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The new SF couple


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I'm surprised too see that such an idiotic and useless topic has managed to reach 5 pages... It really goes to show the maturity of members here at SF..

We do realize we are immature compared to you guys, but stop trying to conform us to your maturity.

Advice is not against the rules either Boo, get over it.

Niko, run, quickly. Or laugh with me, either one.

This coming from the guy who tried to remove spam from a spam board.

Also, woof.

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I'd rather be immature and happy than mature and miserable.

But to each his/her own.

Also, criticing other's every action that you don't agree with isn't very mature. At least according to my definition.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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No sexy time?

.... =(

There is no place for this in the revolution, I guess.


We do realize we are immature compared to you guys, but stop trying to conform us to your maturity.

Its his opinion. Simple. Please try to respect his opinion whether you like it not or not.

Edited by Dark
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What do you mean? Haven't you head of Free Love? RED ORGY!


It'll be better with just me and the administrator, thank you very much.

If I succeed, I shall be mod by sunrise.

edit: 269 posts.

Edited by Thingy Person
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What is this? More discussion relevant to the topic? Nyet. This thread has been officially hijacked by the FESSR. Relevant discussion is strictly disbarred.


It'll be better with just me and the administrator, thank you very much.

If I succeed, I shall be mod by sunrise.

Ob-wan is holding you back. Rid yourself of him.

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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Because it is fun. Yeah, my bad for attacking you like that. I do realize that you have a right to give advice, no matter how useless it is. Well, I'll just put you on my ignore list, okay?

I think that's rather petty over something as small as this.

Then again it helps support another point I was going to make but chose to withhold.

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I'm happy for you guys.

*Goes to cut himself out of angst at the fact that he can't even get a SF girlfriend*

If you actually go to cut yourself, I'll go beat the crap out of you.

Which may defeat the purpose...

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You're either with us or against us!

...Stop trying to force your opinions on other members. In case you haven't noticed they don't like it.

Even though its an opinion, I still am stunned at how I've suddenly became one of a group...

Nah your not apart of any group whats so ever. You are entitled to your opinion.

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