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What we know of Engage's mechanics so far.


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49 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I updated the main post with what I noticed from the Byleth trailer, but as always let me know what I missed! It's your turn now, everyone!

Turns out that either Wolf Cavalry are pretty evasive by default or Lyn's paralogue isn't for the weak.

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41 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

lol I'm late today. People have pointed out many things in the Twitter thread, you should go check it out @DefyingFates


40 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Turns out that either Wolf Cavalry are pretty evasive by default or Lyn's paralogue isn't for the weak.

Thank you both! I've updated the Byleth and Weapons/ Combat sections to reflect the new information. As always, please let me know if I missed anything!

And I guess Byleth's trailer implies that the 8 battle/ class styles are all the available ones? I don't think we've seen any monster enemies in battle yet, but considering we have dragon-effective weapons I assume they'll be Dragon too. Speaking of which, I think Alear having a unique classification may confirm class-locking is back too. Engage is explicitly labelling them as a dragon, which seems redundant if it can also be an "invisible" status a la Awakening and Fates if they can switch to a completely different class. Of course that makes me wonder if Second Seals and the like are returning or not as well (for the same reason).

P.S. And you're plenty fast, Kien! I just had more free time than I expected xD You sell yourself too short, I think you'd do a great job at handling write-ups like these too!



lol, Engage says War Cleric Mercedes is canon

I can believe that!

ALSO, because I keep forgetting: The alternative for "Engage Attack" that Goddess Dance falls under is an "Engage Technique", right? I just wanted to make sure since it's just a synonym for Skill. I wonder if the English version will be "Manoeuvre" or "Tactic" or something similar instead.

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8 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Thank you both! I've updated the Byleth and Weapons/ Combat sections to reflect the new information. As always, please let me know if I missed anything!

Well, the trailer alternates between 49% and 48% hit rate on what  while the rest of the combat snippets have 100% accuracy; so they've probably rigged the RNG, again.


Another thing that caught my is that one of them is armed with an axe, for some reason.

Can't really tell if it's an promoted variant because the model is darkened out

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2 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Well, the trailer alternates between 49% and 48% hit rate on what  while the rest of the combat snippets have 100% accuracy; so they've probably rigged the RNG, again.


Another thing that caught my is that one of them is armed with an axe, for some reason.

Can't really tell if it's an promoted variant because the model is darkened out

Isn't Wolf knight a promoted class already though?

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3 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Well, the trailer alternates between 49% and 48% hit rate on what  while the rest of the combat snippets have 100% accuracy; so they've probably rigged the RNG, again.

The 49% has Byleth synced up with Alfred, so maybe that's just Byleth giving some Dex point

3 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Another thing that caught my is that one of them is armed with an axe, for some reason.

I remember that we have seen many Wolf Knights with axe before, though I would hold off guessing what class can use which weapons. We have seen Amber and Vander both being Paladin, but Amber only has Lance, while Vander has Axe. And then there's Bonet the Great Knight with an inventory full of sword... Engage is just messy with its classes and weapons at this point.

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6 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

The 49% has Byleth synced up with Alfred, so maybe that's just Byleth giving some Dex point

Lck rather(Dex would only increase Accuracy in multiples of 2), but yeah, since he was seen boosting Avo as well but not AS, I suggested that at some point in the past.

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Yeah, this suggests two types(Knife Sword / Knife Axe? Imma look into that), although promotion doesn't have to be what distinguishes them. Afaik there's next to nothing hinting a third tier of classes at the moment. Though I mean, wouldn't be surprised at this point.

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29 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I added the Heroes' Relics speculation from the JP Twitter thread to the main post. Thank you very much, @Cysx!

Well, I miscounted, sorry... we'd only need eight since we already have a presumed tier 2 (either Aymr or Vajra Mushti) and are missing one tier 1.

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59 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Well, I miscounted, sorry... we'd only need eight since we already have a presumed tier 2 (either Aymr or Vajra Mushti) and are missing one tier 1.

Oh, oops xD Thank you!

I guess it's possible we could get two Sacred Weapons after all, if IS didn't have time to add Hopes stuff in. Caduceus Staff and Sword of Seiros, perhaps?

Edit: Updated the main post again!

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Well, it looks like that there might be an third tier of classes or that the promotion tree is turning out to be pretty wide.



And does anyone know any free image hosting sites? Because imgur is essentially unusable without the app and photobucket is only free for 3 weeks

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6 hours ago, Armchair General said:

And does anyone know any free image hosting sites? Because imgur is essentially unusable without the app and photobucket is only free for 3 weeks

while I haven't personally used it, there's imgbb. You can also just make a private discord and keep the image in there. Just make sure to not delete the image from the server if you plan on ever using the link for it

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So these are the information I have gathered from Corrin's showcase and various other Twitter posts yesterday:

- Corrin's Sync Skill: Dragon Vein, which creates terrain based on battle style:

  • Backup: likely Vein of Protection, which create earth pillars that increase Def/Res
  • Flying: Vein of Succor, which create glow that heal every turn. Affects every tiles 2 or less space away from the user
  • Calvary: Vein of Water, which create water puddles that gives -30 Avo. Affects tiles in a checkbox style, in a 5x4 area in front of the user
  • Covert: Vein of Fog, which create fog that gives +30 Avo. Affects a 3x3 area centered around the user
  • Armored: Vein of Greenery, which create ivy that negates breaking. Affects a 3x3 area centered around the user
  • Qi Adept: Vein of Ice, which create ice pillars that likely blocks movement. Affects a 3x2 area in front of the user
  • Mystical: Vein of Fire, which create fire that deals Damage -10 every turn. Affects 1 tile in front of the user, then a 3x3 area in front of that
  • Dragon: Can use all of the above

Those terrains are what I called additional terrains, and can only be applied to passable terrains. Furthermore, seems like they can override other additional terrains, like Miasma (which gives enemy +20 Def/Res, and allies -20 Def/Res)

- Corrin's Engage Weapon: Dual Katana, which as expected, reverses the weapon triangle

- Corrin's Engage Skills:

  • Dreadful Aura: Attacked enemies and the one adjacent to them will have 0 movement for 1 turn after battle
  • Torrential Roar: Use Dragon Fang to attack 3 enemies in front of the user, and create water puddle (-30 Avo) under them

- Corrin also has another skill (unknown if Sync or Engage Skill) called Draconic Hex, likely at higher bond, which may decreases stats of enemies after battle

- New classes: Royal Knight/Calvary, promoted, can use lance

- Hortensia's promoted class is called "Sleipnir". No new usable weapons observed at the moment

- New characters:

  • Panettone, a Berserker(?) in this showcase (her class is just spelled "Berserk" in Japanese), can use axes
  • Kagetsu, can use sword and has Backup style in this showcase


- Greataxes (I'm gonna stick with Greataxe, since the kanji is different from Tellius's Poleax) also have the same effect as Blades: cannot double, if user initiates attack, they will attack last, but can trigger Smash, which pushes the enemies 1 tile away.

- Battle preparation screen:


Paralogue: The Secret Seller (guess who's gonna appear here)

Victory Condition: Defeat Mitan

Defeat Condition: Alear is defeated

> Begin Battle

> Select Unit

> Emblem Ring

> Equipment (can change inventory and skills here)

> Change Positon

> Shop

> Allies (maybe to view supports and/or stats?)

> Save

> System

> Return

- The boss of this Map, Mitan, is in Barbarian/Backup class, can use axe, and has 2 skills:


My guess is that they are "Prevent from being moved" and "Prevent from being broken"

- The boss also has what looks like an additional health bar, like monster enemies in 3 Houses

Personal note, but I'm glad she doesn't stand on an avoid boosting style (just a healing one), or else it may turn into a slog and a dodge fest. 

- Villages are back, and you can visit them for rewards. If the enemies reach the village first though, they will destroy it. (Based on the wording, looks like every enemies can do that?)

- Tonics are back too, though you may know that already, since Framme has an inventory full of HP Tonics in the Engage with Emblem trailer. In the village showcase, she got a Defense Tonic from a Firenese citizen.

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52 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

- Corrin also has another skill (unknown if Sync or Engage Skill) called Draconic Hex, likely at higher bond, which may decreases stats of enemies after battle


According to this part of the main emblem video, it's a sync skill(which was also true of Marth's and Sigurd's. Celica and Byleth I don't think we know yet) Corrin has a level 8 bond there, but we've seen Sigurd with his third skill acquired at level 7 in his own video. We've also seen Marth without his at level 6.

We've also seen Lyn with no third skill at all even at lv 20 bond(or Roy and Leif at bond 10, though these two could simply acquire one later). Whether this means some emblems only get two, or they're not acquired exclusively through bond level, I cannot say for sure.

Afaik we still haven't seen a level 2, 5 or 9 bond(as well as everything above lv 10 that's not 16 or 20), but thus far if there's an universal progression system it's looking like something like this (this is tentative):

Level 1 : Stat boosts, 1st sync skill, 1st engage skill, engage attack, 1st engage weapon
Level 2-3 : 2nd sync skill, improved stat gains
Level 4 : Improved stat boosts
Level 5-6 : Improved stat boosts (only once?)
Level 7 : 3rd skill (if it exists?)
Level 8 : Improved stat boosts?
Level 9-10 : 2nd Engage weapon

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33 minutes ago, Cysx said:


According to this part of the main emblem video, it's a sync skill. Corrin has a level 8 bond there, but we've seen Sigurd with his third skill acquired at level 7 in his own video.
We've also seen Lyn with no third skill at all even at lv 20 bond. Whether this means some emblems only get two, or they're not acquired exclusively through bond level, I cannot say for sure.


Wow that appears for like a split second, good catch! Thank you for pointing it out!

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19 minutes ago, Mysterique Sign said:

Knives can poison enemies
Poisoned units take more damage from attacks
You can stack poison
It can only be cured with Restore Staffs or Antidotes

So Engage took the "daggers debuff enemies" thing and just ran a marathon with it by giving them power of their own that isn't just buffing other weapon types. Genius!

4 hours ago, Cysx said:

We've also seen Lyn with no third skill at all even at lv 20 bond(or Roy and Leif at bond 10, though these two could simply acquire one later). Whether this means some emblems only get two, or they're not acquired exclusively through bond level, I cannot say for sure.

And that's so well spotted, thank you! Maybe the best weapon and skill for ech Emblem is only unlocked via a paralogue?

Edit: I've updated Corrin's section, and added info on knives and locked doors!

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Yeah I feel like it may just be thieves or Yunaka herself. The skill she has equipped looks like a skill that has a poison effect. Either that or it it thieves/daggers and Yunaka has a skill that makes poison more potent maybe.

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On the note of daggers / thieves / poison, there’s this particular snapshot from midway through the Byleth trailer:


Assuming that poisoned swords / lances (if they exist in this game) are not being equipped at the moment by the enemy, the double poison stack on Yunaka would only make sense if the enemy wolf knight could inflict poison which their dagger.


If anything, I think the tweets only really said that thieves have dagger proficiency (which in the context of class-dependent weapon restrictions really just means ‘thieves wield daggers’), and that the implied takeaway is that poison is a dagger property specifically as opposed to that of thief.

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