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What kind of archetypes would you like to see in Engage?


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Old tropes coming back (like pegasus sisters/trios) or new spins on existing ones (I'd love a dragon lady who's Actually Old like Bantu, or a male manakete like Kurthnaga being playable with better availability for example). Whatever comes to mind! 

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Female "thief" with actually good combat (Kagerou basically)

Wind mage. Gender doesn't matter.

An actually awesome Berserker that routinely crits enemies for twice their health bar. It's been a while.

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-Antagonist/morally gray protagonist who starts a war for lofty ideological reasons, with painstaking detail provided to flesh out their exact motivations (that is, Edelgard but with more worldbuilding and political exposition dialogue). The canonical rebuke of their actions as villainous, then, comes from their rejection of the peaceful civic process in favor of violence. And depending on the scale of the problem they seek to rectify, there may be a legitimate debate whether violence is in fact justified or not.

-Good guy who's reluctantly a commander for the villainous side out of duty to his country

-Villager who starts out weak and unassuming but if you level grind them a little they soon become f***ing jacked and will crush all your enemies under their feet

-Most of all, a "Lucius" type of character.

Edited by Hrothgar777
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-I wouldn't mind seeing a Gharnef type villain if he manages to redeem the archetype. Its not exactly a bad FE trope, its just that its been on a very unfortunate losing streak recently. If they either have charisma, impressive powers or at the very least know their place then they can work. The problem with the likes of Thales and Validar is that they're both incredible generic and that they're presented as one of the main villains despite not having enough substance to handle this role.

But Riev knew his place. He's definitively a side character. He doesn't need to be impressive. He can afford to be the cackling side villain in the background. And while not exactly an original character Nergal at least earns his spot by having great power and a very personal bond with the heroes. In Manfroy's case he might be the definition of generic but at least he's incredibly competent before becoming senile. 

So just do a proper Gharnef villain this time around. A fell dragon does need his generic evil priest after all. 

-I'd also like a deliberate supervision of the Camus archtype. Explore the more common criticisms of the archetype, and have the heroes spell out that the Camus is more in love with the idea of his supposed nobility than actually being noble in practice, and have them clearly resent him for it. Either the heroes eventually get through to him and he becomes a Lorenz, or he keeps clinging to his delusions and get killed off with the story clearly rejecting that stance. 

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I'd actually like to see the "unironic" Camus explored more. Fire Emblem is a modern-day JRPG franchise, and so hasn't really been willing or able to delve into that kind of devotion.

Really though, Engage looks like it's set up to be fun and goofy, so give me the comically evil Gharnef-type, cackling mid-game villains like Narcian, and for goodness sake, give us a proper Bord and Cord archetype.

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I am not immune to loli dragons or even lolis in general. Give me another Tiki, Nowi, or Sothis and I'll eat this up. Same with Elise and Listhea. On the flipside I am also not immune to fanservice/flirty characters like Camilla and Dorothea. Am I "part of the problem?" Maybe. But I know what I'm about and I'm here for it.

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2 hours ago, Rose482 said:

Rude healers are the best healers

You're so right thoooooough. Anyone who's ever played a healer class in any other game knows rude healers are the most realistic ones. If I have to rescue one more Black Mage out of an AOE when I'm raiding I swear to god.

10 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

cackling mid-game villains like Narcian

You've made me realise how much I'd enjoy a Narcian 2.0. He's one of the most entertaining villains of the franchise imo (not one of the best, just one of the funniest), would love to see an succesor to him in a game like Engage.

13 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

-I'd also like a deliberate supervision of the Camus archtype. Explore the more common criticisms of the archetype, and have the heroes spell out that the Camus is more in love with the idea of his supposed nobility than actually being noble in practice, and have them clearly resent him for it. Either the heroes eventually get through to him and he becomes a Lorenz, or he keeps clinging to his delusions and get killed off with the story clearly rejecting that stance. 

I really like this idea a lot! I tend to get frustrated with a lot of Camus archetypes personally (I think Camus himself and Ishtar are the only ones who don't drive me a little nuts) so I'd love to see either one of these lines play out as an exploration of the archetype. 

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- A flirty female character in the line of Gatrie, Laslow, Sylvain, etc.

- A new type of beast unit. ex. bears

- A Cain/Abel pair where the Cain is more laid back while the Abel is more serious

- A female Merric-type character

- The walking fan (someone who obsesses over the Emblem's exploits, knows all about them, and wants to be just like them)

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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  • Pegasus Knight trio (preferably with different weapons)
  • Fire, Wind and Thunder Mages
  • Enemy Jagen and Christmas Cavs (they would have a support that raises every time they are fought)
  • Lang (basically a sympathetic one-off enemy general)
  • A non-child Manakete (preferably male, but female works too)
  • A married couple (not sure if this counts)
  • Strong Berzerker
  • A playable powerful female Sage (like if the Ishtar was recruitable)
  • Female Gotoh
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On 10/30/2022 at 7:30 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

-I'd also like a deliberate supervision of the Camus archtype. Explore the more common criticisms of the archetype, and have the heroes spell out that the Camus is more in love with the idea of his supposed nobility than actually being noble in practice, and have them clearly resent him for it. Either the heroes eventually get through to him and he becomes a Lorenz, or he keeps clinging to his delusions and get killed off with the story clearly rejecting that stance. 

That's kind of the point of Reinhardt from Thracia776

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On 10/31/2022 at 9:24 PM, Metal Flash said:
  • A married couple (not sure if this counts)

I'd love this, we really never get any of those :/ Like I don't think many players would cry if they couldn't S support two units cause they are married, but sadly I don't think IS sees it that way.

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1 hour ago, Rose482 said:

I'd love this, we really never get any of those 😕 Like I don't think many players would cry if they couldn't S support two units cause they are married, but sadly I don't think IS sees it that way.

"We're happy to announce our first open marriage in an FE game!"


Giving me flashbacks of the Elise & Alfin duo bond trophy in Cold Steel 3.

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On 11/1/2022 at 7:24 AM, Metal Flash said:
  • Lang (basically a sympathetic one-off enemy general)

...your example of a sympathetic enemy is Lang?

Anyway, it'll be nice to have a proper Jagen after TH. Hopefully there's a proper Gotoh, too.

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6 hours ago, Seafarer said:

...your example of a sympathetic enemy is Lang?

My bad, I confused him with FE3/13 Lorenz. Not that familiar with the Archenea characters, in case you didn`t notice.

8 hours ago, Rose482 said:

I'd love this, we really never get any of those 😕 Like I don't think many players would cry if they couldn't S support two units cause they are married, but sadly I don't think IS sees it that way.

The closest we have gotten in recent games are Aliois and Gilbert being playable with  their wives being confirmed alive (and Rodrigue if you count Three Hopes). And sadly, with the focus on letting the player avatar romance everyone, I don`t see it going away anytime soon.

A possible compromise I could see is that, through supports, the couple could break up, thus leaving them free to romanced by the player. But at that point, why even have the characters be married then?

8 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

"We're happy to announce our first open marriage in an FE game!"

"B-But I want (Guy) to be mine alone!"

Not sure if FE would ever go for something like this, but it would be kinda interesting to see.

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On 11/1/2022 at 7:04 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

"We're happy to announce our first open marriage in an FE game!"


Giving me flashbacks of the Elise & Alfin duo bond trophy in Cold Steel 3.

I would never touch them, they could be the best at everything and they still would be bench warmers.

As others have stated Peg Trio.

A marriable Widow(widower). 

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I would like a kuudere. Basically a girl who doesnt express emotions much until she meets someone she loves and is extra clingy. 

The dessert kingdom to have a Cleopatra archetype. Bown skinned and with an air of royalty.

Maybe a widow? Like someone whose husband dies in the chapter you recruit her and you can mend her heart. 

A mother and daughter! Maybe make them a single unit ala Heroes paired characters and in their support you get them both (Would prefer as lovers but as wife/child works too. The later would be the most likely).

Finally I want a villain girl  who you fight multiple times and then recruit her ala Aversa. Though she is still evil but due to gratitude she serves Alear.

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On 11/8/2022 at 9:26 AM, Mordred said:

A marriable generic or Phila.

I mean, FE does have some pretty looking "generic" units, even the generic villagers can be pretty good looking (the village lady from Fates is definetaly my favourite)

21 hours ago, kratoscar2008 said:

A mother and daughter! Maybe make them a single unit ala Heroes paired characters and in their support you get them both (Would prefer as lovers but as wife/child works too. The later would be the most likely).

I almost want this just to see how it would be handled. Like, would the mother do the first strike, and the daughter do the second? Would only the mother fight? 

And then there is supports. How would one write the scenario of both mother and daughter falling for the same person without it feeling awkward?

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4 hours ago, Metal Flash said:

I mean, FE does have some pretty looking "generic" units, even the generic villagers can be pretty good looking (the village lady from Fates is definetaly my favourite)

I almost want this just to see how it would be handled. Like, would the mother do the first strike, and the daughter do the second? Would only the mother fight? 

And then there is supports. How would one write the scenario of both mother and daughter falling for the same person without it feeling awkward?

Yeah something like that. But then with an emblem there would be 3 characters. Somethin like you say work for the character. Would be an spectacle.

Oh it WOULD be ankward but worth it! Just do normal where they both warn upt to Alear. Or the daughter falls for him and the mother would step aside but the daughter wouldn't want to suffer more so they settle. Though that can only happen depending how much Engage is willing to go into fanservice. 

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