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I kind of want a Judith prequel

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I don't really like Judith. She's kind of a nothing character. She shows up with alleged importance and then sort just vanishes in every route. So it's not her deep character or anything that wants me to see a game focused on her. No, I want to see a prequel focused on her for one reason and one reason alone, she inexplicably has the Lord class, which just kind of messes with my head. She's such a minor character that isn't even playable yet she gets the definitive protagonist class. The only way around this incongruity is to retroactively make her a protagonist via a prequel. She's the Hero of Daphnel, let's see why? What happened in Daphnel that gave her this moniker? And as far as Fire Emblem settings go, Fodlan is quite well set for a Thracia style prequel focused on building up one area. We know basically nothing about Daphnel as Judith is the only character from it. Or hell, screw Daphnel, let's explore an entirely new society by sending Judith to Albina or Sreng or something. She could be the Hero from Daphnel rather than someone who saved Daphnel. And by setting something in a different country you can get a relatively big consequence free story that doesn't step on the toes of anything from Three Houses.

In either case it'd also be nice to see Claude's grandfather who didn't show up in either Houses or Hopes.

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I can get behind this. Judith is cool; I appreciate that she's a woman from the "previous generation" we actually get to see, which is something both Fodlan games are pretty bad about. I doubt we'll actually get a prequel, but getting her as a DLC character in Hopes would be nice.

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I'd like an Almyran game, personally. Judith...is Almyran is she not? They always stop short of saying who she is to Claude's family and why she's a lord.

They say Fodlan is a fraction of the size of Almyra, and that's why people from that place are so quick to disregard the weird theocratic disputes of Fodlan. Fodlan is like Isreal if Isreal were surrounded by atheist countries instead of Muslims. They join up with Claude as a sort of "for you kid? I'll help your little crusade, sure. Maybe write us a letter sometime after this is done eh?". 

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I'm not even a Fodlan fan and I'd love for this woman to get some attention. From the two or three moments and lines she gets, she looks like a woman with a boatload of history and a grizzled attitude to match. She could very well be the most badass character in Fodlan... Y'know, if she was allowed to exist. Which so far, she hasn't. Even though in both games her being playable is hilariously obvious, due to her role and situation, they've just refused for... some reason I honestly cannot comprehend.

I don't know if I'd want a prequel game with her. To be brutally honest, I'd like for FE to leave Fodlan behind already. And yet... A game about Judith and her generation's glory days would probably be a lot less like Three Houses and a lot more like something I would personally enjoy. Still, the chances of this happening are low, so... I'd settle for Three Hopes DLC, frankly. Her and a few others becoming DLC playables might actually get me to buy the game. Off the top of my head, the ones that come to mind aside from Judith are Randolph, Ladislava, Waldemar, Leopold and the four removed playables from Three Houses - ESPECIALLY Hanneman. Dude's my favorite character in Fodlan.

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10 hours ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

I'd like an Almyran game, personally. Judith...is Almyran is she not? They always stop short of saying who she is to Claude's family and why she's a lord.

They say Fodlan is a fraction of the size of Almyra, and that's why people from that place are so quick to disregard the weird theocratic disputes of Fodlan. Fodlan is like Isreal if Isreal were surrounded by atheist countries instead of Muslims. They join up with Claude as a sort of "for you kid? I'll help your little crusade, sure. Maybe write us a letter sometime after this is done eh?". 

No, she's not Almyrian (unless she's something like Claude's situation). She's from Daphnel, which is where Ailel is located. Looking over the wiki it does say she's some kind of connectino to Claude's family, but perhaps more significantly, she's actually related to Ingrid's family, as Daphnel was one of the Elites, the one who used Luin. There was some kind of schism at some point that had House Galatea defecting to the Kingdom.

Edited by Jotari
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I kinda don't since Judith seems about the least interesting aspect of the Alliance. Even with her fairly impressive title I don't think she can carry a story by herself. I kinda suspect that Judith only exist as a character to give Claude an Alliance NPC character who's not Holst or Gloucester. 

I actually think Claude's mom has the better potentially since a tale of star crossed lovers and a flight to Almyra is an interesting enough set up. And Judith could feature there since she and Claude's mom were besties.


I'd like an Almyran game, personally. Judith...is Almyran is she not? They always stop short of saying who she is to Claude's family and why she's a lord.

Three Hopes shares a bit of light on their connection. She was friends with Claude's mom and when Claude showed up at her house with a letter from his mom she felt obligated to help him. Its never made too much of a point but Three Houses did convey Judith's connection in Leicester. She's the leader of the house that preceded Edmund as a member of the big five, and Ingrid's family stealing their relic and defecting to the kingdom is what caused her house to step down from their position. Given that its kind of a shame that Ingrid and Judith never get a chance to talk.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I kinda don't since Judith seems about the least interesting aspect of the Alliance. Even with her fairly impressive title I don't think she can carry a story by herself. I kinda suspect that Judith only exist as a character to give Claude an Alliance NPC character who's not Holst or Gloucester. 

It's precisely that which I think could make it work for a story. As she doesn't have a whole lot of baggage tying her to canon events or plot beats that leads a prequel free to explore something of its own.

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