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9 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I guess another unpopular opinion I have is that the Sonic franchise in general has never been very good, including most media outside the games. The recent live-action movies have been the best thing about Sonic, outside of the existence of Big the Cat (yes, I'm dead serious).

Agreed. Except Sonic Satam is the actual best Sonic thing.

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Ooh, unpopular Sonic opinion time?

really did not enjoy the (first) movie. The humor was mostly cringe, the dialogue was cheesy, and the music was annoying-to-forgettable. But most of all, every character came across as some mix of "unlikeable" and "useless". Jim Carrey's Robotnik, a highlight for many, was mind-numbingly grating to me. He didn't feel like "Robotnik" or "Eggman" - he felt like an overacting hack. James Marsden blandly recites a paper-thin script, while Jean-Ralphio Sonicstein proves far more obnoxious than funny. Finally, the premise - "fictional video game character shows up in the real world as CGI and needs to team up with some random guy" - is uninspired drivel.

I've heard the second movie is an improvement, but I've also heard it doesn't "fix" some of my biggest issues with the first. So I hesitate to give it, or the upcoming third one, a shot.

Glad for the folks who can enjoy these movies regardless. They just aren't for me.

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I'm midway through the demo but so far I flatout hate Unicorn Overlord.


The gameplay is extremely basic and the writing feels like they didn't care at all.

So far (at the part with Alain and Scarlett on the boat) all this game has done is made me appreciate SOV more, since I'm realizing it doing things like actually showing the cast as kids before the war comes to their village makes them reminiscing about it actually work, as opposed to Alain and Scarlett talking about things we've never seen.

I am genuinely  baffled people put this in the same tier as Fire Emblem when so far the Echoes prologue has had more depth than the battles the game has made me play so far.) 

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