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Teehee Madness 2 - Full 3DS Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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Alright, I wrote out a whole paragraph talking about Berkut being his angy self and lashing out at those he was close to, but lost that, so I'll just let everyone know the final party and dive in:

We're bringing Lukas, Forsyth, Clair, Delthea, Tatiana, Faye, Tobin, Python and Zeke; Silque, Luthier and Mycen are staying on the bench for when units die.


And with Mycen's warning heard, we go in. There is then a cutaway to Saber, Boey, Conrad and not Mae for some reason arguing about being stuck in a cave from Oblivion and terrors chasing them. Then I confirm my preps and move in. Alm says Duma possesses a dreadful aura, which I'm assuming is like in Jojos because, well, have you seen his Heroes art? Continuing on, Fernand arrives, sees a ghost in his dying gasps and apologises to a man who's already dead. Fernand warns Alm Berkut's snapped and asks us to finish this game and "Let this tragedy end.", His words. Also he decides to argue his family's death was his fault? Man this sequence reads weird even from my perspective. But anyways, he says his farewells to a dead man and Clair tries to order him to move, but despite being the only one he knew still alive he didn't listen to her and dies. We move on, managing to avoid combat before the next scene. Then we find Mila absolutely stoned and Celica locked in with her and the Blue Man Cult leader. Jedah proceeds to thank Alm for killing his dad (But it was Tatiana....) and Alm rejects these thanks, only for Celica to argue the world will fall with the death of Duma and it can't happen anyway (Give me enough Nosferatus, let's see how true that is!) Jedah insists that a new age of gods will occur and that it'll be chaotic and fearful (I thought Duma was all order. I think Jedah's fucking up his intent). Jedah reveals Celica will be sacrificed to try and make Duma sane, but at least lets them say goodbye to each other. Then the really nice track from their first reunion plays, but against a backdrop of Celica having accepted death and Alm not being on board with it. She reveals a dream about Alm endangered being her motive this whole time, which is a pretty silly motive and doesn't help her case of sacrifice working out. I know she believes it'll work out, but still. Clair asks are we now stuck in orders, Tobin talks to a dead man and is unconvinced about fighting and Alm chooses to fight anyway. Alm gets a little too into the argument of individual will shaping the world, but Corpse Clive asks will Alm face up to the likelihood of people fighting and killing one another after it and he accepts that. Everyone sides with Alm after this and Lukas and Clair say they'll get into agriculture in the end. Mila starts glowing after all this talk and we move on. I pick up the Brave Sword, run past the dread fighters and we get another cutscene (I forgot how frontloaded all these were) where Celica discovers Jedah can lie and won't get Mila to pull the sword out of her, then he destroys her body (WHAT.) and insists on sacrificing her and that brand bearers threaten the order of the gods on principle, then we get an in game engine scene of the sacrifice (Is this how it'd be done for others?) and Celica bewitched.

Next up is marching up to the Berkut fight! He walks up laughing acknowledges Alm as Emperor and asks him what it's like to rule Valentia and Alm lets him know he wants to rule well and asks Berkut to help out as family. Berkut stops him during that and declares that Alm gives platitudes and that strength is taken, summoning our generic foes for this map. Then another ingame scene with Alm staring at Berkut and the fire wisp formerly known as Rinea and Alm calls him out, but Berkut doesn't care, claiming people don't matter and perpetrating toxic masculinity. And after he says they'll get married on top of Alm's funeral (Hamlet much?) we start an actual battle! I'm set up for Python to move in and attempt to take out Rinea, but 52% hit is oof. I decide to go for it after moving Forsyth and Lukas for 10% more and more crit as well. AND IT WORKS! Sure, the first one missed but the second was right on the money and he still needed two more Atk to 1-round without a crit anyway. Rinea down, that makes Berkut easier and removes one of our summoning enemies. I rescue Python onto the healtile, get Tobin to heal and get HP/Skl for a level, get everyone behind the Lukas-Forsyth-Alm line and watch as Lukas and Forsyth both nearly kill an armour each and the mogall does nothing. Well, I think I can clear from here. Delthea finished the armour who fought Alm, Alm Double Lions a mire guy, Python Hunter's Volleys the Death guy and gets Spd for it, Tobin, Zeke, Lukas and Forsyth finish off some foes and we form a wall for the DFs, getting Delthea back with a rescue so I can better plug the wall. Clair misses her one but Zeke crits the other (And gets HP/Atk/Skl/Spd, nice), leaving him, the Mogall and Berkut left. And then the Mogall divides into 4 (This right here is why Tearring was nice: it had a consequence for dividing). I have Lukas and Forsyth delete two (Forsyth gets Skl/Spd/Luk for a level), Python takes out the other DF and we pull up to Berkut. Forsyth goes in because at this point it's tradition, Berkut gets the target of his battle quote right for once except for who will suffer, Sadly Forsyth didn't crit so he wins on EP and Berkut dies.... after one of the dumbest scenes in this game that I insist can only be him hallucinating. I'm not joking about it, I hate this scene.

He gives a ring by the way in the middle of this. Let's move on, get to the teleporters and go for the SE one to get Gradivus. It'd be great if Clair were faster. Then we end up in the Dead End, having to pass mogalls and pick up some stuff including level fountains. I end up making a horrible decision on teleporting in, finding an entombed and somehow getting ambushed by it in my mucking about trying to hit it (I don't even know how I did it!), leading to the enemies attacking me, one only not 1-rounding Faye due to Nosferatu and this somehow not triggering the Mogall enemies as reinforcements (I thought for a second I'd killed the run and at least Faye). Lukas levels off one for Skl/Spd/Luk, Delthea off another for Atk/Spd/Luk/Def and we clear out  with no issue somehow.  Walking past the Mogalls, we move on to the fountains, sadly with noth gargoyles after me with no real way out, so I decide to just hit them. Alm gets Akl/Def off chip, I have Zeke wall the last enemies for Tatiana and Clair to get levels (The former getting Skl (Really?) and Warp (No need to use a levelup on her!), the latter getting Atk/Spd/Luk (Nice)). We use the fountains on Zeke (Skl/Spd/Luk, why is this so common?) and Clair (Spd, well at least it's Spd), then go back to the teleporters. Moving forward and continuing to avoid enemies, on the way to a chest I manage to walk right past another entombed and decide not to face it because remember what happened last time? I avoid it again to get the gold coin and then go back to the next teleporter. This leads to the vault, but also has a way back to the Mila Statue, where I save.

Going back the way we find the vault. We get to see Clair argue there's nothing there and the game once again push the royal blood angle, block Gray with a Shine (Guess the barrier's from Melee) and leave Alm to fight solo. The vault turns out to be guarded by Terrors, which is certainly one type of security. I start with the first round, a bunch of bonewalkers and titans. This is also where Gaiden and this game fuck with the player within combat maps again, with the tiles changing at the start of the third turn to drop the walls and alter the position of the healtile. I just sit on the tile it'll be on and sit with the killer bow. This works just fine and Alm gets Atk/Skl/Spd/Luk/Def out of a level up on the way. Alm gets fatigued though and I have to use provisions. This will be a trend. The second map is all gargoyles and deathgoyles, making the killer bow more essential. The healtiles also go from inside the pillars to outside them every turn. Alm gets HP/Atk/Skl on level up, gets tired again. a single garlic fixes this. Next fight, I walk up, crit the arcanist with the killer bow and have the necrodragons die to it as well. I hold off charging to the other two and wait for the tiles to change, then walk to the new healtile and equip the Royal Sword. Somehow Alm doesn't get hit on the healtile more than once and the fight goes very well for him. Job done, no fatigue, we go up to the last room. The one item in the vault is Mila's skull. The fuck Duma? Oh yeah, that was Jedah. The fuck Jedah?

We then get the scene. You know, where Alm has to fight witch Celica (Which was still one of the first Fallen alts.... why? I mean, I get it from recency and them liking money, but still) Jedah explains that Celica's been turned into a witch and tells her to kill Alm. Jedah calling them fighting a reenactment of Duma and Mila fighting is certainly a take. Then we get the cutscene that was spoiled in the beginning, with Celica asking Alm to kill her, disarming him (He can't kill her without a weapon. Let him get the killer bow!) and then Alm hears voices again and it's Mila telling him to grasp Falchion. This frees the sword, Jedah insists that the blade shouldn't be unbound (The binding blade's rival?) and gets scared away by a bit of light, Alm mishears Mila say Thrust in Falchion and Celica dies. Whoops. Alm breaks down as he realises he's killed yet another person he was close to in story, then Mila has to sacrifice herself to resurrect Celica, who is not bound to Duma anymore I guess. Honestly, I like the look of this cutscene's resurrection, I know this has issues, but still. Afterwards, Alm gets to be happy, Mila tells them about how they used to be giants, now they did stop, points to Falchion and lets them know they'll have to use it to kill Duma and Naga gave it to them for when humans would have to use it on them. Mila apologises for fucking up and says they loved mankind (Certainly a messed up way of showing it lately). After asking again to kill Duma, she dips, Celica apologises and Alm asks her to follow him to the end (which is awkward when she's dead). This and the declarations of a new future made, we leave, walk up to the other door and slap the two turnwheels in the door to end the pre-endgame. Finally we reunite with Celica's forces, Mae lets us know they nearly died and probably Mila told them to go to where everyone meets up. Jedah has a villain breakdown about Mila acting out of character in his mind and Alm shouts at him about how he's gonna kill him while Jedah calls them heretics. He also says everyone needs to suffer (He is super conservative isn't he?). He also calls a godless world impossible and heretical, ending on the statement "Show me the true limits of man!". Well, you're going to have to wait, it's been long enough and I want to leave this finale to later.

TL;DR: Falchion was collected, Faye and Celica almost got decimated, Berkut and Fernand hallucinated, all while Jedah pontificated.

Looking at my party stats, Mathilda's better than any of my living Gold Knights on total stats, but probably would have been actually better if she hadn't been forced out, Python is so much better than Leon that I could arguably bench Leon and not miss out too much, having 2 Falcon Knights total feels weird, Tobin and Luthier will be sadly irrelevant because there are no more armours and both are underwhelming against others, so they, Leon and Mycen hit the bench out of those still eligible. Funnily, my final party ends up evenly split between Alm and Celica. And I also have stat boosters. Namely, one Talisman, four Fruit of Life (2HP), three Soma (2Atk), two Nethergranate (2Skl), four Pegasus Cheese (2Spd), two Nectar (2Luk), three Ambrosia (2Def) and two Golden Apples (Level up). Any characters you want to see get boosts, let me know.

Edited by Punished Dayni
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Phew...That is chapter 26 done with no casualties, although there were a few close calls (one due to my own greed...). Now to catch up on responses


And I forgot to comment on the elevator map last time.

On 6/15/2023 at 3:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




He was in range? FFF

And he missed the second attack *phew*

...Phew that was a close call. The whole fight is as cramped as a battle in an elevator, on top of the actual elevators...


On 6/15/2023 at 3:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



New Objective: Speed!

Good luck getting that without Berseruka.


On 6/15/2023 at 3:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Critrochi finishes and saves the day! Otherwise we would've lost like 7 units lmao xD

I comitted and everyone except her missed (~65-70 hit) kek

Thank goodness. Sometimes you just have to go all in like that, but a bit of bad luck with the hits can make that kind of situation all the scarier.


On 6/23/2023 at 6:34 PM, GuardianSing said:


Going forward I'll probably willingly leave Tiki out since she has no pair up partner and I can't be bothered to train her up right now

That is kind of a shame after all the effort you took to actually get her.


On 6/23/2023 at 6:34 PM, GuardianSing said:



...Such a shame I didn't have an assassin with 12 movement to KO the boss.

Damn, a 12 move missile of death winning it all.


On 6/23/2023 at 7:04 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Clever play, not needing it, but nonetheless using a mid-battle skill acquisition to contribute towards victory. Calculating everything and factoring into your strategy.

To be fair, I was planning on having it to help deal with Ryoma, getting it at that very moment was just a nice boon.


On 6/23/2023 at 7:04 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:


I don't really remember Ryoma's last stand, oddly. Sakura's fortress, Takumi's wall, Hinoka's aerial assault, Iago & Hans, I don't remember individual enemy formations or anything, but an imprint of these ordeals rests in my bones. Ryoma's also infamous map didn't do that. Which makes my appreciation for your smooth completion of this lategame hellhole less than it should be.😅

That makes me think you simply had a Corrin capable of dealing with Ryoma, which is more common than it sounds. Often that is the easiest way to deal with this map, but I tend to play it legit for funsies, and in this case I didn't think my TeeHee could pull it off without more luck than I would risk in an ironman.


On 6/24/2023 at 1:10 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Just realised that. That chapter was one I had a rough time with on Hard.

My memory of that chapter is it being a massive quagmire in Lunatic, where the map starts with you being pinned in by reinforcements that you can only just barely deal with each turn.


On 6/25/2023 at 5:59 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turn 7 player phase begins with me realizing Corrin can’t ORKO the Entrapper.

That is a scary thing to realize when that is your plan, but at least the power of convoy was there to save the day.


On 6/25/2023 at 5:59 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Asugi opens the last chest, the Waterwheel naginata (nobody has the rank for this).

You almost always need to use arms scrolls to reach S rank...or is this literally you don't have anyone in the class that gets S Naginata?


On 6/25/2023 at 5:59 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

This map feels more hostile on Lunatic if memory serves. Does the handful of extra Lunatic enemies push it past some critical mass, wherein it become difficult to player phase devour all threats that'd result in a character death, there?

My memory of it is that dealing with, and healing the damage from the reinforcement took everything I had each turn, which made it a tense slog through all the reinforcements.


On 6/25/2023 at 8:35 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Would be cool if we could all agree on a time to start endgame together and post updates life here.

Would be super hard to plan tho

I would be game, but I don't know if I will get my 26 writeup done before the weekend...


On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Slashing more than Prices!

OMG, you are grabbing another character at this 11th hour? That could get spicy, and personally I have just resigned myself to having a dead slot filled by a fodder captive...


On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

...Orochi missed an 84...i will have to burn a rescue to not lose her lol...

Oof, at least using one of those isn't as vital outside of Conquest.


On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Lol. Why doesn't she scale

Jeez, and it was all a waste due to this nonsensical lack of scaling from the DLC...


On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


This paralogue can be a bit of a pain. I like it, but on Lunatic it's pretty tough if you wanna get all the rewards

You do another one...and a Conquest one to boot. That was brave, and good luck getting all that sweet loot. Plus getting Fate's best mage is a nice boon.


On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I will capture that guy with OrochiPowah

Nice, although I get the funny feeling you wont have the room for them at this point, if you are grabbing an extra real unit.


On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Hard weapon ranks suck tho

Too true, the Lunatic max weapon ranks make generics so much more worth going for.


On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


FFS Orochi missed....

At least you made sure she could live the miss...just barely.


On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Time to hold her hostage until i get the last item lol

Classic strat, although much easier to do before she is promoted and can use weapons.


On 6/27/2023 at 5:33 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Then we find Mila absolutely stoned and Celica locked in with her and the Blue Man Cult leader.

Lol, Celica hot boxing it with a god, and a Happy Happyist


On 6/27/2023 at 5:33 AM, Punished Dayni said:

I know she believes it'll work out, but still.

To be fair, it does work out like she believed, just not necessarily in the way she expected.


On 6/27/2023 at 5:33 AM, Punished Dayni said:

but 52% hit is oof. I decide to go for it after moving Forsyth and Lukas for 10% more and more crit as well. AND IT WORKS!

  You have the devils own luck with that one.


On 6/27/2023 at 5:33 AM, Punished Dayni said:

I end up making a horrible decision on teleporting in, finding an entombed and somehow getting ambushed by it in my mucking about trying to hit it (I don't even know how I did it!), leading to the enemies attacking me, one only not 1-rounding Faye due to Nosferatu and this somehow not triggering the Mogall enemies as reinforcements (I thought for a second I'd killed the run and at least Faye).

Yikes. Its scary how dangerously impactful that dungeoneering mishap almost was.


On 6/27/2023 at 5:33 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Mila apologises for fucking up and says they loved mankind (Certainly a messed up way of showing it lately).

That is degeneration based insanity for you.

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Lets see if I can finish this before the weekend...


Lets start with the preps, as always


And as the meal hints at, my plan is to take the sorcerer's path. Also the speed thresholds are lower on this chapter, so that +1 speed is enough to more than half the number of speed tonics I need, but I need a similar number of Luck tonics still. I also give a resistance tonic to my two highest resistance units to make opening the door a bit safer. Now onto the story


Where we are on the threshold of fate 😛


I haven't waited quite that long, but we are getting close to the end of this lengthy little project.


Although Garon's piety delays the end by a chapter. Actually its funny to note that Garon is by far the most pious character in Fates, and our largest insight into Fate's religion...is Garon an allegory for the religious right?


At least they imply there are other kingdoms this time before


Returning to all that conquered "world" nonsense.


And to think, that isn't even his final form


Lol, that is cute, TeeHee thinks we aren't going to have a chapter now.



Hey, that is offensive to dragons 😜


Did Iago really think we were honest in turning over a new leaf? Really Iago growing a spine is more surprising.


The cat is out of the bag it seems.


Hinoka really dropped the ball by both failing her stealth check, and failing to flee during the full chapter of time we bought her to do so...


This feel like such Revenge of the Sith dialogue here.


Good luck with that one Iago.


It almost seemed like Iago expected us to just lay down and die for him.


Lol, like that will be honored after the respect we showed duels in the last chapter...also even on a normal playthrough, having the super slow, and paper thin resistance Xander duel Iago seems like a terrible idea.


Its an odd sentiment, as Iago really embodies the old Nohr, with him only being a disgrace to our little gang.


I do agree with Leo here, it is satisfying to finally get the chance to deal with this scheming weasel.


And he is a sniveling coward to the end


And he can't hide behind Garon's skirt this time


With such a simple excuse at our fingertips, that gives his death all the dignity it deserves.


Its exactly the kind of thing you would do, and its what you deserve.


Even Elise hates you...


For very petty reasons.


...and Camilla just had to say the same basic thing, but creepier.


...Hans, you literally did that in like chapter 3 (or was it 2).


Even the dead girl is ready to embarrass herself with her combat here.


Azura, we have been desecrating that land for... a lot of chapters at this point.


Even TeeHee is willing to suspend her scripted pacifism for some justice against these D-


As they say, be careful what you wish for...


And the prettiest little princess of TeeHee is about to lead an army into smiting these two.


Although I think Garon was more instrumental in ruining our reputation than these two, but they certainly did help in making Nohr libelproof.


...says TeeHee the traitor.


It is funny how honest she is about this being an attack on Garon's army.

But enough story nonsense, onto the map


And I open with a pair of door breaking, and shelter so I can ignore the enemy staff as I draw the first set of Heroes in.


With plenty of rally, and positional buffs on the two shelterers drawing people in.


And I slightly regret not giving her a strength tonic...eh I guess this lets me chose who gets the kill instead.


For example, as that gets her


A level that emphasizes her mixed offensive stats, and her finally gets the last of my main team to their level 35 skill.


Although the ranged ones need the attention of some of my better units, like trusty Rusty here


Who also gets a great offensive levelup for himself.


...That was a sad levelup from the other free kill though.


...this might hu-


That's my girl, getting the crit kill before even facing the counter.


And that is a level which on other chapters I would find underwhelming, but resistance is useful for this chapter.


And I am still staying out of enemy staff range, but next turn is...

Oh I haven't talked about one of the main gimmicks of this map, Iago has infinite staff uses, and three staves that he cycles between every turn, starting with Enfeeble, second with Freeze, and with Silence as third (Lunatic adds the terrifying Hexing Rod as a fourth to the cycle...).

Point being next turn, turn 3, is a Silence staff turn, which is the least dangerous of the bunch, so


I press in to kill the maid with her own Enfeeble I have avoided, with my first brave weapon use of the game.


I then shelter him to safety


As Silas should be able to safely draw in the other Heroes


But I do regret equipping the low accuracy Swordcatcher here, as it miss the effective damage hit


But does get a Luna proc hit on the even lower accuracy Axe hit, and the enemy brave was too low damage to actually attack, so I guess that was a wash.


And I just draw them further back so I can ignore Iago's staff.


And with them all so far out of position, its easy to slaughter the lot at my leisure


Although no one was close enough to get a levelup out of the kill/chip, and I am waiting for the next Silence turn again to make my next move


Which opens with me buffing Elise, and having her both break down the door, and ready to bait the enemy entrap staff to her


With the rest of the army ready to follow after her...but the entrap misses. It kinda figures, as she has my highest Staff Avoid. Its a bit of a shame, and I intentionally buffed her enough to one round the Sorcerers that would attack her after the entrap


So I end up using this father daughter pair to kill the entrapper


For an excellent levelup on Sophie there, and


I use my highest resistance units to block off the Sorcerer's path, and squeeze the rest of my army past Iago staff range.


And with her daughter as pairup, and a magic rally she one rounds them


Seeing as her Resistance and Luck are already capped, I guess this levelup isn't all that surprising on her, plus it gives her exact damage kills on the Sorcerers without buffs.


This turn here is rather tense, its an Iago freeze turn (I intend on using magic attacks on enemy phase, so Silence wouldn't be the best staff cycle here),


As there are a lot of mages to deal with after opening this door, and an Enfeeble staff as well. With the Rally, it should ensure they all pile on Elise, if she isn't enfeebled she should kill them all, and if she is debuffed she should live in the single digits even if they perfectly maneuver not to clog space...if I did all my math, and tracked the blocks right.


...I hope. I leave a few extra unit in staff range hoping to bait the enfeeble on someone else, but


Luckily her staff avoid comes through, and she avoids that critical enfeeble (sorry about how out of focus the freeze on Nina is though)


I did have a small miscalculation though, I didn't notice one of the spaces that can attack her started in range of the demoiselle boost, so one lives, but it shouldn't be enough to make the difference thanks to that enfeeble missing.


Fortunately it wasn't this one with Maelific Aura, with that +2 damage per hit


But with this order of attacks we get a block on one of the strongest hits, so we were even safer than I calculated


And Elise gets even better at killing with that levelup


Alas the last one with Tome Faire and Lightning wont attack without some kind of buff/debuff (its 6 damage per hit lower than this fellow...), but now we have some reinforcements to deal with


And I open with setting up the perfect attack stance for the kill on the first of those reinforcements


For the kind of level I have come to expect from her.


And that takes care of the reinforcements.


This mostly clears the debuff, but I also wanted a little chip on this guy to- Oh the Nina attack stance crit, so its even more chip, so I can fee-


Oh he even leveled up on the chip...and A STRENGTH LEVELUP!


Point being now Nina can get the Shining Bow kill all on her own


And TeeHee can kill the last mage here


For a late arriving, but appreciated bulk levelup on her.


And with this nice little switch-warp on my frozen pair


We can even kill one of the maids this turn too.


That just leaves us vulnerable to staves


One a relatively harmless Silence staff


The other was frustratingly an enfeeble on a unit I plan on using a fair bit in the next section.


Next turn we deal with the other staffer


For a bulk levelup on Mozu.


And I just avoid staff range for rest of the turn.


I just bait the Sorcerer across the wall in my next turn, as I am waiting for a Silence Staff turn


And I get a fairly easy kill for my half-hearted efforts. Admittedly I should have been more careful, but it turned out alright.


But it is now time for the classic Hans entrapment.


And after some maneuvering to get the -20 avoid from Odin adjacency, I go for this one shot attack stance here, from range to avoid the counter damage.


Hey, that's my line.


And we didn't miss the kill.


Such a simple motivation for such cruelty.


I then mess up the bait here. Ironically I overlooked Demoiselle again, so I was 2 defense too high to bait any of the enemies across the wall here.


I then pull out of staff range for the enfeeble turn


And try again with much lower defense on the next turn


Although that does mean I am trapped there by the freeze staff


But the plan works perfectly


As you only take Countermagic damage on player phase, and don't when you get the kill, like I do here.


And Trusty Rusty get even more powerful from the kill.


And we might as well repeat that on the Si-


...I was hoping the other Silence bait would take that, or that magic weapons would still work with silence, but I think there is a way to kind of fix this


As two rounds of this chip will leave it vulnerable to a Rusty death (also note, Armored Blow is in effect here...)


Although it is an enfeeble turn, after a Strength Rally


It is still enough


To ensure the kill after the switch to Rusty...actually even without the Rally he would get the kill


And there are still a few more of these range guys I can bait into death across the wall before we open that door...


And once again we are pinned in by this being a Freeze turn.


A crit would be survivable here, but it is nice to see the one round without the Wary Fighter skill to prevent it.


And Elise just capped her Magic on a healing levelup...at this rate her last levelup is going to be a blank one.


I do also switch to the Silas, expecting the Silence staff this time, and with one more ranged wall enemy to deal with.


But he is still recovering from that enfeeble, speaking of which


I pull out of enfeeble staff range this time


Returning to the position on the freeze turn, but I just wait to avoid Countermagic damage.


As Rusty would otherwise literally kill himself with that kind of damage.


But I let Silas actually get the kill


Even with the Pavise proc to half damage.

AJFCJaUHaXxJ8QC6vhEQXyyP2UqBQX2-j5hnh_4m AJFCJaU3FhCqq6HCexJbeFKd98gHyb7it0EXOx9G

But now we have a few turn of repositioning


And Nina gets this speed levelup from a healing levelup in the meantime.


But we finally open this bottom door with Rusty, from out of staff range.


And we have just Rusty in enemy range, with some distant positional buffs from Elise


And showing how used to Lunatic I am, I send a few capable units north in preparation for some Lunatic only reinforcements...

I regretted this move greatly.


I do get some amazing chip damage in on enemy phase


And get a well deserved great levelup from it.


Although some of that damage was undone by the enemy healers.


And then I mess up a bit here.


I do get a nice easy kill on the Berserker, but I got my positional buffs too high for the more difficult to kill Generals to chip themselves on him.


I do realize my mistake about the reinforcements, but I make almost the same mistake from last turn again, when checking number I did the quick method of the battle forecast, and didn't notice one I had tested has Strong Riposte, so I again don't get the chip I desperately needed, and I have run out of room to backup, so I am forced to go on the offensive, and I both need to throw everything I have at them, but even then I don't think I can wipe out the whole group after missing out on so much chip. There is nothing left to do but roll the dice

I open with a magic rally, as I think it will end up making the difference on a few hits here


But not necessarily this first one.


That is both of the already chipped ones dealt with, so the rest of these kills are going to be a bit harder to pull off.


Velouria wasn't going to be able to reach, so I positioned her to get as many attack stance hits as I can, with those whose time I wasted going after phantom Lunatic reinforcements. This immediately pay dividends with her getting the attack stance crit to make


This an easy kill.


Which lets me trade-equip Kana over to Dragon Stone for


A tiny bit of attack-stance chip on the next General in line


For a kind of underwhelming levelup on Kana at this point.


That little bit of extra chip is enough to get this far safer kill with Odin


The Lightning kill here deals with the last Berserker with a 2 range attack.


With her mother getting the Lightning kill on the last 2 range in the pack.


Niles can then chain that attack stance into a kill on this Berserker (without needing the Brave hits, and its debuff)


Mozu then solos another, and I have been saving two fairly bulky units for last.


Although my initial move is to get this exact damage kill on one of the last Berserkers for free


I do then have to swap her to the Dragonstone+ to actually be tanky for enemy phase


And while I could chip the last Berserker from range, it makes me feels safer to just wait, that way its impossible for me to kill my way into a gameover somehow.



That was a bit intense (and felt reminiscent of New Mystery with that ending block-off), but those kind of attack stance chains are what Fates is all about.


Honestly I wasn't even thinking about Iago's staff cycle on that turn.


And like that we are out of the woods. The rest of the map should be a breeze.


Although the Pavise proc means I don't get as much Bolt Axe damage as I would like off.


TeeHee even gets this nice little physical levelup.


Now I can feed these kills to whomever I wish


To get a nice little levelups like this


Or an excellent one like this one.


And I just have my troops stay out of staff range before


Pressing in with the father-daughter combo to jump one of the maids


For a very Silas levelup.


At this point it is time to just press in for the kill


I probably should have waited for a different staff cycle, but we are close enough to the end here that I don't think it will matter.


And we have enough troops in attack stance that we can play around freeze easily.


Time to reveal the other brave weapon I bought for the other maid kill.


What else was I expecting, magic?


The way to Iago is now clear.


And he froze someone I never planned on using to kill him.


Speaking of which, I open with the safest attack against Iago


I have already wiped over half your army out, and we were plenty a match for them.


And with even the 40ish attack stance hitting, that is Iago down. In some ways that is a shame, as it would have been cool to see TeeHee's battle dialogue with him (and get the kill to boot). Also the sad sack is still groveling to Garon to the very end.

And that is a nice little levelup for her.


And like that the map could be over, but seeing that two of the stoneborn are stationary on this difficulty, I decide to wipe out the west side as well for fu-




I uhhh...kinda...forgot about this Entrap staff. Nothing died, but it very nearly gave me a heart attack there.


Now I don't know when to leave well enough alone, so I am still going to clear the west here, by first opening this door.


Which lets me get some solid magic chip with Elise


So Soleil can get a levelup on the kill


And it is a nice one.


Next I try to chip this one with Sophie, but Beruka gets a crit on one of the Brave hits to give her the kill anyway.


And so I am pressing in with my troops, and I make sure to avoid the static stoneborn range for now, and I learn that the other troops don't move till one of the doors is open, speaking of which


That opens it while avoiding the static ranges again,


And I am intentionally leaving Odin in range of one, on the hopes it will bait the stoneborn outside the room, to intentionally split the two mobile one's targeting.


Which goes exactly as planned.


And makes it far safer to go for the effective damage counter here despite enemy skills


With none of them concentrating fire, we are just fine, now


We can just pull back out of range, and lure the one beyond the door into a position to be killed across a wall


And like that the stoneborn takes the bait


So we can mulch it.


And we can press in to kill all the faceless charging at us.


With a classic Lightning one round against the other mobile stoneborne.


And that is a beautiful little effective damage one round from Sophie.


For a very well deserved near perfect levelup.


There is some chain lightning for the kill on the next one


For a respectable levelup considering she has already capped Luck and Speed.


Alas the last one required a little bit of ranged chip


For a Mozu levelup. Note she has already capped Strength, Skill, and Speed.


And that deals with all the mobile enemies from that room


But there are still some further up the corridor past the other door, on top of the two stationary stoneborn to clear out.


Two things to note about this beautiful little one round here, first off Armored Blow is making it very safe to go for, and second


The stationary ones have countermagic, so a physical kill is MUCH safer.


Although their ranges overlap enough that he has to take an enemy phase rock as well


Which would be just fine thanks to positional buffs, even if he didn't have the perfect block for it.


And I decide to feed the other stoneborn kills to one of my lowered level units, like Velouria here.


And I was a little lazy here, and just got easy kill through the wall here, and while I am tempted to end things now


I decide to go for that last little kill before the end.


I even wait an extra turn for it to get closer to us.


Feeding this last kill to Velouria again,


Oh right, plus there are two reinforcements when we opened the door.


That is one kill for little Kana


And that is all enough to get Velouria one last kill


For a staggeringly underwhelming levelup for all that effort.


We are done here.


Could be a lot worse with my insistence on leaving no exp behind.


Didn't we already kill this sniveling worm?


For once TeeHee actually doesn't spare an enemy pointlessly, but good try you trash-bandit.


And now he lies about his innocence...so desperate to save his own life.


I can't help but agree Leo. The man is too relatable at times.




You heard it here, there is no one left to harm TeeHee anymore...


Alas we have one last pair of chapters to go.


And the first half of it is killing the goo father.


Not to mention my shameful death with Azura, my RNG cursed death with Benny, and the underwhelming linked deaths of Jakob, Kaze, Nyx, and Peri, then my strength cursed Effie, Camilla the unmissed, Arthur's unborn son, Poor Flora who never had a chance to shine, and cruelest of all my Charlotte. It was all leading up to this


To this linked ironman's true ending.


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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...Phew that was a close call. The whole fight is as cramped as a battle in an elevator, on top of the actual elevators...

No elevator music either, would certainly make things calmer.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Lol, Celica hot boxing it with a god, and a Happy Happyist

Jedah Rogan taking it too far

Not where I was going with that, but yeah, got a laugh.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

  You have the devils own luck with that one.

In fairness, if it'd failed I had the opportunity to go again, but it probably would have made the formation next turn more difficult, might have had to wait on removing the DFs and possibly generals as well., the arcanists on top of that would have been too much to leave them alive imo.

But considering how the encounter after that went, you're probably right. (Rinea had crit reduction to begin with, but not enough this time)

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yikes. Its scary how dangerously impactful that dungeoneering mishap almost was.

It's a bit impressive that I managed to cause an enemy that's designed to run away and disappear to ambush me. The hit rate was more reliable at least (Faye has Alm support and had 80 hit as a result, but it only takes one miss after all), but that happening to begin with was a shock.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That is chapter 26 done with no casualties, although there were a few close calls (one due to my own greed...).

Looking forward to it!

....Only for me to wait to see if someone else replied long enough that you wrote it up in that time.

50 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although Garon's piety delays the end by a chapter. Actually its funny to note that Garon is by far the most pious character in Fates, and our largest insight into Fate's religion...is Garon an allegory for the religious right?

Garon's faith is arguably self worship, considering what he's possessed by. And I know self love is so hot right now, but there's a difference between that and worshipping yourself.

50 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


This feel like such Revenge of the Sith dialogue here.

Considering the chapter title, appropriate.

51 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


It almost seemed like Iago expected us to just lay down and die for him.

Well, maybe he should have made his accusations when Garon was in the room, might have had a bit more heft to his threats.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And try again with much lower defense on the next turn

I wonder if the AI never takes the bait on Lunatic, considering you did use the Hans break and I think it acts the same on Lunatic?

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I do realize my mistake about the reinforcements, but I make almost the same mistake from last turn again, when checking number I did the quick method of the battle forecast, and didn't notice one I had tested has Strong Riposte, so I again don't get the chip I desperately needed, and I have run out of room to backup, so I am forced to go on the offensive, and I both need to throw everything I have at them, but even then I don't think I can wipe out the whole group after missing out on so much chip. There is nothing left to do but roll the dice

Oh boy, that reads live something goes wrong.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Honestly I wasn't even thinking about Iago's staff cycle on that turn.

Which makes sense considering that turn.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Or an excellent one like this one.


1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

And like that the map could be over, but seeing that two of the stoneborn are stationary on this difficulty, I decide to wipe out the west side as well for fu-

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I uhhh...kinda...forgot about this Entrap staff. Nothing died, but it very nearly gave me a heart attack there.

Yeah, that's one way to start on that side.

Least it didn't get you into trouble.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


For a very well deserved near perfect levelup.

Sophie here showing how to level up.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You heard it here, there is no one left to harm TeeHee anymore...

Words spoken moments before disaster

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23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also i think we just waiting on @Interdimensional Observernow, right?

Sorry!😅 Xander 2 is one of the most insubstantial of chapters in the history of Fire Emblem, it'd take me only five minutes, literally.

I also intend to do Kana's paralogue last-minute for a final taste of EXP, it shouldn't be deadly.

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On 6/27/2023 at 8:33 AM, Punished Dayni said:

we start an actual battle! I'm set up for Python to move in and attempt to take out Rinea, but 52% hit is oof.

The Berkut & Sati battle I recall being a bit RNG-based. Not overly so, but not exactly one that's easily Turnwheel-free for the first turn or two, even by SoV's standards.


On 6/29/2023 at 5:38 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

You almost always need to use arms scrolls to reach S rank...or is this literally you don't have anyone in the class that gets S Naginata?

Oboro might've reached the rank for it, but then she link-died well before that could happen. As for Shiro, 23 Def (blame being mothered by Setsuna?) isn't good enough to make the Waterwheel work even if he had the rank for it.

On 7/1/2023 at 3:23 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

I do realize my mistake about the reinforcements, but I make almost the same mistake from last turn again, when checking number I did the quick method of the battle forecast, and didn't notice one I had tested has Strong Riposte, so I again don't get the chip I desperately needed, and I have run out of room to backup, so I am forced to go on the offensive, and I both need to throw everything I have at them, but even then I don't think I can wipe out the whole group after missing out on so much chip. There is nothing left to do but roll the dice

Overextension requiring perfect calculation and RNG on the player phase, a potentially very deadly flaw on ironman. Feels worse than the dumber mistake of an accidental enemy phase death, since here you have to roll the die several times before you see if it's live or die.

On 7/1/2023 at 3:23 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:



I uhhh...kinda...forgot about this Entrap staff. Nothing died, but it very nearly gave me a heart attack there.

After everything you went through, yeah that'd have been heart-stopping.

Doesn't help that the one treasure in the west is almost worthless if you've already killed Iago, range 3 chips don't go unpunished against Garon and Takumi. Like is there ever a good reason to do the left side first?

A modular map, packeted off into its distinctive rooms, with a predictable gimmick. You can play it at your own pace without that much difficulty, but that by no means equates to being easy for Conquest. Not exactly a bad almost-finish for CQ I'd say.



Birthright Chapter 26 + Kana Paralogue:


Fun fact- Birthright is one chapter shorter than Conquest and Birthright, because Xander’s final confrontation is trivially ephemerally farcical, it doesn’t deserve to be considered a battle! Not entirely sure how his stats compare with his opera house version, but if Xander had any stat gains, they are extraordinarily small compared to the gains the player has made since then. Corrin should have zero issues soloing Xander in three turns at most, easily less.

Even worse, the only thing stopping the player from sending in others to bail Corrin out, if they somehow needed it, is one General and a door opened with a touch of Locktouch. The “map” to call it such a thing, is an assortment of Nohrian classes without intricacies in four big open rooms, with Laslow and Peri tossed in. No overdesigned Hallways of Doom with Lunge-Debuff nightmare combos. Toning things down for Birthright wasn’t a bad idea on paper, but the executed difference is that of a smartphone vs. a rock with a picture of a phone painted on it with some wet dirt (not even red ocher).

Still, I’ll generously entertain extending the map for a turn or two, for a scrap of EXP.🥱

For that, I make a +Spd/Def meal again, which ends up being Dreamy for an additional +1 Spd/Def/Res on the menfolk. The right side has three Berserkers, so I feed Ryoma paired with Shiro a couple Tonics I’ve sitting around and have him kill the Dark Knight, he’ll need to survive a Maid’s Silver Dagger too, but that shouldn’t be a fatal miscalculation. He, Silas + Sophie, Azama (paired with Kaden b/c I had a spare slot), and few others get a Rally Def from Scarlet (and a Rally Lck from Sakura). With the DK dead, I have breathing room to the right.

Kiragi chips the General blocking the door to the duel chamber, Orochi kills it. I move everyone else slightly to the left, leaving Silas and Azama and his Replica to form a three-person choke just beyond the range of the Maids because debuffs are annoying to factor into calculations.

Turn 2, Ryoma slaughtered the southeast room minus the Maid in the corner, one Hero and the two Maligs move in the southwest room, plus three Bow Knights from the northwest room. Xander stayed in place. Orochi kills a Malig Knight, Silas crits a Maid (the Bow Knight would’ve only barely been able to chip him even so, Sakura kills a Hero, Kiragi the other Malig, Azama R the other Maid, and Azama the other Hero. Ryoma baits the southeast Maid, Corrin moves next to Xander this time with Horse Spirit equipped. Everyone else moves cautiously west.

Turn 3, Xander didn’t attack Corrin (for 1 damage) *Sigh*. Corrin attacks for 8 + 20 from a Dragon Fang. Two GKs moved from the northeast room, Ryoma doesn’t like these b/c his dodgetankiness is undermined by sword users in general, and mixed weapon users in general. To the west, Saizo, Takumi, and Kiragi take out the Bow Knights. Silas attacks a General blocking the northwest room, where a Strategist and three 38 Atk 26 Spd Silver Sword Heroes are led by a 29 Atk 20 Spd Brave Sword Laslow (Shurikenbreaker does nothing for you). Azama and his bunshin follow, both Asugis, one Felicia, Shura, and Orochi decide to head east, I permit Ryoma entry into one GK’s range. Corrin moved away from Xander just to see how he’d react.

Xander attacked Corrin and barely survived, Ryoma killed the one GK, the Heroes including Laslow and the two Gens moved, but the Strat did not. Felicia chipped, Azama and Sophie choked the west hallway and got a kill each. Ryoma crit the other GK and entered the range of one of the two lance-only east Generals. On the enemy phase, Ryoma injured a Gen, Sophie killed Laslow, injured a Hero, Azama injured another Hero, and then Xander chose to quit horsing around and die.

Even when I tried the “map”, very possibly for the first time, it’s still breezy easy. Got a belated Izana afterwards.

Level Ups:

  • Ryoma:
    •  Str/Spd/Lck/Res
    • Str/Lck/Def
  • Sakura- Lck/Res
  • Kiragi- HP/Str (And Bowfaire.)
  • Takumi- HP/Skl/Res
  • Sophie:
    • Skl/Lck Def
    • Lck/Def/Res
  • Azama- HP/Skl
  • Corrin- HP/Str/Def


...As for Kana, I’d like to catch up my weaklings here, but I don’t really need to, and I don’t want anyone to foolishly perish this late, limited deployment slots mean Sakura, Asugi, and Shura will have to sit on the bench here. Soooo I throw Silas+Sophie at the Swordmasters and Falcon Knights, Azama the Falcons the same but not the SMs, Ryoma will chop down the three Snipers to the east on Turn 1, Turn 2 shall have him swap over to the Dual Katana for the Spear Masters in the southeast. Felicia will step onto the bridge and Tomebreaker the three Onmyojis, with Orochi next to her to see if Orochi can get a little EXP. Corrin floods the outer moat, and Takumi, Saizo, Scarlet and Kiragi hang around in hopes of some EXP.

Lots of murder happens on the enemy phase, a little by Silas and Ryoma, more by Azama, and all three Onmyojis suicide on Orochi. The Spear Masters don’t move, but the boss bunch do. I have Corrin lower the outer moat, as it lets the Felicias, Orochi, Saizo, Takumi, and Silas clear out the bad guys. Azama gets into single-digits on the enemy phase b/c of an enemy Onmyoji, but lives.😅 All the surviving enemies die on Turn 3, except for the two Festal-only Priestesses who are vanquished the next.

A short fast EXP grab. Scarlet didn’t get anything (Rally Def doesn't care though) and Shiro is still a few EXP short of Spearfaire, but then his stats are too balanced yet not big enough to be useful as anything but daddy’s backpack. As for Kana, Orochi learning Tomefaire mid-battle means last-minute Kana has gotten this skill, useless b/c Nohr Noble isn’t a thing on Birthright. Still 35 Def and 27 Res with the Dragonstone+ makes for a bulky staffbot at the least. Not going to do the last Invasion b/c those maps are too unpredictable, too open, and has too many enemies with -faires.

Level Ups:

  • Silas:
    • HP/Spd/Def
    • HP/Spd
  • Orochi:
    • Skl/Res (And Tomefaire)
    • Skl/Lck
  • Ryoma- Str/Skl/Spd
  • Felicia:
    • HP/Str/Mag/Skl
    • Spd/Res
  • Azama- HP/Spd/Lck/Def (And now he is 20/20.)
  • Saizo:
    • Str/Mag
    • Mag/Spd (And Shurikenfaire.)
  • Takumi- Str/Skl/Res

We can proceed now.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fun fact- Birthright is one chapter shorter than Conquest and Birthright, because Xander’s final confrontation is trivially ephemerally farcical, it doesn’t deserve to be considered a battle! Not entirely sure how his stats compare with his opera house version, but if Xander had any stat gains, they are extraordinarily small compared to the gains the player has made since then. Corrin should have zero issues soloing Xander in three turns at most, easily less.

Xander's stats don't improve much.

On Normal he loses 5 Str and Def, while gaining 4 Skl, 1 Res and 22 HP.  Because he has the same stats in Chapter 12 on Normal and Hard, the changes on hard are more that he doesn't lose Str or Def, while also getting 6 Res, 9 Skl and 18 HP (Funny how he has less total for some reason). On Lunatic however he's so busted in Chapter 12 that he has stats you'd expect of a player endgame Xander, losing 5 Str and Def while gaining 1 Res, 9 Skl and 17 HP (Because he had more in the earlier map)

Note his Spd never changes.

In my first playthrough I fought him with Paper.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Corrin moved away from Xander just to see how he’d react.

Xander attacked Corrin and barely survived


Corrin: Why?



17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  • Str/Mag
  • Mag/Spd (And Shurikenfaire.)


How well can he use Flame Shuriken?

27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

We can proceed now.

So, when works for everyone to try and do updates?

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Berkut & Sati

Looking it up, Ooof.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Just set in the times where you can be available to see if we can play the finale at the same time

I may be able to add onto what I have so far, but that depends on what works for others and what others ask of me.

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On 7/1/2023 at 2:00 AM, Punished Dayni said:

In fairness, if it'd failed I had the opportunity to go again, but it probably would have made the formation next turn more difficult, might have had to wait on removing the DFs and possibly generals as well., the arcanists on top of that would have been too much to leave them alive imo.

I get you, sometime just rolling a bunch of mediocre crit chances like this is your best option, as if you roll enough dice one of them will work eventually.


12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Like is there ever a good reason to do the left side first?

In the challenge run of Conquest Lunatic using only 10 units (none of the prepromoted royals), and never allowing a paired up unit be in range of enemies on enemy phase (so no perfect blocks possible), I found a very good reason to do the left side first; as that lets me approach the last room from the Berserker side, which let me pull back, and use the higher move Berserkers have over Generals to give me more distance to deal with only one half of that room's enemies, without having to worry about the Generals getting an attack on us when we go on the offensive, or having to find a way to wipe both groups out with only 10 units, many of whom were vulnerable to effective damage.


9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Still, I’ll generously entertain extending the map for a turn or two, for a scrap of EXP.🥱

I approve of this attempt to make it an actual map...


12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Even when I tried the “map”, very possibly for the first time, it’s still breezy easy. Got a belated Izana afterwards.

but it sounds like even then it wasn't much of one.


12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...As for Kana, I’d like to catch up my weaklings here, but I don’t really need to, and I don’t want anyone to foolishly perish this late

I guess I am the only Fates player that didn't go after a very late child addition. Also I appreciate the extra caution here.


12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

All the surviving enemies die on Turn 3, except for the two Festal-only Priestesses who are vanquished the next.

You didn't even wait for the 'Zerker twins.


12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for Kana, Orochi learning Tomefaire mid-battle means last-minute Kana has gotten this skill, useless b/c Nohr Noble isn’t a thing on Birthright.

That kind of sucks...what would Kana have gotten skill wise if Orochi didn't?


12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not going to do the last Invasion b/c those maps are too unpredictable, too open, and has too many enemies with -faires.

Lol, Invasion 3 is such a trap in these games.


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20 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You didn't even wait for the 'Zerker twins.

...aaaaand nothing of value was lost.

On 7/2/2023 at 12:58 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Berkut & Sati

*looks up sati* Yeesh...

On 6/29/2023 at 4:38 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Jeez, and it was all a waste due to this nonsensical lack of scaling from the DLC...

Also pictured: Why I try to get her early.

On 6/29/2023 at 4:38 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Too true, the Lunatic max weapon ranks make generics so much more worth going for.

Too bad capture is one of the more poorly designed aspects of Fates tho...

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I'm open to pretty much any time myself -as long as it's not today. If the others time-constrained can come to an time-agreement, I shall follow.


On 7/2/2023 at 6:28 PM, Punished Dayni said:

Looking it up, Ooof.

I meant specifically the goddess who threw herself in a ceremonial fire b/c her father mocked her husband/her love for him. The goddess whom the 😬 IRL practice of wives being forced to immolate themselves after their husbands died was named after. Either way, I think one could understand how Rinea would bring it to mind. 

Shin Megami Tensei also took significant artistic license and drew a Sati literally on fire. The choice of dressing her in black could be a sign of mourning and perhaps alluding to the widow-sacrifice practice -although that'd be incorrect since white is Hinduism's color of mourning.

On 7/2/2023 at 2:27 PM, Punished Dayni said:

Xander's stats don't improve much.

On Normal he loses 5 Str and Def, while gaining 4 Skl, 1 Res and 22 HP.  Because he has the same stats in Chapter 12 on Normal and Hard, the changes on hard are more that he doesn't lose Str or Def, while also getting 6 Res, 9 Skl and 18 HP (Funny how he has less total for some reason). On Lunatic however he's so busted in Chapter 12 that he has stats you'd expect of a player endgame Xander, losing 5 Str and Def while gaining 1 Res, 9 Skl and 17 HP (Because he had more in the earlier map)

Note his Spd never changes.

Thank you for the numbers.😃

On 7/2/2023 at 2:27 PM, Punished Dayni said:

How well can he use Flame Shuriken?

15 Mag, perhaps with a reclass to Butler he'd be as capable as his Felicia-begotten son, but then he and Felicia are already using the Flames, and they've Replicate too while he has ran out of time for that. Still, capped Str and a slew of the physical Shuriken including the Sting for armor and a Barb mean he has done fine.


On 7/3/2023 at 4:21 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

You didn't even wait for the 'Zerker twins.

I'm pretty sure I've never once fought them, this map simply finishes too quick for that. While they would've been more EXP here, I didn't want to risk a miscalculation.

On 7/3/2023 at 4:21 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

That kind of sucks...what would Kana have gotten skill wise if Orochi didn't?

Heartseeker would've been more reliable than Vengeance and roughly comparable to Mag+2, so I was going to go with that. But it's no biggie.

On 7/3/2023 at 4:21 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Lol, Invasion 3 is such a trap in these games.

A big map, everyone is probably spread out, reinforcements you have no clear idea about, the enemies are fairly strong and have skills. It's a litany of issues. But the biggest I find is the destructible stuff, it adds an element of unpredictability to how the enemies move, and I don't like that. You can't rely on the structure combat bonuses either, yet you can't discount them for the first turn or two either.

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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I guess we can't find a unified time?

I'm not sure about the later half of next week yet, but Monday evening works for three of us, IO seems open to it and there's been no input from GuardianSing yet in the link.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

15 Mag, perhaps with a reclass to Butler he'd be as capable as his Felicia-begotten son, but then he and Felicia are already using the Flames, and they've Replicate too while he has ran out of time for that. Still, capped Str and a slew of the physical Shuriken including the Sting for armor and a Barb mean he has done fine.

Good point that Asugi and Felicia just do it better.

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17 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'm not sure about the later half of next week yet, but Monday evening works for three of us, IO seems open to it and there's been no input from GuardianSing yet in the link.

Okay, to clarify there's not much perfect overlap, but barring me and Shrimpy the maps can be resolved pretty quickly and I think we can finagle something from there.

But then again the amount of perfect overlap we're getting even if I confirm later this week is still small enough.

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Just a warning, I will be at the whimsy of traffic for tomorrow in particular, and depending on how bad it is I might miss the overlap window for Monday. Ideally I will be back in time, but I have an out of town funeral to get to today, and decided to save most of the return trip for Monday instead of having 4 hrs of driving to do tonight.

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34 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Just a warning, I will be at the whimsy of traffic for tomorrow in particular, and depending on how bad it is I might miss the overlap window for Monday. Ideally I will be back in time, but I have an out of town funeral to get to today, and decided to save most of the return trip for Monday instead of having 4 hrs of driving to do tonight.

All fair enough, we'll have to see how things go.

Speaking of, is the plan to just update continually turn by turn here?

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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Speaking of, is the plan to just update continually turn by turn here?

Maybe every couple turns or when something big happens or an amazing play or smth.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Just a warning, I will be at the whimsy of traffic for tomorrow in particular, and depending on how bad it is I might miss the overlap window for Monday. Ideally I will be back in time, but I have an out of town funeral to get to today, and decided to save most of the return trip for Monday instead of having 4 hrs of driving to do tonight.

No problemo take your time

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Just in time, let's do some prep:

I give the Golden Apples to Sonya (Spd) and Conrad (HP/Spd/Luk/Def), give the +Skl stuff and Talisman to Python, the +Luk to Zeke and Tatiana, the +HP stuff to all the Saints, the +Atk stuff to Clair, Python and Est, the +Def stuff to Jesse, Sonya and Est, the +Spd stuff to Clair, Sonya and Mae and the Boots to Alm (Be interesting to see what that does for him). I distribute what equipment I have, then get the formations ready: on Alm's side to start warping over to Celica and deal with nearby Mogalls as well as possible as Lukas solos the DFs and GK behind them, on Celica's to form the best wall I can early on.

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Turn 1:

We start off with Duma's eye entering his husk of his dragon body and roar at us from far away, then of course the one-liners everyone gets when you first select them, I'm going to note it sounds like Faye accidentally made a "Yo momma so fat" joke about Duma. I have Faye rescue Forsyth forward while Silque and Tatiana warp Alm and Delthea forward, Python 1-shots the Mogall closest to Alm's side, Forsyth gets the next one,  Lukas runs to distract the enemies above them (They all deal 1 damage each, it's great) and . On Celica's side, Mae takes out the southernmost Mogall with Seraphim from 4 spaces, Kamui fights one and gets crit once (for 9 damage at least), Sonya takes out another because I gave her the Speed Ring, Est and Saber take out another, Saber levelling HP and Spd (That'd be great if he didn't have a Silver Sword, he'd double then), Atlas finishes Kamui's one off, I come back to Alm and Delthea and have them delete a Mogall each, which finishes the turn. EP sees Atlas get attacked by the last Mogall in range, Lukas crit both DFs dead and 1-round the cav, finishing the job I had him do in record time, while sadly Jedah summons 6 Mogalls, Marla 4 Witches and the Bow Knights move, ending Turn 1.

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Just finished a 10 hour shift, ya know what this means?


Time for the final for this run..



but first




Damn it Rinkah


Let's go


I think y'all see where i am going with this now Ü










Damn it


Statistically, this should end it


"I tire of this"

Same Orochi, same. I tire of work life too


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Turn 2:

I see the Bow Knights moved in a way for Python to be in range of one but not both, however he's 1 space short, so Tatiana moves and warps him there. Faye rescues Lukas forward, Silque heals Tatiana, Forsyth moves into the guy's range on the way to Jedah, Python takes out the Mogall standing on it's own, Est finishes the one who fought Atlas, I move almost everyone else up to outside the bow knight's ranges and on EP this is not as helpful as I'd like as the Mogalls divide and fuck with the bow knight behind them from moving. There's also another Witch summoned (though none teleport). And then Duma activates Earthquake.

Oh shit next turn is going to suck.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




Damn it Rinkah

Rinkah: the Charcoal Grill Master.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I think y'all see where i am going with this now Ü

Should we really name this Rescue chain when it does anything but rescue the target?

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