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Teehee Madness 2 - Full 3DS Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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Finale is here, my friends

7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Should we really name this Rescue chain when it does anything but rescue the target?

Is it even a chain when it's only 1 rescue Ü

7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And then Duma activates Earthquake


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Ryoma Ryomas


Final Lvlup just in time


Pretty nice if i say so myself


Charlotte Genes


Fastest Orochi ever?


Fate/Seal Death


>53% crit no support no forge



Fates' best Mage letting everyone witness her true power!

....this is just turning into me showing off my units isn't it XD



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Turn 3:

Realising how bad things look (Mogalls incoming, Possible Witch warps AFTER an earthquake), I make a somewhat drastic call and have Alm attack the closer Bow Knight with Hunter's Volley (he has 22 Def, if I keep a good formation this should hurt less), which works first try. I then attempt to make a formation with Alm, some of the higher def units while the rest fall back because that 28 Atk and Earthquake probably kills Delthea. Python takes out a Mogall from behind this wall, I continue scrambling and eventually EP comes. This does it's usual stupid amount of damage, the bow knight goes for Python, misses and gets crit in return, Jesse fights one of the Mogalls, Forsyth kills another (and gets Def from the level), Alm crits another Mogall and then another goes for Forsyth, Alm and the next two Forsyth respectively (Doubling Mogalls is fun!), a With warps to Genny and does 1 Damage while Marla summons more and the rest keep walking. Well that was far from the worst.

15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Is it even a chain when it's only 1 rescue Ü

Fair, though I meant in a broad sense.

15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Let's find out!

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Here goes nothin'


Well I've never done a 1 HP run before but I'm open to the idea


I'm just now realizing that if Poundmaker has to be in the battle it will significantly complicate things

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Turn 4:

Tatiana immediately fortifies, I have Jesse and Saber start crossing to surround Jedah while Forsyth attacks a witch, Alm also crosses and attacks one, Python kills the last living Mogall, then the other DFs start crossing, Mae attacks the witch with Thunder and misses an attack, Sonya finishes her off, Mae levels Res off healing Alm, have the healers and Delthea heal and the cavs and fliers keep moving. On EP I realise Forsyth was in range of Gharn and he gets hit with Medusa, a Witch warps and attacks Mae, who doesn't kill as she misses, Jedah and Duma summon 4 Mogalls each and then another two witches warp seemingly to attack Mae.... but due to how she was placed only the first one could attack and so the others end up queuing behind the first one. The rest of the witches keep walking.

Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

....this is just turning into me showing off my units isn't it XD

I don't blame anyone.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Niles jo?

What the fuck?

You are capable of such lvlups?

That +Def makes it harder to believe.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Why is she like this?

Just now, GuardianSing said:


Well I've never done a 1 HP run before but I'm open to the idea


Just now, GuardianSing said:


I'm just now realizing that if Poundmaker has to be in the battle it will significantly complicate things

First time?

Also, I don't think so.

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Time to finish this with a bang


We finish off his first phase


The Eyeballs trasport from Dayni's playthrough to ours!


Ryoma's last crit




It's over, Anankos

I kinda want Sakura to miss the first attack and for Orochi to finish with a crit ngl


I arrived at the finish line, comrades. 

I shall await you there!

16 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm just now realizing that if Poundmaker has to be in the battle it will significantly complicate things

Finally, a challenge

4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Why is she like this?

Wanted to prove all her naysayers wrong XD

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There are endless on enemy phase reinforcements every single turn so pretty much the only reliable strategy I can think of is war of attrition until we get to Grima

That or move Gaius and Chrom up there immediately and hope they get REALLY lucky on their skills and criticals.

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Turn 5:

Alm crits a Mogall beside Jedah and levels HP/Skl, I have Atlas attack another one and Est finish (She has solid Res, she can take some magic), I have Jesse attack another, which he crits but is 2 Atk short of killing, which Kamui finishes and thus frees up the spaces around Jedah. This might be a mistake with some low percent crit chances, but hey, it's endgame. First Saber, Lukas and Forsyth break the 4 slots for Jedah, then have Python take the shot (In case you're wondering, he survives if Jedah doesn't crit), which only needs one crit and it has 60% chance. And now's when it fails me. I do not crit, so Jedah lives for this turn. After Clair, Sonya and Conrad clear out the nearby witches I get on with healing up everyone and move to EP. I then see to my horror Est is in range of Duma. He asks us to thirst for him and hit Est, then a Witch warps to Mae, who still misses a hit on the enemy, another witch crits Atlas (6 damage. DF is broken), another Witch warps onto Clair, the nearby Mogall attacks Jesse, who crits, we see more Mogalls made and more witches called and that's it, I have a feeling- AND EARTHQUAKE'S UP AGAIN.

  This might be it.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


The Eyeballs trasport from Dayni's playthrough to ours!

The Mogalls aren't dying fast enough apparently.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I arrived at the finish line, comrades.

Tumblr: Image
10 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


There are endless on enemy phase reinforcements every single turn so pretty much the only reliable strategy I can think of is war of attrition until we get to Grima

That or move Gaius and Chrom up there immediately and hope they get REALLY lucky on their skills and criticals.

On Hard there's enemies directly around Grima right? Not sure what to suggest about that from this remove.

(Also, Grandmaster Lucina, taking revenge while emulating her mother huh)

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Time for the final for this run..



but first



Yippee! Hahah-

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Damn it Rinkah

Ohhhh noooo!

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So uh...

Those with less defense on my team are a little...in a bind.





Thank god Orochi finished before her linked counterpart died.


Mr. Jones (Coraline's Dad)

I've never felt like this image more in my life

23 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

(Also, Grandmaster Lucina, taking revenge while emulating her mother huh)





Owain, with the duel strike, lands the final blow.


...Well I don't know who else is gonna do it.

I've actually never witnessed the final cutscene if Chrom does it because it's just so narratively unsatisfying to do so, but I've been skipping the story all this time so might as well.

I'd like to formally apologize for all the people I've killed as I believe I'm the one with the highest body count.

...Phew boy, I hope I didn't just softlock the rest.

Edited by GuardianSing
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Turn 6:

At this point, I decide I'm done playing around with Jedah and he's low enough Lukas or Forsyth can definitely finish the job. Jesse joins them and Saber in the attack, with Lukas killing Sonya's dad (And getting Skl/Def), Alm defeats a Witch, I decide to try Hunter's Volley Gharn, which doesn't work, Mae finishes the Witch who fought her, I pull everyone else forward as we get ready for the second Earthquake, which hits and the first witch who can attack goes for Zeke, two warp to Conrad and Kamui, while more Mogalls start reproducing.

Turn 7:

I have Alm defeat a Mogall from just outside Gharn's range, then have Python try for Gharn again, which works out this time, Est beats a witch for a Skl levelup, which Clair beats the one behind the party. I have Forsyth try and attack Duma's Mogalls, which of course speed tie. Joy. The Earthquake and swamp damage makes fully healing less likely, so I have that to consider with my healing plans. Not to mention having Python warped back by Faye also reduces my options. But then I have Delthea move out of the swamp, where she proceeds to get in range of one of the faster mogalls... which she 1-shots. Never change. Lukas and Forsyth get to run up now, I have Tatiana, Silque and Genny heal while Sonya warps behind Est and Kamui on the left, just outside Duma's range. Then on EP Duma attacks Alm because I am nothing if not repeatedly stupid. Mogalls don't do much to Alm, so the worry's warping witches. Marla doesn't though, going for Lukas. The Mogalls near Alm attack but fail to kill him, the mogalls far away multiply and Hestia summons 5 witches, argh.

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:





Oh boy.

Good thing it's functionally impossible for us to perfectly sync this up.

4 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



The future is not written, it's carved apparently.

5 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


...Well I don't know who else is gonna do it.

Poundmaker from beyond the grave haunts Grima and kills her?

But regardless, two down.


3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Annnnnd I'm late I see. Sorry! Didn't get the memo exactly when it'd begin.😅

I'll reply late, I'm splurging away stat boosters and remaining right now.

All fine and dandy, just had some near deaths.

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15 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



15 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

hope I didn't just softlock the rest.

Nah, since the checkpoint is finale the others don't lose the unita until after the chapter, so all okay!

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Annnnnd I'm late I see. Sorry! Didn't get the memo exactly when it'd begin.😅

All good!

8 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hestia summons 5 witches, argh.

Unlimited witch works!


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Turn 8:

I have Jesse try to take out Marla, which actually works for once as he crits and 1-rounds her. Seeing that it removes the other witch, I have Python shoot Hestia down, removing the other 6 witches at once. With that, I start moving the rest of the army in so as to start on Duma. I warp Forsyth into Duma's face, which also leaves everyone close to the Mogalls behind Duma. Lukas charges in and deals 56 damage, Forsyth deals 60 damage and he still has more HP than can be seen. Alm takes out another Mogall, I have another Fortify to be safe and on EP Duma attacks Zeke and stays in place, which was my real goal. The Mogalls mostly attack Lukas, but also hit Saber, Atlas and Kamui, while the one furthest away multiplies.

  Turn 9:

Now, here's where the fun happens. With being so close, I can now surround Duma. Forsyth takes the northern position, Sonya takes out the Mogall on his east for Skl, then Lukas attacks from there, pushes him below 52 HP and we see the thing that shouldn't exist: No Damage! Alm has the Falchion to hit Duma but nearly dies to Oculus. Conrad and Kamui fell the Mogalls still nearby, Silque gets HP/Atk/Luk/Res while helping healing (Which I manage to just about do for Alm, keeping him alive. On EP, Alm gets hit by Duma sadly, but does attack and we live the turn.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Nah, since the checkpoint is finale the others don't lose the unita until after the chapter, so all okay!

So I have to write deaths for Mae, Leon and.... Nobody, because Tharja was unpaired with anyone from SoV.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Unlimited witch works!

Jesse and Python confirmed to beat UBW?

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Turn 10:

Sadly all my healers haven't enough Atk to be risking killing Duma with, so Alm will have to do. At least with Duma surrounded we'll have nothing else going on. Hopefully, which might be enough for me to get all the healers near Alm. Genny gets Skl/Spd on healing Alm, we see if Duma changes target on EP, which he actually does on Python and instead of healing 40 HP he heals 5..... Could this be the chance?

Turn 11:

Alm attacks and doesn't kill, ugh. I decide to take that chance and have Delthea heal beside Alm. I also move out more of the people I left in range, then see if I fucked up. On EP, I manage to cause another glitch in combat where the map didn't load the upper area, meaning I could see through to the skybox behind. It's a light enough blue. I should have paused on it and taken a picture, but I didn't. Oh, and Duma missed Alm and he struck twice, leaving Duma on 26 HP.....

Turn 12:

Which sadly is just enough for him to 1-round. So that's game, Duma slain, no saint got to end his pain. And with Earthquake active, I am taking no chances, it's time to end this. We have Alm telling Duma he has to go and Celica doing so but nicely. Followed by the shield throw.

....And with what was done to Mila done to Duma, the run is done. Alm looks to Celica's ghost lovingly, we move on to the new year and he talks to her ghost about how he still isn't over being a king. Even of a new nation formed from the foundations of Rigel and Zofia. He remarks on how neither of them got to know their dads, how Alm feels like Mila and Duma were irreconcilable (We don't really know if they themselves were) and we hear a retcon to explain the Mila Tree in Awakening. He reminds himself there's a nation to still guide, climbs up to the balcony and imagines he's doing so with Celica, probably really crying about how he lost all he cared for.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Annnnnd I'm late I see. Sorry! Didn't get the memo exactly when it'd begin.😅

I'll reply late, I'm splurging away stat boosters and remaining right now.

You aren't as late as I am...


Alas I think I will report as I play, so no images this time. I open with a +1 speed, +1 defense meal with a + 1 luck flair. I buy fresh Mends for all my healers, the Fortify for endgame, and enough tonics to fully tonic everyone for both maps, as I can still afford that. I also burn two arms scrolls to get Ophelia to S rank for Excalibur, but otherwise leave my comically large pile of stat boosting items alone, and such is the starting preps.


Edit Update 1:

Sorry to waste a little space on the story, but the nonsense about not talking about Valla briefly rears is ugly inbred head as we prepare to confront the goo father. TeeHee even quite willingly puts her life on the line to get them to briefly trust her words, but it comes across as a little less dumb than the Revelations leap of fate. Although credit where it is due, the powers of the Hoshidan throne were a well established Chekov's Gun, for Conquest's story at least. I do also have respect for the Nohrian royal's reluctance to kill their father. Now for the rather important (for this map) step of repositioning troops



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Any noteworthy tidbits?

Greith took 45 turns, nothing came close, I think the next highest would have been 24 turns, which says a lot about how Greith's went.

Tatiana had the lowest kills of the survivors, with only Clive and Mycen (0/0) lower. Though Zeke only had two more, poor guy (Faye and Genny had more, Silque tied.... wow). Matilda had more than any of them despite only being in Act 3, though less than Kliff who died before her? I mean, he had a lot of training and was Myrm before he died. Conrad had less kills than Bowy, who was gone for ages pfft. It's funny how many more battles the Ram squad were in than more of the army (Gray near 150 battles, Tobin on 110), but nothing compared to Valbar's 214 (And yet he had less kills than Jesse or Atlas, who had just over half the amount of battles).  Est having 64 kills is pretty funny all things considered, especially when she and Clair are about equal on battles and victories despite being quite different units. Saber having 234 battles and 80 victories is fitting all things considered, but Lukas having fewer battles and more victories is stupid funny. Leon also outdoing them is funny enough, but he did have Hunter's Volley. How did Kamui have 90 kills though, I wonder? He had more than Forsyth, but Python had 199/93, which says a lot from an underachiever. Mae gets the 201/102 mirror ratio, Pfft. Celica had 76/38, while Alm had 253/97, so outdone by Mae of all people. Mae is the real MVP apparently?

I'll be coming back to this file for reasons.

4 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Alas I think I will report as I play, so no images this time. I open with a +1 speed, +1 defense meal with a + 1 luck flair. I buy fresh Mends for all my healers, the Fortify for endgame, and enough tonics to fully tonic everyone for both maps, as I can still afford that. I also burn two arms scrolls to get Ophelia to S rank for Excalibur, but otherwise leave my comically large pile of stat boosting items alone, and such is the starting preps.

Good luck!


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3 down, 2 to go!

24 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And with what was done to Mila done to Duma, the run is done. Alm looks to Celica's ghost lovingly, we move on to the new year and he talks to her ghost about how he still isn't over being a king. Even of a new nation formed from the foundations of Rigel and Zofia. He remarks on how neither of them got to know their dads, how Alm feels like Mila and Duma were irreconcilable (We don't really know if they themselves were) and we hear a retcon to explain the Mila Tree in Awakening. He reminds himself there's a nation to still guide, climbs up to the balcony and imagines he's doing so with Celica, probably really crying about how he lost all he cared for.

Lmao xD

4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Mae is the real MVP apparently?


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Unlike most maps I start with most units paired, Sophie with the paired generic Llewelyn (plus Nina for backup) I put in the Swordmasters room, Silas with Niles Pairup and Elise as backup in the Spear Masters Room. The rest I leave paired in the south, but I will wait to reveal who paired with who until they are entrapped by the map.

For the first turn the main thing I do is have Elise move back into the passage to be protected by Silas, simalr idea on the other side, but Sophie moves back enough that only one Sword Master can hit her (partially due to lower defense, but also because their armored blow means she will have to deal with them more on player phase, the rest I have pointlessly move forward...

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Enemy phase 1, the unpaired Swordmaster attacks Sophie, and if it didn't have Armored blow would have killed itself there, on the other side Silas opens with a Luna proc, and levelup (although it doesn't kill). An odd levelup for Silas, with HP, Luck, Def, Res, but an appreciated one on him. As for the rest of the army, TeeHee paired with Soleil got drawn into the Berserker room, Velouria paired with Ophelia got drawn to the Master Ninja room, Beruka paired with Odin got drawn into the Sorcerer's room, and Mozu paired with Izana got drawn into the Sniper's room, leaving the Rusty and Kana pair alone in the corridor.

Now for player phase 2, I open with Soleil switching to the Practice Katana to one round the Berserker, with 0% chance of being hurt in return, She even earns a sweet Strength, Speed, Defense levelup from it. Next I switch to Ophelia and equip the Calamity gate on the Master Ninja, I am tempted to go for the hit now, but I reconsider once I realize she wont kill this phase, and thanks to the debuff, if it hits a 15% on both player and enemy phase, she will die. Next Mozu gets very close to killing the sniper with a Dual Shuriken attack...or she can crit and kill it now to save me the scare of the 1% crit chance it had on her come enemy phase. Next I pull back towards the corridor and switch to Odin in the Sorcerer room, with Rusty moving in just behind him to help that room out next turn. Then Sophie kills the lone Swordmaster, gets a full block gauge for her trouble, and gets healed up a lot from Nina's Mend. Finally Elise uses Lightning to kill the paired Spearmaster on her end, to get her final levelup, a mere HP, but not surprising how much she has capped right now. Finally I have Silas attack its back half to proc another luna hit, but that is still only chip damage with the Guard Naginata. 


Edit Update 1:

Enemy phase 2 the Master Ninja uses attack stance with the healer to reach 25% accuracy to hit, her but she crit return for the instant kill, otherwise things go as expected.

Onto player phase 3, Rusty easier Dual clubs to kill the Sorcerer, and he earns an HP, Mag, Luck, and Def levelup from the kill, then I have Beruka slaughter the remaining healer. As for the other alone healers, I let Izana, Velouria, and Soleil kill them for now. The paired Swordmaster is a bit trickier to deal with, as its too fast for Sophie to double (whereas the +3 speed from a raider weapon was enough to double the unpaired one), but with a Dual Yumi hit,Sophie can finish it with a forged lance, leaving one Swordmaster. She also gets a Skill Luck Defense Resistance levelup from the kill. As for the last front, thanks to enemy healers Silas can't kill any of them by himself, and with terrible accuracy from Elise on them, they have to work together to kill one of the injured Spear masters, so there is still one more of those alive as well


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Chapter 27 BR-

The first half of the Birthright finale contains a notable difference between Lunatic and Hard. Hard removes 1-2 enemies from each pack of 3-4 on Lunatic, it adds up to a ~17-unit decrease. With so massive a decline, limited enemy skill usage, and no reinforcements, this open and crowded map I ought to be able to just break through fairly quickly. Every gets some Tonics and a few the permanent stat boosters. An Exquisite +Spd/Def meal shall is another nice boost for this one too, even if it can’t last into the second half.

Turn 1 begins with a Def Rally from centrally-placed Scarlet, which buffs almost all of my units. Silas + Sophie (49 HP 46 Def (all bonuses including food and Rally included), 29 Res) moves and chips the inward Great Knight of the two on the right, getting into Entrap range, which he could drag him into Dark Knight spell range, and places him the range of the 48 Atk Brave Axe Berserker too. Ryoma + Shiro heads east to bait the two Berserkers there, Azama (54 HP, 41 Def, 25 Res) doesn’t have time or space to clone, instead he Barb-Rend-crits the inward Great Knight to the left, staying just out of the Berserkers’ ranges. Orochi ORKOs the General directly north of the starting position. Corrin (47 HP, 47 Def, 21 Res), moves next to Orochi; Kana moves left of Corrin into the central Berserker’s range (44 HP, 43 Def, 29 Res with the Dragonstone+). Everyone else keeps out of all enemies’ ranges.

Ryoma killed the Berserkers, Azama one of the left Wyvern Lords and both left Bow Knights. Orochi crippled a Hero, Silas killed one Bow Knight that had to attack him up close, but otherwise most enemies harmelessly chipped him, leaving an 8-enemy cluster on the right, plus the surviving left WL, it’s a lot to chew for one turn. Ryoma finishes the left WL, Takumi ORKOs the full-health Hero, Asugi R kills the 2 HP Hero. Felicia R uses a Dual Strike from -drat, I accidentally ended Corrin’s turn while intending to swap to the Blazing Yato!😬 Felicia takes serious hit, but lives, Kiragi uses Shura as a backpack for +1 Move and kills an enemy, Saizo uses the Spy Shuriken with Felicia R and cripples another, which Kana then kills, Orochi gets a kill, Azama gets help from Orochi to kill another, and Orochi’s Heartseeker gives Silas an 86% chance of killing the Swordbreaker!Berserker, this lands. Sakura and Felicia heal Felicia R back to 38 HP (HP Tonic + Seraph Robe), one GK remains, but she’ll live through it, it attacks Kiragi anyway and Asugi R kills it on the next turn.

So now is Turn 3 and this map is almost won. Ryoma moves to bait the harmless, Malig Knights and Strategist to the left, Silas the DKs to the right, Azama enters Entrap range paired with Scarlet and Barb-Rend-Crits the center General, he’ll live if he gets Entrapped. Orochi gets Corrin paired to her and ORKOs the right General.

Do I end the map on Turn 4, Corrin deals 21x2 damage to Garon, with 58 Atk and the Blazing Yato, that’d leave him with 26, and Azama only deals 6x2 with the Barb Shuriken. Maybe Rend Heaven and crits could fix that, but killing the right Strategist and three DKs will only take a minute. On Turn 5, Sophie trades her father to Corrin for 23x2 to Garon’s 68 HP, he procs Dragon Fang on the second hit, bringing to 34. I didn’t it though, Ryoma deals 13x2 to Garon (100% accurate with Corrin’s Heartseeker in play) with a 0% chance of being hit. “Human”!Garon is slain, his immobile Maid and Sorcerer can only watch.

Chapter 28 BR-

Final Battle Phase 2. I re-Tonic everyone first thing, and then, I behold the mess I do not wish to think through. I want to kill Mr. Blight Dragon ASAP, but how? I decide not try a turn-1 solution. It’s tight, but there is just enough space to do a little baiting, make my trio Replicate, avoid entering the range of any Maid near Blight Dragon!Garon, and keep everyone safe. Ryoma takes some damage and fails to kill a Bow Knight, but that’s okay, Saizo used the Dual Shuriken to dispatch a Berserker with Asugi’s support.

Turn 2 begins, and I realize Silas can safely choke the south entrance through the rubble where the good guys begin this fight. If I do that this turn, then I’ve five enemies (two Gens, one ‘serker, one Hero, one Bow) to dispatch, plus two Maids and two Stoneborn to keep my eyes on before I can safely approach the Blight Dragon. Doable. Orochi kills one Gen, Asugi with an Azama DS the ‘serker, Asugi R + a Corrin DS the other Gen, Azama R the Hero, Kiragi the Bow Knight. Corrin procs a Dragon Fang to OHKO the Maid next to Garon (getting a Lifetaker heal too), a Dual Guard would’ve blocked the Silver Dagger debuff without it and Azama could’ve killed it. Corrin, Azama, and Ryoma (who gets healed) all approach the Blight Dragon, Felicia R with 32 Mag attempts a 53% Hexing, it misses. The Blight Dragon moves but doesn’t attack anyone was it because it was going to use the lower-left Dragon Vein that Azama was sitting on? Felicia got hit by a rock but lived and a great many enemies moved in.

Turn 3, Sakura uses Rally Magic on the Felicias, from three tiles away Felicia R lands a 60% Hexing on the Blight Dragon 😝, Felicia would’ve burnt the last charge of the infamous Festal in case her other self had missed. With its 78 HP halved, the Blight Dragon is now all but dead, as if it wasn't a fetid carcass already. Despite: 61 physical Atk, 32 Spd (69 total Avoid), 30 Def & Res, 22 Lck (22 Dodge with Dark Breath’s +10 factored in), and Dragonskin. Corrin deals 21 damage at 96% accuracy (with Heartseeker, not a bad coincidental pickup actually), and procs Dragon Fang bringing it to 32. Azama slings the Barb Shuriken for the very last time for 100% accurate 9 damage, he made it a Rend & Crit for 24, Birthright is ended.

(To check the math, Ryoma could’ve done 13x2 = 26 damage. Orochi with a 100% accurate Rat Spirit would’ve dealt 11. Takumi would’ve dealt 15 with the Fujin Yumi by himself. 21 + 9 + 26 + 11 + 15 = 82 damage. I didn’t need the Hexing hit, and I still had yet more firepower left unused than just this.)


Sorry to post this all at once instead of incrementally.😅 I was trying not to flub up somewhere alternating between posting & playing.

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Enemy phase 3 Silas Again procs Luna, but thanks to that damnable healer that still isn't a kill

but it is enough that on Player phase 4 Silas can get the clean kill alone, so Elise can then transfer Niles over to give that healer an arrow where she rightfully deserves. As for the Swordmaster front, Sophie can now use a raider weapon to one round him, which gives Nina the pleasure of the healer kill. Everyon else gets close to their stairs except Ophelia Velouria pair, as they are going out to lure the Spendthrift army far enough south that I can ignore it, and then warp her in to join in the Gooron assault. Sadly they can't quite reach so we have a quiet turn 5. I also wait through turn 6 to give me extra room...

Edit Update 1:

Turn 7 is just getting everyone close to Gooron to go for the kill on turn 8.

Speaking of which, I open with Strength, Magic, and Luck rally on as many units as I can. The I open with a Kana hit for 10 damage and the dragon hex debuff. Next I defense rally Ophelia to deal 52 damage with good old fashion Lightning. That gives TeeHee an easy kill, and let the Goo Father spill the beans about Anakos ordering TeeHee's survival. Also se gets a late HP, Str, Spd, and Lck levelup from the patricide

Now onto the map where I kind of expect to lose units...

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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Alas there is a little more story first, as we again pretend the war is done early, before the arrival of the true Takumi... Betrayal. Then we have our classical atonement with the father moment before the great Apotheois...it is funny how obvious they were about following the heroes journey at the end of Fates. The alternate family callback to the games opening as a whole is an interesting touch as well, but I need a little more time to really consolidate my thoughts about it. Also Takumi's buy the other route pitch comes off rather tacky.

Although I am sorry to say, I will be taking a bit of a break here, as other obligations have caught up to me, but hopefully I wont be gone for too long.

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