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Are you a serious Writer?


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Since I am a serious writer, I wanted to know if any of you aspire to write something that is worth printing/publishing.

I atm am working on LOO, a trilogy that I will selfpublish as soon as I am done with it. Right now its taken most of my time as you can see, for its been keeping me away from SF a bit. But I will soon be free.

Many of you I see write for mostly fun, but at least you have works to show for here, and I've written a few stories, which I never finish lol, but I will get there some day. Anyway, just wanted to know if anyone here takes writing seriously, perhaps we could work on a little project together, I'd share the fame. :lol:

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I would ay I take it rather seriously, hence why I despise it when people cheapen literacy with mush of the junk they put on the internet these days. *cough*Script-fics*cough*

I spend a lot of my time thinking about my characters and plot. I do not care much for publishing, it's just something I wanted to do.

Edited by Shuuda
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Yeah, I write serious stories. I'm writing one right now, but I'm not very far in it. If I can, it'd be cool to publish it, but I don't think mine's quite good enough.

I never finish my stories either, but this one's a bit different. I've been thinking about it for quite a while. It's a fantasy novel that I estimate will be about 150-200 pages (I'm only to about page 15, so I don't' really know yet).

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I have a serious thing I'd like to get published, but I haven't written in a while. I think about it a lot, but I'm kind of at a fork in the road right now.

Sounds interesting... Have you already written it up, or is it currently an idea you have?

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Well, I make a lot of serious works, but I'm not sure about publishing as writing is something I just do as a hobby, however anyone who has read "One," from me would know that my writing can be applied to many serious situations...

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I'm serious about writing, but I'm not a serious Writer. I don't know what it is, but ideas come and go, some have stayed, but nothing finalized to where I can actually begin my own writing. For now, I have a different project to work on, so it'll keep me preoccupied until I can freely think again.

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I'm not a very motivated fire starter so I'm not even a real writer, but I might become one and start trying to get some things published eventually. No point in writing serious stuff though if you don't have readers though right? Not unless you love your own material hehe.

Tell ya what. I'll see how this Dragon Lords and Six Seals thing goes. I'll probably become a serious writer if those go over well. And no I don't care about how the writing techniques I use are looked upon. I'm obviously going to write stories differently as a serious writer. These are just the fruits of sheer, utter, and unescapeable bordem which I started to love in the end. I know how to write real stories and even better ones but I want to focus on these as they are my favorite works.

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I, in anyway, am not a serious writer. And hardly write serious story, since I write for my own fun. This is also due to my lack of ideas and motivations, I think.

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I enjoy(ed) writing but I haven't written much in a long time. I've been wanting to get published some day, since I was 13 (7 years ago), but I've yet to actually finish anything of any real length, they always die at some time or another.

Had ideas floating around forever of the "someday novel" but never get full onto paper. I have the time to do it now, but I realise that 20 years old isn't old enough to write. Not enough experience, maturity, research. Maybe I'll try to finish it in the next 5-10 years, maybe.

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Well, I make a lot of serious works, but I'm not sure about publishing as writing is something I just do as a hobby, however anyone who has read "One," from me would know that my writing can be applied to many serious situations...
That is true in many ways.

Anyway, I think I have posted in here already, but can't remember. To answer, I consider myself serious. I find myself envying people like J.R.R. Tolkien, because I wish I could do the stuff they did...

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Good to see many of you folks like to write, although not many of you aspire to become famous. XD

Anyway, we all have dreams, and so I have acquired the help of two of my friends irl. We are gonna write a story, a trilogy, but I wont say what about. If we make it, and I am sure that together we will, than you will know what it was all about. And you will say, "Geez, that fucker Django use to come to SF. He said he was gonna do it and he did."

Yep, that is how sure I am that we will succeed. :D Wish me luck. lol

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Good to see many of you folks like to write, although not many of you aspire to become famous. XD

Anyway, we all have dreams, and so I have acquired the help of two of my friends irl. We are gonna write a story, a trilogy, but I wont say what about. If we make it, and I am sure that together we will, than you will know what it was all about. And you will say, "Geez, that fucker Django use to come to SF. He said he was gonna do it and he did."

Yep, that is how sure I am that we will succeed. :D Wish me luck. lol

Good luck ;)
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