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The new SF couple


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What I find ironic is that the princess' last SF relationship ended in a flame, yet here we all be, arguing at each other.

If this is the true standard of SF, then It's not a place I want to visit.

EDIT: I would love to stay and chat(kinda), but I've school to go to. Catchya later people.

It just began too, imagine what will happen when this one ends?

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This is a popular thread :mellow:

Anyways, this should be closed before there becomes a war between FESS, SF whiners, and SF spammers. Until then...

*gets popcorn lettuce*

*gives soda*

I miss Vincent.

Does he even know you exist!

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Does he even know you exist!

Of course. He came to remove my shackles when I was bound to the dungeon in Flood Control's house. On a related note, the Post-Traumatic stress disorder I got from my time there is what's making me act all weird now.

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SF is a mental institute, no clue what you're talking about...

Hm...I swear I've posted something like this in someone's intro topic...

Vincent posting in FftF=Apocalypse

If nothing else, the one thing I got out of this thread, is that Vincent is awesome.

Leave it to a thread about Lyle and Princess to teach you that.

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I didn't cry.....


*Goes off to do something else.*

lol for some reason this post made me laugh. A pure laugh surprisingly also, not a taunting laugh

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Well, what do you know kids, my post was deleted for stating the truth! What a marvelous insight into our justice system.

im pretty damn sure it has something to do with you calling princess a "bitchy scarlet who takes advantage of younger men"

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