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FEH: ReMix


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So, we are at the 5.5 year mark in FEH (as is obvious from all of our 55 rewards). How would you remix the game? You don't have to stop at fixing errors or list minor improvements, but let your creativity reign. Below are a couple of my ideas.

Similar to the Resplendent Characters I would introduce a flat purchase fee for any character. Are you desperate enough for Danved (who isn't in the game yet) to pay $10 to insure you have him? Sure. Give them the money.

Game Specific Banners - There are so many characters in game now that if we are going to continue orbs, let me have a banner that is guaranteed to give me Three Houses characters only.

Dropping a whole book at once - I get that this is a developmental nightmare, especially since so much of the game is perpetuated on introducing profitable characters and if you went all in Otr and found out everyone hates him it is a big loss. The other reason I would change it is sometimes the storytelling gets clunky because you have these story telling chapters and then Palla in 5.3 saying "Hey bro! Are my sisters here?" That just doesn't fit the narrative.

As much as I liked Book 3 and Book 5 brought Reginn, the storytelling has felt too far from Askr. So, I would try to pare down the scope a little.

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Give me Weekly Banners for old seasonals, like Book 1 to 3 seasonal banners.

These heroes don't have much value, but there are some fan favorites there. Just make give players more chances to summon for them.

And give the 4* Seasonal Special Rate for all Special Banners and not only old ones. Having a chance to summon a 4* Special in a 2017 Special heroes Banner will not make me want to summon of those trash banners.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I would give all older units a massive upgrade with built-in skills and standards introduced later in the game (Ex. Giving Gaius access to either the Rally Up Speed or Rally Spd/x lines at 4*/5*) and retroactively give Heroes like "Nino: Pale Flower" and "Chrom: Knight Exalt" Ascended Hero status if possible.

Have only Legendary, Mythic, Duo, Harmonized, and Brave Heroes naturally come with 4* skills

Increase SP growth rate

Streamline the Divine Code System into one Permeant & Limited-Time System (or at least converts unused LT codes into Feathers or something)

Make all sparks accessible to all players

Reduce banner bloating to get more new Heroes in

Make it a point to go crazy with alts whenever possible. Take each version of Hilda (FE16) for instance: Axe Infantry vanilla, Lance Armor at Christmas, and Flying Staff Duo Captain in summer.

Auto-expand the roster size as new heroes are added, so I don't have to keep spending precious Orbs every month.

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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One thing above all is the elimination of modes and events where you have to log on on a specific day, or worse, at a specific time on a specific day for optimal reward. I understand full well why they want players to be online as much as possible, but it's just too harsh and massively contributes to burnout. As a general guideline I would say that pretty much every event ought to be designed around a weekly period at the absolute minimum.

I'm talking about things like Mjolnir's Strike with its idiosyncratic timing, as well as multi-round events that are broken up into short rounds like GCs, Rokkr's, PoL. You don't even need much imagination to refactor some of these into a simple week-long event and completely ditching the rounds - something really only relevant for VGs.

Things like the various Coliseum modes, TTs, HoFs and FBs are fine because they run for a long period of time, and you can miss multiple days of the event without being punished. Well, that's mostly true: you miss out on the daily TT quests for example but they're of trivial value, unlike Heroes' Journey where missing a daily quest is very punishing.

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Remove all 3-4 star units from book 1-3 from main summoning pool and add them to their own daily summoning banner 

Edited by Naoshi
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Not much I'd actually change, but there are a few things:

Every banner should have a spark. There isn't much of a reason not to do so other than to limit distribution of Celestial Stones, but I don't think Celestial Stones are so valuable that they need that be so limited in distribution. Increasing the distribution of Celestial Stones will only affect paying players anyways, and it's not like paying players get that much of a benefit from getting that many more Celestial Stones. I often forget they exist. Right now, you really only get two chances to spark for any given unit, and if you miss both (or don't have Feh Pass to access both), you're SoL on having guaranteed chance to get the unit.

On the topic of sparks, I think they should remove the Feh Pass requirement for the spark on all banners and instead make Feh Pass give you an additional spark on all banners (including banners that already have more than one spark). (The additional spark would also not exclude units you already picked in previous sparks, which prevents weirdness from happening on the CYL banners, which have as many sparks as units on the banner, and increases the value of the additional spark.)

Also on the topic of sparks, they should make it so that you aren't forced to pull your spark immediately and allow you to pull it later. It's frustrating when you randomly pull the character you sparked for after already using the spark, and this is most prominent on banners with two units sharing a color when you're pulling that color.

Allow Aether Raids Aether regeneration to go over the Aether cap, but only if it isn't already over the cap at the daily reset. Every now and then, I'll forget to do an Aether Raids run on Tuesday (usually due to falling asleep in the afternoon and waking up after the reset), which loses me the 70 Aether from the daily regeneration. The annoying thing is that it doesn't matter any day of the week other than Tuesday, so just letting Aether go over the cap like that wouldn't hurt and still encourages players to spread out their runs across the week without forcing them to play every day.

Realign Summoner Duels S/R so that they only occur on weeks without Allegiance Battles. It's really annoying having every other week have almost no competitive events and then having the other weeks have literally everything (other than Arena Assault) in the same week. Summoner Duels S/R is way more tedious than Arena Assault, so having both Allegiance Battles and Summoner Duels S/R in one week in exchange for not having Arena Assault is not a fair trade.


6 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

Similar to the Resplendent Characters I would introduce a flat purchase fee for any character. Are you desperate enough for Danved (who isn't in the game yet) to pay $10 to insure you have him? Sure. Give them the money.

That's literally what a spark is for (and is part of my reasoning for why all banners should have a spark).

Also, $10 is way too cheap. It's fine for older units, but definitely not for newer ones. It costs on average about $80-90 to pull a specific 5-star focus unit on a 4-unit 3% focus banner if all of the orbs are bought.


4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

And give the 4* Seasonal Special Rate for all Special Banners and not only old ones. Having a chance to summon a 4* Special in a 2017 Special heroes Banner will not make me want to summon of those trash banners.

I've already changed my summoning strategy to pull the entire summon circle instead of just grabbing the free pull. It's not going to make me want to pull more than that, but I think sacrificing 15 orbs to have a chance at grabbing a 4-star SR Special Hero is fair enough.

However, I do think that they should make the SR Special Hero pool bigger and just have it synced up with the regular SR pool. There's no reason why the SR Special Hero pool should be behind the regular SR pool when older Special Heroes weren't actually designed to be better than regular units.

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The big thing I want, is some summoning pool cleanup. One of the biggest issue for this game is roster bloat making it a real pain to get any of the newer demotes.

  • Remove several of the junk demotes from each color. About 5-6 and make them available elsewhere. Then remove another with every new demote of the same color (New red demote = 1 more red demote being cut)
  • Permanent banner that uses some kind of alternate currency. This banner has 0% 5 star rates and is purely for pulling demotes. Each week has 2 games as 3-4 star focus (So one week could be archanea + jugdral, next week telius + fates) This banner also has all the previously cut demotes from point 1
  • New currency: Orb fragments or whatever. Every summon you do on a main banner that costs orbs, gives orb fragments (1 for a 3 star, 3 for a 4 star, 20 for a 5 star). Orb fragments are used to pull on the permanent banner from point 2 at a the usual orb cost with these. Orb fragments also get rewarded from PVE modes and quests

All of this cleans up the 3-4 star pool quite a bit on primary summon banners. And gives a new avenue of pulling for 3-4 star unit merges and budget fodder.

Edited by Faellin
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Oo, right, just get rid of 3-star rarity altogether. It's a relic of a bygone era now that the pools are the same.

Or maybe have 3-stars are a class of unit purchasable with badges or somesuch.

Edited by Humanoid
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