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More name changes


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A friend of mine already own the PAL version of this game.

I think he has already finished the game, and here are the names he has noted.

(Please note that he is mainly playing the French version and that some names are different between the French and English versions.)


Doga -> Edgar

Jeigan -> Jagen

Kain -> Caïn

Freyr -> Frey

Nina -> Nyna

Garnef -> Gharnef

Aritia -> Altea

Talis -> Talys

Chiki -> Tiki

Oguma -> Ogma

Navaare -> Nabarl

Gordon -> Gordin

Marich -> Merric

Ellys -> Elice

Linda -> Linde

Morodof -> Malledus

Gra -> Garr

Dorhua -> Doluna

Grunia -> Grust

Riff -> Wrys

Barts -> Barst

Saji -> Bord

Maji -> Cord

Daros -> Darros

Kashim -> Castor

Rena -> Lena

Machis -> Matthis

Zagaro -> Sagaro

Roshe -> Roshea

Biraku -> Vyland

Wendel -> Wendell

Mamkute -> Manakete

Misheil -> Michalis

Ricardo -> Rickard

Athena -> Athenais (French), Athena (English)

Paola -> Palla

Katua -> Catria

Orleans -> Aurelis

The Devil Mountain->The Ghoul's Teeth

The following characters are all keeping their original/fan names:












Credits to Eliwood on the 4F forum.

Edited by Marthur
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The following characters are all keeping their original/fan names:







brb praising god (and hoping it doesnt change).

Most of them don't seem that bad for french, although Biraku -> Vyland is a bit of a change... Scratch that, anything is better.

Edited by Jedor
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Bord and Cord for Saji and Maji? LOL

Castor is the French word for beaver, though it is also quite fitting according to Greek Mythology.

I'm also expecting some emo jokes with Wrys. Or something Dio Brando-related.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Ruthea ...

FE7 had a little of that, true (Ruthea -> Lucius, Lagarto -> Legault, Renato -> Renault), but... seriously? It was tame. Ruthea sounds like a girl name, so they wanted to ease his androgeousness. Legault and Renault are failure romanisations (I think they wanted to make them sound like French names, but I'm pretty sure they're pronounced differently in French). Pretty much all other names are perfectly valid versions of the original ones. And they used real names, too.

It was starting from FE8 that they started bullshitting us, really. Corma as Colm, Cougar as Cormag, Jist as Gerik? I mean, come on.

Edited by TheEnd
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It could have been much worse, I suppose. I'll withdraw from any major commenting until there's confirmation that they're mostly the same as the English/UK version names.

However, for now... Linde at least its not Rinda? o__o

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Wrys is the first healer you get in this game, isn't he?

Kind of like Kilroy Rhys was in FE9?

Last time I checked, Altea was the original official english name of Marth's country. (In other words, it's always been like that.)

Certainly since SSBM, in Marth's trophy, but that raises another point: Was Marth always so called in English? I was under the impression that prior to SSBM, his name was usually romanized as Mars.

Edited by Paper Jam
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Wrys is the first healer you get in this game, isn't he?

Kind of like Kilroy Rhys was in FE9?

Certainly since SSBM, in Marth's trophy, but that raises another point: Was Marth always so called in English? I was under the impression that prior to SSBM, his name was usually romanized as Mars.

Yes to the first.

Before SSBM, Marth didn't really appear anywhere else, besides in the FE Anime/OAV, where he's called Mars in the English dub IIRC.

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Freyr -> Frey

Is officially Frey in the JP version (it was I who used Freyr back when we only had screenshots, before internal names were revealed).

Chiki -> Tiki

Navaare -> Nabarl

Ellys -> Elice

These were their original JP official names.




Original JP were 'Mediuth', 'Minerba', and 'Jurian'.

Barts -> Barst

Saji -> Bord

Maji -> Cord


FE7 had a little of that, true (Ruthea -> Lucius, Lagarto -> Legault, Renato -> Renault), but... seriously? It was tame. Ruthea sounds like a girl name, so they wanted to ease his androgeousness. Legault and Renault are failure romanisations (I think they wanted to make them sound like French names, but I'm pretty sure they're pronounced differently in French). Pretty much all other names are perfectly valid versions of the original ones. And they used real names, too.

FE7's name changes were perfectly legitimate. Fixing Rebacca to Rebecca, Wallece to Wallace, among other things (Beard to Beyard), were good. Lucius was also somewhat better (though I think it would've been funnier if they left it Ruthea). If I recall correctly, probably the largest changes besides Ruthea to Lucius were Wranglen to Lundgren and Ubands to Eubans.

It was starting from FE8 that they started bullshitting us, really. Corma as Colm, Cougar as Cormag, Jist as Gerik? I mean, come on.

Coma, Cugar, and Xyst, officially, at least.

Not to mention Chap to Brom, Brad to Aran in more recent releases. (At least Soanevalcke to Stefan is legitimate for space concerns.)

Before SSBM, Marth didn't really appear anywhere else, besides in the FE Anime/OAV, where he's called Mars in the English dub IIRC.

The official names originally came from The Complete, yes?

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Doga to Edgar is rather amusing. Now I'm going to start imagining him as a lecherous young king with a flair for machinery. :rolleyes: For some reason, I find Bord and Cord amusing as well.

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Some of them are completely awful, especially Doga<Edgar, Roshe<Roshea, and Sagi and Magi<Bord and Cord. At least some of them are at least pronounced the same way. And I'm at least happy enough that Biraku won't be translated as Barack. ^_^

Still, I'm very disappointed for the most part. I'll be using the fan patch and complaining at people calling Sheeda 'Caeda' for now.

EDIT: Hopefully the English version will be more correct, but I'll bet that the NOA will ruin everything as usual.

Edited by Swordsalmon
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Some of them are completely awful, especially Doga<Edgar, Roshe<Roshea, and Sagi and Magi<Bord and Cord. At least some of them are at least pronounced the same way. And I'm at least happy enough that Biraku won't be translated as Barack. ^_^

Still, I'm very disappointed for the most part. I'll be using the fan patch and complaining at people calling Sheeda 'Caeda' for now.

EDIT: Hopefully the English version will be more correct, but I'll bet that the NOA will ruin everything as usual.

Speaking of which, when was the last time that thing got updated? Mine just has some names translated (Etzel being an exception), weapon names and descriptions and stats... that's about it.

Edited by Boo
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Wow, they actually used the Celtic mythological reference of Ogma. I thought NoA was going to botch that one.

Navaare -> Nabarl
But they botched this one. Navarre is a real world name.
Doga -> Edgar
Fitting enough.
Gra -> Garr
Riff -> Wrys
Now he rhymes with Rhys. Seriously.
Ricardo -> Rickard
This reminds me of Rick Deckard. Not a good thing.
Whoh, you mean they didn't change it to Wolfe or something like that?
Mamkute -> Manakete
*begins screaming explicitives and starts cutting himself*
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But they botched this one. Navarre is a real world name.

Maybe they botched the translation because it's a real world name.

Now he rhymes with Rhys. Seriously.

I actually pronounce Rhys and Wrys differently... Rhys with a long 'e' (like the author) and Wrys with a short 'i.'

Why didn't they use Ricard instead of Rickard?

Edited by dondon151
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Not to mention Chap to Brom

Thats the thing. Chap becomes Brom but Sagi becomes Cord...if logic worked for name changes Chap would have stayed as chap if we have Cord...

Ha--early ROM release always are good ~_~

*checks scenes*

Nope, don't see anything. Other Friday releases like, Prince of Persia are about though. Anyway early ROM releases suck becuase thieves get the play the game while legit users are stuck with:

"Your order is waiting for authorisation and release for packing."

*begins screaming explicitives and starts cutting himself*

Manakete will stay from FE8. It is called consistentcy (something Nintendo are pretyty awful at admitingly...) :P At least it isn't Mamukoot...


It's the PAL version. That means NoE is responsible, in this case.

I'm not so sure. I expect to see the treehouse lot being responsible for the English translation than a British person to ignore American spellings but check for coloquialisms. Given that NOE rarely has to translate from Japanese to English (the programmers do for reading programming notes :lol: )

Most of them are not bad but some are just weird. Gordin...can anyone explain this one to me :( I would play the no real life names card on that and Lindle but then Edgar, Julian and Ellice start waving a card that says contradiction...

Now here is a conundrum for you. Advance Wars: Dark Conflict had names based closely off the Japanese version but the internet has this view that NOE renamed everything they suck becuase they saw the Advance Wars: Days of Ruin names first. What i'm saying is all names suck but the ones that suck the least are the ones you see first and the rest are either "those crazy Japs" or "WTF NOA" depending on order seen.

One last thing. The gerneric character names. We need to know these. I hope they kept the German numners in what do you but they're numbers you have a person called Hunt for goodness sake (Jagen)

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