate him below any given student. The curse of being a character over the age of 45 or so (and actually looking it).

Personal want is 5/10, he's pretty cool but not a favourite.

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I'd love to keep the Pikachu joke going, but I can't think of a punchline. I'm trying, but the lightbulb in my head isn't lighting up; there's no spark.


As for Hanneman, he has a lot of strong competition from various students. Both archer and mage are filled with potential students, and there's Mercedes for a mage that can use a bow.

Overall, I'd have to say 3/10.

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Cornelia appears as an enemy on just two routes, and doesn't exist outside of a brief narration on the other two. It's only on AM that she takes on a vaguely interesting role. And we never even meet the real Cornelia, only the Agarthan impersonating her. Probably. They never make it explicit. She gets a 1 out of 10.

Linhardt is... tough to say. There are quite a few other reasonable candidates for "white mage" and "black mage". If we only get 6 Black Eagles, then he's probably behind Petra. Unless we get specifically 3 girls and 3 boys, in which case, he's ahead of Caspar. Would be odd seeing him without his best bro, though. I'll give him a 5 out of 10.

Pikachu probably isn't gonna be in this one. The original Pokemon Warriors featured Pikachu, Alolan Raichu, and (via the DLC) Pikachu Libre. Since the sequel promises to focus more on the Galarian Pokedex, I have a hard time seeing Pikachu make it ahead of the likes of Yamper and Toxtricity. Still, being the series mascot counts for something. Pikachu gets a 4 out of 10.

7 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

I'd love to keep the Pikachu joke going, but I can't think of a punchline. I'm trying, but the lightbulb in my head isn't lighting up; there's no spark.

Sorry to hear your attempt short-circuited. Maybe next time? Oh, but then the joke would no longer be current.

Hanneman is a somewhat significant NPC, and recruitable on all routes. Then again, he does almost nothing after the timeskip. And his Reason list, while very strong, is near-indistinguishable from Dorothea's (whom I consider a near-lock). Plus, being the "old man" doesn't help his odds, even relative to Manuela. He gets a mere 2 out of 10 from me.

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52 minutes ago, Florete said:

I guess you could draw a comparison between Hanneman and Professor Oak.

…That's actually a lot better than my bad electricity pun.


22 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Sorry to hear your attempt short-circuited. Maybe next time? Oh, but then the joke would no longer be current.

Maybe next time, but you know what they say; lightning never strikes the same place twice. But I really shouldn't be so negative; I probably just need to recharge. …Other electricity puns.

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Hanneman gets a 3.00, assuming Use the Falchion's 4/7 rating was for Hanneman.


Day 39 - Sothis

2/10 chance. I don't think Sothis serves a role beyond Byleth, but there's a chance they might see value in the manakete moveset and want to make them some kind of secret unlockable.


Negative 10 out of 10 want. No more dragon lolis.

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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80% for Sothis. She's on the boxart this time, and said boxart and trailer make it look like she'll serve a more important role in this game. I don't think they'll pass up the chance to make her playable for this, even if it's as some sort of bonus character or, like, a different weapon/form for Byleth.

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I think Sothis has the highest chance of any Three Houses NPC. She's incredibly important, and since this is a Warriors game, they don't really have much excuse to exclude her, at least as a bonus character. I'm gonna go 8/10

Personal want is a 6/10. Not my favorite dragon in the series and certainly not my favorite TH character, but she's at least pretty interesting.

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Sothis is probably a 9/10. Of the NPCs, her Jeralt, and Rhea have the highest chances of being playable. (And they all have in-game stats that can be datamined in Three Houses, so it makes some sense.) 

Personal want is about an 8/10. I think it'd be fun to see her go around a kick massive amounts of butt. Would it be out of character? Probably, but it'd be fun regardless. 

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Sothis... I honestly have no idea. Since she's basically a part of Byleth, part of me wants to say it's unlikely that she would be playable separately. However, I could see it, perhaps as a bonuc character or something like that.

Overall, I guess I'd say 6/10.

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Sothis is in an interesting spot. She's an NPC with no corporeal form, who all-but-disappears just halfway through the story. But she's an undeniably significant part of the lore and of character mmotivations. And the marketing materials suggest that her role will be, if anything, expanded this time around. But as a playable fighter, or as an NPC? It's hard to say just yet. I'm giving her a 5 out of 10.

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Sothis is relatively important and pretty obviously a dev favourite. But... playable? I dunno what that'd even look like. They could do what they did with FEW1 Tiki I guess, that's probably the most plausible, but even then it feels kinda weird and would only fit with certain story decisions they may or may not make. 3/10 overall.

Personal want is... well, I like Sothis (despite not expecting to! I've never liked the FE "loli dragon" trope but Sothis is perceptive, snarky, and fun) and I hope she's in the game in some form, but it's hard to get excited about her playable form particularly when the build I consider most likely for her is one I actively did not enjoy playing as in FEW1. No idea where that balances to, we'll say 5/10.

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Sothis gets 5.86.


Day 40 - Acheron


0.5/10 chance of being playable, but he's perfect NPC punching bag material and seems to exist for that purpose.


As for want score, there's really nothing they can do to make him worthwhile, unless they embrace his butt-monkey status to make him a gag character like Zant or Hestu. That said, there are better meme-potential characters that actually stand a good chance of making it, like Gatekeeper/Abysskeeper, and Anna. 0/10 if played straight, 3/10 if they decide to have fun with it. 

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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